#asjkhalkjfsh so funny that i was like 'hope you all have a happy 2020' like honey you got a big storm coming
cantwritethetword · 9 months
Never Run Off Alone
(originally posted January 4th 2020)
~A/N - Happy Squealing Santa everyone! Sorry this is like, legit last minute upload I’ve been really busy over the past few weeks and just have not had the time to finish this bad boy. 
In saying that, I hope this is alright! It is for brokeback-switchylee (hope you get the notification lmao), so as long as she likes it I’m happy :)
A huge thank you to ticklygiggles for running the entire Squealing Santa for 2019, you’re absolutely incredible!! Hope you had an awesome festive season!
But yeah, little bit of Doctor Who fluff this time. I’ve never written fics around Five and Nyssa, and it’s been a while since I watch old who (or any doctor who tbh, need to catch up on it) so apologies if it gets a little OOC (Out Of Character) and if it’s a bit short.
Also apologies I haven’t uploaded a fic in a while, I’ve got a couple in the works (in addition to rewriting ‘Show Me What You Got!’ cause it got deleted) which has a little A/N at the start that explains stuff wink wonk.
Nonetheless, hope you all have been enjoying the holiday period, and a very happy 2020!
Enoy! ~
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“I was fine!” Nyssa exclaimed, bursting through the TARDIS door and storming towards the console. 
“You shouldn’t have been in that situation in the first place!” The Doctor replied, letting out an exasperated sigh and shutting the door behind them. 
After a particularly nasty run in with some oddly vicious worm-like creatures, the pair had become separated. More accurately, Nyssa had broken off from the group whilst they were distracted. Obviously, the Doctor was less than impressed with her antics, but (though it may not have been clear to either at the time) his frustration came from a place of worry. Though it was no debate that Nyssa was capable of taking care of herself, he still felt responsible, almost obligated, to look after her.
Following his companion, the Doctor took a breath. “What would I have done if something had happened to you?” He let the TARDIS console take his weight as he lent his hands on it, bowing his head. “You can’t just run off alone.”
“I could have handled it, Doctor.” Nyssa huffed, but her eyes softened. 
It was not often that she lost her temper. She was usually the level-headed voice of reason in the TARDIS. There was just something about the incident today which really got on her nerves.    
The Doctor looked up. “I came to help you, and had I not done so I worry where we would be now.”
“I would have been fine.” She said sternly. “I’m indestructible.”
“Indestructible you say?” The Doctor’s eyes lit up, as his mouth formed a teasing grin. He knew exactly how to both snap her out of this mood, and give her a lesson in running off alone. 
Nyssa, realising she was now dangerously close to the Doctor’s threatening fingers, gave a nervous laugh. “Doctor, don’t do anything you might regret.”
“But why would I regret anything” The Doctor moved closer “If you’re so indestructible?” 
As if a switch flipped in their heads, they began running around the console. Nyssa trying to avoid the man chasing her, the Doctor steadily catching up to his companion. Both with equally wide smiles (though one had a noticeably more nervous laugh).
“Doctor nO!” Nyssa (embarassingly) squealed as she fell to the floor, her laughter increasing in both volume and pitch as 10 fingers wriggled up her shirt.
“No what? Whatever could be the matter?” The Doctor teased, skittering all over the poor woman’s sides and tummy which he was currently sat atop. “No… I shouldn’t have run off Doctor, perhaps? I’m sorry for going off alone Doctor? I’ll never do it again Doctor?” 
Through her helpless giggling Nyssa managed to yell out a “FIHIHINE!”
Grinning, the Doctor continued his relentless assault (much to Nyssa’s despair). “You see, I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson ye-”
“I HAVE I HAVE I HAHAHAHAVE!” His victim laughed, tears beginning to form in her eyes. 
The Doctor stopped abruptly. “I also don’t think your attitude has changed. Interrupting people is very rude!” He jammed his fingers into Nyssa’s armpits and she let out a screech of a laugh (to which the Doctor chuckled at). 
“Just imagine what those creatures could have done to you if they had found out about this.” He continued teasingly. “With their wiggly bodies…” 
As if to emphasise his point, he wormed his fingers into her neck. Scrunching up, she squirmed underneath him, but it seemed to have little effect.
“Squirming just like you’re doing now.” He chuckled.
“Stohohop!!” She giggled, attempting to pull her hands out from her sides (where the doctor’s knees had them pinned).
“But it’s so much fun! And besides, we’re going to have to work on this little weakness of yours if you’re going to be indestructible!”
It was obvious that being 800 years old meant he had plenty of experience tickling people, as Nyssa was currently in hysterics. The combination of the Doctor’s teasy grin, nimble fingers and taunting words just turned her in to a giggling mess on the TARDIS floor. And although most of her wanted it to end immediately, part of her enjoyed seeing this carefree side of the man she had been travelling with. 
But mostly she wanted it to stop.
“I’LL STAY WITH YOUHOUHOU!” Nyssa laughed, kicking her feet out of desperation. “I PROMIHIHIHISE!” 
“Stay with me? Whatever do you mean? Are you trying to say you won’t run off?” 
“You will run off, well that’s disappointing, here I was thinking we were getting somewhere…” He sighed, squeezing repeatedly into her hips. 
“Alright you don’t have to rub it in! I’m aware we aren’t getting anywhere with this… Hmmm.” He used one hand to pulsate into her tummy, whilst the other dramatically stroked his chin. “How about we try… HERE!” 
With a few knee squeezes Nyssa’s laughter went silent, as did her begging. 
“Ohoh, that did the trick!” The Doctor gasped, spidering his fingers over her knees. 
“STAAAHAHAHAHA!” She began before dissolving into laughter. “I CAHAHAHA!”
“What was that?” He brought his ear closer to her face. “I didn’t quite hear you over your giggling.”
“Alright, I suppose that’s enough.” The doctor chuckled, standing up and offering Nyssa a hand. She flinched, before taking it. 
“That was cruel.” She muttered, but the small smile on her face told otherwise. “But I will try not to go off alone.”
“I was only worried for you.” He admitted, before she gave him a quick hug. 
“I know.” She smiled.
And of course, Nyssa did run off again. Many times, in fact. But the Doctor always reminded her of that important lesson. Never run off alone.
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