what are all of the canon relationships in the story?
I’m not sure if you mean romance-relationships or relationships in general so uh
Here’s romance info
I’m gonna update/go in depth a little. Setting aside romance relationships, friend relationships and family relationships bc that’s another topic all together but hm
Gilbert used to have a crush on Feli (around 3 or so years back) and had a crush on Eliza growing up. Eliza kinda liked him back but they didn’t click enough, and they eventually because super close and are both very protective of each other. Currently, Gilbert and Roderich are married. Roderich tho, Huge Slut, secretly hooked up with dudes in his prestigious music academy all throughout his school years, had a crush on his piano tutor (Maria) , brought home so many guys and girls and it made him kinda miserable because he bored them all to death or they treated him like he was on a pedestal until he moved away and found Gilbert who had no idea who he was and just treated him like a normal human being.
Ludwig is currently dating Felicano, that’s pretty cut and dry
Antonio is in a relationship with Lovino.
Alfred and Kiku are friends (?) or maybe not?? They are roommates (oh my god they’re roommates). Probs just really good friends. Back in middle school-high school, Alfred had a crush on Ivan. A very teenage-hormone-rivalry-fueled crush.
Okay Francis is just. He’s all over the place. Francis has had plenty of girlfriends, first serious one is Jeanne (but she died when they were around 17 so that’s really upsetting). First guy partner was Arthur, but Arthur was Very rough and punk at the time, Francis was learning about himself a lot and was just too new to all of it. It ended in a kinda angsty breakup and then they got around to being friends. He and Eliza just recently fell out of love with each other and now they’re rooming together.
Hm I can’t remember too many more that people actually cared about.
Ask me about specifics, I’ll try and elaborate.
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jurikatou · 7 years
As always I’m late, but here is my gift for Asakiku Secret Santa.
[to: Taylor] Honestly, does the interviewer really have to come here in person?
[from: Taylor] For the hundredth time, yes, Mr. Kirkland.
[to: Taylor] Why, though? Can’t we just, I don’t know, use a photo from the last shoot and have them send whatever they want me to answer on e-mail? You know how badly I hate dealing with people I don’t know.
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland, please, we’ve already talked about this. It’s just a single interviewer who will ask no more than a few questions and take a few photos. He won’t even actually record the interview. It isn’t a press conference with a hundred journalists.
[to: Taylor] I still don’t see the point! What’s the huge difference? It’s not like I’m big on PR anyway. Okay, maybe the photos from the last shoot are a bit old, but why the interview?
[from: Taylor] You’re going to come across as cold or standoffish, Mr. Kirkland. As much as we don’t mind you being private, it’s not good to come off as rude or arrogant. Come on, think of it as a deal with a publisher or an editor.
[to: Taylor] That is so reassuring.
[from: Taylor] You wound me.
[from: Taylor] Anyway, your interviewer is coming on Thursday at 2PM at meeting room 6. Be sure to wear a decent suit for that!
[to: Taylor] What the
[to: Taylor] I hate you so much
Arthur worked mostly from home, but was used to wearing suits, even though he wasn’t a fan of ties (although he believed all the fuss everyone made around it was too much). No matter how much his writing was compact and hardly ever included difficult jargon, people just didn’t seem to want to negotiate with a man in a hoodie and running shoes, which meant every single time he had to show up to discuss a minor thing at the publisher, he had to dress up formally, combed up hair included. Formalwear could get stuffy on warmer days; however, thankfully, the air conditioning was working just fine.
Which meant it could not be that that was getting on his nerves; a quick glance at the large digital clock on the wall made it clear he hadn’t been waiting for long and the interviewer wasn’t late either.
His bottle of water was already empty and the interviewer hadn’t even arrived. Honestly, what had he done to deserve such a thing? There were so many drafts on his PC at home and all the ideas that were now boiling in his mind would be lost before he even got home. This was nonsense; how was a writer supposed to do his job if he was stopped form, well, writing when he wanted the most? Quite honestly, it was just an excuse to get away from there, but at this point he was willing to do just about anything to get away from there.
Time dragged by. Now the interviewer was officially fifteen minutes late. Couldn't he just leave? The bottle was now empty and he started considering if it wouldn't be rude to drink up the interviewer's – didn't want yours to be taken? Should be here on time, you punk.
His thoughts were cut off by the soft buzzing of his phone. Then it buzzed twice. Then one more time. He was not supposed to use his phone in the meeting rooms, but he figured out it would be ok if nobody was there but him, right? As the blond checked the notifications, he saw they were all from his editor.
[from: Taylor] Please don’t kill me
[from: Taylor] I mixed up the dates
[from: Taylor] It’s actually tomorrow
[to: Taylor] What
[to: Taylor] I'm leaving now
[from: Taylor] I’m so sorry Mr. Kirkland, I’ve already called a cab
[from: Taylor] Please do come next week though
[to: Taylor] You want me to what
With a sigh, Arthur put his phone in his pocket, got up and left the room. He wasn't paid enough to deal with all this bullcrap. Hell, money wouldn't ever be enough to pay for this shit.
