#ask the changeling princess
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who is this changeling
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the-starry-traveller · 4 months
Lore: Queen Chrysalis's successors: Princess Rusty Iron & Prince Chippy
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Rusty Iron Bio:
Rusty Iron was born from Celestia's 1st husband, Daemon Prince Artemis. She is the younger sister of Bright Torch. Although born an alicorn, her magic was quite unstable when she was much younger, resulting in much ridicule and bullying from her step siblings, along with her brother. She has a strong relationship with her brother and his family, including little Nebula
Rusty Iron was driven out/fled from Canterlot after Celestia caught her mating with Chippy during the first Changeling invasion. She later stayed in Queen Chrysalis's Hive.
Like her brother, Rusty Iron discovered her true magic was dark aura manipulation, which led to her being hated more by others... During the war, she led the hive forces under the daemon clan banner, mainly performing espionage & sabotage activities against the Southern Alliance. After the war, she plans to govern the hive with her mate and raise her new born grub son, Nox.
Chippy Bio:
Chippy was born from the union of Queen Crystalis and a majestic unicorn. After their wedding, Crystalis was left heartbroken when her mate abandoned her and fled. This experience left her with a deep-seated resentment and suspicion towards ponies. Similar to Rusty, he has always felt like an outsider.
Nevertheless, by displaying kindness and patience towards his fellow hive members and setting a positive example, he gradually gained recognition as the rightful heir to Crystalis's throne. After Throax departed to establish his own hive, he emerged victorious in the hive's election, securing his position as the next leader, triumphing over Cipher Claws.
If all goes according to plan, the intense conflict among the different factions of changelings will finally come to an end. A peace agreement will be reached, ensuring that fair laws are put in place and that changelings receive the recognition they deserve. This will mark the beginning of a new era for changelings, one that promises prosperity and growth.
// Mod will draw princess Celestia's family tree much later, so that it's less confusing.
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capra-railways · 2 years
Do changelings enjoy food items outside of their diet of love?
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"Some of us do! Of course, there's also the benefit that eating people-food can help us blend in with ponies and get some love, especially on a date night. So I try to teach newer drones about food and see if it's something that sticks with them!"
OOC: Hey new folks! If you'd like to ask any of my OCs questions for me to draw answers for, that would be fun! I'm still in the progress of updating my Character List, but if you're curious about any of those characters, feel free to ask them anything you'd like :>
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Fae!Danny But Make It Fantasy
I've already made a whole Changeling AU with fae!Danny, but guess what, I have decided not to achieve any level of chill with fae ideas.
We all know Danny is Ghost Kind. Now, what if he is a Fae Prince? A Prince of Winter, to be exact. Imagine all the ice castles (Elsa, I'm looking at you), the snowy lands, northern lights in his crown, a cape made of tiny ornate snowflakes. Crystalline ice swords, skin so white he doesn't even look alive, eyes clear and blue like a frozen lake. Formal gowns, ballrooms, duels and carriages pulled by horses made of snowstorms.
He used to be a changeling, put in place of Dan. Grew up in a village with his parents being witch hunters, or maybe just hunters in general. Meanwhile Dan, a human child whose place he took, grew up in a fae realm, surrounded by magic creatures and miracles.
But Danny couldn't hide he was a fae his whole life. He used to look human when he was a baby, but as the time went by, he started to look more and more fae-like. Jazz was the first to notice it, of course, but this was Danny, a child she practically raised, so she dealt with it. Their parents, though, did not.
Sam and Tucker are in the know, for sure. Sam used this opportunity to learn witchcraft - who is better to learn from than an actual fae? Tucker is a blacksmith, as is his family. The first thing he asked Danny when he discovered he is a fae, was "how in the seven kingdoms are you a fae, and you decided a blacksmith is your best friend?" because, honestly, not even Fentons have so much iron around them as Tucker does.
Now, you may be thinking of where the DC part comes in here.
Well, the Waynes are actually the royal family. Bruce is the King of Gotham, and his children are princes, princesses, and heirs. They are also protecting the country not only by the word of the law, but also from the other, more shady side. I think they should go by Shadows, not Bats, though, since I doubt a name like 'Batman' would fly in the fantasy world.
Constantine is a mage, the strongest one alive, and yet he couldn't care less for his uniqueness if he tried for a week. Diana is the Queen of Themyskira, of course. I think Krypton should be its own country or a continent, ruled by the family of El. Although Jon is the first heir to a throne, due to Kon being, well, a bastard in terms of medieval customs.
After Danny's race is found out by his parents, he leaves for the fae realm, and he offers his friends and his sister to join him. Tucker refuses, Sam and Jazz take him up on that, but Sam leaves shortly after - she mostly used it to get away from her overbearing parents. She is now a witch who lives in the woods all alone, and no one can find her. She keeps contact with Danny, though. Jazz is traveling both the fae and the human realms, just having fun with it.
Jason is part-fae. After he died, a cult has abducted his body - the cult leader being Ra's, of course - and used it for an experiment. They used some fae magic to bring him back, or, maybe, they have tried to merge a fae and a human, creating a chimera. This was the first option of Ra's trying to get closer to Bruce in order to take power. It was not a very successful option since both Jason and whatever was left of the fae inside him decided not to obey the madman.
Damian was... slightly more successful. He was not merged with anything, but his development was magically enhanced.
And now, while Danny is back in the fae realm and he is a crowned Prince of Winter, Clockwork has a problem. He knows humans are afraid of fae, but this is not a very productive way to go. And there is a timeline somewhere there that can fix it.
Of course, Danny is right in the middle of that timeline. Now, Clockwork just needs to find a way to help Danny make an alliance with humans.
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shirecorn · 1 year
Shirecorn's Ponyverse Masterpost
So for the last 2 months I've fixated on doing redesigns based somewhat loosely on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've had so much fun filling in the gaps and extrapolating until my version is less of a redesign and more of an AU.
"Ponies" are three species of sentient hoofed creatures that populate Equestria. They worship giant goddesses that fill the sky and ferry the moon and sun across the world.
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○ The 3 pony species ○ Breeding/genetics ○ The 4 Alicorns stories ○ Gods of non-pony species? Seapony god? ○ Unicorn Horns: Starlight physics, Different shapes, Alicorn horns, Horn colors, ○ Where did Spike come from? (1) (2) ○ Your daughter has won the favor of God (fic) ○ Nightmare moon playlist ○ Cutie marks are cultural not physical: (1) (2) ○ Starlight Glimmer's hometown and her cult ○ Alicorns don't fit inside buildings ○ Discord is a headache to behold ○ Government in the world of gods ○ Gender and matriarchy ○ Scootaloo's flightless disability ○ Equestria Girls Vs Skyscraper Gods, existential horror ○ Pinkie Pie breaks the forth wall because she hopped worlds once ○ Vampire fruit bat ecology and virus ○ How ponies caught it
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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I feel like I update my super mario self insert's design every time I draw her 😂 the first drawing was traced/edited from the Princess Peach image under the cut, and the second one was free-handed!
