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jungkoode · 18 hours ago
"Keep it down," he murmurs against your mouth, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. "Unless you want an audience."
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qzwzp · 8 months ago
¿Ñaro, Hay alguien con el que te lleves mejor de la ToMan? Por saber...
Ñaro: Jumm... yo creo... sip, estas personas me caen bien ºuº
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sharkface · 1 year ago
hiiii shepard i love you so much!!!! c: i hope today’s treating you kindly you’re a lovely friend and i’m really grateful for you and i want you to be happy ^_^ (gives you a great big hug)
HI EMMA -spins you around- THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are doing good as well ^_^ I love and care you my friend
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callmewrinkles3 · 2 years ago
Happy belated birthday to the wonderful @magical-imagination-kgp. Hope it was a lot more enjoyable than the angst we’re sending your way!
April 2022
Staring at the closed door Blake knocked twice. With no response he knocked again and again.
“Ems! Open up. I need to see you.”
It had been too quiet next door since they’d gotten home from Australia. The usual music was gone, Em and Dan’s laughter non existent. Blake was worried about his friends since Em had left ahead of them but Dan insisted it’d be fine. Then the email and he was pretty sure it only went to him, not Dan. But now he was leaving for Imola, Em wasn’t around, and he had to get through a race weekend without his right hand.
“I’m opening the door. Don’t throw something at me.” The key slid into the lock easily and he stepped inside. A serene stillness around him meant he knew Em wasn’t home. Fuck.
Instead he locked up and grabbed his bags, organising his taxi to get to the city airport. Usually he’d get the tube, but he’d run late trying to get a not there Em to open her front door. He was barely going to make it to the plane. At least this time they were going private with Lando, it’d be easier.
Going through privately was practiced now, directions to the jet provided as he half jogged to the steps. The jet company representative was at the bottom.
“You’re not last, don’t worry Mr. Friend. Take your time, we won’t leave without you.” He smiled tightly, swallowing to ask the question. If Em was still on the manifest then Dan thought she was coming. Fuck.
“Who’s left to come?”
“Ms Smyth. Is she on her way?”
“Emma isn’t coming. We can leave once I’m on board.”
Getting onto the plane Michael waved him to the seats he and Dan were already in, cards shuffled and dealt. Blake sat in the seat beside Dan, subtly blocking most of the aisle access.
“Mate, that’s Emmy’s seat. Move over.”
“Dan we need to talk.” His voice was grave and his best mates looked up at him. Why did he have to fucking do this? “Both of you. After she came back to London, Em sent me an email resigning effective immediately. She’s not coming to any more races.”
“Fuck. Let me up, let me up.” He’d never seen desperation like this on Dan’s face before, but the plane was already moving and Blake felt like shit for revealing the news like this. Lando and Max were looking across at them as Blake gripped Dan’s arm to the seat. Michael was looking at them slack jawed, but Blake had to ignore him and concentrate on Dan.
“You can’t do anything. She wasn’t home, I tried seeing her today. When we land call her. But this is her decision, Danny. It’s all her.”
“She never said she was thinking about this.”
“Maybe she didn’t realise. But she made up her mind.”
The moment they were airborne Dan pulled out his phone, calling Em over and over. Blake just watched as he did. Everything in his body was screaming that when they got back to England after this race things would be changed for good, but he couldn’t think about that now. Get to Sunday. Get to Sunday. Four nights, five days. They could do that and come home to see Em and fix things.
He wasn’t even going to consider what the alternative would mean.
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goldpilot22 · 3 years ago
konoha from kagepro..... including outer science version :)c ?
