#asks for naftha
idiot-party · 2 years
hey naftha hey do you have a girlfriend?
((troll naftha hi. also when i do double parenthesis its ooc talking FYI))
"FUCK yes I do. Been together for over a decade. She's so fucking cool and sometimes I forget there's another bucket quadrant to fill, she's THAT perfect you know?! FUCK!!!!!!"
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
📜 🦃 📝 For Warren/Jay
📜 :  Is your muse on the nice list, or the naughty list?
Warren: “i’m on the nice list coz i’m really cool n i do lots of cool things for my crew n also i came back from the dead n made sure that jay would find me so yeah i’m on the nice list”
Jay: He looks at you for a long second. He’s thinking about it. Judging you for asking this. Then he splits into a big nasty grin. “Naughty.” His grin widens. “As to why... that’s for me to know, and you to find out, hm?”
🦃  : What does their Christmas dinner look like? Is it a huge feast? Something small? Or do they maybe settle for takeout?
Warren: “We all cook somethin’ nice for each other n have a big fuckin’ feast. Lots n lots of fuckin’ food. We have leftovers for days after. I usually like to cook one thing I’ve always cooked n then somethin’ new. This time I did my usual big roast meat with Christmas spices, n then I made some mac n cheese for it. Good fuckin’ shit, everyone absolutely DEVOURED that shit. Ryfraf usually makes cookies, his cookies r really fuckin’ nice. The other guys make all sorts of different types of shit. Side dishes usually, since I’m in charge of the big main course. Everyone helps out n shit.”
Jay: “I usually help Warren with whatever he’s cooking. I also try and make a key lime pie every year. Warren’s tried to get me to adjust the recipe multiple times. He insists I’m a terrible chef, but I think his tastes are just terrible. My key lime is the most excellent thing I know how to make, AND it tastes really good in coffee, and that’s truly what matters.”
📝 : Does your muse or their family have any holiday traditions?
Warren: “Well like I said we all try n cook somethin’ for dinner together. N then on top of that we do some gift exchangin. We usually just get each other gifts n shit n put em under the kringlefucker that’s what y’all call it, but this time we tried out doin’ a secret santa type shit which was a whole lotta’ fun. So I think we’re gonna’ do taht again next year. We also get everyone from everywhere to come back to the ship n hang out n stuff. It’s like a big extended family visit complete with all the fuckin’ n melodrama n’ yellin’ at each other n’ shit. Big fun party with all the guys we know, it’s great.”
Jay: “I enjoyed the secret santa. Our nurse bought me scented colored candles. For the wax. : ) I quite like the concept of purchasing gifts to embarrass or scare people. Warren also neglected to mention the joint effort taken to decorate the entire ship. It’s just among the hive, excluding extended members. Just the few close crew members. Naftha insisted on fucking with me and ruined every perfect little excellently centered decoration I would place on the walls, so I made sure to teach him a good lesson about that, but otherwise decorating went well this year. Ryfraf seems to find so many exotic and interesting items from his travels around which I always enjoy going through. And Riymah always adds a lovely touch... she puts blood on the walls. Which normally would disgust me because it’s messy... but there is a certain charm to jade and rust colored walls for Christmas...”
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1n-th3-gr34t-b3l0w · 2 years
HIIIII made this blog for you guys to use! Go nuts! And if you want the password it's in the server ;P don't abuse this power lol
I'm not gonna put rules coz you guys r smart. I WILL ban you if you start shit. Also 18+ only so don't give this to someone like 90s naftha . Tho . Idk if nafthas gonna be here LOL anywayss
Lol lmfao what if I just started talking like a scene gurl rawr hai guyzzzz welcome to mah BLOG XDXDXDXD lolmfao!
Oh also note btw peeps might send asks. Don't be jerks! They might be shitty asks but doesn't mean y'all have to be shitty right?
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israel-jewish-news · 7 years
After Confrontation With Terrorists' Families, MK Oren Hazan Gets Extra Security
New Post has been published on http://hamodia.com/2017/12/26/confrontation-terrorists-families-mk-oren-hazan-gets-extra-security/
After Confrontation With Terrorists' Families, MK Oren Hazan Gets Extra Security
MK Oren Hazan. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
MK Oren Hazan (Likud) has been given extra security after Hamas threatened him in the wake of a confrontation between him and family members of Hamas terrorists imprisoned in Israel. Commenting on the decision, MK Hazan said that the decision was that of the Knesset Guard. “I trust their opinion in these matters,” he said.
The extra security was provided in the wake of an incident Sunday at Naftha Prison in southern Israel, where many security prisoners are housed. Hazan went to the prison along with Eran Hermoni, director general of the Labor Party, and activists involved in seeking the return of Israeli soldiers held by Hamas in Gaza. The group confronted families of terrorists, and Hazan got into a shouting match with them, throwing out epithets and asking “Who did you come to visit? What did your son do? Whom did he kill?”
Hamas responded with a threat on Hazan’s life. “We say to the pig Oren Hazan that our honor will not be compromised,” the terror group said in a statement. “We remind you, Hazan, that we have treated our prisoners from your army with proper Islamic morality. Ask Gilad Shalit with what gentleness and good-heartedness we treated him.” The statement said that Hazan had “violated the honor of our heroes, and we will not let this slide.”
Speaking to Channel 13, MK Hazan said that he was glad that he had confronted the terrorists’ families. “They know what their children did, and they fully support what they did. When you see these people you see they have murder in their eyes. You have to stand on your national pride and tell your truth.” He added that he would promote a law that would prevent such visits altogether.
“When a terror group holds our soldiers prisoner and we cannot visit them, the terrorists we hold should receive the same treatment. There is nothing wrong with a proposal like that.”
Four Israelis are currently missing in Gaza. They include civilians Avram Mengistu and Hisham a-Said, along with fallen IDF soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin.  Shaul and Goldin went missing in August 2014, during Operation Protective Edge.
Hamas has demanded the release of dozens of remains of terrorists in return for the release of the remains of Shaul and Goldin, and dozens of live terrorists in return for the release of the live Israelis. Israel in 2011 released 1,027 terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit, who had been held hostage by Hamas for over five years.
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