#asai june {queen consort of vlaqinn}
liroyalty · 2 years
Lyttona, Tempete & Vlaqinn Tags
josephina st. clair von lytton {the left queen of lyttona}
penelope cunningham von lytton {the right queen of lyttona}
christine felipa von lytton {the left crown princess of lyttona}
priscilla silver von lytton {the right crown princess of lyttona}
lawrence kingswood rock {archduke of lyottna}
richard wentworth de vola tempetén {king of tempete}
venessa baillairgé de vola tempetén {grand duchess of tempete}
joseph waters de vola tempetén {prince of tempete}
grace london de vola tempetén {princess of tempete}
tyler ye {half-blooded prince}
vlaqinn takeru ii {emperor of vlaqinn}
narumi maki {empress of vlaqinn}
asai june {queen consort of vlaqinn}
wakamure yukiji {princess consort of vlaqinn}
vlaqinn niou {1st prince of vlaqinn}
wakamure hinta {2nd princess of vlaqinn}
vlaqinn ciao and wakamure xiao {2nd prince and 3rd princess of vlaqinn}
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New Character: 
2nd Princess Wakamure Hinta, third child & second daughter of Emperor Vlaqinn Takeru II, the first child of Princess Consort Wakamure Yukiji.
Half sister of 1st Prince Vlaqinn Niou, Hinta is the striking image of her mother’s beauty, with blue hair & blue eyes. She is a skilled tailor & often spends her time sewing fans in the gardens, she also appears to hold some of her father’s military expertise, being very skilled with a sword & in battle formations; despite not having much intelligent outside of that subject. Like her older brother & sister, because of her mother not being the Empress, she hold no line for the throne. She expects to one day be married off, & does not fight this fate, despite disliking it.
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Changes to 1st Prince Niou.
Niou’s faceclaim has been officially changed to Mo Yan from Mejaz Regulus in the World, & his origins of birth have changed. His mother is now the Queen Consort of Vlaqinn, Asai June, & his full-blooded sister is Asai Okichia.
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LEGAL NAME: Vlaqinn Niou DATE OF BIRTH:  Unknown NICKNAMES:  1st Prince GENDER:   Cis Male AGE:  Unknown(25/26 physically) SPECIES:  Age Immortal PLACE OF BIRTH:  Somewhere in the Kingdom of Vlaqinn CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS:  Resident of Vlaqinn Castle LANGUAGES:  Japanese, Chinese, Korean, & English OCCUPATION:  Aristocrat CRIMINAL RECORD:  None DRINK I SMOKE | DRUGS LIKE[S]:  Poetry, reading, writing, archery, hunting, blossom sake, grilled salmon rice pot & radish pot rice(the only dishes he can eat without alcohol to drink with it) DISLIKE[S]:  His father, royal affairs, being in a crowd for too long
FEARS:  Never receiving his father love & acceptance PERSONALITY TRAITS:   Stoic, quiet, obedient, holds grudges, kind to those he holds in close value, sometimes get angry & explodes after holding in his emotions for long enough HAIR COLOR:  Raven black EYE COLOR:  Faded black with a blue ting HEIGHT:    6′0
SIBLINGS:  Sister - Grand Princess Asai Okichia, Half-Sister - 2nd Princess Wakamure Hinta PARENT[S]:  Father - Emperor Vlaqinn Takeru II(2nd), Mother - Queen Consort Asai June, Step Mothers - Empress Narumi Maki & Princess Consort Wakamure Yukiji CHILDREN:  None PET[S]:  A few unnamed horses
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