#ask vyra
vyragosa · 8 months
curse debuff stacks of having so much ideas to explore for a fandom that will build a fanon personality to a character relentless proved to be a grave digger as well as chopping up said bodies to sell to labs in edwardian era as an anxious shy mess and a physics professor and inventor that stopped a colleague from continuing working on a dangerous invention that eventually blew his colleague up from doing it regardless as a spineless coward
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thesmallestmango · 17 days
Hi. I'm curious about your ocs.
What are their names? Their stories/backstories? Is there anything else about them that you'd like to share? Could be something completely random, I'm just curious about them, in general
Okay okay okay I love you whoever sent this
(In this world you can be born with magic or be a hybrid)
So first up we have Vyra and she was born with magic. So she studied at a prestigious academy then went out and took on an apprenticeship with this Sorcerer at her place. She needed the money and a place to leave. But slowly she started asking for more and more dangerous stuff (ingredients for bad powerful spells that idk just not great)
So one day the sorcerer tell her to go into the city nearby and 1. find out what people were saying since they’ve been pretty cut off from others and the academy is controlled by a corrupt monarchy. And 2. Get the very hard to get ingredients for her next “project”
So she tells Vyra to go to X person and they will sent them on the journey. But when they do turns out it’s with a a bunch of people who think they are going on a different journey. So as they do she has to inconspicuously gather the materials. As they Heading over on this she realizes like ‘oh shit she is bad bad’ and had been adding to the harm that has happened to the city.
So when they are done like Vyra goes back to the sorcerer and is like here is all your shit I’m done with you. So she garbs everything she can from her work and sprint outta there. But not before the sorcerer grabs ahold of her arm and kinda imprints a magical sigil on her arm. And has controlled animals chase her out. (That is not the last of her she will see…)
So the people that she went on the journey with are actually like all my other ocs but that’s all we get for right now ;)
I’ll tell you a bit about the others tho. VVVVV
So there is Allis, he is a hybrid with some creature with wings and so are most people where he was from, but he was captured for the valuable feathers and now his wing is still healing so he can’t fly without hurting.
He was saved by Ren (hehe I know) who, she is the kinda the leader of the underground group that’s working against the king and the others who think all magicals and hybrids are just evil and should t exist. (She has no magic)
Then there is Mozi, who has a mechanical arm and two mechanical fingers. Um she is kinda backsmith and builds all the weapons and stuff. She’s very handy with a mace.
Mozi works with Tieran who is a “fire” hybrid. They help out in the shop and fuel the fires. They are a very handy lock pick n stuff. They do when going out have to wear a hood n etc cause being a fire hybrid is very noticeable.
And last but not least we have Austrii who is also studying magic. He is where the group gets most there information on people and events. He can get into most places but his real alliance is with Ren.
Heheheh tahnkssss
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spaceboy-art · 2 months
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A rare glimpse of one of my characters!
As u can see her name is Vyra. Codename Ghost. Uses she/her
Some info:
She's Russian
She's sort-of an android. Her human conscious was placed into a man-made body to make her a super soldier. She doesn't remember anything of her life before.
She has a "dummy plug" ai that her superiors can use to remotely control her if need be. (Neon genesis evangelion reference)(the dummy plugs in-world name will be a sukuna and yuji reference)(<- on account of her still being aware of everything while being remote controlled)
Her insides are blue.
I think she's really cool.
Feel free to ask questions!
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childlikegoblinqueen · 10 months
Huntlow Week Day # 6: Opposites/Owl House.
Meet me at the Owl House at sunset. - H 💚💛💚💛
Willow ran her fingers over the sharply written script.
As always? Hunter's handwriting was very distinct.
Very recognizable.
His t's always crossed at the same angle. All letters written at the appropriate heights -- sitting exactly on the line below.
Belos had trained him so very well.
As a child, Hunter was forced to write line after line, copying the exact form and wording as directed by the man monster who had forced him into a tight mold. Belos took Hunter from the ground, and like so many who'd come before -- all the others who had been cloned from the doomed model that was Caleb Wittebane -- the Emperor had covered Hunter's face in a mask, wrapped his body in a uniform, and proceeded to break and re-make him until there was no piece of Hunter permitted beyond what his creator had allowed.
So of course, when Willow saw the green and gold hearts Hunter had added to his signature -- a symbol for the connection between them -- she melted immediately.
