#asbestos containing building materials Detroit
The Complete Guide to Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
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Many residential and commercial properties may include asbestos building materials like asbestos pipes, tiles, flooring, counter tops, panels, etc. These asbestos-containing materials have immense durability, finish, and resistance property to fire, water, corrosion, etc. Usually, asbestos is a dangerous building material, which can give some health hazards to humans. Thus, the use of asbestos construction materials is not permitted in many countries. But, still, some nations have been continuing the use of asbestos-containing building materials in varied construction works for constructing residential and commercial properties. If you are also using asbestos materials, you should be aware of the pros and cons of such materials and do use them right for avoiding any side effects.
If you are looking for high-quality asbestos products, you should contact the leading asbestos containing building materials in Lake Orion, Mi. The suppliers will provide you well-tested and safe asbestos construction materials like asbestos tiles, pipes, ducts, insulation pipes, etc. The suppliers in Lake Orion can provide you safe building materials for the construction needs of your residential and commercial properties at affordable prices.
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a mix of substances that are durable and resistant to heat, water, corrosion, etc. It has application in a variety of construction works and developing building materials too. Asbestos is a blend of thin and long fibrous crystals that are suitable to develop strong asbestos tiles, plates, and other construction materials too.
Types of Asbestos
Asbestos is one of the traditional building materials, which still has applications in varied construction works for residential and commercial properties. Asbestos has different types such as:
1. Chrysotile (White Asbestos): It is one of the casual forms of asbestos having application in developing building materials for roofing, ceilings, walls, and flooring needs of properties. In some cases, this type of asbestos may have application in the automobile industry for developing brakes, boiler sealers, pipes, ducts, and so on.
2. Amosite (Brown Asbestos): This type of asbestos has application in developing cement sheets and insulation pipes. Also, it is good to use in building ceiling tiles, and thermal insulation products.
3. Crocidolite (Blue Asbestos): It is another vital type of asbestos having application in insulating steam engines. Due to its blue color, this asbestos is suitable to use in developing blue color coats and sprays.
4. Anthophyllite: This type of asbestos is available in a grey or dull green color. It has limited uses in insulation products and construction materials.
5. Tremolite and Actinolite: These are two more types of asbestos, which are applicable to use for commercial purposes. But, they have application as contaminants in chrysotile asbestos.
Properties of Asbestos
Asbestos building materials are useful due to some useful properties like durability, and resistance to corrosion, heat, acids or chemicals and alkalis, water, and more. These properties make asbestos products more reliable and efficient to use for building materials and construction works. Hence, asbestos building materials have application in varied industries, factories, and construction and building domains as well.
Human Health Hazards Due to Asbestos
Asbestos is a mix of thin fibrous and silicate materials, which are quite dangerous when spread in the air. Humans can inhale such thin particles of asbestos that go into the lungs to cause cancer and breathing issues too. In some cases, asbestos is toxic and insoluble in water that makes it more dangerous for humans.
Asbestos may give some other health problems and diseases like Pleural disease, Asbestosis, Lung cancer, Mesothelioma, and other respiratory diseases too.
But, asbestos is still has application in varied building and construction materials that can give some bad impact on human health and the environment too. Hence, it is necessary to remove asbestos-containing materials from old homes and properties on time.
If you want to remove asbestos pipes or tiles from your old house, you should call the contractors having experience in removing dangerous asbestos in Lake Orion, Mi. The experts can remove all the asbestos products from the property with safety. For more information about asbestos removal services, you can contact the reputed asbestos removal service providers and suppliers. We provide asbestos-containing building materials services in Lake Orion, including the areas of Auburn Hills, Birmingham, Royal Oak, Clarkston, Waterford, Southfield Detroit, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Rochester Hills, and Brighton.
Environmental Affairs, LLC Company provides asbestos testing and mold removal you can count on, performed by our highly proficient analytical team. Don’t take the risk. Contact us today for professional asbestos testing and mold removal you can trust.
Resource URL: https://bit.ly/3snCUdp
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bellacontracting · 2 years
Regulatory Requirements For Demolition In Detroit
It is ironic that in Detroit, a city renowned for its history of urban renewal and development, the process of demolition is so heavily regulated. Demolition services are essential to creating space for new construction projects; however, understanding the necessary regulatory requirements can be daunting. This article provides an overview of the regulations required to perform demolition operations in Detroit. It will discuss each regulation’s specific stipulations as well as how they interact with one another when planning a successful demolition project. By presenting this information clearly and concisely, readers will gain a greater understanding of what it takes to effectively manage these projects while continuing to innovate within their respective fields.
City Of Detroit Permitting Requirements
The City of Detroit requires businesses who provide demolition services to obtain permits from the city’s Department of Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED). The permit process must be completed before any work is initiated. It includes submitting a detailed plan for asbestos removal if it is present in the structure being demolished. In addition, there are numerous other regulatory requirements that must be met including obtaining site access permission and safety procedures compliance certifications.
