#ask me about the garrison i need an excuse to rant about them
lionofstone · 4 months
maybe one day i will commission an artist to draw the garrison for me because man. they’ve existed in my head for so so long
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oddshelbyout · 4 years
A Little Too Fond Of Him // Thomas Shelby X Fem!Reader
Requested by: @accioholland
Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy
Summary: You go out for a drink after a bad day and sit down with Tommy to have a conversation but you’re too distracted by his eyes.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1725
Author’s Notes:
I really love this request because I love writing soft Tommy and also best friends to lovers. I’m sorry if Tommy is a little out of character, I just wanted him to be softer around Y/N.
English is not my first language and I’m not always confident about my work so please let me know if I make any mistakes or anything I can fix in my writing.
You can ask to be added to my taglist. You can be tagged to works on a specific character or just any of my works. Please dm me or send your wish to my ask box if you’d like to be added.
Requests are open. You can request any Peaky Blinders related imagines or prompts for me to write. I’m a minor so I don’t take NSFW requests, please keep that in mind.
It had been a long day. Being a teacher had it perks but you hadn’t come across to any of them that day. The children gave you a really hard time and you were extremely tired. You really needed a drink.
You went home first. You had to change your boring teacher clothes to your usual ones. You always cared if you looked good. You didn’t want to go out for a drink looking like an old lady.
Left home and made your way to the Garrison. You hoped Tommy, your best friend would be there because you hadn’t seen him for a while.
When you stepped into the pub, you noticed it was more crowded than usual. You wondered what was the occasion but also didn’t care enough to ask.
You walked to the bar, asked for a double scotch. Tommy always tried to make you drink irish whiskey and you were now just drinking scotch to annoy him even when he wasn’t around.
“Tommy’s in the booth if you’d like to say hello.” the bartender said as he put the glass in front of you. You smiled, you were happy that you could whine to him about your students. “Thanks.” you grabbed the glass and headed to the booth.
You opened the door seeing Tommy sit there with Finn and John but he wasn’t talking. He was just there watching his two younger brothers discuss something that himself wasn’t clearly interested in.
“So here are the Shelby boys, long time no see.” you said and their eyes turned on you. You closed the door behind you and stepped in.
“Y/N! Good to see you.” John said, he was always happy to see you. Finn just waved at you without saying a word.
“Out on a school night?” Tommy said before he took a drag from his cigarette. You shook your head and giggled.
“I don’t have any restrictions about that, unlike Finn.” your gaze fell on the youngest. He looked so annoyed, “I wouldn’t either if Tommy let me drop out.” he mumbled.
John patted on Finn’s shoulder, “Patience brother, patience.” he said and you saw a slight smile sit on Tommy’s face.
“Why don’t you sit down?” Tommy asked you and pushed the chair beside him so you can sit easily. You put your glass on the table first and then sat on the wooden chair.
“You seem a bit upset.” Tommy said to you, you licked your lips. “It’s okay, just a bad day.” you explained but he didn’t seem to be satisfied with your reply.
John and Finn saw that Tommy’s whole attention was on you so they excused themselves and said goodbye. You were now alone in the booth with Tommy and he seemed to be determined to know what was bothering you.
“I’m not convinced that’s just it.” he mumbled, you didn’t like when he was persuasive to get you talking but this time you actually wanted to tell.
“The kids barely listen to me, maybe it’s because I’m younger and not a bitchy old lady who’s only personality trait is being authoritarian.” you said in one breath and Tommy chuckled. That was rare but it made you smile even though what you were saying was pissing you off.
“You may be a bit too nice.” he said, you rolled your eyes. “Come on Tommy, I just don’t want to traumatise them.” you explained, he knew exactly what you meant.
“I’m not saying you have to be a bitchy old lady, just be a little more strict.” he said, you sighed. “I’m not like you Tom, I’m not good at not being nice.” you took a sip from your drink.
“Thank God for that.” he said and you smiled. He’d always said that his favourite thing about you was that you were too nice for your own good. At times it had bad consequences but being nice wasn’t something bad.
“I see you’re still drinking scotch.” Tommy said with his eyebrows raised. “I can’t believe you can distinguish whisky from the colour.” with your words his arms were up like he was guilty.
He looked tired but not like the usual, he just looked like he was fed up with something otherwise he wouldn’t try to keep the conversation on you if you stated you didn’t want that.
“Now tell me, what’s up with you?” you just had to ask. “Nothing.” he denied and lit up another cigarette. “There’s no way I’ll let you get away with not telling me.” you said directly, he sighed.
“It’s Finn.” he said, your eyes were fixated on his lips, so full and red. You always loved to examine his features while he spoke to you.
“I feel like I know where this is going.” you said and he sighed again. Your gaze drifted to his eyes. Oh his eyes, they were the most beautiful you’ve seen. They were such a light blue that you couldn’t believe how they could be real.
“He’s trying so hard to be like me.” he complained, he clenched his jaw. You didn’t respond, your mind was only working on how beautiful his eyes were at that moment.
“He’s only 16, he should do as I say not as I do.” he continued his rant. You were too distracted by his eyes, your impression went blank but the corners of your lips were still a little curled.
“I told him no guns and he went to steal one from Polly.” you weren’t hearing him. His eyes had mesmerized you once again. His blue eyes were blinding your eyes.
“I only want him to go to school so he doesn’t end up like me.” he said. He wanted his youngest brother to have a better future. You just nodded but not at what he said, you weren’t hearing him. You were nodding to your inside voice saying the shade of his eyes were just like the sky.
“Oi!” Tommy called and now you were back to the real world. “Huh?” you said coming back to realise he was telling you what was bothering you the whole time. You felt like a fool.
“Are you even fucking listening to me?” he asked, he was so annoyed. You licked your lips in shame. “Honestly, no.” you admitted. “You’re gonna make me tell it all again, right?” he asked, so you only sadly nodded.
He told it all once again, you had all your attention on him this time but you were still examining his individual features. How his cheeks blushed when he started to get angry.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, you blinked in surprise. “Just appreciating your eyes.” you blurted out, only to realise what you said afterwards.
Tommy froze, his lips parted. “My eyes?” he asked and you pushed your lips together, you were embarrassed. There was no going back after this.
“Your eyes are just so pretty, they distract me.” you explained hoping he wouldn’t be weirded out by that. “You think my eyes are pretty.” he said softly, his lips curled up a bit.
“Yes.” you simply answered, you were so nervous about what he would say afterwards. “I think your eyes are pretty too.” he said and your jaw dropped. That was definitely not what you expected.
“My eyes are mediocre.” you said, your eyes were nowhere close to how beautiful his eyes were. “I think mine are too.” his voice was still soft, it wasn’t what you were used to.
“No, yours are extraordinary.” he couldn’t hold himself back and chuckled. You hadn’t seen him chuckle like that with a big smile in so long that you couldn’t believe it. He was actually happy that you said that and was definitely not weirded out.
“Extraordinary.” he repeated what you just said, his smile didn’t fade. Your one hand was sitting on the table and he moved his hand to yours. You felt your stomach twirl, it didn’t feel as good as you thought it would.
“Yes.” you were out of words to say. “What does it mean Y/L/N?” him calling you by your last name was nothing new but it felt different at that moment with the tone he said it with.
“You tell me.” you just really didn’t know where this was going and it scared you. “Maybe you’re a little too fond of me.” you held your breath, what he said wasn’t so easy to process. Were you in love with your best friend? No, that couldn’t be it or could it?
“No.” you simply replied, “Then why are you looking at me like that, telling me my eyes are extraordinary.” your wind was working so slowly. You had no idea how to respond to that.
“Okay, I might be a little too fond of you.” you admitted, you had no other choice. “So you finally realised.” he said and your eyes popped out of its place.
“What?” you blurted out, “I’ve been waiting for you to realise so I could ask you out.” he said. You jumped out of your seat, “What the fuck Tommy?” you shouted.
“You’re not as smart as you think.” you said before giving him a chance to speak, “Why did you have to wait for me? You didn’t wait for any other girl!” you weren’t angry but you were just so annoyed.
“You’re not some other girl.” he said and licked his lips. “I needed to be sure our friendship wouldn’t go to waste.” you took a deep breath, “Oh.” you could reply with only that.
“So you liked me all this time and didn’t say a word and also fucked around as much as you could?” you asked, he nodded, he obviously didn’t know how to reply
You sat back down on the chair and put your hand on the table again. This time he didn’t only get his hand closer to yours but held it. His cold hand gave you chills.
You didn’t even realise how much you were attracted to him and just in a blink you were going on a date. It was far from what you expected for the night, all you wanted was a drink after a tough day. You still were happy with the result and Tommy seemed to be too.
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falloutjay · 3 years
Christophe x childhood friend reader x Kenny, Christophe, Gregory and reader have been friends since gradeschool. Reader was a very emotional person who cared about everyone. She was very sweet yet still helped the boys assassinating people. Reader had always had an obvious crush on Christophe but she never seems get to an direct answer and it really starts to bum her out. So she starts trying to stop showing her feelings to him. It worries people because she starts being more quieter than her normal self. When asked, all she can say ' I just realized that there's something I could never have' and nothing else. It's until reader's parents (who are bakers) get a job opportunity in a town named South Park. It's a very awkward goodbye (with Christophe, it's sad af with Gregory) and she leaves.
As if a switch was pulled, reader goes back to being a sweet and emotional girl (much to her parents delight/relief). We makes lot of new friends and gets a new crush too, Kenny McCormick. She's shy around him at first, much to her friends: Bebe, Wendy, and Nicole's confusion. She confides in them and tells her past troubles with love. They comfort her and tell that it's sure to be different. So reader lightens up around Kenny and they begin a beautiful relationship.
Yet we hit a rough patch when Kenny's womanizing way Catches up with him (Kelly, Tammy, etc) so we naturally get defensive (not to how we were with Christophe but still pretty strained). But worry not, reader (and her friends) win their class a trip to London (they sold 7,777 cookies!!!). Reader is nervous but doesn't stress to hard, it's not like Christophe is still leaving there right? Well after settling into their hotel, Reader and Gregory run into each other and have a heartfelt reunion then reader reunites with Christophe and it's really awkward. So Gregory and Christophe decide to join them on their trip, but something wrong. Christophe seems a lot more open with reader, which confuses reader and Kenny, having connected the dots, tries keeping reader for himself. And poor reader's in a blushy confusing emotional spiral.
I had such a blast writing this. Writing Christophe is mad fun.
Btw, I implied that the events of the movie never happened here, so Wendy and the others never met Gregory or Christophe.
Kenny and Christophe are also pretty mean girls basically but I loved it so much, I couldn't help myself. ^^
Warnings: Kenny and Christophe are a little OOC I think, swearing, French, Bad French.
Christophe x Childhood friend!Reader x Kenny
You hummed as you waited for your best friends in the whole wide world. You had prepared a nice little lunch with self-made sandwiches, lemonade, and brownies.
Your excitement went through the roof, once you heard the door to your secret hideout open. Gregory was the first to come in. “Ah, Y/N, what a lovely surprise!” He said gleamingly and admired the beautifully set table. He put down his backpack and as he did so, your longtime crush strolled in. Cigarette in mouth, dirty all over him and an annoyed expression painted on his face, Christophe.
“Hey, how was the job?” You asked sweetly, as Gregory sat down, and Christophe did so too after a short hesitation. “It went well unti-” “Until zat fucking dumb kid made the wrong zound and made me mess up the whole time plan. Why does no one know what a dying giraffe sounds like?” He ranted, hands moving around hastily, while you and Gregory chuckled. “It’s not funny!” The dark-haired protested while he lit his cigarette. You just smiled.
Despite Christophe’s mean demeanor, you had a huge soft spot for him. “Hey, Christophe?” You asked, demanding his attention, which he gave you, while also taking a bite of a sandwich. “Would you maybe like to hang out sometime?” Gregory pretended to not exist and focused on the suddenly very interesting drink in his hand. He knew you liked their friend. But he also knew Christophe better than anyone else. And the blond knew this couldn’t end well.
“Ah, excuse moi, mais…I just don’t have the time currently.” You nodded, trying your best to not show how disappointed you were. It pained Gregory to see you like this. He loved you like a sister and seeing how Christophe was constantly breaking your little heart made him sad.
To his demise, you only grew quieter with time. When Gregory pressed you on the matter, asking what’s wrong, all you managed to mumble was: “I guess… I just realized that there's something I could never have”. It made him worry. You were such a sweet girl but recently you had become a husk of yourself and today was no different.
They had just come back from another job but this time you didn’t even greet them, just passed the folders in which you listed the new jobs they could take. “Here. I am afraid I have some bad news though.” You mumbled as you pressed the papers in their hands. Gregory looked at you with worry on his face. “What’s wrong, dear?” He asked and noticed how close you were to crying.
“My parents got a really good job over in Colorado. We will move next week.” You mumbled. Gregory threw the papers across the room, before storming to hug you. You held him close, feeling sad, that you would never again drink tea with your favorite English gentleman, and that deeply saddened you.
Your eyes wandered over to Christophe, who looked somewhat sad but made no move to express this. “I can't believe it. You’re THE most important part of this organization and you will be gone by next week?! Who is gonna help me with all the papers?” Gregory held you so close, you almost had trouble breathing.
“I gotta go early today since I have to start packing. I will miss you two so much.” You said, not being able to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. “Yeah, sure, take your time. If you need any help, you know you can always count on me.” Gregory said, finally letting go of you. You nodded and walked up to Christophe.
“I guess that’s it huh?” You muttered. “Oui. You will be a great loss to zis organization.” Awkwardly you nodded. Was this really everything he had to say? You didn’t see Gregory in the background, wildly gesticulating for him to say more. The dark-haired raised an eyebrow until he finally got what his partner tried to say.
“We will miss you.” He thought this was a perfectly fine answer, but didn’t catch how much that hurt you. “Yeah, me you too.” You said and walked towards the exit. “See you guys!” You called out before you vanished.
“Great job making her feel like shit.” “What waz I supposed to say?”
“My God, Y/N, you have been here for over half a year now! Just tell him already!” Bebe commented and you blushed profusely. “N-no! He doesn’t even like me that much!” You protested, your cheeks colored in a deep red. “There is no point in denying sweetheart. You both are head over heels for each other. Trust me, Stan told me how much Kenny talks about you.” Wendy reassured you. She pointed with her fork over to the table the boys were seated on and sure enough, the blond boy you were talking about was looking over, waving even when he spotted you looking at him. You shyly waved back, before hiding in your sweater.
“Okay, Y/N, what the fuck happened when you lived in England? I can’t imagine you always behave like this around someone you like.” Nicole looked sternly at you, and you let out a deep sigh. “Well, fine, yeah, there was a guy before Kenny that I liked.”
