#asgore and bud
punsmaster69 · 5 months
"MK, dude. You're gonna kill him."
frisk picked up their kickball that's narrowly missed me enough times to make me reconsider my seating.
"Sorry, Sans."
"Should we move this somewhere else?"
"Your back yard has more space, right?"
"Yeah. Race you there!"
"On the count of three."
"You can count!"
frisk inhaled...
darting instantly around the back of the house.
"Wai- Frisk, that's not fair!!"
clearly caught of guard, monster kid gave chase.
"You're just gonna watch them leave?"
"i'll get up in a sec."
"Gee, some kind of babysitter you are."
"like i said, i'll get up in a sec."
"besides, this isn't technically babysitting."
"How is it not?"
"not my job."
"Didn't Toriel put you up to this or something?"
"Why are you even here?!"
"Don't you have anyone else to bug?"
"working with asgore. doin' ambassador stuff."
"on a date with undyne."
"bothered him enough yesterday."
"You could go work for once. Pay him back."
an unusual amount of exhaustion slows my every movement today. not the lazy slow i've typically got; slow like sludge.
i blame it on the dog that wouldn't stop rifling through everything in my room. normally i'd kick it out, but then it'd go bug papyrus. knowing ahead of time he'd be busy today, i'd let it annoy me for the night.
"i'm bored, but i'm not 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 bored."
"Lazy ass."
"the rest of me's lazy too, y'know."
grabbed his pot and carried it with me to the back porch with me. i was met with a frankly surprising lack of complaints, his scowl being the extent of it.
he ignored my reply.
"Fine. Not Grillby, not Papyrus, not Alphys..."
"Don't you hang out with Napstablook sometimes?"
"Why not them?"
"they're with mtt. calling mew, i think."
"...How's she doing?"
"𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 wondering how someone's doing?"
"feelin' alright, bud?"
"Shut up. I'm only asking because she's tolerable compared to a lot of you."
"I relate to her constant rage, on some level."
"last i heard, the idol stuff was going well."
"Getting paid to do nothing but look good..."
"I'd say it sounds like easy cash, but I know 𝘆𝗼𝘂 couldn't do it."
"i do plenty of nothing."
"The looking good part."
"you'd be surprised at how low standards are these days."
"Yours specifically?"
"That's no shock. Your jacket's got a stain on it RIGHT there."
"When's the last time you washed that thing?"
"at least sometime last month."
"I'm surprised you don't smell like anything worse than ketchup."
"my lack of body with which to produce odor contributes to that."
"you totally stink though."
"I don't have a body either, idiot!"
"got the odor though."
"I don't sm- HEY!!!"
the kickball slammed against the railing flowey was on, giving him a good shake.
"Frisk, dude. You're gonna kill him."
mocking tonality, soon broken with giggling.
frisk punched them in the shoulder before running back in the yard to receive the kick from monster kid.
"Both of them need to get better."
"at playing?"
"Whatever game that is."
"why don't you go play with 'em?"
the incredulous look he gave me was expected.
"Because I don't have limbs??"
"so you'd play if you could."
"No! It looks boring."
"yet you watch them play."
"Watching is different!"
"watching is looks."
"and you said it looks boring."
"Shut it, herd."
knowing full well that i was letting myself be lulled by the sun and gentle breeze into a nap, right there in tori's porch chair.
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viviannesmonster · 3 months
Second metting/becoming friends
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The second time you met Toriel was in the grocery store, again.
You were grabbing some bread and noticed Toriel beside you.
You greeted her and she smiled at you.
She recognized you and you two talked for about 5 minutes and you ended up getting her name and number.
Then Frisk came up to you two and asked Toriel if they could get chocolate milk.
That was when you decided to leave.
You waved Toriel goodbye and went to another isle.
"Oh! You're the nice human who bumped into me!"
The second time you met Sans was at the grocery store he works at.
You recognized him and started to talk to him.
He was actually quite surprised that you weren't mad at him for almost hitting you.
And he was even more surprised you found him and his baby bike funny.
But he was happy regardless.
You learned his name and he gave you his number.
You left the grocery store and went home, only to find out Sans had given you the number of a helpline for "idiot babies".
"hey, you ain't mad about the other day, right?"
The second time you met Papyrus was in the park.
You were walking in the park when you noticed Papyrus running towards you.
A little white dog was chasing him and he was running away.
He didn't watch where he was going and run over onto a bench.
He fell on top of it and the little dog tried biting at his legs.
You picked up a nearby stick and threw it, which distracted the dog.
You then helped Papyrus off the bench and made sure he was okay.
You two talked about what happened, you learned his name, and you got his number.
After talking for about ten minutes, you two separated ways.
The second time you met Undyne was at a bus stop.
Undyne was waiting at the bud stop and you sat beside her.
You recognized her and started to talk to her.
She apologized for what happened the last time you saw her and you forgave her.
You two kept talking and you got her name and number.
Then a bus pulled up and she got on, leaving you alone to wait for the next bus.
The second time you met Alphys, was at the grocery store again.
She needed help getting more ramen and noticed you where there.
She asked you to get the ramen for her again and you laughed.
You thought it was cute so you not only gave her the ramen, but your number as well.
"U-Um, hi again. C-Can you...uh...get the ramen for me...again....please?"
The second time you met Mettaton was at one of his shows.
Mettaton is a multi-celebrity. He is the host on a reality tv show. Not to mention he has his own cooking show, is a social media influencer and he makes his own music.
So at one of his concerts, you bought tickets to it.
Because after meeting Mettaton in real life, you actually started to follow him.
You thought his remarks on TV were funny and his songs were catchy.
