factual-fantasy · 5 months
28 Asks! :DD Thank you!! :}} 🛒
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She met Seafoam when she rescued his ship from a great storm out at sea. :00
She brought the ship to safety and the next morning Seafoam crawls out into the deck and pulls himself over the railing to look around. All bruised and cracked from being thrown about the ship all night <XDD
That's when their eyes meet.. she tells Seafoam the story of how she saved his ship. And Seafoam is endlessly grateful! He was so kind and genuine.. 💞
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XDD Thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}
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@holly-opal (Link in ask)
I have not, but I know of it! :00 A friend of mine loves it and has recommended it to me. I've always considered reading it but never got around to it <XDD
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A lot of people commented that he looks a lot like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean, so I imagine yes! <XDD
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He might be happy to find someone that looks similar to him! :DD Though he probably wouldn't approach her.
If he saw someone like that, it'd be on shore. And if he's on shore? He's with his crew. Which means he's got a lot of people too keep track of and protect- he has no time to get distracted by interesting ladies! XDD
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Man I've put one some weight-- XDD
But thank you! I'm sure Grim and "Gengar me" would be great friends :}}}
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I could! :DD Maybe he'd be another pirate, they could call him "Tack" for short! :}}
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While I imagine she'd love to help out in that way, I imagine Seafoam tends to his own laundry XD
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@neo-metalscottic (Gerald's one year in question)
Thank you so much!! :DD The other comic is almost done and I'm hoping to post it soon! I've just had a few rough days with my health so Its not coming out as fast as I'd hope.. 😅 That, and I've been a bit mentally preoccupied daydreaming about web comic ideas.. 😞
As for Morton, I think his skin color will be a simple case of melanism! Nothing too crazy or magical there! <XDD As for his name and how he talks, I think its a reasonable idea that he would be named after a previous king! :0 Perhaps a previous king who had melanism as well..? 👀 Who knows XD
Though with his voice, I cant imagine him talking all "hulk" like. Since he's a part of the royal family he would have access to only the best education and speech therapy (if needed-). So the likelihood of any of the Koopalings having speech problems or talking "hulk" like would be low 😅 though that's not to say that out of all his siblings, he leans towards that type of speech the most! :00
As for Kammy and Kamek, she's not nearly as old as him. I was thinking Kamek is hundreds of years old, while Kammy is the Koopa equivalent of like... 60-70? She was brought into the koopa palace to be a nanny/maid. Her power is different from Kamek's, though I haven't figured out all the specifics yet.. I guess it can be said that when it comes to magic, they both studied and mastered different things.
Now if she ever faced Kamek in combat? He would flatten her. There is no Magikoopa alive today that can compare to Kamek's power..
...Doesn't mean she's afraid to get on his nerves though XDD She loves to mess with him, knowing that he's not allowed to hurt her.🤪
And lastly, its interesting to hear about the Vehicons getting some more originality! :00 My favorite out of those 3 would have to be the red one :}}
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AWE! Thank you so much!! :DD I'm honored!! :}}}
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Nah, he's always gonna be littol! XDD And thank you!! :}}
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My first instinct was no.. since Jangles is like 2.5-3 feet tall and I always imagined sans to be 4.5-5 feet tall. But google says sans 2 feet tall??? XDD If we're going by Googles standards then yeah Jangles is taller- but my heart dont want to believe he's that short 🤣💀
As for the 20k post, Jangles wasn't holding anything other than Gerald.. so I assume you meant this post..? <:0 If so, its a granola bar! Its been most if my diet recently so I imagine I had a few extra lying around for Jangles <XDD
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So far I really like it!! :DD Better than Sword and Shield imo that's for sure <XDD
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I do not. <:/ But you can find all my Pokémon stuff under #pokemon scarlet and violet or #pokemon in my blogs search bar! <:D
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Funky lookin guy, I like him! XDD
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*Cici tugs at my arm
"......so you gonna drink that-" XDD Thank you!
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Thank you so much!! :DD I've got my hopes back up recently, hoping I'm over all this soon! :}} 🤞🤞
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Awe, thank you!! :}}}
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Oh yeah, after the wars all said and done? I'm sure he's pull back on that extreme and get some repairs done 🥺
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You know to be honest, Grim is very dangerous becuase his brother is a Sylveon. XDD If I remember correctly, V is higher level than Grim in the game. Dragon types better watch out! XDD
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Oh hey! I've seen that guy around! I used to think he was Shockwave <XDD And he appears to be an Autobot?? With how Chaotic he is in fanart I thought he was a Decepticon-💀
But anyways- yes! With the fanart I've seen of him, I think him and Bash would be great friends XDD
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Thank you! I'm glad you liked those comics! :DD
Though at the moment, I don't have plans to jump back into that fandom anytime soon. <:/ I've have some uncomfortable experiences with the Octonauts fandom recently so I'm taking a bit of a break for now-
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I don't see a reason to go through the effort to maintain an account on another website. <:0 I have all my inside jokes, my follower celebrations and all my followers right here in one place! Its much nicer :}
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Awe! Thank you so much!! :DDD I'm glad :}}}}
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Nah its fiiiiine dw! As long as I have the bandages on the blood will stay in my hands surly :}} but thank you for the tea! :D
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Are we sure it wasn't [M]ango?
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Daaannngg.... Homestuck is way bigger than I thought-
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That looks beautiful!! :DD And thank you! :}}
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skullboneandunown · 7 months
Moon Symbol + "Unkwool Don'ie..." Willow was staying with her godfather for a bit while Leon and Ashe went through some much needed therapy -- also to experience Johto's culture. "Why 're y'u sti'l up?" She yawns wide, revealing fangs of sorts, holding her gengar plush she had gotten soon after arriving in the present day, dressed in sunflora pajamas to boot.
