#ascended candles
Event tickets in sky were never going to work anyway.
It's way too good to be true; a currency that cannot be transferred across events or into candles/hearts for the sole purpose of making event cosmetics easier to obtain, that is collected by participating in the event itself? Thats already fishy enough by tgc's standards.
Thatgamecompany has a habit of making short term solutions for long term problems because of the sheer amount of content they make yearly, leaving less room to optimize regular gameplay. ET has probably been the most apparent example of this. (MAAAAJOR YAP SESSION AHEAD!)
When event tickets were first released, I was ecstatic. I was already struggling to keep up with Days of Bloom and Mischief since I have taken many breaks from sky, but I couldn't begin to fathom how the prices may feel to a new player. I also hated picking and choosing between what items to buy simply because i didn't dedicate the past two weeks so candlerunning alone. Hopefully this new addition of ET would take off that load and i can enjoy the following events to it's fullest, and well, I did.
For the first year that is. These cosmetics that costed ET were damn near free for me. Yet, in the back of my head i always wondered what would happen the following year once these ET cosmetics came back, alongside the new ones that were to be released. Would they cost just as much ET as last year's items? Then collecting ET would only get more stressful and inflate its value. Would the past items go away? That is unfair to new players and pushes FOMO to get everything every year.
Maybe the total price could stay the same but older items depreciate each year as newer ones release, making the oldest ones the cheapest.
And to my great surprise as i look at beta logs for this year's days of summer, not a single item from the year before is under 90 candles! How could this possibly be fair to new players who are trying to enjoy sky for what it is and get items? I've seen some people argue that the player has the choice to not get all cosmetics, which is true, but I'd like to show you what thought process is implied with this system. Think:
"We know you don't fully know your way around sky's economy, or don't have the time to grind everyday, but for this year only these new items are free just by participating in the event! And if you don't, for any reason, the price of the items will be worth 3-6 hours of candlerunning on top of MORE cosmetics! But it's all up to you!"
This isn't to say us as a playerbase have zero autonomy, but i hope you can see how FOMO is enforced when you add a currency with zero value outside of an annual 2 week event that gives players a "now or never" mindset. This is great in the moment, it pushes people to participate! Yet, this ruthlessly punishes players who aren't available for any reason, even those who weren't aware of sky before joining.
Sky is still a new game. Event tickets were only introduced a year ago, but if tgc keeps going down this economic pattern then imagine the amount of cosmetics locked away from new players, or players who took breaks, because of this exponential increase in pricing!
This is a more subjective opinion- but let me be honest; these cosmetics are not worth their candle/heart prices.
I was lucky enough to get all the days of style and days of summer items from last year for ET and i barely wore them, i can only imagine ONE item from each event being rewearable. I didn't mind though because i knew the towel capes and silly glasses were nice starter items for moths, but it's not even moth friendly anymore?! In the past only items that were in high demand were priced outrageously like rhythm and lightseeker TS, and now I'm spending extra for a purple top hat that doesn't even match any of the other purples in this game☠️☠️ you're getting less bang for your buck with a 110 candle towel cape bro
And lastly, there are other issues I've seen in sky that i would say are parallel to this whole event ticket situation. The time gaps between seasons have grown significantly smaller, and each seasonal update has been saturated with glitches and disappointment. Season of the Nine-Colored Deer is another very apparent example of this for me. The castle and crescent lake is done beautifully and the quests are decent, but no one is returning to the area. The rest of the town is empty and awkward, and half the map is in a canyon where you spawn so it's already a good 2-3 minutes getting out of that area alone. The place is just rushed. Its inconvenient.
Ill be posting a poll right after this post, but me personally i would not mind having 3 seasons a year if it meant higher quality content and more breaks from events. More spirits that are well thought out, detailed seasonal quests that arent cleanups or scavenger hunts, less quantity but higher quality cosmetics and emotes, and elder appearances! It's clear that tgc has a more complex world design outside of Sky: cotl when we look at The Two Embers, but that the energy it takes to make it in game is placed elsewhere.
Thatgamecompany is pushing out more content than they ever have before and I think their work is starting to crumble under the weight.
