#ask: šŸ«
snwusberry Ā· 2 months
yeonjun is definitely the type to smile into a kiss
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it's the big moment. you're both here standing in front of all your friends and family on this very special day facing each other with big smiles on your faces. you and yeonjun have already said your vows and tears have been shed at the sweet words you've said to amd about one another. you're looking at each other in anticipation as the priest says a few closing words.
"and by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss the bride."
you and yeonjun move closer and he rests his hands on your waist and your arms find their way on his shoulders as your lips touch. as everyone around you guys claps and cheers at the union, yeonjun can't help but smile against your lips.
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ratedfleur Ā· 28 days
NEED dom hanbin fucking you relentlessly after seeing his new postā€¦. I think i may be going insaneā€¦
ā€” šŸ«
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i get u, darling.. i get uā€¦ šŸ˜«
he would be relentless as he bends you over the dining table, one of his hands would be on your head, forcing it flat against the wood while his other hand would be slapping your ass if you attempted to move or wiggle underneath him.
ā€œstop fucking moving.ā€ hanbin moans, feeling your cunt clench when he plunges deep into your warmth. your whines are loud as your nails scratch the table, fingers desperately trying to hold onto the wood as hanbin fucked you.
if you came around his cock, he wouldnā€™t stop or pull out, instead hanbin would continue fucking you until heā€™s satisfied with the amount of cum he dumped into your cunt.
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kuniihoonii Ā· 13 days
OKAY SO. i felt awkward to keep saying "mommy/daddy" especially in quotes so I just put dots instead so you can choose whatever he's calling you <3. Also put pegging in bc why not <3.
NOW. Aven slipping up and calling you mommy/daddy šŸ¤­ here we goooo. And tysmmm !
Aventurine being so lost in the pleasure. Mind going dumb when he tips over the edge for the nth time <3. Slipping up and calling you either mommy or daddy, saying its "too much." He probably didn't even expect himself to say that, it just happened.
He might realize what he said and try to apologise. Cut him off right before he can even finish saying "sorry." Tell him to keep calling you that. He's DEFINITELY got a mommy/daddy kink. Once he's sure enough you're into it too, he'll start calling you that more often <3.
NOW IMAGINE THIS !! You're pegging him <3. And he starts calling you that šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«. " ... please, more~" that whiny voice of his <3 ughhh. Oh and when he's getting close to cumming <33 "Please ... wanna cum, so close ... please" he'd be so fucking loud <333.
OH AND TO CALL YOURSELF THAT !!! "Yeah, angel? Want ... to give you more?" Talking to him like that while dicking him down will make him go dumb <3. You'll have him nodding like a dumb puppy <3 wanting more <3. And ofc I will never imagine a scenario where we're not praising him. So do call him your good boy <3.
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voxasks Ā· 3 months
ā€œhelloĀ  everyone!Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  aĀ  semiĀ  importantĀ  announcementĀ  evenĀ  ifĀ  theĀ  topicĀ  soundsĀ  satire.ā€
ā€œmanyĀ  peopleĀ  haveĀ  askedĀ  meĀ  aboutĀ  theĀ  alastorĀ  bodyĀ  pillowĀ  multipleĀ  timesĀ  beforeĀ  andĀ  theĀ  topicĀ  wasĀ  recentlyĀ  broughĀ  upĀ  inĀ  myĀ  inboxĀ  again!Ā  AĢ¶GĢ¶AĢ¶IĢ¶NĢ¶.Ā  soĀ  i'veĀ  decidedĀ  toĀ  justĀ  answerĀ  yourĀ  questionsĀ  onceĀ  andĀ  forĀ  all!ā€