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Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @miutonium @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @cupiidzbow (if you'd like to be added or removed from my taglist just shoot an ask or a DM! 🫶)
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Informative Rant: Starseeds
What are starseeds?
Starseeds are a belief that one's soul is reincarnated into a human body but the soul itself belongs to an extraterrestrial being. It was introduced by Brad Steiger in his 1976 book Gods of Aquarius. Now Gods of Aquarius was a book compiled of 'confirmed' UFO sightings and recounts his own experience going 'out of time' with Sekhmet, who is really an alien...and responsible for all Greek deities, Celtic Fae, Doomsday Prophets, and most importantly, UFOs. See a bit of a problem already? I hope so! Keep with me though.
Steiger's other writings include books on werewolves, demons, Atlantis, Giants, general paranormal stuff, a entire book appropriating Indigenous beliefs as 'medicine men and the great journey', and pseudoscience based hypothesizes. None of which he gives any sources for. A lot of the modern belief in starseeds has veered a little from Steiger's own beliefs.
Now a days anyone interested in starseeds claim to be so because they are: Too empathetic, unable to handle large crowds or are too smart to perform daily tasks, easily forgetful, zones out, gets overwhelmed. Supposedly once 'awakened' usually done with age, puberty, or with a trance state given to you by someone (you likely paid for), you're told you are a alien princess/royal/warrior/archeologist/etc from some galaxy or planet. A lot of times whatever the person naturally enjoys becomes their 'mission' and a lot are told to just focus on that rather than the things that occur and are important in day to day life.
If some of these points sound familiar, and you think, "Wait isn't that some very normal mental health symptoms?" You would be correct. A lot of parents, desperate for a 'normal' child, or one that isn't 'broken' will cling to fringe theories like starseeds or indigo children in order to excuse away their child's quirks instead of help them with their issues. It's the same principal with the belief that you or a family member is a Changeling from the Fae. Which if you ask me is a classic example of child abuse via neglect of mental health.
Now some of these descriptions, such as the soul being from a UFO might also pick another part of your brain, asking "Hey didn't that Heaven's Gate Cult believe something similar?" Yes. They did. The major difference being that they thought extraterrestrials were the 'next evolutionary level' rather than the past itself.
I say all of that to say this: Please please do research into where something you believe comes from. Some beliefs are anything but healthy, starseeds are one of those beliefs in my personal opinion. Most people I have talked to who claim to be starseeds had no idea about the term or belief's origins. And frankly, it is embarrassing that such a large movement, which came from such a shady source, has become something factual through nothing else other than 'popularity'.
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rainbowchaox · 7 months
Continuing on Fairytale Au (Primarily involving Knight Missa and Fae Phil)
1) Chayanne doesn’t have a mother. The plot twist will be that he is a changeling child Missa decided was his son. Missa knows this but let rumors spread that the mother left him or he had Chayanne out of wed lock. He loves Chayanne so much. Even if as a Fae child he is very much mischievous.
2) Tallulah meanwhile is the fae child Phil took under his wing as she is way too curious about humans for her own good. She eventually grows to love Missa as her father. She is sorta like a nature spirit for the poppy flower.
3) Not connected to the main story but I like to imagine Cellbit and Roier have a similar story to like the crane wife. Excerpt Roier was just a spider that asked BadBoyHalo (he is pretty much a more cute version of rumplestilkin) to be human to be with Cellbit. Roier is the best seamster in the land. Missa is good friends with Roier but also doesn’t know he is a spider.
4) Fitpac on the other hand I like to imagine it’s a parody on a princess being trapped in a castle guarded by a dragon. Pac is said unwanted prince who DOESNT want to be saved (ESPECIALLY if in this au the evil king is his dad). And Fit in the OG kingdom best knight that have been secretly working on a rebellion after Missa was sent away on a death mission. And he comes to save Pac. Mike is the half dragon guard. And both run away from the castle once all realize what is going on.
5) Bad is fully the rumpleskilskin of the AU. He is mischievous and a bit mean. He is a demon that makes heroes and heroines do impossible tasks. Example he tasked Missa to empty out a lake with just a spoon (luckily Phil helped him). Phil made a smaller lake (practially a puddle) to empty because bad didn’t say what lake just to empty a lake. Bad can only appreciate the loophole abuse. Fae are best at words never forget. From my friends: He wakes up to a little crow chirping at him, so he follows it to a clearing with a little pool in it labeled "A Lake", a lake that he easily clears out with the spoon nearby
6) Bagina is fully just gay little mermaid. Tina is a mermaid that wants to be human. And Bagina is an adventurer mapping out new lands. (This is a happy ending though)
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ksharoly · 8 months
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Crown of the heir
crown are like headbands they make you look pretty and nice but crown's are the symbol of power and reign once it's place in your head the duties will also be placed in you as well.
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"if i was a queen i will make men's bow" you changeling said to your mother.
"you will bore a king you're a women" your mother said as she fix your hair and clothes.
your mother was not very fond of you since she expects her first child to be a boy and not a girl she would scream at you for holding a sword since that day you been sneaking to the training area to hold a sword.
"no women have ever sit a throne" your mother said.
"rhaenyra will soon sit in the throne isn't she" you said while reading your book.
"she's no queen your the queen"
"isn't that stealing mother that's make me a usurper of the throne" you plainly said as continue to read your books.
"what's going on inside your head you should be thankful that i raised you and feel you bathe you" your mother angrily said.
"did I ask for it you despite me as your daughter your heir did that look like love to you oh by the way you didn't feed me or bathe me the maids did" you said as you shut your book.
"your under my roof as long as you in here you have no right to speak to me like that" your mother said pointing a finger at you.
"isn't this my home to its also my right to speak freely" you said.
"your my heir for now but once i gave birth to a boy your no longer my heir"
the door shut as you sit thinking that what did you ever do to them that they treated you this bad tear's falling down your cheeks.
their has been a news that king viserys have been sick and the days goes longer he's body weaken surely after he passed away the heir will eventually sit to the throne.
"its time the king will die and his oldest child aegon will sit to the throne and you will be the queen isn't that amazing finally your bringing power to this family" your mother said.
"your not sure about that didn't he named his heir rhaenyra" you said.
"oh the whore of dragon stone" your mother rolled her eyes.
when night comes you sneak outside of the house and explore the city with your red Cloak and a hidden knife in case.
when you were exploring you bumped into someone you quickly apologize but as you recognize his face he was aegon the eldest son of king viserys.
"well my prince aren't you supposed to be asleep" you said.
"as well as your my princess" aegon said.
"well do you want company you seemed lonely" you said as you two outside the border of King's landing near the ocean.
" of course my princess it's been a long time since we met" aegon said.
"your going to be king you know" you said as you watch the waves of the ocean.
"I don't wanna be a king" aegon stated as furrowed his eye brows.