So you bought a front row seat ticket to his most recent show.
You were seated right in front of the stage and as Mettaton was singing his most famous song, he recognized you from the crowd.
He recognized you as the cute person from the Cafe and offered his hand to you.
You took it and he gave your knuckles a kiss, all while slipping his number into your hand.
The second time you met Asgore was when he was picking up Frisk from school.
You were walking past, when Asgore recognized you from his truck.
He rolled down his window and started talking to you.
He asked how you were doing, and got your name and number.
However, he had to leave when Frisk entered the car and he drove off.
"Hey! You're that human that came into my shop the other day! How are you?"
The second time you met Muffet, it was at her bakery again.
You ordered the same thing you did last time and she undercharged you again.
Then she asked you what she could do to make more customers come to her bakery.
You gave her the best advice you could and left.
She took your advice and it worked.
"I have a question for you dearie. What do you think I could do get more customers?"
The second time you saw Grillby was at his bar.
You went back to his bar for a night out with your friends.
After your friends got drunk of their asses and started making out with random strangers, you ended up making friends with Grillby.
That night, you got Grillby's number.
Despite how quiet and reserved he is, he is actually quite funny.
"...some friends, huh?"
After everyone else left, you stared at Gaster.
He turned to you and the little lights in his eyes widened slightly.
He spoke in a language you had never heard before.
Yet you understood him perfectly.
He asked if you could see him and you said yes.
He smiled and turned his body towards you.
He then asked if you could help him and you said you would.
He then shuffled back towards the underground and beckoned you to follow him.
He explained you were going to help him become a corporeal being again.
"👍︎✌︎☠︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎...💧︎☜︎☜︎ 💣︎☜︎?"
(Translation: Can you...see me?)
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
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any aus of your choice, what're their relationship/dynamic with their world's frisk or chara?
Frisk is family to Sans and Papyrus, not quite anything specifically defined, their just like "little sibling-nibling-child who stays over sometimes". They and Sans had a slightly strained relationship for a while after their final reset, but they bonded post-pacifist. Them and Papyrus are best buds.
Red and Edge are the guardians of Ruby. Not sibling or parent, just guardians. They helped Ruby get through Snowdin and Waterfall, despite going against the royal guard and Asgore to do so. Their extremely protective of them, for good reason.
Faith is their little sibling. Unlike the other worlds, Blue and Rus prefer more defined terms with most things. Blue adored Faith from the beginning, he saw this little slightly injured human and was already signing mental adoption papers. Rus, on the other hand, was pretty nonchalant with them for the first few pacifist runs. Once he knew they could reset, he didn't blame them for do multiple pacifists in a row, he would've done the same. But when the genocide routes started, he became pretty bitter towards them. It took a long time for him to warm back up to them once they did a final pacifist.
Angel and Demo- Reapertale's Frisk and Chara- are Reaper's step-kids, pretty much. His relationship with Life isn't quite a defined one, but the two call him dad, and call Soul uncle, so he's taken it in stride. as far as the kids are concerned, they have one mom and three dads (Reaper, Geno, Asgore)
Also not particularly defined. Somewhere between youngest sibling, eldest nibling, and middle cousin. Chain (Frisk) is 18 in my Echotale, but they've known G!S since they were 12 or so. G!S, Chain, and Patch are the only three people remaining in the underground, so they're sort of required to get along.
Technically Killer is his Frisk. When he absorbed Frisk's soul, he retained his own consciousness as Sans, but added Frisk and Chara onto it. Chara's actually the one controlling his body most of the time, 'Killer' is the combonation of the three of them, not just Sans' nickname. Frisk very rarely gains control, but when they do, their very distressed. The other Bad Sanses tend to stay away when Frisk is in control, partially because they have vendettas against Frisk, and partially because they don't want to scare Frisk. Killer as a whole can't remember any of their memories, only the ones from his timeline and after, but he never has recollection of Frisk coming forward, as Chara blocks them out. I'm not even sure he's aware Frisk is part of him.
If i had to nickname them indivually, it'd be Bullseye (Sans), Nyx (Chara), and Lilac (Frisk). In my other AUs that include Killer, he either goes by Bullseye or Nyx, depending on the events. Bullseye is what happens when Sans gets back control and tries to be himself again, Nyx is what happens when Chara completely overrides the control.
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Flowey on a date with temmie?
Flowey tries his best to be a gentleman. Bud ends up killing her because of her annoying woice.
Flowey then resets to the beginning of the date thinking he can forsure do it the 3. Time.
*claws my way out of a dirt hole clutching a oneshot like a lifeline* hey guys! sorry I went missing mysteriously. Anyway, loved this prompt, here ya go @pomegranate29, and don't worry my esteemed mutual @ihonestlydunnowhattocallmyself, yours is great too and I'll make sure to write it soon.
Sorry for any typos, I proofread it once or twice so it should be all right. I decided to include the Green Soul even though they probably wouldn't have met Flowey, creative liberties and such.
“What do you mean, you ‘arranged me a date’?!”
Daisy, the brown-haired human child with a green soul Flowey was allies with, giggled and nodded. “With Tem!”
“Why on Asgore’s green earth would you do that?” asked Flowey, frustrated. Daisy may be his ally, as well as the one in control of the save/load power at the moment, but he definitely felt like strangling them with his vines right now.
“I won’t want you to be lonely when I leave the Underground,” Daisy answered with a wink.
“Right, right…’when you leave the underground…’” Asgore had always said it was the thought that counted in a gift–for instance, he insisted he appreciated the thought while almost dying of buttercup poisoning–but Flowey thought that advice was kind of rot. “Daisy, I’m going to stand her up.”