The girls all pushed their food trays to the side, to stick their heads closer together. “In England, I was close friends with two guys.” “Ohh, a three-way?” “Bebe!” Wendy hissed before they let you continue. “They are assassins and I helped them with everything behind the scenes, like contacting clients, paperwork, and all that. Gregory was my best friend, and the other guy is a French, god-hating, foul-mouthed idiot named Christophe. And I really had a thing for him, but he was always super cold and just not that interested in me.” You rambled and the girls listened attentively. “Okay, okay, Y/N, hear me out on this one…” Bebe began, and you looked at her. “Have you maybe thought about the fact that that Christophe guy was just an idiot? You’re great and Kenny sooo has a thing for you. Just go for it!” Nicole and Wendy nodded. “Yeah, you gotta make new experiences, real experiences.” Nicole agreed and Wendy gave it a thumbs up.
Before they could talk any further, you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around. Kenny stood there, smiling warmly. “Hey, Y/n, I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanna go to the mall with me on Saturday and maybe get a smoothie or something?” You felt your face heat up and heard the girls squeal quietly. You nodded. “Yeah, that would great!” You answered and he shot you a flashy smile. “Great. I’ll come to pick you up, yeah?” You nodded excitingly and he walked back to the boy’s table. “Ahh, you got a date!” Nicole beamed and so did the other two. A big smile was glued to your face, and you only managed to nod. “We will so come over on Friday and get you ready! Girls’ night!” Bebe planed and you happily agreed.
Being with Kenny was great. He was loving, always looked out for you, loved listening to you, and yet, you hated his guts just now. You wanted to strangle those stupid sluts that constantly clung to his side like their life depended on it. Yeah, you knew Tammy and he had history, as did Kelly, but did he really have to talk to them that much? Didn’t he see how much you hated it? “Hey, babe!” He whispered into your ear, and you moved away. “Hey, Kenny.” You said coldly. You waited for Mister Garrison to finally let you in the hotel. You and the girls managed to win the school competition for a trip to London, by selling 7,777 packages of cookies, totally legally, by the way, nothing to see here, so now your class was in London and after you sat with the girls in the bus Kenny had sneaked up to you. You were kind of nervous, fearing that you could maybe run into…him… but there was no chance he still lives here, right? Right?
You didn’t know why, but since Kenny had started to talk to his bitches, as you called them, again you distanced yourself from him. You were afraid of being hurt again, so distancing yourself was an automatic reaction.
Once you got settled in your room, the girls proposed discovering the town, since you guys had no events for the day. You happily greed and once in the corridor, you spotted Stans gang down the hall. Wendy asked them to join, much to your demise. You wanted girl time, not being secretly annoyed with Kenny time.
You, Wendy, Bebe, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny wandered the streets, taking in the new scenery. “It’s pretty nice here, isn’t it?” Wendy asked as she put the sweets she bought in her bag. “Yeah!” You agreed and sipped on the tea you ordered.
You guys had sat down at a café to just watch the bussing streets and enjoy some British tea. Kyle was talking to Stan about Cartman, and what prank they’d play on him tonight. Kenny was chatting with Bebe and Wendy about Tammy and Kelly, much to your demise and you just looked around. Your eyes wandered and you watched the other patrons when you stopped at a familiar seeming one. Your mouth was agape, there’s no way your eyes weren’t tricking you right now?!
The in leather gloved hands, the orange button-up shirt, that thick golden hair… A book rested in his left hand, while the other held the tea with an extended pinky. It was him. Gregory. He must have noticed you staring as he looked up and recognized you as well. A big smile appeared on his face, and he quickly put the book in his leather messenger bag. You got up, ignoring the questions from the others, while you ran into Gregory’s extended arms.
“Y/N my dear! I would have never guessed to see you again!” Gregory proclaimed, spinning you around. Neither of you cared that everyone was watching. “I’m so happy to see you. It has been ages!” You mumbled, still hugging your long-lost friend tightly. You only lost contact because you lost your phone during the move, so you had no way of contacting them. Before you two could talk, Kenny appeared by your side.
“Hey, babe, who is this guy?” He asked and as you turned around you saw the questioning looks of everyone. “Oh sorry. Guys, this is my old friend Gregory, we have been friends since we were little. Gregory, these are my friends from America, Wendy, Bebe, Kyle, Stan, and my boyfriend Kenny.”
Gregory properly introduced himself and moved to sit with you guys. He talked with your new friends, and you immediately saw how Wendy and Bebe hung to his lips. You understood that. Gregory was a really good-looking young man by now. You chuckled when you spotted how jealous Stan became with each passing second. Soon Gregory’s phone rang, and he excused himself to take the call.
“Oh my god! That’s the Gregory, you told us about, Y/N? Why did you hide that he’s a British snack!” Bebe exclaimed and you chuckled. Soon Gregory sat back down and that devious smile on his lips made you wonder.
“Ze Mole is coming.” He just said, knowing you wanted to question his smile. You felt the blood in your veins freeze for a second.
“He is still here?” You asked and Gregory nodded. “Why wouldn’t he? We kept the organization running. And there is always a spot for you if you ever want to come back.” The blond spotted the longing in your eyes at an instant. Kenny watched it happening quietly, carefully watching you. Soon enough, a certain someone arrived, pulling another chair to your table, and sitting on it backward, so that he was leaning on the backrest.
Your heart was beating like you had just run a marathon as you inspected every detail about him. His dark messy hair was roughly still the same and his trademark cigarette his only accessory. The tight-fitting dark green shirt fit him perfectly you thought and the tactical belt around his torso was still there. He also still wore fingerless gloves. The two really didn’t change much, apart from becoming older.
“Well, Christophe, these are Y/Ns friends from America.” Gregory introduced them and the dark-haired male lazily gifted him a wave. Wendy and Bebe noticed how you were obviously checking him out and laughed.
“I see you got a thing for baddies.” Bebe whispered into your ear, and you wanted to protest, but got interrupted by Stan.
“Well, I like this sort of reunion, but don’t wanna want to continue or sightseeing?” Gregory smiled warmly, as he offered to play tour guide for you. Your friends happily agreed to his proposition, feeling glad to have a real British tour guide. So, you guys paid for your orders and started walking.
To your surprise, instead of walking up front with Gregory, Christophe walked next to you, eyeing you curiously. “It’s nice to ze you again, mon chéri.” He said you felt your face heat up. Did he seriously just call you that? Did he actually say he’s happy to see you again?
“Well, it has been a while, hasn’t it?” You mumbled and Christophe had a pleasant smile resting on his face. That was a new thing, you thought. While Christophe walked next to you on your right, Kenny was on your left and eyeing the French with jealous eyes. He was an expert at reading people and he spotted Christophe’s attraction to HIS girlfriend miles go and he wasn’t blind to your body language either. You two had history. That much was clear.
Gregory led the group down to a nice spot near the riverbanks of the Thames where the girls took pictures together. Kyle and Gregory switched taking the group photos, while Kenny stood next to Christophe, both looking at the others.
Everyone felt the obvious tension between the two. “Don’t even think about, frog eater.” Kenny said, which made Christophe chuckle.
“Ahh, you Américains are so funny. You think everything belongs to you, when in reality she was already mine, once I sat down at ze table.” Christophe took the last puff of his cigarette, before stomping on it on the ground. Kenny averted his gaze and looked at his newfound rival.
“Yours?” He questioned but didn’t Christoph didn’t reward him with an answer. He only chuckled and put a new unlit cigarette in his mouth.
“Écoutez-Vous. You sound so funny.” The girl the two were fighting about returned with Bebe and Wendy and they all obviously felt the tension between the two.
“Ken, come over. Group pics!” Kyle called out to him and somewhat annoyed, Kenny jogged over. So you and your two friends were left with the French man.
“I just wanted to say, you look formidable, ma briquette.” Wendy and Bebe quietly squealed, as Christoph took your hand to press a kiss on your knuckles. You blushed a deep red. What had happened to him? He never behaved like that, but you couldn’t deny how he made your knees weak.
“Hey, Hey, Hey!” Kenny called out and quickly came stomping back. “I just told you to back off.” Kenny said. “Ah sorry, my English is pretty bad, I must have misunderstood.” Christophe shrugged. Kenny wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
“I’ll fuck you up if you don’t keep yourself in check.” Kenny spat and you broke free of his forced hug. “Ken, what the hell?” You questioned his sudden aggression, but you were quickly shoved away by Christophe, who now got all up in Kenny’s face.
“Oh, zen pray to whatever hate-filled God you believe in, and I hope for you he’z real because nothing will be as real as your fucked up face once I am done.” “Oh, I don’t believe in Gods. Not when I already know what hell looks like and so will you when I get started.”There was no point in denying that you, Wendy, and Bebe were super interested in this showdown. It was interesting to see two guys who were obviously fighting over you get so riled up.
Bebe leaned over and whispered: “Damn Y/N, you really got the hot guys fighting over you.” You had a faint pink tone on your cheeks. The two guys you liked were ready to basically kill each other over you. It was kind of flattering. Stan and Kyle tried getting the two to calm down, but to no avail, as they just kept going with their petty insults.
Gregory walked up next to you, leaning down to talk. “You are the only one who can get them to stop, you know that right?” He questioned.
“Yeah. But you must admit, this is kinda entertaining.” He laughed and nodded. “You’re right.” “Give me a minute Gregory. I never had someone fight for me.” You whispered with a hot face, watching as Kyle and Stan tried to pull the two away from each other.
Your heart was confused, seeing Christophe again and how he now behaved towards you awakened feelings you thought weren’t there anymore, but you also loved how Kenny was ready to fight for you. How could anyone not find this super interesting?
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mrs-hatake · 4 years
Dearly Departed
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Pairings: Kakashi x F!Reader, Onesided! Dabi x F!Reader
Warning: ooc characters, mentions of blood, dead body and major character death.
A/N: reposting this since tumbler wouldn’t let my posts appear. 
this is what happens when you watch the scene of Carla’s death on repeat and listen to Eren’s YAMEROOO!!
also, I intentionally wrote dabi with his white hair and kept his chosen name.
as always, big thanks for the lovely @runeterrankhaleesi​ for proof reading this fic!
The Sunday market was buzzing like a group of honeybees in their hive despite it being so early in the morning. The people were cheery and had a smile as they presented their products, selling or trading it with their clients.
Y/N was looking at a basket of black berries, trying to determine which one looked the juiciest to purchase for her infamous black berry cake, when she felt a heavy arm snake itself around her shoulders.
“Morning, doll.” Greeted Dabi with a sleazy smile, his body reeked of alcohol and sweat.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N shrugged the arm off her shoulder and pointed at the pile of berries for the farmer to bag up for her. “Two dozens please.” She politely requested.
After she had paid and placed the bag of berries into her basket, she made her way to her next destination. “Whatcha baking today?” asked Dabi as he hooked his finger around a lock of hair that managed to fall out of Y/N’s bun and twirl it around his finger.
“Black berry cake.” She replied, seeming unaware of the finger in her hair as she glanced at the pile of wild mushrooms.
“For me? Awwww, you shouldn’t have!”
“You wish.” snorted Y/N, “It’s for the bakery. You want it? Then you have to pay for it.” She had a cheeky smirk as she held out her open palm to Dabi.
“Oh, I’ll pay.” A wicked grin grew on his lips, “But not in money.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Y/N immediately punched his chest.
“Be glad Kakashi isn’t here, otherwise he would’ve offered you to the Titans.”
It was Dabi’s turn to snort, “Please, what can a teacher do other than lecture me to death?” He then rolled his azure eyes. “Besides, he won’t stand a chance against someone in the Garrison Regiment.”
Y/N just scoffed as she continued shopping for her bakery and what she needed for dinner later that night.
In the middle of their banter, someone from the Garrison Regiment with blonde hair and kohled eyes waved Dabi over for a quick game of poker. The blue eyed young man waved back, pinched Y/N’s cheek despite her being older than him and stole an apple from her before running off to play a couple of rounds with his buddies. No doubt getting shit faced again.
Y/N shook her head. Although Dabi had the honor to work with the Survey Corps thanks to his father’s high ranked position and insane amount of power that he held, Dabi turned down his father and signed himself up with an easy going, albeit lazy, department.
Though, Y/N didn’t blame Dabi. His father was a horrible man and was the reason for most of Dabi’s burns on his body. He resented his father due to his mistreatment towards his family, especially Dabi’s mom who ended up hanging herself after unbarring the guilt for pouring boiling water onto her youngest child.
Kakashi and Y/N had known Dabi most of their lives, what with Dabi being Kakashi’s former student about ten years ago, they knew that Dabi was attached to them even though he refused to admit it.
Though, in recent years, there was a strain in Dabi and Kakashi’s relationship due to the younger of the two developing a not-so-innocent crush on Y/N. He couldn’t help it. She was kind, strong and brave. She was one of the few people who stood up to his father, Enji had tried to drag Dabi back to Wall Sina after he found out that Dabi turned down the Survey Corps’ offer after all the strings he pulled through.
Having had enough, the trio had all moved to Wall Maria and settled down in Shiganshina district.
The trio’s bond grew stronger with each passing day and they almost resembled a dysfunctional family. However, that bond almost broke when Kakashi had finally managed to propose to Y/N and Dabi had stormed off, falling off the radar for days.
Kakashi and Y/N had searched for him in all of the places they thought they could find him. It took them almost an entire week to locate his exact location and the first thing Y/N had done when she spotted Dabi’s white tuft of hair sprawled on some woman’s breast inside a small bar that reeked of vomit and phlegm, was to give him a well-deserved slap.
The tears which had gathered in the corner of her eyes did not fall as she glared at him.
“How dare you.” She spat.
Before Dabi could have the chance to apologize, Y/N turned and stormed out of the bar. Not wanting to hear any of Dabi’s pathetic excuses.
Dabi’s blue eyes met Kakashi’s grey ones. “I’m sorry.” Was all that he could offer to the older man who Dabi once saw as a man he could respect and admire.
Kakashi just sighed and nodded with his head to follow after Y/N.
“Just know that she barely managed to get two hours of sleep each night and had to close the shop the past week to go look for you. You owe her.” said the silver haired man. Dabi just lowered his head in shame.
Hours later when Y/N had served dinner for everyone, Dabi stared at her with hopeful eyes as he wanted to take advantage of dinner time to apologize to the one person he loved more than himself, seeing as she had been avoiding him throughout the day.
Though the hope in his eyes diminished when she didn’t sit at her usual chair, instead going up the stairs.
Casting a questioning glance at his former teacher, Kakashi simply grunted. “Roof.”
Y/N was leaning against the edge of the rooftop, her head tilted upwards to gaze at the million stars littering the ink black night sky.
