whats popping henri
“The sun! Haha... Nothing much! I’m currently just hanging out with Yilin right now.  The weather is really nice! I really like the summer here.”
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Oleksiy: “Also, if you need to talk, can you make an appointment?” [ft @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan ]
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welcome back @ask-hetaaca-czechaslovak @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan!!! the big brother squad are ready for action!
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Adéla: "Most recently? When Jaroslav and Nezha needed to be picked up from some party, piss drunk, only for me and Yi to find that they'd somehow lost Marick. Naturally it took all of us until about 4 in the morning to find him."
tags: @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan @ask-hetaaca-germany @ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium
[Adéla in the second image: "You're both so fucking stupid what is wrong with you two why are you just sitting there how did you manage to forget the name of one of your closest friends what other South African with gold freckles could you two possibly know you are both so irresponsible you can't even be left alone you are grown men who came to this island to get an education and yet instead we are here at 2 am on the other side of perpetuum because 3 grown men cant be trusted to drink responsibly"]
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ask-hetaaca-germany · 3 years
🔮 any chara !! - (ask-hetaaca-chiwanan)
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@ask-hetaaca-chiwanan love this fucked up little rat bastard
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[happy one year anniversary (11 months ? 10 ? i cant keep track, one of those) to the big brother trio fusion. love you jarilick . art improvement is real and it lives here. @ask-hetaaca-southafrica @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan for marick and yilin nezha credit respectively]
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Eurotrip Holiday Event Start
[dialogue below the break!]
[ft @ask-hetaaca-southafrica @ask-hetaaca-germany @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan @arcvd---ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium]
marick: do we all have plans for the break?
jaro: yea!! me and adéla are going home to see our parents!!
henri: i'll be going back to my family's home too ^___^
yilin: I'm gonna stay home!!! :D
marick: cool guys omg!! im going home too :0 i want to leave my stinky little sister on the plane
adéla: what's stopping you?
marick: our guardian lol tian will take away my phone </3
henri: 😂
jaroslav: tell tian i say hi :D!!
yilin: Tell him i said hi too!!!
henri: me too!
marick: no he broke the wifi he doesnt deserve it
jaroslav: guys i think im gonna lose subs over the break :callmecrying: the wifi back at the house isnt that great ;;
henri: that's too bad.. : ( get well soon
jaroslav: thanks henri :(
yilin: It'll be alright!!! 
yilin: Ludwig what are you going to do over break???
ludwig: Well. I will find something to occupy my time.
adéla: ...do you have anywhere to go?
ludwig: My mother's estate was granted to me, so I will not be... out on the street, if that is what you mean.
adéla: ...jaro can you ask mama something? 
jaroslav: :00 huh?? 
adéla: check your dms.
marick: ok shady
jaroslav: brb!!
jaroslav: OK BACK!!!
jaroslav: POG SHE SAID YES :0!!!!! 
adéla: ludwig, you're welcome to come home with me and jaroslav for the break if you want.
ludwig: ......Uh. Thank you? Are you sure I would not be intruding? I understand that the break is meant to be dedicated to family.
adéla: you wouldn't be.
ludwig: I suppose I do have nowhere else to be. If you truly want me there, I would be honoured.
jaroslav: :0!!!!!! OFC!!!
marick: lmfao have fun on a farm
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[yes instead of getting back on the ask train i spent two days on this]
[featuring the clownsquad @ask-hetaaca-germany @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan @arcvd---ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium and a tiny little @archive-hetaaca-2pgreece in the bg]
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[meme redraw hours, featuring yilin from @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan]
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[thank you for the amazing art @ask-hetaaca-chiwanan, the same person responsible for illustrating Big Forest in China,]
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