acidbubblegummie · 9 months
Booooooooooooo (I say with full silliness 💕) Harrison / Hadrian are fun names. Hadrian 4ever kicking and giggling as I watch him kick ass.
Naaahhh he be kicking ass and kicking back no matter what name but I gotta say 👀 Hadrian solos fr I be giggling and twirling my hair when I see it 💖
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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Axel: “Your favouritism is astonishing.”
Wade: “Technically, I also remembered Domino, but she wasn’t useless and in need of saving.”
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acid-boi · 4 years
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If you see this please ask him anything
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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Tony: “If these idiots interrupt our mission one more time, I swear I’ll invent a way to permanently kill Deadpool.”
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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Scott: “You’re right, I am funny.”
Axel: “Soooo funny...”
Scott: “Seriously though, my favourite thing about you is that you’re a total sweetheart.”
Axel: ... :3
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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Scott: “Oh yeah, much better, it only caught on fire.”
Axel: “It never happened though.”
Scott: “My kitchen was on FIRE!”
Axel: “I choose to remember it differently.”
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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Scott: “I’m sure he’s a nice guy.”
Tony: “Oh yeah, the power to melt one’s face off is a really desirable trait.”
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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New ask blog to help satisfy my obsession with AcidAnt (Axel Cluney X Scott Lang)! I love these dorks and they both deserve more love.
Feel free to ask Scott, Axel or both whatever you want. :3
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ask-acidant · 4 years
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Scott: “Looking forward to everybody’s questions! Right, Axe?”
Axel: “Sure, whatever.”
Scott: “Right!” :3
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ask-acidant · 4 years
Sorry about the absence...
This blog got a really bad start; one post, then over a month of nothing. Unfortunately, I had some really bad problems with my laptop (it refused to start properly in the end). My Dad was kind enough to look at it for me, and he has finally managed to fix it, so now I’m back to drawing digitally. :D I’m working on the second post now, and figured I’d give you guys a little preview, just to show you that this blog is indeed going to start for real.
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Unlike my other ask blogs, this one will have fewer, but longer answers, kind of like mini comics. This particular answer will be around 12 panels long.
Hope you’re all still excited for this blog! I know I am! :D
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