#ask dagreb
dagreb · 1 year
Allow me to ask you the question you pose in your pinned post:
What is your favorite form of potato? (And what condiments/seasonings do you like to add, if applicable?)
I tell people it's mashed... and i think that's true. There's wide variety of textures and consistencies to choose from when making mashed potatoes and each one is still "mashed potatoes". Maybe that's a cop out maybe it isn't.
Usually salt pepper and butter the first time around (gravy some of the time) but the sky's the limit when reheating. Leftover mashed fried like a pancake (and seasoned like home fries) is my go to breakfast potato, for instance.
That being said, for a brief time each year my favourite is actually leftover buttered new potatoes atop a salad niçoise.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
What is your favourite form of potato?
Tater tots. But many forms are delicious and all are sacred.
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dagreb · 1 year
Do you like Star Trek?
I do! In a casual way I guess. Next Generation and Picard are the only series I've watched all of. Everything else (I mean everything, series and movies) I've only seen some of and seldom re-watched.
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dagreb · 1 year
What is your favorite form of potato?
This may seem boring at first blush but there are many ways to mash a potato. Nearly whipped like instant, with a crust a la pomme duchesse, coarsley smashed with garlic and whatnot, etc etc. There are more possibilities for repurposing, reheating, or recooking mashed (as opposed to other forms) too!
Heck! It was even a dance in the 1960s
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dagreb · 1 year
59: Do you like the snow?
(I had a whole long thing written about object activity nouns and definite articles but ultimately that wasn't important.)
I like the snow. Sometimes I love the snow! Often I do not like driving in the snow.
How does that quote go?
“If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow.”
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dagreb · 1 year
if you were a lizard or gecko what lizard or gecko would you be
I am very ignorant of geckos and lizards. For now I will say the Tarentola mauritanica, known as the common wall gecko. Perhaps I'll change my mind after more reading. 😊
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dagreb · 2 years
Tumblr media
[Image ID: A picture of The Bridgekeeper from Monty Python & The Holy Grail as a bottom text / top text meme. Top text reads "What is your favourite form." Bottom text reads "Of potato?". /.End ID]
Sometimes I write image descriptions for reblogs and sometimes i don't. Sometimes I can walk 5km and sometimes i can barely get dressed. or walk up the stairs. 🤷‍♂️
A lot of the time I forget to tag posts
A lot of the time I forget many other things as well
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