#asks: luna dungardio
astarionbae · 8 months
I got even more Tav questions from that ask game for Luna~🙏😌
This one is specifically for question 70, the free spot to ask any question.
My question is…”What are some headcanons you have for Lustarion?”
Bless you for using that question; You know I'm ALWAYS down for Luna and Astarion inquiries!
Question 70 (free spot): Lustarion Headcanons
Astarion sews Luna's clothing after major battles take place, especially if she had been wearing one of her favorite outfits that been sliced and pierced
When Astarion gets nightmares of Cazador during a trance, Luna will sit and stay with him to make him feel more at ease
Luna and Astarion love to trick people into giving them money by either deception or by her playing her flute to charm the crowd while he pickpockets them
Once Withers revives her after Bhaal kills her, her body gets severely warm because she's not used to having replenished blood (since she was a Bhaalspawn) so she cuddles up with Astarion more often than usual to try and keep cool
Astarion helps Luna braid her hair early in the morning; he takes joy in it but would never say it out loud - especially whenever Gale is near
Luna will get very tired after helping so many people and desperately wants to rest, but shrugs it off when her companions such as Lae'Zel or Wyll ask for her assistance. Astarion, protective as he is, will tell them "No. Luna needs to rest for the evening."
Astarion enjoys kisses, giving and receiving; pecks on the cheeks, forehead kisses, chaste, and passionate kisses. He loves kisses on bare shoulders, on the neck, and in innocent places like on top of hands, fingers, on the crown, and head
On good days, Astarion draws himself a bath just to relax and asks Luna to join as they lay in the tub together and just bask in togetherness
Astarion loves to flirt with Luna unapologetically, making her cheeks flushed because he adores her soft freckles that only show when her face is red
They both trace each other's scars that adorn their bodies, just trying to soothe one another in a state of trust and complete openness.
Luna hums the same tune over and over so much that Astarion starts to hum it, eventually coming up with words for the melody
He teaches Luna how to lockpick the more challenging locks and she in turn teaches him how to make medicine
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BG3 moots: @daughter-of-melpomene, @curious-kittens-ocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @faerieroyal
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astarionbae · 8 months
10, 14, 31 + Luna?
Question 10: If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
Luna would most likely just stay in Baldur's Gate and open a small bathhouse where she'd sell nice smelling soaps and bath salts, and even candles and soft cloths.
Question 14: Does your Tav know any other languages besides Common? 
She knows Elvish and Druidic because of her father being a High Elf Shadow Archdruid and Draconic due to her mother's best friend, her "aunt", being a dragonborn bard
Question 31: How does your Tav dress for different occasions, like very fancy situations?
Luna loves things that are comfortable, yet can be worn in battle if the need arises. Something like embroidered tunics for lavish parties and yet grants her fluidity and movement. Off the top of my head, this outfit is was comes to mind:
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tagging the bg3 moots: @daughter-of-melpomene, @endless-lilach, @curious-kittens-ocs
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astarionbae · 7 months
I mean, you know I have to ask: 🎧 + Luna? 💚
Chokehold Cherry Python by Asknikko is TOTALLY her theme song!
BG3 moots: @daughter-of-melpomene, @endless-oc-creations, @curious-kittens-ocs,
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astarionbae · 6 months
Luna for the [Desire] not-so-nice edition question!
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
To be held. Luna just wants comfort, some stability. She just wants to know that someone is there and that they care. She's always so quick to offer comfort to others in their time of need but no one ever gives it to her-- that was until Astarion.
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tagging BG3 moots: @daughter-of-melpomene, @jewishbarbies, @starcrossedjedis, @seize-the-droid, @faerieroyal, @curious-kittens-ocs, @eddiebdiaz, @aliverse, @endless-lilach
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astarionbae · 6 months
alone, break, ghost + Luna?
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Luna is very much used to being alone, especially when she was first welcomed into the Bhaal Temple by her Butler Sceleritas Fel, because she was very different from the other Bhaalspawns that came before; having been brought back to life with his own mortal flesh and blood. She was kept from the others due to her 'pure' status and due to that, she was taught things and learned things, and done things on her own. That was until she developed a friendship with Enver Gortash who basically became everything to her. Post nautiloid crash and now having amnesia, Luna struggled a lot with a new sense of loneliness that's always been there but now manifested as conscious thing. Everyone knew who they were, what their lives were like, even Shadowheart knew where she was going and doing despite having some of her old memories removed for Shar. Luna didn't have any of that, she only had nightmares but even then they were formless with screams and whispers. The thing Luna knew about herself was that she had this urge inside of her that called on her to commit heinous acts and have intrusive thoughts. It terrified her because she cared immensely and had such empathy, that she felt that it was for the best to have her bedroll further away from them. Then when the Alfira Accident happened and she felt the judgement of these people that she came to know and understand, she becomes more isolated where she chooses to handle with her own struggles last because she puts everyone else first
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
The lowest Luna has ever been was when she learned about who she was, and how that came to be in Act 3. She's a Bhaalspawn, one of the most feared creatures in Baldur's Gate opposite of vampire(s)/vampire spawn. Learns that she was the one that was behind the idea of creating the Absolute Cult and stealing the crown of Karsus from Mephistopheles' Vault, and that it was in her hubris that she been struck down and tadpoled by her bloodkin Orin. But what broke her completely was the revelation that her birth father, Apolis, had died trying to protect her Karlach and Shadowheart has both seen Luna being very upset and depressed, but the only person who had ever seen her truly breakdown and become pure, unadulterated rage is Astarion. And that rage has only came out when she met Cazador because how he spoke of Astarion and called him a "means-to-an-end" because in hindsight, she was the exact same thing for Bhaal. And when someone recognizes themselves in another's situation, it unlocks a primal instinct to protect them from something that you cannot protect yourself from.
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Her father Apolis. He was the one that unknowingly struck up a deal with an avatar of Bhaal in order to save her life from a spell that he casted and indirectly struck her with. And because of that, Bhaal seen it fit to let him be Luna's first kill when the dark urge took over. She stabbed her own father in the chest with a short sword as a child and was led to the Bhaal Temple where she was then taught and conditioned to worship Bhaal as her lord and as her father because his blood now coursed in her veins. She gone a long time without any thought of her father, she was so young when it happened and didn't fully understand what she did since the urge took over. As the years progress, he merely became a distant echo and she forgot about him. But when her dream guardian of the prism visits her and has taken the shape of her late father, she doesn't necessarily recall / know straight away that it's him. But there's this undeniable sensation that tugs at her because the aura is loving and forgiving, and comforting. So imagine her destress once she learns that her dream guardian is actually the Emperor and he searched her broken mind, caught glimpses of her father, and used that against her.
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tagging @endless-lilach because she sent an ask asking for break for Luna
tagging BG3 moots: @daughter-of-melpomene, @jewishbarbies, @starcrossedjedis, @seize-the-droid, @faerieroyal, @curious-kittens-ocs, @eddiebdiaz, @aliverse
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