In the years that Dabi had known Y/N, he never knew that the older woman would be at the rooftop whenever she was upset. Guess there were a lot of things to learn about Y/N, and that Kakashi and Y/N were meant to be together.
His mind had told him, repeatedly, that he wasn’t right for Y/N. That he didn’t know much about her, other than the fact that she was his savior. He had just followed her around like some lost puppy and clung to her like a child would to his mother.
Now that he thought about it, the two never had any instances which allowed for their love to blossom. Y/N protected him. Y/N was kind to him. Y/N supported him but she didn’t love him. At least not the same way she loved Kakashi.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Dabi apologized with a quiet tone of voice as he hesitantly approached the older woman and stood a few feet away from where she was standing.
“I was wrongfully jealous-of Kakashi and of the love you both had for each other.” He then ran his burnt fingers through his white hair. “I guess I always thought that I would be the one to marry you. And I thought the feeling was mutual but I was wrong.” sighed Dabi.
Y/N, however, said nothing as she stared down at the village below.
“It was childish of me to run away, I admit that. But I was hurt and felt betrayed. I wasn’t aware of how you felt for each other. I did sneak my way into your little world, after all.”
“Y/N…Please, I’m so sorry.” Dabi pleaded and slid his hand to cover Y/N’s smaller one.
“I’m not mad.” She finally spoke. Her voice sounded rough, an aftermath of not speaking to anyone throughout the day, not even to Kakashi. She sounded tired and Dabi bit his charred lip, well aware that he was the cause for her distress.
“I’m just disappointed of how you reacted.” She faced him and Dabi’s breath caught in his throat at the expression on Y/N’s beautiful face. She looked frightened, troubled and on the verge of crying. Dabi wanted to punch himself.
“You took off without saying a word. I waited the whole night for you to return and when you didn’t, I went to look for you because I thought you were in trouble!” She choked through the tears.
Dabi wanted to inform her that there was no way any harm could come his way as he was very strong and could protect himself but the inner voice in his head advised him against that, and instead, opted to listen to Y/N’s teary rant. He was itching to hold her in his burnt arms. He longed to bury his nose into her hair to somehow sedate her and ease her anxieties. He wanted to do whatever he could to earn her forgiveness.
“Promise me.” She said through clenched teeth. “Promise me that you won’t ever do something stupid like that ever again! Promise that you won’t leave me.”
Staring deeply into her eyes, Dabi’s expression became serious as he whispered. “I promise.”
Dabi had expected that he was forgiven, that he would receive a hug from Y/N but all that he had received in return was a nod of her head and a soft, “Good night, Dabi.” Before she made her way inside.
He watched her go and he wasn’t surprised to see Kakashi standing by the doorway.
“I’m holding you to that promise.” The teacher stated with an air of finality after he followed after his fiance.
And ever since that incident, Dabi and Y/N were stronger than ever. Even Dabi’s respect for Kakashi was rebuilt from the ground up and his admiration for his former teacher had returned. Though, the cheeky bastard would still tease the silver haired man about stealing Y/N the second she grew bored of him. His jabs didn’t phase them. They knew that they loved each other too much to ever grow tired of the other person.
Even on their wedding day, the love they had in their eyes were exclusive for themselves and nobody else. Dabi was there, in the distance cheering them on and ignored the throbbing ache in his heart as they exchanged vows and kissed. Perhaps that was the reason why Dabi grew addicted to playing poker and drinking. Y/N, naturally, did not approve of such a lifestyle but as long as he returned home then it was all right.
“That’s all for today?” asked the fisherman when he spotted Y/N make her way towards the exit of the Sunday market as he washed his fish to place on display.
“ M’fraid so!” She giggled at the old man.
“Better let me know when you’re done with that cake! My wife’s been on my back nagging me to buy her one since last week!” He imitated the way his wife spoke and Y/N smothered her laugh behind the back of her hand, gently shaking her head at the old man. She wondered if that’s how she and Kakashi would be like when they were older.
“I’ll see you arou-”
A sudden crack of lightning appeared which illuminated the sky into a blinding yellow color that was then followed by a gust of wind that was unbearably warm.
Y/N had fallen into the ground at the sudden commotion, her groceries scattered around her.
And as instant as the lightning had appeared, a dark shadow hung above them and Y/N tore her eyes from the scab wounds on her hands that protected her fall to stare at the giant wall in front of her. And what she saw stole her breath away. Literally.
There, in the distance, stood a Titan. It’s expressionless face gazed down at them. Although its face was void of emotions, Y/N could’ve sworn that it was silently judging them. As if to determine which punishment was suitable for their crimes. What crimes had they committed? She didn’t know.
Within seconds, the Titan’s fist came down on the wall and life returned to the village as screams of anguish filled the open air.
Y/N stared with unseeing eyes at the madness before her.
Living in the inner walls, she never really feared the Titans, almost didn’t believe in their existence due to the tranquility of her village. But ever since she had moved to Shiganshina and had seen groups of priests preaching about their demise and humanity’s downfall, she would toy with the idea that they might be attacked by the monsters one day- just to humor herself. She never believed that that would actually come, especially so soon.
It was the crash of the boulder landing on the market behind her which smothered the screams of the shop owners and buyers, did Y/N snap out of her daze. Turning around, she was greeted with the horrendous sight of blood splattered all over the ground, limbs and intestines could be vividly seen.
Y/N’s eyes rapidly filled with tears as she covered her mouth to prevent the scream from erupting.
Just as she stood up on her wobbly feet, she heard someone screech that the Titans had breached the wall.
Horrified and having a difficult time believing what was happening, Y/N quickly steadied herself and ran towards her house. She had to go and save Kakashi. She had to let him know that the wall had been breached and the Titans had invaded. They needed to take all their required documents to return to their home village. They had to-
Coming to a slow stop, Y/N was stupefied at the sight before her.
What once used to be a row of two story houses was nothing but a pile of wood and stone.
“No.” She heard herself whisper.
And in a daze, as if being pulled by a magnet, she made her way towards her house; the third building on the right with a sandy colored brick wall.
But her house was no longer where it stood.
Brick, debris and fallen clothing that she had personally hung this morning before heading to the Sunday market all lay on the ground, covered in blood and dirt.
Cautious and frightened, she slowly made her way to the biggest pile and began to dig, praying that she won’t find the dead body of her husband, her beloved, Hatake Kakashi. He had to be alive. They had a long journey ahead of them. They dreamed of having children of their own, of opening a school for those unfortunate children of fallen soldiers from Survey Corps. It’s ludicrous to even imagine Kakashi dead, his lifeless eyes staring at her.
The scratchy call of her name urged her to dig faster and deeper and her heart dropped to her stomach when she spotted Kakashi’s grey hair covered in dirt. Hurriedly, she removed most of the stone and debris covering his upper body but she could do nothing about the wood that had fallen on his legs.
“Y/N.” Kakashi rasped again and she desperately tried not to break down and cry in horror.
“Go.” He coughed. “Save..yo-yourself.”
But his words fell on deaf ears as Y/N perilously tried to pull Kakashi out from the pile of wood.
In the distance, a large looking Titan was making its way towards their house but its presence was only acknowledged by Kakashi as Y/N was busy trying to get him out. And he felt his heart sore at her dedication and loyalty. At her unfaltering love. But there was no way that the two of them could survive the Titan that was getting closer by the second.
Kakashi had woken up that morning by playful kisses from his wife that turned into a quick session of love making before she had to bathe and head to the market to buy the ingredients she wanted for tomorrow’s bake sale while he stayed at home to grade his students homework.
He was in the middle of complimenting a rowdy and loud child who had convinced himself that he was not suitable for school and would be better off joining the military when Kakashi had heard the sudden crack in the sky. His house rumbled and his teacup crashed to the floor. Just as he was about to lean down to retrieve it, the walls around him crumbled.
When he came to, he was nauseated by the dead bodies and blood splatter that covered his neighborhood. Gone were the colorful flowers that him and his neighbors had spent years growing.
And when Kakashi spotted his wife with terror written on her face, he already knew of his fate. His legs felt too numb and his abdomen burned, his mind screamed at him that he was a lost cause but his heart had a small flicker of hope to survive. But that was pushed to the back of his mind the second he heard something snap in the distance and he weakly turned his head and spotted a Titan coming towards them. Its hideous flesh was an image that Kakashi could never forget.
“Y/N, STOP BEING SO STUPID AND RUN!” Snapped Kakashi in desperation.
“NO! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? I’M GOING TO SAVE YOU!” screamed Y/N as an endless waterfall of tears streamed down her dirt-caked cheeks.
Kakashi would’ve growled in frustration at Y/N’s stubbornness had he not been so weak. He loved his wife dearly, even when she was being hot headed as they were about to die.
“Y/N.” He choked. “Please.”
And, as if becoming aware of her surroundings, she stopped what she was doing and spotted the Titan that was just down the block. And Kakashi knew. Kakashi knew that Y/N was conscious of the situation at hand; she either had to save herself and leave Kakashi behind or they will both get eaten by the Titan. And knowing the love of his life, Kakashi knew that Y/N would choose the latter.
“Kakashi.” She called for him and his heart skipped a beat, “I love you.” she gave him a broken smile and he wanted to cry in anguish. If only…
“Have no fear, your hero is here!” And in came Dabi, zooming into the area with his ODM gear. And, for once in his life, Kakashi was grateful for his appearance.
“Dabi!” Y/N cried, as if an angel had descended from heaven to rescue them.
He ruffled her hair as he smugly approached the fallen house to help Kakashi from under the rubble.
“Go.” Kakashi whispered. “My legs have been crushed and I’ve bled too much. I’ll only hold you back.” And as if to prove his point, Kakashi coughed and a splatter of blood landed on Dabi’s boots.
“But,” Dabi, who was just as stubborn as his wife, frowned at him, almost glaring. “How could you leave her?”
“Remember….Th-The promise.” And Dabi understood what Kakashi meant.
Kakashi had to leave Y/N but Dabi couldn’t as he made a promise to the both of them and he never broke a promise.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered through held back tears. He was scared to lose someone he considered a father figure. Even when he snatched Y/N away from him, Dabi never truly hated Kakashi.
“Don’t be.” Kakashi coughed. “I’m the…one who’s sorry.”
“Please hurry!”
With the final exchange of a silent message through their eyes, Dabi promising to take care of Y/N and Kakashi telling him to remind Y/N how much he loves her, Dabi took off.
“Let’s go.”
“Wait, what are you doing?” Y/N yelled indignantly, “What about Kakashi?”
“Let’s go, Y/N. He’ll only slow us dow- ” He was met with a slap.
“Fuck. You.”
Y/N bypassed Dabi to rescue Kakashi herself when she froze in place.
The Titan had arrived and it was digging through their house. Its mouth began to water when it spotted Kakashi’s disabled body and eagerly picked it up.
Time moved slowly as Y/N silently watched as the Titan brought Kakashi towards its wide open mouth, ignoring as Dabi tugged at her arm for them to escape.
When Y/N didn’t budge, Dabi was left with no choice but to pick Y/N up and sling her over his shoulder and run.
Despite the distance, she could spot the wetness on Kakashi’s cheeks and the small and apologetic smile that slowly stretched across his lips. “I love you.” He mouthed.
And, in a blink of an eye, the Titan’s teeth chomped down Kakashi’s body.
He didn’t scream because he refused to give such pleasure to the creature.
Kakashi could see through his hazy eyes as Dabi continued to run with Y/N slung over his shoulder. He held out until Dabi was able to use his ODM gear to carry them out of harm’s way and into safety.
“Take me with-” And the Titan’s teeth closed down on his neck, ending his words and his life.
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rubysunnday · 5 years
would you do a fluffy john x shelby sister? I just need some fluffy, joker Johnny 🖤
Summary: you and John go for a bit of a wild night out
A/N: this one ran away with me a bit but I love John so much and I really miss him ❤️
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You were very annoyed. No. Fuming. Tommy had forbidden you from going dancing with your friends after an incident and instead you were stuck in his office filing paperwork of all things.
You sighed, tucking a paper clip into the pile of papers in front of you, making a mental note to mention an issue with them to Michael. There were still hundreds of letters from Tommy’s constituents to go through and file, not to mention the paperwork for the Garrison and Tommy’s house.
It was going to be a long night with probably no sleep.
You groaned, leaning back in your chair, taking your cardigan off and throwing it to the ground in an attempt to get comfortable.
“Right,” you muttered to yourself. The only other person in the building was Michael and he too was probably going to stay all night. At least you had some company.
Suddenly the door slammed open and John swaggered in, a smirk on his face and a bag in his hand.
“Hi?” You said, confusion written on your face. John threw the bag down onto the desk and you looked between him and it.
“We’re going on a trip,” he announced and you sighed.
“I’m not allowed -“
“I don’t give a fuck what Tommy said,” John cut in, his tone serious. “I’m taking my little sister dancing because she’s been working her butt off all week and deserves a break. Michael agrees.”
You turned around and Michael was standing in his office door, giving you a knowing smile.
“Seriously?” You asked, excitement building.
John nodded. “London for the weekend, baby sis! Drinking, dancing - no boys, however.”
You laughed. “No boys, promise.” You stood up and hugged John, smiling. “But what about the paperwork?”
“Esme’s got it handled, y/n,” Michael told you and you felt relief run through you.
“To London!” John yelled, grabbing your hand and the bag and dragging you out the door.
The ride down to London was cold. You’d completely forgotten how cold it got in March and were very glad when John chucked a blanket at your head.
You wrapped it around yourself, leaning into your brother as he drove.
“You can nap if you want,” John said quietly, wrapping an arm around you. “I’ll wake you when we get there.”
You sighed contently as you snuggled down into John. It’d been too long since you’d last spent time together, just the two of you. Tommy had had him and Arthur working all day every day and you barely saw him at dinner as you were locked away in Michael's office working.
You loved Tommy but he really had no idea how much he controlled everyone in the family. And given the mood he’d been in lately, you weren’t about to do anything to warrant him yelling at you and forbidding you from leaving the house at all.
Eventually you fell asleep, the first time you’d voluntarily fallen asleep somewhere comfortable all week. You’d usually ended up dozing off in Michaels office and wake to him carrying you up the stairs to bed.
“Y/N,” John said softly, shaking you awake.
“Mmm?” You stretched yourself awake, the blanket falling off your shoulders. Your eyes adjusted to the light and you realised you were outside Ada’s house.
“Ada’s given it to us for the weekend,” John explained as he helped you out the car. “She’s spending some time with Polly, and Linda for some reason.”
You laughed. “Linda isn’t that bad, Johnny.” John looked at you and you giggled. “Ok, she is.”
“Tomorrow morning we shop,” John told you as you walked inside. “Tomorrow night, we dance and get drunk. And then we’re back in Birmingham by Monday morning.”
