y0u-f4il3d-m3 · 2 years
The noise of a small bell starts to go off. The noise seems to be getting closer. A faint meows of a cat, so it's most likely just a cat. @ask-shsl-lucky-cat
Mikado looked a bit confused at the sound but decided to look for where the sound came from.
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A portal opened, you hear a bell going off as something fell through, perhaps it's a chime of luck. Whatever it is, it made a large impact on the bush @ask-shsl-lucky-cat
Makoto got startled at first, but once he saw something fell, he instinctively ran over to the bush. Someone must've gotten lost in this word. Whoever they were, hopefully they're not hurt.
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"H-hey! A-are you alright?!"
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You could hear scared meows nearby. Possibly just a cat is lost...no worries, the cat can find it's way around. Or you can go help it
While she was no Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie did get worried for the poor thing. She couldn't just stand around and do nothing. So she immediately went out of Sugar Cube Corner in search for the cat. Maybe she could bring it to Flutters' cottage so that she could care for it.
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You hear a bell in the distance. Is approaching slowly...till you see.. something similar to your hair?, The top is exactly the same.
Makoto was just sitting alone on a bench when he heard the bell. When he noticed the ahoge, he was confused but curious. He did have to be careful though. As it could be something dangerous. The luckster sat up before captiously heading to the direction of the noise.
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It was morning, it was time to probably gather in the dining hall.. something fell out of a portal and hit the table
Everyone just yelped in shock. Of course, no one was expecting anyone, let alone a portal, come out nowhere and hit the table and ended up too stunned to move at first. Makoto, being one of the compassionate ones, broke the ice after and went over to the fallen one.
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"H-hey! Are you alright?"
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Just wanted to ask about your talentswap pics for Nagito and Chiaki. Does the Tragedy still happen in it, and if so does either or both of them become part of Ultimate Despair? Also if its only one of them, would Chiaki still die or would it be Nagito in her place. And lastly how are their relationships with their classmates altered in the AU?
I honestly didn’t think anyone was gonna remember my talentswap au much less ask about it in 2023 you have no clue how excited I am to write this lololol
I also wrote a little too much so I’m adding a read more because this got quite lengthy
Okay admittedly though, I didn’t think too too deeply into this au so some of what you asked is what I’m speculating could potentially happen probably.
The tragedy: Does in fact happen ✅ though not in the same way it went down in the games/anime
I’m not sure who will be the Ultimate Despair seeing as what really spurred Junko into becoming who she is was her ultimate analysis talent that basically made everyday life a general bore to her who can quite literally predict 99% of outcomes accurately. The only real excitement she got was when chaos struck and caused disorder in the usual schematics. She learned to thrive in not only her own perpetual despair of boredom but also in the despair in others—becoming the Ultimate Despair we know today. On top of which it’s because of this talent she was able to pull off the tragedy (and most of her schemes) to begin with so if I swap everyone in this au that would include her too. Not sure what unlucky soul would wind up with the Ultimate Analyst talent, but much like how Nagito’s talent greatly impacts the character’s personality and entire backstory, so too would this one. 
What I do know is that Junko would most likely NOT be the Ultimate Despair in this au. Though, that being said, she won’t be an entirely nice person either. I do believe that Junko has a personality type that leans more towards the mean side regardless. Her obsession with despair just made it extreme. (Although if Ryouko is anything to go by, perhaps she is a relatively nice person. ‘Course it’s hard to judge considering that Ryouko forgets everyone within 24 hours and so her relationship with others makes it hard to establish how Junko would treat them in the long term).
Something to note though is just because someone gets the analyst talent doesn’t mean they’re guaranteed to be Ultimate Despair. After all, everyone’s getting swapped and maybe a character winding up with a wildly different talent impacts them enough to take up that title instead. Which is why I say the tragedy will most likely NOT go down the same way Junko orchestrated it. Which brings me to my next point:
Chiaki does not get sacrificed. For a couple of reasons: she’s not the class’ beacon of hope as her lucky talent causes Chiaki to become closed off in order to keep everyone in a far enough distance from her so they don’t get hurt. As such she’s more like the class cryptid at best. She’s still kind and values life, and most of her classmate see her like an aloof stray cat they’d like to befriend someday but runs away whenever you get close, but the bad luck she’s experienced has left her rather pessimistic and anxious. Also, since the Ultimate Despair isn’t Junko and might do things differently, not sure how many (if any) class 77 students are going to be sacrificed in the way Chiaki was.
Regardless, SHSL Gamer Nagito certainly wouldn’t be sacrificed seeing as he uh…doesn’t have the best reputation among his classmates. His woefully pitiful social skills, interest in concerning hobbies (*cough*bomb making/playing with literal fire*cough*), and romanticizing of people’s struggles (because he still loves hope in the form of how greatly it shines at the end of a storyline—and the harder the level=the more struggle one faces, the more satisfying and brighter that ending will be), doesn’t lend itself well to making friends irl. As such he wouldn’t be their beacon of hope. Just the creepy gamer guy.