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he's literally the guy ever. the veyr definition of no thoughts head empty I am rotating him in my head as we speak (hex says he shitted the bathtub that's why that square)
also tbh outer science konoha to me doesn't count as konoha sjdhjdgh I would still be a little afraid of regular konoha if he was real though, just because he stronk
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soliiel · 6 years ago
📷😔🎤😕🤯🐍 and 👕?
putting this under a read more cuz it got long sorry dsefghf
📷 favorite design of a charactergotta go with konoha. i mean did you see those clothes? total mess. fuck yeah. hand them over i want them
😔 most underappreciated songngl? idk which songs are considered popular?? however ene’s cyber journey fucking SLAPS and it doesnt even have any fanmade pv OR cover (to be fair i dont think anyone can sing that fast asfdg)
🎤 favorite song to singayano’s theory of happiness because its. the first song ive learned? i cant reach those high notes but its never stopped me
😕 what in the story would you changegive shintaro some respect women juice. stop being an incel bastard (thats not the only thing but i dont wanna go into. shittier stuff)
🤯 favorite headcanons everyone. gay/trans. now.
🐍 which snake would fit you bestoh man im. really not sure? im gonna go with kido’s but i have to think about it more just.. later
👕 do you own any merch y..yeah.. when i went to my first con there unexpectedly was official kagepro merch so i went feral and bought like 70 bucks worth of it. i have so many keychains i dont use. kano got fucking decapitated. its so sad
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study-korean · 6 years ago
Hi! Could you please make a post about your time at Sogang KLEC (I think you're studying there?). I'm going Spring and Summer semester and will hopefully start from Level 5 and do KGP. I want all the deets! Please! Tips, heads up, pros, cons, would be awesome.
Hi! I’m actually not studying at Sogang now, I only studied there for one semester in 2016 and I studied level 4 so I’m not sure I can really help you. I’m pretty sure @bieups studied up to level 5 and was there for much longer so maybe you can check her blog. Maybe the only advice I can give is to take better advantage of your time there than I did. Honestly, that is the only time I have studied Korean not through self-study and it didn’t totally match my personal style. 
I will say Sogang was good for my first time living in Korea because it had enough structure and support to help me develop a routine and meet a couple of friends in class, and was still not so difficult or time-consuming that I couldn’t explore on my own time as well. Sorry it’s too long ago now for me to think up a list of pros and cons and I’m not sure what would be relevant, but let me know if you have any specific questions and definitely have an ask around some of the other Korean blogs here cause there are other people who have experience at the KLEC!
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jasonbehrs · 3 years ago
🏰 nothing’s been won 🏰
by airauralintensity (aka me, jasonbehrs!)
a super junior fanfic about the purpose of power
“Of course I love this country!” “Tell me, then, what would you give up to save it?”
ship: none chapter: 2/3 word count: 1.4k rating: K
read it on ffnet, aff, wattpad, ao3, or below!
Whoever is reading this story probably wants the epilogue already, and you'll get it! I'll upload this and the final chapter on the same day, so you won't have to wait for long. However, I couldn't let this fic exist without providing more information on what my headspace was like while I was writing it. This may be considered an author's note, but really it's an essay. Feel free to skip if that doesn't interest you, and feel free to disagree with what I write below. It's just an explanation.
On the matter of leadership, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk have such an interesting dynamic. Kyuhyun has a lot of respect for Leeteuk but is clearly frustrated with the way he handled and continues to handle things, so I wondered, "If we abstract this to a situation where a change of power has more at stake, who would win?"
I personally maintain that if Leeteuk and Kyuhyun went head-to-head in a real-life battle of charms where leadership is at stake, Kyuhyun would win, as he does in my story. His wit lands with more people; he sings better; even his recipes are more interesting. (I think the only kind of battle Leeteuk could win against Kyuhyun actually would be a physical one lol, but even then I'm confident Kyuhyun would make Leeteuk earn that W.) However, Kyuhyun's win would undoubtedly mean a loss for the whole, and that sentiment is what I aimed to convey through the epilogue.
I'm deeply aware no one asked for this, but interpersonal character studies of real-world people ahead.
This fic was borne out of the House Party Comeback Show BTS; SJ's House Party MV Filming OIV Parts 1 and 2; and KRY's appearance on ODG. In the BTS, Kyuhyun was all, "You don't think you could be in SJ anymore? Okay, bye then," "You're tired of this? I feel fine, though," and just generally affecting supreme callousness about members' concerns. While this is obviously a fake conversation with situations and reactions caricatured for humourous effect/for the camera, there is so obviously a grain of truth there. Kyuhyun is such a naturally independent and self-motivated person that the concerns of a larger group in times of immense crises may not have been met with as much calm-headed empathy as Leeteuk has been known to show.