It had been a year since Willow had met Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams Hunter at Hexside and the plan had been that the two would go to see The Bloodied Teeth -- and specifically Captain Vyra Spidervein play the Screaming Sidhe in the Flyer Derby Playoffs. Unfortunately the game had been postponed due to an outbreak of the fire flu which took out three members of the Sidhe and two of the Teeth.
"I'm gonna make it up to you." Hunter told Willow.
"Pfft." Willow had waved him away. "It's not like you have anything to make up for! It's not your fault they got sick. They'll reschedule the game when everyone is better and we'll go then."
"Oh nonono." Hunter shook his head quickly, "We'll go to the game, but that won't be on the actual anniversary of the day we met! A - a-and I want to make it special for you!"
So on the morning of the first anniversary of the day they had met, Willow was awoken by the a soft cooing sound on her balcony. Owlbert stood perched with a note in his beak inviting Willow to the Owl House.
As she approached the front door, she saw Hooty -- in his usual spot -- with a sly smile across his round face.
"Helloooooooooooo Captain!" Hooty's smile spread. "Hoot Hoot."
"Hey there Hooty!?" Willow said brightly. She was surprised to see him there, honestly. Hooty spent much more time with Lilith than in the actual Owl House. "Whatcha up to today?"
"Ooooooooooh. Something....." The Owl Tube sang dramatically. He blushed coyly, wrapping himself around Willow's back, he nudged her inside. "I heard today was a SPECIAL day for you and your LOVERBOY!"
"Waaaaaait a minute." Willow crossed her arms. She spun around to look at Hooty, nose to beak. "Please don't tell me you kidnapped Hunter to do a Tunnel of Love thing?"
There was no question that the letter had been from Hunter, but Hooty was relentless. Golden Guard or not, given the chance? Hooty would beat Hunter in any fight.
"Tell me the truth Hooty!" Willow leaned in. "Where is he? Did you make him write that letter to me?"
"Cool your jets lady!" Eda sassed from inside. The Owl Lady was smiling coyly. "Blondie actually set this up for you himself and it took him three whole days to work up the courage to ask for use of the tunnel under the house so..."
"Make sure you give him a SMOOOOOOOOCH! Hoot!" Hooty smiled again. "SEEEEE YOU DOWNSTAIRS!" He sang. With that the house demon curled into a heartshape and slithered away.
Eda smiled and handed Willow a piece of paper featuring an intricate glyph. Willow tapped the middle and it folded, lighting up to for a light in the shape of a flower.
"Follow the light." Eda nodded, "he's waiting for you."
Willow's face flushed just a bit. The flower light began to hover over her hand guiding her down the stairs though the basement to a platform lined with flowers. In the middle stood King Clawthorne. The child titan wore a little tuxedo.
As Willow approached King cleared his throat. "Invitation please?" He reached out a claw.
"Invitation?" Willow but her lip. "Oh!" She reached into her pocket and handed King the letter from Hunter."
"Hmmmmmm." King produced a little monocle from his pocket and placed it on his eye. He perused the letter before returning it to Willow with a nod. "Yep. That is authentic! Please step on!"
Willow stepped on the platform and King pulled a level slowly floating them down to a dock where Raine Whispers stood playing their violin.
"Ah! Hey there." They smiled as Willow approached. Clearing their throat Raine leaned in and looked towards the empty dock. "Listen." They said. "Just so you know, he's been practicing for 48 hours straight, and I think it's perfect, but you know him and..."
"Raine." Willow wiggled her nose. "I have no idea what's going on, but whatever Hunter's got planned ? I already love it."
"That's what I told him!" Raine threw their hands up, "But you know him? Everything's got to be perfect and -- well?"
Before Raine could say anymore a swan boat pulled up -- with the face of an owl. On top stood Hunter, guitar slung over his back. He slid down Hooty's neck and met Willow at the dock.
"My lady?" He said formally. Dressed in what looked to be a handmade suit in the colors of the Emerald Entrail's uniforms, Hunter bowed his head and held his hand out. Willow took it and he helped her into the boat. She took a seat as the Hooty-swan boat pulled away from the dock.
"Aren't ya gonna sit next to me?" Willow shrugged.
Hunter shook his head quickly. "N-no ma'am." A self assured smile crept up on his face. "Not yet at least?"
"Hunter." Willow sighed, "What's this all about? You know you didn't have to go through all this for just the anniversary of the first day we met?"
"But I did," Hunter sighed. "B-because you changed so much for me that day. A -and I don't think I realized how much until --things went wrong? And then I didn't see you for a long time, but I thought about you a lot and -- "
"Hunter?" Willow smiled warmly, "Again. That's water under the bridge! Sit with me!"
