#ask me other fun facts cant guarantee that theyll be correct but theyll be fun
have you ever had a moment where you were 100% sure you knew something, like remember-learning-in-a-textbook knew something, and then like 15 separate people told you you were wrong and so in an identity crisis you Google it and find out either a) you were completely wrong, b) you were right and these people don't know what they're talking about, c) you both had two halves of a whole information and now you gotta be gentle and diplomatic like "look we're both right no need to be frustrated neither of us had all the information", or d) you both are incredibly wrong so far from right you're BOTH STUPID
anyway an example of option a was I was somehow completely convinced that Australian possums were the same animal as American opossums and they just looked different because of environmental stuff like finches or smth and an example of option c was just a few minutes ago everyone in a comment thread tried to convince me that bumblebees have stingers when I knew that they didn't and it turns out that queens and workers do have stingers but drones don't so we were both right also bumblebees are friend shaped so I don't even care if they have stingers or not they're not gonna use em unless you seem incredibly scary they're just gonna bumble around and harmlessly bonk into you bc they mistook you for a flower
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