#as well as the variant of drafts that i tried to have her arms present in the drawing
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raccoonstickses · 1 year ago
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the-heroic-changeling · 8 years ago
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Decided to make a separate post for my latest Legend of Zelda fan fic, and I might as well post these bio cards in the process. There are three more weeks until Breath of the Wild, and the following story is meant to sorta bridge that gap. It doesn’t take place in the canon timeline of course, but it is meant to end up near the same place.  It takes place in Timeline splintered off from Windwaker, which I have written for before. Those stories can be found here.
This particular story talks of the end of an era, where almost all progress and advancement society had made is destroyed by an irrational monstroud flood of hate. Spoiler, this gets political, so if you are stressed by current events, please be aware going in. A lot of real life problems get referenced, and I do vent at some of the more passive Americans. 
Other things to note, I decided Medli is autistic for this timeline because reasons. Most of them how much I relate to her. So yeah, it doesn’t come up much in the story, but it is there.
Linkle is not necessarily an incarnation of Linkle from Hyrule Warriors, same with Mīfa. Medli is Medli though, so if I write her weirdly that’s on me.
A sapphic relationship is the main and only romance in this fic, and I tried to make it cute. Whether or not I succeeded, I don’t know, but none of the queer ladies die, so that's a plus. But yeah, it's for Femslash February.
This story is a bit sci fi, which the Legend has embraced recently with things like the Ancient Robots and pretty much everything Spirit Tracks. Magic still is key as are the gods, but they also have steam powered space shuttles. Again, this is meant to be the pinochle of New Hyrule, just before the tumbling fall. 
I will try to tag people on my other blog, at the least the cards are new and maybe worth tagging for. Other than that please enjoy, and hopefully this is entertaining if a bit melancholy at points.
What if this World Ends?
A Legend of Zelda fan fic inspired by current events and the Breath of the Wild trailer, taking place in the distant future of a variant of the Adult Timeline
"What's Past is Prologue"
Medli was immortal, she had lived for centuries already. She had seen kingdoms rise and fall, and she had seen art burn and be restored. But still, gazing out over this lunar city, it was one of the most beautiful things she had seen. She stroked her feathered head, her attention mostly on the monorails that linked each building on the moon, allowing her people the Rito to travel between the domes they had built on the surface and underground. She stimmed a bit, feeling the fluff of her feathers between her fingers.
A smile lingered on her face as she stared around New Dragon Roost, watching one of the trains rush into a dome filled with salt water and fish, the "Lesser Sea" as it was known to the Rito. Fishmen swam here, and from the monorail you could see the environment that once dwelled in the Great Sea of the World Below. Life that may have come extinct below still lived her, evolving and changing as the bird-like Rito had evolved from the fish-like Zora.
The trains along with the city ran mostly on the artificial volcanic activity the Rito had ignited inside their moon. The moon's core lived on a mix of alchemy, magic, divinity, and science - fueling their home, an eternal engine. The so-called Bird People flew on the drafts of thermal wind that flowed through the city, and used the heat pulsating inside the moon to power their city and the cannons that linked New Dragon Roost to the smaller outposts on the moon, as well as the World Below.
Up around the city Lobsters flew, they looked sort of like a hybrid of the old New Hyrule steamships, a crustacean, and a bathysphere - large vessels with claws for lifting cargo and massive magnetic generators that propelled them through space. They traveled between the World Below, New Dragon Roost, even the Sea of Satellites. Helping link the RotGS together.
She stretched out, stood up, and began to walk into the airlock that defended the dome. Her people were mortals, they needed air while she did not. Her current body was synthetic, powered by the gelatinous electric Chu Chu batteries, and her Ghost controlled it from beyond mortality. It would never breakdown and never stop. As she stood in the chamber air hissed and she laughed, the vents purifying her of any lunar toxins.
The city smelt of salt, ash, and fish, and she breathed in the taste. Even now, as generations of Rito are born on the Moon, they have not forgotten the life of the Great Sea. It was like a breath from her childhood, and to her autistic thoughts it was a warm hug.
