#ask the subcon snatcher
the-subcon-snatcher · 4 months
What's your opinion on your neighbor Queen Vanessa?
"Our FIRST ask of the day! Kudos to you for sending in an ASK!"
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"How I feel about that QUEEN in the manor...?"
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"Honestly...me and that QUEEN have had such a LONG history together...there's so many mixed feelings here and there. But ONE things for certain..."
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"It's IMPOSSIBLE to talk to her when she's FURIOUS..."
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tiramegtoons · 8 months
Hey snatcher! Bet you can't drink a bottle of soda in under a minute.
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maddyx-mystery · 2 years
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“I mean, I’ve been dead for what, a few decades now?”
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majormeilani · 2 years
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snatcher needs a break. why not torment someone else with responsibility for a while? (anyway. i recommend full view of this picture LOL)
textless ver under cut
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hatgame · 2 years
Asks you about badge and snatcher
HI :3333
Ok so. first of all i imagine theyd relate and understand each other cos neither of them live in linear time or have a stable attachment style (badge cos of the "places theyve been to", likely doomed timelines cos in the beta badges r made from their shards & snatcher because of mental health reasons)
i think snatcher when allowing theirself to be a person is very friendly n silly (as once theyre sure a contractors gonna take care of their stuff it becomes pretty clear they prioritize whatevers most entertaining) even if its just on individual person basis, and with badge appearing somewhat stoic and calculating (but not completely closed off as they share details about theirself with hat kid unprompted) i imagine doing bizarre things to make them laugh/otherwise react is something she really likes doing
i think badge, acting mainly as the worlds explorer and observer, would enjoy being entertained, and once they figure out they have stuff in common theyd grow to genuinely care about him and look out for him to some degree. i imagine in moments of vulnerability snatcher would feel most comfortable around them, and maybe even vice versa.
i think if they were to date it either wouldn't work out or require a lot of effort and feel unfulfillimg, so i suppose i view them as exes on good, or mixed, terms, who choose to keep in touch, even if unregularly.
snatcher would probably be pretty needy after his experience with vanessa, and get triggeted and frightened a considerable lot, but still desire closeness and intimacy badge would only really offer sporadically. they'd both really regret getting together like 400 times a day but ultimately come crawling back to each other, especially snatcher
have image
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aethergate · 2 years
I think snatcher should start dating a lawyer so he can make his contracts even worse. No I don't have a specific one in mind I just think he could find someone who supports horrid contractual obligations to spend time with lovingly maybe someday.
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"Well, if they were a good lawyer, I doubt they'd be supportive. Sounds like they'd get in the way more then anything! If they were a bad one, though... maybe. Not on the market for anything like that, but I wouldn't mind a few extra ideas on how to make my contracts more binding! Makes my life easier and other peoples harder."
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subcon-havoc · 2 months
*intro post!*
So the dwellers have introduced me to this.. Tumblr thing.. Well it's a weirder way of getting souls.. GO ON.. ASK ME.. and the dwellers.. Anything... just sign the contact a
On that.. Button.. Thing
(No NSFW and all the usual stuff of a ask blog rule list is here..
(Also you can ask snatcher and the dwellers stuff from outside their universe..
Also *this text style is the dwellers answering!*
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king--atlas · 7 months
Okay, what if ahit but its a DnD type fantasy adventure? It starts with just hat kid and bow kid on a mission to defeat the evil overlord (Vanessa), but they end up forming a silly ragtag adventuring party with people they meet on the way. (Please click for better quality)
Character details I've come up with so far under cut, and also me sounding like a little nerd with dnd classes and stuff.