More specifically he’s a rich kid who hasn’t struggled much in life besides his (unintentional) self-imposed isolation from others to focus exclusively on his games that crippled his social skills. As such, Nagito isn’t as humble nor as self-depreciating as OG Nagito is. You probably won’t like him as much as the original because of it. Yet, he’s still just as manipulative—if not more, to get what he wants, and for all his lack of social skills, he does have a way with words when he’s trying to give a “pep talk” to another player—I mean person—to keep them from quitting (if he finds the effort worth making/their storyline interesting enough). He’s grown a little tired of playing games alone (read: lonely and bored).
On the tangent of gamer Nagito though, he really would lend himself well to being a mastermind and perhaps, maybe to some capacity he is one. Or maybe even THE one. One of the ones anyway. Wouldn’t it be fun to see the world plunge into what resembles an apocalyptic survival game and seeing everyone deal with the most unimaginable struggle to date and watching their storylines play out? See who persevered? See whose hope was too weak and died like the disappointing npcs they are? But wouldn’t it be even more fun to be among them, to be player and participant?
Which is why, I feel like Nagito played a great part in the tragedy in that he helped make it happen. Though, I don’t believe he was the only mastermind. This was a team effort. Nagito ISN’T the Ultimate Despair after all. Just their co-mastermind. Because he would really like an immersive survival game experience where stakes are high and there’s much to lose. I really wouldn’t put it above him to request to be turned into a remnant too. After all, he has more fun playing the game than making it—it wouldn’t be fair if he started off with an advantage while everyone else already had the disadvantage of their morals being corrupted right? Course Nagito already had loose morals as is so how effective his remnant transformation is can be questioned. How much is he affected and how much is he playing the part for the sake of the game? Who knows~ A good player doesn’t reveal his skill set right off the bat y’know.
Chiaki, meanwhile, will potentially become a remnant as well. I say potentially because I feel she’d be a sort of in-between the way Original Nagito was. Not fully despair fueled as her other classmates, but also not entirely trustworthy either. This is due to her constant living with despair due to her luck with a combination of her innate kindness that fend off some of the effects of remnant-fication. As a remnant, she goes back and forth between wanting to cause despair and wanting to help her classmates (and the world) get better. In a way it sort of makes her one of the more unstable remnants, in that you don’t know when she’s here to genuinely help and when she might do something in a wave of despair. It’s like a coin toss and you gotta hope you’re lucky and get her in one of her helpful moods.
This has gotten long enough but dang this au really does bring me lots of joy to explore. If I had more time on my hands I would get into other characters and what their swaps are and how that’s changed their backstory but for now take this instead.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Byakuya, sakura, gundham, nekomaru and hagakure w/ a fem chubby reader?
Byakuya Togami, Sakura Oogami, Gundham Tanaka, Nekomaru Nidai, Gundham Tanaka, and Hagakure Yasuhiro with fem chubby S/O
I got you! I love these characters so much this will be a blast. AND IDK HOW I MISSED GUNDHAM MY BAD SO IF YOU’RE READING THIS RN I INCLUDED HIM!! I made his longer as an apology.
-Mod Souda
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Byakuya Togami
Definitely the CEO of defending you against misguided people.
He won’t hesitate to diss anyone who is rude to you.
On other terms, though he is not into PDA, he definitely gives you the lightest of kisses on your forehead, his long fingers under your chin.
And nose kisses!
Gives you dresses and jewelry made specifically for you.
A lot of gifts. 
And he showers with you, because he likes being pristine, and he likes spending time with you at the same time.
Two birds one stone.
Will not allow pets into his house... unless it’s your favorite and it’s small than maybe.
Okay fine, he’ll buy you your favorite animal.
Anything to make you comfortable with his lifestyle.
Since he is the tier of his bloodline, he does get too many comments on the person he decided to be with.
He won’t hide you, though, under no regard.
Sakura Oogami
She gives you piggyback rides!
You drink a lot of smoothies and protein shakes with her. 
Milkshakes too, if you’re lucky.
When you’re tired, she’ll definitely carry you places.
She likes holding you close.
Sauna time is a must, too! It helps relax her.
Cuddles into your chest all the time, and when she sleeps she makes soft noises with her breath.
She has a soft place in her heart for partner shirts. She’s mine - I’m hers type beat.
Some of her clothes even fit you.
Doesn’t like to do activities that require laying down. Would much rather go on walks with you or get chalks to draw around the neighborhood.
Tries to cook with you. Doesn’t always work out, even though you are confident in your skills, somehow once you get next to her you get nervous.
You always ask for forehead kisses, since she is so tall, and it gives you butterflies.
She makes sure you are feeling okay all the time, giving you healthy drinks and taking care of you when you are sick.
Supports you all the time! And makes sure you know that she finds you attractive.
Nekomaru Nidai
Is not amused by comments of other people.
Because you are healthy, obviously, because being with the SHSL Team Manager includes listening to him rant about the most protein-filled foods and getting massages and other forms of muscular therapy.
Tries to get you to lift, though, because one time when he was moving in with you he handed you a box and you almost fell over.
He has a lot of friends, and meeting all of them nearly tires you out. All of them all grateful to him and treat you like royalty.
When they come over, they mostly give the gifts to you, which is hilarious to Nekomaru.
It was like having a whole new family!
He constantly makes sure to have time for you! If he travels, he tries to get you small trinkets or makeup, since he likes watching you put it on.