"but that's what your mother wants"
"she didn't even asked me if ever wanted to be a king it's like I'm just a pawn to her" aegon said as the sadness took over him.
"well aren't we the same forced to be something we don't want" you said as you caress his face.
"I was also forced to be perfect smile like an princess bow to many dance for a lot"
aegon was sad that you need to in that horrible family forced into something that your uncomfortable with.
"i want the crown to be give to someone else that is soo much worthy than me" aegon stated.
"and who might that be my prince"
"my sister rhaenyra targaryen the true heir to the throne" aegon said as you two spend the night in the ocean.
that day raven was sent to the black as aegon wrote to her sister as the letter said my dear sister rhaenyra true heir to the iron throne yield to you that i will no longer come to the crown as i will be peacefully be a prince and wish to marry y/n huxley.
"well isn't this magnificent my wife aegon didn't want the crown alicent wanted the crown" daemon said as he read the letter.
"send a letter to aegon i wish to meet him and his lover" rhaenyra said smiling as thanks to the old god that she will finally be in good terms with her siblings.
as aegon open the letter he reads it and said my dear brother as you and your lover y/n come here you must bend the knee to me and i will take you all back to my heart.
when aegon and y/n come to rhaenyra they both bend the knee to her as the prove of loyalty to the realm and her the queen.
"oh dear brother" rhaenyra said as he hugged him aegon was stunned he never received any hugs from his family as he hug back.
"welcome to the family" jacaerys said as he also hug him.
"aren't you his lover you two will make such a great couple" daemon said as he shake hands with y/n.
"thank you my king" you said.
"well aren't you lovely my dear blessings for your wedding" rhaenyra said as she hugged you.
"thank you my queen it's such an honored to be blessed by you"
"no problem my dear"
as the coronation of rhaenyra you all attend to it as you wear a beautiful black dress as aegon wear black Alicent and rhaenyra made up as the house of targaryen was finally one.
the next following day you and aegon wed the wedding was held up at the dragon stone as you are now y/n targaryen the lady of dragon stone with her husband aegon Targaryen lord of dragon stone.
but one day your mother suddenly barged in rage as she shouted at you.
"YOU WHORE YOU'VE RUIN MY PLAN" you mother said as she shouted at you
"isn't this want you wanted" you said as you furrowed your eye brows.
"you're supposed to be bringing power to your family not this freaking bullshit"
"i did bring the power and that power choose me" you said.
"what kind of huxley are you! being selfish brat" your mother said.
"im no longer a huxley im a targaryen a lady of dragon stone and i will take anything that you took from me" you said.
your mother was furious as she takes out a knife and cuts your arm as soon as that happens the door open and the guards hold her aegon Rush to your side and look at your wound.
"take her out as this day comes that thing will not enter here" aegon said angry towards your mother.
since that day you erase the terrible moments that happened to you and live your life with your husband together you two have 5 children and live peacefully.
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"There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King".
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Heheeee so as promised~
🍂✨️ feral girl fall thoughts ✨️🍂
You know what clip inspired this Maleficent ish au fae prince Yunho who uses a binding contract that he tricked out of the human princess when she was a child to kidnap her and keep her when she was being sent away by her father to be used for a political marriage.
He doesn't do anything to her without her consent, never even lays a hand on her, but he's not the warm, smiling boy she remembers playing in the woods with before her father found out, told her what he was, and prevented her from seeing him again.
This man, if you could call the horned creature a man. On the days when he's home he barely pays her any mind, and when he does look at her it's with a sort of blank, burning intensity she can't quite place.
Despite his indifference, any attempt to leave the house and escape is met with failure. Her body is no longer her own in those moments, and she finds herself turning back and just sitting at the dining table or living room sofa. It makes her wary of his magic but confuses her a little because it's never harsh or painful. If anything, the sensation that overtakes her is almost comforting, gentle despite its firmness and how hard she fights against it.
Her confusion is only deepened by the few times a day when she finds herself genuinely in his company: during mealtimes. That same magic will push and nudge her to the dining table where a meal is laid out, and though it never forces her to eat through physical control, he doesn't allow her to leave till she's had at least a few bites, and eventually she decides she might as well eat anyways. She needs her strength if she wants to escape.
But the more time she spends there.... the less she really wants to. Yunho isn't chatty, but little bits of conversation are exchanged here and there, starting with small questions like her asking what a particular food on the table is, good mornings, passing commentary on the books the other happens to be reading. She slowly gets to know the other people who come and go from the house; a shape-shifting corvid by the name of wooyoung who drops by every other day to "keep her company" and talk her ears off, a kind-eyed changeling named Mingi who's always there to see Yunho, two river nymph twins that go by Seonghwa and Yeosang that're always arguing with Jongho (a sleepy carpenter who, as far as she can tell, is just as human as she is.)
These interactions eventually lead to her leaving the house after a particularly warm, cozy summer nights brings out the sentimental side of them both, and an evening spent recalling their time together as children leads to her mentionihow much she misses the woods. Seonghwa and Yeosang take her to the river the very next day.
Call it Stockholm syndrome, but little by little she starts to feel at home with these strange people. Realising that despite the fact that she still can't leave his garden without one Yunho himself or one of the others accompanying her, she still has more freedom here than she ever did in the castle she was raised in. Running barefoot down grassy hills with Wooyoung and his friend San tumbling down beside her, perched comfortably in Seonghwa's living room while the nymph shows her how he weaves cloth on a traditional loom, sitting in a corner of Jongho's workshop playing chess with yeosang while he sands and chisels away....... curling up on the rug in front of Yunho's bookcase to read while he's sat in his usual spot pouring over spellbooks...... going for walks with him and the others and seeing how well loved he is by the fae folk, seeing that bright happy smile she remembers on his face as a boy....... realising one day when you tell Yeosang that you'll have to settle for 8-17 because you need to head home that.... that it is home. You feel more at home there in those woods than you ever did in the palace. You always had.
And when your father attacks the forest to get you back, unable to sit quiet when his allies begin to question his strength, how he could let the newly crowned faerie prince kidnap his own daughter (that in their view he "owed" to the kingdom he'd made a deal with all those months prior), you see a side to Yunho and the others you'd never really expected.
On your knees in the grassy fields separating the humans from the fae, cheek stinging from your father's slap when you hadn't thanked him for "saving" you, when you'd snapped at him for pretending he'd done it for your sake when you *knew* he hadn't, you watch in chilling awe as Mingi carves through your father's men with ease, as Yeosang and Seonghwa dismantle the circle of mages controlling the enchanted fire set on burning the forest down in perfect synchronisation, as wooyoung laughs gleefully after swooping in and knocking a few unsuspecting soldiers to the ground.... and behind them all, Yunho. A picture of calm, walking through the chaos almost callously, directing parts of the battle with a flick of his wrist, eyes burning straight through your soul every time they meet yours.
When he finally makes it to you and your father, asking the king to return "what's his."