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I haven't decided on any location or character names yet so :P
Hat Kid- She's a wannabe elf warlock and Bow Kid's best friend (they'll probably get names, probably). She doesn't have an arcane focus in the beginning, but she ends up finding and using an umbrella later on. She's very energetic and determined (a little too much at times) and actually manages to become Snatcher's best friend. Bow Kid- She's a human beast master ranger with either a cat or a crow as a companion (idk which one yet). She's a lot calmer than Hat Kid but still gets really excited when she sees a cute creature (even if it is literally trying to kill her.) Cooking Cat- She's a silly kitty cleric (either light or peace domain) from Mafia Town. She's a ray of sunshine and definitely the mom of the group. Snatcher- He's a circle of wildfire druid (bc silly) who, until the kids came and found him, hadn't left his forest in over a century. He was stuck there in wild shape (silly ghost form. Don't ask what creature it is or why he chose to be able to wild shape into it bc i have no clue) because of Vanessa. She tried to turn him into a tiefling like her but it did not go as planned. Clearly. He's still that dark kind of goofy he is in game but just a little bit nicer. Not by much, though. Vanessa- She's a tiefling shadow magic sorcerer who has control over the entire continent. While her outburst (I'll think about more details of it later) effected Subcon the most, it had minor effects all over. She presents herself in her more humanoid form with an overly sweet personality, but the second she's ticked off ditches the facade and becomes her horrid, more demon-like self. She's less of a direct threat until they reach her domain. Empress and the receptionist are also going to join the gang, but I didn't know what classes to make them or what to do with their designs soooooo..... yeah. (To be fair, the other's designs will also probably change bc I made them in like five minutes).
If you have any ideas (especially for Empress and Receptionist) or questions, tell me!
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snarlesofthesewers · 5 months
a taste of poison
snarles x reader part 1 - if there's enough demand maybe ill make a part 2 lol idk i hate writing so it would probably take just as long as this one
a while after landing on this strange planet, finding yourself in the dark and haunting forest known as Subcon a spirit known as snatcher steals your soul and forces you to do his bidding unfortunately for you while working to complete one of snatcher's tasks you end up far deeper in the forest then you should have been and end up in someone else's hunting grounds
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after searching for nearly two hours you find yourself running into a small clearing leaves rustling and twigs snapping underfoot as you ran towards the rare flower snatcher had asked you to gather for a certain potion he needed to make what kind of potion? you had no idea but what you did know is that snatcher would probably kill you if you came back empty handed you should have been paying better attention to your surroundings while running you weren't exactly paying attention to anything other then the flower leading to you tripping over a fallen tree and planting your face directly in the cold and wet soil of the forest which definitely woke you up but when you realized just how much noise you had made on the way here you could feel nothing but dread something probably heard you no.. something definitely heard you you quickly wipe the mud from your face and come to your knees scanning the tree line and tuning in your hearing as you slowly get up but you see and hear... nothing nothing but the sound of wind howling between the cracks of broken trees the coast is clear and you are alone so you begin to stand and reproach the flower pulling it from the ground with the roots intact and stashing it somewhere safe for the journey back to snatcher's house but just as you pick it up the smell of something absolutely awful fills your nose its hard to stop yourself from puking and you probably would have if you weren't already so used to the constant smell of death that lays thick in Subcon's air... but this wasn't the usual smell of old decaying bodies this smelled far more ripe where the hell was that smell even coming from? "right behind you that's where~" a small crack and snap can be heard in the treetops above with the faint sound of hissing that transitioned into a shrill and wet sounding cackle that followed soon after you run but you didn't get far before you are promptly pinned to the ground by something far larger then yourself with its claws digging into your shoulders causing fresh blood to trickle down the side of your back and onto the cold wet ground and it was at this very moment that you realized YOU BLEW IT YOU TOTALLY SCREWED YOURSELF!~ you feel the smooth and slimy skin of whatever creature had you pressed against the ground began to coil itself around you like a snake ready to suffocate its prey your mind and body had already started to go numb but before you could pass out you were quickly snapped out of it by a voice... and maybe also the claws still stuck in your shoulders like knives but mostly just the voice
"finally.. fresh meat its been days with not a single soul... I was starting to worry that people had finally gotten smart and started to avoid this wrenched forest~"