Businesses providing demolition services in Detroit are required to adhere to both federal and local regulations set by BSEED governing the operations at their sites. These include guidelines such as proper disposal of debris, noise reduction plans, hazardous material handling protocols and dust control measures. Business owners should also familiarize themselves with workplace safety codes applicable to all kinds of construction projects in Detroit. Proper training for employees and contractors operating heavy machinery or conducting hazardous activities onsite must also be addressed prior to beginning any demolition job.
Michigan Department Of Environmental Quality Regulations
Businesses providing demolition services in Detroit must also follow the regulations set by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). These include protocols for silt fence installation and maintenance, erosion control measures and proper disposal of debris. In addition, any excavation activities taking place onsite need to be approved by MDEQ prior to commencing work.
Any equipment used during a demolition project should comply with air quality standards set up by MDEQ. Catch basins are required at each site as well to ensure that no pollutants enter nearby water sources. Finally, businesses must document all of their compliance efforts with the relevant regulatory bodies throughout the duration life of their projects.
Health And Safety Regulations
Health and safety regulations must also be adhered to when conducting demolition services in Detroit. In addition to following the protocols set forth by MDEQ, businesses must ensure that their workers are properly trained on safe operating procedures and provided with all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). Furthermore, businesses should consider consulting an expert on health hazards associated with different types of debris, namely asbestos, especially if any materials from the Great Lakes region are involved.
When carrying out large scale demolitions projects, it is important for businesses to have a plan for containing dust particles and other air pollutants. This can include installing proper ventilation systems or using water sprayers to help reduce airborne contaminants. Additionally, businesses should inform nearby communities about the potential risks associated with their activities so they can take appropriate measures to protect the environment and themselves.
Penalties For Non-Compliance
It is essential for businesses to ensure that they are in full compliance with all regulatory requirements when carrying out demolition services in Detroit. Non-compliance with health and safety regulations can lead to hefty fines, as well as other legal repercussions such as suspension or revocation of permits. Companies should also be aware of local building codes, zoning laws, and environmental protection guidelines before beginning work on a project.
Failure to adhere to the relevant regulations can result in a variety of significant negative consequences for both individuals and businesses involved in the demolition process. For instance, unsafe practices could put workers at risk of injury or illness due to exposure to hazardous materials; meanwhile, violations of environmental protections could lead to costly clean-up efforts and lawsuits from nearby residents who experience adverse effects from airborne pollution. It is therefore important for companies to have an understanding of the applicable rules and take action accordingly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Quickly Do I Need To Apply For A Demolition Permit?
The destruction of a building, land, or structure can be a daunting task, requiring extensive planning and the appropriate permits. In Detroit, demolishing any kind of physical infrastructure requires obtaining an official demolition permit from the city government. Yet how quickly must one apply for such permission?
To answer this question, it is important to understand the processes involved in attaining a demolition permit in Detroit. Generally speaking, applicants must submit all relevant documents as soon as possible after making their decision to move forward with the project. This includes written proof that they are allowed to perform work on the chosen property and evidence that they have obtained liability insurance that meets certain criteria. Additionally, depending on the size of the job at hand, there may also be additional safety regulations and documentation requirements which must be met before submitting an application.
These procedures serve two primary functions: firstly, they protect workers by ensuring that proper safety protocols are followed; secondly, they ensure that all necessary parties have been consulted prior to beginning construction works. As such, when seeking out a demolition service provider in Detroit it is essential to check both their qualifications and certifications to guarantee compliance with local laws and regulations. By doing so you will avoid potential delays or costly penalties later down the line.
What Types Of Demolition Services Require A Permit?
When it comes to demolition services in Detroit, the question of what types of work requires a permit is an important one. It is essential for any business or individual seeking to carry out demolitions to understand the regulations and requirements set by the local government before beginning a project. In this article, we will look at the different types of permits that may be required when carrying out demolition services in Detroit.
The first type of permit needed is a building permit. This ensures that all safety standards are met during the process and that all necessary protocols have been followed. Additionally, it also covers compliance with zoning laws as well as other relevant ordinances. The second kind of permit needed is a demolition permit, which permits the removal of structures and materials from certain sites while ensuring they do not become hazardous to public health or safety. Finally, if explosives are used during the service then an explosives-use permit must also be obtained from the local fire department prior to commencement of operations.
It’s clear that obtaining these various permits can be a complex undertaking, so it’s best for those looking to undertake demolition projects in Detroit to familiarize themselves with local regulations ahead of time and plan accordingly for any additional paperwork or fees that may arise throughout their project timeline. Doing so will help ensure full compliance with applicable rules and regulations and make sure no costly delays or penalties occur due to improper permitting procedures.
How Much Does A Demolition Permit Cost?
Obtaining a demolition permit is an aspect of regulatory requirements necessary for carrying out demolition services conducted in Detroit. It is important to understand the cost associated with acquiring such a permit, as this can factor into budgeting and project timelines.