ā€œiĀ  doĀ  notĀ  haveĀ  aĀ  bodyĀ  pillowĀ  ofĀ  alastor.Ā  unlikeĀ  youĀ  dry-throatĀ  dickĀ  vacuums,Ā  i'dĀ  actuallyĀ  likeĀ  toĀ  spendĀ  myĀ  moneyĀ  onĀ  thingsĀ  thatĀ  areĀ  worth allĀ  myĀ  overnightĀ  workĀ  andĀ  theĀ  billionsĀ  ofĀ  cupsĀ  ofĀ  coffeeĀ  atĀ  theĀ  veeĀ  tower.Ā  alastorĀ  andĀ  iĀ  wereĀ  friendsĀ  forĀ  years.Ā  iĀ  wishĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  dead,Ā  butĀ  heĀ  isn't.Ā  itĀ  isĀ  notĀ  aĀ  crush,Ā  butĀ  anĀ  ongoingĀ  rivalry,Ā  evenĀ  ifĀ  heĀ  doesn'tĀ  seeĀ  itĀ  thisĀ  way,Ā  heĀ  continuesĀ  toĀ  replyĀ  toĀ  myĀ  programsĀ  aboutĀ  himĀ  whichĀ  leadsĀ  meĀ  toĀ  believeĀ  heĀ  caresĀ  moreĀ  thanĀ  heĀ  saysĀ  heĀ  does.Ā  theĀ  pictureĀ  iĀ  haveĀ  ofĀ  himĀ  wasĀ  takenĀ  withĀ  hisĀ  consent.Ā  theĀ  otherĀ  halfĀ  isĀ  atĀ  largeā€”atĀ  least,Ā  toĀ  youĀ  viewersĀ  thatĀ  is.ā€
"iĀ  knowĀ  itĀ  isĀ  richĀ  comingĀ  fromĀ  meā€”nevermindĀ  itĀ  isn'tĀ  voxtekĀ  sponsorsĀ  manyĀ  showsā€”butĀ  please,Ā  learnĀ  toĀ  viewĀ  thingsĀ  fromĀ  context.Ā  iĀ  don'tĀ  thinkĀ  youĀ  areĀ  toddlersĀ  andĀ  ifĀ  youĀ  areĀ  youĀ  wouldn'tĀ  beĀ  ableĀ  toĀ  readĀ  thisā€”iĀ  don'tĀ  thinkĀ  iĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  spellĀ  thingsĀ  outĀ  forĀ  youĀ  everytime.Ā  iĀ  amĀ  goingĀ  toĀ  giveĀ  youĀ  theĀ  sameĀ  answerĀ  everytime,Ā  soĀ  unlessĀ  itĀ  isĀ  aĀ  variationĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  questionsĀ  iĀ  justĀ  answered,Ā  thenĀ  pĢ¶lĢ¶eĢ¶aĢ¶sĢ¶eĢ¶. rĢ¶eĢ¶aĢ¶dĢ¶. tĢ¶hĢ¶eĢ¶. fĢ¶iĢ¶nĢ¶eĢ¶. pĢ¶rĢ¶iĢ¶nĢ¶tĢ¶.ā€
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esoterictboy Ā· 3 months
frat tboy x sorority tgirlā€¦
idk this makes no sense outside my own brain but ur posts are making me šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
(no thatā€™s really cute havenā€™t felt like answer these in a minute but this got me!!! sister and brother sororities/frats sometimes like assign pledges to help one another)
I think itā€™d be cute if we were at the same party manning the drinks and you couldnā€™t make eye contact cause you were shy and since Iā€™m shy too so I get it. Im making eyes at you and youā€™re wearing one of those cute pencil skirts and my hand brushes up against your thigh, while Im making you laugh. Until Iā€™m standing right in front of you and you can feel the front of my jeans pressing up against you since Iā€™m crowding you against the counter. You can feel my bulge through the fabric and I can see your eyes starting to get all big because youā€™re trying not to smile. I can see the strap of your thong peaking out so I slip my finger under it and tell you itā€™s cute a pull it back so it snaps against your waist. You bite your lips trying to ignore the heat between your legs. Then Iā€™ll make some joke about how you should join the wet tshirt competition and you say itā€™s too embarrassing and so Iā€™ll lean in until you can feel my breath against your neck and say ā€œitā€™s just cause I wanted to see your titsā€, like a secret. My hands will slide up the back of your shirt and Iā€™ll scratch my nails down your skin. You tell me that you want me to see so you take my hand and pull me into the bathroom and lift your shirt up, youā€™re looking away like itā€™s embarrassing but your tits are really cute and your nipples are so puffy and when I tell you this you smile. Iā€™ll ask you if I can touch them cause they just look so soft I wanna squeeze them, and when you say yes and I start rubbing my finger over them youā€™re covering your mouth so you donā€™t whimper to loud and have people hear us, Iā€™ll ask you if I can put them in my mouth and you nod vigorously. I laugh cause that was cute, and you can feel my breath against them. I start mouthing at them, and sucking one before moving to the other and switch off by massaging them and getting them nice and wet while you try to stay upright humping against nothing but the fabric of your panties because your so turned on. I stop and your skin is still wet when I ask if you wanna fuck.
