monochromeofficial · 4 years
❤ (1, 11, 30) for anyone you'd like ! <3
♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?
[ PHOEBE @ 13 : 39 ] “i love xukun. It might not see like it but i really do. i don't know for how long...maybe since last year, i think,” she looks up in the ceiling to gather her thoughts, and nods. “yeah, i think so. it's hard for me to know a specific moment 'cause i tried to deny my feelings for so long. all i know it's that i'm in love with him.” she hides her face with one hand as she feels her cheeks heating up.
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♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC?
[ MIA @ 13 : 00 ] she's pretty good at helping others in her own weird way, its very subtle if you don't know her that much it can be seen as if she's trying to mock you but she's actually trying to help. when you get to know her better it's easier to notice those small gestures. if she sees that this person has a big problem, or they seem overwhelmed, she's more straight to the point and tries her best to help them.
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♥ (30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
[ PHOEBE @ 13 : 00 ] “10 things i hate about you. i cry everytime i watch it.”
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
No but seriously, tell your girls to step on my face. Actually, they can do a whole performance of copy cat on my face, I’d be honored tbh
[ PHOEBE @ 11 : 58 ] “are you sure about that baobei? i perform in high heels and the choreo has a lot of jumping. you will probably need to go to a doctor afterwards... but if you're into that i'll do it.”
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
Lilly and Pansy for Phoebe and Hyesung! ❤️❤️
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? + pansy; do you like poetry?
[ HYESUNG @ 14 : 37 ] “during the last vacations i had to take care of my little brother he made me watch baby shark all day. i heard that stupid song so many times that after that i needed to listen to it at least once per day. it became my most played song on spotify”
“ yes, i've always loved poetry. my mom and i used to sneak into the local library and spend the whole afternoon reading poetry... i miss those times a lot” she says with a hint of nostalgia in her voice.
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[ PHOEBE @ 14 : 53 ] “i think around last year for no reason at all i started whatching peppa pig. i really don't know where the impulse came from but i don't regret it. peppa is a queen”
“not that much... i mean, i was good at literature in school, and i can enjoy it but sometimes i get a little lost and don't get it”
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
4, 9 and 15 for Phoebe and Olivia
olivia's love story needs some planning so enjoy phoebe and kun being cute! 💗
4. What was their relationship like before they got together?
[ PHOEBE & KUN @ 22:17 ] "does wanting to push him out of a cliff count?" she deadpans.
kun chuckled, remembering the earlier states of their relationship when they couldn't be in the same room without bickering.
"yes, it was really bad. she was so annoying back then... well she still annoying now but-"
phoebe hits him in the arm playfully, interrupting his statement.
"who are you calling annoying, huh? do i need to remind you who started in the first place? " she raises her eyebrow.
"how weird i remember it was you actually" he answers with a cooky half smile. he knew he was the one who initiated it but he loved to mess with her.
phoebe looks at him with her mouth slightly open in awe, starting to laugh a few seconds later.
"i can't believe you. please remind me why someone as spectacular as me dates someone like you. i deserve better to be honest."
"maybe i'm your better."
the girl fake gags while he dies of laughter in the back.
9. What made them realize they were in love?
"one night we were talking about music in my apartment and i remember looking at her and realizing how important she is to me"
his eyes never left hers the whole time. she gets closer and leaves a soft kiss on his lips before smiling.
" i guess it was the moment when imagining my life without you became the hardest thing to do."
they look at each other with a certain inexplicable feeling in their eyes, but neither of them needed words to translate it, they both knew it's meaning already.
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15. Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
[ MIA @ 22:37 ] there's this whole series i have planned on important moments when their relationship became stronger and it's one of the things i'm most excited to write about.
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
What if Jackson and Phoebe never broke up?
[ PHOEBE @ 14 : 46 ] “it's a lost case, we would've ended breaking up anyways” she laughs. “i mean he broke up with me because he found out i fucked his friend, even if he didn't found i would probably keep cheating on him until he finds it out and the end would be the same. sorry but that's the best result for both of us” phoebe lifted her shoulders in a half shrug “jackson was a great boyfriend but too boring and clingy for my taste”
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
cruelty for my baby miran 😭😭 and break for all the girls !!
(tw: there's a mention of physical fighting and a broken nose in hyesungs answer)
[ MIRAN @ 15 : 34 ] “the way i acted towards my family was cruel. they don't have the fault in what happened it was fully my fault. still i told them such horrible things thinking that way i could push them away when i only caused them pain. all they ever wanted was my recover. and i couldn't even do that for them”
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[ PHOEBE @ 15 : 48 ] “i'm kinda sorry for breaking jackson's heart. he was a good boyfriend who treated me sweetly... i was afraid of accepting his love because i knew I would've hurt him sooner or later”
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[ HYESUNG @ 15 : 56 ] “i regret beating that girl... damm i still remember the sound of her nose breaking. i should've stopped there... i regret it so much”
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[ MIRAN @ 16 : O6 ] “i broke so many promises they lost all meaning to me”
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[ OLIVIA @ 16 : 19 ] “i broke my dad's promise of never lying, but i can't tell him i like girls. i can't ruin the image of the perfect chinese daughter he thinks i'm that would destroy him”
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[ STELLA @ 16 : 28 ] “there was this guy who didn't only broke my heart, he destroyed me... that's all i'm going to say. he isn't worth my time or words or anything”
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[ KISEKI @ 16 : 47 ] “my break up with chengcheng hurt me more than i like to admit. and i know i have no right to feel that way because i was the one who broke up with him, but still i miss him, he was my best friend before being my boyfriend and i miss having him on my side”
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
(Watch me flood your ask box) Nightmare for Phoebe!!
[ PHOEBE @ 14 : 35 ] “the first months after my mom left i used to have nightmares every night. one night in specific i woke up shaking and crying, my auntie came to calm me and she told me that it was just a scary moment, that it wouldn't last long and before i realised the sun will rise and everything will be back to normal. after she told me that i stopped being scared of nightmares... because i realized my "normal" it's more terrifying. and unlike dreams it didn't ended when the sun rise”
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monochromeofficial · 4 years
wisteria; whom do you admire and why? for all of them 💗💗
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
(idk f it needs a tw but phoebe's answer it's a tiny bit sad)
[ KISEKI @ 15 : 14 ] “i admire boa-sunbaenim, she's been in this industry for so long and when you see her on stage she still performs with so much passion. after debuting i realised how hard it's to keep doing that after a while but when i see her stages it makes me want to become better”
[ STELLA @ 15 : 20 ] “i admire our manager. she has to deal with our shit everyday, that's enough reason. just kidding. she's really patient and always knows what to do, those are things that i'd like to have myself”
[ MIRAN @ 15 : 28 ] “my brother. he took all the responsibility of the family business so I could do what i love, even tho he didn't wanted the job. he says it's okey and that he wanted to do it but i know he lies”
[ HYESUNG @ 15 : 32 ] “i guess i can only admire myself and the girls, we all been through some shit but here we are”
[ OLIVIA @ 15 : 37 ] “my parents, they worked very hard so we could have everything we wanted. they're my heroes”
[ PHOEBE @ 15: 40 ] “my aunt because she treated me like i was her daughter”
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