But you try to out-sweet him, leaving sticky notes everywhere, like to remind him to take his meds or simple I love you notes.
He is so wholesome!!
And again, he loves giving massages. Having you relax is his main goal, and just making you feel good makes him happy.
While cuddling he definitely nuzzles his head against you. And he definitely contorts into uncomfortable positions just to lay on you.
Gundham Tanaka
Helps you hang around his animals, even some of the ones you are scared of.
He is the biggest cuddler. He won’t admit it, though.
But he’ll definitely melt into your arms.
You wake up early with him every morning to help him feed all of the animals and take care of them. He appreciates the extra help, and it gives him more time in the day to hang out with you.
The house is always crowded since he moved in. 
Gundham never gets mad at you, never scolds you or insults you. He always maintains his caring demeanor, even if you mess up on anything.
You had to ask him out first, and when you did, he was blushing a deep pink color. He had never been asked out before.
And now he’s calm around you. He takes you to horse races and even one time, a pig race! It was the cutest thing with all the piglets in clothes.
Ever since then you’ve been trying to convince him to let you dress up the animals.
He lets you put ribbons in the horses hair but that’s about it.
... Except the dogs... he’ll let you dress up the dogs.
The cats too, if you’re lucky.
Sometimes he takes you on walks through the woods, too, and admires all the different bird types he sees. He can name them, easily!
It’s interesting to see him talk about his talent.
Refers to you with words like elegant queen of the light and mystical goddess, and even though you very much disagree, it’s a long more sentimental than words like sweetheart to you.
A long time will pass in the relationship before he lets you see him without the makeup, contacts, temporary tattoos, and the hair gel. Sharing a bed with him takes some time, too.
Sometimes he still can’t get over that he isn’t poisonous to the touch. You’ll cuddle him and it’ll spook him, until he assures himself that you are immune.
Watches cliche dog movies. Like Airbud, and he’ll pretend he hates it the entire time. Definitely enjoys it.
Does NOT enjoy Cugo. Very scary!!!! Dogs aren’t scary!!!!
Sometimes likes shark movies... thin ice, though.
You just love seeing his reaction to certain animal movies. It’s very entertaining what he says about them. You almost want to start a blog that’s just animal movies approved by the SHSL Animal Breeder.
Hagakure Yasuhiro
He is big boy!! Who loves snuggles very much!!
And he’s a hugger. He wraps his arms around you all the time.
Braiding your hair, offering to try and put makeup on you, he tries to get into all the things that you do. He even asks you to paint his nails.
Sometimes he’s too scared to read your fortune, in case it’s something bad. Even though he gets it right 30% of the time, and he knows he’s a scam, it’s the just in case.
Wakes up early to make you breakfast. And since he grew up basically on noodles, it’s not always the best thing.
You thank him nonetheless. He cares enough to surprise you.
He watches the oddest things on TV sometimes, things like horses jumping over hurdles. Is excited to talk about anything the things he watches. 
That’s because you always have an interest to rant about. And Yasuhiro isn’t always the most invested person, so he feels a little left out in the passionateness.
Doesn’t even second guess your body type, he just knows it’s you and he loves it.
Kisses you all the time, too. He loves any type of kiss!
He has the cutest puppy dog eyes ever when you guys cuddle.
All he loves is being with you and worshipping the way you are.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Master list
Quick note: ✨ just signal certain works as my personal recommendation because I think it was written particularly well or I personal like it especially. 💖 means I think it’d both written well and I especially am fond of it. I like most all my works, but some I feel stand out or I just have a soft spot for and would like to highlight them.
Danganronpa 2 characters
Hajime Hinata:
Sings to comfort his S/O (imagine)
Comforts his M!S/O after a sleep paralysis episode (imagine)
💖 x SHSL Military General (imagine)
x Childhood Best Friend Reader/Red String of Fate AU (oneshot)
x affectionate SHSL Wedding Planner (imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
x Prince-like Male S/O (imagine)
’s S/O comes out as asexual (imagine)
x Chronically sick S/O (imagine)
    Izuru Kamukura:
Being affectionate back to his affectionate S/O (imagine)
And his small, shy S/O (imagine)
With a chubby S/O insecure about their weight (imagine)
Comforts his S/O after they break their arm (imagine)
x Nagito x Shy! S/O polyrelationship headcannons (imagine)
💖 x SHSL Military General (imagine)
x Childhood Best Friend Reader/Red String of Fate AU (oneshot)
x affectionate SHSL Wedding Planner (imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
✨ fluff, no plot, just fluff (imagine)
 x Nagito x SHSL Chess Master (imagine)
S/O braids his hair (imagine)
x SHSL Baker (imagine)
Nagito Komaeda:
x Reader love at first sight (imagine)
✨ Comforts a depressed reader (imagine)
x Reader with the same talent as him get crushes for one another (imagine)
x Izuru x Shy! S/O polyrelationship headcannons (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Military General Reader (imagine)
x depressed, imaginative S/O (imagine) 
✨ and his little feisty sibling (imagine)
✨ ’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks (imagine)