"...now then.. how about we get started my lost little mouse~ it would be a real shame if I let fresh meat like you go to waste"
you struggle and struggle and struggle some more attempting to worm your way out of its firm grasp but its no use but if you were going to die you at least wanted to get a good look at whatever was about to kill you so you continued to struggle until you could get a good look at its face even if that meant completely exhausting yourself you catch a glimpse of its soulless yellow eyes flickering
"oh how cute the prey thinks it can escape~? you keep making this easier for me I almost feel bad... maybe the hunger is finally starting to get to me or maybe its just that scent.... wait hold on that scent" they lean in close to your face and just stare at you for what felt like an eternity before uncoiling you and towering above your sore body "is... this some kind of cruel joke?" they hissed in frustration before grabbing you by the leg and pulling you close to their face "no this cant be the case... did his previous contractor kick the bucket already? its only been a week there's no way he's dead already" they drool at the thought of eating the remains of snatchers previous victim even if there's no guarantee he was even dead...yet "well well well~ ...might you be snatcher's newest pet? oh ...don't worry about trying to speak.. I have other ways of finding out~" "my little mouse"
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demonkinguwu · 3 months
hey i know you're not in the ahit fandom anymore but i have to ask, why did you ship vanessa x snatcher? not to be mean but i was just curious this whole time it's okay if you don't wanna answer
Well, this is certainly a surprise lol
While I'm not really into AHIT much anymore, it'll always be special to me, so I don't mind answering this for old time's sake
[Warning: I will talk about Snatcher x Vanessa in a sort of positive way. Please don't read or send me any hate if it's not your cup of tea or don't like it. I know this warning might be a bit much but I have received harassment over this topic/liking Vanessa before, so I feel it's needed. Please feel free to block me/ or ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable. Thank you👍]
Personally, I think they're neat.
Yeah, it was a toxic relationship in canon, probably for the best they aren't a thing anymore. But the thing is, even in canon there are tiny hints that the current Snatcher might even have a crush on her or at least doesn't care too much about her [though admittedly yes, he is somewhat bitter over his death]. Just look at the Seal the Deal DLC
"We all have a soulmate, supposedly. I know I do, she's waiting for me, I don't see anyone waiting for you."
Always thought this line was weird if he 100% hated her. like, he could have told HK: "I had a soulmate once, let's just hope if you have one, they'll be just as wonderful as she was." Like, he's already giving the child death threats, I don't think he's above wishing HK a similar fate to his.
I'm sure there are more instances but I just got the feel that Snatcher, while somewhat bitter about his death and all, he's pretty much doesn't fear her or anything, maybe even finds her evilness kinda hot now, who knows?
Canonwise, I don't really see them working out as he is too mad about what she did and she doesn't recognize him/hates him but that leads to the actual reason why I liked them.
AUs Listen, Imma be real with you all, most of my enjoyment of AHIT was because of AUs. IDK, for me this game was so easy to make AUs of, especially the Subcon Forest chapter. I like to think of alternative endings or heck, fill-in lore and all. I think Vanessa being an ambiguous character helps a lot in this regard [I mean aside from my preferences of evil women n yanderes in general]
I know she went crazy after she 'caught' the prince and florist but I like to wonder why, as I do have a personal belief no one is truly born evil, I just think they're influenced into coming it. I also like to wonder about different scenarios and all using these characters. I just think in concept they could be neat.
That's not to say I only made AUs to ship them, I mean, [points at my RoleSwap AU where Vanessa literally hates/fears Snacter more than Canon Snatcher hates Vanessa] But the bulk of them are little what ifs and giving them a chance to either fix things or work things out.
Anyways, yeah, I just like them cause there are just two people who are intertwined, it's easier to make AUs of them and explore Subcon as a whole in general. Yes, I'm also one of those who like character redemption arcs. Hell, one of my OCs was an absolutely obsessive bastard man that I thought would never get redeemed or like much but whoops, me n partner like him now to give him two whole bfs.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm sure I would have written an entire essay before but I'm not really much into this game as before. The only thing I'm invested in currently involving AHIT is a crossover AU that came from RPing in which my RS Vanessa has a tsundere crush on my partner's horrible AU MJ unicorn guy who she will take the hammer and FIX HIM
I will probably replay sometime later this year but currently busy with other stuff and fandoms. I can't guarantee I'll be back into it, but hey who knows, maybe I will.
