#ask ruka
eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
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Ruka Rengoku
CC / Canon Divergent
OC & AU friendly
Slow activity / Selective
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Hi, I call myself Curly here! I am +30. she/her. This is my Ruka Rengoku blog. This is actually a sideblog of my Uta blog @eyes-like-obsidian! I prefer Discord for chatting as I am mainly online there and the notification of Tumblr do not alarm me always. Add me if you want! tropfenlady
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ourdadai · 2 months
✿ babymonster ꒰ ot7 ꒱ lockscreens !
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
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Courage and Power lead to a revolution for peace! Synchro Summon! Evolve! Life Stream Dragon!
So SO excited to get to share the full spread I did for @aygozineproduction 's Dragon's Den Zine! A celebration of medieval tapestries, my favorite 5D's duel, and one of my absolute favorite yugioh dragons ✨🌈
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wingallery · 6 months
oiir pode fazer icons da ruka do babymonster?
espero que goste!! ‹3
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𓂂 ˚ ◌ 💬  。 ° .
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ★ ruka icons
cr. psd by coloursource
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inkblackorchid · 4 months
I know the 4kids dub is terrible, but what do you think of each main cast English voices in general do you think they fit for who they are?
Just for you, I went back and got a quick refresher on the English voices, because it has actually been so long since I saw any significant portion of the dub that I genuinely forgot how some of them sounded. For reasons of the dub episode listing being a mess due to cut episodes, meaning that I have no idea where to reliably hear which character talk and thus had to pick a couple episodes at random, I'll just go over the signers if that's okay.
So, first off, Yusei. Honestly, purely from a voice acting standpoint, I think Greg Abbey is perfectly fine. The fact that his dub Yusei voice is one of the voices that stuck with me is a testament to that fact, I think. I'm not too hot on how they changed Yusei's personality in the dub, but that's on the writing, not on Greg's performance. And for what it's worth, I think he does a decent, more sarcastic Yusei. That said, in emotional scenes, I do think he lacks some of the oomph that I adore Yuya Miyashita for in the sub. That guy has a pair of lungs on him, whew. But Greg gets a solid 8/10 from me.
Then, we have Jack. Jack, to me, has arguably the best dub voice. Not only does the over-the-top accent Ted Lewis does make him sound suitably arrogant and haughty, there's also a really cool headcanon I've seen floating around again recently that I think goes perfectly with it—namely, that Jack has a Cockney accent (commonly regarded as a lower-class British accent) which he picked up because he wanted to sound posh, whilst not realising that what he's speaking still outs him as a former lower-class citizen. (If somebody could point me to the op of that headcanon again I'd be grateful, tumblr search is being as useless as ever.) The only criticism I could offer is that I do think Takanori Hoshino's even deeper voice in the sub fits Jack just a smidgen better than Ted's. But for these two, honestly both work for me. 10/10 for the posh accent, cheers.
Next up, Aki. I don't necessarily think Erica Schroeder does a terrible Aki voice, but tbh, between her and Ayumi Kinoshita, I prefer the latter by far. It's mostly because of the vocal range, though, which in fact recently came up with a tumblr mutual of mine. Ayumi simply manages to reach deeper registers, which works especially well towards the first half of the show, when Aki's still occasionally making threats as the Black Rose Witch. Erica's performance by comparison isn't terrible, but it's on the whole a little more higher-pitched and soft, almost, whereas I feel like Ayumi gives Aki more depth with her performance, because especially during the Fortune Cup and Dark Signers arc, Aki isn't just the girly female lead, so it fits that she wouldn't sound like it, either. Also, I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity that they didn't give her a slightly more posh accent in the dub, too, given that she comes from a very well-off family. So 4/10 for Erica.
As for Crow. With him, I have the opposite problem. The performances Clay Adams and Tom Wayland give are fine character-wise, but their voices honestly sound a little too deep to fit the character well for me. Shintaro Asanuma, by comparison, sometimes breaks out into these higher-pitched squawks in moments of outrage, which I think fit Crow perfectly. It also contrasts his voice better with those of Yusei and Jack. That said, I find it funny how all three of them seemed to share the idea that Crow would have a slightly scratchy voice, as befits his namesake. Also somewhere around 4, maybe 5/10.
Then we've got Ruka/Luna. She's probably the one I have the weakest opinion about. Cassandra Morris and Eileen Stevens both do a decent job with her, though I have to admit I have a bit of a weakness for the specific softness Yuka Terasaki gives her in the sub. But both (or rather, all three) work decently here, I think. 7/10, not bad, not stand-out.
And finally, Rua/Leo. I'll admit, I don't like the performances Morris and Stevens give here (again) nearly as much as Ai Horanai's Rua. I think it's because Horanai's Rua sounds like a much more believable, excited young boy to me. She captures his exuberance and occasional embarrassment in a way that feels less performative than the two English VAs do to me. That said, Leo's personality still tracks perfectly, so 6/10 for the English VAs.
(Let me tell you one thing, though: It was weird hearing the dub voices again after I've stuck to sub watching for so long now. Both in a good way (they're so funny) and a bad way (Crow, are you hoarse?).)
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everybodyloveshippos · 10 months
10 w either jarlaxle or artemis :)
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10- Hello Hello Hello (Polo and pan Remix)
I got one foot in and one out the door I think it's 'bout time that I take control
this is a fun song lol and the idea of jarlaxle incessantly calling artemis on a cell phone is (thumbs up)
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75% of me is convinced Legend of Drizzt’s dialogue is mostly word-for-word but it’s being recounted to cut out any foul language because sometimes there are moments where especially Artemis says things and my brain goes “don’t lie to me he said fuck in there somewhere”
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cheezyharu · 1 month
can your Mantis and Arthesia's Mantis meet? If you may..?