“What! No!” Daisy grumbled. “In fact, I’m going to be your escort, chaperone, and waiter just to make sure you attend this. Just try to be a gentleman, all right?”
Try to be a gentleman. Okay, Flowey didn’t mind acting a part. ‘Gentleman’ sounded pretty grown up. Trying to suppress a certain Asriel-ish feeling where his chest would be, Flowey just nodded. “Okay.”
“Wow,” Daisy marveled. “I thought you were going to need much more convincing.”
Flowey could tell right away that Daisy was happier than they had been since falling down here and getting a bounty placed over their head. Maybe that's why Flowey didn’t kill Tem as soon as she walked into the room–to satiate his enthusiastic little ally.
Besides, he was trying to be a gentleman. He gave Daisy a quick cue, and they took off his hat for him in a gesture of respect. “Ma’am,” Flowey greeted.
“Oi! Me TEMMIE! Welcom to TeM DAte!” 
“Thanks,” answered Flowey.
Daisy clapped their hands excitedly. “Let's start a conversation!” 
Tem looked at Flowey expectantly. Flowey realized he was expected to give a conversation prompt. “Okay, geez, uh…Okay. Let's say everyone in Tem village was put in an arena and forced to kill each other. Who would be the last one standing?” It was an excellent prompt, one Chara had once given that made Toriel scowl.
Tem thought hard. “HmM…TeM thincs it wuld b…TEM!!!”
“Which one?” asked Flowey.
“U now…TeM!!!”
“BUT WHICH–ugh, fine.” Daisy had shot Flowey a warning look. “What weapons would they use?”
“TeM wEpOns!!!” answered Tem enthusiastically.
“Stabby or sharpy or other?”
Flowey lost his temper. “There’s no such thing as Tem weapons! I would know if there were! I've killed all of you thousands of times with thousands of weapons and I've never once come across ‘tem’ weapons!!!”
Tem started sweating and comically slid out of frame. “Tem got uncomfortable and left,” Daisy explained, crestfallen.
“Thank the angel that's over,” muttered Flowey. 
“I’ll reload,” Daisy decided placidly. “Let's try again.”
Flowey could tell right away that Daisy was happier than they had been since falling down here and getting a bounty placed over their head. Maybe that's why Flowey didn’t kill Tem as soon as she walked into the room–to satiate his enthusiastic little ally. For the second time, apparently.
Besides, he was trying to be a gentleman. He gave Daisy a quick cue, and they took off his hat for him in a gesture of respect. “Ma’am,” Flowey greeted.
“Oi! Me TEMMIE! Welcom to TeM DAte!” 
Daisy smiled. “Water?” they offered.
“GrAPe JUICE!!!1!” answered Temmie. Daisy nodded, filled up Flowey’s glass without him asking (he didn’t even have hands) and hurried to retrieve grape juice.
Tem began telling Flowey a lengthy and surprisingly poetically worded anecdote of the story of how, in her childhood, she had found a seashell in Waterfall, swapped it for bread, then gave it to a starving orphan who needed it more. The voice was high-pitched and gurgly, grating against Flowey’s nonexistent ears until cartoon smoke came out of them. Unable to stand it a single second more, (plus it would be interesting to see how Daisy would react to returning to the room to find Temmie dead,) he made short work of strangling her to death while her comically wide eyes stared into his soul, shocked, before dusting.
Daisy walked back in and gasped, dropping the juice. “Flowey!” they exclaimed rebukingly. “What did you do?”
“I killed her,” answered Flowey, somewhat sheepish despite himself. Daisy frequently had that moral affect–not just on Flowey, but on everyone. Now they were staring at the dust and beginning to cry.
“Stop crying,” Flowey said crossly.
“It’s ruined,” the seven-year-old sobbed. “Everything is ruined. Temmie wouldn’t have died if I didn’t arrange the date.”
“You’re forgetting that you have the save/load ability,” Flowey returned.
“But I saved right before we came inside,” sniffled Daisy. “I’d al-already arranged the date…”
“Then just–” Flowey sighed, trying to figure out how to stop their crying. “Just do this again, okay? I won’t kill her again.”
Daisy pursed their lips and studied Flowey’s expression. They wouldn’t find their answer there, Flowey knew–he pulled an Asriel smile on the child, who finally decided to reload.
Flowey could tell right away that Daisy was happier than they had been since falling down here and getting a bounty placed over their head. Maybe that's why Flowey didn’t kill Tem as soon as she walked into the room–to satiate his enthusiastic little ally. For the third time, apparently. Angel, how many more times was Daisy going to make him do this?
Besides, he was trying to be a gentleman. He gave Daisy a quick cue, and they took off his hat for him in a gesture of respect. “Ma’am,” Flowey greeted.
“Oi! Me TEMMIE! Welcom to TeM DAte!” 
“So, do you come here often?” asked Flowey finally as Daisy watched expectantly.
“TeM live here…EVeRY DAY!” answered Tem.
“Right, right.” Flowey nodded. “So, er, what are your hobbies?”
“That’s a noun…”
Temmie rose from her seat. “I wiL shOW u!!!!” Leading Flowey behind the counter of the Tem shop, Daisy following close behind. Temmie pressed a brick. Slowly the wall rearranged itself into a door frame. Impressed, because he hadn’t found this secret yet, Flowey entered the dark room.
