01: Is... Is that a walking banana? *holding in laughter* 02: Oh? You made Len laugh, that's a rare feat. -@askthelenfamily-
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Append: Hey, how are you guys? It's been a while since Halloween so we've been forgetting to keep up with everyone. @askthelenfamily
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Miku: hey V2 do you think you can set up a duet between append and Kuraara?
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ask-fuzake-saka · 4 years
Append: AH- o-oh uh- hello! That's a.. rather good Halloween costume there, gave me a fright. I'm Append, what's your name? -@askthelenfamily-
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"A-and n..nice to m-meet ya! I'm Saka! <:oD"
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askpandaloids · 4 years
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doodle feat @askthelenfamily and @ask-rinthemagician in which len suffers as the only usher at this wedding
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askkagenereika · 4 years
V4: Hey Hey! How's the festival?? Did you find any good food stal-- woah there you look tense? You ok?? -@askthelenfamily-
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ask-dress-up-galaco · 5 years
V4: Heyyy!! Galaco right??? It's been a while!! How have you and Cul been?? Thanks for coming to Vocatines again! :) -@askthelenfamily-
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g: We’ve been doing wonderfully! ☆!! 
C: It’s cool of you guys to host this again this year. Thanks for that.
g: Yes! Thank you for putting all of this together. It means a lot to us to come back again after last year....♡
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asktherainbowtwins · 5 years
V4 (Lenny): Woah woah buddy I'm pretty sure I didn't stock the tables with adult drinks-- this is a pg party there are children here-- -@askthelenfamily-
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Len: is this important info to know?
((DISCLAIMER: as the Mun of this blog I actually do understand what your Len is saying lol. My Len is just reacting like this cause he’s drunk. If you have a problem with me doing this, please let me know. I don’t want to make other people upset with my actions.)) @askthelenfamily
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askioriyuzuru · 5 years
V4: Hey!! You're a new Voiceroid we heard about right?? Thats so cool!! Thanks for coming to the party so last minute! Nice to meet ya! I'm V4 Len, but just call me Lenny! -@askthelenfamily-
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“You’ve all done a wonderful job so far. It’s nice to meet you, Lenny.”
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k3ra-synth · 5 years
01: Hey um, are you alright? You seem a bit nervous.. -@askthelenfamily-
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“Ah, no, I’m fine! I’m just waiting for someone.”
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asklittlemiku · 5 years
V4: Hey Lil Miku!! How have you been?? Do you like the party? :) -@askthelenfamily-
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Hi!!!! I’ve been a good girl!
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askthevocalosers · 5 years
01: (@Piko) ...I could have just.. put a blanket over my head..? That.. that's genius, why didn't I think of that? -@askthelenfamily-
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P: "Oh, yeah. It's been really nice. Your costume looks cool anyway, though."
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P: "Hey, aren't you that kid who was hiding in the corner with Ausgris at your own party-?"
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02: Oh hello, nice costumes. Do you know where the elevator in this hotel is at? I have 3 rowdy roommates plus a floating crystal to settle down. -@askthelenfamily-
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Kuraara: calm down miku, no one is planning on scaring you....
Miku: easy for you to say! You’re easily scared too.
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askollieanduna · 5 years
02: Hello! Do you have any good amusement park ride reccomendations?? I've never exactly been to one before.. -@askthelenfamily-
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Oliver: “Looks like we all have different tastes..”
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askpandaloids · 5 years
Append: Oh hey, Thanks for coming to Vocatines. Are you enjoying the party so far? -@askthelenfamily-
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@askthelenfamily if only rin were here to torment the len fam. haha jk thats why she was forced to stay home
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ask-nekomura-iroha · 5 years
✍️ V4 or Candy?? You can choose which one! (Ask Colorful x Melody Cafe and AskTheLenFamily Mun!)
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*Send ✍️ and I’ll draw our muses together!
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askthebestcyberdiva · 5 years
V4: Hey cool shades!! But uh.. How are ya gonna swim in those? Can ya even swim? -@askthelenfamily-
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I can’t really swim without help. I’m heavier built so I tend to sink. Hence the floaties on my arms.
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