The amount required for a demolition permit varies depending on several factors including the municipality, size and scope of the project, type of building being demolished, any permits that may be needed from other agencies, boards or organizations overseeing the area, and paperwork associated with the site prior to approval. The average fee for obtaining a permit within Detroit typically ranges between $75-$250 but could reach up to higher amounts if more documentation or approvals are needed. Additionally, there are often additional costs related to waste removal and environmental protection which must be taken into account when preparing budgets.
For those looking to carry out demolition services in Detroit, it is essential to have clear understanding of all permitting fees before moving forward with projects so that proper planning takes place beforehand.
How Long Does It Take For A Demolition Permit To Be Approved?
When applying for a demolition permit in Detroit, it is important to consider the length of time required for approval. This can vary depending on the complexity of the project and other factors that could affect the review process. In some cases, applicants may receive an answer within two weeks while more complex projects require up to three months or longer. Here are a few points to keep in mind when calculating how long it will take to obtain approval:
1) The amount of documentation submitted with the application – If all necessary documents are included, this can significantly speed up the process.
2) The type and location of building being demolished – Certain types of buildings require additional reviews before final approval can be granted.
3) Any special requirements associated with the property – Additional permits from other local or state government agencies may also have to be obtained if relevant laws exist.
Without adequate planning, supervision and preparation, these delays can lead to significant financial losses and disruption of operations for contractors and their customers alike. It is therefore highly recommended to build sufficient buffer into any timeline estimates when working on a demolition project in Detroit. Careful consideration should be given as early as possible in order to ensure that all procedures related to obtaining a permit are followed correctly and there are no unnecessary delays along the way.
Are There Any Insurance Requirements For Demolition Services?
Obtaining the necessary insurance to perform demolition services in Detroit is an important requirement that should not be overlooked. Insurance companies require certain standards from contractors and subcontractors when issuing coverage for a project, such as demolition services. It is essential for property owners and contractors alike to understand these regulations before starting any project.
Insurance requirements for demolition services vary depending on the type of structure being demolished, its size, and the scope of the work involved. The minimum amount of liability coverage required by Michigan law for most residential demolitions is $1 million per occurrence with at least $2 million aggregate limit. Larger commercial projects require higher limits due to increased risk exposure. Additionally, some insurers may also request additional coverages, such as builder’s risk or pollution liability coverage, which must be taken into account during budgeting and planning stages.
It is wise to discuss all aspects related to insurance requirements with your insurer prior to beginning a job so that all parties are aware of their responsibilities and obligations under the policy terms. This ensures everyone involved has peace of mind knowing they are protected against potential losses associated with performing demolition services in Detroit.
In conclusion, the process of obtaining a demolition permit in Detroit involves multiple steps and requires adherence to certain regulations. The cost associated with applying for a demolition permit is quite modest when compared to the potential risks that come along with not having one; thus, it is highly advisable to get one before starting any demolition services. It should also be noted that insurance requirements exist for carrying out such services and must be taken into consideration prior to beginning work. All in all, demolishing anything in Detroit can be an overwhelming task due to the sheer amount of regulatory requirements that need to be fulfilled – but if done properly it can save time, money, and hassle like no other! In fact, it could even be described as a ‘breath of fresh air’ when everything goes according to plan. Bella Contracting provides demolition in Detroit, you can rest assured we meet all compliance and regulatroy standard.
from Bella Contracting Services https://ift.tt/6ne9hY3
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superdetroit · 3 years
A Few Common Areas of Industrial Cleaning Services
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Industrial cleaning is the procedure of removing hazardous substances, such as dangerous bacteria, harmful materials, dirt, and other pollutants, in the area or environment. Industrial cleaning occurs in many different different contexts and employs many distinct practices. Sometimes, industrial cleaning entails cleaning from a factory where hazardous substances are used on a regular basis. Other examples include cleaning from the top management level to the lowest-level employee.
There are many areas where industrial cleaning services are essential. Examples of areas where this service may be required include: hazardous waste facilities, such as pharmaceutical factories; gyms, weightlifting factories, and sports arenas; shipyards and ports; electricity plants; mines; railroads; prisons; as well as prisons and schools. In these areas, hazardous materials are present. In many cases, in order for these materials to be eliminated safely and adequately, professional assistance is necessary.
From the food processing industry, by way of example, a lot of things can go wrong without proper industrial cleaning solutions. By way of instance, it isn't uncommon to discover that in the manufacture of milk, chocolate, peanuts, nuts, or other nut products, traces of salmonella may be present. That is because these types of foods are exposed to a great deal of storage containers. Additionally, food wastes can contaminate the water used in the production process for these products Detroit Industrial Cleaning. Without appropriate asbestos removal, the product may become contaminated with lead, that is known to cause lung disease. Another problem that could arise in the food industry comes from using genetically modified plants, which may also include harmful residues from pesticides and insecticides.