And when the king tries to argue that you're HIS daughter? That your life belongs to your kingdom? Yunho holds up a hand, easily stopping him from lunging for you as Yunho helps you up off the ground with hands that remind you of the magic that once kept you bound to his home. He sets you upright, eyes softening when they search yours for only a moment before going cold when he looks up at your father again, saying that it's you're choice who you belong to, really. And he asks you to choose.
Needless to say, I can’t write smut for shit but I imagine that if you were to say that you choose him, his realm, the forest, your newfound friends.... he'll be eager to take you home, tension crackling in the air when the door closes behind him and he wraps you up in his arms, no longer maintaining the distance between your bodies that he's kept so carefully till now, asking you if you mean it..... if you'll really be his.....
I went a little overboard with this but oh well 😭😭 I know you don't mind ajdvsjdgsj
~lyra ( @ateez-main-yapper )
(your brain is a fascinating place. kinda wanna curl up in a ball and live in there 🫠)
and of course i don't mind 🤭 i live for this shit~
i can't help but imagine just the softest, sweetest love-making possible. he has the fireplace going, and that's the only light in the room. his touches are gentle and careful, not because he fears that he'll break you but because he wants you to know how soft you make him.
the KING of body worship, too. his hands are everywhere and kiss lips follow as he mutters sweet little praises about how much he loves your thighs, and your belly, and your chest. he wants you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he wants you to be his and he wants to be yours. so he just whispers over and over again how much he loves every part of you.
and he's absolutely gonna maintain eye contact. even when you try to look away, he grasps your chin and tells you to "look me in the eyes, angel." he won't let you look away because he wants to watch your cute little expressions every time he hits a sweet spot inside you. the way your eyelids flutter. the way your eyes roll back when he fills you up all the way.
and speaking of filling you GOD he's so gentle. nothing about his thrusts are rushed or hurried. he wants to enjoy every moment of it. every little gasp, every claw of your nails in his back, every arch of your back. if he could watch it all in slow-motion he would, because he wants to cherish this moment because he can't possibly know if this will ever happen again.
and when you finally come undone (the first time 😏) he'll hold your hand through it. and he'll whisper into your ear "that's it, angel." "let go for me." "oh you look so pretty like this, my love" again, he's just so gentle and sweet. he just wants you to feel loved and cherished by him.
also aftercare. lots and lots of aftercare. mostly in the form of snuggles. he may not look it, but he loves cuddles. he loves the non-sexual touches as much as the sexual ones. he'll hold you close if your up for it, or he'll rub your back and play with your hair until you eventually fall asleep in his arms 🫠
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painttasticpony · 7 months
Unlock The Ask Blog, aka UTAB, is my main blog. It's all about you, the blogger, unlocking all the characters and lore there is to find! Unravel the mystery that surrounds Paint Tastic and her universe while silly shenanigans take place.
Trixie has been banned from performing magic shows after a magical mishap, so she's found a new career path, in law! Trixie has to learn her way through law so she can find a way to lift her show ban, or at least, find a loophole through it.
What's an alicorn? Sparky Blaze is just a flying fire horse who loves spaghetti! Sparky's got a big weird family for tons of fun. Only Mischief happens here!
Currently only in the prologue, the story remains a mystery. All we know for right now, is that we are following the strange mare, Midnight, who appears to be searching for something in the Everfree Forest.
We start following a weird little changeling named Cricket who seems to be searching for his queen. Chrysalis hates to admit it, but she needs his help if she's going to get out of her current, stony predicament.
An Alternate universe inspired off of various vocaloid songs, mainly by Ghost n pals! We follow Twilight on her new life into Ponyville.
Hurrah, Princess Luna has just returned after 1000 years on the moon! She's a bit anxious, but herself and Celestia are grateful to be together once more. It's time for the celebration, and surely nothing is amiss...
Pinkie Pie has come down with something ill after being cut by a strange rock. Weird things are going on, like Fluttershy suddenly being famous and random stuff popping out of Pinkies hair! (Stuff that she doesn't remember putting there, of course). Just what in Equestria is going on??
Ask Lady Eris is a very chill, silly blog for me. It's mainly sketches, but that's what makes it so fun for me. I just like her because she's cute and fun to draw ^^ Come see the Lady of Chaos who rains chocolate milk and protects her beloved Butterscotch!
This blog combines my and others favorite characters into the Paintiverse for your inquiries! It's a lot of sketchwork but it's comedic all around
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 months
Skizzekai Au Masterpost
Teaser Intro Post
Intro, Rules, and Premise
Clarification on Skizz and Joel
Character and Group Summary
Second Masterpost with later headcanons because we hit the link limit
A compilation of all asks from the Skizzekai Community AU. Asks below the cut.
More discussion available on the discord!
Canon Asks:
Tango fire magic
Undead ruler Cleo and half-ghost Joe
Formerly-evil demon Impulse
Drowned Gem
Joe used to be human
Death's apprentice Zedaph
Bard Wels
Ice kingdom Iskall
Fae Queen Stress and bodyguard Iskall
Travelling merchants Cub, Scar, and False
Helpful miner TFC
Vampire (?) Mumbo
Cub and Scar are fae
Not-short plant magic Bdubs
Moth fae Pearl
Skizz got his Name taken
Pearl as a former corrupt queen
Skizz might not stay human
Pre-isekai Skizz characterization
Ogre Joel
Former king of Undead Republic, Ren
Formerly human Gem puts a bounty out on Skizz
Pirate False
Grian is weird
Skizz is a magic sponge
Jungle guardian Bdubs
Scar took Skizz's name, Familiar Jellie
7 foot tall Etho, same species as Bdubs
Skizz's magic necklace
Selkie pirate Wels
Construct Etho
Elaboration on Etho and Bdubs
Xisuma and bones
Joel's multiple transformations
Skizz connecting to the world
Xisuma was formerly a puddle of nothing
God of the night Mumbo
Skizz grows wings
Skizz has dragonfly wings
Joe Hills from Nashville, Tennessee
Joel's kingdom
Tango magic cards
NHO jungle guardians
Skizz necklace mechanics
Kaiju size Doc
Cleo's kingdom has underground tunnels
Unicorn Keralis
Impulse's change of sides
Skizz's sleeveless suit
xB is not the lake princess
Grian is like a bug
Nobody knows how Skizz is meant to save the world
Cleo's kingdom has sculk
Skizz keeps a journal
False is hunting Skizz because of Gem's bounty
Changeling-deal Hypno with an artifact to stay human
More Unicorn Keralis details
we have enough humans already!
