#ask kurt wagnerandrpwithhim
ask-theredman · 9 months
Azazel comes home to the sight of his barely 21 year old son hanging from the stairs by his tail, looking hung over and exhausted, and the remnants of what could only be assumed to have once been a party Kurt wasn't supposed to be throwing. The speakers are still going but have long since blown out and the flashing multicolored lights have died out, indicating the party had started a while ago and simply hadn't stopped until Azazel was due back from his trip. Unfortunately for Kurt it would seem he had not enhereted his father's intelligence, only his mutation
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The sun was rising gracefully on the beach as the gentle waves lapped the shore. The whole scene was so calm and inviting on the side he was facing, that this path could only lead him to a great new morning...
Unfortunately, his house was in the opposite direction from this almost magical view... That meant his morning wasn't going to go so well.
The first thing that should have alerted him to the 'situation' was the fact that he could see holes in the walls of their house from more than 20 paces away.
A trail of passed out Blue Bamfs, surrounded by candy wrappers, led him to the epicentre of the chaos. His Red ones, who had been travelling with him, tried to shake some of them awake but to no avail : All they managed to get out of them were a few mutterings that could be translated as "No more taxi rides out of the party".
That made him frown.
'So much for a relaxing walk on the beach.'
As he crossed the unusual trail to the entrance of his house, a dozen or so footprints of varying sizes in the sand gave him a hint of what had happened, but what they could not do was prepare him for what lay behind the door...
His eyes found it hard to focus on just one thing.
The Red Bamfs who accompanied him inside found themselves in a similar situation : Those who weren't all wide-eyed and aghast at the sight before them scattered to assess the damage. A few Red Bamfs mechanically unplugged the speakers, their eyes never leaving the scene that welcomed them home.
Finally, Azazel's eyes focused on something or rather someone. Hanging upside down from the stairs by his tail like a damson plum, just as passed out as his little counterparts outside.
Azazel was impressed. In the worst possible way.
He kicked the soft mattress off the divan and landed it right under his son. This startled his Bamfs and brought them back to the present. He gestured for them to hold the half-discarded hammock on the floor a few feet above the mattress, which they managed by holding onto to some furniture.
Azazel then teleported up the stairs and with a quick flick of his hand like he had done this a thousand times before, unfastened Kurt's tail from the railing, causing him to fall all the way down onto the hammock and then the mattress.
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antvnger · 1 year
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Scott’s watching tv and sitting on his couch, and then suddenly the *bamf* right in front of him makes him all but jump out of his skin. “Shit!” He hisses loudly as he jumps and gets into a defensive position.
His hand is in his pocket, pulling out his suit’s device, but he stops short when he realizes who is there and what just happened. “Kurt! Geeeeez, dude! Gimme a heart attack, geez,” Scott takes a couple of breaths as he registers Kurt’s words. “What? Multiverse hoppers? Yeah sure.” He points to the kid in Kurt’s hands. “The hopper in question?” @ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim
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kiera-just-kiera · 3 months
Kurt knocks on Kiera's door. He got sick and he felt terrible and he can't breathe through his nose, and he just wants comfort. His sinuses were so bad he could barely even see straight, he doesn't do well with face pain at all
Kiera answers the door, she’s in her pjamas but it’s clear she’s been up a while. There are lit candles in the room and papers of sheet music strewn across her desk.
Ayesha snoozed in her little cat bed.
“My love? What is wrong? you look pale.” She takes his chin in her hand.
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squirming-evil · 4 months
Kurt had been on a hike when he'd gotten lost and was debating bamfing back to the school when he bumped into someone not paying attention. "Oh, sorry, I vasn't looking vhere I vas going"
He frowned having almost forgotten that he was no longer in his own world and so finding people randomly in the same location he was still very jarring to him to say the least let alone them not being afraid of him. "That's uh...alright I suppose." He sighed.
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Kurt bamfs around looking for his mother, bored and knowing she's usually up to something entertaining. When he finally finds her, he decides to try and sneak up on her
“We’re in front of a glass covered bookshelf dear. I can see you. And even if I couldn’t I know the smell of brimstone.” Raven says closing her book. She sends her wine glass down.
“What’s up?”
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demon-azazel-rp · 4 years
(@ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim) Kurt bamfed outside into the snow after class, not wearing a jacket or anything to keep his tail warm or even shoes. He usually tried to get out of wearing such things, which almost always resulted in him getting sick
Azazel was waiting for him outside since he wanted to hang out with him. However, seeing that Kurt was not wearing anything to keep himself warm made him worry about the boy, considering that he almost always got sick when he did that. "May I know why you aren't dressed appropriately for the weather outside?"
He pretended to be angry, though his worry was showing more than anything. "You know you always get sick when you do this."
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hiya-sugah · 2 years
Kurt bamfs Infront of Anna and kisses her forehead, grinning ear to ear, "love you sis!"