In instances where industrial cleaning should occur on a professional level, there are a range of organizations who focus on the specialized support. Several of the more common services these firms provide include: cleaning upholstery, cleaning out buildings following disasters (fire, fire, etc. ), cleaning hazardous debris and waste, asbestos removal, in addition to some other kinds of associated services. These businesses work with both inexperienced and experienced cleaners alike, working to make sure that the task is finished safely, efficiently, and properly. Along with working with some of experienced experts, some companies provide services such as:
Regrettably, even though there are many professionals out there who are trained in the handling of hazardous chemicals, there are still a variety of people who are unqualified to work within this environment. Nearly all these individuals aren't trained specifically in hazardous chemicals or industrial cleaning, so their experience comes from encounters with many different different cleaning surroundings. There are a range of those who work as general cleaners, but since they lack training, their experience is mainly limited to this type of environment.
A last concern is that many companies have started to utilize a type of industrial cleaning solutions to be able to save on cost. There are numerous companies that buy industrial cleaning machines and substances in large quantities, so as to reduce their overall cost of manufacturing and warehousing products. Many times, these companies will then employ a business who specializes in supplying industrial cleaning solutions to be able to take care of all aspects of their cleaning operations. This enables the company owner to lower his expenditures, while ensuring that his employees are protected and secure.
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Water Damage Repair Service
If perpendicular distance is an issue, think about using plastic or rubber bins as a
way of storage. They supply a economical and clutter-free solution for your items
which you will want to store. It's 's crucial that you obtain secure shirts for the bins
in the event the water comes from pipes or appliances over. It's 's best to keep
your vinyl bins shelves a handful of feet away from the ground in case you have enough flooding that they capsize and fill with water.
### Put Items Up High
In certain instances, the sum of drinking water in a cellar is basically way far too good to
remove yourself, and also your own water damage and mold professional is going to have to assist you
extract water. In circumstances where in fact the amount of water is much bigger, you can fire
up a shop vacuum cleaner or 2 and extract exactly the water . It may mean a lot more than just a couple excursions up the stairs or into the laundry basin, but doing all of all your own
water elimination would translate to cash into pocket.
## Shift Damaged Items
_Shane DeMott has 10 decades of practical working experience from the insurance industry and it is presently a drinking water reduction practitioner used from the Brighton, MI division of1-800-Water harm. Founded this year from Fred and Lisa Arthur, 1-800-Water
Damage offers water mitigation and mildew remediation throughout Southeast
Michigan. _
As soon as it's still standard practice to utilize a bleach option to disinfecting,
specialists generally utilize professional products. Additionally, there are a few green
services and products that are highly effective and extremely safe to work with. Consistently read the
labels and ensure you are putting on protective gear once required.
## Demolish
Containers and items on to the floor might quickly become a nightmare when the water
begins to grow. Plastic or plastic shelving components are recommended. Solid wood
cabinets are both nice and cleanable; nevertheless, plywood and particle board things are
non-salvageable. Getting contents off the floor is going to soon be a inexpensive solution to some upcoming issue.
## Feel Safety-first
In the event you're so inclined, then you can get rid of the affected construction materials. Pads and pliers can also be pulled and removed from your house. Affected baseboard and
gutters can also be trimmed and then removed should they sustained water damage. Be very
careful with tile which was there until you proceeded in; your house may have
asbestos tiles that will call for professional abatement. Generally, with this particular kind of loss, floor tiles ought to be taken out since the drinking water will soon have
gotten under the tiles.
While your box supporters and also de-humidifier can't contend with all the expert equipment that will occupy your home, they are able to certainly help. Place
several fans throughout the afflicted place. This may help remove the h2o granules into the atmosphere through evaporation. Running a sweater will help
remove this humidity out of the atmosphere.
## Eliminate H2o and Dry Your Basement Out
## An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure
Basements frequently grow to be a final resting location of the things that overlook 't have
any dwelling. Just take the time at least one time a year to experience your basement
and find the previous clothes and random jumble to the recycling bin. Should the
time come, you'll be glad that the mess is now gone.
When the damaged and water stuff (individual items and sterile building
materials like drywall, carpet, padding, paneling, etc.) are removed, wash the influenced rest of the are as, floors and walls with a fantastic duvet like Pine Sol or Lysol and heated H20. Once every thing 's cleaned up, you're able to then purge every thing your final moment.
The most peculiar part about the recent storm could you need to be much of the hurt isn't insured by insurance policies plan. Considering that the flooding, in most circumstances, came from the
copy of their sewer systems, the damages aren't insured by the normal homeowner coverage. Most homeowners are detecting at the worst possible time
which the policy they purchased will only scrape the top layer of the fee that it takes to get back their home as well as their lifetime to normal.
While the build-back and reconstruction phase of one's accidental and unwanted
renovation project takes an art and craft level many people don't need, the demolition
work can act like a cathartic money saver. In the instance of the metro Detroit
storm, even the majority of the water that surrounded area domiciles was out of the combo of storm sewer drinking water and sanitary sewer water,'' meaning some other porous
materials that the water touched had been polluted and needed to find their means into the local landfill.
