#ask Taria
themysterioustaria · 5 months
ooooooo you wanna join us in the sitcom au so bad ooooooo
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Scent Match - Part 3
(Note: Started with an anon asking for the phrase prompt, “Oh. Oh.”)
Summary: When Amber Dyer decided to attend a Creator Con, she never expected to run into Of Wolf and Blood lycan hearthrob, Augustine Prime.
But, there he was, stooping over her table, asking to buy the unflattering drawing of his character. Valuing integrity over taking money from a celebrity and running (though she was sorely tempted,) Amber finishes the sketch and delivers it to Augustine.
However, he continues to doggedly pursue her and entwine their lives.
All because of her scent.
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First Part | Previous Part Masterlist
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The VIP lounge was simultaneously underwhelming and overwhelming. While the environment was remarkably drab - reminding Amber of a sad office party with business-grade navy carpet and neutral grey walls - being in the midst of celebrities brought her anxiety to a heart pounding ten. She was just thankful to have Addie by her side, helping to field questions
She just had to focus on calling the actors by their actual identities, rather than their character's names.
"So, did you think you'd get the Augustine Prime's attention with this drawing?" From across the coffee table, Tarias - Theo Delaney - leaned forward in his chair. A smile spread over his features, his eyes alight with amusement. On the table was the aforementioned drawing.
Amber glanced down at the piece, ignoring how Augustine - from his spot on the floor - watched her so... closely.
For the most part, Augustine simply basked in Amber's presence. He was thankful she agreed to venture into the VIP area. At the time of his request, he hadn't realized he'd be able to inconspicuously take in her scent for an extended time. Augustine had merely wanted her to stay near him.
Now, not only was he committing her scent to memory, but Amber's mannerisms. The way her gaze bounced from one companion to the next, trying valiantly to give them all her attention. She even turned slightly toward whoever spoke, making them aware she was listening. Augustine found his eyes often wondering. Taking in her straight back, but slumped shoulders and the way her hands shifted, her feet fidgeted.
He wanted to skim his hand down her back, release her tension. Or bring her hands to his lips, brush light kisses over her knuckles to still her nerves.
"I didn't know it was him talking to me at first. I was focused on my drawing." As Amber admitted that, Laira - Delilah Moonsbayne, Amber reminded herself - barked out a laugh from her armchair next to Theo. The actress made a flippant comment on Augustine's lack of presence, but Amber didn't acknowledge it.
With her heart still pounding, Amber simply smiled weakly at the woman and let her momentum continue to propel her words, "If l had known he was lurking about, I might not have chosen Montos for vent art."
At her words, Augustine's ears twitched with concern, but Theo beat him in asking, "What were you frustrated about?"
Theo Delaney's intense look of concern brought a soft, awkward laugh to Amber's lips and a lick of heat over her cheeks. It felt odd explaining her everyday gripes to a celebrity.
Thankfully, Addie took over talking duties as she threw an arm over Amber's shoulders. "Despite how talented Amber is, their work - particularly their webcomic - hasn't gotten the attention it deserves."
"I'm not the best at marketing, so it's really just my fault." Amber winced and gave another weak laugh, trying not to sound too self-deprecating.
At her knee, where Augustine had opted to sit on the floor, the actor suddenly snapped his fingers. He smiled up at her, craning his neck as he excitedly asked, "Weren't there books at your table? Hell's Bells or something?"
"Hell's Promise," Amber corrected with a nod. Honestly, she was surprised he'd seen anything other than her little drawing of Montos, given how focused on it he had been. She was lucky he even remembered the commission, let alone invited her into the private realm of celebrities.
He seemed to perk up more, wolfish ears turned toward her in full attention. Something in Amber shivered under his undivided interest. Augustine leaned closer to her, subtly taking in her scent as he prodded further, "Do you have a copy with you?"
Also on the floor, Dsidere - Camry Vainglow - leaned over Augustine. Interest sparked in their wide green eyes as they waved their hand, like a kid hoping to be called on in class. "Yeah! I wanna read it, too!"
Before Amber could break the news that no, she didn't have any of her comics on her, Addie tapped her shoulder repeatedly. "I have some!"
Surprise flicked over Amber's features, turning to her friend. The other woman was riffling around her messenger bag excitedly looking for something. "You do?"
"Yeah, I figured if Augustine actually had come around, I should grab some merch." Triumphantly, Addie withdrew a small stack of Hell's Promise. As she leaned over to hand them to the celebrities, she shot Amber a wink. " You never know! He might become a fan and post about it online, which would be a boon, right?"
"Very smart!" Camry nodded sagely as they and Augustine accepted a book each. Amber tried to hide her surprise and delight as Theo and Delilah also took copies. Along with the books, Addie handed out some stickers, pins, and additional copies of Amber's business card.
Trying to shove off her own excitement - it wasn't even guaranteed they'd even read her comic - Amber opted to give further information. "You can also find the comic online at the website on the back of the book. Online is obviously more up-to-date than hard copies."
Flipping through the pages, Delilah tilted her head to the images before asking, "So what's the story about?"
"Hell's Promise is about a world where witches get their familiars assigned to them and our protagonist gets a hellhound. Which is, like, completely unheard of in this universe." Once again, Addie took the verbal reins, leaning over Amber as she spoke to Delillah with pure excitement. "So the witch starts poking about and unravels a long forgotten prophecy which may or may not involve saving the world."
"Interesting," singsonged Camry as they flopped onto the floor, stomach to the carpet and Hell's Promise splayed open for reading.
"I like to think so," Amber said, just before her phone went off. She blinked, momentarily rerouting her thoughts before realizing it was her own device. Digging it out of her pocket, the phone continued chiming as more notifications rolled in. Confused, she stared at it, trying to understand what was going on.
"Wow, someone is popular." Addie leaned closer, peeking curiously at the device vibrating in Amber's hand. "What's going on?"
"I honestly don't know." Amber's eyebrows furrowed, realizing it wasn't just one app going off. It was all of her social media. If it had just been her texts, it could have been an emergency involving her friends or even the few family that still spoke to her. However, it was as if someone lit a fire in all of her apps.
Why was she suddenly getting so many notifications? Had something she posted riled up people to the point of hunting her down online presence down across multiple platforms? She couldn't even think what she had last posted that would be met with any level of vitriol, specific or general. That didn't mean much, though.
When she realized the reason for the attention, her heart jumped while her stomach plummeted.
She was tagged across multiple platforms by @TheAugPrime. The post, in question, was a selfie of Augustine - taken mere minutes ago - holding up her comic and flashing an attractive grin to his camera. The caption read "Check out this comic by @AmbDyArt! Just got a copy and can't put it down." Following his statement, he even linked to the places Hell's Promise was hosted on.
Startled, her eyes wheeled to Augustine. Embarrassment and dismay, among other indescribable feelings, spiked a fire up her spine. "That's not even true. You haven't even read it!"
"It's not a lie, either. I haven't put it down, since Miss Kline handed it to me." He winked with a grin, waggling the still-held comic in the air. Immense pride puffed out his chest over that little workaround.
Beside Amber, Addie gave a giggle-snort. "He has a point."
"B-but he hasn't read it yet." Amber briefly turned to her friend, shock and betrayal faintly coloring her voice before she turned back to Augustine. "What if you don't like it?"
He gave a lackadaisical shrug, but his smile never faltered. Even as an inkling of uncertainty colored the far parts of his thoughts, a part of Augustine couldn't help but enjoy her reaction. It was unbearably adorable. While he hadn't read the comic yet, he had flipped through it and could feel Amber's care put into the art. "I'm sure I will. You made it."
"You don't know that though!" She wanted to grab him and shake him. How could he just give her a free recommendation so easily? What if he read her comic and found it to be utter trash? Hell, what if his fans read it and deemed it garbage? Further "what ifs" spun around her head with every notification buzz her phone shuddered with.
Something in her expression must have finally struck Augustine. His ears drooped a little, confusion and hurt softening his features.
Oh, he had fucked up. Something in his chest sank, staring up at Amber's flustered horror. Before he could think of something to say or apologize, Delilah had reached over to Amber, patting her on the shoulder. "Sweetie, don't try to make sense of him. He does shit like this all the time."
"Would you like me to delete my post?" He held up his phone, thumbs poised over the screen as if it would just be a matter of thumb taps to erase the posts. Causing her strife had been the furthest thought from his mind. Augustine knew what his celebrity endorsement could do for a small brand, though. He had just wanted to help her.
"I... I don't know." Conflict swarmed Amber's thoughts. It just felt like a lie, but wasn't that marketing? He hadn't actually lied, hadn't given an actual review. Just posted a photo of himself with the book. That alone had her own social media suddenly aflame.
Even if he deleted his posts, there were bound to be screenshots already circulating. Some of those emails pouring into her inbox might be from news outlets, as well. She didn't even want to think about the rumor aspect in what he had just done.
Staring helplessly at her phone, she watched as notifications rolled in from ExaGram, Bumblr, Cheepter, and more. With a shake of her head, she sighed and set her phone to Do Not Disturb mode before tossing it back into her bag. She'd deal with the mountain of notifications later.
