#ashern in ng+
picturesofashe · 2 years
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Gods you can't even see the top of that tower! How high does it go!? This is much worse than looking up at the Holy See, Ashern thinks he put a crick in his neck from trying to look so high up. Ow.
Well, the answer is as expected. Still, they have methods of convincing people otherwise. Although he would like something more than just mundane tasks.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Wait, there's another settlement underwater!? Well obviously they have to go to it for obvious reasons, but Ashern wants to marvel at it a bit too. This place just keeps getting better.
The ritual is something? He doesn't quite understand how any of it could work, and nothing feels different, but the fact that they can breathe underwater now? Ashern is very excited to test this out. He's a decent swimmer thankfully, but by the sounds of it he's a lot better at it than Alphinaud. He'd like to see him attempt at it one day.
Knowing he can breathe underwater is one thing, actually doing it is entirely something else. He's absolutely giddy over this, and he'd have taken off (as best as he could while underwater) if it wasn't for the fact that they had somewhere to be and something to do. Still, gods he can't wait to show Aymeric.
Well they've arrived, and honestly it's no surprise that they're immediately being turned away as well. Well, they'll have to figure out something else then huh? As they always seem to do.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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“Well you’re downright in a bloody mess aren’t you? Jumping from one war to another like this.”
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“Not to mention you were nearly a literal bloody mess! Getting thrashed about like as if you were nothing! Gods, what was his name? Zenos? Bah, the gall of that man! Who does he think he is!?”
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“Listen, we were bound to come across someone who could best us eventually. Just be glad we’re still alive. Besides, we’ve got more important things to focus on other than our wounded pride you know.”
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“That doesn’t mean we can’t multitask. You will have some free time in between critical moments. We are going to utilize that, for I shall not suffer for you to lose to that man again.”
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“You don’t mean...”
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“What else could I mean, Ashern? Who else do you have on demand to keep your blade sharp? One who could equal you? No one besides me, that’s who. Don’t worry, I promise that it won’t be anything like the first time we fought. Oh no, it’s going to be much, much worse.”
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“Oh bloody hells....”
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Well, time to cause a little mayhem, and they sure do cause plenty of it! Although it wasn't really expected that the gathering of the three treasures would produce a Kami.
Er... A primal. Although Ashern does admit that Susano is definitely one of the more interesting ones he's come across, second only to Ramuh.
But if it's a contest of wills he wants, it's a contest of wills he's going to get!
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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He wished he had ideas Alisaie, he truly wishes. However this ends up in quite a turnaround! Yugiri's parents, of all people!? What are the odds? They're a bigger help than they realize, since Ashern wasn't sure what else they might have done to get around this. It also warms his heart, hearing that Yugiri is loved by her parents, that she's always in their minds and in their hearts.
Despite the warmth, there's also a little ache in his. A touch of envy.
Back to the matter at hand though, they've got a plan of action now, and after finding that precious jewel and learning of the sacred vault, they've got some fun ahead of them, huh? Storming a vault is simple enough in concept. No one sees that flash of red in his eye at the mention of the kami possibly forgiving their mischief making. He's only mildly looking forward to this.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Gods if they weren't here for business Ashern could just sit and stare at this scenery all day. It's absolutely gorgeous, and he's slack jawed until Soroban comes and greets them. They're really going to owe this guy a lot huh? He's fine with that though.
He's intrigued with these vessels the elder speaks of, wondering more how they look more than anything. Ah, but they need to make a deal in order to learn more huh? Fetching one of these precious treasures seems simple enough, at least until Soroban reveals that the thing is at the bottom of the ocean. At least there's a solution to this, though Ashern wonders how it's going to play out. Guess he better fetch those ritual materials first to find out huh?
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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"Once more with the mundane tasks that are beneath you. Will it ever end?"
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"It's with a purpose, you know, but based on our last conversation I don't think you're here to chastise me."
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"This is the only warning you're going to get."
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"Oh bloody hells..."
Well we all know where this is going.
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"Th-there... Are you happy now!?"
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"I'd say we were quite productive! So yes. At least until our next bout. But, uh..."
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"I think I'm going to lay here for a little bit, if you don't mind..."
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"For once... You have a good idea."
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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He already made that joke Alisaie! One he hated. He's already fed up with all this fishy busin- IT KEEPS HAPPENING!
Yeah, he didn't think it would be this easy either Lyse, but Gyodo definitely deserved that kick. Now they face the problem of Sekiseigumi being out in droves and hard to avoid. Thank goodness Tataru have Alisaie those smoke bombs, Ashern is awful when it comes to stealth, and he'd hate to do anything like this again.
Going from catfish to turtles huh? At least this one is actually helpful and not trying to get them killed. He's rather glad Soroban has and continues to help them, though this exchange of an introduction to the East Aldenard Trading Company does seem too much of a fair exchange in the end. Soroban does deserve a little more, no? But if he's happy with that then what else can they do really.
So, that's what happened to Gostesu, but where is Yugiri?
Don't worry Lyse, Ashern plans on investing into some nose plugs because he's so sick of the smell of fish already.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Well, they have a lead at least. Although it nearly comes up fruitless. At least there's one person still on the table to ask, hopefully this Gyodo guy will have what they need.
....Catfish....? That's a catfish. That is 100% a catfish. Ashern's a little slack jawed at the beginning of the conversation, but he clamps his mouth shut the moment Gyodo tells them they can get them a boat that quickly. Something's fishy he- oh gods dammit.
