#aside from the odd ''ashely's racist/kaidan's whiny so i vaped them lol'' person
queen-scribbles · 3 years
After finishing dailies, since the internet or whatever was still cooperating, I ran Animira through a bit more of the story(she’s up to KotET ch 5 now) and I gotta say, while on my first time through I really liked how cool they made Torian and Vette, I have very mixed feelings about it now. :|
On the one hand, it’s cool they get more content. On the other, BioWare’s just making sure everyone thinks they’re cool before making you pick which one gets to survive a few chapters later. Now, this is at least better than DA:I, when you had to pick between Hawke and Alistair/Stroud/Loghain bc at least they made sure everyone was emotionally invested in the characters involved, whether or not you’ve played a Hunter/Warrior. BUT it really feels like they only want you invested so it hurts more when one of them dies no matter what you do, which seems kinda :| to me. I like it when games make me care about the characters. It’s great. But this case, to me, feels like they’re just trying to cause more Emotional Pain. Stop trying to recreate Virmire BW, it’s not going to happen.
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