#asher gideon nygma crane
photographypunk · 2 months
Asher Gideon Nygma-Crane
Agendered (bio-female)
Autism ADHD OCD and Tourette's 
Born in Glasgow Scotland
Eye: dark blue that lightens to ice blue then around the pupil is a greenish yellow (central heterochromia)
Hair: dark auburn red that is mistaken for brown or black in low light 
They often wear punk/goth attire as a civilian but also just dress weird  
They are covered in tattoos : 1. They have four bands of black on each arm and between them are crows in various stages of flying or fighting  2. have a watercolor street of Gotham with a dark figure riding a pale horse that takes up their back 3. On their right side they have a Green and purple sphinx the cat part is a tiger instead of the usual lion that even goes down that leg 4.  On their left leg their upper thigh have a crocodile with a rubber duck for Waylon a playing card and spinning coin for Harvey a jester hat for joker a spade and heart for Harley and roses for Ivy and a kangaroo for George and a Penguin for Oz they have more but those are the more distinct ones alot of the other are more superfluous 
Their bottom lip has a vertical labret and snake bites they also have angel bites they all are black rings (cause they are a dork and like the scarecrow likeness)    
Found by Jon in a warehouse at a year and a few months old after their parents (doctors) were killed for helping the wrong person. 
They are generally unsettling even as a child as they often have a blank expression that doesn't change as they get older. They take this to working in a haunted house with their friends since they were sixteen.
They didn't go to school until middle school as they mostly spoke through mimicry using other people's voices and the school saw it as them being obstinate. 
They eventually craft themselves a voice of their own with Kaz at the age of 7. It's raspy, soft, and they rarely raise their voice unless need be, and they speak with a thick Georgian drawl like Jon because they like the way he speaks. 
The know a few languages Spanish Russian French and Italian they later learn Scottish Gaelic when they learn about their birth parents. 
Harley noticed they had loose joints even at a young age and very soft skin and to help them tighten and strengthen up by teaching them aerial sports their favorite was lyra while doing that they also did gymnastics. That's where they became friends with Barbra Gordon. They also learn electro swing dancing convinced by their long time girlfriend who they met in adult Lyra classes.
How they got their powers 
When they are young they lucid dream on a regular and makes friends with nightmares and dreams. Dream of the Endless meets them and takes them to meet Darkness. Dream of the Endless knows him and his siblings are becoming corrupt and knows the Elementals will bring the apocalypse or actually help.
Darkness is an elemental who is the actual Architect of the world the true creator due to them wanting to keep God and even themselves in check made the world in need of balance. Angered by that God killed Darkness and all of the other elementals. Not knowledgeable in how things are supposed to work he can only make broken copies of worlds. Dark and light was originally more of a balanced dynamic where both could actually be bad should one exist more than the other. Darkness has drifted through dark spaces in all dimensions without a body they settled into the dimension Ash reside in and stays  deep in the Dreamland. Dream takes Ash to Darkness as both a possible sacrifice and as the possible end of the world. Darkness is very old and while not aware of other worlds because all of them are pretty much rip off their work has a general knowledge of many things Asher had to construct a space in their mind so its not a constant stream of knowledge. They cannot be captured in magic circles and are not hurt by holy water they have been shot stabbed and had even been doused in gasoline and set on fire but they heal quickly. They use this ability to scare others letting them believe they have won then scaring them. They can change parts of their body into obsidian they use them to set their fear toxin on fire but also to slash and claw. They can full-bodied shape-shift often turning into a crow, barghest (black dog), and a large Maine coon like cat they can also turn into twisted versions of their alias The Crow. 
As The Crow they wear black pants a white button up and vest with steel toed boots black leather gloves and a black trench coat they wear a leather bandana and if their hair is long enough will braid it with leather ties but they dont really care too much about their hair.They also wear welding goggles a plague doctor like mask.
Boots later they have plates of metal like tap shoes to also throw sparks and have rolling nano machines that can help them skid slide and even slightly glide they hate using them though cause they dont act like hockey skates 
Gloves they actually only wear them in the beginning as they later get more used to using their powers. These gloves also use nano tech with magnets that help them spin fling and bring back their large scythe.
Large scythe that can collapse into a eight inch pole their large scythe is actually more of a defense tool to keep people back and fling them and light the toxin on fire with the help of nano tech they also can make it pin people down and also trick people into trying to grab it only to be unable to move it.
Two sickles they use when they need speed and when they actually need to physically fight.
Personality: they are playful and laid back with their family and friends often wanted to help take care of Stephanie Brown and Timothy Drake who also are adopted by Jon and Ed. They are very protective of their family but also to those they see are in need of help and stands by more progressive policies. They join a protest at the young age of 14 when a young boy is shot and killed by gcpd. They love to be a problem for those in power particularly those who abuse said power. They are very self aware of their odd life and how odd it is but also find a lot of humor in their existence. They often make jokes about it saying "I don't have to grow past the emotional range of a 16 year old and can also blame my upbringing" in reality they are also very tetchy of people who assume Ed and Jon are abusive or that they forced Ash to be a Rouge. They decided to be a Rouge at the young age of 8 after they ran across a pedophile who was looking for victims at a public pool they went to and saw him watching their friends. They know that they aren't doing the right thing fully by going after these people but have a lot of anger towards these people. They are often almost immediately liked by kids and animals which they find odd but uses it to protect these beings who trust them so readily. They do commit more regular crimes like Ed and Jon but oftentimes steal to give the money or whatever they stole to those who really need it.....sometimes to their own detriment as they sometimes even give their legitimate pay away as well leaving them on a constant precipice of being kicked from their own apartment at times. They also heavily help Babs PI business also to their detriment. (They are bad with the monies lol)
Ed: they are close (of course) but Ed is also very supportive in everything they want to try while also being very protective of them. He's a mother hen to Ash in particular as they are very independent and have a tendency to forget to take care of themselves. (just like Jon) They are also reckless and protective of their friends and families (like Ed) They also bond over their love of machinery and general trivia and riddles. Jon often says they are the brick walls each needed in their lives. They are also very interested in ciphers and codes and earned Ed's love to perform but are very shy and like to stay in the dark. Its why they love being a haunted house worker and often using their knowledge and body control they learned in sports to make scaring and fighting a performance in its self. He was very weary about sending Ash to school even as he knew they would have friends and that the school wasn't actually that bad with staff who tried. The elementary school had seen them as obstinate as when they went to the preschool the fact they speak in Kaz's voice instead of their own.