Skizz embraces his change
Magic system details
Slime guy Jevin
Doc constantly changes
Etho and Bdubs auras
Xisuma shares his bones
Evil in the Ice Kingdom, and Iskall as an energy source
Grian is REALLY weird
The great evil is draining magic
How magic Feels
Details on Hypno's anti-magic artifact
Skizz is fine with being summoned
Skizz wing details
Scar keeps letting Skizz go
Gem backstory and motivations
More Gem details
Gem used to have wings
Skizz's life before summoning
Jevin is made out of magic
Hypno backstory
War of the Watchers book came with Skizz
Goddess Pearl
Powerless fae Jellie
Tango was Skizz's best friend in the other world
Hermits have versions in both worlds
Zookeeper Scar
Skizz as an experiment
Joe is the only remaining hero of many
Skizz's summoner is a bone guy
A clearer prophecy
Wels stole False's reflection
xB actually IS the lake princess (joke)
Explosive Etho
Merchant Mumbo
Pearl and Skizz pen pals
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So, how old were you when you joined the hive and how did that happen, if you don't mind my asking?
This is fascinating to learn of changelings adopting pony foals.
My wife @diamond-tiara-4-serving-spoon and myself raised a Changeling nymph as our adopted daughter.
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“Oh! And my brother was 10 at the time, hes 30 right now and im 21! He has a crush on a princess. Blegh. Hes getting himself in more trouble than its worth. Staying on the down low is part of how we keep our hive alive! *sigh* i love that big oaf though, he better stay safe while out with that silly alicorn princess. Wait has he even told her where hes from?”
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yaeggravate · 8 months
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Unraveling Princess Fischl
So I recently finished studying Princess Fischl in a lab and the results I got were kinda crazy.
As a disclaimer, I do this just for fun. I like connecting dots and solving puzzles. But I'd rather you draw your own conclusions. In this post I will try to dissect the mysteries surrounding the Prinzessin. And you really can't talk about Fischl without including Kaeya. I've even got a surprise guest star for you.
WARNING: this post is VERY long, click on that Read More at your own risk, otherwise you'll be stuck scrolling forever.
For simplicity's sake Princess Fischl will be referred to as Fischl while playable Fischl will be demoted to F.
Most of this will use the books Legend of the Shattered Halberd and Flowers for Princess Fischl as a source. These books are authored by someone named Mr. Nine. The books are published by Yae Publishing House. So keep in mind there's a non-zero percent chance Mr. Nine is actually just a certain Nine-Tailed Fox.
F's alternate outfit is called Immernachtstraum. This is a reference to Shakespeare's play Midsummer Night's Dream. In German the play is called Ein Sommernachtstraum. So you can see the similarities (Immernachtstraum means Eternal Night's Dream.)
Kaeya is in part based on the Indian changeling prince from the same play. The character Oberon, the Fairy King, is the french derivative of Alberich. The play itself is basically about people getting into Shenanigans so absurd it might as well be a dream. Oberon and his wife Titania are actually key players in quite a bit of different media… But as much as I want to delve into that, this isn't a Kaeya post.
Just remember for now that Titania is the Fairy Queen.
In the book Flowers for Princess Fischl, there is a mention of a Sommernachtgarten. It is described as a Domain possessed by someone highly skilled in the magical arts. Sommernachtgarten seems to have existed in Teyvat. The domain Midsummer Courtyard, which has the Thundering Fury set, tells us the Sommernachtgarten was buried underground.
The domain is located in Starfell Valley. It's nearby Starfell Lake and Starsnatch Cliff. Starfell Lake is said to have been formed by a fallen star.
Fischl is also equated to a star that fell down. Notably, in F's birthday letters, and in Legend of the Shattered Halberd.
Birthday Letter: Day of Destiny… On the day of a sacred star's descent from the depths of the night sky into this realm, I, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have asked Oz to cross the ocean and bring, me exotic treasure.
LotSH Vol. 1 The story was that an iron meteorite had fallen from the sky five or six years ago, and convention dictated that as nature's treasure it belonged to the imperial family.
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Starsnatch Cliff is the only place where Cecilia flowers grow. These flowers have a triquetra shape, which is similar to Kaeya's passive talent Glacial Heart. Kaeya has been featured with these flowers in his birthday arts, and even invites the Traveler to go see the flowers with him.
Alice: With enough bombs placed in proper positions, even huge cliffs like Starsnatch would crumble into dust in a second. With flatter terrain, Mondstadt would surely look much nicer. But that unctuous Cavalry Captain rejected my proposal instantly. He even asked me to stay away from Starsnatch Cliff.
Furthermore, when Alice proposed to blow Starsnatch Cliff up, Kaeya denied her request and warned her to never go near there again… Starsnatch Cliff also overlooks the Nameless Island which is shrouded in mist and invisible on the map.
菲谢尔 = Fischer = Fischl
Fischl's name might be a reference to the Fisher King from Arthurian legends. One name of the Fisher King is Amfortas. In the game Anfortas is the name of the Knight Marshal of the Schwanenritter; he's thee Alberich who stepped up as Regent King when Irmin was indisposed.
Perhaps Fischl was the original "Fisher King" and the kings who came after her, like Irmin and Anfortas, fulfilled her role. …But this would imply Fischl was once the ruler of Khaenri'ah. That would be crazy, right? Right, guys?
When I was analyzing the 8-pointed star, I discovered these 8 points could actually correspond to the Guardians of the Eight Directions in Hinduism.
For some reason, ascension gem stones are named after Hindu gods (with the exception of Electro). This isn't the case in the original Chinese naming however.
Still, I tried to mix and match the gemstones to a direction.
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North: Kubera, The God of Fortune -> GEO
South: Yama, The God of Justice and Death -> ???
East: Indra, The Lord of Heaven and God of the Weather, Sky, Rain, and Storms -> ELECTRO
West: Varuna, God of the Seas, Oceans, and Rain -> HYDRO
Northeast: Ishana, God of Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Time -> DENDRO
Southeast: Agni, God of Fire -> PYRO
Northwest: Vayu, God of the Winds and Air -> ANEMO
Southwest: Nirṛta, God of Death, Sorrow, and Decay -> CRYO
Hydro (Varunada), Pyro (Agnidus) and Anemo (Vayuda) gems already have the same names as the Hindu gods so that was easy. The Electro gemstone Vajrada is named after a sword but it belongs to Indra, God of Weather, Rain and Storms.
That just left me with Cryo (Shivada), Geo (Prithiva) and Dendro (Nagadus). Ishana is the God of Birth, so I'll assign him Dendro. Kubera is the God of Fortune which is Geo because Mora.
Now Cryo is a bit puzzling, because it's named after Shiva, who in Java and Bali Hinduism is actually the direction in the center. Some crazy implications here for our buddy the Tsaritsa because Shiva is the God of Destruction within the Trimurti, a trinity of deities. The other two are Brahma, God of Creation and Vishnu, God of Preservation.
In Java Hinduism, Brahma and Vishnu would correspond to the directions Zenith (South) and Nadir (North). Whether this is hinting at something about the nature of the Tsaritsa is unclear. When you see Three Deities you think Moon Sisters, right? However, we can't rule out the possibility that Genshin decided to mix these deities up. Let's just spare ourselves the headache for now and forget about this. This is a Fischl analysis after all.
So instead, let's have a look at the Cryo gemstone's original name in Chinese. The stone is simply called Grieving Ice.