"You should've asked before posting that." From beside Augustine, Camry nudged his side. He glanced down to his co-star, still sprawled on the floor with the comic book open. "Some people don't like their timelines blowing up, all because of your mug."
Again, Augustine realized he should have known better. He often forgot. Even when he barely started his acting career, his family's notoriety and wealth - and predisposition to conventional attractiveness - meant he'd always had a following. With drooping ears, he sighed and cast an apologetic look to Amber. "Sorry, Miss Dyer."
"It's fine! You were just trying to be nice." Augustine's puppy dog eyes worked on someone, at least, as Addie wrapped an arm around Amber's shoulders. She gave a laugh, giving her friend a little shake as she pointedly said, "Right, Amber?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I'm just..." Amber sighed once more, pressing her hands to her warm cheeks. Her cool palms helped to ease the fires of anxiety still churning inside her. She suddenly felt foolish for her reaction. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she centered herself before allowing her hands to drop and looking at Augustine once more. "I'm not used to so much attention on my socials."
Augustine rose to his knees from his crosslegged position, edging closer to Amber again. She tensed, seeing his hands rise briefly to touch her knee. Some sense made him drop his hands, but earnestness still glittered in his eyes. "Let me make it up to you by treating you to dinner."
"Weren't you going to ask her out anyway?" Delilah grinned as Augustine shot her a dirty look. The fact she sat in an armchair and he knelt on the floor razed at his pride, but he ignored it. Just because he planned to eventually ask Amber out to eat didn't mean his colleague had to throw him under the bus like that!
Blessedly, Amber's friend ignored Delilah's interjection. She was all excitement as she bounced a little on the couch. "Food sounds great! We were just talking about what to get for dinner before you caught us!"
Watching Augustine's features shift from somber to excited made Amber feel a little bad for how she had reacted to his post. With that feeling, another wave of frustration swept through her. She'd been acting ingracious to him and the other OWaB cast. After all, just because they were celebrities didn't mean they weren't persons, with flaws and feelings and understanding. Other than talent and luck and connections, they were no different from her. Mostly.
With that thought in mind, Amber turned to the others and smiled, determined to extend the olive branch of friendliness. "Are the rest of you going to join us?"
No one caught the momentary fall of Augustine's expression when Amber posited her question. Nor did they see his further gloom as his castmates chimed affirmatives. It was only a blink of disappointment, before he schooled his expression back into a smile.
There'd be time to talk to Amber alone, he reminded himself. He was just happy for the continued time together.
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I also love, love, love comments, tags, and reblogs! Seeing readers' reactions motivates me.
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neozhelps · 1 year
sobre transfobia.
Pensei um pouco antes de me pronunciar sobre isso porque eu pensei que não seria esse o primeiro problema que eu falaria sobre dentro no neoz e que na verdade eu to cansado de abordar esse assunto, mesmo não sendo pra tag.
Desde antes de me descobrir trans, achava que identidade de gênero e orientação sexual eram apenas questões pessoais e só diziam respeito pra pessoa e pra quem vai se relacionar com ela, fora isso era um simples detalhe, como gostar da cor azul ou gostar de punk rock. Detalhes que não definem em nada a sua personalidade ou caráter e não podem resumir ninguém. Eu só queria entender qual é o tesão de vocês em atacarem os outros com essas armas em mãos, até porque se vocês não tivessem dado um peso absurdo a essas informações, a gente não taria aqui cansado dessas discussões. Sério, como é que uma pessoa trans vai arruinar tua vida? Você vai se casar com a gente? Com todo respeito, vai comer nosso rabo? Acho que não né? Arranjem um argumento válido pra arranjarem atacarem alguém e parem de ser grandes bebezões virtuais.
Se acostumaram com a ideia de serem apenas anônimos que se agarram desesperadamente em personagens de rpg (que nesse ponto nem personagens são mais). É fácil não ter que lidar com seus problemas em ooc e só socarem eles na goela de gente que você nem nunca viu na vida real. É fácil agir como uma criancinha mimada e birrenta, porque se você dar esse show lá fora, no mundo real, você vai levar tanta porrada da vida que eu vou ficar com mais pena do que eu já tô.
A gente sofre todos os dias pra gente ser quem a gente é. Somos cercados de preconceitos, vindos desde de pobres coitados anônimos até de nós mesmos, mas a gente tá aqui assumindo quem a gente é, enquanto vocês não tem nem a capacidade de formar um argumento pra poder discutir com um mod sobre.
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fico muito triste que, mais uma vez, a tag tá mostrando seu pior lado. é o que, o terceiro caso de transfobia do ano? a centésima polêmica da semana? (e estamos em uma terça). eu quero muito acreditar que isso aqui tem salvação, que os players dessa tag podre ainda podem se tornar pessoas melhores, mas, sinceramente, tô perdendo as esperanças. para a pessoa que mandou as asks nojentas para es mods da jinjusan: vai se fuder. apenas isso, VAI TOMAR NO OLHO DO FEU CU, ARROMBADE DO CARALHO. porque eu to cansade de dialogar com transfobico.
e mais uma coisa aproveitando o gancho: não é porque a pessoa é trans que isso torna ela impassível de errar. que protege ela de críticas. pessoas trans também podem ser mal caráter, como vimos com a bala fini e um desquerido aí que cisma em atacar pessoas que eu amo. mas vocês, tag, ainda precisam aprender a criticar pessoas sem ir contra mil direitos humanos. pode ser o pior tipo de pessoa do mundo, elu não merece ler mensagens transfobicas ou falando para elu se matar. ninguém merece isso.
quer mandar askzinha de hate e transfobia pra mim e pro mano lou? manda que temos um arsenal de gifs do felca e uma jem raivosa na espreita. mas parem de atacar a moderação da jinjusan, PARE DE ATACAR PLAYERS E PERSONAGENS TRANS, CARALHO. vai jogar a porra do teu jogo e deixa a gente existir e jogar em paz.
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thepalewolfhowls · 7 months
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Art by @teallinum! I had this drawn up as a possible future ages ago and I got to thinking about these two dumdums meeting again.
I really hope there's an opportunity within the canon for Taria and Anduin to meet in War Within. I try to limit their interactions to moments where they could have met. Currently, they have crossed paths at these moments in her history:
At the Tavern in the Mists when Taria was a child. Before she was attacked by the tiger that led to her accelerated aging. Tarvasha left her with Tong as the tavern was obscure and out of the way of most danger. During her time there, she met Wrathion and Anduin, but was largely kept away from bothering them.
For a brief moment in Stormwind, he appeared when she was visiting Varian's memorial at Lion's Rest. They didn't get a chance to interact really, but it was the first time she really saw him after finding out he was her brother.
During the Fourth War, she was present for a time in the command tent while Grok'tor (her late husband) relayed information to Saurfang.
There was no question Taria was going to jump into the Maw after Anduin. Truly, I'm still working this part out. I have some bare bones for what I wanted and did stretch things a bit. After she found her way into the Maw, she managed to track him down, but couldn't get to the room he was in. They were able to speak between the wall for a time, but she was found out and taken to Zorvaal who gashed out pieces of her soul and tossed her into the river Gorgoa. There, she collided with a familiar soul* and was able to force her way out, having not technically been dead. She was too late to save Anduin from the Jailer's domination and followed along with the core group trying to rescue him.
Every week for the past three years, she traveled to Stormwind to ask about her brother, but no one could give her any information. Recently, an informant of her mother's (probably Valeera, as she'd be one of the few who could spy on Shaw and Greymane) relayed that he was seen in Ratchet and moving south through the Barrens. Currently, she is setting out to track that lead and hopefully find Anduin. Whether or not she'll ever have the courage to talk to him face to face remains to be seen.
I realize my goal to stay on canon as much as possible with this character is getting stretched, but I've had her a long time and this is something I've put off for years because there were never any good points in the plot to make more than this possible.
I like to talk about my characters. Hope some of you enjoy reading about them!
Tarvasha (Taria's mother) - @the-wolfs-raven
*The soul Taria runs into, in my headcanon, is Lo'Gosh, who was split from the Varian half of his soul in a last ditch effort for survival during the confrontation with Gul'dan. Lo'Gosh, who took the brunt of the hit this time, was sent to the Shadowlands; into the Maw and Gorgoa since his soul was a fractured one. I don't know how accurate that might be to how Shadowlands works. I didn't play much of it, to be honest. Anyway, headcanon puts Varian's soul in Shalamayne (as seems to possibly be backed up in some way by the plot, unless Anduin was just hallucinating, I suppose.)
As always, I'm up for some constructive criticism to help make my characters more believable!
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ota-division · 9 months
Chibi Birds of Prey (New Year's Ver.)
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"Ugh, this fucking bites!"
"What are you complaining about now?"
"What the hell do you think?! We're stuck here at this f'ing party because of fucking Chuohku and their lame-ass rules!"
"You knew going into this D.R.B. that you'd have to acquiesces to Chuohku's rules, Taria."
"Need I remind you it wasn't my choice to join this stupid rap tournament? And even if it was, did they not think anyone else had things to do?"
"And what exactly did you have planned for this evening, Taria? Besides getting up to your usual mischief?"
"It doesn't fucking matter if I had plans or not! The point is I could be doing something else with my fucking time!"
