askthesupremeone · 12 years
I'm thinkin' CNN has to go
And I thought I was the evil one
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
Look at all the new minions!
This is, how do you say,
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
Have you ever Dr.D's "D"? ;)
Your sentence seriously lacks a verb.
Also, I don't know if you got the steroids-penis joke from four questions ago.
--The Supreme One
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
What ever happened to your brothers? I was always curious what you did with them when you took over the world.
I had to bring down Hego a few notches.
Mego has the right idea with the whole "Me, me, me" thing, but let's face it, he could not focus on ME in this world order.
The twins were young, so I could attempt to mold them into my image.
--The Supreme One
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
No. You have to ship KIGO not Drakken and Shego-- KIGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ;-;
You know, you are absolutely ri-- no.  I'm sorry I can't do it with a straight face *Zap*
--The Supreme One
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
Have you and Doctor D ever made beautiful villain love? ;)
"Beautiful" is not the adjective I would use.
-The Supreme One
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
I like to keep it sexy here.
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
So what goes on between you and Drakken great Supreme One?
Beefing him up for security work wasn't my best plan.
I'm not saying. . .but I'm saying.
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
How do you deal with the pressure of ruling the world?
Mostly leave all the dirty work to the minions.
But sometimes, things require my *special* touch.  I can't afford to get sloppy.
A nice exfoliant scrub does wonders for stress though.
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
A tiny little kitten stumbles into your ask box, holding a small letter in his mouth. He hands the note to you and it reads, "I love you. You are a wonderful, loved person."
I don't know if you're aware
But now is not the time for kittens.
I may have to retreat to Iceland to regroup.
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
Judging by all the Red
A lot of you need a zap of an obedience collar
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
All this Red and Blue
Where's all the green?
Get with the program NBC.
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
All hail the Supreme One! I have a question, if you don't mind. What is your morning routine like? Perhaps you could share some of your secrets so that your loyal followers could look as fabulous as you (well, not as fabulous. That's impossible.)
I don't blame my followers for wanting to look THIS good.  That's why I made it mandatory to wear my personal line of clothing.
It's hard work to wake up and just be "The Supreme One". I find that pampering yourself does wonders.  A nice hot bubble bath hits the spot after a long day of ruling the world.  And a nice apple martini.
--The Supreme One
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
Go out and Vote
For the only person on the ballot:  Me.
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askthesupremeone · 12 years
You may not have a choice in who your world leader is, but you do have a choice with what you can do with your body. 
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