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kayssweetdreams · 9 months
The Best of "Friends"
(How (at least I think) Barnaby met Snatcher)
For Snatcher, it was a normal day in Subcon Forest. He got some new contracts for some unsuspecting sucker to sign, Hat Kid was busy with DJ Grooves and Queen Vanessa Crazy was no where to be seen. He could finally finish that one book that he had been waiting to read. However, all ideas of peace went out the window when he felt that someone was in HIS forest.
Eyes narrowed, he quickly teleported to a part of the forest where most people ended up...but to his surprise, there was nothing there. Snatcher growled. No one escaped HIS forest. At least not in one piece. He looked around, trying to see if they had left some kind of clue or hint as to who or what they were. Suddenly, he felt what felt to be a very strong pull at his ghostly tail.
The pull caught him off guard as he was dragged into a black and purple swirling portal. Snatcher panicked. This was a first to him...and this is coming from someone who got their ghostly butt whooped by a CHILD. He grabbed onto a nearby tree, holding onto dear...death, and hoping that whoever it was pulling him in would give up. Unfortunately, the pulling not only got stronger, but the tree began to get melt.
Snatcher was starting to think he was loosing it, as the tree was now fully melted into a puddle, and he was dragged into the portal. The ghost could only look up as he saw the night sky of Subcon Forest above him, as he was dragged deeper and deeper. When the pulling finally stopped, he was relieved when he finally was let go...until he got a good look at where he actually was.
He found himself inside of a giant mansion, with a lot of decor that reminded him a lot of eyes. Snatcher, however didn't care. Mansions meant one thing: HER. Panicking, he floated into a nearby room, just in case she decided to come out and put him through his own trauma again. "HOOHOO! It worked!" A loud voice hooted. Snatcher raised an eyebrow. That...didn't sound like Vanessa.
Turning around, he found himself staring into two orange eyes...that looked like the person who owned them had lost their mind. The "person" in question...turned out not to be a person at all! It was in fact another ghost, as black as night...and if he could guess, this ghost appeared to be an owl. "I can't believe it actually worked! I wasn't sure if you could leave that forest of yours!" It said, a smile on its face.
Snatcher'a confusion turned to frustration "Wait. YOU'RE the one that grabbed me?" He asked. The owl nodded enthusiastically, as if he was PROUD of what he did "Yep! That was me!" He said. Now Snatcher's frustration turned to anger. "WHY?!" He shouted, his voice making the room shake. The owl didn't even flinch as he said "Why! For the party of course!".
Snapping a talon, the room around them seemingly came to life. Multiple orange ghosts appeared as some appeared to dance, others chatting with other ghosts, some even eating the...very questionable food that sat on a floating snack table. Snatcher could feel his eye twitch. He was not...No...he was NEVER a party person. If anything, he hated parties. He never went to the ones that that penguin threw, and he wasn't going to stay at this one.
Turning around, Snatcher attempted to open the door and leave the party room, only to find himself face to face with that owl ghost again "Wrong way! The party is THIS way!" He said, the gem on his pink vest seemingly getting brighter. Snatcher could feel powerful magic from it as he Now found himself in front of the snack table. All of the food seemingly drenched in some kind of green liquid (presumably poison).
Snatcher shook his head, Did that owl just...it didn't matter, he wanted out. Floating away from the snack table, he turned around to find the owl in front of him again "You haven't even had anything to eat yet!" He said. Snatcher groaned "Look. I'm not a party person. I never liked parties. Not when I was alive and certainly not now." He said, hoping that the owl ghost would get it through his head.
Unfortunately, he got his answer in the form of the owl ghost laughing an hooting uncontrollably at his words "HOO HOOHOOHOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 'Not a party person!' Now THAT is the funniest thing I've ever heard a ghost say! You're gonna fit in here just fine!" He said, now giving Snatcher a VERY unwanted hug. The contract maker teleported away, hoping to find another way out of the mansion.
