Phew, I can't believe I actually watched that entire Courage the Cowardly Dog marathon- *Sees Smythe* ... Freaky Fred?
“Who? I’m sorry anon, but I don’t know who you’re talking about?”
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ask-humanisedair-blog · 10 years
Typing this in a read more because I really need to let it all out
Here's a brief down on what happened. In September 2012 I met my ex-boyfriend, at this point I was still going to meet ups and seeing all my amazing friends, I had, had some fall outs with some of these people because of past history but that doesn't need going into, anyway in November 2012 I got together with this guy and first it was a really good relationship until he decided he would 'try and help me'
It did work, he helped me control my mental illness and actually helped me overcome one of them, but that was the price I had to pay because of what he did to me.
He was a controlling man, he emotionally black mailed me out of doing the things I absolutely adored. He stopped me cosplaying, he stopped me roleplaying and the worst one of all was he stopped me seeing my friends, he stopped me talking to them and at the time I was just completely blinded by the idea of being in love and in a relationship that I didn't even notice it.
In February 2013 one of my best friends committed suicide. She was one of these friends who he emotionally black mailed to stop seeing and stop talking to do, so I kinda blame myself for her death for not being there when she needed me, but this was when realisation kicked in when he fucking guilt tripped me into not going to her funeral. I was absolutely fuming.
In March 2013 he broke up with me, with the loss of my best friend and the stress of Sixth Form on top of me as well and now the man who was supposed to love me and help me in these times of need broke up with me my depression came back and I started self harming again, but then a few months later I was starting to get over him and I wanted to get back to the way I was again, I wanted to be me again.
In November 2013 I moved house from West Yorkshire down to Lincolnshire and this was a completely fresh start for me. Piece by piece I started to get back in to the things I loved. It started with cosplaying. I found a lovely cosplay group in my area and now I'm hunting down cosplays and next it was talking to some of my friends again. Max was the first one I got properly back in touch with.
I had an amazing time at Alton Towers with him and a few others in July 2014 and that's when I finally got back into roleplaying again.
And now today 28th September 2014 I've decided to put the past behind me and make amends with more people, owning up to past mistakes and apologising to them and I could not be happier right now.
It feels like such an accomplishment but what's more it feels like a honour to know that my friends have forgiven me and we can start a fresh again and I just can't explain how that makes me feel.
I'm just absolutely in tears right now and I had to get this all out.
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clobbopus · 11 years
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yeeah here's another belated happy birthday to smiler mun! this time featuring some smythe and a nemesis!
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
6, 8, 16, 35
 6: Did you go out or stay in last night?
Last night? I stayed in and spent the evening catching up on some work. 
8: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
Nope, no one has. 
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
No, I was and still am in the same relationship. 
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
Of course! Even though I live a happy life, there still are stressful situations. Like trying to have a balanced work and personal life, keeping ontop of work etc. 
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
How old are you?
I am 28 years old, dear anon.
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
Want to rp? My brain isn't working so I can't think of a starter :/
Sure thing! I’ll try and think of starter if you want or I’ve reblogged a few of the random sentence memes that we could use if you want? 
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
"HI!!" screeched the blonde male, clumsily making his way over to the smiliar man. " Want a Skittle?" He asked gleefully, grin stretching from ear to ear. ((Hi how's it going? :3))
"Well, hello there!" He beamed, greeting the blonde male pleasantly.  "Yes please, Skittles would be rather lovely! Although only a few, thank you". A new friend who brings sweets, what a lovely surprise. He held out his hand to receive said sweets.// Hi there! I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Hope you're well! Thanks for the starter ^-^//
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
Thread Tracker
ask-the-towers - ongoing [X]
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
☄ (btw I'm going to be my version of the Smiler, Samuel)
2. A hug
Spreading joy and happiness was all part of the job, so what better way to greet this fellow Advocate than a hug. “Mr Smiley, so lovely to see you!”, he exclaimed as he pulled the man into a hug. 
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
Hey, I wondered if you wanted to role play at some point? I've been meaning to ask for a while but I'm kinda shy... - Emma
I’d love to roleplay with you! Ah don’t worry about it, I completely understand how scary it can be to approach another roleplayer ^_^
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
"You’re sleeping on the couch tonight." Joy yelled, attempting to hide her tears. "Don't come anywhere near me tonight, Smythe!"
"Wait, can’t we at least talk about this?" He asked, clearly confused as to why the girl was nearly in floods of tears. "What exactly have I done to make you this upset?"