## sterile and Disinfect
Ahead of you are able to restore your house, you have to clean up the clutter. As with any
undertaking, think safety first. The molds and bacteria present may be quite risky. Anyone in the region might wish to wear individual protective
equipment (masks, gloves, foot wear, etc.).
## Have the Air Moving
It's potential this finds one as one of those lucky ones that escaped from the
seas unscathed. Possibly you weren't so blessed, but the reduction organization has arrived and goneso insurance check in hand, you've begun rebuilding.
No matter you consistently deal with the possibility this could happen again. Just take some basic steps only in case there's a second time.
### Spring Clean
In case your cellar or home gets ever flooded, you are aware that it can be considered a rather disagreeable and expensive encounter. Many south east Michigan property owners ' are finding out this now. The storms that high metro Detroit on August 1 1,
2014, created unprecedented damages to communities and homeowners throughout
the spot. The injury by the 4.5-inches which fell could top $ 1billion after the last cost is tallied.
The stress and stress of the flood may not be over stated. The emotional and
financial costs may be shocking, and regrettably, insurance policies policy often doesn't
pay whatever. Remembering these tips and taking preventive action could
wind up helping you save dollars in the very long run.
With all the floodwaters absent, most homeowners have been left wondering how what things to complete. If
you're facing flooding damages, there are some important things you are able to do in order to decrease the
expenses of restoring your dwelling. Listed here are the measures which you have to take to repair the
injury, dry up your household and decrease flood effects later on.
Bacterial and microbial growth may start forming 48--72 hrs, however, that depends on a number of facets such as humidity, temperature level and "food
origin " (paper, drywall, wood, etc.). If substantial parasitic growth
grows, this can greatly increase remediation costs. This 's why it's 's
crucial to start the drying method whenever possible.
Get those harmed items out from the basement and outside into the curb. When it may be grueling and even dreadful work, removing water-logged and ruined personal
goods is time consuming. The h2o mitigation professionals may perform this to you personally, however, the cost may add up quickly. In the event that you are able to slide to a flood restoration pair of
rubber gloves along with some thing using a thick rubber spirit. Do as much with this
your self because you can, and save money for something else.
### Use Plastic Storage Bins
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richardpaul28 · 8 years
Lead Poisoning and Lead Dust Containment
Lead poisoning is insidious; it is often undetectable until a large amount has accumulated, which is when it’s the most dangerous. So, preventative precautions are imperative when dealing with lead. Anyone who has worked on a construction site might be familiar with the risk of ingesting airborne lead particles, most commonly through the lungs, or skin pores. Lead is a pervasive poison; it contaminates virtually the whole body; the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, reproductive system, hematological system, and kidneys. In the most extreme cases, lead poisoning can result in death. It must feel like the corrosion of one’s body and mind with symptoms like joint and muscle pain, headaches, abdominal pain, decadence of memory and/or concentration, mood disorders and more. Not only is lead dangerous to the workers themselves, it can be harmful to their family as well. Therefore, it is critical for employers to provide their workers with lead contamination and containment safety education. Here is a link to the EPA website to locate an RRP training class or provider in your area.
Lead poisoning is most common in construction, plumbing, welding, and painting, among others. It often comes in mists, fumes, and dust, in which case it’s inhaled through the lungs. Ensuing ingestion, the lead enters the blood stream, and is stored in vital organs and bodily tissues. Some of the lead exits the body after a day or two, but some remains trapped in the body. So, repetitive exposure results in accumulation of lead, which, in turn, leads to severe sickness. 
OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, helps reduce and prevent lead poisoning by “promoting the safety and health of America’s working men and women by setting and enforcing standards” of the workplace environment. OSHA establishes a PEL (permissible exposure limit) of 50 micro-grams per cubic meter of air over a span of eight hours. If the employee’s lead exposure exceeds the standard, the employer is, at minimum, required to: provide exposure assessment, medical surveillance, job-specific compliance programs, engineering and work practice controls, respiratory protection, protective clothing and equipment, housekeeping, lead-related hygiene facilities and practices, hazard signs, employee information and training, and record-keeping. The most preventative method that one can practice is covering every inch of the body. That means wearing a respirator, goggles or full facial shield, full body coveralls, gloves, boots and something to conceal the head.
The lead paint movement is gaining traction in a positive way: Detroit demolition project.
Detroit is a city on a mission to reinvent its old neighborhoods by demolishing 8.000 old, unsafe homes and building new ones in their place. But its ambitious demolition project is causing concerns for the people living near the homes being demolished in their neighborhoods.
City officials have touted the project as a cornerstone of the city’s resurgence goals and have assured residents that the demolition project will result in safer, more desirable neighborhoods. In October of 2016, the mayor cited the rising per-house demolition costs are the result of added environmental precautions put in place by his administration and approved by the EPA.