15 minutes later my pants are around my knees and Iā€™ve got one hand on your waist and another on your tit pounding into you from behind and telling you to look how pretty you are in the mirror. Iā€™ll slide my hand down and play with you until you cum so loud one of your sisters comes to the door asking whatā€™s going with my dick still inside you and your knees buckling. Youā€™re still shove yourself back on my dick and stuttering out ā€œe-everythingā€™s f-ineā€ to try and get her to leave.
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kysuguru Ā· 9 months
hello lovely ! how are you ? i hope you know we are so happy you are looking well. i hope this october will treat you with the kindness and gentleness you deserve. šŸ¤
i would like to ask for your thoughts or even a short drabble on the all mine reader ! i can see them having adorable habits such as leaning their head towards someone to ask for headpats or often making heart gestures towards shoko, satoru, suguru, and just about anyone :ā€¢")
i love the way you write the all mine reader, i think i speak for plenty of us when i say we relate to them a lot. so sorry for the long ask, thank you for blessing us with your writing ! please don't feel pressured to write all the time for us. šŸ«‚ā™”
- šŸ•Š
october is already treating me well even tho iā€™m only three days in, i hope the same for u!! seeing as october is my favorite month i hope u enjoy it to the fullest, u are very sweet and deserve this drabble!!!
yes yes reader is affection and touch deprived, or sort of, affection thatā€™s genuine anyways. her mom always had a motive behind her ministrations so reader still tends to crave touch thatā€™s real. and lucky for her the lucky contenders stsg (+ shoko) are more than willing to provide.
one time reader finishes a mission with no faults and is subtly seeking praise, suguru notices and sends you a soft smile, patting your head and soothing the back of it. ever since then, you were hooked.
anytime you felt something you did needed any type of approval, you sought out geto. you werenā€™t subtle with it like you thought, geto knew you too well, yet he indulged you every single time. he doesnā€™t think you even noticed the way youā€™d instantly tilt your head slightly towards him. his heart palpitated each time and he had to resist not showering your face in kisses.
gojo catches onto all of this soon after, but heā€™s a jackass!!! feel free to smack him. heā€™ll try to make you askā€¦ raising his eyebrows with that stupid smirk, knowing just what you want but not giving it ā€œfreelyā€ as he says.
you ignore him, swiftly leaning towards geto, who sends his best friend a smug smirk over his shoulder.
also the heart gestures!!! thatā€™s so cute!!! i have a feeling sashisu did it with reader as a joke and it kinda stuck.
you jokingly blew shoko a kiss (albeit shyly, and nervously because you had to look stupidā€¦), yet she catches the imaginary kiss with a stupid grin, a cigeratte hanging between her lips and she clutches her hand to her heart, faux-swooning. itā€™s been a thing with the four of you ever since, and lest the boys try it on shoko she makes a show to grab the kiss and throw it to the ground, violently stomping on it while gojo stares on angrily.
stsg both know now to only do it with you and each other.
