reikukaja · 5 years
What do you think of all the dumb hate Eren fans, jaegerists fans, and erehisu fans are getting?
I think hating on people in fandom because of opinions/preferences that are not shared is completely unnecessary, regardless of the perpetrator or group targeted - and to be clear, all ships/characters have a number of fans that are rotten. No group is 100% victim. 
Of course I loathe when Erehisu shippers (for example) encounter hate. I ship it, so it’s not surprising. The same goes for Yumikuri shippers though, even though I don’t particularly enjoy that ship. I don’t like seeing anyone be treated poorly simply because they dared to love or not love something. 
We can disagree about something without hating or harassing people over it. We can be emotionally invested in fictional characters without being jerks. It’s really not that hard. 
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reikukaja · 5 years
I read your response as to why you ship (or shipped? Not sure) Reikuri and was wondering if you still feel the same now as you did then? I wasn't sure how long ago you originally responded to that ask so I didn't know if the recent development *cough hisu pregnancy* had changed your opinion? Also wanted to mention that I love Reikuri too so I hope it doesn't seem like I'm being facetious with my ask.
Hello! Ah yes that post is pretty old now. I do still ship Reikuri, though it is no longer my OTP (probably still in my top 5 though). And yeah lol... the pregnancy just about decimated any confidence I might have had about the ship becoming canon. Luckily, I’m a multishipper :) 
And even if nothing becomes canon, we will always have our AUs and canon-divergent imaginings. I live for modern AU Reikuri. 
Thanks for the ask!
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reikukaja · 5 years
Have you returned to Tumblr now?
I’m slowly dipping my feet back in. I’ve been really busy (last 3 weeks of the last class of my degree!) but I’ve been popping in regularly to browse ^_^ 
Thank you for the ask! Hopefully I’ll be creating content again soon. (I have a crazy theory and I will be very mad at myself if I don’t post it somewhere before the next chapter drops.) 
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reikukaja · 6 years
Hey 💜 when you get this list 5 things that make you happy and send it to 10 people in your notifications :) (Never any pressure!)
Thank you!!
5 Things That Make Me Happy
5. Chuugakkou Mikasa
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4. Happy Mikasa
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3. Smolkasa
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2. Slayer Mikasa
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1. Just Mikasa
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reikukaja · 5 years
Old but why did you change your username?
Sigh… It turns out that shipping some characters as part of a consensual heterosexual relationship is controversial. Since changing my name I’ve been on the receiving end of far less hate and animosity. 
It’s easy to forget that fandom is a place where you are not allowed to simply love things unabashedly.  Intolerance is rampant. I don’t go out of my way to hide what I ship, but I’d rather not advertise that stuff in my username =\
Thank you for the ask =] 
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reikukaja · 6 years
What are you shipping the most these days?
I’ve still got my holy trinity of shipping insanity: 
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Yes, I’m shipping Eremika really hard because of the angst. Judge me.
(Of course I ship about a hundred other things too, but these are the favorites at the moment.) 
Thanks for the ask
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reikukaja · 5 years
Sorry you got hate. I think I know what ship you're talking about and I think it's adorable. People need to relax and just let other people like what they like.
❤ UwU
Thank you! I agree completely. All ships that make someone happy are valid. It takes a lot more energy to get worked up over something harmless than it does to simply live and let live.
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reikukaja · 6 years
I’m curious! Do you happen to ship Levi and Erwin the way they are presented in canon?
Hi there!
I do like Eruri - and I am totally open to that relationship being either romantic or platonic. I think it’s super wholesome no matter which way you prefer to interpret it! It’s hard to think of other ships where so much loyalty and trust can actually be felt between the two characters in canon (Mobuhan is the only one immediately coming to mind), and the complexity of Ackerbonds is also super appealing to me.  
I do have to admit that when it comes to Levi (and plenty of other characters, lets be honest), I can get kinda multishippy. Eruri is my only major Erwin ship, but I have 2 other Levi ships that are very dear to me (Rivetra and Levihan).  
Thanks for the ask!! ^_^
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reikukaja · 6 years
who's your favourite fate character?
Saber, easy. Yeah, I know I am lame and mainstream but… i dont care? She’s amazing.
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I also really like (Zero) Lancer, (Zero) Rider, Irisviel, and Kiritsugu. 
Shit, I just like everyone, okay? Even the villains. I fucking LOVE the Fate villains.  
Thanks for asking!
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reikukaja · 6 years
Will you continue the mid-volume SNK character polls as well? Giving how close we are to the end, characters seem to be constantly changing. That and I'm salty that I forgot to vote in the Vol. 28 poll, lol
Hi anon! 