“LIGHT!” screamed Temmie. The lights turned on. Dozens of intricately carved, flat cardboard statues crowded the room. Daisy gasped in delight and even Flowey drew in a breath at the beauty of Tem’s statues. Waterfall, Snowdin, Hotlands. The Ruins’ door. Cutouts of things that only existed on the surface. Symbols and trinkets. And everyone in the Underground! Flowey admired the detail of each statue, thinking about all the different ways he had killed these people happily, until suddenly he noticed Toriel and Asgore. And with them…a goat boy and a small human child with their face shoved in a bouquet of golden flowers, not visible. The iconic striped shirt was there, though. Flowey felt cold as he looked into Asriel’s eyes–Temmie had managed to capture a quality of bright kindness to a tea–then gazed intently at the Chara statue. Temmie must have copied directly off the palace tapestry, though where she had found it was a mystery. Asgore had had it taken down when he declared war on humanity.
“Flowey, look,” Daisy said urgently, gesturing wildly towards some of the statues, carved out of cyan, orange, blue, and purple. Why did Daisy care so much about these random–oh. These must be the other fallen humans.
Daisy stared, a fog of sad contemplation covering the usual sparkle in their eyes. “Do you really think I’ll be the exception? They all died. Why am I going to be different?”
“Meh.” Flowey responded. Honestly, Daisy was bound to have their soul reaped eventually. But he didn’t want to stress them out.
“cARDBOARD!” cheered Tem. Then she kissed Flowey.
Flowey started choking her with his vines in retaliation, but Daisy started yelling at him to stop, so he reluctantly put her down.
“Say thank you,” Daisy told him.
“Thank you,” Flowey told Temmie.
“uR wELcome!” Tem grinned as the pressure marks on her throat faded. “eNjoY tHE cArDBoARd!”
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hi-im-nova · 27 days
HandPlates Code Ghost notes for my own reference, gonna try to take the Handplates: Code Ghost Comic seriously!
HandPlates and Ukagaka Ghost Gaster Spoilers!!
Timeline: Fun Value 66.
UkaGaster: Positive(Flirty) Route.
No RESET. No hits, over 500 Pets, LV: 0.03, Brothers Unlocked (Scolded for hiding from Gaster since it caused him a panic attack)
Brothers are still learning to talk properly (Mental age around 4-6?), Gave Gaster cheek kisses & Brothers Parental Kisses, Asked to see Gaster's soul; Asked of cracks and asked to touch soul (He said no)
Gifts given; Asgore Torial and Alphys Plushies - Lots a candy - Ran out of mugs to give him - Every scarf - and Umbrella.
He knows my name, calls me it on occasion. Comfortable with falling asleep while im there, Always gets a blanket.
Temmie Ghost and him have talked, they're buds ^-^
-To be continued maybe?
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severed-ties-uf · 9 months
Part One: Young Souls
Chapter One: First Meeting
Doctor Gaster had come to the Royal Palace to discuss his plans for the core with the royal family and to have dinner with them, bringing along his firstborn son, Sans (who he told to wait outside). Chara was excused from the meeting by their brother, Asriel.
Chara left the living area and decided to walk down to the flower garden to look for something to do. There they saw a young skeleton monster — no older than themselves — sitting on the ground, facing away from them, looking at flowers; excited to meet a potential new friend, Chara approached him.
Chara: “Greetings!”
Sans turned around to face them, filled with confusion, shock, and distrust. Nobody had ever approached him like that before.
Sans: “uhm… h- hi.”
Chara: “My name is Chara Dreemurr. What is your name?”
Sans: “I- I’m Sans.”
Chara: “Oh, you’re the son of Dr. Gaster, right?”
He nods.
Chara: “Cool! It’s great to meet you, Sans!”
Chara gives him a warm smile and sits down next to him. Sans is still confused and shocked by their kindness, but yet, he’s fascinated and drawn in at the same time.
Chara: “What are you doing out here?”
Sans: “… My father told me to wait outside until dinner time, he didn’t want me to mess anything up with the meeting, and didn’t want me to embarrass him.”
Chara: “That’s silly, why would he think that?”
Sans: “He’s… mean sometimes.”
Chara: “I get it. King Asgore is like that sometimes as well. The underground would be so much better if everyone was just a little nicer, don’t you think?”
Sans: “… yeah… …So… What are you doing out here?”
Chara: “Prince Asriel excused me from the meeting. The meeting wouldn’t involve me to begin with and he didn’t want me to be bored.
Chara giggles slightly. Sans looks down at the flowers.
Sans: “I see… I’ve just been out here, looking at the flowers.”
Chara: They’re so pretty! Don’t you think?”
Sans: “I guess.”
Chara crawls over to a patch of buttercups.
Chara: “These ones are my favorite! They’re called buttercups. They’re so pretty, and smell so nice!”
Chara picks a flower and hands it so Sans.
Chara: “Here you go.”
Sans takes a look at it, and smells it. Chara's kindness cheering him up a bit.
Sans: “Yeah, they do look nice and smell good, you’re right; I like them. Thank you, Chara.”
Chara: “You’re welcome!”
Sans takes a long pause, holding the flower between his thumb and pointer finger.
Sans: “So… uhm… Flower- you doing today, Chara?”
Chara laughs
Chara: *Giggle* “… you wouldn’t be-leaf how good of a day I’ve had! If you’ve been having a bad day, I hope thistle cheer you up!” *giggle*
Sans starts to laugh as well, showing a smile for the first time (since he’s met Chara).
Sans: *chuckle* “I wasn’t having a good day, but you’ve helped me bloom into having a good one, you’ve made my daisy! So, thank you!”
Chara: “You’re welcome, Sans!“
Chara smiles at him, he smiles back.
Chara: “Hey, do you wanna be friends?”
Sans: “Really?! You want to… be my friend?”
