#ask grododu
ask-grododu · 7 years
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Can I bite you?
Plz don’t do that.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
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Looking for a reaction image?
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ask-grododu · 7 years
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ask-grododu · 7 years
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Another artwork of yours truly~ eheheheh...my thanks go to RoyalRaptors from deviantart for drawing the commission and the Pokopenian slave who paid for it. Thanks, heheh.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
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Don't stay too long. It's already crowded as it is.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
How do you feel about Halloween? Have you ever accidently closed your foot in a door?
Halloween is fine I guess. More of a Pokopenian holiday, but we have one similar on our planet. I didn’t always get to participate because of my dad….but the few times I did were enjoyable.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Well how do you feel about the annual fall pumpkin craze, or just pumpkins in general?
Pumpkins are okay. I mean, I don’t UNDERSTAND what about pumpkins you Pokopenians find so “festive” but the pumpkin flavors aren’t that bad. However, apple is the SHIT. Nothing can compare.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Hey grododu!! Guess who found your tumblr.... STRAIGHT FROM AMINO! IT'S THE BUBBLY BUBLY! MWAH HA HA! So can I hug you?
Hi bubly. And uh, no. No you can’t. -____-
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Do you prefer hot or cold? Or should I say 🔥SCALDING🔥 or ❄FREEZING❄?
I’d rather burn alive than take a nap. Eheheheheh…
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ask-grododu · 7 years
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Some fanart from @liane-animatromo Thank you~
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ask-grododu · 7 years
HEY GRODODU! Did you know that if you give me dry bones, I wanna win pekachu. Jingle bells adinka!?
You don’t say?
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Do you enjoy a hot glass of apple cider on a cold evening?
I enjoy apple cider any day. I freaking love apples. I’m an apple enthusiast. When we invade Pokopen I’m taking ownership of every damn orchard on this filthy planet. I’m the king of apples riding an apple chariot. If there’s a universe where every living being is an apple I will go there and I WILL eat every last screaming apple person even if it puts me into another coma!!!
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Ok :v *takes hand and hesitates but evENTually touches your back and brushes rings down your spine* Ok (/////v//////) that's just the start.... I'll come up with more I just gotta get used to touching you first... In the meantime.... *dies*
Nnnnnnnnn that made my spine shiver. Not that it was bad or anything, just unusual. -/////-I honestly was expecting something more than that HAHAHAH. Woops.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Did you know that your name sounds a little similar to the swedish word for frog? ("groda")
I did not know that. The last person who tried to find meaning to my name said it was like the spanish word for “fat” which is “gordo” BUT I’M GLAD THERE’S SOMETHING BETTER OUT THERE THAN THAT SO THANK YOU.
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ask-grododu · 7 years
Rose: if I give you a jigsaw, you won't cut you're own legs off?
Cutting off my legs would be impractical. I like my legs. They take me where I want to go.
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