#ashlyn FLORA???
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so much thought has been put behind this WAIT A MINUTE.
OK, so I've updated and added my Elemental Masters AU to the doc and I plan on giving both you and Ollie a list of who gets what power, but before that, I'm going to tease you by giving you another summary I made today. There are also some stuff you can find on the doc only
Summary: After feeling like she hasn’t fulfilled her purpose as an Elemental Master, while also getting inspiration from Alyson Reed, Miss Jenn decides to join East High to guide and mentor new generations of Elemental Masters to help them understand their powers and by extension themselves too. Mr Mazzarra, a teacher working at East High is at first rather skeptical of Miss Jenn’s methods and competencies, so he decides to work with her to ensure the kids won’t develop the destructive potential of their powers on accident. The Wildcats as they train more and more together, utilising their various skills, also establish bonds and connections with one another helping and challenging each other to grow, while also establishing rivalry with North High highly train their students under the management of Zack Roy, Miss Jenn’s old flame.
Also, both you and Ollie are about to receive pretty much the same ask so don't be surprised as I'm sharing this AU with both of you for now before the rest of Madlyn Nation tags along.
#miss jenn being creation mr mazzara being destruction#dewey for wood#lily for POISON OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#carlos being fire kFKSDJHFDSAFKH YES#oh i love it all sm#ashlyn FLORA???#ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I LOVE IT
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artfight 2024 seafoam babey!!!
Abi @/ramuneda5149 (Twitter & Tumblr)
Lonnie @/neocitypjs (Twitter)
Enzo @/minty_balls (Twitter)
Oscar @/satandoesnthavem3rcy (IG)
Ashlyn @ canchanyt (IG)
Camryn @/poop_face_majesty (IG)
Krzysiek @/kotemonedraws (IG)
Dante @4raykage
Taho @/funfetti_writes (Twitter)
Flora Lamm @/Glorious (ArtFight)
Jiang Lingxin @/Chromatique (ArtFight)
Rai @/stats_key (Twitter)
Yi Zheng @/02.lavenmew (IG)
#my art#last one didnt make the cut... i was too late to post...#artfight#team seafoam#digital art#traditional art#this was so fun!!!!!#drawing stuff different than that of what i usually draw was so refreshing
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Quando você viu o flyer do evento nas redes sociais você riu. Ok, você foi aluno da USCLA há anos atrás, quase parecia outra vida se lembrar daquela faculdade. Até por isso mesmo você pulava as enfadonhas reuniões de ex-alunos como as sete pragas do Egito. Evitava inclusive estar na cidade quando tinha conhecimento de alguma. Mas aquele evento em particular soava interessante?!
O que poderia dar errado numa quermesse com parque de diversões não é mesmo? Ainda mais quando era para ajudar os esportes menos afortunados, como vôlei e futebol americano... De alguma forma isso é estranho... Você podia jurar que esse eram os esportes mais populares na sua época frequentando o John Wooden para torcer por Coraline Parton (@queencwps) ou por Harvey Wang (@verswtile) correndo para marcar um touchdown com o Rose Bowl lotado. Enfim, aquilo parecia divertido e de certa forma tranquilo, ainda mais que todos os ex-alunos famosos e glamourosos que passaram pela história da universidade estariam por lá como o ministro da suprema corte, o ilustre juiz Kanye West, a treinadora da seleção Americana de futebol Ashlyn Harris, o ganhador do Oscar Henry Cavill, seu melhor amigo, o ex-quarteback dos Coyotes, Chris Pratt e a primeira ministra de Israel Gal Gadot....
O local era no parque próximo a Venice Beach, onde os cursos de botânica mantinham uma enorme estufa de conservação da flora e fauna local da Califórnia. Era fácil de chegar, bastava pegar um VLT elétrico da Atom-Cadmus (projeto da universidade e que é referência para combate dos grandes engarrafamentos que Los Angeles costumava ter), movido a energia solar, e parar de frente a feira. O sol estava brilhando e logo de cara você podia ver um pouco de tudo, tinha uma roda gigante, uma montanha-russa, várias barraquinhas de jogos, onde os atletas da atual geração ajudavam a os visitantes em troca de doações para as equipes.