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
what would you do if willy just randomly showed up on the doorstep of your house?
1) Wonder how he knew exactly where I lived2) Invite him in and offer him tea because it’s cold and he’s obviously travelled a long way from his factory.3) Feel really bad because I left Alton without saying goodbye to him. 
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
Smythe dear, please tell me you're alright! You've been putting off my letters for a while. I haven't been allowed to leave Alton Towers until the park has been given the all clear. I just want to know that you're okay. Smile Always -Joy Davis x
I do apologise for missing your messages, they must have been going to my flat. Currently staying at my grandparent’s house so I haven’t be able to check my post. I’m terribly sorry for making you worry! I am alright though, just busy with things at home. Hope that you get to leave soon!Smile AlwaysSmythe Lorenz x
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
You ok, Smythe? You don't look so good.
I suppose that I’m okay…
I feel a lot better now that I’m at home for the winter break. Why do you ask? I don’t look so good - how? 
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
Title: The Reply Characters/Pairings: Jigsaw/Smythe Description: A long overdue reply for a certain email to a certain person
I've put this off for so long, trying to avoid it so that I wouldn't have to deal with the consequences. I've tried to delay the inevitable but to no avail. However, now that the time has come and I've gained some clarity on the situation...I think that I'm ready. I'm actually glad that the moment is here. Don't get me wrong, I'm petrified about what's to come. My heart is still pounding to the point where I fear it may burst. But this is for the best. Booting up my laptop, I anxiously wait for it to turn on. As I tap my nails on the hard plastic, the screen flickers to life. To my surprise I'm actually having trouble recalling my login details. I guess all this stress is effecting my memory. Typing seems to be a challenge as well, I keep having to wipe my hands on my clothes due to how clammy they are. Although eventually I make my way to my inbox, whereupon a thorough check, I find that the email is nowhere to be found. The tech department must've swept the system sometime after John got into the Smiler HQ last time. A mild annoyance but it's nothing that can't be bypassed, looks like we'll have to go back to leaving each other messages deep in the system. 
Are you there? You're probably not, given the fact that I haven't answered you for quite some time. However, I hope that you are there though. We really need to talk. I think that we really need to sort things out.
Let me start off by apologising for everything; for lying to you, for running away, for hurting you. I can't excuse my actions, only apologise and explain why I did them. I'm am sorry that I lied to you about being clean when I was still addicted to the serums. It was wrong of me to do so. I wish that I would've been honest instead. Maybe I could've gotten help sooner. I lied and ran away because I was afraid of the consequences, I was afraid for my safety and for my life. 
I never, ever meant to intentionally hurt you, John. You say that I broke your heart but do you ever stop and think that you broke mine too? You can't claim that I never cared about you because I do. How could I not care about you? You know how much you mean to me. You were my first love, my first real relationship. I can't stress how important you are. I will always love you. I care so much about you, John. That's one of the reasons why I'm writing to you. I can't bear the thought of us being enemies when you're so close to death. I can't bear the thought of you slipping away one day. Not being able to see you when you're on your deathbed would be the worst. I want to be there for you, to just hold your hand and be with you in your last moments. I want to make everything right between us. I want us to reconcile and be on good terms like we used to be.
I miss you.  I'm so writing to you to ask you for your help. You were right; I do need help. I don't want to be addicted to the drugs any more, I don't want to live my life like this. This person that I am right not is not who I'm meant to be. I need to change for the better and I need your help doing so. You're the only one who can help me, the Ministry will just insist that I keep taking the damn drugs. If we do it your way then I'll get to finish my game, I'll get help in the process and we both get closure. It's time that we continued where we left off, I have a game to finish after all. I spoke earlier about being terrified, it's true that I'm still terrified but I'm ready to face the consequences of my actions. Whatever the outcome of the game, I'm ready for it. I intend to win though. I intend to survive. 
I'll be returning to England within the next few days should I hear back from you. Until then Love always,
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ask-humanised-smiler · 10 years
(rp?) As jane was wondering though the Gardens it came to thought that she wasnt alone. As she looked around she saw a person in the distance who looked to be wearing yellow. She was curious. So she walked up to this person dressed in yellow. "Hello?" She asked and waited for a reply.
He turned on his heel to face the person who greeted him. To his delight, he was confronted with someone who he hadn’t met before. How wonderful! He always liked conversing with new people. “Why hello there, dear stranger.” Smythe replied,” Haven’t seen you about the grounds. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He enquired, quirking an eyebrow. 
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