"You are not the only one upset about this, Taria. Do you have any idea how hard it was to find a babysitter for Jin on New Year's? I wanted to be at home with him right now, but unfortunately, I have to be here."
"...Speaking of which, no one from Chuohku has approached you asking you to join, have they?"
"No, fortunately not."
"Good. After forcing you to join this tournament, them continually asking you to join would be inexcusable."
"True, but knowing Chuohku, we shouldn't celebrate too soon."
"Ugh, this f'ing blows!"
"...Are you going to be like this all night?"
"If I can fucking help it."
"Well, I'm sorry, but I'd rather not ring in the New Year with a dour mood, so you'll have to excuse me."
"Fine, leave! Kira and I will be fine without you."
"...Chinami, may I accompany you? Taria's bad mood is likely to rub off on me if I stay here any longer."
"By all means."
"Hey, you two can't just leave me here alone!"
"Watch us."
"Fine, screw you two!"
"I really worry about her."
"You and me both."
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ofcourtfables · 1 month
Just finished the series and I would love to play around in this world! Would it be ok for me to ask if there are any faces/connections/roles that you and your memebers are really itching for? Thanks in advance!
hello  lovebug  !!  you  found  the  perfect  place  !  our  members  would  love  to  see  the  following  :  the  high  lord  of  night  (  wanted  connection  ),  high  ruler  of  dawn,  &  high  ruler  of  spring  (  wanted  connection  ),  more  day  court  inner  circle  members,  dawn  inner  circle  members  !  we  also  have  some  wcs  on  our  dcoment  for  some  time  that  i  know  our  members  would  love  to  see  such  as  :  nerina's  first  mate, taria's  right  hand,  taria's  "twin",  kittichai's  mentor,  cassiopeia's  polycule,  ares'  best  friend,  nerina's  half-sibling,  reila's  siblings,  &  icarion's  daughters  !
member  specific  wanted  connections  not  listed  on  the  wc  page  :  aoife,  ellie,  &  elias's  love  interests,  elias's  adopted  daughter,  love  interest  for  yijun,  or  ahra  (female  only  for  ahra),  lady  cassiopeia's  lady-in-waiting/best  friend  !
some  fcs  :  wi  ha  joon,  jessica  matten,  khadijha  red  thunder,  kiowa  gordon,  ekin  koc,  serkan  cayoglu,  berk  cankat,  lewis  tan,  ludi  lin,  andrew  koji,  anna  sawai,  mackenyu,  gong  yoo,  evan  mock,  milly  alcock,  freya  allen,  naomi  scott,  toby  regbo,  aaron  fontaine,  greta  onieogou  (  as  the  final  day  court  sibling  or  cousin,  or  winter  cousin  ),  laura  harrier  (  could  work  for  cassiopeia's  polycule  wc  ),  maggie  q,  michelle  yeoh,  sonoya  mizuno,  florence  pugh,  sen  mitsuji,  halley  bailey,  halle  berry,  halle  baily,  monica  bellucci,  catherine  zeta  jones,  idris  elba,  jessie  mei  li  (  uses  they/she  pronouns  )  and  lee  soohyuk,  wawwa  nicha,  bright  vachirawit,  idris  elba,  john  boyega,  samantha  logan,  aaron  fontain,  jessica  parker  kennedy,  steve  toussaint,  dev  patel,  henry  golding,  devon  terrel,  hyun  bin,  diego  boneta,  oscar  isaac,  peter  gadoit,  gabriel  luna,  angela  serafyan,  amita  suman,  arsema  thomas,  beren  saat,  charitra  chandran,  mena  moussand,  sybella  deen,  daniel  henney,  fan  bing  bing,  and  rami  malek,  zorzo  natharuetai,  poppy  drayton,  samara  weaving,  luke pasqualino &  oliver  jacson  cohen!
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stxrfclls · 6 months
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‘ jessica green, cis woman, she/her, 31 / 310 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems TARIA MORWEN has finally made it to the capital, the GENERAL OF THE ARMIES from GAEA is said to be FEARLESS and is said to describe themselves with THE SLICE OF A BLADE AS IT SIZZLES THROUGH THE AIR, A PERFECTLY BALANCED SWORD, EVENING TRAINING SESSIONS THAT SEE THE SUN RISE and with all of this in mind their STUBBORN nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time. ; written by honey, cst, 29, she/her
full  name  .  taria morwen
age  .  31  appearance  /  310  actual
sexuality  .  pansexual
occupation  .  general of the armies
species  .  high fae
loyalty  .  gaea
height  .  5'9"
(  tw  :  child abandonment, neglect, violence  )
she  has  no  idea  who  her  birth  parents  are,  all  taria  remembers  is  a  life  without  them.  the  first  memories  she  has  are  being  a  ward  in  the  care  of  a  careless  person  amongst  other  children,  a  sort  of  orphanage  if  you  can  call  it  that.
she  clung  to  another  girl  her  age  early  on.  the  two  became  inseparable  and  despite  sharing  no  blood,  they  were  called  the  twins.  it  became  clear  they  were  a  package  deal,  and  while  other  children  were  taken  in  by  real  families  the  twins  remained.  but  one  day  a  wealthy  woman  would  come  looking  for  a  daughter  who  resembled  herself,  taria  would  push  her  twin  into  the  adoption  and  still  has  no  regrets  from  that.
a  few  years  later  she  was  caught  stealing  from  the  wife  of  the  then  general  of  the  armies,  but  rather  than  punish  taria,  the  woman  took  her  in.  taria  was  immediately  thrown  into  warrior  101  by  her  adoptive  father,  the  man  finding  that  all  her  acting  out  and  aggression  would  be  better  served  fighting.  she  still  starts  shit  for  fun,  but  she  at  least  has  learned  how  to  focus  her  energy  better.
she  does  have  a  few  people  she’s  let  in,  her  adoptive  family  and  a  few  warriors  who  she  climbed  ranks  with.  they  bring  out  her  soft  side,  the  gentle  and  loving  side  she  buries  away  from  others  so  they  can’t  get  too  close.  essentially,  she  always  expects  people  to  leave,  and  they  haven’t  yet  so  that  has  to  count  for  something  in  her  mind.
a  scrappy  fighter  she  always  fights  dirty  too.  prefers  knives,  probably  always  has  at  least  one  in  her  boot.
will  very  much  pretend  she  doesn’t  have  a  title.  you  have  to  recognize  her  to  realize  who  she  is.  her  soldiers  respect  it,  she  earned  her  title  not  only  by  skill  but  also  by  her  personality.
she  does  try  to  act  right  when  she  has  to,  and  she  does  try  to  be  respectful.  if  only  out  of  fear  of  insulting  her  father’s  legacy  or  making  others  think  poorly  upon  him.  taria  has  become  a  great  actress  really,  full  smiles  and  fake  respects  when  need  be.  you’d  only  know  she  was  a  heathen  if  you  found  her  on  the  streets  where  she  offers  no  such  masks.
she  will  almost  always  be  found  in  pants  but  if  you  make  her  wear  a  formal  dress  she’s  going  to  have  on  something  revealing  and  borderline  leaving  her  naked.  girl  is  confident  and  has  no  shame.
over  all  she’s  not  a  horrible  person  she’s  just  not  great  either.  she  tries  to  do  right  by  her  family  because  they  took  her  from  a  life  of  literally  nothing,  it’s  just  hard.  the  issues  she  has  are  deep  and  may  never  heal.  she’ll  do  anything  for  the  people  she  loves,  fight  until  her  last  breath,  but  she  also  enjoys  just  being  an  agent  of  chaos.  she  sleeps  around  a  lot  to  feel  something  too,  but  don’t  ask  her  if  that  ever  really  works.
on  main  :  right hand, 'twin'
other  ideas  :  former  dalliances  /  exes  /  flings,  flirtationships  /  current  flings,  sparring  partners,  critics,  favored  soldiers,  higher  ranked  officers  loyal  to  her,  budding  friendships
✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔴𝔢𝔫  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞  ⁑  threads  *⁎
✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔴𝔢𝔫  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞  ⁑  inspo  *⁎
✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔴𝔢𝔫  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞  ⁑  dev.  *⁎
✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔴𝔢𝔫  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞  ⁑  image  *⁎
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edogawa-division · 1 year
Kanra's Thoughts on Ōta Division
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Chinami Chinen
“Everyone at school talks about her. They say she can see a person’s fate with her crystal ball. So they all go to her for stuff like crushes and answers for the next test. I’m not sure if she really sees the future but Kira-san says she truly does. So I’ll take her word for it.” Kanra pauses. “I… think if I had the chance I’d ask Chinami-san about my past. Something is stopping me tho. I know there is no going back if I do ask her. That I'll be opening a door I'll never be able to close again. That scares me, more than anyone will ever know.” 
Kira Chinen
“Kira-san is perhaps one of the few law enforcement officers I don't have any major issues with. Sure she’s arrested me before but at least she gets me fast food whenever she does which is more than I can say for others. Although every time Yuriko-san comes to pick me up Kira-san gets this look on her face. Like she doesn't like her. Yuriko-san gets a look on her face too but hers is more sorrowful than dislike. I’d like to ask Kira-san but I'm not sure she’ll tell me.” 