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I donā€™t have a-! *sigh*
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Hereā€™s the other 1/2 favoritešŸ’™
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kekaki-cupcakes Ā· 1 month
can i have a lunch pls?? (is this how you do this?)
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Child of Hebe
Definitely fights with nunchucks.
Has a vanilla ice cream machine in your cabin. You have to ration it out for your younger siblings who'd eat vanilla ice cream and only vanilla ice cream if they had the option. You'd have a really fluffy comfy bed. With heaps of teddies.
Good friends with the Stolls. No one would ever believe the angel that you are would cover for them.
Whacked an especially vicious monster over the head with a protest sign once and went on the Camp Half-Blood wall of fame. It's just polaroids stuck to the bathroom mirror, but still.
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski.
Annabeth would definitely come to you when she needs a break from running her cabin and you'd both just deep breathes and then play scrabble for hours. And eat vanilla ice cream.
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snwusberry Ā· 6 months
Beomgyu is definitely the kind of boyfriend to share the other earphone with his s/o
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no bc he's literally comfort in human form imo so like imagine you had a bad day and he's waiting for you so you can walk together to the bus stop. he can sense that you're not in the mood to talk so instead he takes it to the playlist the two of you put together and plugs in his earphones, offering you the other ear. you two sit together at the bus stop together waiting for the bus as he let's you rest your head on his shoulders and you watch him play games on his phone.
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ratedfleur Ā· 5 months
tag, whos completely obsessed with eating you out. Making eye contact with you while tongue-fucking you makes him so hard. He loves seeing all your cute facial expressions and hearing all your cute whimpers as he tongues your hole, thumb circling your clit. BUT plot twist: with him making you feel so good, tears of pleasure start rolling down your face and he swore he couldve came in his boxers right there. SOOO dacryphilia tag???? Thoughts??? Iā€™m going insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
ā€” šŸ«
tag would definitely be so desperate to make you cry and cum too, he would diligently get in between your legs and immediately latch on your cunt, tongue lapping up your slick before toying with your swollen clit before moving down to your hole, flicking the tip of his tongue against the gaps.
even while toying with your hole, he has his eyes fixated on you who kept writhing as you arched your back, moaning as tag kept eating you out.
he even slips a few fingers into you, curling them up inside of you as heā€™s flicking and sucking at your clit, smiling when he sees you start to tear up and pull at his hair to pull him closer to you.
tag hums against your pussy, making you whimper before you called out to him with a shaky voice. ā€œā€˜s too much baby..ā€ you sniffle, only to feel tag finger and lick you up with no remorse, only listening to your whimpers and sniffles.
tag purposely hikes your thighs up, pushing them up only to place them on his shoulders, letting him get closer towards your cunt only to properly slurp and suck at your sensitive bits as he fingers you, making you cry out to him before balls of tears start cascading down your face as you try to push him away despite your mouth telling him to keep going.
he smiles before lying his tongue flat against you, flicking his tongue at your pussy like an dog drinking water. you shriek, crying out as you told him you were close.
tag simply hums as he ate you out, watching as you cried out to him before you started cumming on his tongue, making him gleam at the taste of you against his tongue.
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hotchs-big-hands Ā· 9 months
šŸ« If you wanted to, could you write a drabble/blurb where the Aaron and the reader are trying out a new kink/scene for the first time. Up to you on what it is, but maybe itā€™s something Aaron would have needed some time to learn or build to. Something about him researching for you to keep you happy and safe šŸ„¹šŸ˜
Yassssssss Aaron enjoys doing a lot of research on things you two can get up to in the bedroom šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° let's say he's intrigued by wanting to handcuff you and be a lilllll rough with you šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£ when you first got together he never ever would have given it thought but sometimes he overhears you talking to the girlies (he doesn't intend on listening in but he won't lie about not being curious) and well, you admitted to the ladies that you want Aaron to handcuff and "interrogate" you so to speak...