"No. Not yet." Hunter shook his head. He moved his guitar to playing position and covered it with various glyphs as the boat began to move. "Willow Park." He began. "So much's changed since we met, and there was so much I wanted to tell you back then -- but I couldn't. S-so I wanted to show you what it felt like -- to meet you."
Hunter's body began to glow -- his guitar burst into a ball of light as each glyph awakened. He began to strum a giddy tune, and he sang.
Ooh, you make me live Whatever this world can give to me It's you, you're all I see Ooh, you make me live now, honey Ooh, you make me live
Oh, you're the best friend that I ever had I've been with you such a long time You're my sunshine and I want you to know That my feelings are true, I really love you Oh, you're my best friend
All around the scene -- set up with cheesy hearts and animatronics changed to a garden of beautiful flowers and vines.
When the song was finished, Hunter let out a long breath. Willow just sat. Her words sat in the back of her throat, where her heart pounded. She remained silent.
Hunter's confident smile faded. "O-oh. Was that too much?" her murmured. "I told Hooty that the normal tunnel wouldn't be enough, but he swore that's how Luz and Amity got together and -- mmmph."
Willow launched forward covering his mouth with her lips. When the two broke apart she smiled coyly.
"You serenaded me on a boat." Willow smiled. "This is the best anniversary gift ever."
"Better than Vyra Spidervein?" Hunter scratched the back of his neck.
Willow laughed. "Yes, actually."
"Oh. Cool." Hunter shrugged. "Then I guess I can sell those tickets for the rescheduled match and--"
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Willow growled playfull.
Hunter chuckled softly and pulled her into a hug. "Happy anniversary, Captain." he whispered.
(Yes Vyra Spidervein is from @lollytea's fic <<< Link)
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hiddendragontavern · 1 year
I’m asking on behalf of @scaredfurryfire
how much would it cost to stay a night?
(Ooc: the aforementioned blog is a secondary blogx which can’t ask anyone…)
They are pusillanimous enough to ask ano- *crushed into floor*
(Ruby: Glow up Nami)
Sure! We'd love to have her spend a night. We have the best food and beds around!
Normally, it's about 5 gold a night but Draco usually is benevolent towards Vyra and their friends.
*gasp transition*
(Drake: Just Bakugo)
I'd love to have another magic user around. I can try to help her learn control.
How? You're not a sorcerer. I am.
*Waddling up* Sounds like we are all in agreement!
*already nomming Vyra* No objections
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slimylittlemaggot · 1 year
Can I ask you to draw tiny me and Vyra (cow stealing gal) sleeping or nomming each other's tails?
You draw amazing art and I figure tiny us would be just as dumb if not dumber.
Throw yourself in also! Even more cuteness!
Absolutely! I'll start working on that in the morning!
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kagrena · 2 years
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1E659. Leftunch
There had been no resentment shown on his part, Rtheldren could say that much.
He had welcomed her on arrival. Had offered her tea – knowing she'd laugh and refuse, making that same old crack about 'her secret supply'. Had even offered her a tour of the facility - which she'd also refused, she'd seen it at least a dozen times, she'd seen all the research facilities a dozen times, as he knew well – and he had smiled – even laughed – while they reminisced about the 'good old years', all those fond tales of her madcap workshops where he and the rest of her apprentices would toss around earth-shattering ideas like they were weightless – the world still a puzzlebox to be cracked, the brassprints to rework the entire architectural academy something they'd hash out over supper. Halycon days. Before they knew what a storm really tasted like.
"Do you really still enjoy it out here, Rtheldren?" Bthemetez had asked him, with a particular stress on really.
It was a pointed question. Rather than questioning the logic behind it - a younger Rtheldren, more easily rattled, would have asked her: what did she mean, really? That out here, out in the Velothi mountains, in a small but uneventful research facility whose only claim to fame was that it had simply been ignored by the Nords, that could have been left to rust, was beneath him? - he instead had laughed gently - she had not changed one bit, had she?
He had said: "Yes, I do. Really."
It was an honest answer. His old mentor may not understand - she had never lost so much at the Grand Debate - but what he had here, his fellow engineers and him had managed to construct out of very little, by their own hands. He had come to value it. He had come to see meaning in the rhythm of a quieter life, away from the raucous debates, where he mostly fixed things of minor importance. What other Dwemer Architects would call utter tedium.