Realmente, sua intuição estava certa. Nada poderia dar errado ali.
Main Street USA: É uma encantadora avenida, que transporta os visitantes para o início do século 20 em uma pequena cidade americana. A atração foi inspirada nas cidades interioranas da Califórnia na época, e tem prédios baixos, com fachadas coloridas e detalhadas, que abrigam todo tipo lojas, confeitarias e restaurantes. A rua é completada por carruagens e bondes puxados por cavalos-robôs, com vista para Venice Beach do outro lado da rua. À noite, suas luzes são acesas, criando uma atmosfera de magia e nostalgia, perfeita para recepcionar e despedir os visitantes da feira.
Horizons: Horizons é a nova atração que a Disney vai levar para seus parques em 2025. Em pareceria com a Atom Lab, ela oferece uma visão otimista do futuro, abordando temas como a exploração espacial, vida subaquática e comunidades futuristas. Os visitantes embarcam em um carrinho suspenso e passam por cenas feitas com animatrônicos ultra realistas que mostram como a tecnologia irá melhorar a vida da humanidade em diferentes ambientes. O ponto alto é a escolha interativa do final: espaço, deserto ou mar.
Hall dos Notáveis da USCLA: É uma atração que presta homenagem às figuras notáveis da UCLA, USC e USCLA. A amostra combina uma apresentação cinematográfica com figuras animatrônicas de todos os presentes ali, assim como a oportunidade conhecer alguma dessas personalidades ao vivo.
Rocket Rods: Rocket Rods é uma atração de alta velocidade que corta toda a feira, utilizando o trajeto elevado de trilhos parecidos com o do VLT elétrico da Atom-Cadmus. Os visitantes embarcam em veículos futuristas que aceleram rapidamente ao longo da pista, oferecendo vistas de todo o parque e levando mais rápido as atrações desejadas. A ideia é simular um passeio por uma cidade futurística em ritmo acelerado. Apesar de sua proposta emocionante, há críticas por enfrentar muitos problemas técnicos, como falhas frequentes e longas filas.
Roda Gigante: Icônica roda-gigante é a atração principal do Parque. Com 39 gôndolas, algumas fixas e outras deslizantes, a roda oferece uma experiência única: enquanto sobe, os visitantes podem escolher entre uma cabine estável ou uma que desliza ao longo de trilhos, criando uma sensação emocionante de balanço. No topo, oferece vistas panorâmicas incríveis do parque e da região.
Torre do Terror: A Torre do Terror, oficialmente chamada The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, é uma das atrações mais icônicas do parque. Inspirada na série de filmes de sucesso nos anos 80, "The Twilight Zone", ela leva os visitantes a um hotel abandonado e mal-assombrado. Após uma introdução misteriosa, os visitantes entram em um elevador que sobe e despenca em quedas inesperadas, simulando uma queda livre. A experiência é intensificada por efeitos de iluminação e som, criando uma atmosfera assustadora e imersiva. .
Casa Mal Assombrada: é uma atração projetada para proporcionar uma experiência de filmes de terror antigos. Há cabeça de famosos personagens em animatrônicos em todo o quintal, empaladas e repletas de sangue pingando. Os visitantes entram em um edifício escuro e enigmático, repleto de decoração sombria, sons assustadores e efeitos especiais. A narrativa geralmente gira em torno de fantasmas, espíritos ou lendas urbanas, com animatrônicos e atores ocultos que saltam para surpreender os visitantes. Luzes piscantes, corredores labirínticos e ambientes temáticos criam uma atmosfera de tensão e expectativa.
Zoltar: Zoltar é uma atração de entretenimento encontrada em parques temáticos e locais turísticos. Os visitantes inserem moedas e recebem previsões ou conselhos impressos em uma pequena carta. A máquina geralmente apresenta um boneco animatrônico vestido como Zoltar, adicionando um elemento de teatro à experiência. Há quem diga que ele sempre acerta suas previsões, mas há quem ache que é apenas balela.