哀叙冰玉: Grieving Ice
Since Nirriti is the God of Sorrow, I decided to assign them Cryo. Now we are left with one deity, Yama: The God of Justice and Death. Well, it can't be Hydro, because we already assigned them to a God. So it has to be someone else.
Fischl's title is the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Which translates into Princess of Judgement. According to Legend of the Shattered Halberd and F's voicelines, Fischl's role was to act as a judge.
More About Fischl: I To condemn the guilty, to sanctify the just, and to draw all castaway dreams into the embrace of the infinite Immernachtreich. This is the birthright of the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, and her burden. None may gainsay it.
What's interesting is that Fischl uses magical arrows to shoot down the "enemies of fate".
About Us: Shooting Down the World Beast Should this world, like a beast prowling in the night, covet your dreams, then I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, shall fell it with my ensorcelled arrows of judgment!
Feelings About Ascension: Intro My magic arrow cries out my holy name as it streaks through the night, praying that the violet lightning of retribution shall strike the enemies of fate down from the skies!
On the 8-pointed star, there's an arrow pointing upwards. Kaeya, Clothar and Halfdan's stars on their outfits and even F herself have the arrow pointing downwards.
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The achievement you get when you find this door is called "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here". Which is a reference to the entrance to Hell in Dante's Inferno.
The Immernachtreich is described as a place where all things will eventually flow into. Immernachtreich literally translates into Eternal Night Realm…
Flowers for Princess Fischl: Phantasmagoria Every good, bright and noble thing must eventually fall to inexorable entropic destruction, and the final destination of the universe is the realm-in-waiting of the Prinzessin, Immernachtreich. This is the fate of all worlds, of the universe, and all who live in it.
In the Immernachtreich Apokalypse, Leon calls Fischl the Soteria.
Soteria means salvation, preservation. It's used as an epithet for Persephone and Hecate. Persephone was forcibly made Queen of the Underworld, and Hecate is also known as the Goddess of the Underworld and Witchcraft…
Look, I don't want to claim Fischl was the secret 8th Archon or anything, because lest we forget Khaenri'ah was a godless nation who would've been Fischl's enemies. But why then would Khaenri'ah have this giant star referencing the 8 deities as their emblem in the first place? Seems a bit counterintuitive. I don't have the answers for now, and perhaps the 8th "archon" was simply Irmin. Or maybe it's not even representing a god but an element or a direction.
Regarding Oz, he is a not so subtle reference to Odin/Irmin but is also a reference to the Wizard of Oz. In the first book, it was revealed this wizard was literally just some guy pretending to be powerful. Eventually Oz starts working as an advisor for the true ruler of Oz, Princess Ozma, who is the inspiration behind Fischl. We'll get back to that later.
This Oz's full name is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. OZ is actually short for Oscar Zoroaster. Zoroaster is referenced in Flowers for Princess Fischl.
In a distant causality, if the philosopher Zarathustra was not chosen, then the opera writer would have gained victory in the contest over the will of the world.
This does make you wonder if Irmin really was the true ruler of Khaenri'ah and if he even existed the way we believe he did. Perhaps Fischl got Irminsnapped and now everyone believes Irmin was always the One-Eyed King.
Of course this is all my personal speculation and I could be way off here.
Wait, before we move on to next section, I want to point out something that always gets ignored:
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Kaeya and Mona, when they cast their bursts, summon the same 8-pointed star. This is unique to them alone. Could there be a connection between Khaenri'ah and witchcraft? Or is either Kaeya or Mona an outlier?
In the trailer Mage's Teaparty, there are eight witches shown. However, we only know the names of six witches, and there is a chair missing at the table.
There is a slideshow where the figures of the eight witches are shown, minus Andersdottir who is represented by the book The Boar Princess.
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Observe the witch on the broom and the little witch. The design of the little witch is similar to the design of a famous fictional character who got pulled into another world: Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz books.
Dorothy is illustrated as having twin tails and wearing a farm girl dress. Dorothy's character was influenced by the character Alice, from the Wonderland books.
Originally I assumed Alice Genshin might be based on book Alice. However, it's the Narzissenkreuz quest that's based on the Wonderland books and Mary-Ann who takes the role of Alice.
With that in mind, could Alice Genshin actually be more of a Dorothy inspired character instead?
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Now, Dorothy had a very good friend, called Princess Ozma. Ozma seems to be the inspiration behind Fischl.
So who is Ozma? I only have the Wiki to go on because I'm not about to read 40 books, but by the sound of it, Ozma is the current ruler of the realm of Oz. She is the daughter of a human king and a Fairy Queen. Her mother Lurline was the one who created Oz and turned it into a Fairy country.
Ozma took it one step further and separated Oz entirely from the outer realms making it invisible to outsiders. Everyone who enters Oz never ages.
If you're an F main I'm sure you know by now Fischl created another universe and founded paradise.
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Now I want you to take a look at the witches portrayed in these circles. There are two witches holding a sphere. In F's cutscene from the Summertime Odyssey event, she is also holding a sphere which contains the Immernachtreich which you can see in the header image of this post and below.
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You might think a glowing sphere represents a crystal ball to scry in, but that poses a problem since known prophet Barbeloth is probably represented by the witch holding a waterdrop, which is Hydromancy. So the glowing sphere might not necessarily mean a prophetess.
As for the identity of the other witch with the globe, I believe this could be Alice, since she was the one who created the domain/dreamscape of the Veluriyam Mirage. It could also be Rhinedottir who is creating something in a flask.
So Orb = Domain/Realm/Creation
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Furthermore F's specialty food is Die Heilige Sinfonie, which has a Magic Hexagram painted on top… (Die Heilige Sinfonie translates into The Holy Symphony.) As mentioned before, the Sommernachtgarten could only be created by someone with great magical powers…
Magic Circles is Ceremonial or Arcane Magic, and according to a note left by Master Ruggiero in Bravais' study, Arcane Arts originated from a pre-Remurian civilization.
So someone must have taught humans magic. Might sound obvious, but it begs the question of WHO?
To answer this question we need to dip our toes into Norse mythology. As you know, Odin is Irmin.
There was a war between two groups of gods: the Aesir and the Vanir.
Eventually they had enough and decided to exchange hostages as a peace offering. The goddess Freyja, originally part of the Vanir, joined the Aesir which would be Odin's group. As a sacrificial priestess, she was the one who taught the Aesir dark magic, which included seeing into the future. The implication here then is that Odin was taught black magic by Freyja.
This magic is known as seiðr. Seiðr is derived from *soi-to- which means rope/string. The distaff, a tool used for spinning wool, is associated with dark magic. There are images of women riding distaffs as a broom, similar to a witch riding a broomstick. To quote the Wiki: "In any case, the string relates to the "threads of fate", that the Nornir spin, measure, and cut. " Wait, that sounds familiar:
F, joining the party voice line: The threads of your fate lie in my hands!
