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Character Information
Name: Millenia Aeonette Malfoy
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Slyherin
Year: 5th
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Gender: Cisfemale
Allegiance: Death Eaters
Faceclaim: Kristine Froseth
Extracurriculars: Arithmancy Club, Chess Club, Gobstone Club
Positive Traits: +Benevolent, +Artistic, + Perceptive
Negative Traits: -Fragile, -Insecure, -Gullible
Wanted Connections:
Bad Influence: Someone that gets her out of her bubble for all the wrong reasons. In the end, she looks up to this person and may or may not ick up all their bad habits.
Current Connections:
Lucius Malfoy - Older brother Regulus Black - Follows to class Violet Greengrass- Idolizes Andromeda Black - Tries to befriend
Millenia was born into the /perfect/ family two years after her brother, the heir, was born. Something was off immediately her parents realized. The baby never cried, but its mouth would twist and distort as if the girl were screaming. Their worry was confirmed when the girl turned four and she still hadn’t spoken her first word. Abraxas would constantly lose his patience at her and argue with his wife that it was her fault she was this way. Nearing her fifth birthday she climbed onto the piano bench with her brother and said “h-h-hi. Luuuu-Luuuu.”The only witness to this was Lucius himself who tried to encourage her to say more words. She still stutters and finds it hard to communicate. They were convinced that Millenia was a Squib. Lucius had already shown his magical abilities, but Millenia was lost in her own world. The discussion came up to disown the girl on her thirteenth birthday, and her parents were shocked when she levitated her doll to her arms the same day. Some even speculate Dobby himself made the doll levitate in oder to save her from being disowned.
Millenia was placed into school, however by the time she was showing signs she couldn’t room with the younger students. Millenia may be fifteen, but she has the mentality of a ten year old. She’s gullible and sees things through rose colored glasses and is often confused with reality at times. Since she is the only one her mental age around a bunch of teenagers. Because of he age she was always put into a dorm with other wizards with normal mature intellect. Abraxas made sure she didn’t attend Hogwarts at first, to make it easier for Lucius to excel. Also so he could forget she existed by swinging galleons at the school. Last year her father made her get the dark mark even though she doesn’t understand it. Lucius had to instruct her to stop signing her paintings with the dark mark that traumatized her and instead place her initials. Millenia is gifted in the arts. Having learned the piano before she said her first word, where her mouth lacks her ears make up for. She can often understand musical notes over spells. The girl is also an artist and paints out situations she overhears. Every detail she catches is often overlooked by the naked eye. Usually if her brother asks her a question about a person she will draw the person for him. She doesn’t memorize names and only recognizes faces she encounters.
Millenia carries around with her a doll she still has from when she was a baby. One that doesn’t make fun of her delay or judge her for taking ten minutes to quietly answer a question. If she isn’t drawing or playing the piano she is usually sitting somewhere with her doll playing with it. Her favorite game is tea party and she even has a miniature tea set she carries with her in her bag.
Due to how she was raised. She ‘s often viewed as skittish. Often flinching or crying out if she hears a loud noise around her. The first instinct she has is to hide. Sometimes she picks a bad hiding spot where she witnesses something she shouldn’t. The Malfoy house elf stumbled on the girl silently crying when Lucius started his first year at Hogwarts. Unable to leave her sobbing, he taught her how to sign and also performed parlor magic to get her to smile. When she levitated her doll, the elf had spotted it from afar and later signed to her that he knew she could do it. She has stopped in her tracks to try to sign to other house elves hoping they understand her - but so far that’s a no
Nothing of this her brother needed to worry about. Except for the occasional owl or picture detailing her day at school. The explosion of Gringott’s caused Abraxas’s payment to her wizarding school to cease, and in turn she would attend Hogwarts with her brother. A fact her father hadn’t told her brother. None of the normal students even knew who she was when she stepped up to the sorting hat. When her last name was mentioned it caused the crowd to turn to the other Malfoy. The sorting hat had a deadlock between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff when it came to sorting. However her feeble mind begged it to sort her into Slytherin so she wouldn’t get into any trouble at home. It swayed with her inner turmoil and placed her into a house she had no business being in. Millenia has been taught the elegant poise of a Malfoy. So most that haven’t spoken to her will not notice that she suffers from a cognitive condition, until they start trying to speak to her. Then it’s obvious she isn’t a normal fifth year. Her mannerism changes and her mask drops, often fidgeting and struggling to form words when spoken too.
