lokigodofmyheart · 6 months ago
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Pairing: Loki x Female Reader.
Words: 1.960
Summary: Loki had been helping Y/N train her magic and her fight skills after she joined the Avengers. But she started developing some feelings for him.  
Warning/Content: smut.
Loki was helping Y/N train her magic. It’s been almost two months by now, and she was having an incredible evolution in this short time with Loki’s help. But not today. And not for the past week. Every time they fight, she lost. She was having trouble blocking his attack and concentrate in simple tasks she had managed already. Again, as she was moving the chair in the air, she let it fall. 
Is something wrong, Y/N?” Loki asked , pulling her out of her thoughts. 
“Hm? Oh, no. Sorry, I’m just...distracted today.” She says with a sigh. 
Loki arched an eyebrow, his expression turning serious as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Distracted? By what?” He asked, his voice low and commanding. He could see through her lie, but he decided to let it slide for now. “Come, let us focus in our lesson. We have much to cover.”  
His presence made Y/N feel both nervous and excited. Her heart raced as she tried to focus on the lesson, but her thoughts kept drifting back to him - his striking features, the way his eyes seemed to change color depending on the light, and the way his voice sent shivers down her spine.  
She tried and tried, but she couldn't really complete the training “I can't today, Loki...I'm not in the right place in mind." 
Loki watched as she struggled again with the training, his brows furrowing in concern. “My pet,” he said softly, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Is there something bothering you? Something you wish to talk about?”  
There it was. Every time he called her ‘pet’ it sent a shiver through her body. And his touching on her shoulder didn’t help the effect he was having on her. “No...I’m fine.” Y/N says tring to dismiss his concern. 
He pulled his hand back quickly, sensing what he thought it was discomfort. “Apologies, my apologies. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair. 
“No, that’s not...” She sighs frustrated.  
“Then what is it? You’ve been distant lately, and I’m worried about you.” He said gently, his eyes searching her for any sign of what was troubling her. 
“It’s just...” She tried again, but she didn’t knew how to tell him that she wanted him. She wanted him badly. 
“It’s alright, take your time,” Loki murmured, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. “You can tell me anything, you know that.” He offered reassuringly, waiting for her to find the courage to share whatever was weighing her down. 
Another frustrated sigh escapes her lips as she decided to just be direct “It's just hard to concentrated when all I want is for you to slam me against that wall and fuck me senseless.” 
Loki's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly masked his surprise with a smug grin. “Ah, so that's what's been distracting you.” He chuckled softly, walking towards her with a predatory glint in his eye. “Perhaps we should remedy that, then.” He reached out, grasping her chin gently and tilting her head up to meet his gaze. “But first, you must promise me one thing.” He whispered seductively, his thumb brushing against herheek. “Promise me that you will focus solely on me, and nothing else.” 
“I promise.” Her voice was almost an whisper. 
With that, Loki leaned in, his lips crashing onto hers in a searing kiss. Y/N melted into him, her hands tangling in his hair as his tongue swept into her mouth, exploring every inch of her and making she let a soft moan into his mouth. Her hands started exploring his chest, making his breath hitched as she could feel the defined muscles beneath his clothes. He pulled back slightly, breaking the kiss just enough to look into her eyes, his own burning with desire. “Such a naughty little thing,” he growled, his voice thick with lust. He grabbed her wrists, guiding her hands to the button of his pants. “Show me how badly you want me, pet.” He commanded, his eyes never leaving hers. 
Y/N smirks at him, opening the button of his pants and sliding down just enough to free his erection before her hand grabbed his throbbing member and started stroking him slowly. 
Loki groaned at her touch, his head falling back slightly as pleasure coursed through him. “Yes, that’s it,” he breathed out, his eyes closing briefly as he savored the sensation. “Just like that.” He urged her on, his grip on her wrists tightening slightly. He could feel himself growing harder, his need for her increasing with each stroke. “Now, show me how much you want me.” He demanded, his voice hoarse with desire. 
“Please, Loki. I want you...I need you to touch me...” Y/N’s voice was full of desire as she pleades to him. 
Loki's eyes flashed open, locking onto hers with a fierce intensity. “That’s my good girl,” he praised, releasing her wrists. “Spread your legs for me, pet.” He ordered, his voice low and commanding. As she complied, he unbuttons her pants and sliding them down along with her underwear. His fingers trailed lightly over her folds, teasing before dipping inside. “So wet and ready for me already,” he murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction.  
The only sound that came of Y/N’s mouth was a long moan. Loki smiled wickedly, his finger thrusting inside her rhythmically while he palmed her breast through the shirt. “You are begging for more, aren’t you?” He asked, his voice rough with desire. He could feel her arousal growing with each touch, and it only fueled his own need. “Tell me what you want, my pet.” He pressed, his finger curling inside her, eliciting another moan from Y/N’s mouth. “Beg for it.” 
“Please...don't...stop...please...” Y/N says between her breath as she could already feel her orgasm approaching. 
“Goddess, you’re beautiful when you plead,” Loki murmured, his thumb rubbing circles on her sensitive bud as his finger continued its steady pace. “And you know what that means, don’t you?” He asked, his voice husky with anticipation. Without waiting for a response, he added another finger, stretching her wide as he pumped in and out of . “That’s it, take it all,” he encouraged, his free hand reaching up to tweak her nipple. “Cum for me, my pet.” And that what she did, moaning his name as she finally came in his fingers. 
Loki groaned at the sound of her pleasure. He withdrew his fingers, lifting her of the ground, her legs wrapping around him as she slammed her back against the wall, and replaced his fingers with the tip of his cock, pushing against her entrance. “Mine,” he growled, thrusting into her in one powerful motion. Y/N gasped, adjusting to his size as he began to move in and out of her with purposeful thrusts. “That’s it, take it all, pet. Let me claim you.” He panted, his hips moving faster, his breaths becoming ragged. He could feel his own release nearing. 
“Please...don’t stop...” It was the only thing she could says while Loki’s hips slammed into hers again and again. 
Loki's eyes burned into her as he drove into her with increasing urgency, his movements becoming more frenzied. “Say it, pet. Say you're mine.” He demanded, his voice raw with desire. “Say it!” He repeated, his thrusts becoming almost brutal as he chased his release. 
“I’m yours. I’m yours.” 
At her words, he lost control, his body shuddering as he spilled inside her , filling her with his seed. “Yes,” he hissed, his voice choked with ecstasy. Her orgasm followed his. 
After a few seconds to catch their breath, Loki looked down at her tenderly, his eyes softening as he saw the exhaustion etched on her face. He brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead, cupping her cheek gently. “Are you okay?" 
“Better than okay.” Y/N chuckles and smiles. 
Loki returned her smile, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her temple. “Good.” He murmured, his breathing slowly returning to normal. “Let's get cleaned up” He suggested, gently pulling out of her and helping Y/N put her pants back on, her legs still shaking. As they walked together towards the shower, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment at having claimed her like that. 
The heat of the water washed away the evidence of what happened. As they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, she knew that things had changed between her and Loki. Y/N closed her eyes as she felt the hot water relaxing her muscles. Loki couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her. Their shared passion had brought them closer, and despite the risks, they both knew that they couldn't ignore the connection between them.  
“I...I like you, Loki. More than I care to admit.” she says softly. 
Loki's heart skipped a beat at her confession, their eyes meeting in understanding. “I like you too, my pet,” he admitted quietly, his voice filled with sincerity. “More than I should.” He added, his hand squeezing her gently. 
Y/N kissed his lips softly at his confession. Loki returned the kiss, his lips tender against her . For now, they enjoyed the safety of this moment, the water cascading down upon them, washing away any hesitation or fear.  
"We should finish this shower and go back, before Steve start looking for us." She chuckles. 
Loki chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Yes, let's not give Captain America any reason to worry." He replied, gently turning off the water. Together, they got dressed, before they left the bathroom, hand in hand, following to her room, where they both had spent the night together. 
The next morning, as Y/N and Loki were eating breakfast, Natasha came smirking at them. Then Tony did the same.  
"Why are you two smirking....?" Y/N asked them confused, knowing they were probably up to something. 
Natasha and Tony exchanged a smirk, their eyes twinkling with mischief. “Oh, nothing,” Natasha replied nonchalantly, sipping her coffee. “Just admiring the lovebirds.” She said, gesturing towards Y/N and Loki. Meanwhile, Tony chimed in, “Yeah, finally, someone managed to tame the God of Mischief.” He teased, nudging Loki playfully. 
"...what?" Y/N asked carefully and confused. They haven't told anyone yet about them. 
Loki's eyes widened in surprise, his fork mid-air as he glanced at you before returning his attention to Natasha and Tony. “What do you mean?” He asked cautiously, trying to gauge their intentions.  
Natasha and Tony exchanged a knowing glance before Tony spoke up. “You do know there is cameras in the training room, right?" 
Y/N's eyes went wide as she blushed "WHAT?" 
Loki's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind racing as he tried to piece together what they were saying. “Cameras?” He repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. He hadn't realized that the room was being monitored; 
Natasha nodded, her expression sympathetic. “Yeah, sorry about that. We didn't mean to spy on you guys, but we did notice some… interesting behavior.” 
Tony chimed in, “But don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. Secrets are our specialty.” He grinned, flashing his signature charming smile. 
"Oh, god..." Y/N puts her head on her hands, while Natasha laughed.  
"Nice ass by the way, Odinson." Natasha says smirking to Loki. 
Loki rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance but unable to hide the slight blush creeping up his neck. “Thank you, Romanoff,” he said dryly, attempting to recover his composure. “It's nice to know my assets are appreciated.” 
As the group continued their breakfast, the atmosphere remained lighthearted. Y/N and Loki exchanged glances, knowing that everyone in the team would know by the end of the mornign. Tony was known for many things, but not for keeping secrets. 
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cleo-fox · 4 months ago
As the Clock Strikes Midnight - Part III
Series Masterlist Chapter Summary: In which you are found out. Chapter Warnings: Making out, a little bit of groping, teasing, fingering, Loki being a horrendous tease.
Tag List: I don’t have a tag list for this fic, sorry! The best way to hear about updates is to follow me on Tumblr or subscribe to the fic on AO3.
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It’s difficult to return to your life the next day.
You try to be pragmatic about it: you’ve told yourself over and over that what had happened in the garden was a fluke, a once in a lifetime bout of extraordinariness that would not—could not—be repeated. You know this and you accept it.
But the magic of last night lingers in a way that makes you feel a little melancholy and wistful. You’re distracted the whole day, your thoughts wandering back to the feeling of soft lips on yours, warm hands on your waist, the glimmer of emerald green eyes.
“Are you well?” Grete asks you that afternoon. “You’ve been quiet all day.”
You force a smile. “I didn’t sleep well,” you say, which isn’t exactly a lie, but also isn’t the full truth. Either way, it’s enough to fool Grete, who returns to her work, chattering about something that happened with Solvi and one of the stablehands.
Even if she wasn’t a gossip, you could never tell Grete what happened in the garden. You could never tell anyone. A sudden, lonely feeling rears its head and there’s an ache in the center of your chest. You’re used to being lonely, but this feels different, sharper in a way you’re not expecting.
It doesn’t seem like it should be possible to miss a life that you never had, but you find yourself consumed with that notion.
Maybe it would have been better if you hadn’t gone at all.
You don’t go to the library that night. It’s largely because you don’t want to risk the chance of him recognizing you so close to the masquerade. The more time between you and the masquerade, the better: better that you fade from his memory rather than inadvertently jog it
But it’s also because you’re not sure that you can bear to be in the same room as him when you’re feeling like this. Better to wait until your heart felt a little less tender.
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You avoid the library for six days. On the seventh day, you decide that you’ve waited long enough to return. 
In hindsight, though, it was the height of hubris to think that you could pull one over on the god of mischief and lies.
In making this bargain with Loki, you were making several assumptions. You had assumed that his memory was imperfect enough to not recognize you without your mask and that your very dull and ordinary life had such a vise grip on you that no force—not even the attention of a handsome and clever prince—could possibly disrupt it.
How very wrong you were.
You’re initially quite relieved when you don’t see him in his usual chair. You’ll be able to fully enjoy yourself without worrying about looking over your shoulder as you wander through the stacks.
You’re feeling rather pleased with yourself and a little giddy with relief and you’re not exactly paying attention as you round a corner in the stacks, a fact that becomes apparent to you when you crash into something rather warm and solid. Hands grab your elbows to keep you from falling and you look up, your mouth half open in an apology.
It is at this point that you begin to process that the warm and solid thing that you’ve bumped into is, in fact, a person.
More specifically: it’s Loki.
For a moment, you think you might be able to wiggle your way out of this particular snag without any problem. But then he locks eyes with you and you immediately, instinctively know that it’s too late: he knows exactly who you are.
His smile is wide and sharp. Predatory—but not in an unappealing way. “Hello, little mouse.”
Your mouth is paper dry and suddenly your legs feel too unsteady to even attempt a clumsy curtsy.
“Your highness, I—” You’re struggling to string a pair of words together and this is made all the more difficult by the fact that he hasn’t let go of you. “Forgive me,” you say, “I can explain.” 
You are not entirely sure that you can, to be quite honest, but it seems like the right thing to say.
“You can explain why you thought it clever to lie to your prince?” he says lightly, his voice rich with mirth. He doesn’t look angry—on the contrary, he seems amused. You’re not quite sure if that’s a good thing or not.
“Nothing I said was a lie,” you say. “I only did not tell you who I was.”
“Clever girl,” he says. His voice is low and intimate and it’s doing something delicious to your insides, even as your heart threatens to pound its way out of your chest. “Tell me,” he says, “how does a servant come to be so clever as to read Auber and sneak into libraries and fool princes at masquerades?”
“Perhaps I was not always a servant,” you say and then, before you can stop yourself, you add, “And at any rate, I don’t read Auber when I can avoid him. I’m a sensible person, after all.”