However, This place didn't seem...natural. Every time he tried to leave that mansion, he would just find himself right back in the party room. Sometimes in even MORE undignified positions. Going through windows just landed him on the dance floor while exiting through the door landed him in another room, where a full tea party awaited him...along with that owl ghost AGAIN.
Snatcher sighed... This was NOT how he wanted to spend his night.
@billiebustupofficial @bbu-fan-blog
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the-subcon-snatcher · 4 months
It's a big SHAME the hat brat is forcing me to do this..."Ask blog" ordeal...but, I suppose if a...CHARMING spirit like myself have fans, I might as WELL ENTERTAIN THEM!
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tiramegtoons · 8 months
Since you asked for it @drowninnoodles
here it is!
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First thing i start with is the head since it is the leading part of his noodle movement. The rest of the body comes after, just like a worm on a string :D As far as the curves go he gets bendier further down while his torso stays mostly in place to differentiate where the torso ends. I feel this gives him a slightly more "human" look. One that reminds me of how-despite his cryptic appearance and villainous standing- that he likes to get down and act casual. About his BEAuuutiful hair- canon is the way to go. In a way im glad he got his own 3d model in the game, but i dont mind his 2d beta looks either. I thought to myself why not both? and SHAZAM
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my favorite part of making snatcher is his facial expressions and
those eyes
they'll getcha
and then comes the smile and youre dead(perhaps even literally) Now comes the noodly arms. Those welcoming arms inviting you into the deadly embrace of death/j
I like to make his hands bigger, about the size of his face. From his hand his arm gets narrower and evenly spaced all the way going up into where his shoulders would be(if he had any lol). About the arm length id say a good 3/4 of his body, depending how long he wants to be that day hfdgbshgshg
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the noodliest noodle in subcon :sparkles: Thanks for asking!!
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twipsai · 9 months
what if @askamnesiamoonjumper had tumblr that would be kinda funny
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
I believe I have... over 2000 asks now? Apologies for the delay, I'll try to get to the (actually interesting..) ones soon!
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Anonymous asked: wait, your brother is snatcher??? like. THE subcon snatcher??????? doesnt he like... eat people??????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Maybe... :>
🐱‍👤lefelinapologist Follow
uhhh are we not gonna talk about how problematic this is???? Amy literally has over 10k followers and she supports her brother eating people. wtf????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Your url is "lefelinapologist", but you draw the line at my brother having breakfast????
4,948 notes
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Anonymous asked: so is that rumor that you cook people in a giant cauldron true
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
no, but i think @kizunyanmewku-official does that
shhhh not so loud
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Why are there so many food questions today???
328 notes
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🎡moon-resident-69 Follow
(srry for low image quality but--) does anyone know what this flower is??? it just kinda showed up in my garden yesterday. all the flowers around it look kinda wilted too..
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
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Anonymous asked: hey werent you the guy that like destroyed The Actual Fucking Moon????? like wasnt the city demolished and shit cuz of that??????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Oh, yeah! That was me, but I'm not a guy anymore ^^
1,348 notes
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bunnything asked: kys
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Uhuh yeah sure. Anyways Hattie baked brownies do you want some?
🐇 bunnything Follow
brownies?!?!?!? YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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🩻 thesnatcher Follow
no, seriously, STOP GOING TO SUBCON. I WILL KILL AND EAT YOU. this isnt a threat or a joke, its a warning. STOP GOING
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
if you find a bunny changeling eating your flowers, thats mine -_- they got mad at me and now theyve decided to terrorize the world about it
🐇 bunnything Follow
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Can girls do anything anymore :(
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Anonymous asked: hey how come cookies are on your trigger list??
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Soooo funny story, my ex was poisoning me with enchanted cookies when I was living with her...