Admittedly, I’m a little over a week late on publishing the results for the Volume 28 poll… I’ve been drowning in school/work lately. However, I’ve been playing with some new data-munging tools, and using the Volume 28 results to actually automate the process for future polls. I’m almost done with that, which will make it so it’s little more than one push of a button to get all results tables/graphs I could possibly want to share.  (This also allows me to give results that are a lot more thorough, which I’m pretty excited about!)
With it being so much easier to process the results, I’d say it’s definitely possible for me to do other mid-volume polls in the future. I agree with you. The end is getting really close and I think that means we are going to start having non-stop explosive chapters. Motives will be explained, characters will die (& maybe be reborn? lol), and the rankings will probably see a bit of fluctuation. Should be fun =] 
Thank you for the ask! I’m actually hoping to have the results for Volume 28 up within the next few days.
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reikukaja · 6 years
Hey Reiku! Could I possibly get a lil info on that Faye lives fic? I'm intereted to know how you're gonna work with something like that. Thanks!
My intention with this story is to kinda explore what might have happened if instead of Grisha, Faye had been the one to survive on the day the two of them met Eren Kruger. It’ll likely cover the years 824-832, with lots of Restorationist movement intrigue & shenanigans.
Faye is basically an OC of course, but I imagine she would be more careful than Grisha, and for some reason I imagine her being more methodical in her hatred of Marley. I think she’d be particularly good at deceiving people - perhaps even manipulating some less-careful Marleyans into sharing a bit too much information with her. Imagine like… a witty, sarcastic, slightly-less-ninja Natasha Romanoff, who is hellbent on covertly breaking the system, or at least causing Marley as big a headache as possible. That’s my Faye. XD
Obviously, other things need to be accounted for (like.. uh… Zeke…) but maybe that doesn’t matter or maybe it does and ill figure it out later. lul. I’ve only written a couple scenes for this one, but it’s probably my most challenging project… simply because there is so much stuff I have to either research or make up myself. Creativity is hard. hah.
Thank you for the tag & ask
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reikukaja · 6 years
Are you leaving the fandom too?
Too? Who else is leaving? 
I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been a bit reclusive, but for reasons entirely separate from the fandom. I might disappear for a bit but I don’t think I’ll be quitting, especially since SnK is winding down and I want to be here to enjoy what’s left. 
Thanks for asking/caring
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reikukaja · 6 years
how did you start shipping Zevi?
It was the hate-flirting, 100%.
Thanks for the ask! = ]
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reikukaja · 6 years
Why do you think Jeankasa isn't popular?
I actually don’t think it’s unpopular. I mean, I wouldn’t complain if more people started to ship it (and make art/fic for it ofc), but I’m content with the number of shippers it has. 
(I shipped Reikuri as an OTP for the better part of a year. My definition of “popular” is probably a little more forgiving than most. lol)
Thanks for the ask!
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reikukaja · 6 years
Absolute fav ship?
Eeek. This is a hard one. Of any fandom, I would say my absolute favorite is Akiramon from Tokyo Ghoul. I am just trash for it and I have been from the first moment I saw them interact. 
However, my current favorite ship to write is Jeankasa. It’s also probably my favorite SnK ship at the moment. 
Thank you for the ask!! ^_^
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reikukaja · 6 years
Please, please, im honestly asking you, make me see how is Historia a good character, or a relevant one, i mean yes of course she is the Queen now but, why, what is she. What is her meaning, what does she represent. Also nice blog
Hi Anon!
This one is a bit tricky…. because for all intents and purposes, Historia is irrelevant to much of what has recently happened in the manga. That doesn’t mean she’s entirely irrelevant to what is going to happen in the future though.
Personally, the focus she got in previous arcs has a lot to do with why I think she will become important again in the future. We spent a LOT of time with Krista/Hisu in Clash and Uprising, so I feel like that would be pretty wasteful storytelling if Isayama was just like “lol that’s it. We’re done with Hisu now!!!”
There’s also the fact that she is one of only two known remaining descendants of King Fritz - and the other (Zeke) is running out of time before the Curse of Ymir kills him. If Fritz blood is still important to this world after the story is concluded, Hisu will likely be the last person to have it.
Now… as to why Historia is a “good” character is completely up to personal preference. She’s super interesting to me because of how her character has been developed. When we first met her she was just so small and sweet and it was very obvious we were supposed to like her (everyone liked her!).. and then we learn more about her and that she’s actually a very dark person with something of a death wish. She isn’t as selfless as we were made to believe and actually has some pretty selfish desires (sacrificing herself, dying in a fit of glory, so that she will be remembered fondly). There’s some serious darkness there and that appeals to me quite a bit.
Thanks for the ask!
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