It’s an impertinent thing to say and you’re already in enough trouble as it is. But Loki merely chuckles.
“You have a wicked tongue, my dear,” he says with a catlike smile. “That will get you into trouble someday.”
“One could argue it already has,” you say before you can think better of it.
“Indeed,” he says and his eyes glitter like the edge of a knife. “And now that I’ve found you, I believe you made me a promise.” 
You almost want to laugh. The very notion of him still wanting to kiss you is several different kinds of absurd. “Surely you don’t intend to carry on with that game now that you know who I am,” you say.
There again is the catlike smile. “On the contrary, I quite enjoy our merry little chase and I intend to continue it now that I’ve found you.”
“I’m beneath you.”
He gives you a wicked grin. “I’d rather like you to be.”
You’re confronted with two opposing feelings. You can’t deny that you’re flattered: he’s handsome and you’re wildly attracted to him despite the fact that it’s inconvenient, to say the very least. But at the same time, you’re not about to just cede all power to him just because you’re flattered. At the end of the day, he’s a prince and you’re a servant—you won’t let him take advantage of that imbalance.
“I won’t be your conquest of the week,” you say sharply, using a tone that most would consider inappropriate for addressing someone of his status. “I’m some toy you can play with and discard when you tire of me.”
You expect him to reprimand you, to remind you of your place, but instead he laughs. The sound surprises you, even as it does shameful things to your insides. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he says.
You’re skeptical of this and your expression shows it. He registers this and he becomes a bit more serious. “Darling,” he says, placing his hands on the shelves behind you and casually cageing you in, “I’m not letting you go that easily. You have my undivided attention.”
The prospect of receiving his undivided attention sends a shiver up your spine—it’s as intimidating as it is appealing.
“Now,” he says, his voice lowering as his fingertips graze the curve of your jaw, “I’d like to collect on a promise.”
Your breath stutters in your throat as both of his hands cup your cheeks. He looks down at you, his eyes hooded and focused on your lips. He waits one long, agonizing moment, and you remind yourself to breathe and forget the instruction a moment later when his lips brush lightly against yours. Were it not for the heavy, coiling heat he was summoning in your hips, it would almost seem chaste. You feel him take a breath and then his mouth is opening against yours, his tongue tracing your lower lip and then sliding smoothly past it.
That last kiss was supposed to last you a lifetime—you were not expecting another one ever, let alone so soon. You feel drunk on the taste of his lips and his tongue has you thinking wicked thoughts. The longer it goes on, the more your knees wobble and the more breathless you feel.
You catch his lower lip between your teeth and tug on it gently; he inhales sharply and presses against you like he has half a mind to take you right there up against the stacks and stars above, you can’t help but want that just a little. 
His thigh slots between your legs and your body sings as you arch against him.
Maybe you want that a lot.
His hands have moved from your cheeks to your waist, pressing you against him, stroking up your back and sides. His thumb barely grazes the underside of one of your breasts and a low whimper escapes the back of your throat.
You lose all sense of time and it feels far too soon when he pulls away from you, even though you can hear the clock chiming midnight. You find that you’re rather gratified and proud of the slight redness in his cheeks, how his breathing is slightly labored. You grip the shelf behind you, knees trembling.
He licks his lips as he surveys you. “This isn’t over, little mouse,” he murmurs.
You’re not quite sure if you want to kiss him or scold him. “What do you mean by that?”
He smirks. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
And with that, he turns on his heel and leaves the library, leaving your head spinning.
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You return to the library the next night. There is no reason for this—or, rather, there’s no good reason for this; while you’re enjoying your book well enough, you can’t say that it’s compelling to the point of interrupting your thoughts.
There are other reasons that have been, though.
Well. One reason, if you’re being honest.
Your feet take you to your usual place in the stacks, you find your latest book, but your mind is elsewhere, listening for the telltale tap of a booted foot on the stone floor, the creak of leather.
If someone were to ask you what you were expecting, you wouldn’t know what to say. Obviously, you’re hoping to see him again—and as much as you know it’s not a good idea, you’re also hoping that he’ll kiss you. You’re hesitant to allow yourself to think much farther than that, simply because the fact that he wants to kiss you still seems rather impossible. You learned early on in your days at the palace that daydreaming was almost certain to lead to disappointment. You’re reluctant to allow your mind to stray too far down that path.
It’s easier said than done, though.
You’re not exactly sure how he arrives, just that he suddenly has—there is a presence behind you and when you breathe in deeply, you swear you can catch the faint scent of leather and something wintery and masculine.
“Your highness,” you say coolly, like you haven’t been waiting for him with bated breath.
“Are you really enjoying your book that much?” he says and you have to force yourself not to jump when his voice is much, much closer than you thought he was. 
“It’s not Auber, so yes, I should say I am enjoying it,” you say before you can stop yourself.
He chuckles and the sound sends a shiver up your spine. “Always so sharp tongued.”
You force yourself to turn around then and stars , he is so much closer than you thought. You tilt your chin up to look at him. “Why are you here?”
His smile is wide, like he finds you especially amusing. “I am often here late at night. You know this.”
“You do not usually loom over me in the stacks,” you say.
His eyebrows lift. “Is that what I’m doing? Looming?”
“You are standing awfully close.”
Any other person might take a step back: he takes a step closer so that your back is pressed against the shelves, lowering his head so that his lips are right next to your ear. “Perhaps I’m looking for a book,” he says.
Your heart is pounding wildly in your chest. “Somehow, I doubt that.”
He laughs and you feel his breath warm on your neck. “Clever girl.” His lips brush against your collarbone, his teeth nipping lightly at the delicate skin there.
“I don’t understand,” you say, even as your eyes flutter shut and you lean into his embrace. “I’m no one—why are you here?”
“Did I not tell you this wasn’t over?” he says against your neck, allowing his tongue to dip into the hollow of your collarbone, making your knees weak.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” you say, but it doesn’t matter because he’s now covering your mouth with his and you can scarcely remember your own name, let alone what you were going to say next. He’s demanding and hungry, one hand tipping your head back, cupping the curve of your jaw, the other sliding to your waist, pressing you flush against him.
You’re not entirely sure what his motivations are or how far he intends to take this, but it’s hard to convince yourself to care when he’s kissing you like this. Fire is racing through your veins, filling you with a kind of reckless wanting that makes your toes curl in your shoes.
His hand slides from your waist, skimming up your side to cup your breast over your dress. He is cautious, seeming to wait for your muffled moan before taking it more firmly in his hand, expertly kneading and squeezing in just the right way until you’re half considering guiding his hand down the front of your dress.
It’s at this precise moment that he steps back from you, his dark pupils and the slight catch in his breath the only indication that you’d exchanged anything more than polite pleasantries. You lean against the shelves panting, your entire body crackling with a strange kind of heat.
“Goodnight,” he says, seemingly unable to resist a smirk as he leaves you once again in the darkness of the library as the clock strikes midnight.
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He’s playing a game with you. That much is clear. You’d like to think that you’re sensible enough to know not to take his bait, to stay away from the library after dark, but you appear to be mistaken on that count. You spend most of the next day trying to keep your treacherous mind from wandering too far. You are only moderately successful—you nearly burn an entire batch of biscuits due to a particular daydream that leaves you staring out a window for a minute too long.
He’s waiting for you in the stacks this time, giving you the same smirk he did last night when he left you. You decide to keep your distance for the time being—you’re not sure that you can ever say that you've got the upper hand on him, but you’re more likely to have a chance at it the farther away he is.
“Your highness,” you say.
“My lady.”
You give him a stern look. “You needn’t mock me, I know I’ve no titles.”
“Oh, I’m not mocking you, sweet,” he says and you are fairly certain he’s being sincere. “You are an impressive woman. You ought to have titles.”
“You’re trying to flatter me,” you say, folding your arms over your chest.
“Of course I am. Did I not tell you that I was trying to charm you?” he says, taking a step toward you.
You swallow and stare at him. “You said that when you thought I was someone else.”
Another step. “You seem to think that I ought to have lost interest when I found out who you are. Why is that?”
You tilt your chin up and stare at him defiantly. “When has a noble ever taken a genuine interest in a servant? It’s not done.”
He smirks again and takes another step forward and once again, you’re pressed between him and the bookshelf. “You know my reputation,” he says, his fingertips trailing against your throat. “I care very little for rules.”
His gaze meanders over your face, lingering on your lips, but you hold steady, despite your pounding heart. “So you’re using me to disrupt things because it amuses you.”
“You misunderstand me,” he says, the backs of his fingers stroking your cheek. “I find you enticing. I’m not inclined to be bothered by rules that say I ought not to because it isn’t done.”
You press your lips together and look at him warily. “I don’t know that I should trust you.”
He shouldn’t look like he finds this amusing, but his eyes glitter in the dim light. “And why is that?”
“I know your reputation,” you say. “You are the god of mischief and lies. I ought to stay away from you.”
“And yet, you’ve turned up here for the last three nights and uttered not a word of protest when I’ve kissed you,” he says.
“I said I ought to stay away,” you say. “I never said I would.”
His smile is slow. “Clever girl.”
He kisses you again, slow to start, like he’s giving you an opportunity to turn him away. When you don’t, his movements become hungrier, his tongue tangling with yours, his teeth grazing your lower lip.
His hand slips down the front of your dress and you gasp as his fingers pinch and tease your nipple into a stiff and aching point, igniting a smoldering ache between your legs. You’ve never wanted anyone like this and you resolve in that moment not to say so because telling him is the same as giving him leverage and you’re still fairly certain that that is a bad idea.
His thigh has nudged its way between your legs and you press against him as much as your skirts will allow, shamelessly trying to generate enough friction and pressure to provide yourself some relief.
The clock chimes midnight and he steps away and you wonder how much more of this you’ll be able to take.
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He’s late the next night—so late, in fact, that you almost give up and leave because you think he’s not coming. You try not to dwell upon the disappointed little twinge that blooms in your chest when you think this is the case.
But then you hear soft footsteps in the quiet of the library and you look up and find him leaning against the end of the stacks, looking far more comfortable than he has any right to be.
“You’re late,” you say before you can think about it.
“Did you think I wasn’t coming?” he asks with the slightest of smirks. “Were you disappointed?”
You attempt to keep your expression cool and composed. “I didn’t think anything.”
He chuckles. “You tell such pretty lies, my dear.”
You want to deny it outright, but that feels like playing right into his hands. You consider your next moves as he approaches you, again backing you up against the stacks.
“Do you know what I think?” he says, his hands sliding to your hips. “I think you’re rather fond of these little interludes.” He tilts his head to the side, eyes glinting with a kind of mischief that makes you press your thighs together. “Shall we find out how fond?”
You’re fairly certain you know what he’s implying, but you’re also fairly certain that he’s not going to actually go through with it. It’s one thing to kiss you like he has been, but it’s another thing entirely to actually touch you. Surely he’s not that bold.
His left hand slides from your hip over the curve of your ass and then along your thigh, raising your leg to hook around his waist. You grab his shoulders, still certain that he’s bluffing even as he pushes the hem of your skirt up.
His hand trails along the inside of your thigh, expertly navigating your petticoats and undergarments. He watches your face intently as his hand inches up your thigh, seemingly cataloging every time your breath hitches, every time you bite your lip in anticipation. You try to keep yourself contained and calm, even as you can feel the slickness between your thighs growing with every passing second.
You realize that he’s not bluffing precisely when his fingers part your dripping sex. You gasp as his fingers lightly brush against your clit and you catch his greedy, triumphant smile as your head tips back against the shelf.
“Oh yes,” he breathes, sliding one finger inside you as his thumb presses against your swollen clit. “What filthy thoughts have left you so wet and wanting, my pretty little kitchen maid?”
This should bother you: you’re not his and you’re more than a kitchen maid. Instead, your body seems focused on its mission to betray you, as his words only make you whimper and tense around his slowly thrusting finger.
“I could make you come right here,” he says, his eyes raking over your body with a raw hunger. “Would you like that?”
“Please,” leaves your lips before you can ask yourself what you’re thinking.
“So polite,” he breathes into your ear. “Had I known it was this easy to tame that sharp tongue of yours, I would have buried my face between your thighs in the garden.”
Your cheeks burn, though you’re not sure if it’s from his fingers or his words. “I would not claim that victory yet, highness.”
His eyes flash and his hips press against you when you use his title—you file that little fact away for later. 
You can’t even pretend that there’s not going to be a later.
“If my hand slowed, you would beg for me,” he says with a smirk that is slightly too self-assured.
You tilt your chin up, staring at him defiantly. “You flatter yourself.”
His smirk widens as his hand slows and you immediately regret challenging him. He slides his hand away from you, holding your gaze. He pauses for a beat and when you continue your silence, he raises his fingers to his lips and slowly draws them into his mouth. You catch a glimpse of the pink tip of his tongue as he carefully licks your essence from his forefinger and thumb, closing his eyes like he’s tasting something divine. It’s indecent—everything about this is indecent—but you can’t look away.
Your resolve crumbles abruptly and completely. “Please,” you whisper.
He releases his fingers and gives you a lazy smile. “Can you be quiet like a good girl?”
You nod fervently. “Yes. I’ll be quiet, I promise.”
He leans in and kisses you. “That’s a shame,” he murmurs against your lips, “because I want to hear you scream for me. And we can’t very well do that in the library.”
He draws back, smirking, and you suddenly know that you’ve lost another point in this strange game that you’re playing.
“Come to my chambers tomorrow night after dark,” he says. 
Stars above, you’re going to kill him.
“You’re an ass,” you say.
He chuckles and kisses you again. “I’ll make it worth the wait.”
You hate how much of an effect that has on you, but you’re reasonably certain that you’ve managed to hide most of that from him.
“Your confidence is inspiring,” you say.
“And your tongue is wicked,” he says, stepping away from you and it takes every ounce of pride you have not to reach for him and pull him back to you. He takes your hand and brushes his lips against your knuckles, his emerald eyes never leaving yours and somehow it feels just as intimate as what had just happened. “Until tomorrow,” he says before dropping your hand and walking away, leaving you with your heart pounding.