The events portrayed in the OIV episodes are subject to much more interpretation. Kyuhyun condemned Leeteuk's old school manner of variety entertainment and mulish dedication to his nitpicky chef bit, empowered by the teasing and negative reactions of the permanent hosts. Especially held in conjunction with the extravagant and jet-setting lifestyle of Jackson Wang's segment, Kyuhyun's embarrassment (and dare I say, jealousy?) was evident. The ODG video lends itself to this interpretation as well.
I am not saying Kyuhyun is embarrassed by or embarrassed to be associated with Super Junior (at least, not any more than the average ELF is ^-^;;) . I suspect his emotions are more nuanced than that.
Super Junior was the biggest K-pop act in the world up until their 2015-2017 hiatus, and they continued keeping their image and personal branding relevant by participating in extracurricular activities such as acting and emceeing. Their collective branding suffered as a result, such that the KGP consciousness recognises the members as individual personalities but almost never within the context of Super Junior as a group, much more as idols. You can see it in the ODG video when the child he's paired with recognises Kyuhyun as a variety entertainer, recognises the name Super Junior, but doesn't recognise him as a Super Junior member. That cognitive dissonance is what causes Kyuhyun's shame, and that is why I have the initial argument between Leeteuk and Kyuhyun in the study rooted in a foreign relations problem for their kingdom.
Most members' variety personas almost entirely preclude their status as K-pop idols; so in settings such as the OIV episodes, Kyuhyun would probably prefer they highlight and showcase that facet in order to introduce a fresh dimension of their personalities to the KGP. Instead, Leeteuk dons this zany, chaotic, and self-effacing caricature that doesn't just dominate the majority of the episode but also sets an expectation for the other members' behaviour as well—cue Kyuhyun's disdain.
In response to this, I offer the following: Leeteuk knew exactly what he was doing.
Leeteuk actually does something similarly ostentatious in the House Party OIV Part 2, which I will analyse for the benefit of a diverse example set (though there are comparable conclusions to be drawn from his actions in OIV Part 1).
When Yesung was next to Leeteuk during hair/make-up, Yesung would have remained silent for its entire duration—resulting in less screen time—if it weren't for Leeteuk's overly repetitive persona he had adopted for the day. Not only did he guarantee Yesung's extended screen time; but in positioning himself as the personality foil, Leeteuk ensured Yesung was portrayed in the most positive, relatable light. The only reason this worked is because he was overdedicated to the impersonation and has been all day. If Leeteuk just did that all of a sudden, in the moment, it would have been too easy to write off. The beauty is that this whole scheme would have worked with anyone, and I fully believe Leeteuk knew that. If not Yesung, he would have targeted another member who would be hurting for screentime. It was member promotion with the ulterior motive of entertainment, and he executed the former so subtly that it would trick someone less familiar with how Leeteuk works into thinking it was a side-effect instead of the entire point.
Kyuhyun is indeed adept at creating entertaining television, and we all know he has no problems performing similar kinds of antagonism. However, if he did decide that would be his persona for the day, he has too much pride to set himself up to look bad the way Leeteuk did. Any orchestrated exchange of fortune for the purpose of entertaining television would have left him either with a marked benefit or breaking even. Sure, entertaining television accomplished, but at the knowing expense of your members? And if he had performed this with any frequency over the past 17 (at the time of this fic's publication) years? Talk about a toxic work environment. "It's not that deep. They'd just talk it out," you might argue, at which point I will refer once again to the callous caricature from the House Party Comeback Show BTS.
And that's not all! Leeteuk's bit additionally made for a more engaging—therefore lasting—impression, not just for himself but for SJ as a whole. In the age when idols must have a variety presence in order to maintain KGP relevance (a standard, I will point out, which SJ themselves set), it's no longer enough to simply be funny or fun to watch. You need to give people something to talk about, and Leeteuk did that. Even though it is so obviously contrived, that's peripheral to the impression people get. Instead, the hosts say stuff like, "Wow, you have strong personalities and managed to last this long?" which is the impression viewers carry with them even when the episode is long over. As he is now, Kyuhyun does not have it in him to pull off such a layered scheme.