I don’t have a Mantis, tho…
I can do this, however-
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121231212i · 5 months
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the way silver wolf would actually do that 😭
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hotmonkeelove · 3 months
I love your Ruka posts and analysis about him. I enjoy his character immensely and it's so refreshing to see someone who understands his character as thoroughly as you do. Please have a wonderful day!
I had written up a long response to this, but the page crashed and I lost it all... 😭
So let me give you the gist of it: thank you so, so much! It means the world to me to hear that! There is so much hate for him in recent years here, by people who are grossly misinterpreting his character and taking things way out of context. Ruka can't be appreciated in black and white terms. Like all the characters and plot points, he is very, very grey. Hopefully, the newer fans will figure this out by the time they're my age. Hopefully...
Now I want to get back to work on my Ruka POV fic!
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mihai-florescu · 6 months
i saw you mention the return of the festival man (madara's substory) and i wanted to read it but can i ask for a link? i spent a while looking for translations both on various tumblr blogs/githubs and in the wayback machine and couldn't find a working link. thanks! -📖 <- i think this is the emoji i was using. no reason for me to specify its hopscotch anon i just figured i would
Mama dayooo here you go^_^ it's a madara sub story but i think it's sooo important for insights into leo's head and mental state at that time. The call with ruka breaks meeee, just like the scene in lionheart
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Could you perhaps draw ruka from vita 👉🏼👈🏼 [i can send refs if ya wnat]
Worry not for I have found the refs
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I wanted to make a background but then I realized I was too tired so have a dumb doodle instead
Also I'm sorry that this is how you all found out I can't draw folds in clothes
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ourdadai · 2 months
✿ ruka ꒰ babymonster ꒱ lockscreens !
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
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asknarashikari · 6 months
Ruka and Hiroki in a life insurance commercial xD
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Life insurance of all things? Lmao not exactly what I'd want my doctor to sell me tbh
I'm not quite sure what you mean pulaasul, because all I see here is Ruka and Hiroki 😂 Maybe because I can't see the thread? I don't have Twitter/X and I'm not ever getting one so
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
Hit me with your favorite 5Ds headcanons 👀
Okay so I’ve used/alluded to some of these in my fics already, but that’s just because I love them that much (also it was really hard deciding which are my favourite headcanons):
Crow swears the most out of the boys, but has an almost supernatural ability to completely shut his swearing off the second children are around (unless he’s really flustered)
Though I’ve kinda hinted at something like it before, Jack isn’t actually the worst cook at the Poppo Time. Bruno is. Because Jack knows what good food is supposed to taste like (having been a star duellist for a while and all) and can reasonably guess how to approximate those flavours—he just doesn’t cook because he doesn’t have the patience to learn any technique whatsoever (or clean up after himself when he’s done). Meanwhile, Bruno just can’t cook. Straight up. It’s not a matter of wanting or not wanting to, if you try tasking this man with anything more difficult than preparing cup ramen he will burn something. Guaranteed.
Bruno and Yusei don’t have the same mechanical skillset. Bruno is almost 100% specialised only to runners, and at that, he’s slightly better than Yusei. But Yusei’s advantage is that he knows how to fix almost everything else (provided it’s mechanical and/or electronic), too.
All three of the Satellite boys actually know how to sew a bit. Martha taught them how to mend their own clothes. The quality of their seams varies (Crow’s are the neatest because he got a lot of practice from mending his kids’ stuff, too), but they all know how to sew tears shut and mend holes.
Aki isn’t as good a gardener as one would believe with her plant theme. She likes gardening a great deal, but doesn’t have a lot of experience outside of house plants. So she could decently keep a garden alive, but would never be able to maintain something like, say, a bonsai collection or a bed of prize roses, despite her love for the activity.
I’ve written a whole post about this already, but I still adore it, so: Satellite natives, post reunion with the city, are the bane of brand phone store workers’ existence. They want everything fixed, not replaced, and trying to explain to them why that would be too complicated (whether contrived or not) usually results in them not paying a single cent and going something like “oh, forget it, I’ll just give it to the neighbour’s boy, he’ll take care of this”. This includes Yusei, who usually just ends up fixing his own stuff, and especially Crow, who has already nearly gotten in a fistfight with some tech company’s store manager upon hearing the supposed price of a repair/replacement on more than one occasion before. (He obviously just ends up handing his stuff over to Yusei, too, in the end.)
Maybe my favourite headcanon: As TCG fans know, the manga versions of the signer dragons were printed as the duel dragons. In-universe, I imagine the duel dragons were also printed—as commercial, publicly available retrains of the signer dragons, who are supposed to be one of a kind in canon. (I also use this headcanon to justify why the signers have support cards tailored specifically to their dragons—they were printed to go with the duel dragons in-universe, but allow usage with the original signer dragons as well.)
Rua/Leo isn’t actually that bad at school. He’s just not very disciplined when it comes to studying because he’d rather keep polishing up his deck.
Ruka/Luna owns several duel monsters plushies. Her favourite is, of course, her Kuribon plushie.
Carly is really good at clocking people’s vibes and figuring out their character quickly. The caveat is that this only works when she meets them face to face.
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