Now that she’s in Hogwarts with her brother, she feels happier, but she can’t help but to notice her brother might not feel the same.
Interested in Millenia Malfoy? She is closed and being played by Admin J.
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Character Information
Name: Ariel David
Blood Status:Muggleborn
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Bicurious)
Wand: Holly, Phoenix Tail Feather, Hard, 9”
Patronus: Lion
Boggart: Losing Oliver
Allegiance: Neutral/Undecided
Faceclaim: Madison Pettis
Extracurriculars: Quidditch (Gryffindor keeper/co-captain), Dueling Club, Chess Club
Positive Traits: Outgoing, friendly, affectionate, creative, enthusiastic
Negative Traits: Domineering, melodramatic, temperamental, aggressive, narcissistic
Wanted Connections:
Girl she is interested in: Maybe a girl she is experimenting with.
Bulies: Someone (or multiple people) who bully her because she got pregnant
Current Connections:
Xavier Wood - Oliver’s father. They’re still together, at the desires of their parents, but maybe their relationship is a little rocky.
Sybill Trelawney - Predicted her pregnancy
Severus Snape - Awkward potions partner
Quinn Hatcher - Cousin
Oliver Wood - Son (baby, NPC)
Ariel was born in Scotland to Jewish immigrants and Holocaust survivors. She lived a relatively good life, considering what her parents went through to be able to give her such a nice life. When she was eleven and got her letter from Hogwarts, her parents were surprised but very supportive. They were proud of their daughter, and very excited to see what she would accomplish. All of that changed when they found out she was pregnant with her boyfriend’s child. They still helped her and were supportive through the pregnancy, but they were disappointed when they first heard the news, to say the least.
Ariel’s son, Oliver Wood, changed her whole life. He was born in 1975, during her fifth year at Hogwarts, and she was determined to finish her time at Hogwarts while raising her son simultaneously. She wouldn’t let the changes in her life deter her studies. Despite her less than ideal relationship with Oliver’s father, she still loved her son more than anything in the world, and would die for him if it ever came to that.
Interested in Ariel David ? She is a OC, closed, and being played by Haylie.
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Character Information
Name: Sebastian “Bash” Parker (he/him)
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Patronus: Leopard
Mbti: INFJ
Boggart: Being locked away losing his chance of ever leaving.
Allegiance: The Resistance
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Extracurriculars: Potions Club
Positive Traits: +Loyal, +Integrity, +Patience
Negative Traits: -Stubborn, -Cynical, -Deceitful
Wanted Connections:
Arrangement by Parents:
Current Connections:
James Potter -Unexpected friends Lily Evans - Best friend Lucius Malfoy - Ex friends Remus Lupin - Close friends Violet Greengrass- Hinted Betrothal
Sebastian was the family’s answer. Finally someone to continue their wealthy name. Bash had many things given to him not things most little boys have but all the proper things. Sure the house was large and in it Sebastian began to feel small even with his dads constant bragging.. his son was going here.. winning this.. to be married to this person. It was set, locked done.. most didn’t get ahead as quickly as MR Parker did.. but no one dared questions though the whispers and glances said enough, there were deals made favors granted, a bit of charm here if there in the ministry, Mum pretended like it wasn’t happening and she continued to pretend after the.. accident before his sixth year .
It was to be a clean death, no one would know.. so a man they argued with, a man that pulled out of their deal vanished, he could have wandered off.. could have had a heart attack, it was during dinner, a few extra ingredients in the mans drunk but a clumsy mistake happened.. and young Sebastian drank the whole thing, losing all color in his face and consciousness and eventually discharged with a lasting mark of the day. He was now mute. Too much damage had been done even in the wizarding world.. it was an outrage a horror that had to be covered up, thankfully that evening the man didn’t live long enough to share what happened. Sebastian’s life was once again turned upside down. He hated the cheating the lying look what happened.. look what his parents were concerned for! Not him he was terrified how was he to do magic?? It , the last straw for the strained family relationship was his sorting into gryffindor. Sebastian couldn’t be more pleased, one step further away from the entitlement one step closer to his own life.. and now. Now seb has his plan, get out of his arraignment and travel write about new magic discoveries.