Taria Chinen
“Oh! Taria-san! Do you know she's been teaching me parkour? Among other things.” Kanra giggled. “No, but really I help Taria-san with her night ‘job’ sometimes. Usually when she needs some extra muscle. Between Taria-san, Kaoru, and me there's nothing that can stop us!” Kanra fist pumps the air. “We’re still trying to pick out a name for me tho. Taria-san wanted to use ‘Red Devil’ but personally I think that name is a bit too obvious. Who else in Japan is known as a ‘devil’ and has super strength?”
Birds of Prey
“A team full of sisters? That's new. The only other team made up entirely of siblings is Ikebukuro. If the Chinen Sisters bond is as strong as theirs then it won't be easy to fight them. I kinda wanna fight them now but…that might not be the best idea. Kira-san looks like she’d gun for Yuriko-san the second the battle starts. Which means I’ll fight Kira-san because no one hurts my mom, not on my watch.”
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cherryrogers · 2 years
when dusk falls {5}
pairing: bucky barnes x princess!reader
warnings: angst!! + some violence
summary: King Alexander’s plans begin to unfold.
a/n: i am struggling so bad to write an essay rn but i managed to finish this chapter quickly so i don’t mind ! the fic will get a lot better following this part. i am excited <3
series masterlist
The Heartlen Ocean surrounding the east side of Taria was calm when Sharon rode down to the docks, the dark waters shimmering under the large full moon. She’d arrived later than she’d have liked, having trouble sneaking past the knights who’d been stationed around the palace’s perimeter, but as she climbed off her horse and surveyed the area, she spotted a dark figure perched next to a row boat at the edge of one of the docks.
Her boots tapped against the wood under her feet as she walked quickly towards the figure, the only sound other than the quiet swishing of waves that could be heard for miles. The figure stood when they saw Sharon nearing.
“You’re late.” Natasha said.
“The palace is practically on lockdown, forgive me,” Sharon answered. “And not all of us are skilled spies.”
“It’s alright. I’ll still return before sunrise,” The spy offered her a small smile. She reached into the pocket on her thigh holster, pulling out a rolled up piece of parchment.
Sharon took it as soon as Natasha offered it to her, having been waiting for your response for nearly four days. She started to unroll the letter, until the other woman placed a hand on her wrist, stopping her.
“Get back to the palace first; someone might see you.”
Honestly, Sharon didn’t think there was a chance she’d be caught at the docks. But she trusted Natasha’s judgement of safety better than her own, so reluctantly, she nodded.
Natasha was about to turn away; usually their meetings were quick and almost silent. The spy was good at her job, but she was paranoid. Being in any place she shouldn’t be for longer than needed made her anxious, and she knew the consequences of her communicating with Sharon in Taria would be brutal.
But the lady’s voice stopped her in her tracks. “Is she okay, Natasha?”
The redhead pursed her lips. Not that she’d seen much of you since your arrival at the castle, but you seemed to be coping well, and that was saying something for anyone who was living in Hydra against their will.
She nodded. “_____ is okay, for now.”
Sharon didn’t feel particularly comforted by the answer, but she only stayed silent as she watched her old friend climb back into the small boat and push away from the dock, into the black night. In three days, they’d see one another again. That was the agreement, unless stated otherwise. There was a part of Sharon that felt bad Natasha was risking her life to keep her in contact with you, but she knew the spy wouldn’t do it if she didn’t think she could. And she needed to know that you were okay, directly from you.
The ride back to the palace felt longer somehow. Perhaps it was the desperation Sharon felt to open your letter. Upon her arrival to the stables, she quickly returned her horse, and then she waited what felt like hours for the knights to change shifts.
Once they did, Sharon snuck through the garden using the key she’d been given when she first started working for you. Her chambers weren’t far from the garden, luckily, and while there wasn’t a knight in sight, she traversed through the long corridor to the staircase, climbing up two floors.
The letter was already in her hand when she turned the corner to the door of her room, but her heart plummeted when she realised she wasn’t the only person who wasn’t supposed to be awake at this time of night.
Steve stood tall outside of her door, his brows knitted deeply.
“Where have you been?” He asked, and the calmness in his voice made her even more frustrated. It was as if he expected she’d tell him, like he had to know everything that went on in the palace as if he hadn’t been keeping such a dark secret from her, his friend.
She stared up at him, not bothering to hide her anger. “Steve, move.”
It was obvious she’d left the palace, her thick cloak was wrapped tightly around her shoulder, and she had on her brown riding boots.
“Is this a game to you?” The blond man gestured a hand towards her. “Sneaking out of the palace in the dead of night doing who knows what?”
“Does it appear to you that I’m playing some sort of game?” 
“You are acting out.”
“Oh my,” Sharon scoffed, balling her fists, feeling the letter crumple in her palm. “I do not need a lecture, Steve. I don’t need anything from you. Just go back to bed.”
Steve huffed, his eyes lowering to the princess’s letter in her hand. Sharon tried to quickly put it behind her back, but the valet was already asking more questions.
“What is that?”
“Nothing. Leave me be, Steve.”
“It’s something to do with _____,  isn’t it?”
There’s a silence, a silence that gave the man a definitive answer. Steve’s brows furrowed further, and the lady only grew more frustrated. She was doing something to help you, that was more than he could’ve said for himself.
“Tell me what you’re doing, Sharon.” He insisted, and while Sharon’s plan was to keep the letters to Hydra a secret, she couldn’t find it in herself to not defend her actions against Steve.
She held up the letter, glaring at him. “_____ is alone right now in a different kingdom. The kingdom of Hydra, for goodness sake! This is her one connection to Taria, Steve. To us. She needs to know that we’re trying to—”
“If King Alexander found out you were sending letters to her, you could be killed. _____ could be punished. You are doing much more harm than good—”
“And what are you doing, Steve? You act as if nothing has happened! You eat breakfast and train in the courtyard and wander the markets as if one of your dearests friends wasn’t taken right under our noses only a week ago! You sleep peacefully at night when you knew exactly what was going to happen, knowing you kept it a secret for years from _____.”
“How can you say all of this?” Steve retorted, looking more hurt than angry at his friend. “How can you say I’m doing nothing? The queen refuses to attend court as she is so miserable, and the king spends all of his time comforting her. I've been speaking on his behalf to the council every day, trying to figure out a way to stop the marriage, trying to find a gap in the law that means Hydra have to return the princess. I was the one who had to send a notice to all civilians explaining her sudden departure. And I haven’t been sleeping well at all. I lie awake every night, knowing I kept the agreement secret, knowing I was not a good friend for doing so. My loyalty may officially lie with the king, but I should not have put his wishes above _____’s, not in that instance. I know that, and you have reminded me of that every waking moment since she was taken.”
Biting harshly on her lip, Sharon huffed a breath. She had no idea what to say, what to think. Steve was the most selfless man on the planet, perhaps. And he was given the in on an agreement that was inevitably going to be carried out. It was simply his choice as to whether he told you about it earlier or let you live in ignorant bliss until everything came to a sudden halt.
“What would you have done, if you were me?” The man asked, his tone calmer. “Would you have told the princess of her fate to come? Let her wallow during her few years of freedom before inevitably being taken away?”
The woman looked up at him, shaking her head lightly. “The agreement was made decades ago. Things have changed.”
Steve shook his head, a frown etched deeply onto his lips. “Hydra hasn’t. Hydra will never change.”
With that, the valet finally stepped aside and made his way down the corridor, leaving Sharon to stand alone, motionless, in front of her bedchamber. She hadn’t even noticed the letter falling from her limp fingers onto the ground by her boots.
The blizzard-ridden week in Hydra came to an end eventually, and you took it as an opportunity to finally get some fresh air. Though, you weren’t quite brave enough to venture outside the castle walls. Instead, you found the nearest balcony to your chambers on one of the higher levels of the castle, and as you leaned your clothed elbows on the snow-covered railing, you inhaled a relieving, chilly breath of winter air.
Next to you, as usual, stood the soldier. You were more used to having his company than not, now, even if he was extremely quiet in your presence. But it kept playing on your mind, the flicker of emotion in his eyes after Natasha called him by a (his?) name, the notion that he may not have been The Asset in that moment, but a man.
You turned to look at him. He stood in his normal stance; shoulders straight, hands behind his back, ready to clasp at his sword if need be. Eyes staring straight ahead, lips sewed shut. Snowflakes got caught in his dark hair, and perhaps it would’ve been a pleasant sight if he didn’t look so disinterested. 
“How is your leg?” You decided to ask; it was the first words you’d spoken to him since he returned to his shift, and you’d immediately requested you take a walk around the castle. The altercation with Natasha that night was his first act of proper protection, even if the spy was no actual threat, and you feared it may not have been the last.
The soldier didn’t move a muscle, only his lips to respond nonchalantly. “It is fine.”
You pursed your lips, arguing back and forth with yourself internally as to whether trying to talk to your protector was a good idea, nevermind asking about the break-in. But you figured that the worst that could happen was that he didn’t respond, despite the fact you desperately wanted him to refrain from being so stone cold. It was frustrating, being constantly in the company of someone who refused to speak more than a word at a time to you, but you guessed King Alexander had a say in how the soldier interacted with you. It was likely he’d forbade him from speaking to you unless it was utterly necessary.