You giggled, spinning around in the hall of Ada’s house. “This is amazing, thank you.”
John just smiled fondly as you ran up the stairs to the bedroom Ada had given you, for we grateful that the world had given him a little sister.
“What do you mean we’ve got to be back by tomorrow morning?!” You yelled.
The two of you had gone out for breakfast and John had broken the news to you that Tommy had called a family meeting for tomorrow morning. As a matter of urgency.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” John said and you could tell how upset he was.
“It’s not your fault, it’s Tommy’s,” you growled, stabbing your fork into a pancake. You paused your stabbing and looked up at John. “We could just, you know, get shit faced tonight and get the train back early morning. Hungover obviously.”
John hummed, thinking about. “And then get Ada to bring the car back whenever she’s next up?”
“Yeah! That way we’re still having our weekend and we’re also upsetting Tommy.”
John shook his head, smiling. “Why are you so determined to upset Tommy?”
“Because he’s too far up his own ass at the moment to see what he’s doing,” you grumbled. “I’ve hardly seen Isaiah or Finn because of his stupid blinder business.” You paused.
“What?” John asked, sensing your hesitation.
“If, or should I say when, Tommy finds out...he’s going to go off one me and lock me away like Rapunzel.”
“No, he won’t,” John promised. “I’ll take the blame since it was my idea - if he says anything.”
You nodded, feeling slightly less stressed. “Let’s go dancing.”
It was 10 o’clock at night and you and John had been in the club for three hours and you were at least six drinks in and a lot drunker then your brother...surprisingly.
You’d danced to nearly every song that had been played, you’d lost your shoes around the fourth song and you’d made some new friends much to Johns displeasure
John smiled fondly as the two of you danced to one of the slower songs of the night. Your head was resting on his shoulder and you were slowly falling asleep against him.
“I think I drank too much,” you muttered as you swayed to the music.
“No shit, really?” John asked and you weakly smacked him.
“Worth it, though,” you replied.
John felt as if his heart would burst as you laid your head back down on his shoulder. He stopped his dancing and just hugged you tightly, much to your confusion.
“Um, John?” You questioned, barely catching yourself on him as he tackled you in a hug.
“I love you so much,” John said quietly.
“Aw, I love you too, Johnny,” you replied. “And, as much as I hate to ruin this moment, I think I might be about to go throw up.”
John laughed as you sprinted to the toilet, grabbing your stuff from the table and following after you into the bathroom. You were forever grateful that he didn’t judge you as you hurled your guts up. He just held your hair back and rubbed your back soothingly.
“Where’s y/n?” Tommy asked the next morning, looking at his family assembled in front of him. “And John?”
“They’re coming,” Ada replied, smiling knowingly.
The door to the house opened and you and John stumbled in. You’d ‘borrowed’ Polly’s sunglasses and were wearing John’s jacket over your dress from the night before.
“I think I threw most of last night up,” you said to Ada as you passed, sitting down in a seat with a thump and groaning. “I can taste sounds, how is that possible?”
Tommy looked between you and John and frowned. “You went dancing? And got drunk?” His voice rising as he spoke. “I specifically told you not to leave the house!”
“Oh go fuck your self, Tommy!” You exclaimed, glaring at him behind your glasses.
“Excuse me?” Tommy said, his voice dangerously cold. But you were to hungover and annoyed to care.
“You heard me.” You stood up, taking the sunglasses off and glaring at your brother. “I’m sick and tired of being locked away and told to just do the paperwork.
“I’m fed up of never seeing my brothers because you have them working tirelessly! I wanted on weekend with my friends, but I wasn’t even allowed that! So, excuse me if I wanted to spend some time with John and have some fun for once!”
You sighed, finishing your rant. You now felt very sick and slightly regretted taking the sunglasses off.
“Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go be sick and then probably pass out.”
You ran up the stairs, barely making it to the bathroom before you threw up whatever was left in your stomach.
You felt someone crouch down behind you and rub your back, holding your hair back from your face.
“Nicely done,” John whispered and you smiled as you slouched against the wall. John sat down next to you, letting you lean against him.
“Is he pissed?” You asked quietly, raking the glass of water John offered and sipping on it.
“Well, he’s more worried than pissed, nearly followed me up here but I told him to fuck off.”
You laughed softly, wincing as your stomach twinged. “Thanks for always having my back, Johnny.”
“Anytime, y/n,” John said softly. He pressed a kiss to your head as you slouched against him, finally passing out.
John slowly lifted you up, carrying you into your bedroom and tucking you into bed.
“I love you,” you muttered, rolling over snd curling up into John as he laid down next to you.
“Love you too, little sis, always and forever,” he whispered, kissing your forehead.
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catsafarithewriter · 4 years
Day 7: Heist
A/N: Another ficlet for Day 7: Heist of the TCR Birthday Bash 2020, cause this idea came suddenly from a Discord discussion, and also from this post. A ficlet, in which the non-human members of the Bureau perform a heist into Haru’s flat for entirely chaotic reasons. 
On the fridge in Haru’s flat was a list. It read:
Pirates of the Caribbean The Princess Bride Nightmare Before Christmas Robin Hood (Errol Flynn) Robin Hood (Douglas Fairbanks) Robin Hood (Disney)
And other such movies that Haru had deemed Bad Influences due to the dramatic tendencies the characters displayed. 
(Haru had learnt that lesson after showing Galaxy Quest to the Bureau, and then having to yoink Baron back from his newfound desire to wait until the last second before pressing big impressive countdown buttons.)
And the latest addition, scribbled on in orange marker, was Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time.
Now, Baron could somewhat understand the rest. Haru had given a quick rundown of the plots - and, yes, he could see why pirates and kidnapped princesses and dashing do-gooders might have dramatic leanings that would be irresistible to a Creation such as him. 
However, the Cinderella one had stumped him. 
“After all,” he reasoned as he pushed through the cat flap, “it’s not as if I haven’t seen the original movie, and she didn’t ban the second.”
“Chicky’s really just making yer more curious,” Muta said as he followed Baron through. “Yer think she’d have spent enough time around cats to know that curiosity... that curiosity is what... Call this a cat flap? This ain’t big enough for a gerbil, let alone a cat.”
Baron tried to heave his friend through the undersized opening, dislodging the welcome mat in the process.
“Maybe she had a reason for adding it to the list,” Toto offered, who was thinking about how he was the one who had to cover for Baron’s dramatics, which was already quite the chore without throwing more fuel to the fire. “Anyway, I don’t think,” he said, hopping up onto the table beside the door, “that sneaking into Haru’s flat to watch it is the answer.”
“Then why did you come along, birdbrain?”
“Damage control.” 
“Damage control? Why would we need damage control, ya overgrown--”
Baron and Muta’s combined efforts finally bore fruit, and Muta shot out of the cat flap like a champagne cork and rammed straight into the table. 
Toto caught the bowl of keys before it could clatter off and wake Haru. He carefully repositioned it with a talon. “Oh, I don’t know, Call it a hunch,” he replied sarcastically. 
Baron was picking himself back up, dusting the imaginary dust mites off his coat. “I don’t know why you’re fretting, Toto,” he said. “After all, we’re just visiting a friend to do some... necessary research.”
“At 2am,” Toto supplied.
“The Bureau runs on all time zones,” Baron said. “I’m sure that somewhere, someplace, it’s a reasonable hour.”
“And is that the excuse you plan to use when Haru catches us?”
“Do you think it will work?”
Toto cocked his head. “On the basis that she has more than a single brain cell... I don’t think so.”
“In that case, we better not get caught. Now, who knows how to work the television?”
There was an awkward pause. 
“Well, Chicky’s usually the one to sort it all out...” Muta muttered. 
Baron nodded, as if this wasn’t a major flaw in the plan. “Good point, good point.” 
“Maybe,” Toto said reluctantly, as if already regretting enabling this endeavour, but unable to resist helping, “there’s a manual for it.” 
“Excellent point, Toto. Now... where is it?”
“Yeah, leave this to me,” Muta called, scurrying off into the joint kitchen and, after several ungainly jumps, reached a small drawer. He battled at the handle until it slid open, rooted around, and dropped a couple of thick manuals onto the floor.
The two Creations neared the findings with bemusement. 
“How did you know those were there?” Baron asked.
“Eh, you know... I may have got familiar with the kitchen in search of food. Though there’d be marshmallows somewhere for a cake, and found this weird drawer instead. He pawed at the contents. “If yer wanting dead batteries, outdated cables, and tech manuals from the Stone Age, this is yer drawer.”
“Yes, well.. thank you, Muta.” Baron spread the manuals across the floor. “Well, how difficult can this be?”
The answer, naturally, was very. 
“Muta, I do believe this manual has the same instructions copied six times over.”
“That’ll be the other languages,” Muta replied. 
“It’ll be the Sanctuary magic translating it for us,” Toto supplied. He peered over Baron’s shoulder. “Do the other languages say anything helpful?”
“Some questionable grammar, but nothing noteworthy.” 
“I’ve found the remote!”
Both Creations furiously shushed Muta. 
“Sorry. I’ve found the remote,” he whispered in exaggerated tones.
“Where was it?”
“Behind the sofa.”
“Remind me to give Haru a few tips on good tidiness habits.”
“And how are yer gonna do that? ‘Hey, could yer make sure yer tidy the place up so next time we break into your home, we can find the remote?’“
“It’s not breaking and entering if we don’t break anything,” Baron replied back. 
“How does Haru’s trust sound?” Toto asked dryly. 
 “Haru has made it quite clear we are welcome whenever. Now how do we turn this infernal machine on...?”
Several false starts, one rapid muting, and ten minutes on the wrong input channel later, they found their way to the menu screen for Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time. 
For the first half, Baron failed to see what Haru had made all the fuss about. For, except for a momentary dramatic flair from the prince as he parried with both words and sword, there was little to add to Baron’s already impressive repertoire. 
Then the film rolled towards its climax, and as the prince ran down the stairs to find his true love, he found his way blocked by his father.
“This is ridiculous! Now, you agreed to marry the girl in the glass slipper,” the king ranted. “I was completely with you on that one--”
“And I will,” the prince retorted, attempting to step past his father. “Just as soon as I find her.”
The king made a variety of disgruntled noises. “I’ve - I - I forbid you to take another step down these stairs!”
There was a pause as the prince considered this statement. Then a smile spread slowly across his face. “Okay,” he said, and jumped out of the nearest window.
Muta and Toto simultaneously looked at Baron. 
“What?” he demanded.  
“Do not,” Toto said, “even think about it.”
“I wasn’t!”
Which was true. There was very little thought involved.
Haru raced down the steps, taking them three at a time and hoping gravity wasn’t about to get the better of her. “Is... anyone else... worried,” she gasped, “how often this... happens?”
 “The running or the name-calling, Chicky?”
“Both?! We’re the good guys! We shouldn’t get called ruffians!”
An arrow whizzed over their heads. 
“Or shot at!” She pivoted on one foot to glare at their pursuers. “We’re trying to help you, you idiots!” 
 Another arrow buried itself into the stone wall above her.
“Sure, sure, Chicky, go insult their intelligence. That always goes down real well.” 
“I certainly feel better for it.” Her foot missed a step and she went sprawling. Baron caught her before she could go the rest of the stairway head-over-heels.
“Enjoying our little trip, were we?”
Haru snorted. “And how long have you been waiting on that one? Anyway, you can put me down now--”   
“Are they waiting for us to die of old age?” Muta muttered.
“On second thoughts, Baron, let’s not make any sudden moves,” Haru said. She leant back in his arms and laid a glare on the garrison of highly-decorated soldiers blocking their path. “The vase we took is cursed. That’s why you’ve been plagued by bad luck for the past year.”
“Geez, does this guy have an indoor voice?” Muta grunted. 
“Baron, this would be a great time for you to pull out one of your last-minute plans,” Haru whispered. 
“I’m working on it.”
“Work faster.”
Baron grinned the kind of slow grin that wouldn’t have been out-of-place on the Cheshire Cat. “Haru, do you trust me?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “I always do until you ask questions like that.”
“Then hold on tight.” 
Haru hastily linked her fingers together behind Baron’s neck, securing herself with the kind of grip that spoke of many, many experiences. 
“Not another step down these stairs, you say?” Baron called. “Then, naturally, we shall respect your request. Haru, are you ready?”
“Sure, but for whaaaaa--”
She devolved into a scream as Baron leapt through the open window and rappelled his way down by means of the creeping ivy clinging to the castle walls. 
Baron landed at the base of the castle with not a single hair out of place. 
Haru looked... less immaculate. 
She elbowed her way back to her feet and leant heavily against the nearest non-floor thing, waiting for the world to stop see-sawing. “Oh boy...”
Muta and Toto followed after, although Muta’s descent was slowed by his claws. “Real smooth, Baron,” he grunted. 
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“Tell me, Baron,” Toto said, alighting on his shoulder, “did you know about the ivy before or after you jumped?” 
“It is entirely possible I took note of the castle’s foliage on our entrance here.”
“That’d be a no,” Muta said. 
Haru groaned and straightened, pushing her hair out of its birdnest and into something approaching any kind of style. “You know, I’m getting the weirdest sense of deja-vu...”
“That’d be from when he jumped off your school roof,” Muta offered.
“Or the time he interrupted the clockwork wedding via the cathedral window,” Toto said.
“Or when he escaped from the sky castle.”
“Or the lightning pirates incident.”
“Or the--”
“Yes, yes,” Baron said, a trite curtly. “I think we get the picture.”
“No, that’s... that’s not it.” Haru frowned, mouthing something to herself. “It was... I think it was something you said... or something the guard said. The whole ‘not another step’ thing sounded awfully...” her eyes suddenly widened, “...familiar...”
Muta cackled. “Now yer in for it, Baron.”
Haru spun round accusingly to Baron. “Did you watch my copy of Cinderella 3?”
“Watch is such a strong word...”
“If you’re asking if I occupied the same room that the movie happened to be playing in, then I suppose--”
“Oh my god.”
“--in the loosest sense of the word--”
“You’re in so much trouble.”
“--one could say that, yes, I did watch Cinderella 3. Are you quite all right, Haru? You seem to be breathing rather heavily into your hands.”
“I’m counting to ten.”
“Why-- oh.”  
Several arrows embedded themselves into the creeping ivy just above them. 
“As much as I fully endorse this admonishment,” Toto chipped in, “may I remind you that we are currently running for our lives?” Several more arrows pinged past them, notably closer to their marks this time. “Preferably before the archers find their aim.”
“Wait,” Haru said. “Did you know? About the movie?” She watched Muta and Toto’s guilty shuffling, and the penny dropped. “Did you help?”
“Help is such a strong word,” Muta said.
“If you’re asking if we happened to occupy the same room as Baron did during the movie...” Toto muttered.