Everyone loves citing the stealing-from-UKnow and the begging-not-to-pay-for-extra-sodas type stories, but I don't think enough people give credit to the subtle ways Leeteuk continues to be their leader now that they are all grown adults with successful solo careers that don't need Super Junior anymore. There's a different kind of leadership strategy one must utilise when there is absolutely nothing holding people to the organisation you're leading, and Leeteuk has been able to gracefully mature into this style by virtue of his persisting tenure. Not only was Kyuhyun a poor candidate for leader in their early stages, but he couldn't even serve as leader now.
We will never know what could have happened if he were forced into leadership as Leeteuk had been, but this essay isn't about that. It's about what we know of Leeteuk and Kyuhyun, past and present, and how it aligns with the position. Despite Kyuhyun's continued wish, it is a truth universally acknowledged by SJ and ELF that if our leader were anyone other than Leeteuk, we would have disbanded ages ago. I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way.
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jungkoode · 20 days ago
You guys are so spoiled rotten, I swear. But fine. Here, take this tiny little nothing for Chapter 8. Don’t say I never give you anything.:
"Evening, JM." You smile at him, because it's hard not to. His aura always feels like a warm blanket—the complete opposite of V's chaotic energy.
“Good evening.” JM’s voice is soft, gentle. “I hope the night finds you well.”
“What is this, fucking Shakespeare?” V waves his hand dismissively. “Save the fancy talk for business hours. Tonight’s for getting wasted and making bad decisions.”
Now go. Run wild. Spiral responsibly.
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loyallogic · 5 years ago
Why writing skill will make or break your career 
This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.
Writing skill is something that many budding lawyers fail to appreciate. Many lawyers work very hard to develop really good public speaking skills. However, writing skills often get neglected. And it is a grave and costly mistake.
When I was in NUJS, once I had the good fortune of attending a credit course offered by Prof N. L. Mitra, who was a partner at Fox & Mandal at the time. He is also the 2nd VC of NLS Bangalore and founding VC of NLU Jodhpur. He played a key role in setting up a law school in IIT Kgp.
One day I asked him in class, something seemed to be a very important question to me.
Why do these law firms pay so much to hire NLU graduates? 
That was 2007, the market was on an all-time high, and our seniors just had bumper recruitment. 
Why are these law firms ready to shell out big salaries to fresh graduates?
It is primarily their command over the English language, and especially writing skills, as per Prof. Mitra. It is very, very hard to find lawyers who have really good writing skills, and the first few NLUs were able to offer lawyers who wrote very well.
Writing well takes a long time to learn.
I agree. One of our biggest challenges in LawSikho is to find good writers, in the content team as well as the marketing team.
If you are good at writing, you can not find a job. 
There is a huge demand for content marketers today. If you can touch, move, and inspire people with your writing, you would be in very high demand. 
If you can tell stories, if you can make complex concepts easily understandable, if you can get people hooked with your writing, you do not really need too many other skills.
And lawyers need that level of writing skill and much more.
They have to learn to make their writing not merely informative, but persuasive. They have to deal with volumes of documents and excessive information, which they have to present in a way that makes the crux obvious.
For lawyers, often the presentation is as important as the content itself. They have to learn how to present their content in an effective way, and how to take their readers through different stages of realization so that they can effectively persuade the reader.
The lawyer’s ability to think through various situations and possibilities is critical, as is being able to express specific and general ideas in black and white that leave no scope for ambiguity. Sometimes, they have to introduce measured and carefully planned ambiguity as well. 
Even before you get to argue before a judge, he will probably read your written submissions. 
Even before you meet the other party for a huge negotiation, you will persuade and influence the other side with your writing.
The contracts, notices, and petitions you draft and the precise clauses you craft, or not, will be noticed by clients, bosses, judges, and peers.
Are you investing in learning how to write well?