Photobooth: Um photobooth é uma cabine ou área equipada com uma câmera e uma impressora, geralmente encontrada em eventos como casamentos, festas ou feiras. Os participantes entram na cabine, tiram fotos de si mesmos e recebem cópias impressas das fotos como lembrança. Alguns photobooths também oferecem opções de personalização, como adicionar molduras ou filtros às fotos. É uma forma divertida e interativa de capturar momentos especiais.
Estufa de Botânica: Uma estufa dedicada ao habitat de floresta da Califórnia é um espaço que preserva e exibe a rica biodiversidade dessa região. Os visitantes encontram uma recriação meticulosa do ecossistema, com árvores majestosas como sequoias e pinheiros, além de arbustos nativos, como a sálvia e o manzanita. O ambiente é um convite aos sentidos, com aromas terrosos, a umidade do ar e o canto de pássaros. Caminhos sinuosos permitem que os visitantes explorem diferentes seções, enquanto placas informativas educam sobre as espécies e a importância da conservação.
Montanha-Russa Dueling Dragons: Um dos pontos altos da feira. Dueling Dragons é uma icônica montanha-russa que consiste em duas montanhas-russas gêmeas, Fire e Blood, que duelam em um percurso emocionante, repleto de loopings e passagens invertidas. Os visitantes embarcam em vagões suspensos que oferecem uma sensação de liberdade e adrenalina, deixando os passageiros há 1 metro do chão. A experiência é marcada por inversões dramáticas, curvas acentuadas e a quase colisão entre os vagões dos dois trilhos, já que os trilhos cruzam em diversos pontos.
Palco Principal: Localizado no centro da feira, é onde as bandas e personalidades aparecem para entreter os visitantes. Ela tem uma programação diária, encerrando o dia com uma parada que roda toda a feira, um show de drones que simula fogos de artifício e uma apresentação de uma banda icônica da Califórnia, Como Blink 172, Red Day e Imagine Dragons.
Informações OOC
A feira vai durar o verão inteiro na cidade de Los Angeles, então, vocês vão poder explorar mais se quiserem depois que o evento acabar.
Em IC, a abertura da feira foi no dia 4 de Julho, mas todos os personagens foram no dia 06/07/2024 (Sábado) e tem a duração de um dia inteiro. Em OOC, o evento se inicia na Terça-feira, 01/10, às 21h20, e termina às 21h19 da terça-feira, 15/10, podendo ser prorrogado a pedido dos players.
Personagens que fizeram parte do Projeto Kali: Fica a critério de cada player se o personagem lembra ou não da primeira viagem
Usem a tag "tbthqs.event" e "tbtqhs.starter" para postar starters
O Traje da festa é: Casual (Tb conhecido como: qualquer roupa vale)
IMPORTANTE: Julho é verão e na Califórnia geralmente faz um calor lazarento. Nesse 2024, isso não acontece. É bem mais fresquinho, porque a Cadmus e a Atom Lab, em parceira com a USCLA fizeram um cinturão verde em volta da cidade e um projeto de telhados verdes, o que diminui a temperatura no geral. É similar ao que estão fazendo na China pra diminuir as tempestades de areia, a poluição e o calor os centros urbanos.
Usem a tag "tbthqs.looks" para postar a roupa que seu personagem está usando na festa
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Soft Girls Names
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Hi @taylorswift here are some incredible people I think you’d love to follow! ☺️
Jillian - @taysdress
Sarah - @sarieswift
Ashlyn - @be-your-endgame
Jeannine - @it-feels-like-a-perfect-night
Jo - @tehlorswift
Flora - @castlescrumbledovernight
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Names like Fallon? Also names that are gothic and feminine?
Sure, here are some feminine and neutral names that sound similar to Fallon or have a similar style. Unfortunately there’s not many names that start with F that I could find:
Allie / Allison
Calla / Callie
Flo / Florence / Flora
Fran / Frances
Halle / Halley
And here are some feminine names that are gothic sounding in style or the name of a prominent gothic fiction writer. These might be a little over the top so let me know if you want a different sort of style:
Ann (Ann Radcliffe)
Ariana / Eriana / Oriana
Clara (Clara Reeve)
Mary (Mary Shelley)
Nox / Nyx
Shelley (Mary Shelley)
Ursa / Ursula
Let me know if you would like more names!
