“ hey… you’ve been crying. ” (Leigh for Crystal; mxrvelouscreations)
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"Just another day, in Brookyln apartment 101. Don't worry about it."
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" as long as you didn't see me just run straight into that pole, i'll be walking away but if you did ... i will awkwardly ask you to never speak of it. " ㅡ venus to anyone !!
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"I can turn around and come back in if that makes you feel any less awkward about me definitely witnessing your misfortune just now."
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“Hey, you just passed out. Are you okay?” -Helia to Crystal
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“…I passed out? - damn, I thought I just closed my eyes. Shit, sorry, I guess I’m not doing as well as I thought I was.” She let out a frustrated sigh, mostly at herself. Pushing her hands through her thick hair she looked to the other with a slight smile “Thanks for making sure I didn’t crack my head open.”
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❝ i think i’m picking up radio signals in my head. ❞
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"Is that normal for you, or-should I be worried?"
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❝ a fire hazard ? no. it’s a fun hazard. ❞ (Crystal and Molly)
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"Well, let's hope the fire bergade see it that way too." Crystal joked back at the other, a small smile on her lips as she awaited what Molly intended to do next, she kept her on her toes that much was for sure.
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“You were there. You didn’t have to be.”
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“Yeah well, that girl was being a right bitch- she needed to be knocked down a few pegs. She’s lucky I didn’t rip her extensions out and feed ‘em to her.” Crystal remarked still irritated by the ordeal.
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Can someone pls give my OC some love she’s feeling really left out haha ,
Like this for a starter if you want one from her ❤️🥺
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“Ah yes, time to enjoy the peace and quiet while everyone else being lovey-dovey is elsewhere.”
“Aw, you keep talking like that and people are going to think you don’t like the holiday.” Crystal grinned.
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👀 + favourite dessert (for as many of them as want to answer)
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Steve : oh, I’m not sure. I probably just enjoy the classics like a good New York cheesecake.
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Edward : well, I don’t eat food anymore but when I was human I always enjoyed ice cream when we could afford it.
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Crystal: hmmm I’m not sure, I love anything with chocolate !
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♕ I’m impressed with your writing!
♥️🥺 your writing is amazing too!
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🥺🥺 no u ♥️
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//aww thank you lovely, I love writing with you ! ♥️
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