His gazes is torn to his goddaughter, having been staring out into his backyard for an unknown amount of time. "I....I couldn't sleep, little Sprout. I um...have some work related things on my mind." He smiles softly at her, a young ray of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy world. "I could ask the same of you, Willow." He stands up, grateful that he's fully healed now, and leads her back inside. He picks her up gently, and leads her back to the room she's sleeping in. He conjured up a couple of glasses of warm milk, and a blue ocarina.
"How about a tune to help us get some sleep, huh? Been wanting to play a tune on this for a long time."
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askpeachypikachu · 5 years
Alola there Peachy! I just wanted to return the favor of those cookies you gave me! Have you ever tried Alolan pokebeans? My human grows them in the backyard, and Brutus takes care of them when She's away. I try my hardest, but I don't have a green thumb.. just spooky ones! *he lightly chuckled before presenting a basket of pokebean cookies* there's enough for all of the girls here too!
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Peachy: “Actually, no I havent! 
Peachy: “I´ve mainly used berries since those are the easies for us to find. Pokebeans arent really something we find so often, they are pretty rare around this place.” Sniffing the air, the aroma from the cookies made its way to the fellow Pikachu once the other presented the basket full of Pokebean Cookies in many rich colors, her eyes sparked a little
Peachy: “O-Oh my! You´re a real sweetheart” She tilted her head a little, giving the other a gentle smile. Her eyes moving to the basket once more, the aroma from them were something she havent smelt before
Peachy: “They smell delicious!” The Pikachu reached out one paw to grab one of the cookies, an orange pokebean cookie. Taking her first nibble of the cookie, her cheeks grew redder
Peachy: “Oh wow, they taste, so good!♥”
Peachy: “I have to let the others girls have some of these, they love them for sure! I am sure it will make their month! Pokebeans are so rare that when we do find them, its very hard to share it with everyone. Thank you Tama! Thank you so much!”
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gengargastly · 5 years
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tagging-ryme-city · 5 years
Pose? -Tama
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“Looks like I still got some room on this wall here. . . I wonder if-” Rips gasped. While surveying the wall for a place for Tama’s portrait, he noticed the convenient placement of a dumpster, just convenient enough for the creative cogs in his head to spin. “Tama, I think I just had me a great idea.”
Pulling himself up onto the dumpster lid, he pulled a varying pallet of pink and purple stray paints out of his pants and was soon engulfed in a hazy cloud of colorful vapor. A few minutes passed, and out of the puff jumped Rips, his skin and clothes covered in specks of paint. “Ta-da! Not so bad if I do say so myself. I know you ain’t exactly known for being creepy, but the dark lightin’ and stuff it- I couldn’t help myself.” He jogged back over to the muse for his piece. “Not bad eh?”
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nightly-noivern · 5 years
Hi there! If you’re still doing them, demisexual gengar?
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gengarpropaganda · 5 years
Hi there- I love your page. I love the appreciation for the big purple babies here!
Sorry for the late reply, but glad to hear you like our page! Your gengar btw is Adorable!
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spritzeedaily · 7 years
Hello there! I heard you like flowers! I unfortunately don’t have many of them in my humans garden.. but I have this pokebean-sprout from my human’s garden as a gift for you! I hope you enjoy it- and it gives a good bean harvest!
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Oh!! Thank you for bean!!
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Happy birthday @ask-the-therapy-gengar !
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“the reason i have wings is because i’m part Moogle, Kupo! they’re fun little creatures from another world! that’s the reason i can do magic, too! it’s very nice to meet you all, Kupo!” the small mage happily engages in conversation, fluttering their small wings to show them off.
@justacuriouslycanroc | @ask-the-therapy-gengar | @themuteplusle
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artcelerate · 7 years
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doodled a kyute soft boy todayyy @ask-the-therapy-gengar-new 💜💜💜 im wuv him
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strange-corners · 6 years
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The gengar chungus squad.
I just did it don't ask why.
Here's abigail, Tama from@ask-the-therapy-gengar
and Bad the gengar fom @badgengar(nsfw blog)
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devilsroost · 2 years
I doubt the answer with change but i'll ask anyways:
You know how some emotional support animals can sense when other people are distressed? How does George react to someone who has an anxiety disorder or has frequent/is in the throws of a panic attack? Thought it might be interesting since Gengars are described to feed off of negative energy especially fear.
He is her therapy Pokémon so he can sense when Lydia is about to have a panic attack.
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Gengar can feed off negative emotions but it doesn't suck it out of them, it just makes the person feel more afraid/drained and makes them weaker, so he doesn't do it to her.
Dream eater is different. He can take your bad Drem and consume it, getting rid of it! So he snacks on her nightmares, leaving only the good ones behind.
He can sense panic attacks in other people, but he generally doesn't like people and is afraid of them so will just let it ride! Let the other person suffer. Its none of his business.
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Lydia also keeps him so well fed he doesn't need to siphon energy out of the atmosphere or people.
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Following the last Anon's ask, I also attract a lot of ghost type pokemon. I struggle with anxiety a lot, and while I love the little guys, sometimes it's a little tiresome to come home and have my partner point out that I have ten little ghosties behind me, specially because my Mimikyu can get a little jealous when he sees, is there a way that this can be helped? I wouldn't want to hurt or scare any Pokemon, but I also don't want to be followed everywhere by Gengars! Thank you for your time in advance, professor!
The best way to deal with this would be to work on your own mental health!
Look into therapy, medication, meditation, whatever you think will work for you
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dailyxatu · 7 years
So.. is it true that the bird is the word? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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dailyhoppip · 7 years
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Flower thinks it has to do with the shampoo that made them cry! Flower was told by others that sometimes to look good it cost pain...
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