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jude sweetwine / i’ll give you the sun
mr. quagmire / a series of unfortunate events
jerome squalor / a series of unfortunate events
carmelita spats / a series of unfortunate events
frank denouement / a series of unfortunate events
yo-yoji / the name of this book is secret series
lily wei / the name of this book is secret series
ginny weasley / harry potter
viktor krum / harry potter
charlie weasley / harry potter
katie bell / harry potter
nymphadora tonks / harry potter
helga hufflepuff / harry potter
rowena ravenclaw / harry potter
theta knight / the diviners
evie o’neill / the diviners
bailey clarke / the night circus
isobel martin / the night circus
celia bowen / the night circus
katarina bishop / heist society
vera claythorne / and then there were none
nancy drew / nancy drew
ella of frell / ella enchanted
turanga leela / futurama
philip j. fry / futurama
briar beauty / ever after high
erin hannon / the office
jim halpert / the office
pam beesly / the office
freddie lyon / the hour
dale cooper / twin peaks
princess carolyn / bojack horseman
diane nguyen / bojack horseman
chris traeger / parks and recreation
cassandra / tangled: the series
trainer leaf / pokemon
jasmine jolene / bioshock
brigid tenenbaum / bioshock
robert lutece / bioshock: infinite
elizabeth comstock / bioshock: infinite
lara croft / tomb raider
jessamine kaldwin / dishonored
viola dewynter / saints row
the boss / saints row
kinzie kensington / saints row
cressida (lone wanderer) / fallout 3
travis miles / fallout 4
dahlia lombard (sole survivor) / fallout 4
nerissa / the wolf among us
luke triton / professor layton
flora reinhold / professor layton
clive dove / professor layton
katia anderson / professor layton
emmy altava / professor layton
dorian pavus / dragon age: inquisition
sera / dragon age: inquisition
inquisitor arrietty trevelyan / dragon age: inquisition
ashlyn morgenstern / barbie in the twelve dancing princesses
genevieve morgenstern / barbie in the twelve dancing princesses
courtney morgenstern / barbie in the twelve dancing princesses
manolo sanchez / the book of life
annie hughes / the iron giant
marina / sinbad: legend of the seven seas
cassian andor / star wars
leia organa / star wars
plumette / beauty and the beast (2017)
milo thatch / atlantis: the lost empire
garrett / quest for camelot
arthur curry / dceu
christian / moulin rouge
velma kelly / chicago
marian paroo / the music man
inez serrano / no exit
anya / anastasia
elphaba thropp / wicked
nino quincampoix / amelie
veronica sawyer / heathers
eliza doolittle / my fair lady
barbara gordon / dc
tatsu yamashiro / dc
zinda blake / dc
evaan verlaine / star wars
grayson hyde
petra balboa
eleanor tate / saints row
bowie campbell / saints row
vivian prescott
ophelia price
sylvia delaire
nikoleta costas
coppola davies
seraphim perrine
reyna castilla
cab obsidian
cain obsidian
flamel beauvoir
tarot talbot
zhang jun
james whelan
vera barde
mortimer allegri
ellie lyncoln
marjorie clarke / a series of unfortunate events
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Lake Houses:
The houses they are staying in and a list of roommates is under the cut:
They are located right off the lake. Each has its own separate dock, a huge front porch, and a back deck. Each room has its own bathroom and a balcony. They houses are all located right next to each other.
*if there are any issues (duplicates, someone not listed, please DM us. we might not see it if you just tweet us about it. thank you!!