Next chapter
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caplanbuckybarnes · 23 days ago
Out of Place (Seriel Killer! loki)
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Summary: you're haunted by the narrative of Loki.
WC: 729
Warnings: serial killer au, angst
Read on Ao3
The dark alley stretched out ahead of you, blackened with darkness. You shouldn't have come here, but your gut told you there was something to find. Something important. Something deadly.
As the wind howled through the empty streets, you clutched your flashlight tighter, its dim beam barely cutting through the inky blackness. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched. Footsteps echoed from behind.Spinning on your heel, you aimed your light towards the source of the noise, heart racing.
He leaned casually against the brick wall, hands tucked into the pockets of his trench coat, his dark hair falling messily over his forehead. There was something hauntingly beautiful about him. And dangerous.
“You were never supposed to be here,” he said, his voice velvet-smooth, but carrying an edge that sent a shiver down your spine.
Your pulse quickened, but you kept your grip steady. You knew who he was—knew what he was. The papers called him many things, but you knew the truth. Loki Laufeyson, the serial killer whose name was whispered in fear across the city.
“What are you doing here?” you shot back, trying to keep the tremor out of your voice.
Loki pushed off the wall, his movements slow, deliberate, almost predatory as he walked toward you. “I could ask you the same, darling,” he purred. “But I think we both know the answer.”
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to stay rooted in place. “I’m here because of you. People are dying, and I’m going to stop you.. Loki, you have to stop this madness.”
Loki chuckled, low and dark, his emerald eyes gleaming with amusement. “Oh, sweet thing. You really think you can stop me?” He was closer now, too close. The cold air between you seemed to shrink until his presence was overwhelming.
You took a step back, but he matched it instantly, almost as though you were waltzing with him.
“I’m not afraid of you,” you said, though your voice betrayed you with a slight quiver.
Loki tilted his head, studying you with those piercing eyes. “No,” he mused softly. “You’re not afraid. That’s what makes you interesting.”
He reached out, and before you could react, his fingers brushed your cheek. The touch was feather-light, almost tender, but it sent a chill racing down your spine.
“I’ve seen fear,” he continued, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I’ve seen people cower, scream, beg. But you? You’re different.” His gaze darkened, and the amusement faded from his face. “You were never supposed to be in this game.”
You jerked your head away from his touch, glaring at him. “I’m here now, aren’t I?”
Loki’s lips curled into a smirk. “Yes,” he said softly. “And that’s what makes this so fascinating. Tell me, what made you come looking for me?”
You knew you should run. You knew you should scream, fight, anything to get away from him. But something about Loki made you hesitate. It was like he was two people at once—the charming, dangerous predator, and something else. Something… broken.
“What is it you want from me?” you asked, your voice barely a whisper.
Loki’s smirk vanished, replaced by something unreadable. He stepped back, his eyes never leaving yours. “I want you to understand,” he said, his voice low.
You stared at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
He turned his back to you, looking out into the dark alley. “I wasn’t always this way,” he murmured. “But when you’re cast aside, when you realize you’re nothing but a pawn in someone else’s game… you either break, or you take control.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with meaning. You didn’t want to feel pity for him, but there was something tragic about the way he spoke.
Loki turned back to face you, his mask of arrogance slipping back into place. “But now, here you are. And I must decide what to do with you.”
Your breath hitched as his eyes locked onto yours, an intensity burning behind them.
“Will you run, little one?” he asked, a dark smile playing on his lips. “Or will you stay and see how this game ends?”
You didn’t answer. You couldn’t. Because, deep down, you weren’t sure if you wanted to run.
And Loki could see it.
His smile grew wider. “Oh, I knew it. You were never supposed to be here, but now… now you’re exactly where you belong.”
EVERYTHING PERM: @nekoannie-chan @kjs-s @notyourtypicalrose @mistressofallthingsgeeky MARVEL PERM: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @late-to-the-party-81 @capsthot @kenzieam @dis-plus-fanfic-reblog-writes
LOKI: @nicoline1998enilocin @libbymouse
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mischievoushiddleston · 5 months ago
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Masterlist here
It was a dark and stormy night in New York City. Since Loki, the God of Mischief, had conquered the Earth and declared himself the King of Midgard, the city had been shrouded in an unnatural darkness. Lightning flashed across the sky, and thunder rumbled as if nature itself were protesting against his rule.
In a luxurious penthouse high atop a skyscraper, Loki sat on a throne of black marble adorned with golden carvings and gemstones. His green-golden robe gleamed in the light of the blue flames flickering in the wall sconces. His emerald-green eyes sparkled with pleasure and power.
A young woman entered the room. Her long, dark hair cascaded in soft waves over her shoulders, and her simple yet elegant dress hugged her body closely. Her grace and beauty had immediately captivated Loki when he first saw her.
"Come closer, Y/N," Loki said in his deep, velvety voice, which had a slight Nordic accent. His gaze was unwaveringly fixed on her.
Y/N approached hesitantly, her heart beating faster with each step. She wasn't sure what to expect, but the aura of power and mystery surrounding Loki drew her irresistibly.
"You summoned me, my king?" Her voice was soft but firm.
Loki rose from his throne and slowly approached her. He was tall and slender, with a predatory grace to his stride. When he stood before her, he placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head up, so she had to look into his eyes.
"Yes, I summoned you," he said gently yet firmly. "Since the moment I saw you, I have thought of nothing but you."
Y/N felt her breath quicken. Loki's proximity was overwhelming, and the intensity of his green eyes made her almost dizzy. "What do you want from me?" she asked, barely audible.
A mischievous smile played on Loki's lips. "Everything you are willing to give me," he whispered, lowering his head until his lips almost touched hers. The space around them seemed to disappear, as if there were only the two of them in the world.
Y/N closed her eyes and leaned into him, her hands resting on his chest. Loki pulled her closer, his lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. His hands roamed over her back as he drew her deeper into the embrace. Their bodies melted together as the heat between them grew more intense.
Loki led Y/N to a soft chaise lounge at the edge of the room. He gently laid her down, his eyes sparkling with desire. "You are beautiful," he said softly, his fingers caressing her cheek.
Y/N opened her eyes and looked at him, her own eyes full of devotion and desire. "And you are indescribable," she whispered back.
With a fluid motion, Loki removed his robe, revealing his muscular body. Y/N followed suit, her dress falling to the floor and exposing her soft, flawless skin. Loki leaned over her, his lips finding hers again as his hands explored her body.
Loki hovered over Y/N, his hands gliding over her naked skin as he covered her lips with tender kisses. Her breath came fast and shallow, and her body trembled with desire under his touch.
Loki knelt between her legs, locking his gaze with hers as he lifted her hips slightly for better access. "Are you ready?" he whispered, his voice a tempting promise.
Y/N nodded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation and lust. She could feel the tingling of anticipation in every nerve of her body. Loki smiled, a seductive smile that made her knees weak. He positioned himself at the entrance of her wet pussy and slowly penetrated her.
Y/N moaned softly as she felt his hard cock filling her. Every inch of his body seemed made for her. Loki took his time, relishing the feeling of her warmth enveloping him. He moved slowly, almost agonizingly slowly, in and out, prolonging the intensity of the moment.
"You feel so good," Loki murmured as he thrust deeper into her. His gaze remained fixed on her face, observing every one of her reactions, every twitch and tremble of her body.
Y/N couldn't help but move against him, her hips rising in rhythm with his thrusts. Every deep, slow thrust brought her closer to the edge of madness. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, her nails leaving red crescents on his skin.
Loki quickened his pace, his thrusts becoming faster and more intense. The sound of their bodies meeting filled the room, accompanied by their mixed moans and sighs. Y/N could feel the tension building inside her, rising higher and higher until she thought she would break.
"Please, Loki," she gasped, unable to form her words, but her need was clear.
Loki leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking and biting gently as he continued to thrust into her. The additional stimulation sent waves of pleasure through Y/N's body, and she screamed his name as she finally exploded in a powerful orgasm.
Loki followed shortly after, his own movements becoming irregular as he came deep inside her. He held her tightly, their bodies merging in a moment of absolute unity. As the aftershocks of their orgasms subsided, Loki settled beside Y/N, pulling her close and kissing her forehead.
"You are mine," he whispered in her ear, and Y/N knew that she was forever bound to the God of Mischief, the man who was King of Midgard and master of her heart.
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winters8child · 3 months ago
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 55
I was sprinting through the dense, snowy woods, each step crunching through the icy blanket beneath me. Explosions and gunshots echoed around me, a relentless cacophony of chaos. Our team, a motley crew of heroes, had banded together, pushing through enemy lines toward the Hydra Research Base, the elusive Loki's Scepter our objective.
Above me, Tony streaked through the air, his gleaming red suit a stark contrast against the wintry sky, dispatching foes with precision. "Shit," he yelled, his voice crackling through the comms. Steve, ever the paragon of virtue, immediately quipped, "Language," his tone exasperated but familiar, drawing a chuckle from my lips despite the tension.
"Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked, his motorbike roaring in the background of the transmission. Jarvis's voice, cool and efficient, responded, "The central building is protected by an energy shield. Strucker's technology is far more advanced than any other Hydra base we've encountered."
Out of nowhere, Thor descended with a thunderous crash, his landing sending a shockwave through the ranks of Hydra soldiers. He struck with unyielding force, each blow incapacitating those foolish enough to challenge him.
"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker could not mount this defense without it. At long last," he declared, his voice a mix of determination and excitement as he effortlessly felled more guards, his strength and skill on full display.
I was pretty busy myself, surrounded by three guards, each armed with semi-automatic rifles, their eyes gleaming with confidence. They moved in a loose triangle formation, their steps deliberate and predatory. The leader, a burly figure with a scar running down his cheek, smirked. "Give it up, lady. You're outnumbered and outgunned."
My eyes flicked from one man to the next, calculating. My mind was a whirlwind of possibilities, strategies, and outcomes. I couldn’t afford to make a single mistake.
With a sudden, fluid motion, I dropped to one knee, my body a blur. The first man caught off guard and hesitated for a split second too long. That was all I needed. I fired a single, precise shot, the bullet finding its mark between his eyes. He crumpled to the ground, his rifle clattering uselessly beside him.
The other two men reacted instantly, their rifles coming up to aim at me. But I was already moving. I rolled to the side, my movements graceful and controlled. Another shot rang out, hitting the second man in the chest. He stumbled, shock etched on his face, before collapsing.
The leader, now alone, snarled and fired a burst of bullets. I ducked behind a rusted metal crate, the bullets sparking off its surface. My breathing was still steady, my focus razor-sharp. I waited for a brief pause in his firing, then sprang up, my handgun aimed with deadly precision.
The leader barely had time to react. My shot was flawless, the bullet striking his shoulder and causing him to drop his rifle with a howl of pain. I advanced swiftly, my eyes cold and unyielding. With a final, calculated shot to his head, he went down, writhing in agony.
"At long last" is lasting a little long, boys," Natasha's voice crackled through the comms, punctuated by the thuds and groans of the enemies she dispatched. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint replied, releasing arrow after arrow with deadly precision.
"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?" Tony's voice cut in, dripping with sarcasm.
Steve sounded exasperated, his voice weary from Tony's relentless teasing. "I know," he replied, the frustration clear in his tone, which only made the exchange more amusing. "It just slipped out," he added with a sigh, resigning himself to the inevitable ribbing.
When Strucker attacked the city, Tony quickly deployed his Iron Legion to evacuate the citizens. I stood amidst the trees, the silence around me almost surreal when suddenly, a blinding flash from my left struck me square in the chest. I went down with a grunt, a sharp "Fuck," escaping my lips. Wincing, I muttered, "Yeah, I know, language."
“Was that a human?” I asked over the comms, my voice tinged with disbelief. The impact had been incredibly swift, yet it packed a punch, judging by how it hit me with full force.
“We’ve got an enhanced on the field,” Steve’s voice crackled over the comms, carrying a hint of urgency as if he had faced the same overwhelming force.
“Clint’s hit,” Natasha’s voice came through, laced with clear concern. “Is anyone going to handle that bunker?” she added quickly, her tone urgent.
Hulk’s roar reverberated through the forest, causing the enemy to recoil in fear at the sight of the massive green giant.
I dashed to the clearing and crouched beside Clint and Natasha. “Let me check him over,” I said, my experience as a nurse kicking in. I pulled bandages from my thigh bag and pressed them firmly against Clint’s wounds. “You’re going to be fine, Clint. Just hang in there,” I reassured him, trying to infuse my voice with calm.
Natasha gave me a grateful smile and clasped Clint’s hand, offering him support and strength as he grimaced in pain. The fortress’s shields deactivated with a buzzing hum, finally granting us access to the scepter.
“Clint’s hit pretty bad, guys. We’re going to need an evac,” Natasha’s voice crackled over the comms, her worry palpable even through the static.
“We’ll handle the rest,” Steve responded, his voice steady and reassuring. “Thor is heading your way to help out. See you soon.”
Fifteen minutes later, we were all back aboard the Quinjet, the scepter securely housed in its case. I was focused on setting up an IV for Clint, but there was not much I could do on the field. He would have to see a specialist when we landed. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Natasha engaged in a conversation with Bruce. She was the only one who seemed able to soothe the Hulk’s agitation.
I nudged Steve, drawing his attention to the scene. With a raised eyebrow, I subtly pointed out Natasha’s obvious flirtatious glances towards Bruce. Steve caught on and a knowing smile tugged at his lips.
"Thor, report on the Hulk.", Nat called out, as he looked at her, his face etched with a mix of worry and insecurity. “The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims,” Thor declared with an air of pride. Bruce’s head drooped in embarrassment, while Natasha shot Thor a look of clear irritation. It was evident that this was not the response she had hoped for.
Thor quickly caught on and tried to backtrack. “But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, it’s mostly the wounded—whimpering, a lot of complaining, and tales of sprained deltoids and gout,” he mumbled, his voice trailing off as he realized the absurdity of his words.
