For the ship thing) Maxwil! (Maxwell X Wilson)
who the fuck put the peeps in the microwave: Wilson. For science.
who forgot to put the cat outside before sex: Maxwell always forgets
who posts vines of the other doing embarrassing shit: Maxwell is more likely to do that shit
who breaks the most phones: Both. It’s to the point where it’s basically a competition now
who dies first: probably maxwell because he old
which one I could see as being lactose intollerant: MAXWELL
who thinks they can do something really well even though they can’t: WILSON
who is more likely to get kicked out of the bed: Make room for the king, Wilson
who uses the computer most: Wilson. For science again.
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Uptown Funk’s gonna give you more alternates
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WA-PISH (Just for the lols!)
“Ow!” She yelped in hand, scowling as she turned to her assailant.
“Watch it, meanie,” Despite her anger, Wilson was quite lucky she was far from violent. He might have gone away with this one, but next time Winnie might not be so merciful. It was difficult enough to refrain from slapping the other.
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7. Your character walking in on mine making a shady transaction.
She swore this was completely innocence, a deal made purely out of curiosity and enthusiasm. Or at least it was in her eyes.
It was a shifty-looking fella’ indeed, with a hidden face that refused to expose itself, not to Winnie and not to anyone. Unaware of the approaching Wilson, she listened intently as the mysterious stranger whispered something to her ear.
“You did well, my dear. Now I do my part.”
A gloved hand pulled out an unknown object tucked beneath his longcoat and pressed it into her hands. Then he leaned toward to whisper into the blonde’s ear again. Without another word, the man disappeared while Winnie placed the item into her backpack.
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On a Scale of 1-10 I think you're about a 4 for me anyway.
“Huh… Alright?”
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Hey! *Wilson shouts from a distance then approaches the other and taps his shoulder* Dude how are you? *He still has a cigarette in his hand half gone but he smiles anyway*
Wilson jumped and turned around.
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“Still Touchy feely I see.” he sighed lightly.
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“I’m alright I suppose, thanks for asking, yourself?”
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Wilson taped the other "hey"
Wilson jumped n the contact, he turned around and saw...himself.
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“W-what sort of joke is this?!” it had to be right? another him was scientifically impossible!
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