The problem, according to the Detroit Free Press is that not all contractors involved in the demolition are following the protocol. Many are failing to properly and adequately remove debris in a timely manner, failing to notify neighbors near demolition sites of their actions, and failing to provide them with lead safety information and recommendations.
Even more troubling is that even when contractors are following those city-ordered environmental precautions to the letter, scientific studies have shown that because of the scale of the project, lead dust is still spreading and contaminating neighboring properties. Lyke Thompson, a leading advocate on lead paint contamination in the city of Detroit, agrees that getting rid of the unsafe structures is necessary, but wishes the city would come up with a way to make the project safer for the children of Detroit. Other experts say that there are few guidelines for projects of this scale, lamenting that there are more lead-paint regulations for a kitchen renovation than for the demolition of 8,000 lead paint filled houses. Some say there are far stricter regulations for the removal of asbestos in demolition projects than there are for lead paint. Some neighbors say that while they did receive notifications of when demolition of homes in their neighborhoods would begin, they received no special instructions regarding how to protect their children from lead-paint dust.
The great news is that City administrators have suspended contractors who’ve been caught not following safety protocol.
ECOBOND™ is the nation’s leader in developing and distributing products that improve the protection of human health and safety from the hazards of lead in the home, workplace, and the environment. With over 15 years in patented and proven success, the ECOBOND™ family of products have been extensively used in successfully treating lead hazards in over 11,000,000 tons of material while serving over 100,000 customers in the United States and Internationally.
To learn more visit www.EcobondPaint.com to view our lead paint treatment video or download our free Industry Report: http://www.LeadPaintRemovalReport.com
Source: http://ecobondlbp.com/blog/314-lead-poisoning-and-lead-dust-containment
from ECOBOND – Lead Defender https://ecobondlbp.wordpress.com/2017/03/21/lead-poisoning-and-lead-dust-containment/
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marksmthusa · 8 years
Lead Poisoning and Lead Dust Containment
Lead poisoning is insidious; it is often undetectable until a large amount has accumulated, which is when it’s the most dangerous. So, preventative precautions are imperative when dealing with lead. Anyone who has worked on a construction site might be familiar with the risk of ingesting airborne lead particles, most commonly through the lungs, or skin pores. Lead is a pervasive poison; it contaminates virtually the whole body; the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, reproductive system, hematological system, and kidneys. In the most extreme cases, lead poisoning can result in death. It must feel like the corrosion of one’s body and mind with symptoms like joint and muscle pain, headaches, abdominal pain, decadence of memory and/or concentration, mood disorders and more. Not only is lead dangerous to the workers themselves, it can be harmful to their family as well. Therefore, it is critical for employers to provide their workers with lead contamination and containment safety education. Here is a link to the EPA website to locate an RRP training class or provider in your area.
Lead poisoning is most common in construction, plumbing, welding, and painting, among others. It often comes in mists, fumes, and dust, in which case it’s inhaled through the lungs. Ensuing ingestion, the lead enters the blood stream, and is stored in vital organs and bodily tissues. Some of the lead exits the body after a day or two, but some remains trapped in the body. So, repetitive exposure results in accumulation of lead, which, in turn, leads to severe sickness. 
OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, helps reduce and prevent lead poisoning by “promoting the safety and health of America’s working men and women by setting and enforcing standards” of the workplace environment. OSHA establishes a PEL (permissible exposure limit) of 50 micro-grams per cubic meter of air over a span of eight hours. If the employee’s lead exposure exceeds the standard, the employer is, at minimum, required to: provide exposure assessment, medical surveillance, job-specific compliance programs, engineering and work practice controls, respiratory protection, protective clothing and equipment, housekeeping, lead-related hygiene facilities and practices, hazard signs, employee information and training, and record-keeping. The most preventative method that one can practice is covering every inch of the body. That means wearing a respirator, goggles or full facial shield, full body coveralls, gloves, boots and something to conceal the head.
The lead paint movement is gaining traction in a positive way: Detroit demolition project.
Detroit is a city on a mission to reinvent its old neighborhoods by demolishing 8.000 old, unsafe homes and building new ones in their place. But its ambitious demolition project is causing concerns for the people living near the homes being demolished in their neighborhoods.
City officials have touted the project as a cornerstone of the city’s resurgence goals and have assured residents that the demolition project will result in safer, more desirable neighborhoods. In October of 2016, the mayor cited the rising per-house demolition costs are the result of added environmental precautions put in place by his administration and approved by the EPA.
The problem, according to the Detroit Free Press is that not all contractors involved in the demolition are following the protocol. Many are failing to properly and adequately remove debris in a timely manner, failing to notify neighbors near demolition sites of their actions, and failing to provide them with lead safety information and recommendations.