“..and maybe jiggled your cat flap open...” Muta continued.
“...and worked the TV...”
“...then I suppose, in the loosest sense of the word...”
“...one could say that, yes, we did help him. How high are you counting this time, Haru?”
“As many as it takes before the murderous tendencies wear off,” Haru growled. “Baron, your tea privileges are banned for a month; same goes for you and cake, Muta; and Toto...” She paused. “Is there anything I can ban for you?”
“Bickering with Muta?” Toto supplied wearily.
“Fine. No bickering with Muta.” She groaned again and rubbed at her temples. “Alright, let’s get this cursed vase outta here and get home.” She glanced around. “Who’s got the vase?”
“Oh,” Baron said. 
“I think I may have left it in the staircase,” he said. “Just before we jumped.”  
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wofuru · 6 years
Voltron s8 (long post sorry)
So ... voltron has come to an end (unless there are more surprises coming). And I will say right of the bat that I am devastated.
I know this is 'only' a tv show, but let me explain some things to get you on the same line. I started a little late on the VLD train thinking it was only a mecha anime show at first and then I saw the character designs. Shiro caught my attention right away and Keith as well. And then watched season 1. That moment when Keith finds Shiro and turns his head, his expression at seeing the only person he loves and that have been there for him being alive after all... I fell in love with their relationship. I thought ‘huh oh ... I think I got a pairing I will be shipping XD’ and tough myself as silly. 
And then as the episodes went on, the more we got to see a beautiful, respectful relationship between two men that are equals. Yes Shiro is technically his superior according to ranks at the garrison, but he treat him and all the other paladins as equals. He is their leader, but most of all their friends. Shiro/Keith relationship evolves through the serie, but have always been on the basis that they love each other so so much, but do not stop the other from taking risks, they trust in each other strenghts while they still worry for each other. They keep saving each other in so many ways that are shown to us through the series. 
Sheith vs gays representation in stories/series
Sheith has been since the beginning something more than any of us, more then what anyone could have expected. They represent something we haven’t seen before. And this is a m/m couple relationship that is pure, non-toxic and natural, not forced. And also not between background characters. Yes we have been having as the LGBTQ2+ community more representations in the last few years in different shows. while females couple were more rarely seen at the beginning, they were there as a beautiful and cherished relationship and treated as normal (unless it falls under the stereotype that it’s hawt because its 2 girls having sex in the mind of classical straight guy characters representation). But with m/m relationship, we have been shown as either toxic relationship in which one or both partners cheat with sleeping with someone else or are blatantly sleeping around with just everyone (cheating or as an open relationship sort of). Every gay couple shown as kinky stereotyped relationship that are together only to have sex all the time and nothing else. IN the rare cases that it is not the situation we see, instead we get a character that we learn is gay after a while and mentions having someone in their life that we either never see or are simply a nobody OR someone super stereotyped like a girly boy or drag queen (in which there is nothing wrong with being at all, but they are used as a moquery to being gay in these cases which IS disrespectful). Sheith is the 1st relationship that are neither these. Both are important characters, both are strong characters and none girly to have like a “Who’s the girl in the couple” vibe. They are equals, have a healthy and interesting relationship. Every interactions they have are natural and transpire sensibilities that as men we are still told or shamed everyday if we dare show or talk about. 
AND take into account that not only adults watch the show. Kids of all age love those characters for WHO THEY ARE and learn that it is alright to love people around them, to show them. That it is not wrong to be two boys and love each other so so much, to show your affection towards the other. 
Shiro is also a man that was sick and lived with it knowing he had little time left. He got abducted, abused in so many ways. Lost an arm and still continues to love and care about people. He still continues to fight to what is right, despite his ptsd, despite all. 
Characters in the season
What Season 8 did (and 7 as well to a certain extent) is show us that it doesn’t matter how hard you fight, how hard you care, you’ll get everything get ripped from your hands. Life won’t be kind to you ever. Shiro lost the black lion for no real reason, just an excuse to have Keith become the main character. But moreover got shoved on the side in a corner to be seen once in a while so we in the fandom would not rant too much about him barely existing anymore as a character. In s8 they have stripped him of every character traits he had to make him become the basic space ship AI character type that speaks to only to explain what the audience and the other characters needs to be explained to let the story move on. He does not even get to be the one leading the meetings and building the strategy. Every occasion they had, he was put on the back up line to let Voltron pass forward. He became a plastic character with no personality. 
As for Keith... Keith got every dialogue Shiro would have normally have, even the phrasing of how he speaks is not reminiscence of himself, but the same as Shiro speaks, his words, attitude, everything. So his personality was thrown out the window. The goal of the series had been for him to evolve from the right arm character to a leader (which does not stand right with me for other reasons I will speak in another post maybe in the future), but that is understandable. But for that, he didn’t have to become someone else. Being a leader can be done different ways. Yes Shiro was and is a big influence in his life, but they are two different persons. Why they are so strong together is because they complete one another. Keith could have picked on some things from Shiro, but make it is own that is what I mostly want to say. To see him preside the meetings at the garrison, make the strategy, tell people what to do inside the Atlas, not just the Voltron team is simply bad, both for him and for Shiro’s character. This is completely OOC in many ways and also put Shiro in the corner as non existant, especially since we see in the room with them sitting and saying nothing. 
I have been speaking mostly of Sheith, but the other paladins also lost all their flavors in this season to become 1 dimensional. Hunk is the cook that cares, Pidge the genius geek and Lance ... the worried boyfriend, Allura the character that wants to save everyone herself alone and will stop at nothing to do so. All the side characters of the series were on point, but none of the main cast characters were. Every paladins became those plot exposition devices to explain what was going on because it became so condensed with concepts and ideas that were interesting yes, but there is such a thing a too many things happening. And with all those things they have sacrificed what the people loved the most about the series and it was the characters and their story. The season was about mechas fighting mechas so the universe would not explode too much or will come back. 
Wrapping everything up
Through the series we met a lot of different people, planets and all. We even got the AUs that were confirmed and given in a way to the fandom to validate that all the content fans have been doing were considered as possible because of the infinite quantity of realities in which the characters could have had different lives. This was truly a beautiful gift to everyone, to every crack ships even. 
Now in season 8 we see all those aspects being reduced to shreds. The paladins of old are shown, but disappear forever. The olkari gets destroy and we never hear from them again, all the realities get destroyed expect the one we are following which makes it so that ONLY this one is the real one starting from there. Putting the fans to realize that however this ends in the next minutes of the show, this will be the only possibility the story will end, so you better put your seat belt on, because if your ship doesn’t happen, then no hope for you. 
Pairings and couples
Allura and Lance became a couple through this season after a well evolving relationship through the season, but at the end Allura sacrifice herself, with the team not really trying to stop her, except Lance. Which does not make sense since they do not even react that much until she says her goodbyes to everyone. So they kill one of the pairing right here and there saying that Lance will always think of her and remember her. He gets marks just to remember him more. But there is no chance of redemption, Allura is dead, becoming cosmic dust in the skies. 
Punk didn’t happen, but this is something we could have anticipated. Since they do not seem to be with someone else, this at least gives lenience to an open ending game for them. 
And now Sheith ... at the very end, they have decided that Keith would go back to the Galras and try to make them evolve in a better society, which is interesting BUT. As we see in the 1 year later skip, they do not seem to have been in contact with him at all because they were asking news on how things were going with the Galras. And Shiro is the one asking so it means that they haven’t both been in contact in a long while. Then comes the epilogue in which we see Keith continue to travel the galaxies helping people in his separate way and Shiro ... gets married to a nobody that we never saw before s8 (unless maybe in the background once in s7 I hear). They made the guy speak a few lines during this season and these moments always seemed forced implanted so we would know who he is sort of. The whole s8 (and even 7 to a certain extent), Keith and Shiro never interacts. Like at all. They become complete strangers. Keith is seen behind Shiro at the marriage seen like a posted image half hidden. Which does not make sense and is simply insulting to the fans. If they were not romantically involved, they were if anything at least best friends, there were their everything. And Keith telling Shiro he loved him was never addressed, the whole black paladins episode either. They never talked about it on screen and if it was behind the scene ... it made Shiro stop talking with Keith entirely ? Which he would simply never do and Keith would never abandon Shiro either. We have seen him run the universe times and times again to help him, save him, be there for him. To have Shiro simply leave (and become a HOUSE WIFE no less) is worse then killing the ship, it is an insult to every gay out there. This tells us all that it is ok to be gay, but choose someone that nobody will care so it does not make waves, that when you do, leave to live the discreet life and abandon your dreams and your personality. That basically you need to lose yourself, to hide, to be afraid. That if you tell someone you love that you love them (especially between guys), you will lose them, that they will never speak to you again. 
And THAT is the problem. Yes I am sad my ship didn’t become canon on screen, but if they had made an open ending, it would have been just fine. Have Shiro arrive when Keith leaves for the galras saying ‘hey Keith, we need to talk’ or just leave with them. Anything, but not this. But aside from just my ship, don’t just coward behind because you are afraid to show a main m/m couple show on screen. Sheith is the most beautiful gay representation in American history and instead, DW decided (not Lauren and Dos, I mean above them who made these decisions) litterally piss on our face and throw a bone at usby marrying Shiro to a guy to say hey you got your representation and we are the first animated show to have a gay marriage seen... but it does not count DW. The guy is a nobody cares about, this is just throwing gays under the rug, again. 
Modified scenes
With everything that have been digged out by now after s8 dropped, we now know that this ending was NOT the one the creators did and wanted. They wanted to most likely make Sheith cannon, and I am pretty sure this wedding sequence was suppose to be Keith and Shiro due to a post Lauren made not so long ago about what seemed to be it showing a black and a red hearts which has been the representation logos the fans have been using for Sheith since the beginning. I also found this last scene when the lions leaves slightly off. The moment we see Shiro and Keith one behind the other (which is gorgeous), Shiro seemed weird and I realized why by seeing someone talk about it on twitter. Shiro is missing his left arm at that moment and shoulder making him look was thinner. Which look like he was there maybe with his hand on Keith’s shoulder like on the drawing Lauren gave us the day before the season aired.  We know that Ezor was supposed to be dead, but they brought her back after all with another VA which means they did this change very last second and couldn’t get the VA to join perhaps. They added scenes with this couple maybe to purchase our silence into the lgbtq2+ community representation, so we would have 2 couples and shouldn’t whine about it. But ... by doing this and sacrificing maybe scene Shiro and Keith had during this season to have none at all is again just an insult to the fans of the serie. S8 was bad from beginning to end. Some elements were fine, but 90% not. This is an insult to the fandom, to the dedicated fans and also to the crew who worked on the show for so long. 
.... with all that said, since we know now that LM/DS didn’t have this ending in mind, this means the S8 ending (at least the epilogue) is actually not canon. Yes it was aired, but it was made by people who took the final result, basically sabotaged/vandalized it and gave it to people to see. Sheith is canon and this is not fine that it ends this way. I do pray they will hear us all and make things right. Give us the real footage of this season, release it to us and even better remove the season we have on netflix now and put the real one. This is something they can do, they have the real footings. And some series have done this before by removing episodes that ended up being racist and disrespectful. Making things right would prove they care about the fans of the show and the people that were there to support them and also the crew who worked so hard and made so much efforts and put their soul into their work. 
I’ll still be posting Sheith arts and fic. This relationship have moved me like nothing ever did in my life (and I am 32) and made me get back on my feet from a very dark place. I am like Shiro, I have ptsd due to events that happened in my life that were done to me. I was judged all my life and worked hard to be where I am today. I am disabled in some ways and also come from an abusive family where I was raised to be a slave. Seeing a show like voltron, a character like Shiro made me see what I was and the wounds I had that I was walking on all those years. Because of him I finally got the courage to get to see doctors and specialists to heal all those wounds so they would become scars. And I know I am not the only one. Voltron was the best thing that happened to me in many ways and to see it destroy so many lives now (because this is what this season has done) is the saddest thing. I am scared to see kids when scars from this and I know this is already happening. And adults will have to. 
Send your love to the animators and VAs and LM/DS for all their work and let’s hope we can fix this somehow or help them do it. 
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songsforfelurian · 6 years
Heith Fic: Deep Pressure
Hi all! I got so many notes on my previous post that I decided to branch out and start a smaller piece focusing on Keith/Hunk! I’m guessing it will be 3-4 chapters total. I’m going to keep the rating at Mature for the bulk of the story, and then consider doing an Explicit add-on, depending on the level of interest.
Quick warning... Keith has self-deprecating thoughts about his issues with physical touch, so if that sort of language bothers you, please exercise caution.
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Relationship: Hunk/Keith
Additional Tags: Keith has a sensory processing disorder, Hunk gives tolerable hugs
Words: 4398
This chapter takes place during Season 7, Episode 9: Know Your Enemy. Read it under the cut, or over on AO3!
“Hey, Shiro? Hold up, a second?”
Keith caught up with Shiro, Pidge and Allura on their way out of the massive hangar that housed the Atlas. The room was buzzing with activity, but Keith could sense the stillness of the ship, the eerie silence of a powerful thing deprived of its purpose.
“Hey, Keith.” Shiro spared him a strained smile. He told Pidge and Allura to go on without him, then turned his attention to Keith, maintaining eye contact in a way that let Keith know he was really listening.
He made a mental note. He’d always known that Shiro was a talented leader, but he hadn’t always paid attention to the particular qualities that made him one. Not until recently, anyway. Not until he’d started worrying about trying to become one, himself.
“I’m worried about Hunk,” Keith told him. “That briefing was brutal. Lance and Pidge are coping because their families were here waiting for them, and… well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Hunk lose his cool, like that.”
Shiro nodded. “What do you think we should do?”
“Well… I think someone should go talk to him.”
“Mm. Yeah. Someone should.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Keith caught his meaning.
Shiro raised his eyebrows. “Why not?”
Keith shook his head. “Bad idea. I wouldn’t know what to say.”
“You noticed he was upset. You know what’s bothering him. I’m sure you can figure something out.”
“Keith.” Shiro put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, applying the perfect amount of pressure. It had taken patience, practice, and trust on both sides, but eventually, Shiro had come to understand and navigate Keith’s challenges with physical touch. “You’re learning how to lead them in battle. You have to learn to lead them when they’re grounded, too.” He flashed him a smile. “I know you can do it. Just give it a try.”
Keith gritted his teeth. Shiro always knew how to give him a mission, a goal to pursue. He didn’t take no for an answer, and he didn’t entertain any of Keith’s doubts.
Keith just had to figure out how to measure up.
He found Hunk in a workshop down the hall, venting his frustration on a piece of equipment he couldn’t readily identify. Hunk was obviously distressed, and Keith briefly considered making an excuse and ducking out of there – what good could he possibly do? – but he remembered what Shiro had said, and he resolved to give it his best effort.