And so when Bthemetz, 'The Brass Architect', his old and still, despite everything, beloved mentor, then asked him for his support at the next Grand Debate, he had answered thus:
"No, I cannot."
It did not seem as if Bthemetz had anticipated this answer.
"Respectfully, why?"
Why? There were a dozen reasons. The fact that despite whatever old sentiment the Choir had towards either Bthemetz the Martyr, the old folk tales, or "The Brass Architect", the respected Tonal Architect, the debate that she was planning to stage – at the eleventh hour, while they were on the brink of a war, against Kagrenac, against her Numidium, concerning ethics – was academic suicide. The fact that it had only been twelve years since he last supported someone on such a venture. The fact that Bthemetz, an mer-construct of polished brass who wore violet plumes of flame around an engraved face-mask, who had arrived from Vvardenfell's Core via airship, such was her urgency, to a minor research facility in the Velothi mountains where nothing of interest had happened in a hundred years, and seemed to be unaware of the disparity of her presence in this place. Who still seemed to think she was an exiled scholar in rags, marching through the desert. Who seemed to think Rtheldren would make excellent primary support – who had previously rejected her, that she was now sincerely turning to him for help?
He did not say a word of this, though.
Instead, he said:
He stared at Bthemetz. In the two hundred years since he had made her acquaintence, he had seen the flames that adorned her brass-face blaze in almost all the tones and subtones the ear could catch: brass-gold, violet, sharp turquoise, steady rose, rust, viridian. But he had never seen all those bright flames tipped with gold, bold and brash, completely vanish before.
They returned, a not a beat later, brighter, stronger.
"She goes by Vyra now," said Bthemetz. There was still the same mirth in her voice as before, though it has lost its warmth.
"She – you're still in contact?"
"Not precisely, no."
He tried to look at Bthemetz, to catch anything in between her features. It had always been difficult, in his experience, to read much emotion in that implacable brass-face, with its permanent half-smirk engraved in, at the head of her brass chassis. He had to imagine there was a piece missing. Something he couldn't quite unpick. Rzarak – Vyra – had been only half his age when he had offered his support, when he had watched Kagrenac tear her assidiously into tiny pieces of scrapnel.
"Bthemetz... do you regret what happened to her? To... Vyra?"
There was a short pause.
"No, I don't."
He did not have a moment to catch his breath before she continued:
"I suspect you may disagree with me – that is your prerogative, after all – but I do still hold that the architectural basis for Numidium is theoretically sound. I do acknowledge the debate Vyra spearheaded raised some extremely pressing concerns – which have since been addressed, quite thoroughly, I should add – but the architectural design of Numidium is not—"
"That's not my point."
She halted.
"The consequences Rz- Vyra faced for speaking out against Numidium were severe," said Rtheldren. "Stripping her of her chief status. Barring her from several roles near-permanently. Let alone the social ostracisation."
Bthemetz cocked her head to the side.
"You and I both recall that my former apprentice took a project made under oath of secrecy and made it a public affair. Do you simply not expect her to face any kind of consequence?"
"The Choir concurred that the matter had been kept secret amongst Kagrenac and the other Senior Architects for far too long. The exemptions for truth-ringers exist for that reason — that does not justify the severity of the punishment."
A valve released a slow, steady hiss of steam.
"The loss of her chief status was a decision her clan made independently of us. You know I – you know Kagrenac, even – had no say in that. Every decision made about what projects she could or could not work on was made by the respective Lead Architects in question – again, out of our hands. This was not a punishment, as you say, concocted in a backroom, we do not punish dissent—"
Rtheldren tried not to frown.
"I know you considered her a truth-ringer, Rtheldren," she continued. "Confronting a hostile Choir, with all those Architects' glares like daggers at her back. A lone voice in the din, trying to stop the slow march towards our self-inflicted end. At a young age, even. I understand that. I see the romance in it, even! But you, equally, must understand, to the Architects that have spent years, if not decades on projects that must – given the war on our heels, given the continuing hostility shown to our kind outside of Resdayn – must remain an absolute secret, trust is paramount. Many felt what Vyra did was a fundamental breach of trust. A breach of faith, even. That she would cast out details of the Numidium project – arguably the most dangerous and yet most vital project we have ever pursued, one that shall truly define what it means to be a dwemer – for all to see, it was, to them, heartbreaking."
Rtheldren shook his head.
"Why is it when you speak of her, I hear your voice and yet Kagrenac's words? Next you'll be telling me about her 'squandered talent' and 'waste of potential'."