Comforts his S/O through their migraine (imagine)
and his friend pass notes in class (imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
x affectionate S/O who can’t handle receiving affection (imagine)
’s S/O comes out as asexual (imagine)
✨ x Chronically sick S/O (imagine)
x Izuru x SHSL Chess Master (imagine)
x Prince-like male S/O (imagine)
’s S/O can’t convey their feelings (imagine)
’s S/O got sick running around in the rain and attempt to sneak out (imagine)
x SHSL Therapist during the Killing Game (imagine)
With a chubby S/O insecure about their weight (imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine) 
Gundham Tanaka:
Cooking with his S/O (imagine)
💖x Reader First Date (one-shot)
Mangaka S/O wants to draw him (imagine)
✨ Makes a friend out of a socially awkward reader (imagine)
✨ Comforts a stressed reader who feel like they can't make progress in anything (imagine)
And Ibuki being siblings (imagine)
💖Gets Hanahaki (imagine)
Friends with a reckless reader who freezes when anxious (imagine)
✨ Cuddling headcannons (imagine)
SHSL Ice Skater who breaks their ankle while skating (imagine)
With a chubby S/O insecure about their weight (imagine)
Comforts his S/O after they break their arm (imagine)
x Tattoo artiest Reader (imagine)
✨ 's Tsundere S/O got into a fight (Imagine)
✨ Gundham x Reader fluff, just fluff, no plot (imagine)
x SHSL Playwright Reader (one-shot)
 x Ultimate Pickpocket (imagine) 
Comforts his S/O through their migraine (imagine)
Helps Reader do their physical therapy (imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
x falsely accused as the blackened Reader (imagine)
’s S/O steals his clothes (imagine)
and Mod Gundham’s Friendship headcannons (imagine)
x thieving troublemaker S/O (imagine)
Kazuichi Soda:
Mangaka S/O wants to draw him (imagine)
Friends with a reckless reader who freezes when anxious (imagine)
Comforts his S/O after they break their arm (imagine)
✨ 's Tsundere S/O got into a fight (Imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
’s S/O steals his clothes (imagine)
x Blind Reader (imagine)
x Mercenary Reader (imagine)
Teruteru Hanamura:
Cooking with his S/O (imagine)
Meets F!S/O who likes his flirting and flirts back but is asexual (imagine)
💖 x M!Reader who doesn't realize Teru keeps confessing his feelings (one-shot)
✨ Teruteru grows a crush on a tough but kind reader (imagine)
✨ Finds Reader wearing one of his oversized hoodies (imagine)
Bakes a cake for his SHSL Baker S/O’s birthday (imagine)
x shy, affection starved Reader 
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine) 
comforting his S/O after their family member died (imagine)
✨ ’s S/O faints from malnutrition and he visits them in the hospital (imagine)
Nekomaru Nidai:
's Tsundere S/O got into a fight (Imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
x SHSL Cheerleader (imagine)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:
✨ Tries to comfort a depressed reader (imagine)
x intimidating looking but sweet S/O (imagine)
x Reader who won’t confess (imagine)
Akane Owari:
x Prince-like Male S/O (imagine)
Chiaki Nanami:
and Ibuki and Mikan celebrate their new relationship and coming out by going to the salon (imagine)
x S/O who’s scared of touch asking to hold their hand (imagine)
Sonia Nevermind:
✨ Sonia x SHSL Baker Reader: To Bake A Cake (One-shot)
Soina gives Peko and Akane makeovers to help her Mangaka S/O get inspiration (imagine)
✨ x Chronically sick S/O (imagine)
Hiyoko Saionji:
Befriends Mikan and teaches her to stand up for herself (imagine)
Mahiru Koizumi:
Mikan Tsumiki:
✨ Crushing on the SHSL Theatra Actress (imagine)
✨ SHSL Theatra Actress comes out as aromantic (imagine)
and Chiaki and Ibuki celebrate their new relationship and coming out by going to the salon (imagine)
Befriended by Hiyoko and taught how to stand up for herself (imagine)
x Prince-like male S/O (imagine)
Ibuki Mioda:
✨ SHSL Theatra Actress comes out as aromantic (imagine)
And Gundham being siblings (imagine)
Tries encouraging her insecure S/O (imagine)
and Chiaki and Mikan celebrate their new relationship and coming out by going to the salon (imagine)
x SHSL Party Planner Reader (one-shot)
x S/O who’s scared of touch asking to hold their hand (imagine)
Peko Pekoyama:
Friends with a reckless reader who freezes when anxious (imagine)
New Danganronpa v3 characters
Shuichi Saihara:
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
x Reader x Kokichi poly relationship headcannons (imagine)
✨ Kaede helps her bofriend Shuichi cope with his trauma through music (imagine)
x Himiko post Danganronpa v3 it was all a lie AU (imagine)
F!S/O pampers him for his birthday (imagine)
✨ SHSL Barista Shuichi x SHSL Detective Reader (One-shot)
Alternate drv3 ending, if Tsumugi failed to kill Rantaro and instead got herself killed in the process (imagine)
Is a cat person but also a dog magnet (imagine)
Relationship headcannons (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Military General Reader (imagine)
Realizing he’s developed a crush on someone headcannons (imagine)
's crush tries to wake him up, but accidentally naps with him instead (imagine)
✨ Comforts his M!S/O after a sleep paralysis episode (imagine)
x SHSL Gambler (imagine)
’s S/O likes to give him random kisses (imagine)
✨ ’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks (imagine)
fluff, no plot, just fluff (imagine)
x SHSL Mind Reader (imagine)
Touch starved Shuichi x Affectionate Reader (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
x thieving troublemaker S/O (imagine)
Kaito Momota:
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
✨ Cuddling headcannons (imagine)