Chara: “Yes, of course I do! You’re super friendly and funny!“
Sans tears up a bit, it’s the first time anyone has offered to be his friend, and one of the rare times he’s been complimented.
Chara: “Sans, are you okay?”
Sans: “… I would love to be friends with you, Chara.”
Chara: “Yay!!”
Chara gives Sans a short and sudden hug, and lets go a second later. After Chara lets go, Sans stays there for a couple seconds, shocked, processing everything, especially the hug. Neither of them noticing that he’s blushing.
Sans: “I really lilac your company, Chara, I’m sure we’ll be best buds.”
Chara laughs, and begins to speak, but is interrupted by the sounds of familiar footsteps. Chara stands up and faces the door, as Asriel leans in.
Asriel: “Hey guys, dinner’s ready! Come on in.”
Chara: “Yes, your highness.”
Chara offers their hand to Sans, he takes it and Chara helps pull him up to his feet.
Chara: “Come on, friend! Let’s go eat dinner!”
Sans: “Alright, let’s go.”
Still holding hands, they walk to dinner with Asriel. Sans blushing all the way.
Authors notes (mostly about the characters):
Sans still has a taste for puns in his childhood, but grows out of the more innocent ones later in life.
Chara isn’t allowed to call Asriel (or any of the royal family) by his name or by nicknames in public (only in private) which is why they refer to him as “Prince Asriel” and “your highness”.
I decided to make Asriel 5 years older than Chara, to bolster their relationship with Sans (because they’re the same age, 8).
Next Chapter
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liliallowed · 6 months
okay but fr I just had a thought. crimson and papyrus would be BEST BUDS if papyrus remembered resets.
they'd totally like... challenge him to use his special attack, insisting they can handle it... and then just throw away the knife cuz it makes the fight "too easy".
just two bros respectfully playfighting... except... crimson... always gets numb to it.
eventually they'll grow numb to the sparring. eventually they'll crave DANGER. risk. and violence.
same case with undyne. if people REMEMBERED THEM they wouldn't murder them with such ease. they'd treat them as playmates. as friends or rivals.
undynes cooking? you bet crimson is setting the entire WATERFALL on fire just to win in the cooking.
her suplexing a boulder? they'll SUPLEX A MOUNTAIN!
like they GENUINELY like undyne and papyrus too. sometimes they'd wish they'd remember...
maybe they would have made things more fun. less bland... but they knew eventually they'd still get tired of them.
so like crimson doesn't only care about sans. the memory of toriels pie... the first battle with Asgore... how deeply they wanted to have an arm wrestling match with undyne and nerd out about sci-fi books and time travel shenanigans with alphys along with edgy dark violent anime...
they STILL feel bad when they sit at grillbys empty bar.
they CARE about this dying world. it hurts. it why they destroyed it.
because destroying it made them feel sad. it made them FEEL something.
they miss it. they might pretend to be content but they aren't.
they miss undyne. they miss the other monsters... even if they'll never admit it.
it's too late for regrets. why does it even matter?
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twentydaysofdrabbles · 11 months
The Concierge Goes Tracking - Pounce (Part 18)
You don’t miss the number of familiar faces dotting the streets as you make your way over to a stout apartment complex, box of pie in hand. Women sitting at an al fresco cafe, coffees in hand. Men jogging along the street. All of them look at you, then look away just as quickly. 
A small downturn of your brows is the only indication that you found any of it out of place. It seemed as though they were waiting for something. What exactly, you can only guess.
Tap tap tap go the heels of your shoes as you move from pavement, to stone, to tile. The sound echoes in the stairwell, then the hallway, until you finally come to a stop in front of a plain apartment door. There, you pause. Long enough that you can focus on the soft breathing on the other side of the door, on the soft scent of pie crust and freshly cut grass. She’s here. 
Knock knock.
Nothing. Not even the skip of a breath, a slightest shuffle of feet. 
You try again. Knock knock.
“Who’s there?” comes a soft, firm voice. Entirely human sounding. 
You hate that you have been acquaintances with Sans long enough that the first thing that comes to mind is a knock knock joke.
“Howl.” Well, technically it isn’t far from what you’ve been doing the whole afternoon. 
“...howl who?” Oh goodness, she sounds so perplexed yet curious. Is this how you sound when you react to Sans’ puns?
Well, nothing for it. “Howl you know if you don’t open the door?”
A soft snort, a stifled giggle, and finally the soft shuffle of feet. The deadlock to the door opens, along with a whole host of locks. When the door finally swings open, you have to look up and up to meet the former Queen’s dark eyes. Only slightly shorter than King Asgore, if you had to guess, with small horns, long ears, and luxurious white fur. Her broad shoulders fill the frame, her plain green dress doing nothing to hide her build. 
But she...
You take her in without a shift of your eyes. She looks haggard, the fur around her neck ruffled and flattened, as though she had smoothed her fur over the skin, as if there were a missing patch. The way she holds an arm tells you that her bicep aches, that she won’t be able to lift it past her ribs. Something happened to her.
The goat monster only shakes her head at you and ushers you in quickly. “That was a terrible joke,” she says with a small smile, closing the door behind you as you step in. But not before she casts a glance at the hallway behind you - empty.
You hate that you gave into the urge to use such a joke, but it did work. Your notes indicated that she was fond of such things, and far be it for you not to use it to your advantage. “Good afternoon, Miss Toriel,” you incline your head, the pie balanced between your hands. “My apologies for interrupting your day.” Then you extend the boxed pie to her, freshly baked and burning against your gloved hands. “Please accept a housewarming gift.”