“Gout?” I mouthed to Steve, who barely managed to conceal his grin as he shrugged in response. It was a relief to have the Scepter back in our possession, and with Dr. Cho flown in from Seoul to assist, Clint would be back on his feet in no time. The two enhanced individuals we had faced remained a mystery, but that would have to wait. Tony was adamant about throwing a farewell party now that Thor was heading home.
I suppose it was time for me to hit the shops and get ready for the festivities.
Next Chapter
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sarahscribbles · 2 years ago
𝐍𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐇𝐞'𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦, 𝐬𝐨, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟑𝐤
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝟏𝟐 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Stunning, pet.” 
His deep voice rolled over you like liquid velvet, wrapping around you like a summer breeze and sending warmth pooling teasingly between your spread thighs. He had left you clothed this time - if the lacy scraps of black lace could even be described as clothing - but with the predatory glimmer shining in his green eyes, you felt completely bare before him.
Thin, silver shackles complimented the black lace, encasing your wrists and ankles securely and tying them off so that you were spread eagle against the cool wall of the bedroom. You pulled against them weakly, almost as if testing their strength, and Loki only grinned wolfishly as they clinked quietly in the silence. 
“Pull all you wish, darling, you aren’t going anywhere until I allow it,” he purred. “And you look so lovely in those restraints that I have no intention of releasing you anytime soon,” he added, the low rumble of his voice having your hips roll shamelessly towards him. You could almost get off on the sound of his voice alone. 
His footsteps were silent on the bedroom floor as he began to approach, each slow, measured step sending your heart leaping in your chest. Dressed casually in a deep black cashmere sweater and equally dark black jeans, he didn’t appear outwardly menacing, but the presence of the shackles was enough of an indication that you were in for a very long night.
He stopped directly before you, reaching out to drag one slim finger along your cheek and down between your breasts, sending a trail of goosebumps erupting over your skin. “Do you have any idea what it does to me, darling? Seeing you so helpless like this?” he purred, his fingers having drifted to ghost over your cunt through the thin lace of your underwear, enough to tease, but not enough to grant you any modicum of pleasure.
You bucked shamelessly into his touch, sending the slender chains tinkling musically with each sharp movement. “Please, Loki…” you begged on a whisper of breath, already needing to feel him inside you. His hard cock was straining against his jeans, so tantalisingly close but yet so far out of your reach. 
Already, you knew that you would beg for it without complaint if he asked you to. 
His hand quickly rose from your cunt to roughly grasp your throat, forcing your head back against the wall and giving you no choice but to meet his gaze. “You’ll address me as “my King” tonight, darling. Understood?” His voice was soft but deadly and sent a thrum of searing arousal coursing through your blood. 
You swallowed thickly around his hand, trying in vain to nod against the gentle pressure of his fingers around your throat. “Yes, my King.” 
Just as quickly as his elegant fingers had wrapped around you they released you, falling back between your thighs to circle your clit for only a matter of seconds as reward. “Good girl,” Loki said quietly, and let his hand drop.
His brief touch was enough to make you whimper and pull against the restraints, enough to make sharp tendrils of pleasure shoot teasingly through your core and taunt you with the beginning of a release he was hours away from granting you. 
If you were lucky.
The anticipation of the unknown was making you restless and caused the unbroken soft melody of the chains to fill the quiet of the room. You ached for him, ached for the barest trace of his touch on your skin, be it the gentle press of his finger along an outstretched limb or the soft brush of his lips against the sensitive underside of your jaw. 
You ached for him.
“My King, please can -,” you began, desperate to feel his skin against yours, only to be silenced by his strong hand moving quickly to clasp your jaw. 
“Hush,” he said, though not unkindly. “Don’t make me gag you, pet.” His soft voice dripped with warning as he grazed his lips against the shell of your ear, sending a shiver shooting down your spine. 
One hand remained gripping your jaw, allowing glittering green eyes to watch your every expression as he trailed the fingers of the other teasingly along the inside of your inner thigh. A stuttered little whimper pushed through your lips at how good his touch felt and at how it had your cunt clench and desperately try to rub against the smooth head of the vibe that he had secured between your thighs.
When his fingers fell away, you expected him to repeat the trail on the other side to frustrate you even further, but he didn’t.
What you felt instead was the pointed tip of a dagger dragging lazily along the skin of your thigh, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough that the sharp sting had you trembling with fresh, undiluted arousal. 
“Ah, ah. Careful, pet,” Loki chided softly, still running the tip of the knife along your sensitive skin. “One wrong move and I blemish this beautiful body.” 
Oh so slowly he continued running the tip of the blade along your body, letting you feel just how dangerous it was and how one wrong move on his part could easily draw blood. You felt no fear, though, as he dragged it along the soft skin at the bottom of your stomach. Loki would sooner cut off his own hand than hurt you. 
The biting cold of the dagger mixed with the threatening sharpness of its pointed blade had the muscles in your stomach twisting and jumping, and for the longest moment you didn’t dare to even breathe lest it plunge the knife into your stomach.
The illusion of fear, though, had your underwear soaked. 
“Very good, pet,” Loki purred softly, his fingers digging gently into the skin of your jaw. “I’m impressed.” 
Your reply - whatever it had been - faded from your mind when he skillfully hooked the blade through the band of your underwear, easily snapping it until it fell loosely to one side only to repeat the action on the other until they whispered to the floor in a puddle of expensive lace. 
“You won’t be needing those tonight,” he continued, tracing the sharp tip of his dagger along your stomach and over the slopes of your breasts. Your already peaked nipples cried out for attention, be in the warm, wetness of his mouth of the chill of the blade pressed against them. 
“Or this,” he murmured again in your ear, snapping the straps of your bra so easily with his dagger they may as well have been made of paper. Slowly, so slowly, he raised the dagger so the point was pressing directly into your skin, moving it with gentle force down your breast and lightly over one nipple. 
A moan vibrated in your throat, your back half arching in an attempt to chase the cruel press of the blade against your skin again. The danger was intoxicating, almost leaving you drunk in its absence, and you never wanted it to end. 
“Barely a movement, pet. I’m proud,” he said lightly, though the edge of mischief coloured his words, so much so that your cunt once again clenched around the still silent vibe. “But I made it easy for you.” 
With the quiet click of a finger, the wand between your thighs buzzed to life, the furious vibrations enough to have you double over if it hadn’t been for the chains securing you to the bedroom wall. For a brief moment, you forgot all about the blade, your only thought being to chase the pleasure that the wand would easily grant you.
Shamelessly, you bucked and rolled your hips, your moans sounding whorish to even your own ears, and for only a second, Loki allowed it.
Only to press the cool blade back against your thigh, ready to begin its journey along your body once again.
The wand remained buzzing frantically against your clit. “I hope you can keep very, very still, pet.”
Tags: @sailorholly @joyful-enchantress @muddyorbs @ozymdias @fandxmslxt69 @trickster-maiden @lokixryss @silverfire475 @wolfsmom1 @lokisgoodgirl @cake-writes @vickie5446 @lokidbadguy @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @all-envy-suyu @erynion-rogueofthegreenwoods @gortycs @katehawke @123forgottherest @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @peanutbutter-y-jams @wintermischief @gigglingtigger @kinky-faerie
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november-rayne · 1 year ago
Chapter Fourteen: Heart to Heart
Summary: Loki and Sigyn finally have the grown-up conversation he's been trying to avoid.
Word Count: 5325
Rating: Mature
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Fluff, making out
Chapter Index
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Loki worked distractedly in his office until the clock signaled midday. Anticipation caused his fingers to shake as he quickly gathered his papers and called for his assistant, Karl.
“Your Highness,” he bowed.
“I have a very important lunch date with two very important women. So, I will entrust you to ensure these get where they need to go.” He handed the stack of paperwork over. “Inform anyone who may come looking for me that I will not be back today.”
“Yes, Your Highness. Enjoy your day, sir.”
“Thank you. We will see how it goes.” Loki locked the office door behind him and started heading toward the small dining room on the other side of the palace. He was practically jogging by the time he reached the doors. 
‘Calm down, breathe.’
He took a few minutes to compose himself before making his way inside. He ran his fingers through this hair a few times and straightened his clothes. He conjured a large bouquet of primrose in soft shades of light yellow and baby pink and slowly opened the door.
Frigga and Sigyn were sipping tea in the receiving room. Sigyn’s gown was ivory. Her dress had a boat neck and long, thin sleeves. Her hair was pinned up in a twist, adorned with pearl-encrusted combs. Loki was greeted by the sight of Sigyn’s graceful neck and shoulders from behind as he entered the room. His breath caught in his throat, and he feared his knees might give out.
“Loki!” Sigyn’s face lit up as she set her teacup down and stood up.
He stood there gaping at her awkwardly before Frigga cleared her throat.
Loki flushed and bowed to the Queen, “Mother.”
Sigyn curtsied to Loki, “Your Highness.”
“Lady Sigyn.” He placed a kiss on the back of her hand. These are for you.”
Sigyn accepted the bouquet with a wide smile, “Oh, thank you. These remind me of home. Primrose grows wild in the North.” She brought the flowers up to her face and inhaled deeply, “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
A light pink blush rose to his cheeks. “Perhaps.”
“Please come and join us.” Frigga motioned to the chair opposite Sigyn.
“Yes, thank you, Mother.” Loki kissed Frigga’s cheek and settled into his seat while the maid poured the tea.
“I did not think you would mind if I invited my son to lunch with us,” Frigga asked Sigyn.
Sigyn’s cheeks were flushed, and she was grinning while staring at her flowers in her lap, “Not at all, Your Majesty. I…” she peeked a glance at Loki, “I am delighted he is here. This was a charming surprise. Thank you.”
“Wonderful.” Frigga picked up her teacup and sipped, “I would just like to say that I am so pleased that the two of you get along so well.”
Loki smiled at Sigyn, “Sigyn is unlike anyone I have ever met. She has my attention.” His smile turned into a wicked grin, “Whether I like it or not.”
Sigyn peeked at Loki from under her lashes and gave him a half smile, “Gee, you really know how to make a girl feel wanted.”
“Wanting you has never been an issue.” Loki’s gaze was almost predatory.
“Right, well, who is ready for lunch?” Frigga motioned for the pair to follow her into the dining room.
“I am famished,” Sigyn said as she touched her stomach.
Loki laughed, “You are always famished.” He placed his hand on her back as she passed him. “Are you certain that you are not infected with a parasite?”
“Quite certain. My mother had me tested.” Sigyn settled into her seat as Loki pushed her chair in. He paused briefly and quirked an eyebrow up. He was unsure if she was joking or not. He looked to Frigga for guidance. She gave a little shrug in response. He laughed as he walked around to his seat across the table.
“So, Sigyn, tell me about your training with Lady Sif. How is that coming along?” Frigga asked.
“Oh, it has been wonderful. Sif is such a great teacher. She has such a wealth of knowledge. Not only of combat but palace life as well. Among other things.” She blushed slightly.
“Really? Such as?” Frigga pressed.
Sigyn sipped her water, “Oh, you know, just girly things. The latest fashions in the capital and whatnot.” She sent a glance to Loki. He was giving her a knowing smirk.
“I see.” Frigga looked between the pair. “Well, I am happy that you have been able to make friends here.”
“Everyone has been so kind and welcoming to me.”
“Of course, they are. Your charm is indisputable.”
“You do not need to flatter me constantly. My ego is not so fragile, My Prince.”
“Who is flattering? I am merely stating facts,” Loki shrugged.
Sigyn gave him a grateful look, “Regardless, it has made it a lot easier to picture myself making a home here.”
Loki’s heart squeezed in his chest, ‘She could be happy living here. I could make her happy here.’
He gave his head a little shake to clear it. “You are not sad about leaving your father’s home? What about your life in the North?”
Sigyn ran her fingertips lightly over her bouquet now resting on the table beside her. She looked a little gloomy as she said, “There isn’t much left for me there. My friends have been married off and moved away. My brothers are gone. I will miss my parents, I am sure, but I am ready to start the next chapter of my life.” She brightened a little and looked at Loki, “It is time to start looking to the future.”
“That is right,” Frigga patted her hand. “That reminds me, Loki, I will need you to make yourself available to the Household Manager sometime this week.” Loki looked confused. “You need to tell him which apartment you want to move into.”
“What is wrong with my current chambers?”
“Loki, it is a bachelor’s apartment. It only has one bed chamber. Far too small for a married couple.”
“She is one small woman; how much more space is needed?’
“You saw the number of trunks she arrived with. Where would she keep her things?” 
“I do own an embarrassing amount of clothing, Your Highness.”
Loki never considered that he would have to move out of his current chambers. He had lived there for centuries. He frowned, “Let me check my schedule.” Frigga and Sigyn exchanged a look.
“It should not be an issue to look at a few apartments this week.” He added a bit more enthusiastically. “As long as Sigyn can accompany me, that is.”
“I can hardly wait,” Sigyn smiled at him.
Loki returned her smile. ‘My pretty wife.’
“Whoa…” he said out loud. He pressed his hand over his thundering heart.
“Loki!” Sigyn shot out of her seat, “Are you all right? What is the matter?”
He threw his hands up, “I am fine. I am okay.” He motioned for her to sit.
She slowly returned to her seat, “What happened?”
He looked at his mother; she was studying him cautiously.
“I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you.” He smiled between the two women to reassure them, “This all just became very real suddenly.”
“Oh,” Sigyn extended her hand across the table, “Are you sure you are all right?”
Loki took her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, “Better than I deserve.”
Frigga pretended to adjust her napkin in her lap so she could blink away the tears that were threatening to spill.
After lunch, the trio made their way back to the sitting room.
“This has been lovely, but I must take my leave.” The Queen kissed Loki’s cheek and pulled Sigyn in for a hug. “The second part of my surprise: an hour of privacy. You two may stay here and talk. Sigyn, I will be back to collect you in an hour. Loki,” she gave him a pointed look, “remember your promise. I trust you.”