The cab ride was silent, Arthur only giving the address in the beginning and paying and curtly thanking the driver while getting off the cab. By the time he was at his doorstep, the sun was already setting – terrible traffic and all that. Maybe he should check the local pub, now it was probably already open... Nah, not in the mood. He'd probably just drink too much and have a terrible hangover the next day. Arthur showered and made himself some instant food (he honestly didn't even care about what he was eating at this point) and checked his social media and instant messaging apps (there were quite a lot), not finding anything interesting as usual –college acquaintances still partying like teenagers, cousins with their children, his mom sending her daily "good morning" messages that he only saw at night, fake news that he couldn't understand how so many people actually believed. Today hadn't really been a productive day, so he had to work twice as hard tomorrow, or at least that was what he told himself as he drifted off to sleep before it was even completely dark.
He'd just forgotten to check his SMS messages, which meant his notification board was completely taken over by his editor by the morning.
[from: Taylor] It's not the interviewer's fault, I can't just cancel everything now
[from: Taylor] Please, Mr. Kirkland, I know this is frustrating but we need it to promote the next book as well, remember?
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland?
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland, are you there?
[from: Taylor] Mr. Kirkland, I know you are upset, but don't leave me hanging like this!
Nice. He woke up and had to deal with this first thing in the morning? Way to go, Arthur. Way to go. He hated to admit it, but Ms. Taylor had a point. Plus, even though he hadn't really done any of that on purpose, leaving her hanging had kind of been a dick move, so at this point the writer didn't feel like he really had any chance to refuse.
[to: Taylor] Sorry, fell asleep and woke up now
[to: Taylor] Fine, I'll go
[to: Taylor] But double-check if it's really today
This was giving him a migraine. He just hoped it would end soon.
It would not, as it turned out.
The journalist and photographer that had been assigned to Arthur's interview got stuck in a faraway airport due to the weather and wouldn't be able to come until well after office hours. Why assign him someone who wasn't even in town anyway?
Ms. Taylor was making calls and sending e-mails nonstop, trying to find someone in his place, while Arthur had long ago given up on keeping up appearances and was snoring lightly, sitting at the table in the small meeting room after grumbling for hours about lost ideas and productivity. Or at least until Ms. Taylor shook him awake.
"Mr. Kirkland. Wake up. Mr. Kirkland!"
"Hmmm... What now?"
"I found a man that's available right now. He's worked with us a few times. He'll be here in 20 minutes."
Arthur, despite still having sleep in his eyes, arched an eyebrow in suspicion.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to call someone in such a short notice?"
"He's worked with us before, Mr. Kirkland. He's a good professional, you'll be just fine. Actually, you'll be more than fine. You'll like how he isn't pushy or invasive."
"Ok, ok, fine, you've already called him anyway. What's his name?"
"Kiku Honda."
Using a pseudonym was practical, guaranteed his privacy (at least to some level, since his face was still known) and generally let him live his life in anonymity, or as close to it as possible. Sure, he would have liked a bit more of alone time, which had been restricted to the times he was at home ever since his book series became a hit, but hordes of fans wherever he went, paparazzi or flooding requests from readers to add him on social media weren't a problem as of yet, and he appreciated it.
But now? Now he cursed having opted not to use his actual name when he started publishing, because this very detail put him in the delicate situation of being interviewed by an ex-roommate... Whom he used to have the hugest crush on and actually based quite a few of his early characters on. Now, he was no creep, only the drafts written still on his college days or works that had been based on those had anything to do with Honda and he'd eventually moved on, but that was... Embarrassing, to say the least. If only he'd used his actual name to publish, then maybe Honda would remember the terrible reputation he'd had as a college student and refuse!
(not that it was going to actually happen, but Arthur could try to fool himself, huh?)
Ms. Taylor had forced him to get himself to look minimally presentable, so there really was nothing to do but wait until the doomed meeting happened. Really, why was he getting so worked up? It wasn't like his feelings were reciprocated; Honda may not even remember him. Honestly, not even he thought about it that much at that point.
The interview had been a disaster. Arthur had been so desperate to not let it seem too obvious to Honda that the inspiration to a few characters had been him (a few of which he specifically asked about) that, in the end, he didn't really answer anything that was asked in the depth that he wanted, could have otherwise covered, or really in any depth. Whatever he'd said in that interview could have very well been generated by an automated text generator, and he was not proud of that. At all.  
He plopped on the bed after having had a few too many drinks and somehow managing to come back home on his own – none of his (admittedly scarce) friends were in town. Thankfully, he just basically forgot his phone even existed, or else he'd probably just embarrass himself further.