“Look,” he told Hunk, “I’m not really good at talking with people, and I don’t expect you to open up to me, but if there’s ever anything on your mind-”
He stopped, listening carefully as Hunk launched into a rant, venting his fears and frustrations. Keith had always thought of Hunk as an optimist – sometimes, to a fault – and he grew increasingly more concerned at the hopelessness he heard in Hunk’s tone as he talked about his family, and about the loneliness he felt.
Keith knew what it was like to feel hopeless. And he was no stranger to desperate loneliness, either.
He thought about all the times Shiro had pulled him back from the brink. Shiro always knew what to say, always knew exactly what Keith needed to hear in order to keep moving forward.
He always knew how to give Keith a mission. Maybe Keith could give Hunk one, too.
“Look, Hunk,” he said. “I never told you this, but of all the paladins, you’re the one I’m most impressed by. It’s no secret that you’ve always been the most scared, but… you’ve never backed down. Never. And to be brave is to go on in spite of fear, and that’s who you are, Hunk.”
Hunk was looking back at him, wide-eyed and attentive. This was good. He was on the right track.
“I know you’re scared,” he went on, “but your family… they need you to be strong, right now.”
Hunk looked down at the floor, and Keith felt a pang. Was it too much? Too blunt? Too personal? This was a terrible idea, he had no idea how to comfort someone-
His musings were cut short when Hunk threw his arms around him and hugged him tight.
He felt his limbs go momentarily rigid, his typical response to being touched without warning. But then he felt himself relax, felt an involuntary smile spread across his face. The pressure was good: just the right amount, firm and calming and-
And then it was gone, and the loss of it was more grating than the initial shock of it had been.
Hunk was walking away from him.
“Where are you going?”
Hunk gave him a determined look.
“I’m going to get my family.”
Keith smiled. They both had a mission, now.
“Not without me.”
“Yeah, man?”
Keith had been about to swipe himself into his quarters back at the Garrison barracks, but he paused to take in the serious expression on Hunk’s face.
“I guess it was pretty risky, going to see my family, like that.”
Keith nodded.
“Worth it though, right? Now we know where they are. We know they’re okay.”
“Well, yeah, but I meant… why did you come along? You didn’t need to do that. We could’ve gotten in so much trouble…”
Keith scrambled for an answer to the question he’d been asking himself all night.
“Well… you’re my friend. I was worried about you, and… I mean, I want to save them, too.”
Keith’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. Hunk’s lower lip was trembling, like he was about to cry again, and Keith wasn’t remotely prepared to cope with that scenario.
“Besides,” he went on, hoping to steer the conversation back to safer territory, “the last time they threw me out of this place, I got promoted to Paladin of Voltron. I doubt they’ll try it again anytime soo- hngh-”
Every cubic centimeter of breath rushed out of his lungs as Hunk caught him in a crushing hug. He dug the heel of his hand into Hunk’s shoulder – too much too much too much – and Hunk loosened his hold, though he didn’t let go.
“Sorry, man. Too tight?”
“Is this better?”
Keith battled his flight response, forcing himself to examine the sensation objectively. It was something he’d practiced with Shiro and, eventually, a therapist, once he’d grown tired of flinching every time someone laid a hand on his arm or tried to shake his hand.
It was better. Hunk had stumbled onto the perfect amount of pressure, almost effortlessly. Keith felt his anxiety level plummet, felt himself leaning against Hunk’s chest, felt his arms sliding around Hunk’s shoulders of their own accord.
“Yeah. It’s… better.”
Hunk’s chin was resting on his shoulder.
“Thanks for coming with me.”
“Sure, man.”
Keith let his chin rest on Hunk’s shoulder, too.
The moment stretched.
“I guess we should get some sleep,” Keith said. He didn’t let go.
“I wish. I can’t imagine sleeping right now. I’ll probably watch a movie, or something.” Hunk loosened his hold and stepped away. There was a faint blush in his cheeks.
“Uhm. A movie?”
“Yeah. Pidge recovered all our files from… from before. Lance and I had a huge media library, back when we were roommates.”
“Oh. Okay. I guess Lance will want to watch, too, right?”
“Nah. He’s with his family, still.”
“Oh. Right.”
Hunk raised a hand to the back of his neck. “Yeah. So… I’ll be across the hall. I mean, if you can’t sleep, and you want to, like, hang, or something.”
“Oh… okay. Uhm. Thanks, Hunk.”
“Sure.” He hesitated, then said, “’Night, Keith.”
Keith watched him swipe into his quarters, watched the door slide shut behind him. He stared at it for almost a minute before he moved again.
  Keith turned the conversation over in his mind while he showered, rinsing the dust of the ruined city from his skin. At first, he’d thought Hunk was just being characteristically friendly, inviting him to spend time together. But Lance and Pidge – his best friends, the people he relied on most – were busy spending time with their families, experiencing the reunions they’d been so desperately hoping for ever since they’d first been stranded on the other side of the universe. For tonight, at least, they were safe. They were home.
And Hunk’s family may as well have been a galaxy away.
Keith dried himself off, taking care to rub a towel through his hair until all the excess water was gone; he didn’t like the feeling of droplets falling onto his face and shoulders. He dressed in a clean set of black underclothes: a close-fitting, high-necked, long-sleeved shirt and slim-fitting leggings. Even though they were technically part of his paladin armor, he preferred them to any of the other clothes he owned. The material was soft and smooth, the fit snug and satisfying, tight enough to banish the itchy, creepy-crawly sensation he experienced when he wore the wrong kind of clothes.
He sat down on his bunk, where Kosmo was curled into a ball, fast asleep. He ran his fingers through the wolf’s sleek, silky fur for a moment, thinking.
Then he snapped his communicator back onto his wrist, left his quarters, and knocked on Hunk’s door.
“Keith?” Hunk looked confused, and a little concerned. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I…” Keith shrugged a little. “I couldn’t sleep, either.”
Hunk broke into a sunny grin; it was a relief to see, after everything he’d been through in the last twenty-four hours.
“Sweet! You hungry?”
“Uh… yeah, I could eat.”
Hunk stood to the side to let him pass. His quarters were practically empty, like all of theirs were. They’d only brought the bare essentials with them from their lions; none of the personal belongings that might’ve made these rooms feel like home. And what would’ve been the point? They were temporary, anyway.
Just like everything else.
“I was making space burritos!” Hunk said, with much of his typical enthusiasm. Space burritos was code for whatever ingredients I can find, wrapped in bread. “You can have this one, if you want.” He gestured to the finished wrap on the small table in the corner of the room.
“Thanks, man.” Keith walked toward the table, but Hunk stopped him, taking hold of his forearm.
“Shit, hang on, I forgot-”
Keith twisted out of his hold, knocking his hand away with a sharp elbow.
Hunk took a small step away from him, holding up his hands. Keith cringed.
“Shit, Hunk, sorry… I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay!” Hunk looked flustered, apologetic. “I… uhm… I forgot I already put sauce on that one. You like yours on the side, right?”
“I… yeah. I do.”
“No worries, man. I’ll make another one.” Hunk avoided his gaze and moved to the table. “My library’s up on the viewscreen, if you want to look through it.”
Keith felt the back of his teeth grind together. Why was Hunk always so incessantly nice? It was grating, at times like this, when Keith didn’t feel like he deserved it.
He swallowed the angry notion, converting it to a quiet sigh, then turned toward the viewscreen in the wall and started tapping through a series of folders. He wasn’t actually looking at the files, though. He was trying to figure out what to say.
“I… I have a thing,” he blurted.
Hunk didn’t look up from the ingredients he was arranging on top of the circular, grain-based wrapper that vaguely resembled a tortilla.
“I have a thing,” Keith repeated, with emphasis. “When you grabbed my arm, I-”
“I know,” Hunk said, looking at him, now. “You don’t like to be touched, right? I’m really sorry, man. I suck at remembering that kind of thing. I’ll work on it.”
Keith shook his head. “No, you don’t need to do that. And it’s not really like that, anyway. I don’t mind being touched, as long as it’s…”
He made an inarticulate gesture. Hunk raised an eyebrow. Keith let out a small, frustrated groan.
“It’s complicated.”
Hunk shrugged a little.
“Sounds like a sensory processing disorder.”
Keith blinked.
“Yeah, it… how did you know that?”
“My cousin. He has a hard time with bright lights, loud noises, certain foods. He hates being touched by strangers, too. So… want to tell me about it?”
Keith chewed the inside of his cheek.
“I don’t like to be caught off guard. It makes me impulsive. I end up doing things I regret.”
Hunk nodded. “Fair enough.”
“But sometimes… like when you hugged me, earlier… if the pressure is just right, it’s… tolerable.”
Keith narrowed his eyes. “Yes. Tolerable.”
Hunk went back to prepping the burrito, shifting his gaze downward, again. “So you don’t mind being touched, as long as it’s in the right way.”
“And in the right place.”
“And by the right person?”
Hunk was still decidedly staring down at the table, which was a blessing, because Keith could feel the heat of a blush in his cheeks.
“Yeah. Pretty much.”
“Okay. Sounds simple enough, to me.”
Keith exhaled a bitter laugh. “Does it?”
“Sure. I won’t grab you unless I know you want me to. Easy-peasy.”
Keith felt a tug behind his navel.
Unless he knows I want him to?
“Don’t worry, man. No sauce on the inside. I promise.”
Hunk was standing in front of him, now. Keith stared at the burrito for a moment, processing, before he finally accepted the plate.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to do that.”
Hunk tilted his head to one side.
“I’m feeling like you’re used to letting people stomp all over your boundaries. It might not happen so often, if you just explained what they were.”
Keith glared involuntarily.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, it took you, like, thirty seconds to explain the whole sensory issue, and it took me, like, a minute to make you a new burrito, and, I mean, obviously this conversation is making you super uncomfortable, and that’ll suck for like, a second, but… don’t you think it’s better that you told me?”
Keith’s mouth fell open.
“I… I guess I don’t want people to have to worry about it. About me.”
“Dude. You’re not an inconvenience. You’re my friend.”
Hunk turned to the panel and started tapping, while Keith stood there in a stunned silence, staring.
“I’m picking something animated,” he said easily, as if they hadn’t just been discussing one of the most private, personal aspects of Keith’s life. “I can’t deal with anything heavy right now. Does that work for you?”
“Uh.” Keith cleared his throat. “Uh huh. Whatever you want.”
Hunk set the movie to play, retrieved his own burrito from the table, and then sat down cross-legged at the end of his bunk, which was directly opposite the screen in the wall. Keith had been ready to drag one of the chairs from the table closer to the viewscreen, but Hunk had left him plenty of space to sit comfortably on the bed, leaving him with an uncomfortable dilemma.
He hated situations like this. It was one of the reasons he typically preferred to avoid socializing altogether. Did Hunk actually want him to sit on the bed, or had he just sat down where he was most comfortable? If Keith sat on the floor or the chair instead, would he be offended? Confused? Distracted? Would they have to talk about it? Keith felt that he was always misreading or overthinking everyone else’s intentions, forever on the brink of embarrassing himself, or offending someone, or upsetting the delicate balance of mutual respect he’d struck with his teammates.
His friends.
He sat down on the opposite end of the bed.
“Have you seen this one?” Hunk asked, gesturing toward the screen, swallowing a bite of burrito.
“I think so. When I was a kid.”
“I don’t even know if it’s any good, but it makes me laugh, anyway. Lance knows the words to all the songs from, like, every animated movie ever created, and he used to perform them, like, fake microphone, costumes, singing at the top of his lungs, the whole deal. We got written up for a noise violation, watching this one. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna barf.”
Keith let out a small laugh, glad to see Hunk slowly returning to his typical state of high-spirited chattiness. “I can picture it. Lance can be pretty funny, sometimes.”
“He really can. I… uh… I’m glad you guys are getting along, these days. I think he is, too.”
Keith nodded. “So am I.”
They ate in silence for a while, watching the characters in the film swim around their animated ocean. Hunk stood up when he finished his burrito, took Keith’s plate, and then retrieved two bottles of water from a crate in the corner. Keith accepted his gratefully, downing a quarter of it in a single swallow.
“So…” Hunk ventured, once he’d sat down on the opposite side of the bed, again. “Hugs are okay, sometimes?”
Keith fidgeted with the lid of the bottle.
“Uh. Yeah. Sometimes.”
“Because it seemed like… well, I know my cousin likes deep pressure. Or, like, it helps, sometimes.”
Keith didn’t respond. He was surprised to find that he didn’t mind the questions – it was actually a relief, to have the subject raised in such a casual way – but he was having trouble figuring out what to say.
“So… does it feel good anywhere else?”
Keith risked a glance in Hunk’s direction. His eyes were locked on the screen.
“The pressure, I mean,” Hunk clarified.
“Uhm. Shiro squeezes my shoulders, sometimes.”
“So he knows?”
“Yeah. He’s the one who helped me figure out why… why I was having so many… problems.”
He could see Hunk nodding in his periphery.
“Okay. Hugs and shoulders. Anything else?”
“Uh. My hands, I guess. Sometimes I would skip our regular fighting drills and box, instead. Something about the impact. But then, they ache after, so…”
He stopped. He’d been rambling.
It wasn’t a thing he was used to doing.
“Okay.” He saw Hunk shift, a little. “Do you want to show me?”
“I… I could put pressure on your hands, if you want.” Hunk was staring at a spot on the floor, now. “If it would help, I mean. You did something really amazing for me today. I owe you one.”
Keith could feel himself frowning in discomfort and confusion: discomfort, because Hunk had stumbled all the way inside his metaphorical stronghold of embarrassing personal information, and confusion, because he was seriously considering taking him up on the offer. He’d spent all night thinking about the way Hunk had hugged him – couldn’t stop himself from thinking about it, in fact – and as much as he’d been genuinely concerned about Hunk’s well-being, part of him knew he was in Hunk’s quarters right now because he was hoping it would happen again.
It had been… tolerable.
“Okay,” he said, his voice rough and grating to his own ears.
He set his water bottle aside, moved his left hand to the center of the bed, and let it rest there.
He stared at the viewscreen while Hunk moved closer to him, picked up his hand, and held it carefully between both of his own.
He winced.
“Light pressure like that feels… bad,” he said.
Hunk let go.
“Okay. Uh. You might have to tell me what to do.”
Keith swallowed. “When I was younger, Shiro would say, Too much or not enough? Like, until he got the pressure right. So… you can squeeze my fingers, and I’ll tell you.”
Hunk picked up his hand again, held it firmly at the wrist, and gave his fingers a tentative squeeze.
“Not enough.”
The pressure increased.
“Just right.”
Hunk nodded. “Easy enough. Just hold it, like this?”