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
🍪boo did i scared you
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snarles here sneaking into your asks to request snatcher x reader for questober 👻🎃 okay so i had a few ideas for this since you said you like prompts and I've had quite a few laying around because I'm too shy to actually get into writing fanfiction myself hope you like them~ if not feel free to ignore any ones you don't like! - reader was either already a ghost or recently passed away and was reborn as a spirit - i had this idea where subcon has this yearly tradition where all the subconites and other spirits of the forest would make masks and dance in front of a big bonfire in the middle of the village - my random silly lore for this is that snatcher originally set this up as a way to celebrate the rebirth of subcon aswell as mourn the loss of everyone who died when the forest froze over (and also to spite vanessa lol) - after being in a relationship with y/n for a while now snatcher decides to invite them for the first time that's as much as i had for ideas but i think that's a pretty good place to add on from also most of this would probably just be fluff but honestly go wild
:0 hello there!! I tried my best to fit everything you put into one fic- I really liked all of the ideas you put down lmao. Anyways, here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
Snatcher x Reader - To be a Ghost
Unfortunately for you, you… were dead. 
And have been for a while. 
It took nearly a year to get used to being dead and having your bottom half end with a tail instead of legs, but you found a way to cope via messing with people with your newfound abilities. Making objects float was very easy– a little too easy. Though, trying to paint a floating mask with a floating paint brush? A little difficult, even for you.
“How’s it coming along?” Snatcher said encouragingly, peering over your shoulder.
“I think it’s… somewhat coming along,” you said, tilting your head to look at it from a different angle. “I think. It seems like it’s missing something…”
“Missing something?” He hummed, leaning in close to look at the mask. “Hmm…”
As you floated in front of the mask, trying to coax the ethereal paint into cooperating and not to drip onto the tree-home’s floor, Snatcher's presence was oddly comforting. His encouragement was a balm to your spectral soul, and you were grateful for his support.
Snatcher leaned in more, his translucent eyes studying your creation intently. "Maybe a touch of cerulean blue around the edges? That might give it a bit more depth. Either way, I think you’ll be able to finish before tonight."
Even though it was always night time in Subcon, they were having an event in the middle of the village. Some sort of reconciliation with life and death and to aid with mourning… or something. You weren’t a hundred percent certain what it was for, but this was the first time Snatcher has invited you to join. 
Really, you were just excited to dance and hang out in front of a warm fire. 
Despite the fact that most of your senses have eroded; taste, smell, touch– you could still feel temperature. You couldn’t warm up by yourself, of course, so you had to find other sources.
“...Say, do you miss being alive?” Your voice was soft.
“Do I miss being in a meat sack?” He snorted. “That old thing was a hindrance! I couldn’t do anything that I can do now!” Snatcher floated past you, flopping down into his maroon chair. 
You chuckled at Snatcher's candid response. "Fair point," you mused, a smile tugging at the corners of your spectral lips. "But there must be some things you miss about it, right? Like... the taste of food, or the smell of roses?"
Snatcher tilted his head in thought, considering your question. "Well, I suppose there were some pleasant moments, yes. I… suppose I miss the taste of bacon, but overall, this form suits me just fine. No need to worry about trivial mortal concerns."
You nodded, understanding his perspective. It was fascinating to contemplate the stark differences between your current existence and the memories of your past life. The transition from flesh and blood to this ephemeral state was a journey of its own.
You continued to refine the mask, each stroke of the brush imbuing it with a sense of depth and mystery. It was shaping up to be a truly unique creation… or so you hoped. It might look a little dumb at an angle.
Snatcher watched with curiosity as the mask began to take on a new dimension. "I can see it coming together," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. His tail flicked against the floor. "You've got quite the talent."
You waved a hand, feeling just a little embarrassed. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sure your minion’s masks look much better than mine.”
“Well, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!”
“Did you steal that quote from a book somewhere?”
You lightly laughed, continuing to work on painting the mask. You could pick items up in your ethereal hands, but not for long. Even sitting down was an issue… Well, that is, if you weren’t sitting in Snatcher’s lap. You blushed at the thought, recalling a few instances where he allowed you to sleep on him.
“...Say, when does the event start, again?”
“In a few good hours,” he answered. “Why?”
You carefully placed the mask down on the table, finished with it and wanting it to dry. You turned towards Snatcher, trying to put on a non-embarrassed face. “Well… maybe we could… I dunno… read a book together or something?”