Here are some unexpected benefits of learning to write very well
You will become a better reader. Writers are usually better at picking up subtext, understanding the context apart from merely content and figuring out what the author is coming from rather than getting all caught up in the words or information or a plot. You will even begin to notice the tools of persuasion or influence deployed by the writer or the lack thereof when you read. 
You will become better at analysis and conflict resolution if you practice writing extensively. 
More than anything else, writing is a way of thinking. Writing regularly helps you to develop an ability to organize information and associate one piece of information with another in your brain in an organized fashion. 
Writing also can improve your cognitive abilities and improve your memory.
Writing will help your mental health. Writing has a therapeutic effect on our brain and our overall health.
Expressive writing, which involves writing about yourself, your emotional experiences, and thoughts can not only heal past wounds and trauma, it will also help you to connect with other human beings in a meaningful way. 
Writing is an underrated leadership skill. It helps you to connect with people in a very different way. You can influence and force people to think through your writing, and you can cause people to change.
People who write better are more likely to grow faster in their careers.
Your work, learning, and intellect will often be judged, in college, in the workplace, among peers, in the court, by clients and in the community, based on the quality of your writing.
When you learn to communicate better through your writing, your verbal communication is also likely to improve to a great extent.
Writing will help you to find friends and like-minded people and connect better with them.
Your thinking and learning can become permanent when you write them down.
Writing will force you to think better and refine your most important ideas.
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How can I improve my writing?
Write with a purpose. What do you want to do through your writing? Entertain, persuade, compel, interrupt, influence, suggest, or inform? Be very clear about your intention.
Have a clear target group in mind. Do not write for everyone. If you write with a specific type of audience in mind, you will be more effective with that audience and your writing will become sharper.
Be clear about what is good writing. Difficult words or complex sentences do not make good writing. It is better to judge writing by its impact. How many people will benefit from your writing? How many people will be influenced? Will your writing make a big difference to someone?
Avoid platitudes and fillers. When you write cliche sentences, resort to repetition that serves no purpose and write long and awkward sentences, it makes your text harder to read. The easier to read and more engaging any writing is, the better it is.
Try to engage. The holy grail of good writing is great engagement. If the reader gets involved in the text, if their brain lights up with new ideas, excitement, feelings and emotions, that is the best you can hope for. That is the hallmark of great learning.
It is better to be brutally honest while writing. Write about things that you deeply feel about and care for. Write true and honest feelings. Write about things that make you angry and upset. Write about things that excite you and fill you with hope. This is the best way to write extraordinary prose or even poetry for that matter. Readers can feel your emotion when you write with that kind of palpable emotion.
The alternative is to write about things that people really want to read about. In that case, you have to give them more than they have imagined. If readers are not left with an ‘aha’ or ‘wow’ moment after reading your prose, then why were you writing? Your content will be forgotten and discarded.
How much do we focus on writing skills in LawSikho courses?
In every LawSikho course, writing plays a central role. You have to write at least one article per month while studying in a LawSikho course, and that is mandatory if you want a certificate. We offer almost daily writing classes where accomplished legal writers trained by us will help you with your writing, free of charge to most of our premium course students. 
At the heart of our courses, there are weekly assignments. It is through the assignments that you learn most of your practical skills. Most of these assignments are based on writing – drafting contracts, notices, petitions, advisory notes, position papers for negotiations, and memos, you end up writing a lot every week. What is more, you get in-line feedback on your writing so you can improve yourself week on week.
We even provide good articles produced by you with a publishing platform. After all, we run the iPleaders blog, one of the largest law blogs in the world with close to a million unique readers per month. 
We even guide you if you want to publish your articles elsewhere. Our students have published articles in leading newspapers and online media portals.
We have a team that is exclusively charged with the duty of encouraging students to write and publish articles and provide them with the necessary training so that they can improve their writing skills month on month and produce publishable articles. 
By the time you are done with a LawSikho course, you would probably have a bunch of published articles to show off in your CV!
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How does writing skills help our students?
They use article writing for the purpose of networking with potential employers and clients and get their attention.
Their CVs stand out. They also get the right kind of attention on social media due to their regular publications.
