#ashers nijien otome if
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typh0nas · 1 year ago
The Language of Flowers
NijiEN Fantasy Otome AU
Content Warnings: will be added to each chapter if there are any trigger warnings.
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Vox Akuma, Ike Eveland, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias, Fulgur Ovid, Uki Violeta, Alban Knox, Sonny Brisko, Yugo Asuma
Authors Notes: It’s here, it’s here! Sorry for the long ass wait HAHA. I have a lot of projects for now, so I’ll try and add everyone’s route as time goes on. 
11/14/2023: Currently have Vox and Mysta’s chapter 1 out! Will add everyone else’s when i have time :)
You, a royal and the crown heir to the Ninisani Empire. You answer to no one and make your own rules. However, war ravages the country, causing chaos and turmoil. Left with little choice and with much urging from your council, you ultimately decide that the best course of action is to ally yourself with the neighboring Luxiem Regency to help strengthen your army. 
Now, what exactly might you do now?
You stand tall, faced with a less than appealing choice. But the council is unyielding and unwavering and their decision stands firm. 
"Your highness, you must understand that this is what we have determined will help ensure the longevity of the Empire. As the current acting ruler, you must think about what is best for the people...YOUR people.”
You massage your temples feeling a headache coming on. “I don’t understand why I must be wed to Lord Akuma, are we not merely strengthening our army?” Members on the council look around, and you can hear their whispering from where you stand. 
“This is a matter of politics. This alliance will help strengthen our empire and can ensure that we will have the support we need in the coming days of the war. You have seen the effect it has had on the people. Your Highness...they’re terrified, this is for the best. At most, your marriage with Lord Akuma is only on paper. He has already agreed to these arrangements. Must you be so stubborn?” The head councilman shakes his head at you. 
You feel your irritation grow as you stare down the head councilman and he squirms under your gaze. The silence grows in the room as everyone stares at you with bated breath, awaiting your decision. 
“Fine.” Your voice rings loud and clear within the hollow chamber, and you can hear sighs of reliefs from some of the other council members, but you choose to ignore it.
The head councilman rises, a smile on his face, “Oh wonderful Your Highness! We’ll make arrangements for the wedding immediately.” You wave your hand in his direction, tired of his blathering as you turn back towards the door to leave. 
“Do what you must.” You close your eyes, the weight of your situation sinking in. 
Who will you choose?
Vox Akuma {👹🧧}
The one you're betrothed to
“As the current acting ruler, you must think about what is best for the people...YOUR people” Those are the words the echo back to you repeatedly, the head councilman’s voice ringing in your head. You weren’t happy with the council’s decision by any means, but if it meant ensuring the safety of your citizens and it truly was for the greater good then you had no choice but to reluctantly go with his decision. Although this arrangement isn’t what you thought you would end up engaged to someone, you find that Vox is gentle and kind. There appears to be more to him then what first meets the eye.
“That blush on your face is absolutely adorable...it makes me want to ravish you. ....I'm kidding! Naturally I wouldn’t do anything unless you were okay with it.”
{Vox Chapter 1 - [UNLOCKED]} (CW: mentions of being intoxicated)
Mysta Rias {🕵‍♂️🦊}
A lesser lord of the Luxiem Regency, and Vox’s right hand man
It seems that wherever Vox goes, Mysta seems to follow behind him. He’s sort of an odd fellow to you, with the way his gaze lingers on you. But when you catch him staring for a moment too long, he quickly looks away coughing into his fist or brushing his hair back, a faint flush on his face. When asked about it, he deflects with some lame excuse and immediately tries to change the subject. Even with his prickly exterior, Mysta has never seriously pushed you away from him. 
“I guess your company isn’t so bad. Huh? You’re telling Vox about this? N-no wait!”
{Mysta Chapter 1 - [UNLOCKED]}
Ike Eveland {🖋🔷️}
The court scribe
The ever quiet but meticulous scribe of the court. Ike mainly keeps to himself, whether it’s writing away some important on a piece of paper or his nose stuck into some book. He's can be found in the library copying and translating old texts that practically crumble at your fingertips when picked up. If not there, he could be found seated several seats down from you during council meetings to record each and every word uttered out. Though the two of you haven’t spoken much, you secretly admire how hard he works.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to go through someone’s personal things without asking first?”