Loki held his hands up in defense, “I am not the one here you need to be warning.”
Sigyn scoffed and started fiddling with her bracelet.
“Fine. This warning is for both of you, then. I may change my mind and return sooner. Do not make me regret this.”
“I will behave, Your Majesty.” Sigyn sunk into a deep curtsey, “I appreciate you arranging this for us.”
“As do I, Mother. Thank you,” Loki bowed.
“You are welcome. I will not be too far.” Frigga said in warning as she exited to the hallway.
The door closed, and Loki looked over to Sigyn standing beside him. He was suddenly very aware that they were now alone behind a closed door. He swallowed hard, “Did you enjoy your lunch?”
“Yes, it was lovely.” She averted her eyes and fiddled with her bracelet. “I had no idea the queen was so cunning. She was wise to omit her plan's full details to me. I would have been extra nervous while getting ready today.”
“Nervous? Do I make you uneasy, Sigyn?”
“No. Not uneasy. I always get butterflies when I know I will see you.” She smiled at him sweetly, “You may have noticed; I find you very attractive.”
“Really? Is that why you tried to seduce me in the field yesterday?”
“I already apologized for that,” Sigyn blushed.
Loki laughed, “Come sit on the sofa with me. There is something I wish to discuss with you.”
“This feels ominous. Should I be worried?”
Loki kissed her hand as he led her across the room. “Not at all. I want you to help me understand something.” He deposited her at one end of the sofa and then took a seat on the other end, leaving quite a bit of space between them.
“I already do not like this,” Sigyn said as she noticed the distance he put between them.
“A temporary measure, I assure you. I have much to say and do not wish to be distracted.”
Sigyn grinned, “I distract you, Your Highness?” Her eyes were full of mischief. A faint green light danced behind her irises.
“Constantly. Even when you are on the opposite side of the palace from me, thoughts of you interrupt my work. When I close my eyes to sleep at night, your face greets me in my dreams. Just last night, I dreamed of chasing you through that grassy field. Your laughter still echoed in my ears as my chambermaid woke me for breakfast.”
“Loki…” she swallowed hard. She moved to scoot down the couch and close the distance between them.
“No, Sigyn. Please. Just stay over there. Let me get out all that I want to say in the precious time that we have in private here.”
“Very well.” Sigyn resigned herself to her side of the sofa again.
“If we finish talking before my mother comes back to retrieve you, if you would like, I will kiss you senseless until she arrives.”
Sigyn carefully removed her shoes, leaned back into the corner of the sofa, and tucked her feet under herself, “I agree to your terms.” She propped one arm on the back of the couch and rested her head against her hand. “Continue.”
“Thank you.” He sat and stared at her for a moment. ‘Norns, I just want to eat her up.’ He shook his head to clear it. He needed to stay on task.
It was now or never. The next hour would determine if he would start preparations for the wedding or if he would be bidding Sigyn farewell and dealing with the backlash that came with a broken betrothal contract.
As soon as Frigga told him about her lunch plans, Loki retreated to his bedroom and pulled out his journal. He wrote for hours, letting his complex internal wavering flow from the nib of his pen to the parchment beneath it.
He desired her. That was easy enough for him to sort out. And she made it clear that she wanted him too. He had no doubt in his mind they would be compatible physically. But he knew himself well enough to know that great sex wouldn’t be enough to keep him invested in the marriage long-term.
She was smart and perceptive. It would be unlikely that he could pursue interests outside the marriage without her catching on and making his life Hel.
What was it about her that even had him considering taking those vows? She was witty, playful, intelligent; to be sure. But there was something else about her. Something he had no name for. There was a voice inside his head that already knew her as his own. That already called her ‘wife’. That knew she was home before ever hearing her voice.
Loki being Loki could not accept such a thing so easily. He had to serve penance and write for half the night. Write down all the reasons why his instincts were wrong and debate with himself why none of those arguments held water.
Eventually, as exhaustion was setting in, he settled on a list of questions for Sigyn and committed them to memory in preparation for today’s visit.
“As I was saying, you do distract me. It is even worse when I can see you. I can barely take my eyes off you when we are in the same room together. This is an extraordinary situation for me to be in. I have never once felt the gravity of another person like I do with you. You are smart, funny, kind, adventurous, beautiful, and sexier than any one person has any right to be.
“Hel, even your scent calls to me. You have turned my life upside down. I dream about you. I miss you when we are not together. I care about your happiness.” He looked into her eyes as his practiced speech devolved into frenzied rambling, “You are perfect. I am not good enough for you. I have done things I am not proud of. It would be best if you were not forced to marry me. I-”
“No one forces me to do anything I do not want.” She leveled him with a look that was all business. “No one is forcing me to marry you. My father came to me with the betrothal proposition. I had the option to decline.
“While they were guests in our home, I spent time with your mother and father, not as the King and Queen, but as your parents. I know what I signed up for.
Confusion crowded his mind, “What do you get out of this? Money? Fame? I do not understand why you would agree to marry me.”
Sigyn scoffed, “Do you think any of that matters to me?” She leaned forward, “I am already wealthy. I do not need your money. I have enough gold in my personal coffers to last ten lifetimes. And what would I be famous for? Hmm? Warming your bed? Half of the realm would be famous if that were the case.” Sigyn crossed her arms in frustration.
“That was rude of me. I am sorry.” He looked at his hands, embarrassed at himself for assuming the worst of her.
“For the record, I’ve only bedded a quarter of the realm, not half.” He looked at her and grinned, “If we were to include the other eight realms, well, that’s when we start looking at some huge numbers.”
Sigyn snorted a laugh and rolled her eyes. “Of course, accuracy is important. We dare not forget the other realms.” They sat quietly for a moment.
“None of that matters to me.” Sigyn shrugged her shoulders, “Who am I to judge? It makes sense. You were introduced to carnal pleasure at a very young age. You feel like it is the only thing you have to offer someone, the only thing you are good for.”
Loki shook his head and breathed deeply, “Sigyn, I…” He did not know how to finish that sentence. He looked up from his hands and saw her face. It was soft, kind, and full of warmth and understanding.
“Sigyn, with the exception of my current one, I have bedded every chambermaid I have ever employed.”
“I see.” She spun her bracelet around her wrist, “Is that a practice you plan on continuing?”
He shook his head, “No! Norns, no. It was more a matter of convenience and not thinking of those women as people with feelings. I never saw the harm I was doing until recently. I thought I was innocent of wrongdoing because I paid them extra coins for their extra services. I see now how inappropriate it was.” He looked down at his hands in his lap, “And I did not limit myself to the chambermaids.”
“Were all of these affairs consensual?”
“Explicitly!” Loki looked at her wide-eyed, “I may be an insufferably arrogant rogue, but I am no monster.”
“I believe you.” She gave him a gentle smile, “Are there any more sins you would like to confess?”
“Is that not enough to make you hate me?”
She rolled her eyes, “Are you trying to make me hate you?”
“No,” he said quietly. “I just want you to know what kind of man you agreed to marry.”
“I told you before; your life before I met you is none of my business.”
Loki shook his head, “How am I so lucky to have met you?”
“Can I tell you something kind of silly?” she asked sheepishly.
“Of course.”
“My whole life, as far back as I can remember, there has been a portrait of the royal family hanging in my father’s hall. I believe it is customary in all the great houses. It reminds the Lords of whom they serve, like the King is always watching over everyone.  I distinctly remember standing in that hall and staring at that portrait: the King, the Queen, and their two princes.”
“I remember detesting sitting for those damn things.”
“One day, I was still very young, living in the nursery. I was playing hide and seek with my best friend, Kaarina. She found me standing in the middle of the hall, staring at the portrait. She started fussing at me that I was not playing the game right. I informed her, mind you, none too politely, that we were done playing the hiding game and would play a new one.
“We were going to pretend to be princesses. ‘You can only be a princess if you are born to the king or marry a prince,’ she told me. That is when I told her, ‘I am going to marry Prince Loki.’” Sigyn smiled, and Loki laughed, “I remember how confused she was. She said, ‘But Siggy if you marry Prince Thor, you will be queen one day.’ I told her that I did not care. I wanted to marry Prince Loki.”
Sigyn stood, walked over to the wet bar, and poured herself a glass of wine. Loki followed her with his eyes as she moved through the room. “Can I pour you a drink?”
“No, thank you.” Loki watched as she sipped from her glass.
“Very well.” She made her way back to the end of the sofa. “So, Kaarina and I would play pretend princesses every day. I was married to Prince Loki; she was married to Prince Thor. We threw pretend feasts. Fastened bed sheets around our shoulders to make wedding dress trains. Our double wedding was very opulent. All my dolls served as wedding guests.” She smiled at the memory, traced her finger over the rim of her glass, then took another sip.
Loki chuckled and waited for her to continue, enthralled by her story and curious where it was headed.
“My mother almost fainted one day when she found the pair of us playing in the house with cushions stuffed up our dresses, pretending we were pregnant with heirs.”
“I bet that was a sight to see, two wee girls with imaginary husbands and big tummies running through the halls.”
“We used to get up to all kinds of things, Kaarina and I, mostly at the behest of my older brothers and his friends. They would get us into all kinds of trouble. Did you know they were twins? Gunnar and Geir?” Loki shook his head. “My father called them ‘double trouble.’ Identical. They used to pull so many pranks.” She was quiet for a moment. “They were born together, and they died together. Younger than I am now.” She took a few more drinks of her wine, staring at the window.
Loki smiled, “I think I could have been good friends with your brothers.”
Sigyn nodded and took another sip of her wine. “But I digress. My point is… what is my point? I do not have a point.” She set her wine glass on the side table.
“I have always felt this connection to you. I do not know if it is fate, the Norns?” She shrugged her shoulders, “I do not know. I cannot know for sure, but when I finally met you, something inside me became whole. Like a piece of myself had been missing for a long time, and I didn’t even realize it was gone until I heard your voice.”
“Look, I know that this betrothal blindsided you. It was hardly fair for them to spring it on you as they did. Just know that some part of me always knew I would be your wife. I have been preparing for it my whole life. Loki…” Sigyn took a deep breath, “Look at me. I am marrying you because I want to. You intrigue me. We have a lot in common. We have the same interests. You make me laugh. I want to be a good wife for you. I want to help you oversee my father’s lands when the time comes. I want to carry your babies.”
Loki inhaled sharply and covered his mouth with his hand. A wave of emotion hit him square in his chest.
“When my father came to me with the proposition, I was not surprised. I was expecting it.”
Loki pressed his head to the back of the couch and closed his eyes, trying to compose himself. They sat quietly for a few minutes as his mind raced. Sigyn finished her wine.
“Please say something,” Sigyn said softly.
“Are you sure you are not a witch? Willing the fates to do your bidding?” He raised his head and gave her a smile.
Sigyn gave Loki a mischievous look, “If only I had that kind of power, Your Highness.”
“Oh, I think you do.” He patted his thigh, “Come here, pretty girl.” Sigyn smiled as she crawled slowly to his end of the sofa. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her across his lap. He cradled her face in his hand. “You have power over me. Your wish is my command.”
“Let me love you. Let me give you what you need.” She leaned over and kissed him. Soft and gentle. She wrapped her arms around him, squeezed him, and kissed him more. Lightly, gently, pouring as much tenderness and love as she could into her kisses. She kissed him for several minutes before pulling away and pressing her forehead against his.
“No one else has ever kissed me like that before; without expectations of me. So tender and sweet.” His eyes were closed.
“I will kiss you every day for the rest of my days if you let me.” She placed a tender kiss atop each of his eyelids.
“You are too good.” He picked her hand up and laced his fingers in hers. “You are willing to love me unconditionally? Me? The prince who will not inherit a kingdom? The prince who has nothing to offer you? The prince who has behaved so wretchedly in the past?”
“You. The prince who makes me laugh. The prince who danced with me for hours. The prince who makes my skin overheat with just a glance. And most importantly, the prince who can conjure snacks out of thin air.”
Loki laughed, “Lady Sigyn, the ever ravenous.”
“You are not wrong.” She lowered her gaze to his lips.
“Do not give me that look, My Lady.”
“You promised to kiss me senseless.”
“I did, on the condition that we were finished talking before my mother returned. There are still some things I want to discuss with you before your mother hides you away again.”
“Very well. Proceed.”
He took a deep breath, “If I do this, marriage, I mean, I want to do it right. I want to be good at it. I received some excellent advice recently: not all happy marriages look the same. I would like to know what you think constitutes a successful union.”
“You would like to find out what I think qualifies as a good husband and see if you could check those boxes before we are married?”
“Yes, that sounds like a decent summary.”
“Fair enough.” Sigyn was thoughtful for a moment. “Well, firstly, I want children and you to be involved in their lives.”
“I have never allowed myself to think about fatherhood until recently, very recently. Like five minutes ago.”
Sigyn fell apart in a fit of giggles. Loki stroked her cheek as she composed herself.
“Like I said, I have never entertained the idea of being a father, but I am willing to do my best. Although, you must understand that I do not have the same relationship with my father that you do with yours. The King needed to produce his heirs and then focus on protecting the Nine. The Allfather was not as loving and as nurturing as your own. I did not have the best example.”
“I understand. I will be there to guide you, but you must understand that when I offer advice, it is not from a place of judgment or criticism but from a place of nurturing that you may not have received. Fair?”
Loki nodded, “Fair. How many children do you want?”
She grinned widely, “As many as you are willing to give me, but I would love a large family.”
“Large as in… three?”
“Large as in large.” She kissed him quickly on the cheek, “But we do not have to think about the number or the planning just yet. We have plenty of time.”
“Okay, children: check. What else?”
She dropped her eyes to where their hands were joined. A slight pink color flushed her cheeks. “Sex?”
“Yes, please. And, rather important for making all those children you want. I thought your nanny told you how that worked?”