They become better lawyers, well rounded influential professionals, and better human beings, which is our ultimate goal.
Not each and every learner accomplishes the same level of success with their writing but I can vouch that every person gets to improve their writing skills a great deal.
Is there a dedicated course for improving my writing skill?
We have a dedicated Legal English course that will help you to rapidly develop your writing skills alongside overall language skills. 
Out of 3 classes per week, one is dedicated to writing skills, while two others are dedicated to grammar and oratory skills.
This course is backed by a one-month money-back guarantee. You can check it out absolutely risk-free.
Here are the LawSikho courses in which you can enrol right away
If you are interested in corporate governance, you should check out the diploma in Companies Act, Corporate Governance and SEBI Regulations;
If you want to get that in-house counsel job, go check out the diploma in Business Laws for In-House Counsels;
If Industrial and Labour Laws interest you, go take a look at that diploma course;
The Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Laws will be booming in the coming times, if you’re inclined towards that career, check out that diploma course;
If you’re sure that your niche lies in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE & VC transactions), go check out that course;
The Cyber Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology Contracts is in dire need of good young talent if that is what ticks for you, go check out that course; and
Every young lawyer should check out our diploma course in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution. 
Check out our other executive courses which can be helpful: 
We have a certificate course in Advance Corporate Taxation; 
You can also check out this course for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; 
If Trademark, Licensing; Prosecution and Litigation interest you, we have a course for that;
LawSikho also teaches Competition Law, Practice and Enforcement in a course;
Technology Contracts will be essential to every business in the future, you can check out that certificate course; and
Knowledge about Banking & Finance Practice: Contracts, Disputes & Recovery is essential for every BigLaw layer, you can check that out too.
LawSikho has created a telegram group for exchanging legal knowledge, referrals and various opportunities. You can click on this link and join:
Follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing legal content.
The post Why writing skill will make or break your career  appeared first on iPleaders.
Why writing skill will make or break your career  published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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airolcus · 5 years ago
IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home
IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home
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IIT-KGP has asked its students and researchers to vacate the hostel premises and go back to their homes by June 20. Registrar B N Singh told Press Trust of India on Sunday that institute wants the students back in campus on September when the new semester begins. “Of the total 12,500 hostel boarders, 5,400 were there when the lockdown began in end-March. Another 3,000 were transported home last month and around 2,400 are presently staying in the campus,” Singh said. “Instead of staying in the campus with no classes being held in classrooms, they can spend quality time with family and resume classes from September,” Singh explained. “Since the academic session 2019-20 has been closed and all academic activities will be completed within June 15 and the normal academic activities may only start from September, we request the students (UG, PG, research scholars) and project staff who are staying in the hostels/ halls to proceed for their home now. The institute will close mess facilities in all hostels/halls with effect from June 20,” according to a notice issued by the registrar. For researcher, Mr. Singh said that they can do their research work from home and on mail as the faculty is responsive to their needs.
Source: https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/iit-kgp-asked-students-and-researchers-to-go-home-10437
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callmewrinkles3 · 2 years ago
Most of these are thanks to the questions from the wonderful @magical-imagination-kgp. If anyone else wants headcanons about Em, Dan, or a point in their relationship feel free to ask!
Em cannot tell if someone’s flirting with her. At all. Dan has pointed out more than once that someone flirted with her in front of him. But when she’s watching a girl flirt with Dan? Oh then she can tell.
Before Dan starts spending the night with her every morning involves instant coffee, and it’s whatever was on special when she went grocery shopping. Once he’s there most of the time he insists on real coffee - and calls it that. He picks up a moka pot for most mornings, but if they’re running late it’s a Nespresso machine in a cabinet that they’ll pull out. Dan’s always the one who makes her coffee in the morning, he gets up first. It’s more milk than coffee with two pumps of caramel syrup, and the constant threat of “I swear, I won’t sleep with you for a week if you use oat milk for mine!”. He doesn’t dare.
She doesn’t have any things she consciously does when she gets dressed. After she gets her underwear on she’ll brush her teeth and wash her face and then get dressed. Everything goes on right side first - her right arm, her right leg, her right shoe and sock.
