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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hello everyone. It is with a heavy heart that we let you know that we’ve discussed it and, though we hate to say it, we’ve decided that it’s best to close the group. Both of us have so much going on in real life right now that we just don’t have the time that’s required to dedicate to running a large group like this, which we’re sure you understand since a lot of you have messaged us about becoming very busy in real life as well. Maybe one day, we’ll be able to bring Ashwood back, and if we do you’re all more than welcome to come back because we love you all so much, but for now, we’re going to have to say goodbye to Ashwood University. We hope you understand, and thank you for sticking with us for a few days short of a year, it’s been great. <3
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
Take Note.
Recently, one of our players received an anonymous message that was extremely negative and hateful and we would like to address that.
We would like to remind everyone that anons are not the way to handle player to player situations. If there issues with a character’s actions, or something that someone is doing, we ask that you either talk to the player, or if that isn’t something you feel comfortable doing, send a message to the Admins about it instead of sending an anon. That sort of behavior is not acceptable in this group or in roleplay in general.
Please like this post once you have read it.
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
Just a little reminder for those of you who do not follow the calendar:
Mid-Terms are next week! March 26th-30th are the dates.
Passover starts Saturday the 31st and ends Saturday the 7th.
Easter is April 1st.
Thanks everyone for being so great! Keep up the good work!
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! We’ve made an update to our rules and would like everyone to review them to make sure they are on board. Please like this post when you have read the update, so that we know that everyone understands. 
Click Here For The Rules
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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We have updated our rules to include the following:
Replying to starters is important and keeps the RP going. All types of starters are welcome and encouraged, including regular dash starters and F2F starters. While any starter is okay, we want to let everyone know that F2F starters need to be tagged as such. Please know that if you post a F2F starter, that it is not required that other characters reply to that starter, especially if it would force them to go OOC.
Please like this post to let us know that you have read it.
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
Just a Note!
Due to the length of time the character was here and plot complications for other characters involved, Rachel Berry’s twin sister, Lily Cochran, will remain as a NPC. It is to be understood that Lily dropped out of college to focus on the Broadway show in which she was performing. No relationships need be continued, Lily is a plot point that cannot be erased at this time.
If there are any questions, please feel free to message Admin Ellen on Discord.
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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A character has updated their secret!
CHARACTER: Carter Whittaker (Bio HERE) PLAYED OUT SECRET: He is lying about his age and being a prince for attention NEW SECRET: He’s started seeing a therapist for the first time in 7 years for his anger management concerns.
After finally meeting his half siblings and ultimately his biological father, Carter started to grow weary of keeping the prince secret going. The added stress of his breakup has left him feeling overwhelmed and falling back on old habits. Things that seemed inconsequential before have started to add up, and he realized his teenage struggles with anger management were returning.
A morally ambiguous night with his ex sent him reeling to Illinois where he saw his mother for the first time since running away the day he turned 18. The pair spoke at length and made amends, and he admitted that he was having trouble controlling his anger again. She suggested he phone his old therapist from his teenage years and despite not seeing a therapist in over seven years, he reached out and was referred to a therapist in NYC. When he returned back to university, he visited the new therapist and has now made arrangements to meet with her regularly in the hopes of understanding himself.
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Due to a character stepping down from their role, the following characters will be partially resetting:
Hunter Clarington: All plots involving Sebastian and Lily have been removed. Hunter is starting mostly fresh, like he doesn’t know most people. Lily Cochran: All plots involving Sebastian, Hunter, her show, and her parents have been removed. All other plots and relationships remain.
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hello out there, everyone! Ashwood University will be hosting a SECRET SANTA this year! If that sounds like something you would like to take part in, please send a message to the main by Tuesday, December 5th at 9:00 PM EST. If you decide to take part, make sure to post your character’s Christmas Wishlist, containing 3 to 5 (reasonably priced) items your character is hoping for this Christmas so that your Secret Santa has an idea of what to get you. Be sure to use the tag #ashutask when posting your Christmas list.
We will be using a randomized generator to pair everyone up. We will reply to your message on the main with the name of the person you’re getting a gift for, and you can then check out their Christmas Wishlist to get a gift idea. Once you’ve decided on a gift, send it to the main by Monday, December 11th at 9:00 PM EST. We will then send your partner their gift from the main so that your identity remains anonymous. 
Once everyone has posted their gifts, we will post a list of who everyone’s Secret Santa was on the main page. We ask that you do not reveal who you’ve been partnered up with until after that list has been posted, to keep the mystery of this event going! In character or out of character. That’s all part of the fun! This is an official event, so please make sure that when you post your Secret Santa gift, you use the tag #ashuevent. We hope you all take part!
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Ellen will be putting @baymotta on hold for a little while, while her life settles down a little. Bay will still be a canon NPC, and Jeremy Jordan will not be available as an fc. Ellen is still up for headcanoning with him. As soon as everything is back to normal, Bay will be picked back up, but for the time being, he will be considered an NPC.
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hey guys!! It’s finally post-holidays and we are looking at musicals for our mostly grown up theatre kids to put on this spring. We’ve compiled a few that we think would be great, and we would love your opinion! Which is why we’ve created a poll where you can read the synopsis for each show we’ve selected and even watch a YouTube video of said performance. We’re asking that each member vote in the poll only once (meaning, if you have three characters, you still only get to vote one time). The poll will close at 10:00 PM EST on Thursday, January 18th, 2018, so make sure your voice is heard!
Another reminder to vote for which musical you’d like to see!
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hey everyone! Remember that time we had a really pretty calendar? Well unfortunately, the prettiness of it must have made the html not work. After a few months of messing around with it, we’ve given up. In place of the physical calendar is a new and improved, planner-style calendar. Please check it out and note the little form at the top- you can submit your own events, holidays, and birthdays to be included in the calendar!
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hello to all of our lovely players! We’ve been working on a little something to add to the group- an Ashwood OOC Discord. We are happy to announce that we’re going to start rolling this out tonight! Everyone will be sent a link on their first character’s account, so if everyone is talking about it and you still haven’t gotten that link please let us know!
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hello gang! We’re happy to announce that we’ve got a solution for anyone who’s Secret has run it’s course. Take a look at our new Secret Update Feature, and as always, feel free to send any questions our way!
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ashwooduni · 7 years ago
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Hello out there, everyone! This week starts our event-filled Homecoming Week 2017! From today through Saturday, there are daytime and evening time events planned for everyone who would like to attend! This is a school spirit themed week, and anything you’d like to post in relation to the week is absolutely welcome and encouraged!
This is an official event, so please make sure that any posts related to the events this week are tagged with #ashuevent. Make sure that you are tagging photos with #ashusocial too, so that no one misses them! In addition, we’re adding the tag #ashuhoco for any event-specific paras, interactions, photos etc.
You can check out this week’s festivities right HERE! 
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ashwooduni · 8 years ago
Announcement: Hurricane Irma
Hey guys! Just a little announcement here. With the impending storm, Hurricane Irma, we understand that there might be impacts on activity if a player is in the storm path. While it’s still a little bit out, we would like to extend the opportunity for anyone who may be in said hurricane track to take what we are dubbing a Hurricane Hiatus. Basically this means that if you let us know about it in advance, we will make note of it, that way if you lose power/another emergency and cannot get online or to a phone, you don’t lose your place in the RP. We understand and are definitely willing to work with anyone who may be affected by Irma.
Please, if you think you might be impacted, let us know ahead of time via ask or IM and you will not be removed from the group.
Hiatus Page
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