“Obviously, I do not plan on letting you get any rest; between feeding me and fucking me, I plan to keep you very occupied.” Loki’s grip on her hip tightened. “What I mean is that there are some things of a sexual nature that I have never experienced. I was hoping you would be open about introducing me to certain things I have only read about in books.”
“S-such as?” Loki’s composure was crumbling. 
Sigyn paused for a moment. “I have never had more than one lover at a time. Would you be willing to invite others to join us? To see if I like it? If we both agree ahead of time?” She smiled at him sweetly.
“You would not consider that infidelity?”
“No. Not if we are together. I would consider it an extension of trust for one another. I would never take a lover behind your back. I would demand the same courtesy from you. I do not think acting out fantasies together is infidelity. We could incorporate it into a healthy marriage if we are both comfortable with it. Besides, I have never had more than one mouth on me at one time. I would love to know how that feels.”
Loki gave her a wicked grin, “Close your eyes, kitten.”
Curious, she closed her eyes. She felt the air shift and the couch dip by her feet. A pair of solid hands picked up her foot and started caressing her. Her eyes flew open, and she saw Loki bending down to place a kiss on the top of her foot while simultaneously feeling Loki kiss her neck under her ear.
“What in the Hel?!”
The second Loki said, “I told you, your wish is my command.” He ran a hand under her dress and up her calf, squeezing her just behind her knee.
“Entrust your fantasies to me, my sweet. I will make your dreams become reality.” The first Loki whispered in her ear.
Sigyn’s head fell back. She clung to Loki’s tunic with both hands and moaned, “Oh my Gods…” She looked between the two of them, “How?”
“Magic.” They both replied in unison as they caressed her independently.
“Do you approve?” the first Loki asked.
Sigyn nodded, her voice lost. She was on fire. White hot heat covered her skin.
“Is that...you? Does he feel me too?” She stared at the second Loki.
“It is me, kitten,” the second Loki replied.
“I am one mind in two bodies,” the first Loki added. “I can feel what his body feels and vice versa. Yes, I just felt you flex your calf under his hand.”
“Amazing. I have so many questions.”
“Another time, darling. We are on a tight schedule.” The second Loki dematerialized with a wave of his hand and a flash of green light.
“What other wicked games would you like to try?”
Sigyn paused to compose herself, staring at the spot where Loki had vanished. She took a deep breath, “Well, yesterday in the field was the first time I was ever restrained. It had quite an effect on me. I would like for you to do that again.”
Loki imagined her tied up, naked, and mewling on his bed. “Yes, definitely. I liked that too.” He was squeezing her hip tightly.
“And you would let me bind you as well?”
Loki groaned and buried his face in her neck. “Oh, to be bound and broken at your mercy. My dangerous captor. My beautiful mistress.”
“I will take that as a yes.” She closed her eyes and pulled her fingers through his hair as he placed open-mouth kisses up and down her neck.
“Mm-hmm.” He turned his attention to the other side of her neck.
“Loki… I cannot return from lunch with the Queen with my neck all marked up.” She gently pulled back. Loki’s eyes were dark, his lids hooded.
“I have half a mind not to return you at all.” He pressed himself into her thigh. Sigyn shivered when she felt his rigid length push against her. “But alas, we need to finish our conversation. I told you you were a distraction.” He shifted her to get more comfortable.
“Yes, I recall.” She smiled at him as her fingers played in his hair.
“So where are we on the checklist? I agree to be a good father, not take any lovers behind your back, and give in to all your depraved erotic fantasies…” Sigyn laughed and smacked him on the shoulder, “What else do you desire from your husband?” He squeezed her hand.
She smiled, “Maintain your relationships with your friends and family.”
“Let us both enjoy our personal space without doubts or suspicions.”
“Sounds reasonable.”
“Provide me with snacks regularly.”
“Of course.”
“Take me on wild adventures.”
“The wilder, the better.”
“Dance with me, even if there is no music.”
“We will make our own music.”
“Chase me,” she grinned.
“To the end of the world if I have to,” he grinned back.
“Love me.”
“With every cell in my body. With every fiber of my being.” Loki’s breath caught in his throat, “I love you.”
“As I love you.”
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XOXO- Rayne 💚
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rosh-28 · 5 months ago
The Battle for Carol's Heart
Yandere Loki and Yandere Bucky Barnes vying for Captain Marvel's (Carol Danvers) affection.
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Carol Danvers floated above the desolate battlefield, her golden hair flowing in the cosmic wind. The universe had been at peace, but it was a deceptive peace, hiding the true chaos that brewed beneath. She had sensed something off, a disturbance in the delicate balance she fought so hard to maintain.As she descended, her boots touched the ashen ground, and her senses sharpened.
There was someone here—no, more than one. Two presences, both familiar, both dangerous. "Loki," she called out, her voice echoing in the void. "I know you're here."A figure materialized before her, his green and gold armor gleaming in the dim light. Loki’s smile was all mischief, but there was a darkness in his eyes that set Carol on edge."Carol, my dear," he said, stepping closer. "You've always been perceptive. But you didn't come here just to find me, did you?"From the shadows, another figure emerged.
This one clad in black, with a metal arm that gleamed like a specter of his haunted past. Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. His gaze was intense, almost predatory."Loki," Bucky growled, his eyes never leaving Carol. "What are you doing here?"Loki chuckled, the sound rich and full of menace. "I could ask you the same thing, Barnes. But we both know why we're here."Carol’s heart pounded as she realized the gravity of the situation.
These two men, each formidable in their own right, were not just here by coincidence. They had been drawn to her, by her. "Enough games," she snapped, her fists glowing with energy. "What do you want?"Loki tilted his head, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "Isn't it obvious? I've come for you, Carol. To claim what is rightfully mine."Bucky stepped forward, his expression darkening. "You're not taking her, Loki. She's mine."
Carol's energy flared, a protective aura surrounding her. "I'm not a prize to be claimed! If you think I'll just go with either of you, you're both delusional."Loki's smile widened, but there was no humor in it. "Oh, Carol, you misunderstand. We're not asking."With a swift motion, he conjured a chain of magical energy, binding Carol's wrists.
Simultaneously, Bucky lunged, his metal arm closing around her waist, pulling her close to him."Let her go," Bucky hissed at Loki, tightening his grip on Carol. "I won't let you have her."Loki’s eyes narrowed, the playful facade dropping to reveal cold fury. "Do not mistake me for a fool, Barnes. She will be mine, one way or another."
Carol struggled against their combined hold, her power surging as she fought to break free. "I won't let you control me!"The ground trembled as her energy exploded outward, knocking both men back. She floated above them, her eyes glowing with unrestrained power.
"I am Carol Danvers, and I won't be owned by anyone," she declared, her voice shaking the very air around them.Loki and Bucky stood, their determination unshaken.
They exchanged a glance, an unspoken agreement passing between them. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot."Very well," Loki said, his voice a silken promise. "But know this, Carol. We won't stop. We can't stop."Bucky's eyes bore into hers, a dangerous vow in their depths. "You belong with me, Carol. And I’ll do whatever it takes to make you see that."As they disappeared into the shadows, Carol knew this was only the beginning.
The battle for her heart had just begun, and she would need all her strength to withstand the darkness that both Loki and bucky Barnes.
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mojowitchcraft · 1 year ago
tagged by @phoeniceae and giggling at how gd bossy these rules are
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in or just post.
Billy Thing
Tommy Whump
We Part To Meet Again - Steddie Week Day 2
Frat Boy Steve (with ao3 script)
9) Power To Charm
Eddie has to hold in his laughter as he pulls on Steve’s Scoops Ahoy uniform, he can’t wait to see the look on his boyfriend’s face when he walks into the living room wearing the ridiculous outfit. He appraises himself in the mirror—not too shabby—he definitely doesn’t fill it out as well as Steve does, but he doesn’t look half bad in it. Eddie scrunches his wet curls in his towel once more before he jams the hat on his head, it’s definitely the worst part but it completes the look. Eddie struts down the hallway, “Yoo hoo! Sailor boy!” he calls out as he rounds the corner into the living room. Steve sits in shock, mouth agape as he looks Eddie up and down. “I see you found my uniform,” says Steve, lips shifting into a cocky smirk, “told you it wouldn’t look half as good on you as it does on me.” “Hey!” Eddie protests, “I look amazing and you know it, you just don’t want to admit that the uniform is doing it for you!” “Hmmm, I dunno…” Steve trails off before crooking his finger and spreading his legs open like an invitation. “Let me see it up close.” Eddie grins, stepping in between Steve’s legs and looking down at him demurely, “like what you see Captain?” “I think I need to do a thorough inspection Sailor, turn around,” Steve says, that infuriating smirk is still on his face but his eyes have turned predatory. “So bossy,” Eddie mutters as he turns around, glancing over his shoulder. He’s not self-conscious about his ass normally, but Steve’s plum little peach of an ass fills out these shorts so nicely, he knows his butt simply cannot compete. His lack of an ass doesn’t seem to be bothering Steve though, because before Eddie knows it Steve’s hands are gripping his hips, thumbs pressing into the top of his ass. “Tsk, tsk, we appear to have a uniform violation sailor,” says Steve, voice gravely. “You’re not wearing your regulation briefs.” “How could you possibly kno—oh!” Eddie starts, cut off by Steve’s thumbs pulling open a rip in the back of the shorts that Eddie was not aware of when he pulled them on.
From "Power To Charm" AKA Night Drives Part 9!!
Catch up on the series here.
Tagging @mixsethaddams @eddywoww @jesskier @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @justcourbeau and whoever else wants to partake!
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worst-ships-poll · 2 years ago
competition info:
current bracket (will be updated as we go):
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complete list of character names and their respective fandom under the readmore below.
submit here: [google forms link]
submission rules: [tumblr post link]
poll info:
this poll is literally to cause tumblr drama because I’m bored. feel free to start discourse in tags or replies. I’m not a mod of my posts and I’m not monitoring my posts. do your thing.
reiterating this poll is for fun, and while I’ll try to keep it organized, I am not going out of my way to make a tumblr poll bracket I’m doing in my free time 100% bias-free or 100% optimized.
I reserve the right to add or remove ships to the initial bracket at my discretion, or to not answer all asks, or whatever else makes it more fun, short of actually changing results (I will let the people decide.) basically, if you have a problem with something about the way this competition is run, I don’t care.
I feel like this should go without saying but I do ascribe to the idea that some ships are inherently morally bad and deserve to be hated. I won’t post about all my opinions on the ships, but if a ship is predatory/offensive/has bigoted shippers I will join in calling it really bad, and I will not be accepting or starting anti/pro-shipper discourse here. it’s 2023, grow up and stop shipping incest.
polls will be posted in batches from their respective level on the bracket and will last a week before moving on to the next set. i.e. all of the first vs. polls will be posted at the same time until a week passes and they’re done, and then the winning ships will be noted and we’ll move on to the second level of the bracket and all of those polls will be up for a week, etc.
posts will be tagged via batches (”batch 1“, “batch 2″, etc), ships, and fandom.
I will be trying to seed it properly based on ship prestige, number of submissions, and common sense. if you have an issue with it after all of that, send a text form complaint to 1-800-YOUR-MOM to file necessary feedback.
full list of ships and characters with their fandoms and rankings:
(struck out listings are ships that have lost in the bracket so far)
1. Dean Winchester/Castiel from Supernatural
2. Kylo Ren/Rey from the Star Wars sequel trilogy
3. Ciel Phantomhive/Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
4. Midoriya Izuku/Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia
5. Thor Odinson/Loki Laufeyson from Marvel/MCU
6. Keith Kogane/Lance McClain from Voltron Legendary Defender
7. Merlin/Arthur Pendragon from Merlin BBC
8. Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
9. Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed
10. Pannacotta Fugo/Giorno Giovanna from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
11. Sam WInchester/Gabriel from Supernatural
12. Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter from you know what
13. Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester from Supernatural
14. Tony Stark/Steve Rogers from Marvel/MCU
15. Axel/Roxas from Kingdom Hearts
16. Edward Cullen/Bella Swan from Twilight
17. Onceler/Onceler from The Lorax
18. GeorgeNotFound/Dream from Minecraft Youtubers fandom
19. Rhaenyra Targaryen/Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon
20. Kaeya Alberich/Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact
21. Alina Starkov/The Darkling from Grishaverse/Shadow and Bone
22. Tony Stark/Stephen Strange from Marvel/MCU
23. Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet from Our Flag Means Death
24. Uchiha Sasuke/Haruno Sakura from Naruto
25. Dirk Strider/Jake English from Homestuck
26. Dabi/Hawks from My Hero Academia
27. Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney
28. Catra/Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
29. Sans/Toriel from Undertale
30. Jack Zimmermann/Eric “Bitty” Bittle from OMG Check, Please!
31. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze from Star Wars: The Clone Wars
32. Kai/Lloyd Garmadon from Ninjago
rankings was done via a combination of counting the number of submissions and balancing fandom/ship popularity and/or exposure. ship names for the bracket image were found via websearching, I did my best to find accurate or relevant ship names for all of them when applicable.
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write-for-the-moment · 2 years ago
I don’t… really care for Rhysand.
He wasn’t interesting for me even from 1 book. I liked the hints of his fucked up past with Tamlin — their whole tragic friendship that ended in their families being slaughtered. I was hella horrified of his actions towards other characters and Feyre. But I didn’t cared for his motives, and in my opinion, that’s sucks. That’s sucks bc I didn’t loved to hate him. He was supposed to a “ villain ”, or in other books, an anti-hero. But he didn’t hooked me as neither. He was just ancient guy with predatory tendencies, who was just… there.