Jon: They bond over their love for reading crows and love to scare the shit out of people. They are more quiet and contemplative when it comes to dealing with people. Jon does feel bad for their quieter nature but Ed often soothe him over it. Jon is also protective of thier child as well but is more willing to let them grow and change on thier own. He had hoped Ash would choose a more normal life but after a fight reconizes that Ash needs to live thier life the way they want. They often spend time together in quiet often each doing thier own thing. They both have a similar sence of humor and while once Ash is 16 darkness and Ash are esstially the same being Ash can become feral and unable to speak if hurt or if they use thier powers too much and Jon reconizes its similar to him and Scarecrow. Jon finds the fact they take a lot of insperation from him funny and flattering and teases Ed over it a little bit.
Waylon: He is uncle Waylon and Ash goes to Waylon for more normal advice. He encouges Ash to try to work through things on more normal ways. If Ed isnt around Ash goes to Waylon for emotional comfort. They have respect for Waylon for being the most stable of thier caretakers and being mentally angile to be able to have a consistant job as they struggle with trying to be a normal citizan.
Kaz: Kaz knew who Ed and Jon where as he saw them in thier Rogues costumes so he threatens them after getting back. Originally he felt like he had to protect Ash (who was two when they 'adopted' Kaz) Ash unconsiously shows the while Jon and Ed kill and hurt people they dont want to hurt the siblings. They grow close being siblings and reconizing thier life is very odd. Kaz like Ed is very protective of Ash since they have a tough time taking care of themselves. Ash is just a protective after Kaz's leg is screwed up and makes him a brace and they remind each other to use thier mobility and braces. Ash does reconize Kaz is both very capable and has his crew to back him up so tires to not worry about him too much but still does. Ash finds Kaz's ability to do close up magic very neat and picks up some of the tricks he learns but isnt as skilled as Kaz is.
Stephine: Ash does more girly things with Steph and acts as a typical older sister type helping her be confident and lets her know her feminity is valid and not weakness. Ash is slightly jelouse of Steph bcause she is actually more inclined for math and enginering and has a more natural knack for it but is also has resepect for her over it and if Ed isnt around will go to Steph for a outliers prospective on projects. Steph's persona is called Syphinx. Steph wears purple and green but wears more civillian like cloths but will sometimes when shes needed a green and purple suit and has a cane with a syphinx handle for her main weapon.
Tim: Ash and Tim both are the more quiet siblings perfering to work in the shadows and arnt concerened for praise or adoration for thier work. They can be both frusrated at each other for it but love each others very much. Tim and Ash oftentimes spends time together doing parellal play often hanging out in Ash's room and listening to music. Ash will call on Tim and Steph to help sometimes with the other variants or when their are civilians involed. Ash like with all thier other siblings is protective of Tim but has a tendecy to hover more as he is also the baby of the family. Tim will often go to Ash for emotional comfort as he doesnt want to be a burden but Ash is quick to put his fears to rest and doenst mind reminding him that Ed and Jon love him very much. Ash is happy that Tim and Steph have much more normal lives than them and Kaz as Steph and Tim may have personas they dont commit crimes and act as more typical viglianties. Tim's persona is called Magpie which was a nikename from Ed and Jon. He wears a plauge doctor like mask like Ash but often wears more punk like attire than Ashers 'suit' look.
Pets: They have a few pets including a horse named Ghost who became close after Kaz got her trust. Ruger was a Rottweiler German shepherd mix who saved them from a Jonathan Crane who got stuck in their dimension and decided to kill Ash believing they were stopping Jon continuing his work on the toxin. They fought and they both got dosed with Jon's toxin but Ash fought it and beat him up with the help of Ruger. Afterwards Ed and Jon were weary of Ruger but finally gave him a chance after Waylon pointed out he wasn't aggressive towards any of them. Nightmare is more of a sibling to them he later gains the ability to fully speak as Ash works on their powers. Ash felt bad but Nightmare wants to be there for Ash and help them in any way he can. Craw is more of Kaz pet but he doesn't like being cooped up so oftentimes hangs out with Ash and Nightmare. Nightmare is the more serious one while Craw often acts playful and social sometimes acting more like a parrot with using his feet more often than other crows. Craw can speak fully as well but oftentimes loves to mostly mimic and speak in small sentences or one words. Later Tim and Stephine 'save' a kitten who escaped the cage he was in about to be taken into a shelter and they jokingly named him Eddie as once they get him to Ash they find the kitten is very smart and curiouse quickly even figuring out a puzzle Ash made for Craw and Nightmare. Eddie winds up staying but Ash still goes to the shelter and explains what happened and paid the dues to officially adopt him as the money goes to the animals. Eddie loves Craw and Nightmare and the crows like him back calling him little brother. Eddie is a orange tabby kitten with green eyes.
I will add more this is just what I was able to jam out send me asks or messages or whatever and I can clarify or explain better.
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