Toriel looks at you sharply, already backing away with her hands raised in a defensive posture. “I should have known--!” she hisses, fire sparking between her fingers in an intimidating show of magic.
The taste of it is heavy on your tongue, ash building on your taste buds. And yet you do not move, the pie still held before you. “Peace, Miss Toriel.” The intensifying heat in the apartment causes your breaths to linger in your chest. “I come on behalf of those who wish to see you unharmed.”
“Unharmed but captured, is that it?” the former Queen growls. 
You don’t blink, you don’t flinch, you don’t move. “No. Unharmed and safe.” Slowly, you open the top of the box and immediately the warm scent of butterscotch fills the air. “I come on behalf of the owner of the Continental Hotel. She wishes to invite you to high tea with her.”
Toriel still looks suspicious, though the heavy taste of ash dies down. “A bribe.”
“An invitation.” Like the pie still held out to her. “A bribe would have been snail pie, but I have it on good authority that I would be hard pressed to find one better than what you can make.” You make sure that your tone is even, with no inflection. 
The fur on the back of the former Queen’s shoulders rise. “On whose authority?” She sounds less wary even though she still looks tense. Good.
Without hesitation, you answer, “Mx Frisk.”
White furred hands fly to her snout and she gasps. “Frisk! Oh, my child,” she breathes out shakily into her cupped hands. “Please, is Frisk--is my child safe?”
“Safe and waiting at the Continental, Miss Toriel.” Your head tilts deliberately in a silent question. Why is she so worried if she was the one who left Frisk alone in the first place? You can only think it has to do with the increased activity in this area. Someone has taken an interest in her, but not in Frisk. 
It’s almost as if she deflates on the spot, staggering and slowly sinking into the couch. “Oh stars...Frisk...” But she caught your question, eventually looking up from her hands and gesturing you closer. When you do, she takes the pie from your hands and smiles through her tears at the freshly baked pie. 
“Please, sit. Did you want some as well?” She heads for the kitchen.
“Certainly,” you say with an incline of your head, sitting primly in the armchair adjacent to the couch from where she had sat. The former Queen bustles in the kitchen for plates and a cake knife and cutlery. Letting you inspect the apartment without scrutiny.
Bare bones, sparsely furnished. Curtains drawn. A lamp here and there to illuminate the room, but no overhead lights. A safehouse perhaps? The former Queen clearly does not want to be found. 
“Here,” her paw comes out from your peripheral vision, offering a slice of butterscotch pie and a little fork next to it. 
You nod, taking it. “My thanks.”
For a while, there is no sound save for the clinking of cutlery on porcelain, of the soft sounds of eating. You, too, slowly take measured bites of the pie. Not because you dislike the taste, but out of habit. Best not to ingest too much lest you need to exert yourself later. 
When the former Queen is finished with her slice, she finally speaks up, her doe-like eyes fixed upon her plate. “Asgore is a fool. More heart than sense,” she bites out, her eyes flaring as she looks up into your impassive face. “I told him to stay out of human politics on that scale, but he never listens to me. And now look where we are, more eyes on us that we can afford.”
Toriel grinds her teeth, the sound louder than even the rattling of her plate as it trembles in her grip. “All I wanted...” Tears fall from eyes squeezed shut. “I just wanted to live in peace...”
You can only listen quietly, your plate cradled on your lap. It is odd. To listen to someone just...pour their heart out to you. In all your years, that has not once happened to you, not even with the Manager who can boast to be the closest to your heart and you to hers. 
Feeling endlessly awkward at being unable to say anything, you elect not to, maintaining a polite expression as you listen to her. 
And that seems to be enough for Toriel. The goat monster wipes away her tears and sets her plate on the coffee table, sighing heavily. “What did my child say about Asgore, when they asked you to find me?” She looks at you, gaze expectant. 
Oddly enough, you find yourself compelled to answer. Interesting. “That he could not be trusted.”
Toriel nods sharply in response. “Gorey--that is, Asgore. He wants me...” She groans, as if she was struggling to force the words out. “Safe. Or as safe as he thinks I can be. I didn’t agree with his version of ‘safety’.” Though she does not gesture to her neck, you can tell what the bare ring of skin indicates. 
The King wanted her safe. At all costs. 
The former Queen lets her head fall back into her hands with a groan, muttering under her breath, “Fucking Alphys...”
You pretend not to hear it. For a few minutes, you stay quiet, allowing Toriel to gather her thoughts. 
“Did Asgore get what he wanted?” She doesn’t lift her head from her hands.
How to answer that question. “No,” you answer evenly, placing your half-eaten plate on the coffee table. “But they are now bound by the rules of the Continental.”
At that, the former Queen stirs. “I thought that might happen,” she breathes out slowly. Finally, she scrubs at her face and sighs. “Then...” Blazing doe-like eyes burn into your dead ones. “Would you kindly escort me to the Continental Hotel, Concierge?” And from a pocket of her dress, she pulls out a gold coin. 
Dead eyes flick from hers to the coin, and then back again. A polite smile spreads on your face. “Of course.” 
You take the coin.
And all hell breaks loose.
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gasterofficial · 2 years
if you have a head. you basically have a scalp. sorry bud i think majority rules here. unless you wanna ask asgore for a royal declaration of your non-baldness?
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contmanne · 9 months
New thing. Dadgore.
So a bud of mine on another website has spearheaded an AU of sorts, that's based upon the fact that instead of Toriel, Asgore is the one looking after Kris. It's not deltaswap or something like that, it's more original.
So, I decided to write something small for the guy, and for the AU, as I'm not doing that often at all. And obviously it's Krusie, but as beginning friends.