But the king wasn’t present now, and you had questions. Questions that only the soldier could answer,
“Did you know her?” You looked up at him again, watching closely for any slight change in his expression. “The woman that broke into my room?”
His stoicness didn’t falter. “No.”
It wasn’t a lie. Natasha had told him she knew him, that his name was James and that he had a life before he served as a soldier for the king. But for all he knew, she could’ve been making it all up. For what reason she would lie, Bucky didn’t know, but he was still on the fence about the redhead, despite a deeply buried part of him that recognised her as someone he’d met before.
“She called you a name: James.”
He had nothing to say. There was nothing he could tell you that wouldn’t be a repeat of what Natasha had told him, which again, could’ve been complete untruths. And he wasn’t supposed to be conversing freely with you. Really, he wasn’t sure why you were giving him the time of day, rather than the prince you were set to marry.
“Why?” You persisted when he essentially ignored your statement. It seemed that he’d only offer you a response when he was directly asked a question,
There was a pause. If anyone had ever granted him the notion of conversation before during his time as the Asset, then he still couldn’t imagine it was anything similar to the way you were speaking to him. He was used to orders, not questions. Still, your questioning was futile. He knew as much about himself as you did, following his last wipe. Simply, he replied: “I don’t know.” 
You sighed, tapping your fingers against the railing in thought. “Maybe you did not know her, but she seemed to know you.”
“She could’ve hurt you,” The soldier stated. Ironically, the both of you knew that wasn’t the spy’s intention at all. “Why does it matter?”
Didn’t it matter to him? That someone other than you, someone integrated into Hydra’s royal workforce, might’ve suspected he was more than just superweapon? “Well, she is the only person who has referred to you by anything other than ‘soldier’ since I've been here.”
You watched him closely. To your surprise, his eyes were no longer piercing into the cloudy sky, but set on the snowflakes dotting the balcony railing. His mouth didn’t open to respond, but you could tell that your words had affected him, in one way or another. 
Insistently, you pressed the matter. “Don’t you want to be addressed by a proper name?”
His eyes returned to observe the castle grounds. “I can do my job without one.”
“Tarian knights use their names,” You said, the corner of your lips uplifting at the thought of Commander Wilson and his cavalry. ”To refer to them only by their job titles would feel… demeaning.”
That was the reason, of course, that the king stripped the soldier of any personality he may have had and called him the Asset, the Winter Soldier. It was a lot easier to control a person who wasn’t treated like one,
Bucky watched as snow continued to blanket the ground below. He took your word for it. As far as he knew, he’d never stepped on Tarian land. If he had, he had zero recollection of doing so. King Alexander made sure that all he knew was Hydra, all he knew was freezing temperatures and cruelty and war. It was curious to him that you would mention your homeland, considering even he knew that those who travelled to Hydra for whatever reason rarely ever saw their own kingdoms again. Especially those who were taken there against their will.
“You are not in Taria anymore, Your Highness.” He found himself uttering. His words were spoken without malice; if anything it was a mere reminder that Hydra was indeed not Taria, and you would do well to remember that if you were to live there for the rest of your life. But out of the corner of his eye, he saw your head snap towards him.
Did he think you had forgotten where you were? Was that what he saw you as, a naive little girl who had yet to realise why Hydra had such a terrifying reputation?
Pushing yourself to stand up straight, you suddenly felt like returning to your chambers. Your narrowed eyes remained on your guard, who was only standing there as if you weren’t even there. His lack of expression infuriated you.
“You’re right, I am not.” You responded bluntly, before turning around and beginning to walk back through the corridors of the castle.
Bucky turned around then, continuing his duty and following you back to your chambers. Though instead of staring straight ahead as he walked, he looked at the back of your head, at you. He hadn’t meant to upset you, he didn’t even expect anything coming out of his mouth to mean anything to you, a royal princess. It was usually his sword and his hands doing damage, not his lips and the words that fell from them.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when a figure turned the corner, an all-too familiar man who by the looks of it, found exactly what he had been surveying the corridors for.
You stopped in your tracks as Brock stood before you, smiling as if he knew your heart had begun to beat faster, that you dreaded the moment you would ever have to speak with him again.
“Princess _____,” The man greeted you with a nod. “How convenient. I was just looking for you.”
“Convenient for you, most unfortunate for me.” You straightened out your skirts, refusing to let your nerves force you to cower in front of him.
Brock just scoffed, not even pretending to practise manners in front of a princess. He hadn’t even spared a glance at the soldier yet. “I was coming to check on you, see how you’re settling in.”
“I am anything but settled here. This isn’t my home.”
“You are much too stubborn for a lady,” He narrowed his eyes. “Prince Isaac will not find that appealing.”
“Who are you to speak on the opinions of the prince?” You retaliated, not appreciating the interruption of your walk back to the chambers only to be harassed by a man with more time on his hands than he likely should’ve had.
Unimpressed with your attitude, Brock took a threatening step towards you, but Bucky was quick to join your side and press a hand to the man’s chest, easily stopping him from getting closer.
The man finally acknowledged the presence of your guard, moving back so his hand dropped from his chest. He breathed a sardonic chuckle, meeting the soldier’s eyes.
“Do you really think I would lay a hand on her Highness?” He teased, glancing back at you. Then he shook his head, staring you in the eye now.
“Speak in such a way to the king, Princess. Then you will face the consequences.”
You clenched your jaw, though you felt more at ease now with the soldier’s arm still putting a barrier between you and Brock.
“Speaking of the king, he has requested to speak with you in the throne room. Now.”
So, that was the real reason he was looking for you. Not just to torment you for his own enjoyment, though he took his time carrying that out anyway.
Silently, you followed Brock down the levels of the castle to the ground floor, your guard following close behind. This was only the second time you’d ever been inside the throne room, the first being when you first arrived. Even the king you never saw much of, thankfully. But that also meant he was spending lots of time with his advisors, doing or planning what, you were fearful to know.
When you entered the throne room, your stomach tied itself in knots at the sight of King Alexander, sitting right at the far end of the room, atop his enormous throne. His lords and advisors stood to his side on the steps leading up to the throne, and soldiers scattered the walls of the room.
“Princess _____, it is good to see you again,” The king spoke grandly, his voice echoing throughout the hall. Brock guided you further into the room, so you were stood at the bottom of the steps. ”Even better wearing Hydraen attire, this time.”
You weren’t exactly complimented by his words; you were wearing a green dress dark enough that it could be mistaken for black. It lacked the intricate patterns and mix of hues that your dresses used to have, and they always seemed to pinch too tight at the waist.
The king glanced at your guard, who had followed you right to the throne, before lazily gesturing a hand and saying: “Soldier, wait outside.”
There was a moment where your guard didn’t move at all, and you almost wanted him to defy the king, to insist on staying close. But then, he stepped back, and you heard his boots thudding against the ground before he exited the room, the door shutting behind him loudly.
“Did Rumlow ask how you were settling?” The king asked off-handedly, as if he wasn’t interested in hearing an answer.
“Yes, he did,” You said, looking up at the man. It was rather patronising, trying to stand your ground to a man on a throne while standing not even at his feet. “And I shall tell you what I told him. I have not settled at all, this isn’t my home.”
Sighing, the king shook his head. You wished men would stop doing that, shaking their head every time you spoke as if you were saying silly things. “In time, you will learn that your defiance is a waste of time. Alas, I did not request your presence to make meaningless small talk.”
Your stomach turned.
“The wedding will take place in two weeks.”
Perhaps you should’ve anticipated that wedding talk would be happening soon, but the mention of the event still made you sick to your stomach. Two weeks. Two weeks left of being _____, Princess of Taria.
“It would happen a lot sooner,” King Alexander proceeded. “But there is business I must attend to first. Until then, you have your own work to carry out.”
Your brows furrowed. Your own work?
“Very important work, indeed. You will be keeping up appearances, alongside my son.”
“I don’t understand.” You uttered honestly, though the king looked far too pleased with himself for him to be eluding to anything good.
“You see, Taria is perhaps the most influential kingdom in the world. Other kingdoms have been trying to mimic its way of ruling for centuries. There is not a kingdom on this planet that would go to war with Taria, that would betray them under any circumstances. And now, Taria’s princess is to marry the Hydraen prince. Taria is to form an unbreakable alliance with Hydra, and that will make a statement.”
“If other kingdoms see that Taria has allied with Hydra, that they have let their treasured princess start a new life here, they will be open to make negotiations with us. To form new alliances. Hydra will become more powerful than it already is.”
Sick. You felt physically sick. The king had already tortured you and your kingdom enough, kidnapping you from your home and forcing you to marry into his bloodline. A bloodline with a horrific and unforgivable past. And now he was going to use you to force other kingdoms to make ties with him, ties that he’ll use to empower Hydra and Hydra only.
“No kingdom will stoop to allying themselves with you,” Your voice wobbled as you spoke, and tears burned at the back of your eyes. “Not willingly.”
“Then they will befriend us against their will. We are no stranger to war.” The king shrugged. It was petrifying how indifferent he was to starting wars and ruining lives. Other kingdoms would give anything to prevent bloodshed and ruination; Hydra carried out both without remorse.