's crush tries to wake him up, but accidentally naps with him instead (imagine)
gets Reader’s motive video, revealing no one in the outside world cares about them (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
✨’s S/O got sick running around in the rain and attempt to sneak out (imagine)
Ryoma Hoshi:
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
✨ Cooking with his S/O (imagine)
x Kaede headcanons (imagine)
gets Reader’s motive video, revealing no one in the outside world cares about them (imagine)
SHSL Lucky Student S/O beats him a tennis with their talent (imagine)
’s S/O steals his clothes (imagine)
wants to play tennis with his asthmatic S/O, who he doesn’t know has asthma (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Rantaro Amami:
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
Alternate drv3 ending, if Tsumugi failed to kill Rantaro and instead got herself killed in the process (imagine)
x Fussy SHSL Model Reader: A Reunion (One-shot)
x Reader with Hanahaki (imagine) 
and his S/O find out they have the same Ultimate during the killing game (imagine)
x reader Royalty/Masquerade AU (imagine)
Has a crush on a shy Reader who's a little intimidated by him (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Military General Reader (imagine)
Sings to comfort his S/O (imagine)
✨ Comforts his M!S/O after a sleep paralysis episode (imagine)
x SHSL Gambler (imagine)
Comforts his S/O through their migraine (imagine)
x affectionate S/O who can’t handle receiving affection (imagine)
x Blind Reader (imagine)
✨ x Mercenary Reader (imagine)
x SHSL Baker (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
’s S/O can’t convey their feelings (imagine)
’s S/O got sick running around in the rain and attempt to sneak out (imagine)
x thieving troublemaker S/O (imagine)
x S/O who’s scared of touch asking to hold their hand (imagine)
Gonta Gokuhara:
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
x Kokichi domestic fluff (imagine)
✨ Gonta x Botanist Reader with a hobby of candy making (One-shot)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Kokichi Oma:
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
x Reader x Shuichi poly relationship headcannons (imagine)
💖 Affection starved Kokichi x SHSL Dancer Reader (One-shot)
Alternate drv3 ending, if Tsumugi failed to kill Rantaro and instead got herself killed in the process (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Psychologist Reader (imagine)
Kiss headcannons (imagine)
💖 Gets Hanahaki (imagine)
💖✨💖Phantom thief Kokichi x undercover Detective Reader (short story/one-shot)💖✨💖
✨ Miu x SHSL Wood Worker Reader Polyrelationship headcannons (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Military General Reader (imagine)
Kokichi constantly flirts with a self-conscious tall and chubby Reader (imagine)
's crush tries to wake him up, but accidentally naps with him instead (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Strategist (imagine)
✨ "helps" Reader to gift Miu the best birthday present (one-shot)
x SHSL Gambler (imagine) 
Grows feelings for Reader during the killing game and tries to deny them (imagine)
Takes a nap with his shy and awkward S/O (imagine)
gets Reader’s motive video, revealing no one in the outside world cares about them (imagine)
’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks (imagine)
befriends the SHSL Performer (imagine)
fluff, no plot, just fluff (imagine)
✨ x Prince-like Male S/O (imagine)
x Gonta domestic fluff (imagine)
x SHSL Prosecutor (imagine)
x Blind Reader (imagine)
✨ x Mercenary Reader (imagine)
x SHSL Baker (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
x SHSL Therapist during the Killing Game (imagine)
Korekiyo Shinguji:
✨ With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
✨ SHSL Theatra Actress comes out as aromantic (imagine)
Cuddling headcannons (imagine)
x Short SHSL Liberian Reader (imagine)
✨ x SHSL Military General Reader (imagine)
✨ x affectionate S/O who can’t handle receiving affection (imagine)
x SHSL Prosecutor (imagine)
’s S/O steals his clothes (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
’s S/O can’t convey their feeling (imagine)
With his SHSL Survivalist friend/SO (imagine)
💖x SHSL Survivalist (One-shot)
Alternate drv3 ending, if Tsumugi failed to kill Rantaro and instead got herself killed in the process (imagine)
✨ Kiibo takes care of sick reader (imagine)
x Reader Red String of Fate AU (one-shot)
x Reader fluff, just fluff, no plot (imagine)
SHSL Baker S/O, Miu and Kokichi try to find the perfect birthday gift (imagine)
✨ Helps Reader with burnt fingers wash their hair (imagine)
✨ 's crush tries to wake him up, but accidentally naps with him instead/ tries to help his crush get sleep (imagine)
x SHSL Strategist (imagine)
gets Reader’s motive video, revealing no one in the outside world cares about them (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Kaede Akamastu:
x Ryoma headcannons (imagine)
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
✨ Kaede helps her boyfriend Shuichi cope with his trauma through music (imagine)
Alternate drv3 ending, if Tsumugi failed to kill Rantaro and instead got herself killed in the process (imagine)
Her S/O comes out as transgender to her (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Kirumi Tojo:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
x SHSL Military General (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Himiko Yumeno:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
x Shuichi post drv3 it as all a lie AU (imagine)
x Reader: It’ll Work Out in the End (one-shot)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Maki Harukawa:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