She walked inside, her small yellow feet tapping against the hard floor. She felt the heat waft from the floor, an invisible mist that made her skin tickle. She grinned, spinning around on her heels, twirling through the heat as Rito glided above her. Unlike her their skin was brown, peaked with white feathers. She stepped forward, tapping in a whirl, letting out a laugh, before whipping into the hot air.
She landed back down, and began to run through the city. Great buildings towered above her, shaped almost like mountain peaks. Carved in the organic towers were caves, homes and businesses dotting the sky. Each glowed with the red heat of the volcanic heat, pumped from below the surface. Along the way other homes grew underground, like a bee's hive.
She cartwheeled, it was good to live. She had seen the world grow and change, been there watching the first Rito probe land in space, personally captured the Bokoblin submarine that helped kick start the Era of Steam. She landed on her feet, her wings expanding out of her arms. She beat them, before blasting off into the air.
She blasted into the sky, gliding on the drafts that lifted up from the moon's core. She soared above the city, streaking along with other Rito. Laughter danced out of her mouth, her large yellow beak glinting in the light of the sun poking into view.
The Moon was away from the World Below, and though it fueled the tide and the light of night, still scholars debated if the Moon was a part of the Golden Goddesses' creation. They had created the First World, which over millennia had split into other timelines, separate realities where paths went different. New Dragon Roost existed in the so-called Rito Timeline, a split of the Adult Timeline.
Medli had been there when the Timelines were discovered, and when they had been breached. One of her closest friends years go was a trans girl from that reality, whose ashes had sprinkled from the Moon to the World Below. She had loved Medli's home, a place that was less hateful than her home of Skyloft.
Her name was Green, and with her retractable Mag-Shield she could deflect any metal, and her Mag-Beetle let her launch a robotic beetle, which would latch where it landed, and magnetically pull Green through the air like a grappling hook. Both were gifts by Medli, thanks for Green being Green. Green had lived over a century, but all mortal things pass. Still, there was a hope in Medli that Green would reincarnate, and they could be friends again.
Medli sighed. Centuries had passed without a new Green. But Medli knew it was possible, especially for someone as important as Green, a possible Hero. It was possible, it had to be. One day Green would show up again, dancing and swinging across the World Below.
Green had asked her gifts be entombed somewhere of Medli's choosing where a Hylian might one day find it. She had chooses the Kingdom of New Hyrule, the new home of the Hylian Race where steam had ruled, trains linked the country together, and balloons sailed overhead. At least it had ages past.
Medli swooped through the air, her feathered wings sweeping her across the dome. She raced up, before pirouetting in the air. She spun, before catching herself on her wings and returning to gliding through the dark grey and crimson red city.
As she flew a bell dinged, and she altered her course. Speeding past one of the Spirit-Radios that dominated New Dragon Roost's skyline, she came upon hundreds of small cylinders launching into the air. As they rose the cylinders transformed, swinging and shifting their frames to turn into metallic bird-like Weldos.
The Weldos split off, sweeping over the city, searching for the day's damage. Medli chased one of them, following as it hovered in front of a cracked wall. From its beak blasted a beam, which sealed and melded over the cracks.
"Thank you Weldos," she hovered behind the drone, dipping her head.
"You_are_welcome_Medli." The drone replied, before divebombing away to complete its rounds. She nodded with a smile, and swooped away, twirling in a barrel roll as she arced around a tower.
Heat pumped through her arms, sending her into a whirlwind. She laughed, twisting in a circle, before diving straight down, wings raised like she was about to cartwheel. With a fluff her wings retracted, and she landed on her arms, vaulted, and landing on her feet. She laughed, and then wandered into the greater hub of buildings.
She stopped presently, as a large Spirit-Radio flashed in front of a crowd. "The so-called Steam Arrow is to launch in one year, with a crew of New Hyrule colonists to found their first settlement on the Moon." Three dimensional muted images crackled above the box, showings the large arrow shaped spaceship. It was a gold and blue thing, vibrant with the symbols of the New Hyrule Royal Family.