Even more troubling is that even when contractors are following those city-ordered environmental precautions to the letter, scientific studies have shown that because of the scale of the project, lead dust is still spreading and contaminating neighboring properties. Lyke Thompson, a leading advocate on lead paint contamination in the city of Detroit, agrees that getting rid of the unsafe structures is necessary, but wishes the city would come up with a way to make the project safer for the children of Detroit. Other experts say that there are few guidelines for projects of this scale, lamenting that there are more lead-paint regulations for a kitchen renovation than for the demolition of 8,000 lead paint filled houses. Some say there are far stricter regulations for the removal of asbestos in demolition projects than there are for lead paint. Some neighbors say that while they did receive notifications of when demolition of homes in their neighborhoods would begin, they received no special instructions regarding how to protect their children from lead-paint dust.
The great news is that City administrators have suspended contractors who’ve been caught not following safety protocol.
ECOBOND™ is the nation’s leader in developing and distributing products that improve the protection of human health and safety from the hazards of lead in the home, workplace, and the environment. With over 15 years in patented and proven success, the ECOBOND™ family of products have been extensively used in successfully treating lead hazards in over 11,000,000 tons of material while serving over 100,000 customers in the United States and Internationally.
To learn more visit www.EcobondPaint.com to view our lead paint treatment video or download our free Industry Report: http://www.LeadPaintRemovalReport.com
from Lead paint removal http://ecobondlbp.com/blog/314-lead-poisoning-and-lead-dust-containment from ECOBOND - Lead Defender https://ecobondlbp.tumblr.com/post/158681895916
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jacobdbillny · 8 years
Lead Poisoning and Lead Dust Containment
Lead poisoning is insidious; it is often undetectable until a large amount has accumulated, which is when it's the most dangerous. So, preventative precautions are imperative when dealing with lead. Anyone who has worked on a construction site might be familiar with the risk of ingesting airborne lead particles, most commonly through the lungs, or skin pores. Lead is a pervasive poison; it contaminates virtually the whole body; the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, reproductive system, hematological system, and kidneys. In the most extreme cases, lead poisoning can result in death. It must feel like the corrosion of one's body and mind with symptoms like joint and muscle pain, headaches, abdominal pain, decadence of memory and/or concentration, mood disorders and more. Not only is lead dangerous to the workers themselves, it can be harmful to their family as well. Therefore, it is critical for employers to provide their workers with lead contamination and containment safety education. Here is a link to the EPA website to locate an RRP training class or provider in your area.
Lead poisoning is most common in construction, plumbing, welding, and painting, among others. It often comes in mists, fumes, and dust, in which case it's inhaled through the lungs. Ensuing ingestion, the lead enters the blood stream, and is stored in vital organs and bodily tissues. Some of the lead exits the body after a day or two, but some remains trapped in the body. So, repetitive exposure results in accumulation of lead, which, in turn, leads to severe sickness. 
OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, helps reduce and prevent lead poisoning by "promoting the safety and health of America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards" of the workplace environment. OSHA establishes a PEL (permissible exposure limit) of 50 micro-grams per cubic meter of air over a span of eight hours. If the employee's lead exposure exceeds the standard, the employer is, at minimum, required to: provide exposure assessment, medical surveillance, job-specific compliance programs, engineering and work practice controls, respiratory protection, protective clothing and equipment, housekeeping, lead-related hygiene facilities and practices, hazard signs, employee information and training, and record-keeping. The most preventative method that one can practice is covering every inch of the body. That means wearing a respirator, goggles or full facial shield, full body coveralls, gloves, boots and something to conceal the head.
The lead paint movement is gaining traction in a positive way: Detroit demolition project.
Detroit is a city on a mission to reinvent its old neighborhoods by demolishing 8.000 old, unsafe homes and building new ones in their place. But its ambitious demolition project is causing concerns for the people living near the homes being demolished in their neighborhoods.
City officials have touted the project as a cornerstone of the city's resurgence goals and have assured residents that the demolition project will result in safer, more desirable neighborhoods. In October of 2016, the mayor cited the rising per-house demolition costs are the result of added environmental precautions put in place by his administration and approved by the EPA.
The problem, according to the Detroit Free Press is that not all contractors involved in the demolition are following the protocol. Many are failing to properly and adequately remove debris in a timely manner, failing to notify neighbors near demolition sites of their actions, and failing to provide them with lead safety information and recommendations.
Even more troubling is that even when contractors are following those city-ordered environmental precautions to the letter, scientific studies have shown that because of the scale of the project, lead dust is still spreading and contaminating neighboring properties. Lyke Thompson, a leading advocate on lead paint contamination in the city of Detroit, agrees that getting rid of the unsafe structures is necessary, but wishes the city would come up with a way to make the project safer for the children of Detroit. Other experts say that there are few guidelines for projects of this scale, lamenting that there are more lead-paint regulations for a kitchen renovation than for the demolition of 8,000 lead paint filled houses. Some say there are far stricter regulations for the removal of asbestos in demolition projects than there are for lead paint. Some neighbors say that while they did receive notifications of when demolition of homes in their neighborhoods would begin, they received no special instructions regarding how to protect their children from lead-paint dust.
The great news is that City administrators have suspended contractors who've been caught not following safety protocol.