The way they do chores depends on where they are and what time it is. When they spend some of the winter break in Perth it’s pretty much 50/50, and it’s the same when they settle for good at the farm. If it’s during the season everything tends to fall to Em though. She’s the one cooking because Dan can only cook breakfast, but she deliberately tries to do everything else so he can focus on driving. She wants to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about anything apart from driving and his work. He always insists on loading the dishwasher and he makes breakfast for them. Grocery shopping is usually online and Dan puts it away, but while he’s still racing Em does the rest of them. 
She loves driving. Usually she’ll drive to the circuits unless it’s somewhere that it’s better for Blake to do the driving. If she and Dan are going somewhere she drives 90% of the time, he’d rather chill out and choose the music and stare at her as she drives. She is not a fan of driving his sports cars though. If she absolutely has to she will, but she’d rather something that doesn’t attract attention the same way a blue McLaren does. She didn’t learn to drive until she finished uni, and never bought a car until 2022, but she’s good at it and enjoys it. And she’s so much better at parking than Daniel. So much better. There has been teasing.
When it comes to books Em is a romance novel kind of girlie. Any crappy Kindle Unlimited tropey romance novel makes her happy. Novels in general are her thing, as long as it’s something with a happy ending and not too grim. Historical fiction and fluffy stuff are her go to. Apart from that she loves anything about art, history, comic books or graphic novels. She’d much rather her true crime on TV or in podcast form than in a book.
In case you couldn’t tell, she’s a Swiftie. Taylor is constantly top of her Spotify Wrapped, and she’s proud to call herself a swemo. Apart from Taylor it’s pop punk and classic rock. Dan got her into country but she’s not the biggest fan (although she has been known to scream sing the chorus to Penthouse by Kelsey Ballerini). She’s always more than ok with whatever he puts on the speaker, if it makes him happy then she’s happy (and if she’s really not a fan she’ll put in her earplugs, but that rarely happens).
Em doesn’t watch a lot of TV, all their travel means keeping up with shows is hard. She’s like Dan and finds the news too stressful, so she keeps BBC News and ABC News push notifications on her phone to keep up with big stories, but that’s it. Her favourite show is Criminal Minds, and between that, whatever police procedural she finds a rerun of on tv, and true crime documentaries that’s her usual TV consumption. Does Dan think it’s a bit creepy? Yes. Did he end up loving Criminal Minds too? Also yes. Em ingests a ridiculous amount of knowledge from her documentaries, more than once she can cite exactly what case they’re pulling from the headlines in a tv show. Whatever random comedy Dan’s started watching she’ll watch too.
She rarely turns on the main light on her bedroom. She has fairy lights and her nightstand lamp, and those are normally the ones on. If she needs to look for something then she will turn the other light on, and she has a lightbulb that you can change color with a phone app.
Em is really, really sensitive to textures. Everything needs to be soft or it makes her feel like she’s crawling out of her skin. Whenever Dan’s buying clothes he always asks her if she likes what he’s looking at, and he doesn’t just mean the look but how it feels. When they were finding suppliers for Ric3 they had to go through the Emmy test to make sure that she was comfortable in them. She normally is at least curled up against his clothes, if not stealing his hoodies, so if they don’t feel right then he’s not getting them. Fabrics that are an immediate no are polyester and velvet and silk. Anything that’s cosy and kind of brushed cotton or leggings type material she’ll always approve of. She also loves shiny clothes, but that’s usually because she’ll wear a thin shirt underneath just to make sure it feels good. Dan always jokes, saying she’s shining on her own and that she looks gorgeous whether she’s wearing them or nothing at all.
She loves flowers. They’re one of her favourite things. When Dan’s away at races before she’s travelling with him all the time he sends her bouquets so she’ll smile. At least one from every arrangement gets pressed so she can keep them, and she has a huge box with them in it. She doesn’t have a favourite one, she loves the symbolism behind them more than the look of them..