and her protective best friend celebrate her birthday: Have Your Cake and Eat it Too (one-shot)
Tenko Chabashira:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
gets confused by her nonbinary S/O (imagine)
’s excitable and energetic S/O can’t keep her surprise birthday party a secret (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
receives unsigned love letters (imagine)
Tsumugi Shirogane:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
x SHSL Fictional Character Analyst (imagine)
Alternate drv3 ending, if Tsumugi failed to kill Rantaro and instead got herself killed in the process (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Angie Yonaga:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
Miu Iruma:
Looks after her deceased S/O's dog after they die in the killing game (imagine)
✨ Kokichi x SHSL Wood Worker Reader Polyrelationship headcannons (imagine)
x childhood friend Reader (one-shot)
Robot reader confesses their feelings (imagine)
x SHSL Toy Maker (imagine)
x Prince-like male S/O (imagine)
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
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This time, for Talentswap Tuesday, how about an original talent? Introducing the Former SHSL Librarian, Myth! ————————————————————————— With a very hushed voice and an insecure posture, the library doubles as both her workplace and her home. Being an agoraphobic shut-in, she isn’t very good around people unless someone brings up books. Bringing up books around her would reveal a more cheerful and knowledgeable side, considering she knows the whole library inventory like the back of her hand. She out as a complete recluse, until the adorkable, coffee-hyped flirt, Eldritch Anon AKA, the SHSL Barista, took her under his wing to help her become more social, with the patrons of both Eldritch’s cafe and Myth’s library. —————————————————————– The regular patrons of Myth’s library include:
The sassy memelord who’s secretly a massive bookworm, Fusion II, the SHSL Viral Sensation!
The cheery and adorable, despite her talent, Iris Anon, the SJHSL Occultist!
The verbose shrinking violet, usually found in the library’s film section, Purple Anon, the SHSL Film Critic!
The cursed cloudcuckoolander and Myth’s celebrity crush, Egg Anon, the Former SHSL Fantasy Author!
Egg’s bitter twin, who’s obsessed with both types of blades, Wet Sock Anon, the Former SHSL Rollerblader!
Frequenting the library’s romance section and Myth’s first ever friend, besides Eldritch, Wyre Anon, the Former SHSL Matchmaker!
And the regular patrons of Ritchie’s cafe include:
The clumsy, yet still optimistic and energetic goofball, and also Ritchie’s girlfriend, Dream Anon, the SHSL Lucky Student!
The confrontational soldier, with a mouth like a sailor, Nerd Anon, the Former SHSL Sailor!
The gentleman with an appetite for pastries that’s just as big as his heart, Fusion Anon, the SHSL Ballroom Dancer!
The tired and cynical child magnet, who needs a strong coffee to keep up with those brats, Janon, the SHSL Babysitter!
Janon’s mentor in child caregiving, who’s a massive softie underneath her ”Demon of Heart” act, Anon Scar, the SHSL Pediatric Nurse!
Janon’s crush, although he will never admit it, the infinitely supportive and infinitely dense Curious Anon, the SJHSL Cheerleader!
The bombastic and hammy Super Sentai-style hero, Sparkle Anon, the Former SHSL Firefighter! —————————————————————– Can Ritchie help Myth socialize with this colorful bunch, or will this dream burn like Alexandria? —————————————————————– As for her appearance and color scheme, she wears her undyed hair in a prim and proper bun. After breaking her glasses in an accident, the middle of her glasses is fixed up with white tape. She wears a maroon turtleneck, a purple skirt, grey stockings and black Mary Janes. —————————————————————– In this Talentswap AU, just think of it as an Eldritch and Myth personality swap as well, with Myth being the paranoid scaredy-cat and Eldritch being the adorkable flirt! Librarian!Myth is very nervous around people, barely speaking above a whisper and shaking like a leaf if she happens to see them. Myth also gets scared very easily, particularly loud and sudden noises! She’s basically a dandere moeblob! But due to living in the library her whole life, she knows the whole roster of books in the library like the back of her hand and will very happily infodump about all the books if you let her. Just don’t ask her for help with modern technology, for she’s still having Eldritch teach her! —————————————————————– As you can tell, the Librarian!Myth AU is more of a slice-of-life, centering around Barista!Ritchie teaching Librarian!Myth how to socialize, ala Hitori Bocchi! What do you think of Librarian!Myth, Romantic!Myth? I’d love to hear feedback from both you and the other Anons! Let me know what you all think!
-Fusion Anon
I love this one!!! Libraries are one of my favorite places :D
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"hello? My name is heart star,im a ultimate talent master, a person who masters different talents but not the despairful ones,I heard you made a machine that revives people right?" As the pink cat ears girl said. "Welp,this must be good for now, but anyway, im star heart, the older sister who basically looks like a loli,I came here to see someone I met from hope's peak a few years ago before the tragedy,im also known as the SHSL luckster,i was named that because the bell I have" said star
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I’m gonna be perfectly honest and say I didn’t understand half of what this is saying...