HOUSE 1 - WILLOW HOUSE (12 people)
room 1
elvera, aiden, matteo, wren
room 2
kennedy, tyson, rosalie, cerys
room 3
hyerim, ainsley, lux, violete
HOUSE 2 - OAK HOUSE (12 people)
room 1
tate, dominic, sebastian, dustin
room 2
alyssa, allison, flora, madelyn
room 3
phoenix, vivian, beau, OPEN
HOUSE 3 - MAPLE HOUSE (14 people)
room 1
adriana, sahar, elton
room 2
cody, OPEN, river,
room 3
devin, kyle, gabriella, amari
room 4
veronica, alek, theo, asher
HOUSE 4 - HICKORY HOUSE (14 people)
room 1
elias, vanessa, ashlyn
room 2
khole, zelda, russ, lily
room 3
evangeline, juliet, cora
room 4
beckett, leela, kodi, OPEN
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Ok so this has been murdering me ever since season 3, but:
Earth!Gina and Water!Ricky
Water!Gina and Earth!Ricky
I can feed you propaganda on either as I mentioned before those two pretty much screw everything by being such soulmates.
I briefly had an even more complex idea of switching up with
Green(Flora)!Ricky, Fire!Ashlyn, Light!Carlos, Earth!Seb and Water!Gina, though I'm not sold on this either. Thoughts? Need some propaganda on that?
For Elemental Masters AU I need your help: are you up to making tough decisions?
im currently playing dnd but ask away anyways !!!
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Okay, so today was certainly... something at uni...
Like really, I had only one serious lecture today, and literally, everything else got scrapped, but it's not like people would know this beforehand and I ended up going back and forth to my house the entire day and now my back hurts (and turns out I'm also missing out the party, but my back is already killing me and I'm not into drinking anyway so I take a pass this time) so certainly that's not how I imagined studies to be like (like I swear, it's one big mess) so to make up for it since I've some free time, I'm going to reveal who got which element. @ollitheheadphoneskid23 you need to hear this too:
Here I present you the new generation of Elemental Masters, behold!
Maddox - Elemental Master of Time
Jet - Elemental Master of Space
Ashlyn - Elemental Master of Flora
Ricky - Elemental Master of Water
Gina - Elemental Master of Earth
Kourtney - Elemental Master of Ice
E.J. - Elemental Master of Metal
Nini - Elemental Master of Wind
Carlos - Elemental Master of Fire
Seb - Elemental Master of Light
Big Red - Elemental Master of Lightning
Miss Jenn - Elemental Master of Creation
Mr Mazzarra - Elemental Master of Destruction
Dewey - Elemental Master of Wood
Val - Elemental Master of Gravity
Emmy - Elemental Master of Darkness
Mack - Elemental Master of Plasma
Dani - Elemental Master of Crystal
Lily - Elemental Master of Poison
Zack Roy - Elemental Master of Magnetism
Howie - Elemental Master of Lava
Andy - Elemental Master of Smoke
Natalie Bagley - Elemental Master of Sound
Alex - Elemental Master of Mind
And also an honorary mention to Mister Chenning (when you make Channing Master Chen)
If you have any questions, you need explanation regarding some of those powers or you have better ideas, I'm all ears
OK, so I've updated and added my Elemental Masters AU to the doc and I plan on giving both you and Ollie a list of who gets what power, but before that, I'm going to tease you by giving you another summary I made today. There are also some stuff you can find on the doc only
Summary: After feeling like she hasn’t fulfilled her purpose as an Elemental Master, while also getting inspiration from Alyson Reed, Miss Jenn decides to join East High to guide and mentor new generations of Elemental Masters to help them understand their powers and by extension themselves too. Mr Mazzarra, a teacher working at East High is at first rather skeptical of Miss Jenn’s methods and competencies, so he decides to work with her to ensure the kids won’t develop the destructive potential of their powers on accident. The Wildcats as they train more and more together, utilising their various skills, also establish bonds and connections with one another helping and challenging each other to grow, while also establishing rivalry with North High highly train their students under the management of Zack Roy, Miss Jenn’s old flame.
Also, both you and Ollie are about to receive pretty much the same ask so don't be surprised as I'm sharing this AU with both of you for now before the rest of Madlyn Nation tags along.