And now ever since then he's not been able to stop thinking about this šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« every time he puts his cuffs in his back pocket he's thinking about what you want him to do to you. It's becoming a bit of a problem now. So he caves in and does a bit of research on the subject and oh MY he was certainly excited abt it šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£ and so the next step was to sit you down and tell you abt it so he can gauge your reaction. You're very pleased, he can see the arousal clouding your eyes and your discussion takes a turn šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£
It's a little bit of time before anything happens regarding the kink, there was a case afterall. But when you're both home he claims he needs to go and get smth from the store. You're fine with that, busy organising setting the table for dinner, that is until he comes home and sneaks through the house to ambush you šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£
"(Y/n), hands where I can see them!" He barks at you, startling you to whip around to face him. His stare is dark and dangerous, his body tense. Oh... you slowly move your arms to hold them above your head, trembling.
"S-sir? What are-"
He rushes forward and pins you against the dining table and leaning right down until his face is inches from yours.
"You have the right to remain silent. Now turn the fuck around."
He manhandles you, turning you to press your front onto the table and you hear the clink of his handcuffs. He leans over you again, his chest to your back and you feel his breath against your ear.
"Is this okay?" He whispers. You smile to yourself.
"Mhm, more than okay..."
With a hum, he clicks the handcuffs into place and he grabs you to stand straight.
"I need to ask you a few questions. So you're coming with me, understand?" He hisses. You nod meekly.
"Y-yes, sir..."
Let's just say you're unable to answer any of his questions... šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£
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voxasks Ā· 3 months
į”£š­© ā€¢ ļ½” EVENT : 200 FOLLOWERS <3 ( CLOSED )
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just to avoid any confusion, please type the emojis in the beginning of the ask and nowhere else unless youā€™re signing off as a specific anon, thank you!
this event is ENTIRELY based off of @hellishradioā€™s <3
asks regarding this event will be tagged under ā€˜.voxasks 200 eventā€™.
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ā€” contents :
šŸ‹ . . . ask me anything like my headcanons, opinions of my muse, how i write my fics / think of my ideas or responses, or even my personal life
šŸ¦‹ . . . send me a plot / story idea you have for my muse and i will tell you how i would write it (so kinda like an imagine?) though my main blog is specifically a fanfic blog so you can also just send in any requests if you have any at @bindeds (and ofc, i take vox requests lmao)
šŸ’§. . . send a ā€œdress/draw vox in _____ā€ and i will draw it!
šŸ’¦ . . . send me any character from hazbin hotel and i will provide any opinion, vision, or headcanon about them!
šŸ« . . . tell me about yourself anonymously and vox will tell you his inner thoughts about you! ( gender + personality + likes + dislikes + hobbies + etc, you don't have to answer all sections if you're uncomfortable! )
šŸ§Š . . . put vox in a specific scenario! and he will react!
šŸŒŠ . . . vox can't lie LMAOOO send any asks and my muse will tell his truth!
šŸ› . . . ask a question! works like a regular ask but i will add an ooc comment of my headcanon so there's more info!
ā„ļø . . . send in anything you're sad about, whether it be a vent, something you're stressed about, etc. vox and mod will give you advice! ( send anonymously please, and include any trigger warnings! will be tagged ā€˜.voxasks adviceā€™ so if you don't want to see asks like this, please block the tag. vox wonā€™t be such a bastard obviously, because i just know this man has SOME sad backstory somehow )
šŸ„£ . . . send any confessions and vox will react!
šŸ³ . . . send a headcanon about vox and both vox and mod will react!
šŸ“. . . i love how you portray your muse
šŸ‡ . . . i love your aesthetic and graphics
šŸ’. . . you're one of my favourite blogs
šŸ„© . . . your posts always make me happy
šŸæ. . . im grateful for your blog
šŸ„¤. . . admiring from afar
i look forward to your asks guys, thank you again so much for 200 ! it really has been so fun with you guys <33
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kekaki-cupcakes Ā· 2 months
This is me responding to ur Hit me hard and soft pjo event!!!