“A book?” Snatcher seemed amused. “Is this a ploy to come sit in my lap again?”
You grunted, your tail swishing. “A-And what if it is?”
He took a moment to pretend to think. “Hmm… I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…” After a pause he patted his lap. “Come hither.”
You tried not to look excited. As quickly as a mouse to cheese, you plopped down onto his lap, cuddling up to him. 
Snatcher chuckled, his purple form providing a surprisingly comfortable perch. You could feel a sense of warmth emanating from him, despite the lack of true physicality. It was a small comfort, a reminder that even in this ethereal existence, there were ways to find solace… Though, you wondered how he was able to sit down for so long without phasing through the chair… maybe it was an experience thing?
As you settled down in Snatcher's lap, he produced a worn, leather-bound book from the folds of existence, teleporting it to his clawed hands. It was adorned with cryptic symbols and strange glyphs, a testament to the otherworldly nature of this place.
He flipped it open, revealing the unique language used. “I’ll read it to you,” he told you, likely seeming your bewildered expression. "Now, let's see what tale we can unearth from the annals of Subcon's history," he mused, his eyes glowing faintly as he flipped through the first few pages. “It’s been a while since I’ve read this…” 
“...Anal?” Your lips quivered upwards as you tried not to laugh.
“Annals, as in yearly.” He pouted. “Silly ghost.”
After a moment his clawed fingers passed over the ancient text, expertly navigating the script and reading it aloud. The words he spoke seemed to come alive, weaving a vivid mental tapestry of Subcon's past. It was a tale of struggles, of rebirth, and of the enduring spirit that lived on in this forest.
…You rubbed your eyes, leaning back into him and getting comfortable. Although sleeping was a bit… difficult to do as a ghost, you found yourself drowsing off, head bopping a few times before settling backwards, against his chest. Although you were always interested to learn more, he was just too comfortable to lay on.
You weren’t exactly sure when you fell asleep, but reality faded away as you snuggled up to him, resting in his lap and comforted by his soothing, rumbling voice…
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hatgame · 2 years
Launchers my self through the door
How do you see it as /p of /r
Fav fic of these two
Songs associated
Qnd personal hcs of em
How does cc tgibg of the snatcher feeding the blizzard thing??
hello ^_^ (this is about snatcher&cooking cat)
1 honestly either is good, i dont think their dynamic would be all that different, its kind of just labels. i know a lot of people understandably view snatcher as unwilling to commit to another romantic relationship after what happened to them, but i personally write their discomfort sa far more about specific power dynamic quirks than the entire kind of relationship. given he works certain issues out beforehand (like his persistent attraction attachment and "indebtment" to vanessa. it doesnt have to go entirely he just needs to learn its not inherent to their identity) i dont think itd be too opposed to the idea.
2 none i dont read fanfiction. i guess i could name the thing that introduced me to the concept of them interacting but i dont remember what it was called. it was posted by a user with something about soy sauce in their url, theyre deactivated now. 3 none i am so sorry 4 cooking cat is incredibly busy w her cooking show, checking out various places kitchens (both place and culture wise) and swapping mafia town food, so when it comes to her actually resting for once in his life its her being cooked for. snatcher fights for his life in her kitchen making food just completely freaking out scared but the entire time its just going pretty smoothly. hes incredibly mediocre but like, its tasty and edible and ccs proud over this thing from the woods operating a stove. 5 million diseases be damned he can work a grill lol speaking of which, cc does help snatcher sort of reintegrate into soicety, at least as an observer. after dying and fully committing theirself to their cause theyd never think theyd get to live a normal life again: cook, wear cute clothes, walk outside, talk to people... and as such cc offers them a second chance at life just by being herself. its just everyday stuff to him but so huge and important to snatcher. its incredibly happy grateful for that. 5 she thinks its sincerely harrowing and isnt sure what to say or do, but snatcher tries her best to let him know his very presence in her life is enough to help them feel like theres a better life possible. having gained experience of just living not entangled in some horrific larger-than-life structure, its easier to keep in mind theyre under no obligation to be in as much pain as they are.
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