“I won’t pretend I am happy here, that being here was my decision,” You shook your head, fists balling at your side. The king stood from his throne, and began to descend the steps as you continued. “I won’t pretend I am not miserable, I won’t lie—”
A loud gasp left your lips, interrupting your own tangent as the king’s hand struck your cheek, the man stood on the step above you now. “You will do what I tell you to, girl. You are on my land, living under my roof, and I am your king.”
The hit was hard. Personal. Blood seeped from your bottom lip. King Alexander always got what he wanted, and he wouldn’t let a young princess ruin his plans of making Hydra richer, stronger. The hit wasn’t a punishment for defiance, but a warning that if you didn’t play your part in his plans, the consequences would make a slap across the face look like nothing.
“You will travel with Isaac in the morning to Asgard. You will put on a smile and aid your betrothed in proposing a trade alliance to King Odin, and should you do your job correctly, they will accept.”
Asgard? Starting with Asgard was a bold decision, even for King Alexander. Even if King Odin was an older king, relatively stuck in his ways from when he was first crowned, when going to war was something to celebrate and not fear, you couldn’t imagine the Asgardian princes would be so easily convinced. You’d only met them when you were a child, during your only visit to Asgard, since it was on the opposite side of the world to Taria. Whether their opinion would sway their father’s, however, you had no idea.
As if he could hear your confusion, the king spoke aloud: “King Odin and I have known each other for a long time. He will agree to a deal, I am sure of it. And so the dominos will fall, one by one, until Hydra has friends in every corner of the world.”
The plan was unfeasable, wasn’t it? No monarch would do it, let their kingdom be tied to Hydra in a way that will only hurt them when Hydra inevitably betrayed them. But at the cost of a threat of invasion, of war, perhaps King Alexander’s plan was perfect. And it was perfect because you were the core of it. The wolf in sheep’s clothing, convincing the kings and queens that Hydra was a worthy alliance, lying to their faces that you were happy to be engaged, happy to live out the rest of your days in the most feared kingdom on the planet.
When the king finally dismissed you, you walked quickly through the throne room doors back into the corridor. The soldier stood right outside, and his eyes caught yours as soon as you appeared next to him.
They flickered to your bust lip, stayed there for longer than he’d ever looked you in the eye.
It was you who moved first, desperate to return to your chambers as quickly as possible, and of course, the guard followed after you. It was still morning, yet you were set on not leaving your room anymore that day. Every time you did, you begrudgingly ran into Brock, or you were tormented by the king, or you had to force a smile when spending time with Prince Isaac because he genuinely seemed like he was trying to make you feel more at home.
It didn’t work. Taria was your home, and you were not in Taria anymore, as your guard had iterated, as if you weren’t reminded of the fact every second of every day.
After Bucky opened your bedchamber door and let you walk through, he caught one last look at your injury before you disappeared into the room. The princess, so usually prim and proper, with blood on her chin and an angry cut on her lip.
As he shut the door behind you, he considered there may’ve been a reason the king didn’t want him by your side while he spoke with you, her protector.
Maybe because before the king’s hand could’ve left his side, Bucky would’ve seized it with his own metal hand, and squeezed tightly until he felt every bone crack and snap in his palm, until the crushed bones pierced through his skin and blood trickled through his silver fingers, and all he could hear was the king’s cries of sheer agony.
The king didn’t realise that if he couldn’t suppress his violent nature when it came to you, he was going to have to deal with the consequences he set up for himself — ones he set up when he reassigned the Asset as your guard, no longer his own.
Next time he raised a hand to you, King Alexander would not be so lucky to get away with it. Bucky was sure of that.
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fukuokadivision1 · 1 year
Tasuku's Thoughts on Ōta Division
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Chinami Chinen
"Argh, I've always had a disliking for these sort of people. So-called 'fortune-tellers', and the like. Those people are nothing more than scam artists. I have no doubt that half of what they say may be true, but the rest of the stuff that comes out of their mouth... pure baloney! Being able to predict or see into the future is just nonsense! No one can predict the future! And even if they could, why the hell would you want to know about it?! Like Sanyu said, that takes all the joy and wonder out of it if you know what's coming! If I knew what the future held for me everyday, I'd go nuts!"
"But putting that aside, I hear that she used to be part of a powerful rap group. What were they called... oh yeah! C H A R O N! I'll admit, they sound familiar. I'll have to give them a try. If they're good... I guess I can give her a free pass. But for now, I'll ask that she stays away from me with the scrying crap. I want nothing to do with it."
Kira Chinen
"Ugh, another investigator? Sheesh, what's with all of these law enforcement officials joining the D.R.B. as of late? I didn't realize crime was at an all-time low here in Japan. If they need work, maybe they should try investigating their own departments. I'm sure they'd find a lot of work then! Bah, whatever. She doesn't seem too bad, though Sanyu tells me that she may or may not serve Chuohku, which automatically makes her bad news. We'll have to watch out around her..."
Taria Chinen
"Ha, I like this kid! Ming isn't too big on her considering the rumors about her being a thief and all that, but I like her! She's got grit and gall, two things you need to survive in the underworld. I know some people may give her grief over her age, but that'll change the more she proves herself. I'm rooting for her!"
Birds of Prey
"Like Sanyu mentioned, it's a bit of a shock to discover that all three of these women are sisters. But I guess I can't be so judgmental. People seem shocked whenever they discover that Ming and I are related. She says it embarrasses her when people find out, but I find it funny!"
"But besides that, if we face this team, we should probably focus on the oldest one since she'll probably try some 'seeing into the future' crap. Her sisters will probably try to stop us, but they shouldn't be too much trouble. And when we win, that'll show people that the future really can't be predicted!"
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akihabaradivision · 1 year
Keiko's Thoughts on Ōta Division
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Chinami Chinen
"I've heard of Chinami-san from Kira-san. Apparently, she thinks very highly of her older sister. She works as a soothsayer, or a fortune-teller. I'll admit, at first I thought she was some sort of con artist, but some of my classmates say that her fortunes are actually real! Admittedly, most of their questions revolve around things you'd hear from students, like boyfriends, girlfriends, whether they're going to pass a test, be Homecoming Queen or King, or other things of that nature. Me, if possible, I'd like to ask her just who exactly my father is and why all the adults in my life seem to hide him from me..."
Kira Chinen
"Believe it or not, I actually admire and respect Kira-san. I heard that she took over the position of Vice Chief of the Administrative Inspection Bureau after the former woman was arrested. I don't know much about what her position entails, but from what Nemu-san tells me, she basically controls much of what goes in and out of Japan, which makes her one of the most powerful women in all of Chuohku, let alone the country."
"Besides that, despite how she may act when she is off the clock, when she steps into Chuohku and dons her uniform, Kira-san is all about business. I don't know much about her save the fact that she used to serve in the army and now works as a police investigator. She's a definite step-up from Jyuto-san of Yokohama. She can be a little... demanding when it comes to making plans. She likes to be very thorough. I admire that, though I wish she would relax at times..."
Taria Chinen
"Ugh, and here we have my least favorite of this team. Unlike her older sisters, who are exactly doing things to help Japan and its people, she would prefer to spend her time performing little magic tricks and such. I'm not demeaning her or anything. I know she used to be part of a circus troupe, but you'd think she'd have something else to show for it. Plus, I've been hearing a lot about this supposed thief called, "The Misfit in Action". And this girl's MC name is "Misfit."
"I don't want to accuse her of anything, but if she is that thief everyone's been talking about, then I'd better report her to Kira-san, so she can do something about."
Birds of Prey
"A sibling team... just like Ichiro-san and his younger brothers. Unlike them though, I'm a bit perplexed as to the reasons for why they're entering. Apparently, it's because Chinami-san refused Otome-sama's offer to be her personal soothsayer. ...That's shocking, to say the least. I didn't think the Prime Minister actually believed in fortunes. But if Chinami-san's fortunes are as good as everyone makes them out to be, I can see why the Prime Minister would want access to them. I don't know why Chinami-san refused. Working for the Prime Minister should be an honor that everyone should accept. I wonder how Kira-san is taking this..."
"But regardless, facing this team will be difficult, especially if Chinami-san decides to use her fortunes to help her win. ...I wonder... is this why the Prime Minister forced her to join the D.R.B.? To see her powers up close? If so, it is incredibly wise of her. ...I just hope my friends and I aren't the first team they'll be facing..."
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themysterioustaria · 6 months
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Scent Match - Part 3 Preview
(Note: Started with an anon asking for the phrase prompt, “Oh. Oh.”)
Summary: When Amber Dyer decided to attend a Creator Con, she never expected to run into Of Wolf and Blood lycan hearthrob, Augustine Prime.
But, there he was, stooping over her table, asking to buy the unflattering drawing of his character. Valuing integrity over taking money from a celebrity and running (though she was sorely tempted,) Amber finishes the sketch and delivers it to Augustine.
However, he continues to doggedly pursue her and entwine their lives.
All because of her scent.