A second valve released steam - a sharp hiss, this time.
"I am simply trying to explain their point of view. I suppose you think I abdicated all responsibility, don't you? Vyra can make her own decisions – and no, I would never chain her here if she felt it was not home, I don't care if others think her departure is regrettable – I am simply trying to explain– by the twelve–"
There was a sudden crack in her voice. She spat out a curse in an old, defunct dialect of Aldmeris he couldn't understand.
"She should have known the consequences. I do not even know what she was thinking. She could have spoken to me – before, before the Debate, before it was too late—"
There was a long, heavy silence.
"She trusted you," said Rtheldren. "She trusted you, perhaps more than anyone in the world."
Bthemetz stared at him.
"Tell me then. Tell me, what would you have had me do? What could I have possibly done?"
Rtheldren could think of a few things. She could have rallied behind her cause. Or she could have refused to denounce her. Or she could have stood up, in front of the Choir, regardless of her perspective, and decried the way they whispered of Vyra as a traitor and a threat, instead of a dissident unafraid of the truth, unafraid of what personal consequence it might bring, part of a long and proud Dwemeri tradition.
"You could have said no to Kagrenac," said Rtheldren.
At first, Bthemetz said nothing. Then she laughed. She laughed so bitterly, it almost sounded like sobbing.
"I pleaded with her for weeks. Don't do this. Don't destroy her. Let another speak, let another stand–" She shook her head. "Kagrenac turned around and nearly bit my head off for trying. 'She is like a daughter to me as well' I was told. 'Do you not think this is beyond difficult for me?' I was told. I didn't care. I did everything short of getting on my knees. I begged her to be merciful." She snorted. "Foolish. What value does mercy have for a Dwemer? Vyra herself would have had me hung if she'd known I'd tried to get Kagrenac to be gentle with her for even a moment in the Debate chamber. Do you know, when she realised I would be adding my voice to the Choir, she told me not to hold anything back." Bthemetz shook her head. "The pride that girl had. With that attitude, she could have almost been Kagrenac's own. Not that it would have made a whit of difference in the end, really."
She closed her eyes.
"We shall all be humbled by the Debate," said Rtheldren softly, quoting the old proverb. "Only ever humbled in its hall."
A piece of old religious scripture, part-forgotten, part-discarded.
"By its ears, by its lips, by its hands," finished Bthemetz.
It had become no less weighty over time.
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springbons · 1 year
Anyways, flowery ask hehe.
For CY (because I can):
And for Samson (because I MUST know more about him)
Oh lovely! A great deal of questions! I don't check ANY of these beforehand so I'm absolutely just gonna blindly go through these. 🍄 How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find? Riktor usually has some knowledge about everything and is able to make an educated guess. Derringer just stuffs it in his mouth and pays the consequences later. Kurt has no issue with poisons made for biological creatures. He may be carbon based but he gives 0 cares about your bothers. (That was horrible-) Moira will avoid anything she doesn't know (Like a normal person) Tarrel atleast tries to TEST what he's eating before he shoves it in his mouth. Vyra's a freak and eats poison berries. 🌾How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat? Riktor USED to be picky, but not too much nowadays. Derringer used to NOT be picky, but he holds a terrifying grudge against pickles now-a-days. (He hasn't been the same since the incident.) Kurt refuses to touch Sauerkraut. He doesn't trust it. Moira is not someone who necessarily cares but she can't CHEW anything (or she Couldn't...) and so she prefers foods that take very little time in the mouth or can just be swallowed whole. Tarrel drinks WATER and ULTRA-PROCESSED NUTRIENT BARS. He literally cannot stand something as simple as fresh-cooked unseasoned chicken just because it's Solid Solid and it grosses him out... As a Dragon, A.K.A a Predator, that's kind of Sad. Vyra has... Asked to be left out of the rest of the asks-PFFT- 🍃What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through? "That mansion... It was like it never ended." -R "Uhh I believe it started when I was born, or atleast when we went to magic school and it sure as shit hasn't ended yet." -D "2000 years and the Iraq war was somehow the worst place I've ever been in. Back then, War was about honor... Now it's just atrocities..." -K "Same, but why are we all talking instead of the normal text?" -M "It's stylistically interesting and saves on time-Uhh the S.S. Discovery, but I think being DEAD might top that." -T 🌵How physically resilient is your OC? Riktor is like wet tissue paper in a suit of nigh impenetrable armor. Who needs to work out when Magic is so good? Derringer, despite being the same man, somehow holds up better in physical combat. He doesn't care about Magic as much but he'll definitely use it to his advantage. Kurt bounces almost fuckin' EVERYTHING. "If anyone could defeat god it's Kurt" as you said once. Tarrel cut off his own fucking arm, YOU TELL ME- Onto Samson! 🌷What is your OC's favourite flower and colour? He's not quite sure what he likes. His answer was a confident Blue, and "The Sticks." I think he means Wheat. His favorite flower is Wheat... ☘️How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate? That's a really weird question tbh. If it's asking what lengths he'll go to protect those he loves...? I'm not quite sure yet. He's fought a man already, and tried to bite through his gloves, but what would he REALLY sacrifice? I don't think he thought his life was at stake there Really. 🍁What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it? Anything not unbearably hot or frigidly cold. His jumpsuit didn't keep heat very well, but during summer working in the camps would nearly kill him. He appreciated Fall the most because it wasn't humid and it was bearable. 🏵️What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography? Geranium. Hardy, bright, perennial, and I believe it means "Sincereness" They're often used as symbols of Friendship aswell, and tell a good bit about Samson's character in my opinion.
