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bonniebird · 4 years ago
Please can you do a marvel movie check list you disney one looks so cute!
Yes sure :)
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Ew you're 25 that means you're so old that you were born in the nineteen hundreds! How are you still writing fanfiction?
This ask gave me so many emotions.
I was born in 96 which is 90 years after the 1900?
You don't hit twenty five and suddenly become unable to write. I didn't wake up on my birthday unable to formulate a fic plot or something xD You do know most of your tv shows are written by people in their 30s+?
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Ma'am. Those Billy gifs are so weird. I need more.
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These are all I have. They're from the blooper reel. I wanted goofy Billy gifs for fics.
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Maybe you should be grateful that you even get requests there are writers begging to have requests sent to them.
Firstly I am grateful to get requests. I'm grateful that people even read my fics. I'm grateful even though I'm Dyslexic people still read my writing, errors and all. People have told me that they come back to my blog over and over and that's mind blowing to me. I'm grateful that people will wait months for me to get to their requests and that people feel comfortable enough with me to ask for advice.
I've never said I wasn't grateful. I just don't like being ignored and waking up to 'I know requests are closed but I'm sending one anyway' asks it makes me feel like i'm not being respected and that i'm just being used to pump out fic after fic.
Secondly If there are fanfic writers who are begging for requests tell me who they are! Please, please link them with me so I can promote them and my followers can have new fics to read! Help your favourite fic writers link up with other writers don't hide them behind vague anon asks.
It takes me 4 - 13 hours to write one fic on a bad day. Let's say ten hours per request. If I took one request per follower I would have to spend 300000 hours writing. That's roughly 12,500 days if you were wondering I can't possibly write that much that's humanly impossible so if there are writers that you know want more requests don't gate keep them! Help them connect with other writers.
Thirdly, if I wasn't grateful for my followers and my requests I wouldn't be writing. If I wasn't grateful I would have quit by now but there are followers that always catch up with me that comment all the time that make me smile when they pop up on my dash and who I think of even when I've not been online for days.
I have stayed through death threats, my entire masterlist being stolen multiple times and people telling me to quit writing because I'm Dyslexic.
If I wasn't grateful I wouldn't be online anymore. The current workload (for my hobby) that I have decided to take on is 114 fics which is an average of 1140 hours of writing (That's 47.5 days if I keep up my one fic per day rate that I'm currently at due to my schedule). That's just the requests I have. That doesn't include, updating my masterlist, updating my wattpad books, planning ahead for event, designing headers / post updates for event, pre preparing plots for requests, making gifs.
I'm a human being. I'm allowed to vent about things that upset me or make me uncomfortable.
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bonniebird · 4 years ago
I confirm I have no idea who the heck sandy is or what the heck flipper is!? elijah wood is my boy frodo
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Flipper was a kids movie about a boy named Sandy being sent to live with his uncle (I think it was his uncle) on this island. He's grumpy and his mum doesn't like it so she send him off to live with his uncle in a shack on the beach. Sandy meets a sick dolphin that was separated from it's mum because of the boats and toxic waste in the water. Flipper gets sick, they make him better and he starts doing tricks and Sandy sells tickets to watch him.
Then someone tries to dump toxic waste in the sea and Sandy gets stranded while looking for Flipper because he isn't 100% better and there is a storm that makes him loose flipper. The uncle is threatened and they team up to save Flipper and keep the uncles fishing boat and get him back with his mum and they also beat up a hammerhead shark that was trying to eat Sandy. They let Flipper go and he swims off with it's mum and Sandy gets a girl friend, decides he likes his uncle and wants to come back and work for him and is nicer which his mum likes.
It has been a really long time since i've seen this so i'm paraphrasing because I don't have a video player anymore and I don't have a copy of the dvd anymore. (I don't know where I put the dvd and just have the box)
It's a really good film.
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Aren't your parents embarrassed about you spending so much time 'writing' fanfiction.
1. Lol why would I (Or anyone for that matter) be embarrassed about writing fanfiction. It's literally seen by Published writers, TV and Film writers as a great way to get started writing professionally / practise writing.
2. Are your parents embarrassed that you're harassing adults about their hobbies on the internet.
3. I'm a grown adult it isn't anyone's business if I'm writing fanfiction but mine.
There's nothing embarrassing about writing. Trying to send people anon hate is majorly embarrassing tho. Just fyi.
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
6th grade to them is year 7 to us! that’s actually like an 11-12 year old lol
Ah! Ok! That makes sense. I also think because they start school at six not four they probably count a year less?
One day I'll understand how it works xD
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Do u guys really not have ranch over there
Like the farms? We have farms over here in the UK.
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bonniebird · 4 years ago
Just get over yourself and write what we want? Who cares if someone is posting something you wrote. It's a compliment. Quitting writing because of one stolen post is stupid and just attention seeking.
Actually it was over 60 stolen fics in one month. wouldn’t you be upset if you worked hard on something and I stole it? Also writing is my hobby I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to 😂
It’s not a compliment at all it’s rude and disrespectful.
You’re right. I want attention, in fact I’m so desperate for attention that I’m going to recommend you unfollow me and avoid my blog as my blog seems to make you so mad. You could even block me! Did you know It’s easier than sending angry messages! 😀
Have a nice day 😊
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
“He’s Gollum sticky” 😂 Bonnie! They’re gonna take ur keyboard away
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They can't take my keyboard away. I'm right.
He just always looks like he'd be mildly sticky and smell so strongly of £15 spray that you could smell it for ages if he passed you on the street.
However he gets Gollum sticky after the first attack and it's crazy that no one said anything, he looked like he was dying.
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
stiles, teen wolf for the favourite type of reader? ?🐥
Ohhh: For Stiles I like a few readers it depends on the sway of teh fic tbh
The most fun is Supernatural reader and Stiles who is very concerned about whether or not they should be able to do the thing they just did.
Also the You cause me maximum stress but I care for you very much so I don't mind trope.
I like the readers that are mind blown by all the supernatural stuff and Stiles is like NO! My friend! No monsters for them!
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Technically Roman Godfrey is a DILF
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. ♥️❤️💛
Aw thank you :D
@joeynihil, @writingsbychlo, @honestsycrets, @justfangstvdto, @walkxthexmoon, @samdeancass, and all my mutuals who changed their url names and aesthetics and now I don't know who you are xD
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bonniebird · 3 years ago
Kitten in the bookshelf plz I need to see.
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I can’t get my phone to focus but that’s him sleeping in the book shelf he has his own square
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bonniebird · 4 years ago
Wait omg what’s happening update me i gathered some plagiarism???
someone stole over 60 of my fics in one go and I was really upset about it and decided to go on a break then someone asked when i would be coming back and i said I didn't know and explained why i was on a break which set off an anon who sent me a ask saying that i should be flattered by people stealing my fics, that I was being ridiculous about someone stealing my fics and that I was attention seeking by taking a break. My followers and other writers agreed that the anon was wrong.
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bonniebird · 4 years ago
Content creators 👏 are not 👏 your toys 👏 or slaves 👏 They do not 👏 exist for your 👏 to torment👏 steal from 👏 or demand things from 👏
Leave Bonnie alone!
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