#asking the rainecleoude
rainecleoud · 3 years
Alright here here go, in no particular order
• The Picture of Dorian Gray
• Interview with the Vampire
• The Vampire Lestat
• The Canterville Ghost
• The Hound of the Baskervilles
• The Island of Dr Moreau
• The Man Who Fell To Earth
• Percy Jackson
• Harry Potter
• The Song of Achilles
• Circe
• The Hunger Games
• Basically anything by Oscar Wilde <3
• Theodor Sturgeons short story collection "a saucer of loneliness"
• 1984
• Keith Richards "Life" (does a biography count?)
• Throne of Glass
• Fools and Mortals
• The Tempest
• Ian Mortimers book about the middle ages
• The Plantagenets by Dan Jones
Probably forgot a lot
YESSS I love love love these!!
Oscar Wilde's work is just 😍 I've read dorian gray and some of canterville ghost and the writing is just gorgeous.
yes love original sherlock so much! its so interesting to see the change in dynamics compared to bbc sherlock (and how the BBC show is basically fanwork).
PJO and hp - yesss, used to love these.
circe was *amazing*! I really want to read tsoa but sadness and tragedy yk. I will get to it at some point.
THG - amazing! *love* analysing it and looking at all the societal commentary and character development stuff.
1984 again lovely dystopian social commentary shenanigans (I probably shouldn't describe a literary classic as shenanigans but here we are)
yea ToG get that high fantasy woohooo loved this series too! the twists the turns omg. also rowaelin starting off as like ugh was just so damn funny. I loved lysandra, and the witches so much. the world building was really intriguing here!
tempest was a lovely shakespeare play. I always remember feeling bad for cali ban but I do need to reread it because it's been a while!
@inthecrystalofadream to conclude you have immaculate taste. will definitely add the rest to my to read list!! tysm for your wonderful recs <3
also what are some of the ones I didn't mention about?
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hii it's me again :D
this is probably a boring question so I'll think of a better one, but opinions on gaius?
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O boy it's not boring at all, darling! Probably cause there is no easy answer - tbh I don't know how I feel about gaius.
Gaius is shown from merlin's perspective, so we mostly see him as this grandfatherly figure which does make him sympathetic, but then as the show progresses we see more of him and learn all the things he has done during the great purge, which makes you second guess him.
Then there isn't only his past, but what he does during the show which is very two-faced - lying to morgana and refusing to help her yet he helps merlin, he can't seem to decide whether to see uther as a good old friend or as an old tyrant, supporting uther in his crusade against magic yet helping ~some~ magic users etc etc
Sooo...I do like gaius, but I also don't, you know?
As a character in a show he is just great, especially with his narrative function - very ambivalent and morally grey
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rainecleoud · 2 years
Paging The Cloud! What type of poetry just GETS you. Can you recommend a poet or poem?
sorry im not sure when you asked this, it only showed up now oopsies...
not sure if its a category but anything to do with living and feeling things deeply and when mundane things feel really profound - whether its prose or poetry (i dont really distinguish between the two because at the end of the day, its words from the heart)
hm thats really hard, i think any poetry/prose by ritika jyala always gets me would highly highly recommend her work!
thank you so much for the ask!!, do you have a recommendation @its-decido ?
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rainecleoud · 2 years
hey hey! for the fantasy ask i'm sending some magical creatures your way: chimera, queen vampire and poltergeist - feel free to decline any of them :)
hii thank you for the ask and the magical creatures 🥰
chimera - hm marriage is an interesting one, i think its not a requirement but it would be nice
queen - hmm about 476 or so /j
vampire - oooo well ive started quite a few books and not finished any of them aaaa but currently im reading: anna karenina, the phantom tollbooth (would highly recommend, its very witty and enjoyable), dune, and the jasmine throne
poltergeist - and ofc all the songs ever have completely flown out of my head, the one i can think of is this one from goodbye my danish sweetheart by mitski
'Cause I've waited and watered my heart 'til it grew You can see how it's blossomed for you
or this from sedated by hozier
So we're slaves to any semblance of touch Lord we should quit but we love it too much
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hello hello the distraction has arrived :))
for the ask game im gonna say: 8, 16, 31 and 49 - feel free to decline any one of them
yay! <3
8. What's you favourite cuisine?
spanish and italian. but i'm not picky :)
16. do you like the weather where you live?
not most of the time but sometimes it's nice
31. do you believe in ghosts?
i'd like to believe in them more than i do believe in them if that makes sense? but really, no i don't
49. do you hang or fold your sweaters?
i hang them!
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hey sorry this took so long! *some* of my fave fiction books are: - love HP, PJO, ToG, THG, 1984, sherlock, circe and dorian gray so much - Inkworld trilogy by Cornelia Funke - fantasy fiction, a really nice read with cool worldbuilding but not overly complicated that it makes ur brain hurt - Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo - OMG love these sooo much, it has found family, traumatised characters that bond, morally grey folks, representation, amazing characters and just akjhfdskjhg so good - The seven deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turnton - a bit complex but one of my fave mysteries nonetheless - The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern - Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Eragon by Christopher Paolini - absolute monster of a series which i need to reread because i barely remember but i remember loving it so im holding onto that - Killer T by Robert Muchamore - about genetic modification in society these are more of the fantasy and mystery ones oops. there are so so many that have slipped my mind so i'll try and add them later :D
Yesss I love! Fantasy is such a good genre if done right - you can have all kinds of representation there, there really are no limits.
Funny thing, most of those have been on my reading list for sooo long now I really have to read them lol
Inkworld trilogy, nice, Cornelia Funke has been such a prominent childhood author, love her ideas and easy yet original worldbuilding! Same for the Eragon series (monster of a series describes them really well :D)
The night circus - again, a book I've been so interested in and have yet to read, will do so asap ;) also the seven deaths of evelyn hardcastle sounds like a really promising mystery novel I'm intrigued by the title alone - setting it on my to read list now!
And of course Frankenstein, classic, reading it right now actually!
You have such a fine taste in fantasy fiction @rainecleoud I absolutely love this, thanks for the rec! It may just give me the right push to finally get them off my reading list ;P
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rainecleoud · 2 years
Halli hallo! What are your top 3 favorite genres (aka horror, romance, comedy…)
hiii! hmmm you ask a tricky question my friend. *quickly searches for a full list of genres* - ok i usually organise things by tropes because it makes more sense in my head, so these aren't all actual genres, apologies....
for books its probably fantasy, social commentary fiction and ones that linger in your head for ages
for movies its psychological, dark comedy, sometimes romcom if its done well (we love lighthearted feels sometimes) and mysteries!!
thank you so much for the ask! you're so cool btw just thought i would mention :))
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