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thatonearkansaskid · 1 year
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
Solid question, yes. They all do. They LIVE in legends and myths. Fantasy world, after all!
💮 [WHITE FLOWER] Has your OC ever kissed someone? Who, when, and where?
Noah- Noah has! He's kissed Riktor several times in various places! After all, they are boyfriends!- (he's also kissed Derringer but that was a challenge.)
Sparrow: Sparrow has kissed two people in their life; Bethany from 4th grade, and Tarrel. She was with Tarrel before HE FUCKING BIT THE DUST
Jackson: Yes, several people. He doesn't like talking about it.
Julian: Once. One guy. He has yet to kiss Vyra. It will be a sweet, sweet day though.
🌺 [HIBISCUS] What does your OC think is the prettiest name?
Noah: "Riktor will always be the sweetest name I know <3"
Sparrow: "Cori-Blare! I've always loved that name. That's where Cori got his name."
Jackson: " any sort of floral name is pretty...I also like Moira's name... "
Julian: "I'm not sure. August is a favorite. (I'm biased, that's one of my mama's names.)"
🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Ahem, it's *COLOR*
Noah: Noah's favorite colors are anything halloween-y. Oranges, Purples, Blacks, all those colors! He's growing a certain fondness for Green, however...and his favorite flower? Dandelions. They're happy, sunny, and edible!
Sparrow: Sparrow's favorite colors are Cyan and Orange. And if you ask her why she likes Orange, she will punt you across California. Her favorite flower is a rose :)
Jackson: Red. He REALLY likes red. Red and Pink. His favor flowers are Hyacinths (He was named after them!) and Hibiscuses
Julian: Julian likes blue. Sky blue or a baby blue. Maybe the same shade as Adonis' hair? Probably. He also really likes seafoam green. His favorite flower is the lotus, and roses as well.
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vyragosa · 8 months
hi vyra! don't ask how i know but apparently today marks 1 year since i started following you! just wanted to say you've made my death stranding experience a hundred times better that it would've been if i hadn't gotten to see all your brainworming posts and beautiful art,, thank you so much <3
oh dear...that is so so sweet thank you so much....it is completely reciprocated, your tags always made my day especially when i pictured myself standing by a lake throwing peebles looking at which one would ripple or fall so this just completely makes my week you know!!!!!! much love <3
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thesmallestmango · 4 months
Rant about your ocs!!!!!
hehe you asked for (yay)
Okay so there is a pretend book that I wanna write but probably never will and this group of five stars in it :3
So first Vyra (Vi-ra), shes like the apprentice of this evil professor at a university (magical), and she helps him with his experiments and requests even as the morality is decreasing with each one. See she wants to be powerful but doesn't realize the cost it will have. The evil prof. ends up being able to control and manipulate her and its very cool :D (she doesn't wanna be control but ya reap what ya sow so)(also at some point she does realize things went a bit too far and runs away toooo ->)
Mozi! (Moss-ee or moz-ee idk), they are a hybrid. (hybrids have visible indicators they they are magical so they get kinda ousted by the appearance) They like have fire powers and such, but this means that they actually are not liked by many people cuz magical racism ya. So they have to wear like thick gloves and a hood and cape so people don't realize. They also have a fake/mechanical leg that they made themself because ... they needed two legs. Also Vyra lover. Also there house is like at the edge of the city limit since they dont go in the city often.
