#as well because Ashley being aspd is a headcanon but her codependency is just canon
ladynicte · 1 year
Adding Ashely into my pile of ASPD girlies together with Makima
I really think ASPD fits her so well though, like that inability to really connect with others, that inability to stop herself and do things accordingly.
That feeling of never fitting in even though she did have friends, of never being able to be fully liked by anybody else.
The lack of empathy of natural understanding for the direct suffering of others.
ASPD people like Ashley who never manage to become accepted into any group from early age who are too different for anybody else to really like and accept so they have to force their own group into existence or else they won't be able to survive on their own.
So Ashley sees herself forced to keep Andy with herself by all means possible, feels good when they are locked up together and he can't escape her, feels threatened by any other girl who could come into his life and astray him away from her, feels that if she doesn't personally isolate him he will end up running away from her.
Knows that she has to get her brother stuck with her because he's her only social circle and without him she won't make it.
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