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But regardless, it’s nice to meet you. It’s an honor to meet another Ultimate Lucky Student.
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I see you’re interested in how we were able to bring our old classmates back to life...but I don’t know if I’m the right person to explain it.
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Step aside Makoto. Allow me to handle this one.
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Oh! Thanks...
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Byakuya’s division is the one in charge of overseeing the research into the machine industry. If you have any questions in regards to the resurection, then ask him.
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“Resurrection” isn’t exactly the most basic term for what we used to bring everyone back.
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After we began rebuilding Hope’s Peak Academy when the killing game amongst the Future Foundation was over, we uncovered several items belonging to those who had participated in the killing game that Makoto and myself survived through.
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Using machines developed by an Ultimate Researcher that graduated the academy long before we did, we were able to develop machines that, using the DNA extracted from the items we recovered, were able to create perfect copies of our long deceased classmates.
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So essentially, they are not revived so much as they are clones...
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However, using some of the research recovered from Miaya Gekkogahara’s lab, we were able to get the clones to remember everything that happened during the killing game. The memories cut off at the point where they died. As of such, they may as well be the original people, since they are exactly the same in every sort of way.
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I’d rather not have them remember the traumatic events that happened during our confinement, but it’s for the best. It leaves us all on the same page...
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Dangan life please? I’m a bisexual girl, I have long dark blonde hair worn in a side braid and grey eyes, I also have a baby face I am a very quiet, introverted person with my head often in the clouds and in my own little world, I am often labelled as the ‘cinnamon bun’ of my friends, sometimes I want to sass certain people but I can’t because i’m too polite all the time however when I do ‘burn’ someone I apologize afterwards because I was so rude! (1/2)
Unfortunately I sometimes get so lost in my own thoughts that I worry and overthink problems, and I tend to be too sensitive taking almost everything someone says to heart but i’m trying to be more thick skinned though, I absolutely love animals and my pets are like children to me and . Despite being very self conscious I take pride in my creativity in drawing and I enjoy indoor activities such as reading, spending time with my cat and watching anime (2/2)
Of course! 
Thank you for the ask! 
(okay but seriously i love doing these so much?) 
Without further ado, let’s see how you would fare in the Danganronpa universe with your Dangan Life: SHSL Test Results!:
I think you would be titled the Ultimate Pet Caretaker! This would be because of your pets being like children to you. I think somewhere along the line you’d like to take care of more, and your gentle nature would lead you to be scouted as the Ultimate Pet Caretaker. 
When you arrive at Hope’s Peak, the very first person you “meet” is Touko.I put quotes around it because all she does is look at you, point and go, “Y-you’re A-Annabeth Chase!” And scurry off. 
Now, the first person you really meet is Gundham, and that’s because one of his Four Dark Devas of Destruction scampers up your leg and onto your palm. You laugh, but pet it softly. Gundham comes to take it back from you - and you follow him to your shared class - smiling softly at the odd care for the animals. 
Along with them, you live out your peaceful year at Hope’s Peak before you’re ultimately brainwashed. 
You’re the classes sweetheart, and you get along well with Ibuki. Both of you have your heads in the clouds, but you’re the one that gets picked on more by Natsumi. She quickly stops, however, finding others to much more suitable targets. Because of that, you develop a thick skin. 
But, it’s not enough to stand up against Junko’s brainwashing. No, along with all of your precious friends, you’re squashed under her thumb, and brainwashed into doing terrible, terrible things. 
Luckily, you’re recovered by the Future Foundation, and successfully placed in the Neo world Program. 
Or - maybe it’s not so lucky. 
As the killing game starts, you stay inside, going to the library and ranches. That’s where you’re found for your free time events, too. Your events seem pretty unusual, as they don’t reveal anything about you explicitly, but it’s implied in your actions. Hajime also tries to get your head out of the clouds, but doesn’t make much headway. 
Despite having your head in the clouds, you reveal a couple twists in the cases with your out of the box thinking. 
You’re so nice and sweet. So - Monokuma decides - what would be a better way for everyone to feel despair then to have you killed? 
And that’s what he does. Monokuma’s a little mastermind, and decides that he should tailor a specific motive to have you - of all people - killed. 
It works. 
Your killer targets you, isolating you while you’re out taking a late walk. The reason for the walk in the first place was because you’d heard someone try to break into your cabin and almost succeed, and didn’t feel safe there anymore. However, you didn’t have the heart to go and disturb someone’s sleep either. 
So, a walk it was. Your feet carried you to the ranch, where you begin to groom the horses and cows there and maintain the place. Just because you were all miserable didn’t mean the animals should be. 
But, without you knowing, your killer had staged the entire thing. They sneak up on you from behind, turning you around and pinning you against the wall. Their hands strangle you, but you smile, even as you’re clawing at their hands in a panic. 
“Hajime and the others won’t let you get away with this.” You spit. 
Vivid memories of your time as the Ultimate Despair come back to you, and you let out one, raspy laugh, suddenly full of malice. 
“You don’t stand a chance in hell. But, I’m sorry you were pushed to this point.” 
Your killer scoffs, and your body goes limp. 
They smirk. Time for some clean up. 
But, your killer is left to wonder something. 
Where did that ferocity come from? 
Only time would tell them. 