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Ok, this will be long so sorry about that:
Well, if I had more time, I would have expanded on how each kid discovered their true potential, which would be during their self-actualization/musical moment (like Ashlyn singing Rising, Kourtney singing Here I Come and so on, I can expand on this later) and in case of Seb, his "True Potential song" is "The Climb" which is so earth-coded song to me (and it doesn't help that Joe Serafini is here wearing earthly colors from the bottom to the top)
Hence I was playing with the idea. However Light also suits him as he's introduced as an innocent ray of sunshine that is also a very bright explosion of rainbow colors when he was Sharpay and he also proved to be a mirage considering he gaslighted Carlos into believing Seb was rightfully upset with him. But then again, he also is very simple, straightforward, rough in season 4, actually did boxing and in general really strong, yet not exactly a body-builder so to speak and this one is going to insult him a bit but he's also dumb as a bag of rocks (I'm sorry Seb, I love you bro, but your moments of stupidity in season 2 stuck with me and you really didn't think this through in season 4).
Carlos was fire to me because he pretty much had all the qualities of fire elemental and more (he lost me at "I'M NOT YELLING, I'M SPEAKING WITH P A S S I O N"), but light can work too as I always pictured him as "rainbow firework" as an elemental master anyway.
And Ashlyn ignited her flames in Season 3 (plus Ash as in ashes from flames playing well with her red hair and Belle's golden dress), though I do feel Flora suits her a bit better regarding her entire character, with her:
being related to E.J.'s metal and both their elements are part of the Chinese belief of elements (which is rather pretty uncommon; also not me giving Asian elements to white people, though tbf I think Caswells even in this AU didn't have those powers in a fair manner anyway)
Having a connection with Dewey who shares this element with her
There's also the joke by Brandon Rogers that plants and nature are only beloved by either psychopaths (Big Red and Andy get concerning looks here) or lesbians (yes Maddox, I'm looking at you)
And of course Ashlyn's natural growth from a wallflower and shrinking violet to a shining individual in the spotlight (or sunlight so to speak), as mighty as Ash tree (she's bedn living in a one small piece if sky, suddenly the whole world is oen wide, it's time she's rising, rising, there's a part of her reaching for the light, so strong it doesn't want to hide)
Plus Ashlyn wearing green and leaves and flowers for both Frozen Musical and Halloween, which reminds me of Poison Ivy (and me toying with the idea of making Maddox Harley Quinn and perhaps Madison Joker? Though in terms of aesthetic with their elemental powers)
Plus there's also a rivalry between Ashlyn and Lily, with Ash representing life which Lily's poison naturally destroys
And Ashlyn in general having great relationship with most of the elementals (plantlife can adapt and vibe with any element, it's pretty much a fusion of all of them with few exceptions)
However, if Ash ends up being a Fire after all, and Seb gets the Earth and Carlos gets the Light then either Ricky ends up as Green or Gina ends up as Green. I can agree to either, with Gina being Blue Porterweed or Porter Sunflower, and Ricky being Rowan. Though up to you on that lol.
For Elemental Masters AU I need your help: are you up to making tough decisions?
im currently playing dnd but ask away anyways !!!
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1.0 Gina is in without her journey and character development, and even that Gina doesn't feel like a good fit for Fire. Feels like she would burn herself out or does have not enough temperament to ignite her flames properly. Gina is just too chill to be a proper fire elemental, and when she's actually not chill, she's not really overreacting with emotions, keeping them down low. It is important for fire elementals to be expressive while also disciplined so they can burn bright without hurting others.
So I guess you and Ollie agree that Gina should be the Elemental Master of Water. I can get behind that. But then what happens to Ricky? I don't think I can give him light element as he seems to be at times too gloomy for the standard of ever so bright light elemental (like Ricky can be light-hearted alright, but we all know that this boy can actually be a menace and he's closer to being a pure dumbass than pure sunshine).
I already convinced you about Ashlyn Flora somewhat, I can briefly give you more on Fire Carlos to settle it more. I guess I could give Ricky the elemental power of Ice, as this was also my thought, and I could give Kourtney the elemental power of light (r.i.p. Elsa Kourtney, but tbf, the light fits Kourtney personally better, whereas Elsa is only a role she plays).
So, what do you think? Ice!Ricky, Water!Gina, Earth!Seb, and Light!Kourtney?
For Elemental Masters AU I need your help: are you up to making tough decisions?
im currently playing dnd but ask away anyways !!!
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