The image changed, to a group shot of the current crew. A Goron stood among them, along with one of the Guardians - New Hylian tech developed by the Sheikah. The Guardian was an somewhat octopus-like robot, with many tentacles and linked by screws and springs. Guardians were not very intelligent, but the were smarter than many dogs, able to grasp concepts and orders. They were guards as the name suggested, protecting New Hyrule from Bulblin bandits and monsters. More and more of the Constructs were built every year, and from what Medli heard they were almost common now.
Some Sheikah stood in the crowd, their dark skin and red eyes making them stand out in contrast to the Hylians. The Hylians made up the bulk of the crew, of course, and their skin varied from brown to peach, their eyes equally as differing. They were the most common race in New Hyrule, and they counted the Royal Family among their ranks...
"Who is that child?" Medli flew up to the picture. The girl in the picture wore a simple dress, which had elements of a blacksmith's apron. Wrenches clung to her sides, and her skin was a light brown, her eyes red - she might have a Sheikah parent. She held a Fire Rod to her side, a magic-powered staff used by Hylians for welding. A Hookshot hung from her waist, useful in maneuvering in space. A mechanic probably.
But it was the girl's smile, the way she held her hands, the way she positioned her feet, her stance, her posture, the way her eyes shined...
Medli flew away, soaring onto a platform suspended off the buildings. Taping a button with her foot a box rose up, a small Spirit-Radio hooked up to the networks that ran New Dragon Roost. In New Dragon Roost terminals were available to the residents in every dome, for a quick fact check, a read-up on a new journal or short story, or research.
She had a Slate of her own, a beautiful portable computer powered by Chu Chu Batteries that she currently had latched onto her back, but it didn't update wirelessly, it needed to be within range of a signal to work. There were plenty in New Dragon Roost but oh, she was too excited to find one. Regardless, she spoke firmly, trying not to shake, "crew of the Steam Arrow mechanics."
The radio crackled, before showing a number of articles. "Soon form top." The image flickered, and then it showed all the mechanics' portraits in a row. "Fifth from the right, second row," she directed the machine, letting it select the girl. The image adjusted as text appeared, and now a Medli could see the girl's blonde hair.
"Linkle Greencloth - minor engineer - from the town of Papuchia. Parents unknown, found abandoned at a Temple of Hylia." She scrolled through the information. Linkle was ... different from Green in origin, but there was a resemblance in movement. An ... air.
Medli pulled away, letting the radio retract. It was ... Medli felt her feathers go electric. It was ... it was a year away. She could look up more by then. And maybe the first thing she could do would be to send a message. Maybe offer Linkle the challenge of looking for the Relics of Green. If she can find them, earn them, well then that's a good chance it's a reincarnation of the Heroine. And really, no one ever got this far before.
She flew away, she had things to do of course. And if the Heroine had reincarnated, then perhaps the Moon would need a savior in these coming years. She couldn't inform the guards, the Sage Medli was lost to history now, a footnote in the current age. Most assumed she just had a family heirloom that let her leave the domes, gave her air. She had the sway of a normal Rito, which was some, but her word didn't matter much when it came to possible dangers she couldn't prove. Still, she would get to be there for when the Steam Arrow landed, in case help was needed.
Chapter One
Linkle smelled of Cucco feathers and grease, the stink had never left her even as she had grown older into the young woman she was now. Clutched around her neck was a chain, with a compass strung to it. It was a relic of the Age of Steam, she had bought it an a yard sale, given it to her grandmother. Her mother had been worried she was being swindled. Linkle probably had been. But she loved that compass all the same.
Her fingers danced at the weightless feeling she felt, a massive grin on her face, a giggle off her lips, she could feel New Hyrule's gravity dwindle and fade, as she rose like a shooting star. Like ... like a Cucco on the warpath, seeking vengeance for someone hitting part of their flock.