If you made it here THANK YOU!!! you're a lifesaver, theres so much that i want to say and i really hope a lot of skids see this post so that we can get a cohesive discussion going❤️
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Ran Eye of Eden a few days ago. Didn’t wanna do it, but I have three ascended candles left, courtesy of the expensive items in the Nesting shop. So I goofed off while there for the sake of pics to post.
I’ve been playing since even before live, so I knew the ropes already, made sure I kept a stock of ascended candles and bought all the wing lights from the spirits. This is what it looks like to collect every one that was available.
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crab-mate · 1 year
I started playing Sky again after taking a break, and I love the new features in the Eye of Eden! My Eden runs used to feel too easy and repetitive. All I had to do was trace the same steps every time. But now there's a much bigger challenge. For the first time in ages, Eden actually scared me. It hits harder, which makes the stakes higher.
Other than honking at crabs and evading Krills, Eden is the closest thing we have to combat in Sky. I appreciate a good fight, and it makes the ending so much more rewarding.
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t0esniffer69 · 1 year
if you wanted to get every wingbuff in sky cotl, you would need 329 ascended candles. (not including shards because that would be too much math) it would take about 20 weeks to get that many ascended candles assuming you are saving all 63 statues every time, and much much longer for every spirit to come back
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that-howling-sky-kid · 10 months
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The fact that people are actively trying to avoid doing the 4th quest is the funniest thing ever.
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danelloevee-sky · 5 months
What's it gonna take for me to go to Eden? An oven apparently
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cheekylittlepupp · 10 months
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this was the most important change of all, thank you Larian
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angrybatgaming · 4 months
So I did that trick to complete the "Watch 30 sunsets from your nest" challenge, annnnnd
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.....9- ....99 ....
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tsin-datura · 5 months
Big Brothers
Will probably dissappear for a while after this, feel free to request in the mean time
Also, seasonal candle is their cousin
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modmad · 11 months
Mod you're seriously making me want to go back to Sky, but I know I will just lose all my feather thingies again and rage quit because I don't know how to get them back and everyone talks in japanese and I'm confused and alone and and-
ye :c
oh darling don't rage quit! I promise persisting is worth it, and in fact losing the winged lights is uh. well it's a whole part of the game. if you get to the 'ending' you will understand... also there are plenty of guides on youtube for how to navigate the more difficult realms if you need help, and if you are a moth (new player) people will often help you and lead you through hard parts of the game! one of my hobbies is hanging around in Eden to help people get to the top :D
there is actually an in game translation tool- if you are using chat, press that funky 'A' symbol next to whatever someone has said, it will be translated into your language. It is imperfect, naturally, but it certainly helps a lot!
when Sky comes out on PC I intend to get it, so if it would be of interest I could do a playthrough/stream of it to help newcomers? I'll see if it's possible! :D
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niinnyu · 7 months
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Me after not being able to do the activity after burning all the plants alone and losing 5 wings 👍
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I don't mind lol its was lowkey funny I was just very lost for a while
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Y'know what I am pondering while waiting for Ark to finish downloading and while watching a size comparison of all the creatures. Like this shouldn't cause me to think of this but welcome to adhd lol
But if I remember right you can use berries and ink (not irl, at least not that easily) to make inks and paints and such. So now I am thinking of them putting war paint on their pets, especially if they need to tell them apart.
Which would especially help for when they have the tek things because most of those would look near identical, especially things like the drones.
Idk I just think it'd be cool
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I didn’t get to play Season of Nesting much the first week or two in beta thanks to real life obligations, so I missed some of the early development. As of this draft (March 31, a couple weeks after I took this picture) only a few items are available every couple days (every week in live, since beta is “compressed” to fit a season into a much smaller timeframe). But as you can see, pretty much everything was available at the very beginning. And there is A LOT. This is only some of it! So far, the wooden items will only be available during the season from the displays to the left of this pic, while the stone items from here will be available indefinitely.
Beta, March 16, 2024.
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Pelipper mail! It’s from @the-random-mail-service
A piece of a red shard.
What the–
I think a pelipper dropped this when flying overhead, but I didn't see until after it landed. Was this even meant for me? What is it?
...Is that a crab that came down with it? Doesn't look like any I've seen before, but I guess so? Weird.
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joowee-feftynn · 2 months
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
you guys remember when i said i would NOT be doing eden, and would be skipping the rest of the season? i lied. i did it. it was easier than what i remembered 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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