But there to help is Austri (sounds like austria without the A at the end) he is also studying spells like vyra but not the university, instead like with probably shady people in the city. he helps out mozi with things in the city in return for staying with them and getting information about certain stuff. he is a sort of in and out member of a resistance in the city.
Then we have Ren (hehe Ren), who is NOT magical, sadly, even though both of her brothers inherited it, she did not. She really wants to prove herself more than ever since she has that extra "handicap." She works with a group of like resistance members to help people who were affected by the evil government and fight back. She is also very ready to do anything to get her hand on something that would make her more powerful (bad idea)
Allis (alice but diff/ short for allistor maybe), he is also a hybrid, he has wings. He was taken by the evil government (lol) and they were threatening to cut his wings when los resistors came in and rescued all the people there. One of his wings still got reallly damaged tho, so flying hurts. ren rescued him, i hasvent decided if they like eachother yet tho. Allis ends up helping ren's efforts and joining her tho.
And thus ends my lil tour of parts of me brain :DDD
thanks for lettin' me rant spec <33
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spaceboy-art · 2 months
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Can you believe this is my first time doing any sort forced/extreme perspective like this???? I'd say I did pretty good!
This character is Umi! I think she's trans but im not sure. (If she is then she got magic hrt n shit). Uses she/her.
Got isekaid twice. Once into Gideon (high fantasy world) and then into the Patchwork Universe. (She does get to go home eventually)
The first is where her mother is from. A malevolent wizard of great infamy. She was temporarily Not Evil when she was on Contemporary Earth (where she met Umi's father. An extremely normal guy)
The second is where she met the alternate universe versions of her childhood friends Vyra and Rue. Tho these ones are vastly different than the ones she knew.
She is very unique! Meaning that there is literally only one of her in the entire multiverse! How lonely </3
She's also special in that she contains absolutely zero magic (something that everything has). This means that magic has no a/effect on her and when she comes into contact w others she mutes theirs! (Magic's definition changes universe to universe but her powers remain)
Feel free to ask questions!
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keeninghearts · 1 year
She didn't remember much of being a child that young. Light, basalt, pinks and greens, brine up to her ankles, blurred faces and odd bruises.
Magic wasn't anything defined then. She could suppose there had been spellbooks, perhaps a sullen 'prentice of her father who'd been roped into instructing a five year old. Probably some chalk. Diagrams and theorems. There wasn't any of that left in her head. Just the smell of it, running deep through her nose. Magic was a burning – burning – burning – all sulphur, all smoke. Something that brimmed up and kept simmering from the moment she'd learnt how to breathe.
She kept a good lid on it for the next sixty years.
"But don't you ever feel..." Alut, an ashlander with a half-shaved mullet and a tattoo of her grave to-be, who liked to string a [instrument] with fire dancing on your hand, had asked her. "Like you'd missed out?"
"Absolutely fucking not."
"You can't see it, eh? Not even a little?"
And then, there hadn't been any of it for sixty years. Good fucking riddance.
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picharathidaworld · 2 years
For this year, this will be 2nd Q&A before we go on the concert tour fanfiction! Got questions about ships? Let us answer you!
Deadline: September 30
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vika-myrkvidr · 8 years
Get to know me...
Thanks, @witchy-yandere for tagging me. This looks fun!