Scholars suspect Freyja is the same person as Gullveig who was involved in the Aesir-Vanir war. Gullveig was attacked by the Aesir with spears; she died and was reborn three times. When Fischl tried to visit the Kingdom of Eternal Twilight she was also attacked by its people and "shed her blood on the sacred emblem" whatever that means. It was Oz who saved her, pledging his loyalty to her.
Freyja sometimes is conflated with another goddess named Frigg. There has been much debate whether or not these two goddesses stem from the same deity. Frigg is part of the Aesir and usually Odin's wife.
I mention this because in the book Hex and Hound, one of the characters is named after Frigg: Nottfrigga. This book is about two twin witches sharing the same body. In the book we find out that they were the daughters of a powerful witch, but witches are unable to keep more than one offspring of the same generation. This led to Nottfrigga's twin sister Magdalene eventually dying, and her using magic to sustain her sister inside a magic bracelet.
In Norse mythology, Nott is the personification of night. Nott's father is named Narfi. This really got my attention, because Fischl's full name is Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort. (Fischl of the Castle in the Sky Narfidort.)
In the Hexenzirkel teaser, every witch is represented by a teacup (or in the case of Andersdottir, an inkbottle) but the saucer next to Nicole's teacup is empty. Since this saucer belongs to the same teaset this could mean one of the missing witches is Nicole's twin sister or a relative.
So what could Fischl's role be in all this? Perhaps she's one of the twin sisters, or their mother. Perhaps she's even an ancestor. ...Or completely unrelated to them and I'm full of shit.
F's theme shares a leitmotief with the Fatui Harbingers theme.
F's theme: Sieh an, mein Sommernachtgarten! Signora's theme: Saltatio Favillae
Obviously this means Fischl is Capitano.
Composers don't do these things by accident. This is hinting at something. Either Fischl is connected to the Harbingers, was/is one of the Harbingers, or she is indeed the Tsaritsa.
Which is not as crazy as it sounds.
In Legend of the Shattered Halberd, Fischl possessed someone else's body. And if she is Freyja's equivalent, who died three times, then it's possible she could've been reborn as someone else. In the book, it was Mir who summoned Fischl into Weiyang's body and sacrificed his eye to appease her. Pierro is working for the Tsaritsa and has his right eye covered for reasons unknown. Having been a royal mage who would have had access to Khaenri'ah's restricted library, perhaps it was Pierro who summoned Fischl into the Tsaritsa's body.
The Tsaritsa is collecting the seven Gnoses, Fischl had to collect seven of the nine Ominous Swords to repair the Divine Halberd, which would be herself. She already had two of them in her possession… Could also be that the Tsaritsa is trying to revive her. This would imply Fischl is the Third Descender. Since she came from another world, this is not impossible.
The Fisher King, Fischl's possible namesake, was struck with a wound that could only be healed by a "pure fool" who would ask him the right question. ...Fatui is Latin for fools. If the Tsaritsa really is/is possessed by Fischl, then creating an organization of fools starts to make sense: the fools are her saviors.
This could also connect to the empty 10th seat within the Harbingers. The vacant spot could be a reference to the Siege Perilous, which was an empty seat reserved for the one successful in obtaining the Holy Grail by way of saving the Fisher King.
Usually this is accomplished by Percival, who later finds out his mother is the sister of the Fisher King. In the story, Percival keeps failing to return to the kingdom of the Holy Grail since it is an otherworldly place. Does that not remind you of Kaeya trying to find Khaenri'ah but failing halfway through?
Going back to Princess Ozma, an evil witch cast a spell on her that turned her into a little boy named Tippetarius. This was done to prevent Ozma from ascending to the throne. Tip was unaware of his true identity until he was transformed back into Ozma.
tippet /tĭp′ĭt/ noun A covering for the shoulders, as of fur, with long ends that hang in front.
As noted in The Marvelous Land of Oz, Chapter 23, Tip has brown colored skin.
…Kaeya, blink twice if you need help.
As a staunch hater of things that don't make sense, I highly doubt this means Kaeya is Fischl; the game would never go there. Perhaps being "Fischl" is simply hinting towards the fact that he will become one of the Fisher Kings.
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That would certainly explain this random hangout ending.
Now, here's where things get really crazy.
Remember Anfortas? The Knight Marshal of the Schwanenritter who took over as regent after Irmin became indisposed? At the time of writing, Anfortas's fate remains unknown.
As said before, Anfortas is the name of the Fisher King in Arthurian legends. Fischl's name might've been a nod to that.
But it gets weirder.
T.S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land combines Arthurian legends with the legend of the Fisher King. In it, he associates the Fisher King with the tarot card Three of Staves.
The Man with Three Staves (an authentic member of the Tarot pack) I associate, quite arbitrarily, with the Fisher King himself.
…We have seen this symbol somewhere before. On the constellation wheel of the Fatui Harbingers. By process of elimination this constellation belongs to Il Capitano.
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Kidding of course, but I doubt this is a coincidence. This doesn't necessarily mean they are the same person, maybe Capitano simply mindmelded with Anfortas. It's a fantasy game, everything is possible at this point.
Wait a minute… three nails, three deaths… Uhhh maybe Fischl really did turn into Capitano.
Alright, for this section I want us to keep in mind the following things:
Fischl is a fallen star
Fischl may have been a mage
Fischl could be connected to Irmin and thus Khaenri'ah
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The play of the Veluriyam Mirage is written by Zosimos. This play stars Kaeya as a Thief, Klee as a Mage and Idyia as a last minute heroine added to the story.
You see, Zosimos originally wanted to write a story based on rumors he'd heard about a thief and a mage. This means the play might not be entirely fictional. The problem is that Zosimos combined Idyia's backstory with the story of the Thief and the Mage, making it hard to tell which bits belong to Thief's story.
We know at least that Alice was the mage who helped Idyia. But what about the Mage who helped the Thief? Who was she? Could it have been Alice or someone else?
For that we need to consider the character Kaeya was playing. It's unknown who he is, but if Klee was playing her mom then it stands to reason Kaeya must've been playing someone connected to him. Before you get excited, this does not necessarily mean someone related to him by blood. Could also just be someone from Khaenri'ah. Heck, we don't even know the gender of the mage, for all we know they could've been a man.
Now, the soundtrack that plays during Kaeya's part is called Towers of Afrasiab. This name has come up before. In the play of Kaeya's hangout, the character he plays opposite of is called Frasiyav. The location of the Khaenri'ahn door is called Hangeh Afrasiyab.
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I personally suspect Afrasiyab is either Irmin or the founder of Khaenri'ah.
Afrasiyab is a character from the Persian epic, the Shahnameh. Afrasiyab lived in an underground iron palace held up by hundreds of columns. (If you look at the architecture in Hangeh Afrasiyab, you'll see little reliefs of men holding up a ceiling above them.) Afrasiyab lacked the divine royal glory known as Khvarena and was obsessed with obtaining it. In the play they say Frasiyav lost because he lacked the blessing of god…
I mean it can't get any more obvious than that. So this could mean the dude from Kaeya's hangout was Irmin. Which does raise a bunch of questions, such as who is the identity of the Prince in this play? And why were they at war?