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
[A short newspaper article is cut out and stuck to the page.]
A 𝘩𝘰𝘵 new event introduced itself to New Snowdin's very own challenge festival today.
Initially met with a 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮 welcome, some 𝘩𝘰𝘵-𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘥 contestants are now already asking for stricter regulations after the announcement of the champion.
"There will be no rules on what monsters can and cannot be involved in the event." Said Asgore Dreemurr, who oversaw today's event. He has refused any suggestions to ban a specific monster type from participating.
"When my bro entered me into this thing, neither of us expected I was gonna be such a hot topic." Sans 'The Skeleton', contest winner.
Many speculate that, as skeletons don't have tongues, it's safe to assume that they cannot taste spice.
However, Sans' brother, 'The Great' Paperus, assures everyone that skeletons can taste just fine despite the lack of taste buds.
"We all take in food magic the same way, of course it's the same for skeletons as it is for any other monster!"
[The paper is cut there.]
"they gave us proper capitals."
handed to me by king mayor asgore himself... i now have a little plastic trophy.
i'll put it next to the other one.
from the last contest paps entered me into and i somehow won.
oh. also won a blender. it's pretty nice.
paps is making all sortsa interesting concoctions with it.
pasta-pasta sauce is a new one.
it... is what it sounds like.
coming clean?
can't taste spice.
paps can, but somehow that sense missed me.
yeah, i don't know either.
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viviannesmonster · 2 months
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When you reached the place where the barrier once was, you saw all your friends were there looking for you.
Gaster stopped as you ran up ahead.
Frisk, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Napstablook were all calling your name.
"Guys!" You yelled as you ran to them.
"(Y/n)! My child!" Toriel yelled as she hugged you.
"Oh for heaven's sake! What were you doing back in there?!"
"Darling what on earth were you thinking?" Mettaton said crossing his arms as Napstablook stood beside him.
"and it's...fishy...that you would want to come back here anyway bud." Sans said, winking at you.
"UGH! SANS!" Papyrus yelled as Undyne groaned.
"I th-thought it was funny." Alphys giggled.
"We are all quite glad that you are okay." Asgore said. "But what were you doing down there?"
You smiled and turned back to Gaster.
The others turned to see what you were looking at and all collectively gasped.
Except Mettaton, Napstablook, Undyne, and Frisk.
"Gaster?" Asgore asked.
Gaster chuckled and walked up beside you. "In the marrow."
Asgore laughed and gave him a giant bear hug.
"Gaster! How is this possible?! You're alive!" He laughed and started to happy cry.
Gaster hugged him back laughing.
Toriel ran over and Gaster took her hands.
"Your majesty." He kissed the back of her hands. "It's so good to see you, Toriel!"
She hugged him and smiled. "Oh Gaster! It's so nice to see you too! I'm so happy you're alive!"
"Where are little Asriel and Chara?" Gaster asked excitedly.
Toriel and Asgore lowered their heads and looked away.
"They both died quite some time ago..." Asgore said.
Gaster's face fell. "...they...they did...?"
Toriel nods solemnly and Asgore wraps an arm around her.
(In this story, after the barrier is broken, Asgore and Toriel get back together)
He gives them both a hug. "I'm so sorry..."
Toriel smiled. "It's alright. We've had a lot of time to heal. And a lot of help healing as well."
Alphys and Undyne walked up to him as he pulled away from the hug.
"I-I hope you're not bitter about uh..."
"Being replaced by you?" He asked, as he smiled at her.
She looked away sheepishly and Gaster bowed to her.
"I'm sure you've done great work, my fellow scientist."
Alphys smiled as Undyne put her hand on her shoulder. "Well...I-I've definitely made a lot of mistakes..."
"Ah, but what is science without making mistakes? Hmm?" He smiled at her before turning to Sans and Papyrus who were both still.
Which was a strange sight to see since Papyrus was almost always moving.
Sans shook his head no.
Gaster stared at then with a sad smile before running at them and hugging them.
"Sans...Papyrus...💣︎⍓︎ ♌︎□︎⍓︎⬧︎...I'm so happy to see the both of you..."
They both started to cry and hugged him back.
"How did you manage to do this (Y/n)?" Asgore asked.
"It's a really long story." You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
Gaster rested his forehead against Papyrus'. "You're so much taller now..."
Then he put a hand on their shoulders. "You both have grown up so fast...I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it..."
They all hugged again and started crying, with Papyrus full on sobbing.
Asgore nodded. "Gaster is their father."
After they finished hugging, Gaster stood up and smiled.
"And to anyone else who doesn't know me. I am Gaster, the former Royal Scientist. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."
Toriel smiled and put her hand on her cheek. "I said that there was no way today could get any better, but then it did."
She turned to you and smiled. "(Y/n). You are truly a miracle worker."
Frisk nudged her leg and she laughed. "You are too, Frisk."
Gaster then turned to you and gestured his hand to you, smiling. "(✡︎/☠︎), I give my most sincere thanks to you. Everyone who knows me thanks you to. You helped me more than you will ever understand and I am forever grateful to you."
You smiled and stood beside him as you nudged his shoulder. "All in a days work." You teased.
"Now who's ready to go to the surface, for real this time?"
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
<-Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten->
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ask-yandere-sci · 1 year
A Sans variant suddenly flopped into the snow from practically thin air. What was odd about this sans was the full head of brownish-black hair tied up in a simple short ponytail. He sat there for a few moments before pushing himself up, a bit of snow falling from his face.
"For Asgore's sake, Ink!" He cried out. "Don't just shunt me into another reality without asking me!"