Em has a ton of tattoos. So many of them. She’s the person with all the tiny little ones, apart from two big ones. Each of them tells a story, but here’s the list. The Kiss by Klimt in line art on her thigh, the number 3 on her wrist, a planchette with a tiny 13 in the centre of it on her inner arm. A teeny tiny heart between her boobs, and she got the letter D on top of it. “Baby girl” written very small. Their wedding anniversary on her ring finger. A snake around her ankle. The quote “Long story short I survived” across her collarbones. A line of flowers from the top to the bottom of her spine. The first time each of her babies wrote “Mama” she got it tattooed as soon as she could. She has so many tattoos because of Dan. A sun, he wrote “I love you” on her foot and she decided to make it permanent. Two teeny tiny hearts drawn by Isaac and Isabella. She and her three Australians have a peppermint leaf tattooed on them. Over time she got the name of their kids tattooed. She also has a bouquet with birth flowers from the months she, Dan, and the kids were born. After she and Dan got back together they got the outline of the Monaco circuit on their ribs. One night when they were ridiculously drunk they did stick and pokes of a tiny messy heart on each other’s hips and they both love them so much.
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joyceneves07 · 5 years ago
IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home
IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home
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IIT-KGP has asked its students and researchers to vacate the hostel premises and go back to their homes by June 20. Registrar B N Singh told Press Trust of India on Sunday that institute wants the students back in campus on September when the new semester begins. "Of the total 12,500 hostel boarders, 5,400 were there when the lockdown began in end-March. Another 3,000 were transported home last month and around 2,400 are presently staying in the campus," Singh said. "Instead of staying in the campus with no classes being held in classrooms, they can spend quality time with family and resume classes from September," Singh explained. "Since the academic session 2019-20 has been closed and all academic activities will be completed within June 15 and the normal academic activities may only start from September, we request the students (UG, PG, research scholars) and project staff who are staying in the hostels/ halls to proceed for their home now. The institute will close mess facilities in all hostels/halls with effect from June 20," according to a notice issued by the registrar. For researcher, Mr. Singh said that they can do their research work from home and on mail as the faculty is responsive to their needs.
source https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/iit-kgp-asked-students-and-researchers-to-go-home-10437
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meanbeau · 5 years ago
IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home
IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home
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IIT-KGP has asked its students and researchers to vacate the hostel premises and go back to their homes by June 20. Registrar B N Singh told Press Trust of India on Sunday that institute wants the students back in campus on September when the new semester begins. "Of the total 12,500 hostel boarders, 5,400 were there when the lockdown began in end-March. Another 3,000 were transported home last month and around 2,400 are presently staying in the campus," Singh said. "Instead of staying in the campus with no classes being held in classrooms, they can spend quality time with family and resume classes from September," Singh explained. "Since the academic session 2019-20 has been closed and all academic activities will be completed within June 15 and the normal academic activities may only start from September, we request the students (UG, PG, research scholars) and project staff who are staying in the hostels/ halls to proceed for their home now. The institute will close mess facilities in all hostels/halls with effect from June 20," according to a notice issued by the registrar. For researcher, Mr. Singh said that they can do their research work from home and on mail as the faculty is responsive to their needs.
Source: https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/iit-kgp-asked-students-and-researchers-to-go-home-10437
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brainbuxa12 · 5 years ago
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IIT-KGP asked students and researchers to go home https://ift.tt/2C9lp6J
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superpruchika99world · 5 years ago
Worrying trend: In last few years, hacking in India sees alarming growth
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Technology News India’s hacking ecosystem has seen manifold growth over the past few years. And, today, there are thousands of hackers that are carrying out clandestine operations but have escaped the glare of cybersecurity experts.
Recently, BellTrox InfoTech Services, a little-known Delhi-based technology firm, which was at the centre of a hacking operation that targeted thousands of emails of high-profile people, had hogged the limelight.
ALSO READ: IIT-KGP researchers develop AI-based system to track social distancing
Thousands of young people, mostly based in small Indian towns, often self learn how to hack or break into systems, devices and networks to figure out ways to make easy money.
“The BellTrox incident is not surprising. Several companies or individuals who provide services like social media management to their clients may be asked to do some kind of hacking. The money is better in such work, but not everyone will agree to do it...Read more.
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