1. Are you a religious witch? Which religion? Yes, I am. I’m currently simply nature based, as I’m still looking for what feels right for me. 2. What is your preferred herb? I love roses! 3. What is your preferred gem?  Moonstone. The real ones and the “fake” ones, as they are pretty as well. 4. Do you do divination? Which kind? Yes, I do. I use Tarot, Lenormand and Oracle Cards. Runes and Ogham Sticks as well. 5. Favourite Tarot card? Hmm, Queen of the Cups (because of my INFJ) and the Queen of the Pentacles (Earth Sign). But The Empress as well, because for me this card kind of combines the two Queens. 6. To Curse or not to Curse? I personally do not curse, but I would never judge someone who does. If I want to get to someone who wronged me, I simply do a spell to let them see their actions and what harm they’ve done...and then I hope they change for the better. 7. Do you have a familiar? Not yet, but I like to have one in the future. 8. Favourite candle colour? Red, because it’s my favourite colour. But since the question specifically asked the candle colour I name white, silver and green as well. 9. Favourite rune? The Berkana/ Beorc rune, it’s the birch rune. 10. Do you celebrate the solstices, full moons, etc? Yes, I do. I celebrate the wheel of the year. And for the moon events, I try to do something special as well, but this doesn’t have to be something big. 11. Do you wear a pentacle? I’ve got one pair of copper earrings, but I rarely wear them. 12. Do you have a broom? No, I don’t have one. 13. Do you have a pendulum? Currently, I don’t have one, but I’m looking for one, that I like. 14. Do you have an athame? No, I do not have one. 15. How often do you meditate? I meditate nearly every day. 16. Do you do yoga? Yes, I do. I love yoga and I need it as well because if I skip my daily yoga routine, I’m really not flexible and tense in my muscles. 17. What's your favourite herbal tea? I go with rose tea (again, I know). 18. Do you support manipulation magic? Like love spells? Hmm, I personally wouldn’t do a love spell, I would rather do a spell to attract love into my life. For me, there’s a huge difference. With the first approach, I would force something that’s maybe not meant to happen, or I would force to speed things up wich is bad as well, because my partner or I might not be ready at this point of our lives. With the second kind of spell, I would simply make a request to send someone my way that I need to know in order to further develop myself. 19. How many altars do you have? Two. One is at home and the second one I use to travel with. 20. Do you do magic outside often? Not as often as I would wish because I currently don’t have a garden or balcony. 21. Can you read palms or tea leaves? Yes, I can, but I definitely need to practice more. 22. Would you ever open your own metaphysics shop? Uhh, that would be fun to do! 23. Is your third eye open? I would say, it’s currently in training. 24. Do you like Astrology? What’s your sign? Yes, I do. My star sign is Capricorn, my ascendant is Virgo and my moon sign is Gemini. 25. Favourite flower? Or Tree? Flower: rose. Tree: birch. But there are so many more beautiful flowers and trees! 26. Do you have an animal guide? I have a spirit companion who visits me sometimes in a wolf form. 27. What's your favourite kind of magic? I love green/ kitchen magic, simple everyday magic, divination. Spirit work and sigils. I rarely find the time to do long spellwork. 28. What time do you feel most like a witch? Hmm, that’s a difficult question, because I can not say that I feel more or less like a witch when I do divination or simply live my life. A witch is who I am and there is nothing “special” to it when I do kitchen magic. It’s who I am and anchored deep within my soul. I can say that I feel more powerful around full moons or when I work with sigils or certain spirits. 29. Are you out of the broom closet? No, not really at least. My mother and my sister might suspect, but they haven’t asked and I don’t want to push it. 30. Are you a hereditary witch? Or self-discovered? Self-discovered. 31. Are you in a coven? Or solitary? I’m a solitary witch. 32. Do you want to be in a coven? How big? No, I don’t think that I want to be in a coven. But I’d love to be in contact with more witches, on social media and in real life as well. 33. When did you become a witch? I’ve always read about witchcraft and old religions and nature...and one day, as I discovered more and more, I simply knew that I was a witch. I needed some weeks to actually realise this, but then I had found a name for what I did my whole life unconsciously. I did work with Tarot Cards and could kind of feel spirits all my life. I found the name about half a year ago. 34. Do you make your own spells? Yes, I do. I rarely use the exact same spell I find somewhere as I think they work better when I’ve made them more like I do mine. Not better, just different and then they feel more like me. 35. Do you make your own sigils? Yes, I do make sigils. 36. Why did you choose this path? I don’t think that I exactly choose this path. I feel more like, that I always knew this path and now I just put a name on it and work more conscious (but intuitive) and awake instead of unconscious. 37. What's your favourite element? The earth. 38. Do you do any misc. magic? Sorry, I don’t know what this means. Does somebody know this? Then please tell me and I can answer this question and be a bit wiser. 39. Magic or things you will never do? Curse and use my power for “bad” things. I want to do good things in this world. 40. The strangest way a spell backfired? Thank the gods, that this has not happened to me. Hopefully, it never will happen. I tag @spooniewitches, @alpinewitch, @lazycrazywitch , @recreationalwitchcraft and @anenglishwitch. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Every other person can do this questions-and-answer thing about your witchy path if you want to. Have fun! I had fun answering these questions! Love, Vyra xxx
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unofficial-estonia · 7 years
Hey, I just want to let you know that after seeing the post about õ I decided to try if I can still make the right sound (I took few Estonian lessons some years ago). And while I was trying it out, one of our horses stopped eating and stared at me for a long time. So because of this blog, there is now one utterly confused horse in Sweden :D
!!! teach the horse, he’ll love the õ !!!
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