Should be noted in the hangout's play, Frasiyav offered hostages as a peace offering. Kind of reminds me of the war between the Aesir and Vanir… Also, Kaeya's character Prince Qubad is based on Siyavash who eventually married into Afrasiyab's family…
Towers of Afrasiyab then could refer to Khaenri'ah. In the Veluriyam play, the Thief is also from a dark realm. I hesitate making the assumption that this guy is Irmin or Kaeya's pirate grandpa so I will refer to him as simply the Thief.
In the play, the Thief witnesses a shooting star falling from the sky and follows it. However, what he finds is not a star but a young woman. Well, we know Fischl was also a star that fell down. And we know Fischl visited the Kingdom of Eternal Twilight and got bodied for her efforts. Oz took her under his wings and saved her life.
If the Thief encountered the Mage this way it would explain why the Mage helped him as a way to repay him. Perhaps the Mage taught him Arcane arts or helped him protect the "Dark Realm", who knows?
If this Mage really was Fischl and the Thief someone connected or related to Kaeya it would explain why Fischl and Kaeya seem to be connected.
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About Kaeya F: His nature is obscure, his fate a mystery, and his speech a vexing tapestry woven of both fact and fiction… Perhaps he and I share the burden of mystical sight…
About Fischl  Kaeya: Hmm? You think Fischl having one eye covered is very fitting given her title of Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Hahaha, if that's the case, that must also make me a descendant of some kind of former royal lineage, no?
Furthermore, in Legend of the Shattered Halberd, Fischl's partner in crime, the man who summoned her, is named Mir. This is a reference to Mimir, the severed head from Norse mythology who acted as an advisor to Odin.
Mr. Nine states Fischl was attracted to Mir… and that Oz was more of a familiar of Fischl.
In Wagner's opera Der Ring des Nibelungen, Mimir is known as Mime, the brother of Alberich.
Well, I have to say, even after all of that, I am completely stumped. If anyone knows what's going on, let me know, because I for one would love to know WHAT'S GOING ON FOR ONCE. GIVE IT UP FOR KNOWING WHAT'S GOING ON
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dapper-lil-arts · 4 months
While I gush over Vivian being canonically trans in the TTYD remake, I've gotta wonder, what are your trans headcanons for mlp?
I personally believe you can argue any of the main 6 to be trans in any direction
Trixie and Sunburst are t4t with the best ally of a girlfriend in Starlight
Absolutely love nb Spike and Scootaloo
I'm kinda iffy on whether or not I like Discord but I gotta admit that he's too chaotic to stick to one gender
I think that Shining Armor is a cis guy, but he's so masculine that his gender integer overflows, giving him the sheer confidence to wear absolutely anything, gender roles be damned(aka my explanation for him being gnc)
Not exactly a character, but I do believe that changelings have a unique relationship with gender, and it's overall all or nothing with them
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, what about you?
Personally, I haven't given that much thought for the cast, exept for with applejack. When I was writing the Princess and the Peasant, a big part of her character drive is that since her parents died, she had to do everything to support her family, and in that way, she had time for nothing else, no romance, no distractions, no wondering what she could be when it isn't this. The reason she is so strong is because she worked nonstop day after day to keep Sweet Apple Acres alive. I didn't end up writing it into the fic, but one thing was perfectly clear for me-- It would have been a fantastic Trans character moment, because although she is happy with the woman label, and her family accepts her, she never had time to be in touch with it or even explore this other side of herself, since she was always driven to help her family. She didn't get the chance to truly ask herself who she could be, if she wasn't poverty-stricken, and perpetually having to provide for her family. It leads to the classic rarijack moment where being near rarity allows her to explore other versions of herself, to imagine what else she could be. There's a scene in the fic where they have to wear disguises, and Rarity dresses AJ up-- and when Applejack looks in the mirror, she could swear that she saw her mother, pear butter. Rarity here being not only supportive but incentifyzing AJ to explore herself and stuff. If I ever came back to the story with original characters (specially anthros, heh) I would absolutely make that a part of the narrative; Her own gender identity being explored through her relationship with this gorgeous woman she's tasked with protecting. Good times.
That's about it though! otherwise, i dont think of many trans things in mlp, since the show is canonly pretty non lgbt, either way
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#ocs you made when you were 12 tournament—Main Tag
hạt dẻ hạt phỉ (Chestnut & Hazelnut in Vietnamese) [@tboyblogger] vs. Phee [Toby, @pied-piper-pluto]
Apelio vs. Peculiarè [Peggsnbacon/Insertcleverurl]
Avery [@agirlwithachakram] vs. Kishimaru [@notagutterrat]
Luphina [@bees-buzzy-blog] vs. Excavator [@enjoliquej]
Hans [@tzarina-alexandra] vs. Ling/Estrelya
Aldara [@kozzax] vs. Dan (Hanson Ōkami) [@cabincryptid51]
Roberta [@gentleralts] vs. Moon Starr
Princess Mari [Nicole] vs. Cinnamon
Cupid [@onitekka] vs. Blazestar [@theaviskullguy]
Golden Sketch [@artoftheberri] vs. Sola [AstralAugur]
Raina [Physique] vs. Ash [@changeling-ash]
Sakura vs. Sana Uzumaki
Silvia Greystone [Vio] vs. Fiona
Emma [Crow] vs. Liz Turner [@linzerj]
Beckett Ashford [@noonbeam17] vs. Clairé [@fagbearentertainment]
Twila [@polygonstars] vs. Kayama [@iinsomniia]
Round 1
Hollystar [Orion] vs. Elenora [GentleRalts]
Max Haight [@rowan-raccoon] vs. Darktuft [@spiri-phone9]
Infinity [@arthallea] vs. Broanch/bpa/beepeeaye
Tekki [Luna Wolf] vs. Senshi
Marla [@doctorshatehim] vs. John [@mx-yippeee]
The President vs. Jenn Adreana [@apotheoseity]
Rosetta Stone vs. Shadow [@oreganosuace]
Dawnstripe [@enigmatic-enigmas] vs. Elwen [@peregreen]
Creation [@catboirights] vs. Solaria Aoi [@ura-0m0te-lovers]
Vinn [@mx-yippeee] vs. Lily [Asteroid Kingdom]
Pink [@somebodytolove31] vs. Erin [@silveredcircuitry]
Ash [Light] vs. Louise [@kirbee-hd]
Hazelnut [@autisticzaphodbeeblebrox] vs. Bon Fire [Light]
Flamepaw [Silvia Flowers] vs. Lasha Felomi [Luna Wolf]
Sammy [@something-in-your-walls] vs. Alana [@octonine]
Drake Blue [@silveredcircuitry]vs. Max .D. Rose [@therealsirsticker]
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