{Ike’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - English Ivy}
Shu Yamino {👟☯️}
The powerful sorcerer of the court
The mysterious sorcerer that managed to charm you with his spectacular display of magic. You initially scoffed, thinking it was nothing more than a show of sparkles and nothing more. But to your surprise, he manages to find ways to prove you wrong. On more than one occasion Shu has used his abilities to cure your citizens of what ails them, from an normal everyday fever, to even fixing up an elderly council member’s bad leg. You begrudgingly admit that maybe he is someone that you could rely on.
“Want me to show you something cool? No? Well your loss then.”
{Shu’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - White Jasmine}
Luca Kaneshiro {🦁💰}
Your childhood best friend who has a penchant for getting into trouble
Your ever loyal best friend, a notorious playboy with a string of broken hearts left in his wake, even if it’s unintentional. Maybe it was because of his blinding personality and charming demeanor. You’ve always joked that while Luca is the sun, you’re the moon, the counterbalance to his outgoing nature. 
“Hey hey! I know how much you love the flower fields when they’re blooming, but since you’re so busy and can’t see them yourself, I brought them to you!”
{Luca’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Yellow Acacias}
Fulgur Ovid {⚡️🐏}
The local bounty hunter who comes and goes as he pleases
There isn’t much that you know about him, only the rumors that circulate around the palace grounds, and that he’s one of the empire’s most renowned bounty hunters. From what you’ve gathered, no one knows too much about his personal life. With each lead that you pursue, you find that you’re led on one wild goose chase after another. 
“You’re a strange one. Tell me, why are you so insistent on following me and trying to get to know me?”
{Fulgur’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Edelweiss}
Uki Violeta {🔮🌌}
The peculiar psychic from the market
One of the best fortunetellers in the city, and generally one of the calmest people that you know, with a soft voice and gentle eyes. You’re a regular at his tent every time you sneak down from the palace. He can see things that others can’t and every persons’ future that he’s read seems to have come true in one way or another. Uki can always be found in that same purple tent in the same spot at the market, tarot cards spread over the table. You curiosity to know more and more about him grows with each visit.  
“Come see me again, I’ll show you more about what your future holds~”
{Uki’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Pink Honeysuckle}
Alban Knox {🎭🕒}
The cunning thief you found, trying to steal from Vox's treasury
You couldn’t deny that Vox’s treasury was indeed very vast. You happened to come across him one night while you were trying to deposit some of your own valuables for safekeeping. One step into the massive room and you’re making eye contact with a very smug-looking thief. Before you can yell for help, he leaps across the room without making any noise, coming face to face with you, pressing a gloved finger to your lips, shushing you. You’re left dumbfounded and shocked as you watch him bound back across the room, snatching up a few gems in the process, and then swiftly slipping out the window as if he was never there in the first place. It seemed almost as if that was the last you would see of him. Or so that’s what you thought.
“Hehe you’re an interesting one, maybe I’ll just steal you away instead!”
{Alban’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Morning Glories}
Sonny Brisko {🔗🤲}
The captain of the royal guard
When Sonny became captain of the royal guard, he never expected to become your personal bodyguard, so to speak. But as the acting ruler of the Ninisani Empire, it was only natural that the council would want you to have someone looking out for you at all times, and who better than one of the best guards. And so Sonny would follow you wherever you went, standing silently off to the side. Unassuming until he was required to step in. He would stand guard outside of your room at night keeping an eye out for threats but not daring to step one foot inside for fear of intruding on your privacy. And so he always keeps an eye on you, even if he has to physically restrain himself from chasing after anyone he deems a threat to your safety. 
“It’s my job to protect you and I intend on doing just that. No matter what happens I’ll always be by your side.”