Keith examined the sensation. Hunk’s hands were huge, big enough to encircle all of his fingers, and then some.
The notion made him feel… something.
“Yeah. I’ll tell you when to stop.”
They lapsed into silence, again, staring at the screen, but Keith wasn’t really paying attention to the movie. He was focused on the pressure encircling his fingers, tight enough that he could feel his pulse throbbing pleasantly there, but not tight enough to cause any true discomfort. He drew in a slow breath, and when he let it go, he felt some of the tension he’d accumulated that night leaving his body along with it. He found himself wishing the sensation would spread – wishing that he could feel it pressing against him from all sides…
He swallowed.
“Can you do the rest of my hand?”
He felt Hunk adjust his grip, so that his fingers were clasped over the entirety of the back of his hand.
Hunk squeezed.
“Too much or not enough?”
“Uh. Just right.”
“Sick! Nailed it!”
Keith smiled at the screen, extending his mind to the new point of contact, enjoying the sensation of being…
“…your other hand?”
He looked at Hunk, blinking.
“Do you want me to do the other one? For symmetry, or whatever?”
“Oh.” Keith considered this. Hunk wouldn’t be able to reach his other hand, from here. They would have to get closer to each other.
He didn’t consider it for very long.
Hunk let go of his left hand. The loss of pressure grated on Keith’s nerves – that, alone, would’ve convinced him to let Hunk hold the other one, if he hadn’t already decided to – so he shifted a few inches to his left. He’d intended to move his right arm across his body, but Hunk had other plans. He got up from the bed and sat down on Keith’s other side, and then he picked up Keith’s hand and pulled it into his lap.
No hesitation. No fanfare.
Just contact. Just pressure.
“Too much or not enough?”
Keith licked his lips.
“Not enough.”
“Damn. I thought I had it, that time.” He squeezed. “Now?”
“Um. Just right.”
“Okay. Second try’s not bad, right?”
“No,” Keith told the viewscreen. “It’s not bad.”
Hunk held the pressure steady – perfectly steady – until Keith told him to move on to the rest of his hand, and then he held that pressure steady, too, without any hint of awkwardness, or boredom, or impatience.
Keith started to wonder how long Hunk would hold on, if he never told him to stop.
“Can you hold hands with your fingers all interlocked?” Hunk asked. They’d been silent for so long that Keith flinched a little, pulled out of his pleasant, deep-pressure haze. Hunk didn’t seem to notice, though. “Or does that bother you?” he was asking. “Having someone’s fingers between your fingers, I mean.”
“Uh. I don’t know. I’ve never tried it.”
Hunk’s head snapped in his direction.
“You’ve never held someone’s hand?”
“Not like that.”
Hunk stared at him, his eyebrows drawn together, his mouth set in a gentle frown. Then he looked back at the screen, adjusted the position of his hand, and interlaced their fingers together.
Keith’s skin started to crawl, from the spaces between his fingers, up to his wrist and forearm, then all the way to his shoulder… he pulled his hand away, shaking it, trying to rid himself of the sensation.
“Shit! Keith, I’m sorry, I thought maybe-”
“It’s fine,” Keith said, trying not to blush, knowing he was helpless to stop it. It was fine. He wasn’t angry, he was just defective, held prisoner by his own involuntary responses, barred from the simplest, most mundane gestures of affection, none of which was Hunk’s fault-
“I shouldn’t have done that, though, I should’ve asked you-”
“No, Hunk, seriously-”
“Are you mad? Please don’t be mad-”
He grabbed Hunk’s hand and held on, scowling pointedly at the floor. They held onto each other awkwardly for a moment, their hands hovering in the air, in the small stretch of space between them, until Hunk slowly pulled Keith’s hand into his lap, again.
Keith let him.
Hunk started to move his hand – back to its previous, more neutral position, Keith guessed – and Keith squeezed, stopping him.
“I can hold hands like this,” he blurted, “if-”
“Okay,” Hunk said, his voice quiet. “Good. It’s… I like this better, anyway.”
I like this better.
I like this.
Keith played the words in his mind over and over while his heart hammered away in his chest. A minute ago he’d been sinking into the relaxing embrace of a deep-pressure calm, and now he was wide awake, tingling from head to toe, trying to control his breathing.
It was exhilarating.
I like this, too.
“Keith?” Hunk squeezed his hand, just a little, just for a second, and the tingling, live-wire sensation exploded upward, traveling along Keith’s arm, settling into his chest. His heartbeat thrummed.
“Do you want me to squeeze your shoulders?”
Yes. Yes. Please. I want you to.
Hunk let go of his hand and turned toward him, and Keith took the hint. He moved until he was facing away from Hunk, sitting cross-legged in the center of the bed. He felt the mattress shift – Hunk was sitting up on his knees – and then he felt Hunk’s huge hands resting heavily on his shoulders, pressing down in a perfectly uniform squeeze.
“Too much or not enough?”
Keith was having trouble finding his breath.
“Just right,” he murmured.
And it was, although Keith was struggling to understand how the sensation could be both soothing and electrifying at the same time. He wasn’t feeling particularly relaxed – he thought he was likely to vibrate right out of his skin, any minute now – but he felt good. Anchored, excited, safe-
Hunk’s arms slid down and around his chest, encircling him, wrapping him up in the pressure and the warmth…
Keith let the air out of his lungs.
“Too much?”
Hunk’s voice was low and close.
“No.” Keith leaned back against his chest. “Just right.”
Hunk’s forehead was resting against his hair.
Keith felt his heart leap into the back of his throat.
“I was thinking I might try to go to sleep.”
“Oh. Okay-”
“And I was thinking…”
Keith felt his hesitation, felt Hunk’s breath catch in his chest, because his back was pressed against it.
“I was thinking… maybe you could stay.”
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l0vey-d0vey-moved · 6 years
Oh the platonic f/o asks with a platonic f/o of your choice? :D ~your-local-Kogane
What’s your general relationship? Supportive? Goofy? Go around gossiping about people you hate?
GJASFJKASFHJKFSA YES. while in space, she probably becomes my new best friend, since my current one is back down on earth and god knows whats going at back at earth (we have a very emotional reunion). you know those people that you’ve heard of and known as an acquaintance, but when you finally start talking, you immediately click and become friends? yea, that’s me and pidge. 
ever since i came out as, y’know, nonbinary, she’s been just fiercely “protective” (i guess?) of me whenever someone gets my pronouns wrong or makes fun of me. and it kinda comes from me being really protective of my friends (aka mom mode). but either way, it’s just a goofy and supportive friendship.
How do they support you when you’re down? With advice, emotional support, both, or are they a bit awkward and neither?
since pidge isn’t too great with emotions (ironic since i’m so sensitive and emotional), she probably just lets me rant and vent to her, and afterwards just tries to hug me and give some advice as best she can. she’ll be a little awkward at the beginning, but as time goes on, she gets way better at this kinda stuff.
How did you meet, and when?
well. i’d like to think we know each other from the garrison, but the night we left was when we officially met. i was stressed, so i snuck out to the roof and was watching the stars, listening to some music when someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. it turned out to be pidge and we started talking until lance and hunk interrupted us and then.. y’all know.
Do you ever do dangerous or illegal things with them?
fuck. no. ….okay maybe dangerous but not illegal. she definitely would drag me to get out of my comfort zone a little bit, but nothing that i would be extremely uncomfortable with. she knows my limits :3
What kinds of presents do you get them?
i try and stray away from making pidge little gadgets, etc but like. more personal gifts. when we’re still in space, i find a small blank journal at the space mall and behind pidge’s back and with hunk’s help, fill it with little alien flowers from the planets we visit!! when i give it to her, she starts crying because she’s never had a gift so thoughtful and then i start crying ajsfkjfsa,,
What was your first impression?
i thought that pidge was just the cliche smart kid in class, and pidge thought that i was that cliche shy artist kid (which, i kinnnnda am in a way ??)
What’s their dynamic with your romantic f/o, if it applies?
DBAJHFJFA when me and lance first got together, pidge just basically pull him aside, said “FUCKING FINALLY!” and warned him not to break my heart. even though they’re garrison buddies, pidge will not hesitate to break him if he breaks my heart. (lance needed lotsa cuddles after that asjkjfsk)
How protective are they of you?
if that wasn’t clear enough above, pretty protective. she knows how i am and how easy i break, and like above, will not hesitate to hurt someone. this girl is a smol ball of fire.
What kind of outings do you usually go on/What do you like to do together?
the way we usually hang out is her teaching me about technology and how to code basically, or me teaching her about drawing, or we’re talking about our doggos and families back on earth and then when we’re both kinda tired, we talk about philosophy and “what if” questions. i like talking about that stuff. it’s interesting to see what kind of answer you’ll get.
Are they the kind who borrows your stuff and forget to give it back?
probably. but as long as it’s not something thats important or i really need, i’m okay with it.
If you have the same clothing size, do you share clothes?
HM. i feel like she’d steal one of my oversized sweatshirts one day and i would notice and try not to make a big scene because !!!! she’s wearing my sweatshirts and i love how smol she is!!
Do you play pranks on eachother?
i feel like pidge would play some on me (PIDGE PRANKS) occasionally, but like, harmless pranks. sometimes she scares the shit out of me though and she teases me about it later on. she’d also rope me into playing pranks on the others because, hey, that’s what best friends do.
Do you have a secret handshake?
pidge and i would try, but i’m really clumsy and forgetful, so we just end up doing something else. 
How do they act when someone insults you?
the same as lance would. she’s insulted herself. appalled. how could anyone ever insult me?? why would anyone insult me?? they’re the purest person here??? excuse u????
How do they act when YOU insult you?
kinda like ??? doesnt really get my self-deprecating humor at first until she confronts me about it. but then just like. pinches me whenever i make a joke like that, to help me get out of that habit. 
If you text, what do they send you? Memes? Selfies? 3 AM revelations?
3 AM REVELATIONS AND MEMES AKFJJSAKF,, she would so send me the bee movie script at 3 am just to fuck with me.
What kind of advice do they give you?
well. uh. the beginning of our friendship, basically like. bad. once our relationship progressed, however, and we got to know eachother more, she started giving me advice similar to mine. for instance, “calm down. step back a take a breather when stuff gets tough.”
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of them?
oh GOD !!! probably like, danced around and sung really annoyingly. embarrassing for me, funny for pidge (she secretly recorded it and is going to use it for blackmail)
What nicknames do you have for them? What nicknames do they have for you?
probably calls me #5, since i’m barely taller than pidge. or even “plant dog” because i was trying to say something along the dog plants or some shit like that. i also tend to call her #6, or pi.
What kind of things do they teach you?
literally how to build something small. or just. remove a virus from my computer bc she’s sick of me getting viruses everywhere akslfjajskf
This isn’t an ask, but a reminder that your platonic f/os care about you so much!
DONT WORRY!!! I LOVE EVERYONE OF MY F/OS (romantic + platonic :3) A LOT!!!
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
Posting a list of starters :) feel free to reply or talk to me some more about it and we can get going.
1. Admittedly, being back on earth was refreshing. The idea of getting a taste of his mother’s cooking was more than enticing for Lance to stay. As well as the memorial he’d ended up making for Allura. It was the least he could do, after all. Living on the farm was great, not to get him wrong, but at the same time? He didn’t exactly feel like a paladin.
Lance leaned against the wall, watching with an amused glint in his eye as Shiro and his new husband talked to everyone there. Lance himself was currently in the middle of telling an exaggerated story about Kaltenecker escaping on the farm to Pidge and Matt. It was nice to at least see everyone again. Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, of course, and definitely Keith. Speaking of which, his eyes scanned over the crowd and he didn’t see even a hint of the darker haired former paladin. He furrowed his brows, now intent on making sure he didn’t leave already. Seeing as Shiro made him the best man, Lance sincerely doubted he would’ve just up and left. A familiar glimpse of mullet was what had the brunet relieved, then glancing to the crowd. Of course, he recognized him to be more in the less busy side, where Hunk stood talking to Shay, and Veronica stood next to them with the most interested look on her face.
He could afford a quick break away. Being an entertainer was more than enough stress for him. He adjusted his suit subconsciously, just ignoring the fact he was only stepping away from his dance pad to see Keith. Not anyone special, definitely not someone who hadn’t seen him in terrible conditions. He ran a hand through his slightly curled hair, pushing past the familiar people he knew. It was refreshing to not feel everyone’s hot breath in one area, not to mention the crowded dancing of everyone who didn’t dance like an angel— AKA, everyone but Lance.
Content with that, he found himself sidled up next to Keith, arms crossed lazily over his chest. “Hey,” his eyes glinted with pure amusement, almost mischief. “Not gonna break a move? I’d like to see you on the dance floor.” He snickered, elbowing the other slightly.
2. Things weren’t going the greatest. Shiro was captured, left probably into the clutches of the Galra. First, the Paladins were stuck in quite the hole; they couldn’t form Voltron.
They needed a black paladin, a leader, someone who they could rely on for an idea. It was practically deja vu when everyone was in front of the black mech, staring at it, intimidated. Allura tried first, to which Lance encouraged her, but it didn’t work. Despite her father’s creation of it all, clearly, she wasn’t one to lead.
Hunk, Pidge, they both tried it, yet to no avail. Keith had quite promptly refused to try out, and Lance had laugh that off, as if it were a challenge for him to go first. The real challenge lied *inside* the Lion. He entered with a breezy hum to his undertone, gloves finger tips sliding across the fabric of the pilot seat. Oddly enough, he felt a little less like he could connect with his lion today. As if she were shutting him out.
Really, Lance hadn’t thought much of it. The inside was dark, unlit, creepy as ever. “It’s like a ghost town in here.” He murmured, of course to himself. Finally, he stopped fooling around, settling into the seat of it all. Still, nothing. He let out a huff, placing both hands near the controls. Of course it wouldn’t work, why would it? He wasn’t— well, maybe he was. The dead inside lit up a hue of purple, illuminating his face a mixture of shadows and violet, jaw dropping nearly to the floor. His eyes widened drastically as well, pressing his lips in a flat line.
This really was the choice?
Lance pushed himself out of the chair, tense, almost afraid to leave the cockpit. Still, clenching his fists, he braved a smile and exited out of the open jaw of black, looking to the awestruck paladin’s. Hell, Keith would probably be mad. This was Shiro’s Lion, and Lance definitely wasn’t that close to him. Voltron made its choice, he supposed, crossing his arms with a nervous laugh. “Well... Keith, you wanna try?” He asked nonetheless, eyes landing on the red paladin. “Maybe the sensors are off.” He suggested lamely.
3. Lance really didn’t like Lotor. To say the least, he liked him a lot less than he liked Keith. Which, wasn’t saying much because he actually... really liked keith. Anyways, that’s besides the point.