But even still, there was a fear. A nameless fear. Not that the ship would veer off course, or that it would crash, or that Lunark would not be habitable, nor that the Rito would be hostile. As far as she was concerned the future moon colony of New Hyrule was the safest place to be right now. And that, that crept into her smile and twisted it in on itself.
She shook her head, she was no coward, she had signed up to establish a colony when most of the Hylians had shrugged away from, she had been qualified too. She was grave, facing the terror of space.
And deep in her heart she felt like she was running. It made her stomach twist, even more than the sheer pressure did. The rocket was blasting into the sky, but the motion sickness from the speed seemed only worsened by her fears for her home. Things had not been going well.
Breathe!" Captain Marlon ordered over the intercom, as Linkle gasped. She almost ... almost forgot to breathe. The force had been so strong. Still she could hear other colonists gasp, they had forgotten to breathe too.
She glanced to her side, unable to stand, the force against her too strong. She strummed her compass, twisting the chain around her fingers. Gradually she relaxed, forcing that unease down. This was awesome. She was ... she was going on a life defining journey, she was doing great things. And she was one of the first non Rito to reach the moon! She smiled genuinely, still stimming her hands against her chain.
Besides her by her window she could see a photo of Lunark, the colony as it currently had been built by small drones on the surface of the moon. It was nothing like the great New Dragon Roost, the Rito had built a true city over decades and decades. Lunark was just a starting place, New Hyrule's first steps into space.
Linkle was a short biracial girl, half Sheikah, half Hylian. She wore a bulky spacesuit, it made her feel itchy. But soon they would reach the moon, and she could slip back into her freeing hood, feel much lighter. And then the suit would only be needed for when she had to repair the colony, welding together damaged bases and pipes, repairing generators.
She was an engineer aboard the ship, one of thirty six colonists sent by New Hyrule to establish Lunark. There was a Goron, nine Sheikah, Linkle, twenty two Hylians, and at the last minute three Zora had been able to join the crew as well, in part for their expertise in three dimensional environments. Previously the Zora had been unable to be sent, the water needed for the amphibious race was thought to be too heavy to bring. But luckily the drones had found a nearby patch of ice on the Moon, and had mined enough of it to convert a room to a shelter where the Zora could refresh their skin.
She tightened up again, straining to see out the faraway front window. The Steam Arrow was drifting through space, nearing their target on the moon. She couldn't see it yet, it was too small and still too fire away. But she could see the light of the Rito's city of New Dragon Roost, a series of linked domes and tubes that spread far. Their Lobsters flew around it, the magnetic spaceships clutching cargo in their claws.
The year was 317 FNH - the fifth hundred and thirty first year since New Hyrule was founded. Linkle's Hylian ancestors had sailed from their island homes to the continent, using great steamships and frigates to sail to the new world. They had built trains, castles - they had built an elaborate civilization, which they had named after the legendary kingdom of Hylians spoke of in ancient lore.
New Hyrule was ... very Hylian dominant. Linkle knew that well. The Royal family were Hylians, most of the Castle Guard was Hylian too, not counting the mechanical Guardians that also protected Castle Town. But the major mayors were Hylians, the most well known knights were Hylians, it was very ... focused on them. And that was without the Children of Hylia and their special brand of hate. Linkle ... well she was a coward wasn't she?
The ship continued to drift forward, the extreme force formerly ramming into the colonists had subsided. Now they were just propelled forward, towards the large rocky moon.
Among them were the Sea of Satellites, small metal contraptions launched by both countries. They swarmed around the planet, broadcasting radio signals from city to city. They had helped revolutionize communication, mapping, and some were even manned. They even had a joint space station, though it frequently had problems
The Steam Arrow chugged through the sea, passing by the assortment of probes and machines that maintained the world below. It was utterly quiet, the only sound was the ship's Guardian, a large mechanized octopus-like machine built to defend the new colony from asteroids. Linkle was not very skilled at repairing them, still a bit clumsy on the detailed jobs, but she knew the basics. Mostly however other engineers aboard the crew would need to repair it if necessary. She was more of backup.