{Sonny’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Coreopsis}
Yugo Asuma {🎧🎶}
The bard at the local tavern
On one of your regular nightly escapades, find yourself seeking shelter at a local tavern to shield yourself from the rain. The bar, although of modest size is lively and it appears to be a hotspot for all sorts of people from the city. Feeling overstimulated and maybe even a bit overwhelmed, you make your way to the back corner where you feel you won’t be bothered. It’s just your luck that you make eye contact with the bard seated on a stool atop the dingy stage.
“I haven’t seen you before. Mind if I play you a song?”
{Yugo’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Blue Hyacinth}
@hiqhkey @angelkazusstuff @emissaire 
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typh0nas · 1 year ago
Vox and Mysta Ch. 1 Released!
Hello all! I know I've been gone for a while, I apologize for that, genuinely. It's been what...6 months? I'm under the assumption that Tumblr has shadow-banned me LMAOOO.
Anyways I've come back because I'm happy to announce that Vox and Mysta's chapter 1's for the fantasy au have dropped! I will link both of their chapters below as well as the masterlist for the entirety of "The Language of Flowers"(aka the fantasy otome au).
Currently planning on writing Ike's and Shu's, will keep you all updated <3
Please reblog this post and the masterlist! It helps a lot <3333
The Language of Flowers Masterlist
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typh0nas · 1 year ago
learning inklewriter is harder than i thought LMAOOO
would yall want me to try and add values and such to each of the ch1 demos from here on out going forward, or would you like me to add values to mysta and voxs so far, or do you guys want me to finish making basic ch 1 demos first, and then for future chapters to make it so that there are different values and your choices matter?
keep in mind that with the third option below, i'll most likely add character customization so you can customize your character lol.
and for the 4th option, me combing all the chapter 1's into 1 demo would be less of a hassle than separately working on different ones, and tbh it'll save me a lot of trouble in the long run + i could probably write a prologue.
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typh0nas · 1 year ago
alright looks like yall want me to finish all the ch 1 demos based on the poll lmaooo
but these are technically unofficial demos cause im still learning inklewriter and getting used to it. so as a result, the OFFICIAL official demo will be one big thing so it saves me a lot of trouble in the long run.
i plan to add character customization, and a proper prologue to set up the premise for the story i have in mind. there will be choices, stat checks, and potential good and bad choices that may effect your ending, it depends on how far i want to experiment with variables and such. the demo will follow a storyline but if youre romancing certain characters you can have your moments with them. i hope thats okay with you all! thank you for your patience and support 🙏
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typh0nas · 2 years ago
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bro why did i decide to Niji Fantasy Otome AU like this, why do i like putting more work on myself LMAO
please reblog this if youd like! when i finish id love to hear back from as many people as possible
but yes if youre wondering this is part of ch 1 of Vox's route. I'll be working on finishing Ch 1 as quickly as i can as well as trying to get 2 more done so yall can try it out!
Love yall and thats all from me for now!
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typh0nas · 2 years ago
status update on mysta’s route
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chapter 1 for mysta is being written thats all i can say.
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typh0nas · 2 years ago
Regarding the Sneak Peak I Posted A Few Days Ago...
Hello everyone! If you’re reading the title, not to worry, nothing bad has happened, I just thought I’d give you all a little update on how it’s coming along. It’s a lot of work, and I can’t show too much from what I’ve already shown, but I can give you a sneak peak of Vox’s intro!
My main plan for how I want to go about doing this is to give a brief introduction of what kind of a relationship you have with each member, and in turn, I’ll be doing 3-5 chapters(still tentative) for each “route” if you will. Since I have a lot of writing to do in the future for this project, I’ll most likely be releasing each route one at a time so I don’t strain myself, or I’ll be releasing the first chapter for 3 of the members, and so on and so forth. 
Of course I’m open to any suggestions that you guys might have! But that’s all for now! And as promised, here’s the little snippet of writing for you all <3
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typh0nas · 2 years ago
actually struggling with mystas route goddammit
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typh0nas · 2 years ago
mysta and ikey wikey are next
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typh0nas · 2 years ago
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typh0nas · 3 years ago
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