[friend request from Kiku Honda – 3 friends in common]
[message from Kiku Honda – add to your friends – block]
Hello, Mr. Evans. I'm sorry for the intrusion; may I, however, add you as a friend on social media? I don't know if you remember me, but we were roommates for a few years during college. The interview was very interesting; I'd like to talk to you more, this time as a friend.
Arthur almost fell from bed as he read those words next morning, thinking that must have been a dream or a hallucination. Damn, had he taken something he didn't remember? It couldn't be. That shitty interview had actually gotten Honda interested? No, it couldn't be. He was probably just saying that out of politeness.
Hello, Mr. Honda. Thank you for your kind words. Of course I remember you, I just didn't think I should mention that at the interview; I wouldn't mind adding you on social media or talking more, provided that you keep my name private.
No, wait, what had he just sent? Stupid Arthur, was he a love-struck teenager all over again? Keeping contact was a bad idea from the start, Honda probably wasn't even that interested-
Thank you very much, Mr. Evans. Would you mind meeting up for coffee sometime later this week, then?
This wasn't making any sense at this point.
Of course! I don't have any other appointments.
To be honest, such straightforwardness was even a big uncharacteristic of Honda – or at least, of the Honda he'd known from quite a few years ago. But who knows what life might have brought him? Maybe... Maybe it could be interesting to know what had happened...
… Was what Arthur would have liked to think, but deep inside he was freaking out.
A few months later, he'd laugh about this whole ordeal, but the Arthur from now just had no way of knowing this.
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wowimnervos · 7 years
1p!America headcanons
Everyone gets sick of food after eating too much of it for too long: when Alfred gets sick of hamburgers from McDonald’s for a while, he constantly whines and complains about it. Matthew has to hear a lot of it, and gets very annoyed by it, but he just smiles and nods. He’s offered to give Alfred suggestions of food to try, and Alfred usually declines. He usually eats a lot of chicken nuggets during this time. He spams people with pictures of the nuggets, annoying Arthur to no end. Ivan asks if it’s supposed to be a meme. Kiku is confused by it, but just accepts it as Alfred’s weirdness.
Alfred usually sleeps in just his underwear or in sweatpants in the summer. In the winter, he likes to pile a ton of blankets on top of himself; Alfred finds the feeling of tons of blankets strange, but in a good way. Since Alfred tends to toss and turn, by morning, the blanket or blankets tend(s) to be in a giant tangled mess.
Some of the TV shows he watches are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gotham, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Agents of SHIELD. His favorite turtle is Leo, mostly because he’s the leader. In a human AU, as a child, Alfred would get Francis to buy him toy katanas meant to be like Leo’s. In canonverse and a human AU, Peter (Sealand) and Alfred play ninja turtles, taking turns being Leo. They both collect figurines and play with them together. Alfred kind of ships Nygmobblepot, but is not too intense about it. 
Alfred tried taking medicine for his ADHD once, but he didn’t like how it made him felt, so he didn’t stay on it. 
While he doesn’t read much, Alfred will randomly take a day to just read. His favorite genre of books is fantasy. He really enjoys books by Rick Riordan and the Eragon series. Once Arthur got him to read the Harry Potter series, and he loved it. He was obsessed with it for a little while, but after awhile decided to move onto another fandom. He cried while reading <i>My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell you She’s Sorry</i> and had tears in his eyes when reading the end of <i>Inheritance</i>. 
He’s a bit of a weeb. Not a huge, annoying one that tries to learn anime from reading the subtitles, however he does really enjoy watching anime. Sometimes, he’ll watch it with Kiku, but he prefers to watch it on his own. That way, he can pause it or use the bathroom whenever he wants. 
He has most Marvel and DC comics, and has a slight preference for DC. Alfred does, however, enjoy the Marvel movies more. 
When Peter was very young, he was terrified that he’d want Alfred to watch TV shows with him. Peter did a few times, but Alfred got him to not watch Dora. They watched Diego instead, and avoided the episodes with Dora in it. 
Alfred likes all kinds of music, but mostly prefers pop, punk, and rap. He has a hard time choosing favorite singers, rappers, and bands. 
Alfred still buys a lot of CDs, instead of only listening to them on devices like his phone and his iPods. 
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ask-punk-teenage-kiku · 10 years
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/gasps/ H-Hey! /holds her back/ I don't even know you why are you doing this! /blushing bright red/ ask-firebender-fem-romano ((I did have a picture planned for this but arm so sorry ; n ; ))
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ask-punk-teenage-kiku · 10 years
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/bites bittom lip seductively/ why not all the homo~ I only bite a little
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ask-punk-teenage-kiku · 10 years
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Don't have much of a choice do I .... grxmpykind ((Tada rainbows and unicorns XD))
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