ECOBOND™ is the nation’s leader in developing and distributing products that improve the protection of human health and safety from the hazards of lead in the home, workplace, and the environment. With over 15 years in patented and proven success, the ECOBOND™ family of products have been extensively used in successfully treating lead hazards in over 11,000,000 tons of material while serving over 100,000 customers in the United States and Internationally.
To learn more visit www.EcobondPaint.com to view our lead paint treatment video or download our free Industry Report: http://www.LeadPaintRemovalReport.com
from http://ecobondlbp.com/blog/314-lead-poisoning-and-lead-dust-containment
from   ECOBOND - Lead Defender - Blog http://ecobondlbp.weebly.com/blog/lead-poisoning-and-lead-dust-containment
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ecobondlbp · 8 years
Lead Poisoning and Lead Dust Containment
Lead poisoning is insidious; it is often undetectable until a large amount has accumulated, which is when it's the most dangerous. So, preventative precautions are imperative when dealing with lead. Anyone who has worked on a construction site might be familiar with the risk of ingesting airborne lead particles, most commonly through the lungs, or skin pores. Lead is a pervasive poison; it contaminates virtually the whole body; the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, reproductive system, hematological system, and kidneys. In the most extreme cases, lead poisoning can result in death. It must feel like the corrosion of one's body and mind with symptoms like joint and muscle pain, headaches, abdominal pain, decadence of memory and/or concentration, mood disorders and more. Not only is lead dangerous to the workers themselves, it can be harmful to their family as well. Therefore, it is critical for employers to provide their workers with lead contamination and containment safety education. Here is a link to the EPA website to locate an RRP training class or provider in your area.
Lead poisoning is most common in construction, plumbing, welding, and painting, among others. It often comes in mists, fumes, and dust, in which case it's inhaled through the lungs. Ensuing ingestion, the lead enters the blood stream, and is stored in vital organs and bodily tissues. Some of the lead exits the body after a day or two, but some remains trapped in the body. So, repetitive exposure results in accumulation of lead, which, in turn, leads to severe sickness. 
OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, helps reduce and prevent lead poisoning by "promoting the safety and health of America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards" of the workplace environment. OSHA establishes a PEL (permissible exposure limit) of 50 micro-grams per cubic meter of air over a span of eight hours. If the employee's lead exposure exceeds the standard, the employer is, at minimum, required to: provide exposure assessment, medical surveillance, job-specific compliance programs, engineering and work practice controls, respiratory protection, protective clothing and equipment, housekeeping, lead-related hygiene facilities and practices, hazard signs, employee information and training, and record-keeping. The most preventative method that one can practice is covering every inch of the body. That means wearing a respirator, goggles or full facial shield, full body coveralls, gloves, boots and something to conceal the head.
The lead paint movement is gaining traction in a positive way: Detroit demolition project.
Detroit is a city on a mission to reinvent its old neighborhoods by demolishing 8.000 old, unsafe homes and building new ones in their place. But its ambitious demolition project is causing concerns for the people living near the homes being demolished in their neighborhoods.
City officials have touted the project as a cornerstone of the city's resurgence goals and have assured residents that the demolition project will result in safer, more desirable neighborhoods. In October of 2016, the mayor cited the rising per-house demolition costs are the result of added environmental precautions put in place by his administration and approved by the EPA.
The problem, according to the Detroit Free Press is that not all contractors involved in the demolition are following the protocol. Many are failing to properly and adequately remove debris in a timely manner, failing to notify neighbors near demolition sites of their actions, and failing to provide them with lead safety information and recommendations.
Even more troubling is that even when contractors are following those city-ordered environmental precautions to the letter, scientific studies have shown that because of the scale of the project, lead dust is still spreading and contaminating neighboring properties. Lyke Thompson, a leading advocate on lead paint contamination in the city of Detroit, agrees that getting rid of the unsafe structures is necessary, but wishes the city would come up with a way to make the project safer for the children of Detroit. Other experts say that there are few guidelines for projects of this scale, lamenting that there are more lead-paint regulations for a kitchen renovation than for the demolition of 8,000 lead paint filled houses. Some say there are far stricter regulations for the removal of asbestos in demolition projects than there are for lead paint. Some neighbors say that while they did receive notifications of when demolition of homes in their neighborhoods would begin, they received no special instructions regarding how to protect their children from lead-paint dust.
The great news is that City administrators have suspended contractors who've been caught not following safety protocol.
ECOBOND™ is the nation’s leader in developing and distributing products that improve the protection of human health and safety from the hazards of lead in the home, workplace, and the environment. With over 15 years in patented and proven success, the ECOBOND™ family of products have been extensively used in successfully treating lead hazards in over 11,000,000 tons of material while serving over 100,000 customers in the United States and Internationally.
To learn more visit www.EcobondPaint.com to view our lead paint treatment video or download our free Industry Report: http://www.LeadPaintRemovalReport.com
from Lead paint removal http://ecobondlbp.com/blog/314-lead-poisoning-and-lead-dust-containment
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