I think you’d be friends with: Ibuki Mioda, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, K1-B0 (Kiibo Ibadashi), Kaito Momota, Kaede Akamatsu, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Sayaka Maizono, and Aoi Asahina
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Get to Know Mun Better!
Tagged by: @crona-is-ready-to-deal-with-this
Tagging: Uh I don’t have a ton of mutuals but maybe @ancientrelyk and @lessons-inthe-arts (as well as anyone else who wants to do this)
(Note: I’m very indecisive, so almost all of these are variable haha)
1)NAME: Asi 2)GENDER: Female 3)STAR SIGN: Taurus 4)HEIGHT: 5′ 3″ 5)HOGWARTS HOUSE: I’ve only ever seen one Harry Potter movie but I took a quiz out of curiosity and got Hufflepuff 6)FAVORITE ANIMAL: Heck, I like a lot of animals but maybe rabbits? 7)HOURS OF SLEEP: It varies a lot from day to day but I think I’m running on 5 or 6 right now 8)DOGS OR CATS: Cats!!!! Cats are good and soft and very calm. Dogs are nice too though! 9)NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2 10)DREAM TRIP:  I have a lot of places I’d love to visit! My top 2 are probably Greece and France. 11)DREAM JOB: Author! 12)TIME: 1:22 AM 13)BIRTHDAY: May 14th 14)FAVORITE BANDS: 5 Seconds of Summer, Panic! At The Disco, Marina & The Diamonds
15)FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST:   Cupcakke (duel me honestly), Troye Sivan, Indila
16)SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Klaiei Mia Kardia/Κλαίει Μια Καρδιά by Eleni Vitali
17)LAST MOVIE I WATCHED:  Tiana 18)LAST SHOW I WATCHED: Nota Mia/Νότα Μία (No it’s not Italian) 19)WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: Uhh not long ago, like a month or 2 maybe? 20)WHAT DO I POST/REBLOG: Other than Chihiro rp threads and fanart, I just reblog things I think he’d like. That involves aesthetics, stimboards, kin fashion, and some gaming-related stuff. 21)LAST THING I GOOGLED:  I don’t use Google a lot, nor do I know how to access my history, but I’m pretty sure I just looked up ‘Google Translate’ to help me with a translation. 22)OTHER BLOGS: @way-too-many-fabulous-fandoms is my main, I’m also Mod Chihiro on @is-komaeda-straight-today and Mod Ciel on @dont-hate-sebaciel (Feel free to send asks to those blogs!) 23)DO I GET ASKS:  *Distant sobbing as I check my empty inbox* 24)WHY I CHOSE MY URL: It lets everyone know what my blog is about, a SHSL Good Boy! 25)FOLLOWING: 23 26)FOLLOWERS: 58 27)LUCKY NUMBER: 14 28)FAVORITE INSTRUMENT:  I have a lot! Drums, Piano & Violin are some of my faves 29)WHAT AM I WEARING: An oversized Death The Kid t-shirt and leggings (and a cast) 
30)FAVORITE FOOD: Macaroni and Cheese all the way! 31)NATIONALITY: Greek, American and Costa Rican 32)FAVORITE SONG: oOF I have a lot but maybe,, L’Assasymphonie from Mozart: L’Opera Rock?  33)LAST BOOK I READ: I have horrid memory but I think it was The Sniper, a short story for an assignment (is that technically a book?)  34)TOP THREE FICTIONAL UNIVERSES I’D LIKE TO JOIN: Soul Eater, A Centaur’s Worries, School Mode and Island Mode AUs in Danganronpa & Super Danganronpa 2
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danganronpaibukifan · 8 years
Thank you @in-a-state-of-trance for tagging me in this!
Rules: tag 20 (or so) people you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Tati
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: Either 5′2 or 5′3
Last thing I googled: Weather (So I can get to weather.com)
Favourite music artist: I dont have a favorite. 
Song stuck in my head: Karma Chameleon because of every time I see a kamakura post I get this song stuck in my head.
Last movie I watched: I think it was San Andreas
Last TV show I watched: I think Vanderpump Rules
What are you wearing right now: A big red shirt
When did you create your blog:  April 2016
What kind of stuff do you post/reblog: Danganronpa, Different animes, EAH, MH, some youtubers, animals, and video games
Do you have any side blogs: Nope
Do you get asks regularly: No. I get them from time to time
Why did you choose your URL: I just thought about ibuki and dr and just put danganronpaibukifan
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
Pokemon team: I dont play it but Id probably pick mysic
Favorite colour: Blue
Average hours of sleep I get: Maybe 6-8?
Lucky number: 24
Favorite characters: Mikan, Ibuki, Chisa, Kyouko, Celestia, Akane, Komaru, Monomi, Gundam, Teruteru, Nekomaru, Makoto, and All the ndrv3 characters,
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 
Dream job: Foster cats and get paid for it
Following: 50
I’ll tag: @holy-shit-dangan-ronpa @korotrash @apple-and-blondie @arakichan @dr-ooze @kyouko--kirigiri @kaminagirl @nanamemes-chiakiiz @nanamii-chiakii @vahre @cookiebreeze @xdevotedjinxedx @shsl-shipper-gamer-fangirl @shsl-komahinatrash @tsumikitxt
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