You know what? Sometimes I wish to see Rhys as a fucked up person. Make him crazy. Not “I kill for you, Feyre”. I mean in “I’m bored. Let’s do some war crimes to pass my time!”. Don’t make him a hero. Hell, make him a version of Loki. Make him a powerful force, who likes using others, trick them to make with him horrible bargains. You can even leave in place his traumas, but don’t make with his traumas a tragic hero — no, make him broken old fae, who hates addressing his problems and makes others lives a living hell, bc that’s the only way he knows to ignore his own problems. You can even play with his obsession with Tamlin (let’s be honest, he really has an unhealthy degree of obsession with Tam, like my guy, you’re not gonna have your mom/sis back in life by constantly pestering him. Like he’s only one in this intense relationship who seeks Tamlin’s presence, like allll the time. Tamlin only do this, bc his old enemy kidnaps in his eyes his damn lover.). Make him bitter that his supposed nemesis is having an okay life, while he plagued with PTSD, nightmares and shitty life. Don’t be afraid to make him as a scary character! He’s a horrific guy with horrible superpowers and questioning morals. Why not? Sounds fun to read! Idk about his relationship with Feyre (bc I don’t care about this), but okay.
I just don’t care about him. So, that’s why I’m asking AT LEAST make out of him a proper rat to love to hate him. You can call him rat with his… ah, strange choices in original stories. He just has convenient excuses. I don’t want them. They boring. And kinda lazy? Look, if you want to write a morale grey/or just fucked up character — don’t create for them excuses. Explain their reasons. They don’t annihilate their actions, but they give readers a proper answer to them.
Make Rhysand a bad guy. Come one, he’s not gonna die from that (if you remember he can’t die, even Cauldron couldn’t do that!). 
That’s all.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 years ago
Bookshops & Mythology
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Summary: a handsome stranger comes into the bookshop you work abs offers you a date.
Pairing: Loki x bookshop!reader
Warnings: fluff
It’d been a relatively quiet day in the bookshop where you worked at on days when you weren’t studying your ass off to become a lawyer. You had a total of three customers in four hours- an elderly gentleman, a mother with a young son, and a college student who seemed too tired to read the book she purchased.
You loved working here in the bookshop. It was always fun to discuss your favorite books with customers and recommend any new novels that arrived in earlier that month.
You’d world here one summer during high school and found that you adored it. So, during your college years, you kept up the job, soon becoming so accustomed to its shoppers and odd hours that you couldn’t imagine living without it in your everyday life.
You’d smiled at customers, as always. Some returning the smile, others, seemingly oblivious to you standing behind the register.
You’d been offered several dates while you worked here. And it always surprised you. You weren’t exactly expecting a date from anyone, really.
You’d been reading a magazine as silence filled around you, only sounds of a couple quietly discussing the book they had chosen to your right. You glanced up and smiled as a tall man strolled inside and made his way directly over to you.
Looking up, you closed your book and smiled at the man. “How can I help you, sir?”
“I’ve been watching you for a while, Y/N,” he smiled, glancing down at the small name tag you bore on your chest. “Excuse me, that sounded so predatorial.” He grinned, his perfectly manicured teeth gleaming in the sunlight that shone through the window.
“Can I help you with something?” You offered, thinking to yourself that this man was so God-like in the way he spoke and held himself.
“Of course, my dear,” he bowed his head slightly. “I was pondering the idea of learning new Norse mythology, perhaps? If you carry those types of novels, that is.”
“Of course, I do,” you smiled at him and walked around the counter and beckoned him to follow you. You had found that over the years, it was always best to directly show a customer where a novel was placed, rather than tell them the location.
“Here you are,” you smiled, gesturing to a small section filled with mythological novels and tall tales.
“Thank you, m’lady,” he smiled softly at you before turning his attention to the novels in front of him.
While he was busy, you returned to the register and continued reading your previously closed book. It didn’t take long for this customer to return in front of you, however.
“I hope you found whatever is was that you were looking for,” you smiled and started scanning his books for him before placing them in a bag carefully.
“There’s only one more thing I could ask of you,” he placed his hands in his pockets before staring at you.
“Yes?” You blinked, wondering as to what this man had wanted with you.
“I’d like to take you on a date, if you will?” He offered, taking the bag full of books.
You smiled at the thought. “Of course. I’d love to know what you thought on mythology.”
“I’ll return here once your shop has closed for the night, yes?”
“Of course,” you smiled as he left the shop.
Three hours. You’d have three hours to mull over the giddiness and randomness on the event.
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thestarsarehaunted · 1 year ago
HI HI!! For the OC asks: 15, 21, B for Dee; 3, 27, H for Coral; and 28, 42, J free space (aka pick any character(s) you want!)
Ooh, questions!
Dee the living house (Monster of the Week):
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Dee has never thought ahead about anything in their life, with one exception; when it was invited to a certain support group to meet new friends it did rehearse how to introduce itself. They can be slow to speak, but it's because their age and nature lead them to think at a slower pace than humans. When they do speak, they say exactly what they are thinking in the most straightforward manner possible.
Why do they get up in the morning? It would be very easy for Dee to go dormant; not fully I suspect, but to exist as a slightly haunted house that only partially rouses itself on occasion. There's a longing in Dee, though, and that's what keeps it 'getting up'; a desire it can't identify but that keeps it close to those who treat it kindly, gets it excited for the idea of friendship even as it thinks of people as self-destructive parasites. It doesn't know what it wants, but it wants.
What inspired you to create them? A Tumblr post, actually. I knew I was intrigued by a ghost character but I was struggling to come up with a story that really clicked for me. Out of the blue I remembered this post, in particular the tag 'if a haunted house is a person what happens when the family chooses to treat its sharp jagged past with the respect and care it deserves'. I latched onto the idea of a haunted house being allowed to grow beyond the trauma that shaped it, and Dee developed from there.
Coral the predatory mermaid (Crossroads Carnival):
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) Coral needs activity around her to sleep. She comes from a large community where there was always someone awake and active, so silence and stillness both reinforce her feelings of isolation and make her feel less safe. On nights when she isn't out with her monstrous crew she tries to be one of the first in the carnival to sleep, and if she is up later she's willing to sleep out in the open if she finds a spot where people are still up and making noise. As a last resort she'll sing herself to sleep; it's a pale comfort, but it's better than silence.
What causes them to feel dread? Coral doesn't let herself think about the future. She lost everything once - her family, the sea, even her language and name - and nothing will ever feel permanent to her again. She has rebuilt, found a way to be content if not truly happy, but there's always a looming sense that this too will be lost someday.
What trait do you admire most? Her ferocity. Lay a hand on her or her friends and you'll lose it (or at least a few fingers, as one particular asshole learned). She doesn't second guess, doesn't hesitate, doesn't fear.
Hmm, who else do I want to ramble about... Theo is my beloved eldritch-horror-to-be and Loki is one of my oldest OCs who's been with me since I was 14ish, so you get both.
Theo the sorcerous mutant (DnD):
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? Absolutely not. A lie, even a well-intended one, is a way to manipulate someone else and control their perception. Theo was (unintentionally) traded for power by their mother, and lived for a decade with a mysterious cosmic horror slowly warping their body and the certainty that when it was done it would come to claim them. She was born a pawn, and the feeling of utter powerlessness kept her living on the edge of a scream that wouldn't end. The only way to cope was by maintaining absolute control over as much of her life as possible, to an almost comical extent; she never forgave the stranger who saved her life without her permission. Even though they no longer live with the horror's influence, she will always fiercely resist any effort at all to influence her.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? For a long time, Theo's ultimate goal was power. They were convinced that when the force behind their mutation was done reshaping them it would come to claim them personally, and she was absolutely determined that she would be strong enough to fight it. Not to defeat it and free herself, as she actively refused to believe that was possible, but to make it hurt. She believes everything has a price, and she intended to make it pay for her life in blood. With that singular goal in mind, there was very little they wouldn't do to make themself stronger. The only line they wouldn't cross is trading another person's freedom as was done to them. Against her expectations, however, her eldritch creator was destroyed in the end. She let go of her need for power and is currently living untethered by any goals.
Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character? I tried to keep them to a standard DnD build as much as possible, but there was definitely some tweaking and homebrewing needed to create Theo as I envisioned her. A reflavoured simic hybrid was a good starting point as they gain a couple of new mutations as they level up, but Theo mutated to a far greater extent; by the end she was a mass of tentacles with digitigrade legs, random patches of scales and insect-like shell, and bulging eyes that could pop out of the sockets to extend on stalks.
Loki the manic pixie dream child (from an original story):
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? Loki will claim to hate lies, but he lies to himself constantly. He was abducted and raised by pixies, who adored him and showered him with love; until he started to grow up and they got bored. They tried to switch him back for the changeling they'd left with his human family, but he refused to keep his past secret. His parents were horrified; from their perspective, he was the strange fey creature replacing their 'real' child, and they wanted nothing to do with him. Twice abandoned and left alone in an unfamiliar world, he coped by rewriting his own memory. He convinced himself that he was just lost, and his pixie family were out there looking for him. He has since relied on this single coping mechanism for everything he doesn't want to face, wrapping himself in layers of denial to shield himself from any pain.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? Loki's driving goal is to be loved by someone who won't leave. Despite his denial, some part of him is aware of why he was abandoned, and so he has built his entire identity around being the most unique and interesting person around. He might be strange, aggravating, even infuriating, but he must never ever be boring. Nothing could matter more than that.
Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character? Loki was one of the first characters I created for that story so there wasn't much canon in place yet, but he shaped its development through the introduction of pixies; up to that point I had focused on werewolves, vampires, and other supernaturals with ties to humanity.
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loki-the-predator · 4 years ago
*blows a kiss*
I am still busy, Little Kitten. However, I do understand why you feel compelled to act the way you do...
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dr-stephen-v-strange · 6 years ago
In my head
@loki-the-predator continued from here
The way the other moved his hands and looked at his empty plate hardly indicated satisfaction.
“So you are not out of tricks, but you have not answered my question either. Tell me, is there something that compels you to avoid lies, oh, mighty former mind-reader?”
Stephen was back at giving nicknames and Wong would probably have hit him with a book. But it was better than jumping up and screaming “It was an accident! I never meant to kill anyone”, not that it mattered. Dead was dead and he was to blame.
It was horrifying to know that the alien knew this most shameful memory of his. Yet, he had seen what the alien did as they shared their minds and maybe murder made him a “better man” in the other’s eyes.
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Stephen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I agree entirely. Let’s focus on the issue at hand instead. Which at this point is still, how I can...”, he tried to find the correct word, “feel your thoughts, as soon as I open my mind to them.”
Stephen looked up at the other and leaned forward even more until he could smell the sweet food on the other’s breath and see the glimpse of hesitance shimmer in his eyes. Apparently, his closeness made the alien uncomfortable. Considering he had once shared his mind, this was absolutely fascinating. Meeting Loki’s arrogant gaze with a gracious smile he added very calmly: “There is still food in the oven, if you want a bit more.”
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starscreamloki · 6 years ago
Disobedient Thrall - Chapter 1
(Loki x Reader)
Read on AO3
Chapter: one
Summary: Loki is on earth and has a human Thrall that is able to arrange things for him. But Loki seems to have fallen in a very predatory, even feral, way of treating and is downright dangerous, able to commit murder at any moment. She is trying to make him see that he is more than the darkness he thinks he is, but instead she keeps pushing all the wrong buttons.
Words: 3788
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A/N: With a really big and many thanks to @laralaufey for this fanfic. It all started on my rp-blog ‘Loki the Predator’ where Laralaufey and Loki had some conversation and actions for everybody to follow. A fanfic was scratching in my brain after our RP, and with the consent of Laralaufey, I wrote a fanfic out of it.
Also thanks to @islandamy, who added to the RP and spun it toward a new dimension, and an Anon who started all this by giving Loki the Predator a brand new set of knives. He really liked that!
Please bear in mind that this fanfic is written form a very predatory Loki view. Yes, that one look he has all over The Avengers, the thing where my other blog is build on. And no, he is not very nice...
Warnings: Dom!Loki, predatory!Loki, violence, lot of Loki feesl, dub-con.
“Did you seriously doubted my dagger-skills, Little Prey?” Loki hissed between his teeth at her. “You just set your possibility of an alliance three steps back with that remark!” He hovered menacing over her kneeling form.
“I would never doubt your skills, I was noticing that a job well done has taken away a burden. My burden, my King,” she said looking down at his black boots.
It had only been a couple of days ago that Loki had graciously taken up on her propose to test his new daggers on her boss. Her boss still lived but finally left her in some form of peace after he had seen the powerful being she surrounded herself with.
“I’m still not convinced, Little Prey.” The choice of Loki’s words might have been a little strange, but for some reason it had become a pet-name for everyone he encountered. She wasn’t sure what he was up to, or if he had just lost himself in his own mind or fallen to one of his illusions, but she didn’t want to defy him and thus she accepted the nickname. “And on top of that-” he continued, “-you have a burden less, yet I didn’t get anything in return except blood and gore on my armour and knives!”
“Well, last time I started running and you didn’t follow me… Wasn’t it enough?” she boldly countered.
“Last time I got distracted…” Loki mused at her words, and a sly and mischievous grin spread across his face.
“Let me make it up to you, my King. What do you say if I get you a list of idiots who deserve to be prey? I could have the list right here with me--”
Loki interrupted her harshly. “I’d rather have prey with a certain level of intelligence and not an idiot because there is no fun in that! Don’t get me wrong, making your boss bleed was fun, but if you are going to set me up with a hunt, at least make it a challenge.”
“--Or I can find you a good place to hide, with all the comforts, while you wait for the next prey...” she trailed even though he had interrupted her.
Loki gave her an amused look. “Little Prey, I don’t wait for prey, I hunt them whenever I please.” He touched his index finger to his lips and seemed to consider the options. “Very well,” he spoke balanced. “Arrange some nice Midgardian residence for me and we’ll see where things go from there.” And with those words he vanished in a green flash.
Still a little bit stunned and unsteady, but very happy, she got to her feet. “Anything for you, my King,” she mumbled.
It had been a couple of hours before Loki returned, and she had done everything in her power to make sure he had plenty of options to choose from. She showed him a picture of a majestic palace, the outside painted gold and white. A garden in front of it sprouted many golden gargoyles spraying water into a big pond surrounded by grass and lustrous green trees.