For now the Guardian was just humming in place, held in the ship's cargo with other supplies like grass seeds and a few Cucco eggs. The fowl birds would be hatched only when they could afford to have them eat alongside the colonists, and that depended on if the lunar drones had been able to start a successful farm. Linkle had some say in that, aside from helping with maintenance, her farm upbringing meant she was a good person to occasionally help with the farming. That was, when she wasn't working on that ... kind of weird assignment. Weird, but incredibly cool. She knew things were looking up when she got that mission.
They continued to drift, sailing deeper into space, ever nearing the moon. In the bowls of the Steam Arrow glowed crystalline batteries, magic gems with one purposes - to boil water. The water pumped through the vents on the ship, expelling steam to propel the ship forward, to turn, and to slow. The rocket that had launched them to space had already fallen away, now the traditional reliable steam power took over. In the absence of gravity, a small burst of steam was all they needed to maneuver.
Radio signals to and from Lunark were ... scattered. The sheer distance, and the lack of known magical sources on the moon meant the colony relied solely on steam power and what magic sources they could had sent to the surface. The Rito's empowering of the moon's core helped, but it was geothermal, which was a technology New Hyrule had little experience in.
The ship adjusted suddenly, and Linkle tightened, clutching her seat. The insides of the ship was lined with blue velvet and golden polish, a regal color that made the Steam Arrow resemble a flagship of the Royal Armada—
Linkle felt her hands twitch at the thought, her smile drooping — everything was going to be okay, everything was going to be okay. The ... the nation would reaffirm Zelda as their Queen, this political madness would end, everything would be okay. No one honestly would vote for Hilda. Well, the Children of Hylia would but ... but they wouldn't win in this coup. They wouldn't.
Linkle felt her brown skin become lead, drowning her in a sea of fear. Her hands jittered and she clutched her compass chain, threading her hands through it. With her other hand she pried from her belt her Shekiah Warparty Knife. She twisted its appendages in and out, different sized wrenches, different screwdrivers - not the knives - but the other tools, flicking them back and forth to stimulate herself.
Finally her breath calmed, or at least it balanced out. They were now much closer now. She smiled, everything was okay. She glanced over, relaxing more as she spotted Mīfa. A young Zora, her skin was red and white, her head-fins and her head-tail draped gently on her shoulders. The fish-like girl was sleeping, her eyes shot and her chest rising softly, like water lapping against the sea at low tide.
Linkle felt her cheeks go maroon as her smile widened, looking at Mīfa sleep. Then the girl worried that her staring was creepy, and quickly turned away, shifting to look out the widow to the stars beyond. From her window she could spy the edge of the moon, it just coming into her view. The better view was the window at the front of the ship, but she was feeling a bit uncomfortable about looking so close to her crush.
The Steam Arrow suddenly began to shift, a series of bursts of steam spurted out of Linkle's side of the ship. The ship began to turn in space, twisting as the vented gas propelled them to turn on its side. They were landing.
Another blast of steam erupted, then a wave erupted from every side of the ship. Mīfa bolted awake, eyes wide, and impulsively Linkle grabbed her hand. The Zora flinched, then spotted Linkle's smile and vibrating eyes. The Zora whispered "thanks," before squeezing Linkle's hand hard. Linkle tried not to faint.
The ship by now was descending sideways, leveling out so that when it landed the windows and seats would be flat with the rocky terrain. There was no lander, because this was not a two way trip. There was not enough water to get them both ways, it would weight too much to carry, and the discovery of lunar ice came too late. They would spend their lives on the Moon, and die there too.
Mīfa squeezed hard at that moment, and Linkle stared ahead of herself  in surprise. Mīfa had such ... powerful a grip for a archivist. Or were all archivists really tough, were they like library knights? Mīfa could lift so many boxes of boxes with that strength, but she probably also really gentle with the delicate parchment of ancient scrolls.