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First Part | Previous Part Masterlist
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The VIP lounge was simultaneously underwhelming and overwhelming. While the environment was remarkably drab - reminding Amber of a sad office party with business-grade navy carpet and neutral grey walls - being in the midst of celebrities brought her anxiety to a heart pounding ten. She was just thankful to have Addie by her side, helping to field questions
She just had to focus on calling the actors by their actual identities, rather than their character’s names.
"So, did you think you'd get the Augustine Prime's attention with this drawing?" From across the coffee table, Tarias - Theo Delaney - leaned forward in his chair. A smile spread over his features, his eyes alight with amusement. On the table was the aforementioned drawing.
Amber glanced down at the piece, ignoring how Augustine - from his spot on the floor - watched her so… closely.
For the most part, Augustine simply basked in Amber's presence. He was thankful she agreed to venture into the VIP area. At the time of his request, he hadn't realized he'd be able to inconspicuously take in her scent for an extended time. Augustine had merely wanted her to stay near him.
Now, not only was he committing her scent to memory, but Amber's mannerisms. The way her gaze bounced from one companion to the next, trying valiantly to give them all her attention. She even turned slightly toward whoever spoke, making them aware she was listening. Augustine found his eyes often wondering. Taking in her straight back, but slumped shoulders and the way her hands shifted, her feet fidgeted.
He wanted to skim his hand down her back, release her tension. Or bring her hands to his lips, brush light kisses over her knuckles to still her nerves.
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sagadivision · 1 year
Ayakas thoughts on Ota division
Chinami Chinen
“She’s…blind?” Ayaka blinks slowly “I wonder- how it happened. Was she born blind? Or did an accident happen that hurt her eyes”
“I wasn’t supposed to be able to see either- but they decided that I would be useless without eyes”
They tilt their head curiously.
“I would like to pay her a visit one day- I’m curious about her!”
Kira Chinen
There’s no expression on her face at first.
“She was one of the people who…was investigating the death of mom and dad” they state blankly “She actually made this one cop back off…he was getting really aggravated by me not knowing anything and he was about to hit me…and she stepped in”
They smile
“So I think that this lady is alright- she wasn’t mean when she asked me questions”
Taria Chinen
“Taria-chan is pretty funny- she’s also good at magic!” Ayaka smiles “Though when I last saw her…my girlfriends wallet went missing. I wonder if it’s just a odd coincidence”
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ota-division · 4 months
Birds of Prey Drama Track 1 - The Future Is Now
Pt. 5
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— Ōta City Police Station, Kira's Office —
[Kira slowly exhaled as she rubbed her forehead while consuming her second cup of coffee. There was no beating around the bush; she was tired. No, tired was too weak a word. She was completely worn out. Fatigued, burnt, exhausted, depleted, on her last legs. Call it whatever you want. But she was all of those things and more. The last time she felt this drained was after a week long march she and her men were forced to endure back during her days serving in the JDSF.]
[Just why was the young woman so exhausted, you wonder? Was it the constant workload from both this job, and her secret one at Chuohku? Was it the consistent training sessions she and Taria had with Chinami over the Hypnosis Microphones? No, though those things did have something to do with it. No, the real reason Kira was tired... was due to the relentless attention she had received since the news broke out about her and her sisters entering the D.R.B.]
[Somehow or other, Akemi had gotten wind that the city's own Chinen Sisters were entering the Division Rap Battle. And once she had gotten wind of it, you knew that the local town gossip was going to put it in her papers. And even though, most people in town took what the infamous news reporter said with a grain of salt, the rumor, itself, was too good for anyone not to believe. And as soon people heard it, the sisters' household was filled with nearly half of the city's population, asking if the rumor was true. It took Kira the better part of hour to clear the people away from their household.]
[Unfortunately, the problem with fame is that it never goes away, especially if the news is still fresh. As a result, all three sisters had been questioned relentlessly throughout the day. Taria, a lover of fame, didn't mind the newfound attention. Chinami, having been a famous rapper in the past, was used to the attention, though that didn't mean she liked it. Kira, however, she hated the newfound fame. All she wanted was some peace and quiet, but that was too much to ask, even at her place of work.]
[That was the main reason why she was hiding out in her office right now with the door locked and the curtains drawn. It was meant to be a barrier between her and the well-meaning but overwhelming congratulations from her colleagues. The investigator sighed once more as she completely downed her cup of caffeine, hoping it would put some pep in her step. As she did, she looked as some of the liquid fell on today's issue of "The Ōta City's Early Bird", written by none other than the Iseri Akemi, herself, the woman purposely responsible for Kira's newfound fame.]
Kira: *Glares at the name on the newspaper* I swear, Kimmy, when I get my hands on you for this...
[The middle sister is knocked out of her thoughts as she hears a buzzing and a ringing coming from her coat pocket, letting her know she has a call on her cell phone. Looking at the caller ID, the investigator frowns as it reads 'The Mayor' on the screen.]
Kira: *Irritated* Not today, Sanjiro.
[Hitting the 'Ignore' button on the screen, she ends the call and shuts her phone off, not in the mood to receive any more unexpected calls. This was another reason she hated her newfound fame. Ever since it was announced she was entering the D.R.B., the mayor of Ōta, Nishikawa Sanjiro, was obviously planning to use Kira's publicity as a footnote to not only usurp control of the police, but also to help him when he decides to run for another term as mayor. The thought that she would be used for something so juvenile made Kira shake her head in disbelief.]
[Sighing, Kira leaned back in her chair. Her thoughts on the mayor soon had her shifting her thoughts toward Chuohku, and the conversation she had with the Deputy Prime Minister just a few days ago...]
A few days ago...
— Deputy Prime Minister's Office, Chuohku HQ —
[Upon arriving at Chuohku, Kira was notified that the Deputy Prime Minister, Ichijiku Kadenokoji, needed to see her immediately. The Vice Chief of the Administrative Inspection Bureau sighed as she already knew what this conversation was going to entail. Taking the elevator to the office of the "second-most powerful woman in Japan", Kira stepped through the doorway where Ichijiku was already waiting for her, one hand on her hip, while the other one was on her signature cane.]
Ichijiku: Chinen.
Kira: Kadenokoji.
Ichijiku: *Frowns* The proper term is "Deputy Prime Minister". Or did your time in the JSDF not teach you how to address your superiors?
Kira: *Frowns back with her arms crossed* It did, but I was always taught that in order to get respect, one must first show respect. If you aren't going to address me by my title, I see no reason to address you by yours.
Ichijiku: You would do well to curb your attitude, Inspector Chinen. I am already quite cross with you as it is.
Kira: *Raises eyebrows* Oh? And for what reason, Deputy Prime Minister? As far as I know, I'm not behind on any work. I've completed all of my assignments. And there have been no complaints against me. So what exactly have I done to make you so upset with me?
Ichijiku: *Coldly* Do not play coy with me, Inspector. I am referring to the matter with your elder sister, Chinami Chinen.
Kira: *Scowls* And what about my elder sister, Deputy Prime Minister?
Ichijiku: You know exactly what I refer to, Chinen. You were supposed to convince your sister to join Chuohku, not join her team when she decided to participate in the Division Rap Battle.
Kira: I don't recall you or anyone else ordering me to do any such assignment. And even if you did, I wouldn't have accepted. You've no business going after either of my sisters. I am already working for you here in Chuohku. You don't need either of them here.
Ichijiku: Otome-sama, herself, requested your sister's presence here in Chuohku! She would have been handsomely rewarded for her service. And even if she wasn't, she should have been honored that the Prime Minister asked for her specifically. Anyone else would have gladly have taken this opportunity to work for her, let alone Chuohku!
Kira: *Scoffs* That's what you think...
Ichijiku: What was that?
Kira: *Sarcastically* I said there's nothing that can be done. Chinami won't join Chuohku no matter what you or Otome-sama say or do. So my advice is to be glad that she's even participating in the D.R.B., and move on.
[At this, the two women locked eyes, disdain for one another, clearly simmering between them.]
Ichijiku: Chuohku will let you do as you please—for now. But I advise you to perform well in the tournament, Inspector. Your career—and perhaps much more—is on the line.
[Understanding exactly what the Deputy Prime Minister was saying, the woman in question was shocked to see Kira quickly close the gap between them, a dangerous glint in her eyes.]
Kira: *Glares* I take you to be a very smart woman, Kadenokoji. After all, you have to be smart to have risen as far as you are in the government. ...But even smart people can make errors every now and then. So that's how I'll interpret what you just said right now: nothing more than an error. Errors are fine to make, so long as you don't make them again. Which is why I'm telling you this for future reference...
[The Deputy Prime Minister looks in surprise as the former JSDF officer leaned in close, getting within kissing distance to her face, the dangerous glint still in her eyes.]
Kira: *Speaks low and dangerous* ...ever threaten my family again, and the Prime Minister will be searching for a new right-hand woman.
[With her statement said, the Vice Chief of Chuohku's Administrative Inspection Bureau moved out of the Deputy Prime Minister's space, with the woman in question still looking at her shocked, as if she had trouble processing what had just occurred.]
Kira: Now then, if there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave. Give the Prime Minister my regards, please.
[With nothing else, Kira turned on her heel and exited the room, leaving the second-woman in charge behind, not looking back at her.]
Current time...