Loki’s brow furrowed as he looked at the device she was helding. He had seen the Midgardian devices they called ‘phones’ but he really didn’t understand them, nor did he want to. He had so much other things to attend to and when he saw this mortal with the device, he was sure he couldn’t afford it to lose more of his time over such an inferior object. “I like the gold but everything else in the residence is a little bit too much,” he said while wrinkling his nose.
She swept her finger across the device and another picture popped up on the screen. Loki sighed. Maybe these devices were conducts of magic or illusions. Maybe if he had time he would look into them. Later.
“Here?” she offered as he looked at the picture. “Big windows to control outside, pillows and blankets will be changed in green and gold.”
Loki scoffed. “I’d rather have a decent place where I can read between hunts.” and he circled her. “And I don’t want to feel locked up. Try again, Little Prey.”
She cringed as he circled her, a little bit of fear creeping into her heart, but she didn’t relent. She had known he’d rather have a place which would be more cosy and filled with books and she had prepared for this. She swiped the device again. “I found this place,” and she showed him a picture of a room where all the walls were filled with books stored on pine wooden bookshelves. “It’s quiet, there’s place for books. It isn’t too much, you have big windows but...” she was searching for the right words to say in order not to antagonize the God of Lies but spoke anyways. “Of course it’s a closed place… it’s a home…will you feel locked up?”
Loki tilted his head, his eyes narrowed and she could see the anger shimmer behind his green orbs.
“It’s a residence, not a home, for I do not have it,” he said cold. He looked at the picture again. “Get rid of the roses and put black sheets on the bed and it might suffice.” Loki stalked around her until he was in front of her again. “And as long as the doors and windows are breakable, I’ll not feel locked up.” He fixed her with a steel gaze and bit his lip, not in a sensual way but in a way that scared her a little. The look of a predator who was deciding what to with its prey. “I’m almost inclined on complimenting you for some form of good work.”
She smiled at his words.
“Almost!” he added while he held up his index finger. “See to it that it will get arranged,” he commanded.
“Y-yes, my King,” she spoke while inclining her head.
“Lower,” he growled and immediately she got his meaning as she kneeled for him, her head down looking at his boots again. She furrowed her brow a little when she saw those black boots. Were those droplets of blood? His smirking brought her back from her reverie and she felt his hand on top of her head. “Good Little Prey,” and with those words a green flash of magic filled the air and the black boot was gone from her vision.
She was sure he wouldn’t hurt her, but something in the back of her mind screamed to fully counter that statement. She shoved the voice in her mind away not wanting to think what would happen if he would hurt her. She shuddered.
She walked through the city on her way to her house when she heard Loki’s call. It was weird and uncomfortable for he actually spoke in her mind, his voice bearing a slight threat. She hadn’t heard from him for almost an entire week and she had started to think it had been her fault, something she had done wrong.
She wasn’t sure what to do, so she spoke out loud and bystanders were giving her strange looks. “Here you are!” she exclaimed far more happier than she intended. “I think there are problems, because I wrote to you and I waited for your answer…” She had been scaring herself that he might turn up on some unexpected moment just to rip her apart. She didn’t know why she felt like that, but the last encounter they had had been… scary? “I thought you did not want to look for me anymore or that the residence that I arranged for you wasn’t to your liking!!” A small hint of fear, but an even greater tone of groveling, in her voice.
“My Little Prey, next time you arrange a residence for someone, make sure they get the key of the front door,” he snarled in her mind.
“But I was there, waiting for you,” she said with a squeal. “I wrote you a message too, telling that I was anxious to show you the residence, but my message was probably stolen by someone.” Her voice trailed as her thoughts went to a certain organisation which was probably still monitoring Loki. She shook the thought. “I’m going to the residence, I will hide nearby, waiting for you” she whispered softly as she saw the glares of strangers passing her by. “And if you promise not to kill me I will come outside and give you the keys in person,” she added boldy.
She could feel the God scoffed and that he was actually amused at her words. “Oh, I will not kill you-” he omnisiouly spoke in her head, “-for death is the easy way out. I know far more… satisfying things I can concoct on you than death.” He laughed and she could feel his presence reside, the laugh lingering in her mind for some seconds after his departure.
A voice in the back of her brain told her she should be downright scary of this man, but she didn’t want to listen to it. Maybe she was scared a little bit, but she was far more intrigued by him.
“I’m here, is there anyone?” she opened the door but respectfully waited outside, expecting Loki to jump from the darkness any moment.
She heard his cold and dark voice behind her as he spoke, “I am not your thrall, Little Prey.”
Immediately she kneeled.
“I arrive when I want, don’t be impatient.” And Loki walked passed her, entering the house and skeptically looking around and then to her kneeling form. She could hear a soft snort coming from him as he studied her.
“Please, enter the house,” she said with a small voice, very well aware of his eyes boring into her. “It’s all yours, arranged as by your request.” Carefully she looked up at him, not sure whether he would lash out or not by her boldness to look him in the eye.
Loki licked his lips and nodded stiffly as he walked into the living room. Quickly she got up to her feet, shut the door, and scurried after him. With his head crooked to the side he was reading the titles of the many books that adorned the shelves. Every now and then he snorted, scoffed or hummed at what he saw until he found something to his liking and pulled it of the shelf.
“Can I serve in something else?”
Loki turned the book around to read its backside and a small smile formed on his lips. “I’d like some tea,” he absently said while already opening the book and starting to read while walking to the bedroom which was right next to the living room.
She started to walk out of the living room to the kitchen but she stopped and turned around. Just in time she saw Loki using his magic to make his armour disappear and flop himself on the bed. A small smile of content formed on his lips as he flicked the first page of the book.
She smiled at herself. At that moment he didn’t look very frightening, one might say he even looked adorable like that, sitting on the bed, his nose in a book and his legs crossed. But she knew better than that, and she was very aware that she shouldn’t mention that. Once she had made the mistake to call him ‘darling’ and he had verbally lashed out at her, baring his teeth and a look of murder in his eyes. She shuddered at the memory and quickly went to the kitchen.
When she got back she put the tea on the table beside the bed. “Anything else you need, my King?”
Loki didn’t look up from his book as he spoke. “I just want you to stick around to heed my every call and wish,” and he absently grabbed the steaming mug of tea. As he brought it to his lips he looked down at the contents, the steam rising in the air and trickling his face. He sighed and blew at the hot contents, using his Frost Giant powers to quickly cool the liquid.
She shifted uncomfortable as she realized that she might have made the tea too hot for him considering his heritage. She didn’t know why he didn’t berate her, but it might had to do with something with the book. “It would be a pleasure for me to stay around ready for your call,” she said while lightly bowing. “Am I allowed to wait in the living room while you relaxing yourself with the reading?” she asked carefully.
“Do whatever you want but don’t leave. Do not bother me either unless I call for you,” he said still not taking his eyes off the page.
“Just call my name if you need anything,” and she slowly retreated from the room. She walked over to the bookshelves and picked out a book, flopped herself on the couch and grabbed the cup of tea she had placed there earlier. She actually wondered how this was going to play out. She liked serving the God of Lies, but she was still a little bit frightened of him. She shrugged and opened the book that was placed on her lap.
After a couple of hours she felt her eyes getting heavy. Loki hadn’t acquired her servance in those hours either and she was a little bit conflicted what she should do. She got up and walked to the bedroom. Surprisingly he was still reading and he looked like he hadn’t moved any other muscle than his fingers to turn the pages of the book.
“My king?” she asked carefully.
Loki hummed, a little displeasure in it.
She kneeled, just in case. “It’s late night, can I rest on the couch?”
He looked up from his book this time and sighed annoyed. “I thought I had made it clear you can do whatever you want as long as you do not leave or bother me.” His tone was belittling and cold.
“Yes, bu-”
“Then pray tell me, Little Prey, why are you asking me this and why are you still here?” his voice threatening.
She swallowed, adrenaline pumping through her veins. It was at that point she saw her error and was legitimately afraid of him under his scrutinizing stare. “I will stay awake then. Just call me whenever you need something,” she spoke softly while she got up and slowly backed out of the room.
She heard Loki’s amused snort and the rustle of paper as he turned another page. Apparently she was getting off the hook this time.
Exhausted she walked to the couch and flopped down, however sleep would elude her as the adrenaline from the conversation with Loki still pumped through her veins. All she had to do now was stay awake until he would go elsewhere or until he’d let her sleep.
The thought that she was at the mercy of his whims did not please her, but on the other hand she had gotten herself into this.
She tried to fight the alluring call of sleep, but in the end she could not keep it at bay, and the soft darkness of slumber took her.
With a startle she was awake when her phone rang. Shit! She had fallen asleep. She picked up the phone; it was her friend.
“Hey, where are you?” her friend asked from the other side of the line.
“At the house I arranged for Loki. One second,” she said with some restrained in her voice while she got of the couch and quickly walked to the bathroom. It was the only place in the house that wasn’t directly near to the bedroom and somewhat private so she could talk to her friend on the phone.
“Is everything alright?” her friend asked, a bit of worry in her voice.
“Yes, yes. He allowed me to stay around and rest on the couch,” she said a little too happy to her friend.
“Wow,” was all the reply she got.
“Yeah, he probably was in a good day, yesterday,” she snickered and she heard her friend snicker as well. “I got to go, I’ll text or call you later.”
“Fine, take care!”
“You too,” she said warmly to her friend on the other side of the phone and tabbed the red button to end the call.
Quickly she got out of the bathroom after she had splashed some water in her face and walked to the door of the bedroom and carefully peeked around the door post. By now a stack of books was piled on Loki’s nightstand and he was reading yet another. She retreated to stand with her back against the wall, her breathing coming in short and ragged breaths. Yesterday he only had one book and now there was a pile, that meant he had gotten up tonight to collect the others and thus pass her while she was sleeping on the couch. Had he called for her and hadn’t she heard it? Or had he just gotten up to take care of himself and let her sleep? She bit her lip as a little bit of anxiety took over. She sighed and steeled herself, pushing away the fear and stepping into the door opening.
“My king. Can I interest you in tea and some biscuits?’ she asked as she tried to appease to him.
At first he did not gave a reaction, and when she opened her mouth to repeat her question he harshly snapped the book he was reading shut. “Considering the fact that it currently is morning on this meager side of the globe of Midgard where I am residing, I’d rather have coffee instead of tea,” he said sharply while he turned his head to her. “But you can hand over the biscuits,” and a faked, innocent smile spread across his face and dropped just as quickly.
She inclined her head and walked to the kitchen to make coffee and grab the biscuits from the cabinet. Absently she nibbled on a biscuit herself waiting for the coffee to brew when she suddenly felt a presence standing behind her. She felt her muscles pull tight as she stood there paralyzed, well aware that Loki was very close to her and breathing down her neck. He snickered as he reached an arm passed her for a biscuit. He didn’t say anything as he still stood behind her while she could hear him chew on the biscuit.
She swallowed the lump in her throat away afore she spoke. “So… what can I do for you today? May I refresh the bedroom? Will you come back for lunch? I can prepare whatever you like,” she rambled.
“Well…” Loki said while he looked at the pile of dishes on the counter. He had absolutely no clue why there were dishes, especially not this many. Did they belong to the previous owners or had she just made that much dishes doing… Doing what exactly? He didn’t remember having dinner last night. He shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Just throw those dishes out and buy new tableware. I’ve got a meeting at 12.30 where I will have lunch,” he said between bites. “You’ll notice when I get back to the residence, Little Prey,” he whispered in her ear, sending shudders down her spine, after which she felt his presence move away from her back. Involuntary she let out a sigh of relief and felt her muscles relax.
She saw him walking to the front door and quickly passed him, opening the door and kneeling for him.
“And one more thing,” he spoke as he passed her. “We will attend your insolence for saying ‘he probably was in a good day, yesterday’ later, Little Prey.” Her head snapped up at that and she looked into his cold, dark eyes, a puzzled look on her face.
“I might be a monster, but I’m not heartless nor is it made of ice,” he clarified casually.
Something in his words ticked her of. She sometimes was scared of him, but never did she once think, or say, he was a monster. Why would he think something like that? Why would he think she implied that? A little bit annoyed she spoke. “Well, the last time I said you had a heart, you scolded me and pointed out that you were a monster.”
Loki bared his teeth at that, his jaw set firm. Afore he could say something she continued speaking. “So it’s hard for me how to figure how to speak to you without antagonizing you with every single word I say.” She quickly spoke the next sentences as she saw Loki’s angry glare. “I’ll be here if you need anything else after have bought new tableware. I hope the meeting will be to your liking and does not make you to--”
She got interupted in her sentence as Loki viciously grabbed her hair and yanked her head backwards to look her in the eye. “Little Prey, being a monster, and having a heart, are two different things. One does not rule out the other!” He hissed between his teeth. Violently he shoved her head back as he let go of her hair and walked out the door with a conflicted look on his face.
She was shocked but couldn’t keep herself from yelling after him. “You have a heart and temperament, and you are brave but you are not a monster! You are fucking scary when you get angry but do not call yourself a monster for you are not! Monsters do not have a heart!” She fought to keep back the anger in her voice, but she miserably failed.
Loki stopped dead in his tracks at he words, for a few seconds just standing there with his back to her. At that point she was scared of Loki. Really scared! She didn’t understand why, for he had hardly laid a finger on her, but something in the way he stood inspired an utter fear in her heart.
Suddenly he turned around with a furiating look on his face. “You and I are going to have a private talk now,” he spoke as he angrily stalked towards her.
“O-Ok… I mean,” she tried but once he was in the door opening where she was still kneeling, fear in her eyes, he grabbed her by the collar. “I did not mean to diminish your authority!” she whimpered as she tried to put up a futile fight. But his grip was to strong and Loki dragged her inside, the door falling shut behind him with a loud bang.
Next Chapter
Taglist:  @laralaufey, @latent-thoughts, @voca-princess, @the-lady-witchitery, @islandamy, @lusty-loki, @carydorse
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