It occurred to Linkle while she was blushing a fierce maroon that she didn't really know the details of what being an archivist entailed. She should ask Mīfa. But she wouldn't right now, and instead she would just try not to pass out from Mīfa's strength.
They were ensnared in the Moon's gravity, weak as that pull was. Now the steam stopped venting behind them, it was all focusing on slowing their descent and stabilizing the fall.
Hiss. Hiss. Hiss.
The craft shook as descent slowed, but Linkle had little view of it. She could just about see the light of a Rito outpost, and Lobsters hauling mined resources from the mine towards their city.
She laughed as a burst of steam disheveled her hood. She was wearing a small green jacket underneath her thick and blubber-y navy blue coat, and the hood rested on her head. As she giggled she caught Mīfa smiling at her. The Zora was rolling her eyes a bit, but her smile didn't seem angry or rude. Just ... happy.
Gradually metal and glass rectangular came into view, each with air locks and tubing linking them to other buildings. Little octopus-like mechanized drones scuttled about, their bodies controlled by Spirit Stones, one of the pair was built into their chassis, and the other stone was back in New Hyrule controlled by a scientist.
They had landed.
Linkle stared at the base around them, it looked flat against the lunar landscape, made up of vaguely hemispheric chambers chained together with tubes, creating a system sort of like the piping of a city or like a tree's branches.
"Alright everyone," Captain Marlon announced over the intercom, "we have landed. No pressure, but our nation depends on us. The drones will begin emptying the cargo of supplies, but right we need to wait for the ship to be hooked up to the base before departing. Engineers, mechanics - grab your gear and any personal affects you need, you get first run if the base."
Linkle put her other hand on Mīfa's hand, who nodded and released her. She and the five others stood up, ready to go. She picked up her Slate, Fire Rod, Hookshot, and her special cargo bag, and put away her Sheikah Warparty Knife. She nodded, and walked down the ship towards the next compartments. She passed the rest of the crew, stimming with her compass as she walked. She climbed into one of the changing rooms, it sealed behind her, and she grabbed her soft mesh change of clothes, and began to slid it over her thick coat. Between her hooded tunic, her leggings, her installation coat and pants, and the mesh - it was a wonder she could move freely. She wore more than the rest, but she wasn't going to be nude.
She clasped the Dragon Scale mask over her mouth, and a bubble of liquid air flowed from it over her. She breathed, the bubble filling her lungs. Linkle was not particularly skilled at magic, she was better at tinkering and mending with stuff, but the magical device didn't rely on her own magic potential, it had a battery.
She pulled the lever on the small compartment, making a timer begin to click. Then in a blast it swung open, and she stepped outside.
Immediately she drifted in the exposed lunar atmosphere, her steps uneasy. Gravity was ... she had prepared for it but not well enough. She had never been coordinated but - whoa! She jump-skipped as she leapt out, hooking her gear to her belt. She stumbled, skidding about, nearly falling, before a large rocky hand grabbed her.
"Careful wee one," laughed Gorogroose over their suits' radio. He was a Goron, one of the rocky mountain people who lived mostly apart from New Hyrule society. They mined and crafted the metalwork of the nation, and occasionally helped maintain and improve the railroads of the country. She nodded at him, her smile beaming a lightless glow, as a Zora and three Sheikah descended from the ship as well. She nodded to them with equally excited grins, before hobbling over towards the hatch. She ran a bit too fast for the gravity, soared, and fell over.
Gorogroose picked her up, and she bowed, before scooting to give the others space. The group grabbed the ring around the hatch, and began to unscrew it, extending it into an inflatable tube. The tiny drones grabbed the tubing, and hauled it along the moon, while the people extended a metal floor. Gorogroose grabbed the nearest hatch on the base, and by himself he pulled it out too. Finally they both linked, and Linkle came forward, using her Fire Rod to help weld it shut. The ship wasn't moving again, it could be welded in.