*he just smile tilting his head on the with his hands in his pockets*
Need help bud?
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askdetermination · 10 months
yellow: uh nah im good. also ok i’ll awaken ya when frisk comes
green: are you good yellow
yellow: yes i’m fine
green: ok wanna play monopoly
yellow: ok sure bud
Chara:yeah we have monopoly in *chara remembers asriel always telling asgore that he’ll wake him up and always asking them to draw with them or another activity before asgore and toriel woke up*… i-it’s in the cupboard right n-next to the bookshelf. On the bottom shelf.
*they open the cupboard*
Flowey:I’ve been locked in there for an hour. What the f*** Chara
Chara:don’t speak to me that way asri-I mean weed. It’s what you get for trying to pick up SAN’s sock. I had to give him $100 because of a sock and I had to give you $500 worth of giftcards
Flowey:it was worth it even if I got choked by him (I still have no idea how he pulled me out of my pot even with the amount of roots I used to keep me in my pot) anyways thanks for the gift cards idiot.
Chara:don’t let him out.
Flowey:well it’s better than the spray ya b****
Chara:that’s it get the spray bottle. Specifically the one filled with water.
Flowey:nooooooo. Please anything apart from the spray please
Chara:time out corner and you have to wear this
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Flowey:ugh fine
Chara:okay now get the spray
Flowey:wait what
Chara:hey I never said or
*sans’s reaction*
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bijou-dame · 1 year
Alr I'ma be honest I have been slacking bc the only thing I get on Tumblr to do is... scroll soooo
Here is a UT au that has been on my mind for a while, it's my own btw
Ok so let's start with the basics, in this au (I'm not all to sure what I'm calling it) most everyone is combined like for example Frisk and Chara into one making a completely new character I call them Faira they were the first human to fall and are 7-9 years old and have a bit of a combo outfit they wear a heart locket and a eco flower and heart pin in their hair, they go by they/them pronouns
I'm also going to say that most people that combine with those of opposite genders will sometimes be mixed like asgore and toriel being both mother and father, king and queen, it just depends on who you ask. also her name is Ashin
Now in this au Asriel is not dead (he did not leave) he is instead the mildly royal guard obsessed Prince as he is fused with M.K. his name is M.D. he uses he/him pronouns and is about 6-8 years old (will be a year younger than Faira) he has 4 horns and a tail like mk
Another thing that's changed is Alphys and Undyn (?) She is a scientist (not the lead) and the captain of the royal guard and an axolotl she wears glasses but because of a scar on one eye... she just cover's it up with her hair, idk bout the name man (I will take suggestions please) also she's a lesbian crushing on a pop idol, loves anime
Now on to the bestie sans and papyrus are combined he is the head of the royal scientist's and a loyal member of the royal guard him and alphine (?) Are science buds, coworkers, besties, and work out bros and he actually created the mtt of this world. now he does have a name but he prefers eclipse (only alphine knows his real name) likes to watch anime with the bestie, also pan man can I get a yes sir
And speaking of Mtt I introduce MMt (placeholder) the hybrid combo of Mtt and mad mew mew, all she wants to do is be the most popular pop idol in the underground and eclipse helped her achieve that also genderswap bc she/her pronouns also cat girl. this is the person who's alphines crush is on but the thing she doesn't know is it's reciprocated.
That's all the characters I know for sure (for now) and the storyline is pretty simple (lies) the underground is split into two the "light" and the "dark" there has been rising conflict between the two side they're basically split into two different undergrounds with how bad it is, like 'light' separate movies and channels basically it's discrimination. However royal official's aren't on either sides instead wearing symbols for both, this however doesn't do much they're still judged by which side they were born on wether that be discoveries, if you're right or not, or coworkers. Friendships between sides is almost unheard of however with eclipse from the 'dark' and alphine from the 'light' it isn't impossible. I should also say the the 'dark' gets discriminated against much more. That is until,Faira falls.
Anyways that's all I got so far I can still probably think of more to add and all that I'll also maybe draw them but I can't really draw monsters so some may or may not get the 'human' treatment hopefully you guys don't mind or anything (please) might make a comic too if I remember so, yeah you guys like it so I can make more.
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hopesndreams-au · 1 year
Part 1
It's been about a year and a half since the Barrier shattered. With Alphys's help, Asriel is able to retain a soul, Chara has his own body, and Gaster has been successfully pieced back together from across space and time. Frisk lives with Toriel and Asgore. Today, they, Chara, and Asriel are having a sleepover at the skeleton brothers' house.
Papyrus is in the kitchen, making fettuccine, when he realizes that it's suspiciously quiet.
"Where's Frisk?" He asks Sans, who's sitting on the couch.
"i'm pretty sure they're at grillby's."
"What're they doing at Grillby's?"
"beats me," Sans says as he stands up. "i'll go get 'em."
"Thank you, Sans."
"no prob, bob."
Sans shortcuts to Grillby's and finds me sitting in one of the booths. It's quiet today. Not a lot of people are here.
"heya, bud," he says as he sits across from me.
"Hi, Sans," I respond. "What brings you here?"
"i could ask you the same thing. why are you here all alone?"
"I needed some time alone in a place that has calming music."
"last i checked, grillby's has the same music as my house."
I shake my head and say, "Not today. Today, it's raining somewhere else."
Sans realizes what I mean and chuckles.
"i've something to tell ya. 'member back at mtt resort, i led you through a shortcut and talked to you about stuff?"
"Yeah, I remember that."
"there was somethin' i was gonna tell you, but i forgot what it was. i remembered what it was just now when you said it's raining somewhere else. you have something that only one other person on the face of this world has."
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