I would like a Lunch (why does this sound like I'm ordering food lmao) pretty please if u don't mind :)
Don't stress if u can't manage to complete it I really don't mind ā™”ā™”ā™”
Goodluck with ur event and thank you in advance !!!
(Also feel free to ask me any questions if u need to)
I love your blog it's so asfghjkjhgfdsaa [a fellow solangelo stan!] enjoy and keep the asks coming Xx
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I hope it's on point lol
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willowser Ā· 8 months
i think ive seen only one other person talk about a beauty and the beast au with bakugo
he's so good for it ! a lil rotten prince...........with his bad attitude and beastly appearance šŸ„ŗ only to be restored by true love if he can ever find it !!!! šŸ˜¤ i do really enjoy this trope though bc he would be so bad at romancing you anyway....but now he's shy bc he's a beast and also bc he stole you LOL how's he gonna get you to love him !!!! how can he be sweet and gentle enough !!!
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youjustfeelthemforever Ā· 2 months
ALRight bestie, can i get uhhh context??? i only know like 2 guys from the incorrect quotes yall are messing around with, who are these guys???? <- wants to know how to picture em lol
also been so fun readiing the shenanigans hahaha
Uhhh Chrumblr server RP got kinda out of hand haha and now we've got this whole plot and an ever-growing cast of characters that currently consists of
Nia Rosewood - Chaos's oc, everyone's little sister (one is younger than her and that's irrelevant haha)
Venatrix - Vixen and Chaos's shared oc, angry murder girl.
Nightwing, aka Dick Grayson - The big brother, nobody knows his true identity but they get why he's hiding it.
Grillface and Sploto - Kirbe's ocs. Creachers. Sploto is a very cat-like in manner kirbe and Grillface is a thief of a waddle dee.
Arrio McKay, aka Spellblazer - You know the Best Boy (>:D). Did his best to avoid letting people know he was a superhero but ultimately failed when he set his hands ablaze and threatened to light Peter on fire (they don't get along).
Peter Parker, aka Spiderman - Classic Gen-Z, opposes murder (as do a few others), a certified little shit. Doing his best to hide his superhero identity. Hates Arrio as much as Arrio hates him (LET THE RECORD SHOW THAT PETER CAUSED THE INCITING INCIDENTS OF THEIR INITIAL CONFRONTATION).
Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil - Might as well be Peter's dad. Blind but has heightened senses. Helping Peter keep their cover as heroes.
Lieutenant Strike - Moob's Star Wars oc. No-nonsense clone, extremely confused with all these Earthlings. (Why don't they know what a holo-map is??? Are they stupid???) Perhaps not as perpetually angry as she seems to be.
Raoul de Chagny - Terrified sobbing French man who loves his wife.
Christine DaaƩ - Terrified-but-better-at-hiding-it French (actually Swedish tho) woman who loves her husband. Often tries to stop fights between Peter and Arrio, usually fails (by no fault of her own - those two are wild).
(Note from blog author: Raoul and Christine are under the protection of the entire group. Hurt them and suffer the consequences.)
Maddox Darling - Christi's Star Wars oc. Due to time shenanigans I don't understand (lmao), is friends with Strike in the future. Strike is extremely confused.
Basically the plot is these characters all showed up in a small town in the middle of nowhere with no memory of how they got there, and now they're trying to figure out where they are and how to get back to their respective universes without killing each other (looking at Peter and Arrio). Also some of them are starting to realizing that they may or may not be fictional, but those who were elsewhere at the time of the discovery still have no idea.
So uh that's basically it I think? It's kind of a lot but we're having a blast lmao. People keep joining and adding characters and it's really chaotic and fun haha.
Also, completely unrelated but WE GOT ANOTHER ONE BOYS (you know what I'm talking about heheh)
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snwusberry Ā· 1 month
CEO!Hwa is my bread and butter. The reason I get up in the morning. The air that I breathe.
no because he'd LIVE to spoil his partner anyway that he can. he's be on some other, "you know, i noticed you've been tense lately and being couped up in here isn't really gonna help that so i booked you tickets to the maldives."
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