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demoniccrowz · 29 days ago
Also for Philza thought of the day, look up Falin Chimera form. It’s that. Simply that.
hang on didn’t you reblog something with that design? Might’ve someone else idk my memory is weird
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tomasyri · 3 years ago
How have you been?? I miss ya friend!
Pretty darn good, working on lots of projects lol
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loveinamists · 5 years ago
A5 or C7 if you're still doing the face memes ; o ; The selfies tag is limeserpent. Regaurdless, thank you!))
100 faces meme
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another foUr years
(( as said in the previous one: sorry for the delay!! we may not really interact despite followin u but ur callie is SO cute and so is ur art!! sorry for choosing the sadder expression/face though instead of the cuter/funnier sdjfksd im a sucker for angst and love drawing tears, ))
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pirate-queen-pasha · 6 years ago
One dork, reporting for duty 🤓
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askthetipsyhacker · 6 years ago
Can you make a dab for me?
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homestuckss-moved · 7 years ago
Happy new year!
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TG: happy new year every1!!!!
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dearevanhansensecretsanta · 7 years ago
Just put of curiosity, should everyone have received their secret santa by now?
Yes, but a few exceptions like a few people who got the secret santa request like two days ago! Everyone who has given a gift should be given one within the next few days, but feel free to message me if you have given a gift but have not received one.
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boyfriendssecretsanta · 7 years ago
Where’s the participants list?
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starlet · 5 years ago
danathan phanting
hey what the FUCK does this mean dude
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yr-local-loser · 7 years ago
What's with all the love posts girl? You find someone special?? I hope so.
hehe I did 
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tomasyri · 4 years ago
Forgive me if this seems rude but didn’t you just have your car explode or something? Isn’t adopting a pet a little strenuous on your finances? Again, not trying to be rude but I want to make sure lil snakey friend will be okay
No worries at all! Basically our savings took a hit, so if something big happened like the new (used) car we got broke down, we'd be in a bit of a tight spot, but for now we're okay and I have a bit of spending money from doing some commissions, we ended up finding a huge enclosure used on marketplace with a standing shelf (over 40 gal) for $50 so that definitely took a couple hundred out of the equation lol
I got a bit scared there because we took all of the money out of my account for the new car and my brain didn't comprehend that I was gonna get half from my partner so I was freaking for a little bit, but we're okay! Not in a place to be spending thousands or anything, (not gonna be out there buying a brand new car or going out for fancy dinner every night lol) but so far I've only had to spend maybe $200 on everything including the snake?? Which I've made in the past week or so from commissions!
I'm definitely responsible enough that I checked my finances before this decision, I've been researching for the past few years honestly about everything I'd need to make sure it and all my other animals are thriving (Currently have eevee, my new tarantula who was only $20 at the expo?? She's a baby right now though haha!, my snake, and we just took in a leopard gecko rescue today for severe malnutrition and broken leg from a friend of a friend who didn't know anything about geckos, so we're gonna try to hand feed him (with tongs obvs) mealworms and whatnot until he gets better and then possibly rehome later on if I don't fall in love and he ends up surviving (fingers crossed!!)) My animals are my main priority since they're like my children (especially my cat lol), so if I knew I wasn't in a position to give them the best, I would have waited until I was!
EDIT: Unfortunately the gecko didn't make it through the night, he was extremely malnourished and had a broken arm, so we stayed up as long as we could trying to keep him warm and see if he would eat, but it seemed he had already accepted it, along with the previous owner who was kind of expecting it since he wasn't moving around all day. I'm just glad we did all we could and gave him a comfortable place to rest and as best of a chance as we could.
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fuckmeupimgay · 8 years ago
Send me a ♡ for me to describe a character that I haven’t had a chance to rp but would like to.
i would love to rp a few of my ocs, but i dont know who to rp them with and also i dont like rping ocs with cannon characters myself, not that i wont rp with others ocs lol 
one of them is named colt and he’s a good one whom i love
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askthetipsyhacker · 7 years ago
draw a cat wiith two head2
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TG: but..... y
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insanemarshmallow · 7 years ago
So About tribe AU,is Izukus vision ability limited in anyway like NightEye or is it limitless? Love your AU btw, Izuku is so cool and cute♡
It’s somewhat limitless, he can use it anytime he wants. 
 But what’s different is that his visions aren’t always correct. Remember the butterfly effect? Izuku can only predict the most likely event to happen considering that nothing out of place occurs. Like for example, he saw a vision of Uraraka passing by with a basket of fruit and an apple tumbled out of the basket, leading to one of the villagers tripping because of the said apple.
 Next is how FAR Izuku can tell the future. When he was a child, he had a vision of a grown up Katsuki calling him by his chief name and that’s YEARS after. But, his visions only go that far when he’s either sleeping or focusing hard enough. If he’s in combat he can only predict what happens seconds or a minute in the future, if he’s just standing or sitting down he can predict longer than a minute to about 30 minutes. If he’s focusing hard, it can range from hours to a week. If he sleeps, it could reach weeks, months or years, no one knows not even Izuku. 
Izuku’s visions can still change so it doesn’t make him perfect but so far most of his visions have been precise. He can only see a few snippets of it depending on how long he can close his eyes for. 
And thank you so much SAEfsdfhsdhfhasd
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homestuckss-moved · 7 years ago
I missed this year's Secret Santa...i wish i can join next year u_u
I will be starting next year’s around late October - early November, so keep an eye out! If you’d like to help out this year and be a backup, keep an eye out for when I post about needing them!!!
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boyfriendssecretsanta · 7 years ago
Just wondering, will people under 18 only be paired with other people under 18, or just any sfw people?
EDIT: I will be pairing all people who are minors with minors, people who don’t want nsfw with others who don’t want nsfw, and people who do want nsfw with others who also want nsfw! This means, if you’re a minor or checked don’t want nsfw, you will NOT be receiving/making any nsfw and will be paired with someone who also is a minor or doesn’t want nsfw respectfully. If you checked okay with making/receiving nsfw, you can make it for your partner, and it’s possible that you may get an nsfw piece! Make sure to tag anything that is nsfw and blacklist the tag #nsfw if you are a minor or don’t want to see any nsfw on this page.
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