Interested in Sebastian Parker? He is an OC, closed and being played by Rory.
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Character Information
Name: Garrett Ollivander
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7th
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Patronus: Hyena
Wand: 11" Rosewood, Unicorn Hair
Boggart: Werewolf
Allegiance: Legacy of Salazar
Faceclaim: Frank Dillane
Extracurriculars: Prefect, Dueling club, Hunting Club, Potions Club
Positive Traits: +Loyal, +Honest, + Reticent
Negative Traits: -Wily, - Inhospitable , -Bitter
Wanted Connections:
Best Friend: This person is the bread to Garrett’s butter. Male or Female. They’ve likely been friends since they were young, and as such, their parents are probably familiar with each other as well. I would assume belonging to a pureblood family.
Frenemy: Garrett doesn’t trust this person any further than he can throw them, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have their uses.
Brother or Sister: Full blooded, preferrably, and a pureblood
Current Connections:
Grace Ollivander: Cousin
Evan Rosier: Good friends
Nemesis Selwyn: Grew up together
Madeline Nott: Ex-Girlfriend
Andromeda Black: Betrothed
Garrett didn’t have the easiest childhood. He worked both endlessly and tirelessly in his attempts to please his parents. This was evident in almost everything he did with his life, including his choice to continue his families legacy in the ranks of the sacred twenty-eight. What his father demanded from him was total excellence. For him to bring honor to their name and everything that it stood for. So Garrett became the child, the son, the MAN that Gauntul Ollivander commanded him to be. It was hard work, but Garrett had everything to prove. The resentment that he began to feel toward his father was both inadvertent and unavoidable. It affected his life in ways that he wouldn’t come to realize until he was much older. When all of the things he’d done in his name were too far gone to be taken back.
He’d learned to use both intelligence and fear as tools. They were a means to an end, or at the very least, a contribution to the bigger picture. Purity. Elitism. Loyalty. Three things that Garrett was taught would bring him the most satisfaction in his life. For a long time he accepted this – doting on the ideas that Gauntul drilled into his head. That there would be no room for traitors to their race in the world they were creating; and there was no space for those who were lukewarm or flippant in their beliefs. Garrett’s loyalty knew no bounds, and soon he was taking on the weight of the destruction that happened at the behest of the elders. Torture. Destruction. Death His hands would come to be soaked in the blood of his enemies.
Or at least, that is what he was led to believe.
Garrett isn’t unintelligent by any means. He does well in school, although he seems to remain quiet and impenetrable through the majority of his years. His silence is sometimes mistaken for ineptitude, when in reality it allows him to slip undetected through shadows and circles with which he might not otherwise be allowed. In doing so he’d managed to infiltrate the circle of the estranged Black cousins— and spending so much time with Andromeda and Sirius made Garrett start to question his beliefs. If these two people, with such level heads and strong ties to the cause couldn’t get behind what they were fighting for… Should he have reconsidered everything he’d been taught? Garrett began to have second thoughts about his untested ideals.
That was, until a mudblood attacked his parents in London.
Gauntul survived thanks to his ability to conjure up nonverbal magic on a whim. Lenore had not been so lucky. Garrett grieved for his mother wholeheartedly, understanding that this emotional vulnerability could be perceived as weakness. He didn’t care. Not until his father demanded justice for his murdered wife. Justice that needed to come at the hands of his only son. Garrett wouldn’t be made aware of his fathers hand in the death of Lenore until years later, when the indignation of his anger was absolute.
It was a mistake when he was young for people to assume that he was harmless, and to underestimate him now would undoubtedly be fatal.
Interested in Garrett Ollivander? He is an OC, closed and being played by Cee.
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