This mess of quintessence, Zarkon, rebelling, taking the Galra over— it was a lot in his head. It was probably even worse for Shiro, the head of them all. Of course, he seemed a little off lately, but it wasn’t like Lance really had the courage or evidence to bring it up. The alpha had gotten snappy lately, to anyone. Lance wasn’t about to get the brunt of that too.
Nonetheless, things were going alright. Lotor was helping them through (more so Allura), Shiro was making plans, and Keith had discovered his true heritage. Allura was pissed beyond belief at their current black paladin, but Lance didn’t understand why— it wasn’t his fault. No one could control their heritage, for fucks sake. For once, he took Keith’s side on this. Not to mention he was seeing less and less of the hotheaded paladin.
It was late in the day, early in the day, hell it didn’t even look like day since they were floating in space. Lance had been comfortably lounging around on the couch, watching over Pidge’s shoulder in complete boredom of her constant tapping. He was definitely about the go insane. Huffing, he gained the brilliant idea to find Keith. First, he checked the training room; nope. Then, he meandered through the halls just on case, before his feet dragged him to the doors that he knew lead to Keith’s room. He clenched a fist and rose it upwards, knocking on the door and quirking a brow as he listened closely.
“Keith? It’s Lance,” Lance greeted, hurriedly adding on before he was told to leave. “Just wanted to talk. I’ve... been thinking I’m about to explode if I hear another one of Hunk’s rants about specific cooking techniques.”
4. Lance wasn’t jealous. Of course he wasn’t. Why would he envy the asshole king of all assholes at the Garrison? He didn’t. He hated him. Every bit of praise that he saw Keith get was line stepping on glass for Lance. He stood in his spot as Iverson judged the flying simulation, and Lance was practically boiling.
There was no way he should still be making it this far! This guy was impulsive, hot headed, and a dick.
Hunk lightly nudged Lance’s shoulder, snapping him out his irritated daze. His blue eyes shot over to his friend, and was meant with a ‘chill the fuck out’ look. Sheepishly, he grinned, turning ahead more eagerly when he saw Iverson stepping in to give his feedback. He listened closely, but he could barely hear what he said. Even more irritating. Lance eyed Keith simply as he got back in line, and the rest of the cadets were pushed up after that.
Lance did alright... unfortunately, not as good as Keith. He was agile, yes, but the constant firing of ships had him overwhelmed. He’d dived down among the simulated stars, trying to throw off the balance of the beams that shot towards. A cocky smirk slipped across his lips, and just as he pushed the ship forward, everything cut off. He slumped back into his seat with a frown, dreading to turn around and meet Iverson’s gaze.
It was already unamused, and the Commander shook his head. “Control your ship.” He said simply, and Lance pushed himself to stand, brushing past their instructor and stepping back in line. He couldn’t have been the one to do the worst, right?
Waiting up for Pidge and Hunk, he huffed, glad to hear the bell for lunch. Lance didn’t think he could stand looking at Iverson’s wrinkly, one eyed face. “Okay, granted, you aren’t a cargo pilot anymore,” Pidge was already sidled up beside him, Hunk on the other side as they walked through the halls towards the cafeteria. “But you seriously need to stop flirting with half the girls in this school and work on your piloting.”
Lance shot her a glare, muttering something indistinctly about how he didn’t even succeed anyway. “What else am I supposed to do?” He asked, knitting his brows together in genuine thought.
“Here’s an idea; get some help.” Pidge more sarcastically replied, warning an eye roll from Lance.
“Easier said then done.” He grumbled, grabbing a tray and hopping in line, taking the pathetic excuse for food and letting it be dumped on his plate. His eyes shifted over to where he thought he saw Keith, just faintly. Maybe... this whole tutoring thing wasn’t such a bad idea. Sure, he doubted he could stand much more than an hour with the insufferable, well trained pilot, but it was worth a shot. Hunk was already grinning knowingly at him, the trio settling at a table. With an exasperated sigh, he stayed standing, grabbing his tray and looking narrowly at his two friends, as if they betrayed him. “I’ll be back. Hopefully.” He mumbled, with a little laugh, and soon enough he was sitting right beside the asshole himself; Keith Kogane.
“Hey, Kogane.” Lance greeted smoothly, lips quirking up into a charming grin. Friends close, enemies closer. He slapped a hand on Keith’s back, as if they were friends beforehand. Lance nearly shuddered at the thought. “You know, I’m a pretty good pilot. You’re decent too. I bet we could make a great team and give each other some good flying tips.”
5. They had planned this. They’d gone over this a hundred times, even Shiro. Allura had even confirmed that Lance’s idea was pretty solid. Of course, Keith wasn’t enthused with the idea of having him for a partner- all the guy did was joke and laugh it off. Then again, as he thought, he was serious person. He knew what to do, and he was his right hand. The best he could ask for. Also the best sharpshooter he could ask for.
A grunt passed by his lips as the cool, metal material of his bayard sword sliced through a Galran body. They crumpled to the ground, and he didn’t get much more of a reaction to feel another blade grazing the small of his back. The one dammed place he didn’t have an armor plate. He growled lowly in frustration in pain, spinning on his heels to wham his sword back into the enemy who had hit him like that. He could feel the bloody heat trickling down his backside, but he couldn’t dwell on it. He skidded his feet across the floor as he dodged a couple shots, sighing in relief at Lance’s save. He had really saved his ass too many times.
Keith knew he was right. They had no chance of getting out of there alive- it seemed that Zarkon had an unlimited supply. He swore audibly, glancing out the large, thick glassed windows. At least the alien prisoners had escaped.
“Lance, I—“ he didn’t get to continue because he was promptly yanked into an escape pod, thudding against the metal wall with a grunt. He winced, sliding his hand back to feel his back. Pulling it forward, his gloved hand was dripping with blood.
Violet eyes shot over to Lance, darting down to his injury. He couldn’t exactly slump back, but he knew they both really needed to get back to Voltron. The jolt of the pod had the back of his head slamming against the side, letting a soft ‘ow’ emit as he glared out the small window. “Hold on!” He finally got out.
His gut twisted into something terrible. This was quite possibly the worst situation he could’ve been in. The pod was spiraling downward at an alarmingly fast rate, and before he knew it, they were slamming into a planet river, the momentum from the crash carrying them forward to the land beside the riverbed, more sturdy luckily. Everything in his body ached. Head to toe, his muscles were tensed, and he could only imagine how bad his- well, probably both of theirs -concussion was. Not to mention the wounds... and the fact they fucking stranded on another planet.
Blinking away the dizziness, Keith groaned quietly, raising his index finger to press into the comms. “Voltron? Voltron, we crashed-“ nothing on the other side. “Dammit.” He slammed a fist against the seat of the pod, sliding his helmet off. Reaching forward, he gripped the handle tightly, pushing it forward to open the pod. The air was breathable, at least.
Keith shakily stepped outside, gripping onto the top of the sideways pod. “Lance...” he breathed worriedly, turning his head quickly which ended up in another spell of dizziness. “You okay? Please tell me you’re still alive.”
I have more, just ask!
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Day 8: Garrison AU
Also known as my excuse to go back to writing a Taylor AU. Help me, I’m hurting.
-Also known as when I fucking realized my queue was off by a goddamn week. I hate this.
Keith wasn’t one for crushes
Finding that out after he found out that he also wasn’t into girls wasn’t the easiest thing to deal with at twelve
With how often some of his classmates had crushes he was kinda glad he didn’t get them very often
Shiro never minded, even said it was okay
When he started to realize that the teachers in the Garrison were pitting him against the second rank pilot of their year he didn’t like it
Tried not to let it mean anything
Except that it apparently meant everything to the guy in second
It took Keith a full month to realize that sometime in the two years they were pitted against each other he had developed a crush on the guy in second place.
Hell, they weren’t really rivals anymore, since they had officially divided them up between fighter and cargo class
Everyone always called him a hot head
Occasionally he agreed with them
Even if Shiro and Adam never agreed
But even he knew he was going in a little too quickly to tell this really cute boy that he liked him
He wasn’t someone to keep quiet about something
He prepared himself for rejection
Told himself he’d be okay with it
Okay was relative, but he’d respect his answer
Of all the things he was expecting was the blue eyed hispanic boy to completely freeze over
Then finally grumble “Dammit Hunk.”
“Is that a no?” Keith asked slowly
“What?! NO!” Taylor shouted. “I mean, it’s a not a no- I mean, yes.” he stressed
Keith could feel himself turning red. “O-oh.”
Taylor offered a half smile that Keith would die to see the full of someday. “Since you did the hard part, how about I offer this: You, Me, arcade, Saturday, noon?”
Keith returned the smile. “Sure thing, Taylor.”
Taylor smiled. “See you then, Keith.”
<> Fast forward to Saturday <>
Taylor and Keith are playing games and while they’re being competitive with each other it feels some much more genuine and relaxed than it does at the Garrison.
While Taylor plays a flyer Keith sees him not take the angle sharp enough.
“You’re going to crash.” he informs
Taylor scowls. “I will not, you must know that they call me The Tailor because of how I thread the needle.”
Surprisingly, he actually does make it, beating the high score on the machine to boot.
The two of them go out at least once a weekend
Finally sharing their first kiss on their fourth date
Keith isn’t sure how he feels knowing that Taylor’s such a good kisser
To be honest that’s his biggest concern until Monday
When they announce that the Kerberos went missing
Due to Pilot Error?!
Keith nearly rants Taylor’s ear off about that fact
He can’t go to Adam right now, he’s angry and Adam is heartbroken, the last thing he needs is someone to comfort
When he’s done being angry he goes to Adam
Mainly because Taylor told him to
The two of them come to class the next day with red-rimmed eyes, sickly tones to their skins, and black bags under their eyes
No one is stupid enough to ask why
He doesn’t want to break down in front of Taylor
The only reason he could break down in front of Adam was that he knew Adam couldn’t rid of him if he tried
Or at least that what Keith tells himself
He can’t break down in front of Taylor because Taylor doesn’t have that safety net
If he wanted to Keith knows Taylor could drop him
That’s what terrifies him
Taylor accepts that he doesn’t want to talk about it, though he is quick to ask if Keith’s feeling okay
It takes all of four days before James Griffin is snarking back at Keith
Keith snaps and goes to tackle him, but Iverson gets in the way.
Barely even thinking Keith scratches at his eye with his fingernails
He wasn’t surprised when he’s kicked out of the Garrison
He just wishes he had a chance to apologize to Taylor.
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furynewsnetwork · 7 years
By Paul Meekin
“-These motherf*****s are thinkin I’m playin
-Thinking I’m saying the s**t cause I’m thinking it just to be saying it” – Eminem
During a hearing, Alex Jones’ ex-wife stated he was unfit to have custody of his children primarily because his on-screen persona is dangerous, unhinged, and insane.
Alex Jones’ lawyer responded by saying that Alex Jones the person, and Alex Jones the host, are different people, and his job wouldn’t have an effect on his ability to raise kids. Calling the antics “performance art.”
By his lawyer’s very own admission, Jones is ‘just an act’. If you’re in media of any kind, this admission was another opportunity to discredit Alex Jones as a fake, a fraud, a man with made up facts, spurting gibberish as loud as he can to incite the masses. They had been calling him a fraud for ages, and now they had it in writing.
But if Jones is a fraud, so is Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah, Bill Maher, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers, Kid Rock, Glenn Beck, Eminem, Tomi Lahren, and Jesus Christ. These people are never held to the standard of fact – no one really is. Instead they trade in truths, ideas, ideologies, ponderings and theories. Data will assist them, sure, but they exist in the realm of entertaining conjecture.
Glenn Beck once referred to himself as Howard Beale.
Some regarded Jon Stewart as the most trusted name in news.
So you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t find the notion that Alex Jones is playing a character when he’s on air as a particularly shocking revelation. Anyone in front of a camera or behind a microphone for a living is playing some version of themselves – in order to best connect with their audience and entertain the best they can. Otherwise we’d all watch C-SPAN.
Though to be fair, Mr. Jones doesn’t do himself any favors regarding credibility. Using specialized terms like psychic vampires, ranting about extra-sensory communications, moon bases, and concepts like Barack Obama’s mother being a CIA sex worker. The easiest thing in the world is to take an Alex Jones statement out of context and make him seem crazier than he already is.
But some of those theories have basis in legitimately interesting data. Take a look at these strange e-mails regarding hot dogs and children from a recent Wikileaks drop. There is something weird going on there, or  this Bohemian Grove thing that Alex Jones ‘infiltrated’.
Think about how quick folks are discredit most anything Jones says, versus investigating it. If you have four hours to spare, listen to Jones on Joe Rogan’s podcast. It’s informative and at-the-least, gives you something to think about.
If the Huffington Post was willing to stand by an article suggesting white men shouldn’t be allowed to vote – despite the fact it was written by a fictional person – shouldn’t the same consideration be given to a real person with occasionally fictional thoughts?
You could ask Eminem. A man whose lyrics alternate between lancing political satire, ‘locker room’ humor, and abrasive vulgar violent lyrics toward anyone that’s placed a hair across Slim Shady’s ass. Eminem is very much an act, and in fact has use the fact he’s an act to defend himself from many critics – otherwise you’d need to believe every word he says, and he should probably be in prison for rape and murder.
The fun of Eminem is trying to crack his cipher. What does it all mean, how much is true, how much is hyperbole, what’s a joke, what’s his world view – at the end of an Eminem album, if you’re listening closely, you feel like you’ve been kicked through a looking glass by a Carhartt work boot – and that you’ve learned something, too.
But Eminem just says it, he doesn’t know if you do it or not. Same for Alex Jones. In my eye if you take everything that man says as 100 percent truth, that’s a *you* problem, not an Alex Jones problem. Same for anyone who blames Eminem for violent actions, or violent video games for Columbine. They are triggers to a sick mind, not the cause of one. And as the ACLU will remind you – you can’t restrict rights based on whether or not someone “might” be dangerous.
Thus, Alex Jones is an entertaining loony bird. He says a lot of poignant things but couches them in a Tom Clancy Future War-esque world of secret government organizations and conspiracies. The world always needs a Jim Garrison.
Regardless, like Eminem…or Bill Hicks, Jones is now protected by freedom of expression. He is not a news outlet. He IS an artist, a performer, storyteller, and a thought leader. Free from scrutiny and free to ply his wacked out world views that begin with a seed of truth. His has his audience, his truth, his trade to ply.
If you think the revelation that Jones is an artist is some sort of damning revelation, well, you just have no imagination.
EDITOR’s NOTE: The views expressed are those of the author, they are not representative of The Libertarian Republic or its sponsors.
The post Alex Jones takes the Eminem Defense appeared first on The Libertarian Republic.
via Headline News – The Libertarian Republic
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