The mention of taking any money out of the coffers fills Ashern with absolute dread. Lyse no, that is not something he's willing to touch at all. Tataru would have their heads for it! Wait, wait! They didn't even learn of his price and he's already gone! Just lots of gil! Oh no, Ashern does not like this at all. This is without a doubt a scam. He can be gullible and dumb sometimes, but not that gullible and dumb!
At least he isn't the only one to share this sentiment and doubt, though the potential of an imperial spy on top of it doesn't help his worries. Although he is willing to beat the snot out of a conning catfish.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Well that was eventful, though if Ashern gets a good whiff of questionable fish like that again he might just lose his lunch. At the very least, the rest of the journey is uneventful, and he's relieved when they arrive in Kugane at last. It's hard not to stare at their surroundings, it's quite the beautiful place, and he's got the itch to explore.
Ah, but they're not on vacation though, they're here with a purpose and they must see it through. Nothing dampens the mood though when coming across one of Lolorito's cronies though. He immediately distrusts Hancock, but with the circumstances as is, they don't have very many options right now. He'll deal with it, as much as he doesn't want to.
Stealer of... Pants? Where did that even come from? Ashern knows there's some rather wild rumors about him out there, but this one has really thrown him off. Did he actually steal someone's pants at some point? He doesn't remember. Now this is going to bother him. (Esteem will remind him later.)
The tour is very nice, and although he doesn't have the same interest in the markets as Tataru does, he does think to get a few souvenirs at some point. He needs to pick something out for Aymeric.
Finally, they can talk in private. The situation leaves them in a difficult spot doesn't it? Yugiri and Gosetsu still had a rough time, they probably won't fare much better in this case, but they'll have to try. It's going to be such a bumpy road ahead. Hopefully their Doman friends might still be in Kugane, so they can figure things out together.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Yeah let's go with that, he wasn't off having a bout with his inner darkness. That's not why he's sore all over, not at all. Don't look at him.
Once more the Confederacy does nothing, yet Alisaie has a plan and one he is more than happy to go along with. Besides, it's not like he hasn't been in worse situations before! This should be interesting, and the small trip to get to the Isle of Bekko will allow him to rest a little bit. Hopefully enough.
Tarts eh? Oh you are speaking to Ashern's sweet tooth here Alisae. He wouldn't ever say no to that!
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Thanks Soroban! They really owe you one big time.
Lucky them huh? That they go to the right village where the current viceroy is holding court. Watching all of this though is making Ashern's blood absolutely boil. This needless and excessive suffering... He'd march right in there if he could, but he can't.
They have to pick their battles so very carefully, otherwise everything could easily fall apart.
He doesn't like that Gosetsu is going in by himself, to buy them time, they just reunited with him too! He only hopes that the man will come out the other side alive. Gods know he won't be unscathed.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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They've got Gosetsu back! With hardly any work on their part either. Well, after the fact of course. Now they've learned what happened with Yugiri at least. It's time they made their way to the Ruby Sea.
Situation's the same here as with other places, huh. It's not really a surprise anymore for Ashern, especially since one effort to rise up ended up in failure. Why dare try when they've seen the outcome before. Even so, Ashern is not one to sit idly, and words weren't always his forte anyway. No, people need to be shown that there is hope, and he can be damn well good at that. All he needs is a how.
They may just have one, they may not. They'll just have to go and find out.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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Well that was uh, both strange and scary. He uh, takes a note to never cross Tataru. Ever.
Thanks Urianger? Ashern’s kind of lost, but that’s pretty normal with these uh, prophecies. At least Alisaie got a shiny new weapon.
Never a dull moment is there? Never an easy one either. Still, after his talk with Fray this will do him some good.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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An assault on the nearby Castrum? If they can take another victory it’ll bring even better tidings. Of course though, things don’t always go as planned do they? Ashern wonders for a moment how the Reach was found, but there’s really no time to ponder over such things.
They clear through enough to rescue survivors and get to Lyse and the others, however once Zenos makes his presence known, there’s quite a bit going through Ashern’s mind. One thing that sticks for certain though, a lot can end quickly here and now, but that relies on their success and if his own track record is anything to go by...
It’s not enough, it’s not nearly enough. He got batted around so easily and gods did it hurt. He’s alive though, that much he’s glad for, but now he doesn’t want to move too much because everything hurts. He hasn’t taken a thrashing like this ever since Fray beat the hell out of him the first time. He'll be fine, but he’s definitely seen better days Raubahn...
The bit of healing he receives does get him back on his feet, but Ashern isn’t keen of moving around too much. Still, he does what he can where he can, considering Y’shtola... Despite not wanting to move, he does so anyway as a means to keep his mind occupied. His body may protest, but he doesn’t want to think about things turning for the worst for Y’shtola. Krile has done all she can. The worst has passed, she’ll be fine, she’ll be okay, she’ll be okay....
A few more things to keep him busy, and then he finds himself back at Castrum Oriens. He’s honestly only partially paying attention to the conversation, at least he picks up on them going to Doma part. He’s fine with this, he’s had enough of Gyr Abania already. Although he does want to let his body rest for a little bit before they head out.
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picturesofashe · 2 years
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An escort, some roughing up of imperials, and an ambush on their new toy? All in a days work really. Although no casualties on their side is a very nice feeling. A little miraculous if you ask him, but one Ashern is grateful for nonetheless.
He hopes their resounding success brings about what their aiming for, it’s sure to!
He’s glad to see Alphinaud back with some more Scions on tow. He remembers seeing Arenvald around both the Waking Sands and the Rising Stones. Never really spoke to the man much, if at all, but it’s easy for Ashern to remember faces. Most of them anyway.
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