[Kira sighed as memories of what had transpired played in her mind. She knew that Kadenokoji was going to do something to make her pay for her words. Truthfully, Kira was surprised at herself. She had always believed and prided herself on having very good control of her emotions. But when someone threatens or attacks someone the investigator cared for, she lost all sense of logic and reasoning.]
[She wouldn't attack the person; she wasn't a barbarian after all. But she would let them know what would occur if they continued their actions. More often than not, the individual got the hint not to push their luck, less they incur Kira's wrath. It worked for her numerous times in the past, and she wasn't disappointed to see it still proved effective.]
[The investigator sighed once more before her thoughts drifted to the final round to determine who would be the team to represent the city of Ōta. So far, she and Taria had done well to assist Chinami. But Kira knew it was only due to her elder sister that the three of them had made it this far.]
Kira: *Resolutely* I've got to pull my weight in this next match. I don't want Chinami to have to worry about me and Taria forever.
[Seeing as her work was almost over, she began to gather her things. The final round wouldn't wait, and neither would she.]
A week later...
— Senzokuike Park, Ōta City —
[In one of the largest parks in Tokyo next to a beautiful pond, a large crowd of people were gathered as the sun set in the night sky. Why? Because this was the final round to determine just which team would go on to represent Ōta in the Division Rap Battle. The stage was set under the open sky, the crowd's energy palpable as the announcer took center stage, his voice booming through the speakers.]
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final showdown of Ōta Division! Tonight, we decide who will represent the city of Ōta in the Division Rap Battle! Will it be the team of...
[Pointing to his left, a group of young teenagers stood off to the side of stage, cocky looks on their faces.]
Announcer: ...the Ōta Guardians? Or will it be the team of...
[Now pointing to his right, the recognizable team of Chinami, Kira, and Taria stood off, all with various expressions on their faces.]
Announcer: ...the Birds of Prey?!
[The crowd erupted into cheers, a sea of divided colors waving banners for either the 'Ōta Guardians' or the 'Birds of Prey'. The BoP watched from the wings, the crowd's roar reaching them even where they were.]
Taria: *Scowls with her arms crossed* I hate how Chuohku's just using this to boost their popularity. It's all just a show to them.
Chinami: *Places a hand on Taria's shoulder* It's more than that for us. This is our chance to make a statement, on our own terms.
[Back on stage, a coin glinted in the spotlight as it was tossed into the air. The announcer caught it, his smile wide as he announced the result.]
Announcer: The Ōta Guardians will take the stage first!
[At his announcement, the crowd cheered as the teenagers took the stage, commanding the crowd's attention as they began their song. As they were rapping, the Chinen sisters all huddled together, listening to the distant verses of their opponents.]
Chinami: We'll perform the song we've been perfecting these past weeks. It's time to trust our practice.
Kira: *Fidgets* But we haven't finalized everything. Are we really ready?
Taria: *Grins* Ready? I was born ready! Let's show them what we've got!
[As the Ōta Guardians finished their set, the crowd's applause was thunderous. The stage was now set for the 'Birds of Prey'. The sisters stepped onto the stage, the spotlight embracing them. They each exchanged a nod, the music cueing up as they prepared to unleash their song, the culmination of weeks of hard work and passion.]
Bring the Beat!
Here comes this town's top runners
Time for Birds of Prey to take the stage
Sisters that clean out the wackos
[Birds of Prey:]
Birds! Birds!
We run this city
[Birds of Prey:]
We run this city!
Don't stop your feet, step forward
Those who strike back will go down
This is our district, Ōta City
Run through
[Birds of Prey:]
We run this city!
I'm the Huntress in the night, in the truth I trust
Through the city's darkest alleys, I chase the unjust
With every case I crack, I'm protecting our nest
Against all foes, I'll put my skills to the test
In the rap battle's blaze, I stand with my kin
My resolve is iron, we're determined to win!
For justice, for honor, we'll fight till the end
With the mic in my hand, I will not bend!
Call me Oracle, with foresight I lead
Through time's tangled web, I see where paths lead
For my sisters, I stand, a shield against fate
In the rap battle's fury, I'll demonstrate our weight
The future's a riddle, wrapped in a rhyme
I'll unravel the enigma, beat by beat, line by line
With visions of victory, clear in my sight
We'll claim our triumph, in the heart of the night
Oh, look at these Guardians, thinking they're so slick
But against Misfit's rhymes, their words, they just will not stick
I dance in the shadows, where the wild things play
In the rap game's jungle, I'll lead the fray
Don't underestimate the power that I wield
In the battle of verses, I'll never yield!
Here comes this town's top runners
Time for Birds of Prey to take the stage
Sisters that clean out the wackos
[Birds of Prey:]
Birds! Birds!
We run this city
[Birds of Prey:]
We run this city!
Don't stop your feet, step forward
Those who strike back will go down
This is our district, Ōta City
Run through
[Birds of Prey:]
We run this city!
Here comes this town's top runners
Time for Birds of Prey to take the stage
Sisters that clean out the wackos
[Birds of Prey:]
Birds! Birds!
We run this city
[Birds of Prey:]
We run this city!
Don't stop your feet, step forward
Those who strike back will go down
This is our district, Ōta City
Run through
[Birds of Prey:]
We run this city!
[The final notes of the Birds of Prey performance linger in the air as the crowd erupts into a thunderous applause. The announcer steps back onto the stage, his eyes wide with excitement.]
Announcer: What an electrifying performance! Now, it's time to decide. Who do you all want to be the ones to represent Ōta? Will it be the 'Ōta Guardians' or the 'Birds of Prey'?
[The crowd's response is immediate and overwhelming, a chorus of voices rising in unison.]
Crowd: Birds of Prey! Birds of Prey!
[The sisters exchange a look of disbelief, joy, and pride. They've done it. They've won.]
Chinami: We really did it. We're going to represent Ōta.
Kira: It's more than I could have hoped for. We stood together and we conquered.
Taria: Let's show the rest of the world what we're made of!
[As the cheers continue, a chant begins to build among the crowd, growing louder and more insistent.]
Crowd: Encore! Encore! Encore!
[The sisters smile at each other, a silent agreement passing between them. They step back up to the microphones, the crowd's anticipation palpable.]
Chinami: For our fans and for Ōta, let's give them one more.
[The beat drops, and the Birds of Prey launch into their encore, a victory lap for the new champions of Ōta.]
The End
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rjalker · 1 year
okay this is the last version of this post for today because tumblr keeps sabatoguing me.
The numbers for dragon nests and stuff from greens and queens so far in Dragon's Time and Sky Dragons.
I had a lot more data the first and second times I made this post.
--Oh. Oh are we doing this now tumblr. Now you're gonna automatically indent pasted text? Really? After making me manually indent the quotes on the first two versions of this post??? Really??!?!??! So now I have to manually un-indent the non book quotes?!?!?!?
tumblr kept sabatoguing me and now I'm too lazy to scour the books for a third time today.
(This is about the first communal nest in Dragon's Time)
Only twenty-three of the two hundred and fifty three eggs had hatched; the rest had been ruptured, their contents devoured by tunnel snakes burrowing up from the ground.
- (Time skip back in time again, just a few people on their own with only a few adult dragons and babies from the above nest)
“And Coranth just rose …,” K’dan continued.
“Do you think the greens that went back with Fiona might have risen, too?” Xhinna asked, her eyes wide.
“Or they’re about to,” he said.
“There were thirty-six greens in the last clutch,” Taria remarked.
“And if they clutched like the others, then there’d be sixteen eggs, more or less, in each clutch,” Xhinna said.
“And then we’d have five hundred and seventy-six fighting dragons,” Bekka breathed in awe.
“Five hundred and seventy-six dragonets,” K’dan reminded her.
"Eighteen!” Taria said proudly, glancing toward her proud but exhausted green.
“Talenth only had three more when she first clutched!” Xhinna told her.
(after the above nest and other stuff happened. This is Kisorth's first clutch now that she's old enough to rise)
"Perhaps," X'lerin said. "But we've fourteen fit dragons and fifteen healthy eggs."
- (another time skip or whatever, after the rest of the formerly-baby dragons rise)
"Who ever thought we’d have all five queens and four greens ready to clutch at the same time?”
[something about ten clutches, I can't find the quote now. These people are very bad at math.]
“Six queens, four greens; how many Candidates will we need?” T’mar said again. “And where will you find them?”
“Queens—and greens, probably—rise twice a Turn in a Pass,”
(This is the random two year time-skip)
"I still can’t believe it,” Fiona said as Xhinna moved up beside her. Xhinna followed her gaze and nodded in mute agreement.
From where they stood, staring down the length of the coast, there was nothing for two kilometers but dragons, riders … and dragon eggs.
The midday heat baked the sand and blurred the farthest images, but Xhinna knew that there were more than ninety eggs ready to hatch in the next sevenday or less.
Around and over them a full Flight of dragons frolicked—three wings of thirty dragons each. And that was only the Rest Day Flight. Two other Flights were engaged in various activities: hunting, working, providing for the whole of Sky Weyr.
That industry in nearly the same numbers was repeated no less than five more times across the width and breadth of the Western Isle.
“Two thousand fighting dragons,” Fiona said to herself, reaching to grab Xhinna’s hand. “And no one in our time knows about it.”
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