(@ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim )
“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” She screeches.
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She’s beginning to turn a bit blue as she shouts.
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ask-wolverine · 2 years
(@ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim )
Kurt bamfs next to Logan with ice cold beers in each hand, "hey! I've got beers and a pirate ship, vant to avoid Hank viz me? He keeps trying to get me to go see a dentist"
“Imp, why does Hank think you need to see a dentist?” Logan asked looking up from his motorcycle.
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You could also ask Margali, I'm sure she'd rather teach about horses than continue to work for the same asshole who locked her son in a cage once he bought out the circus
“He f*cking what?!” Charles chokes on his tea.
“KURT!” He screeches.
“KURT WHATS THE NAME OF YOUR CIRCUS IM BUYING IT! I’m buying all the property the damned bastard owns too. I’m buying shares in all his companies and then kicking his ass out!!!”
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the-superior-peter · 2 years
Kurt bamfs over Pietro, landing on top of him, "Maximoff, vake up! I do not have classes today, and nobody to bake for!"
Pietro curses Kurt out in Sokovian before attempting to shove him off the bed.
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ask-theredman · 2 years
Kurt sits at the kitchen table nursing a coffee, a splitting headache and upset stomach, completely hungover from getting super drunk while temporarily evil
As he was preparing his coffee, still in a complete brain fog, he failed to notice a small red presence in the corner of the room, watching his every movement.
... Nor did he notice it sitting by the coffee pot he was using.
... Or when it was staring at him from across the kitchen table he was currently sitting at.
"Do our every meeting need to include you being hangover from now on?"
A familiar voice rang from the doorway, one he hasn't heard in weeks.
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antvnger · 7 months
Kurt bamfs into Scott's living room looking dejected. "My fiance is busy, my sister is on a mission, and neither of my mother's want to spend time with me, one of them called me clingy... I'm having a rough day"
Scott jumps out of his skin at the sudden bamf and the appearance of his friend, hissing a choice word under his breath. That is something he’s not sure he can actually get used to honestly.
But then he hears how rough a day Kurt is having, and he softens. “Aaw, Kurt buddy, I’m sorry. C’mere and sit down a spell. What do you need? You want some iced sweet tea? Want a distraction or a chance to vent? What would help make the day better?”
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kiera-just-kiera · 1 year
Kurt lands in the middle of a busy Parisian street, and looking around he notices the distinct lack of modern infrastructure and abundance of victoriam era clothing, ruling out the possibility of some random renfair event. He's quick to notice he's being stared at and without even attempting to communicate he scurries off towards the nearest church grave yard to try and orient himself in his surroundings. He figures he's either in an alternate timeline all together or somehow he traveled back in time, both seeming just as likely to happen given his track record of messed up bamfs. Once he's figured out where he is he decides to go check the opera house, bamfing directly from the grave yard to the entrance of the catacombs that Kiera has previously shown him in the past
Kiera is sitting at her organ composing with Ayesha curled up in her lap. None the wiser of her future boyfriend’s arrival.
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mutated-magic · 7 years
(Closed RP with ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim)
At Bayville High School, the sound of the bell rang as students left their current subject classrooms and went to their next subject classes. Walking down the hall, a young 17 year old brunette girl shifted her eyes watching as students went to their lockers to switch books or hurry to class. This was a new start for her since she transferred schools from Westchester to Bayville. This girl was not only a straight A student, she was also 'gifted'. In her case though, the 'gifted' part meant there were things that one needs to keep hidden from others. Approaching a green open door with a glass window on it, the young girl walks inside and hands the math teacher the slip of her transfer to Bayville High School. The teacher smiles welcoming the new student and tells her to choose a desk. The girl's eyes shift to the desks and she sees a vacant one in the back of the class next to the window. Walking to the back of the classroom, she takes her seat and gets her math book out.
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Kurt runs behind Raven and skids to a stop, looking like he got the shit beat out of him. "You're nuts if you zhink I'm going to a hospital villingly!" He shouts at Hank as he enters the room, chasing Kurt. "Keep acting like a scared dog and I'll send you to a vet like one! You can't even move your tail, you probably broke it, you're nursing your arm like it's been snapped in three places, and you hit your head during that fight! Now, I don't have the equipment here to treat you, so your options are to come willingly, or I get the tranquilizer and drag your ass unconcious!"
"He's threatening me, mama!"
Raven merely grabs him by the ear.
“You’re driving Hank.” she shouts down the hallway.
“And don’t you even think of bamfing away. Or I have a list of things to tell Kiera…”
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After school
(( Closed rp with @ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim )) Sarinda sighed as she rubbed her face while walking towards the gates. Kurt has been ignoring her all day. Didn't even look at her! And her class were complete chaos. No one listened to Sarinda and things were thrown across the room. Today was a bad day.
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