"Okay Ma'am, we're about ready for you. Just got some checks to make..." he trailed off, staring behind them, "Linkle, check that out will yay, through I saw something moving out there, bigger than a drone dat's far sure."
She nodded, and leapt away, stumbling on the landing into a tumble, before jumping up again. Linkle traversed across the base, until she say a Rito girl.
The girl waved to her, before smoothing her feathers. Linkle couldn't see an oxygen tank or a mask, was this some new Rito tech? The girl in the meantime extended her hand, a smile on her face. Linkle grabbed it, nearly falling, before laughing a smile at the Rito. This was incredible, just look at the stuff Linkle was doing already! Making first contact! Kinda.
"Hello, I am M-E-D-L-I" the Rito signed, dipping her head, "Welcome to the Moon! Sorry for intruding, the other who are coming wanted to wait to welcome you, but I guess I was just a bit too excited." A large yellow beak peaked her face, red eyes illuminated her, brown hair, and unusually pale skin for a Rito. Perhaps she was biracial somehow?
"Hello, I am Linkle. Thank you for greeting us. How are you breathing?"
"Linkle!" The Rito said excitedly, "I have a message for you. Did you find the Treasures? Oh, sorry. I had to have some of my body rebuilt when I was a lot younger, it made me not require air."
Linkle stared, sure enough Medli had mechanisms built into her, it was subtle, barely noticeable, but she could see some signs, her eyes especially were mechanical, they looked like a Pictobox's lens if you looked close enough.
Linkle then gave a thumps-up, beaming, "I found them yeah!" Then she slowed. How ... how did this Rito girl know about them. That was a secret mission, only the Captain knew and whoever gave her her super secret mission. So how...?
"Awesome," Medli signed, "sorry, that's rude, you are stressed, no need to talk about it. Sorry for being creepy. I'll explain later, but right now I brought a gift for your colony." She held up a small capsule, with a red and blue swirled gem embedded in it. Linkle grasped it from her, feeling it. "Weld-O-S?" She asked, her heart beginning to pump quickly.
"Yep. It's altered to work on your radio wavelengths, it should be able to follow your messages and help weld and repair your base." Linkle clutched it to her chest, smiled, grabbed Medli's hand, and led her towards the Steam Arrow.
Chapter Two
"I want to show you something," Linkle signed, as she stood outside the Zora cabin. The barracks she was in was close to the the Zora pool, where fresh water mined from the ice was dispersed, becoming a small pond for the three Zora to dwell in. She had volunteered to help make sure there were no leaks, as the water might eat at the container. That would be her shifts her maintenance, the rest of her work would be her mission, at least until the farm got set up.
Originally the chamber was meant to be a barracks for a total of eleven crew members. But when the ice was discovered the Zora had lobbied to get three of their best and brightest aboard the Steam Arrow, along with some scores of frozen eggs. The Zora Monarchy was politically subordinate to the Royal Family, they were just one territory in New Hyrule. But Queen Zelda had been responsive, and had granted three members passage along with a variety of frozen eggs, in place of the eleven Hylians originally planned.
Queen Zelda was not perfect, but she had been working with her people in mind. She had outlawed the child labor of the past centuries, giving children a free education, whether them Hylians, Zora, or even the Bulblin tribes who got along New Hyrule. Well, the tribes that were conquered by New Hyrule, and in practice the Bulblin children were being punished for their traditions by many teachers, though it wasn't endorsed by Zelda. Still, it was clear Zelda was not perfect, or even wondrous. And there were rumors about her orders regarding the use of Guardians in other countries.
Still, she did good things too. She had helped decriminalize transgender people, now people like Linkle had some rights. Like, now if the girl was murdered her killer couldn't claim he was just shocked by her and killed in surprise. That had been a 'valid' defense and ... Linkle was happy to have lived under Queen Zelda. And Zelda had legalized inter-racial marriages, now Linkle's parents didn't need to hide their love, except when the Children of Hylia were mobbing. Oh ... oh gods above please.
Queen Zelda was in a scandal. A fake scandal, but it was all the radio talked about. About her carrying vital documents in a meeting with the Rito, risking valuable state secrets. The Guard had already confirmed that the action was nothing new, but the radio stations just ... and now the courts were debating between giving Hilda the throne. Hilda, the cousin who everyone knew was with the Children of Hylia, who wanted to build a wall blocking off the whole Great Sea and exiling all Zora who had Rito sympathies.
"What is it?" Mīfa asked, shaking her body off as she stood up.
"It's a long story," Linkle signed frantically, trying to focus on the excitement. Soon enough it over took her with a genuine joy, "but I was told by my guild to track down an artifact before the launch, to study. I found two, and was told to bring them, not cataloging them to senior engineers. And ... the things are old. And the Rito girl who greeted us first, she knew about them."
"What? I ... what do you need me for?"
"Well, you are really smart, you know a lot, and I-I like you. So if, if anyone could tell if they are some Rito artifact, you might?"
Linkle meant that genuinely.
"Okay," she nodded, then smiled with her sharp teeth. Linkle smiled back.
"Come on," Linkle led her away, stopping periodically to sign, "I ... the girl seemed genuinely exited to see us, and a bit nervous, looking for approval I think. I don't think she is bad. And it's not some conspiracy, I mean that would be ridiculous. I think it's a favor. Like her grandma had them, and she had helped New Hyrule."
"Ah, that makes sense," Mīfa grinned a big tooth smile, "so if there was a past Rito who helped New Hyrule, it should be in history. I'll check my Slate," she stopped over, picking it up, "I was going to say, Rito tech is ... hard to come by in New Hyrule, but if you think it might be from a warrior, then I should be able to find something."
The two women walked away, squeezing through the tight tubing that linked the base together. It was squish-able, the floor was hard and firm but the roof and sides were like a balloon, filled and given its shape with air. They passed through the kitchen, stepping into another tube, then Linkle's part of the barracks.
She leaned over the bed, it was a small compartment of a room, with a bed and built in drawers and lights. She slid open a drawer, pulling out a bag. She emptied it, exposing two golden bracelets, one with a small circle made of adjustable mechanisms, and one with a beetle on the outside.
"Strange they ... they aren't really in the style of the Rito," Mīfa grasped the first of them, "more like ... Hylian Royalty. Your idea of there being a link between this girl and New Hyrule could happen. Where did you find it?"
"In a cave," Linkle signed, "full of traps and Keese. I think it was a tomb, the objects were resting besides an urn. The Rito burn themselves when they die, right?"
"You know your stuff," Mīfa grinned, "yes, they do it in honor of their dragon god Valoo."
"In Rito lore he was a lesser God compared to the Three Golden Goddesses, but he was their chosen protector. When Old Hyrule was flooded by the Three the freshwater Zora were poisoned and hunted by the new ocean predators. Some of the Zora adapted and fled, they became my ancestors. But others could only find refuge on the new islands, and though they were amphibious, they still needed water. They nearly died."
"But then Valoo descended onto Dragon Roost Island, and granted each Rito a scale. The scales were mutagenic, and helped the Zora evolve feathers, wings, and a terrestrial lifestyle. The new Rito in turn made a pact with him, serving him with Attendants and honoring him in their art and beliefs. And so it remained for centuries, until finally he faded away."
"Wow, do ... do you think it is true?" Linkle flapped her hands, almost in awe of the story of gods and covenants.
Rito laughed, "I don't know. But the Rito evolved in an incredibly rapid amount of time, we know that from their archives, and we know a dragon did live on Dragon Roost for centuries, and the Rito would climb to him to receive a scale as they reached adulthood."
"...Do you think Valoo died? Can ... can a god die?" Linkle signed, frantic in her signs. It was incredible, but scary too. If even a god could pass, it was so much to ponder.
"...Are you sure you want to go into this?" Ruth laughed, rubbing her head tail with her hand, looking away. Linkle was silent, then offered her hand. Mīfa grasped it, and then took a deep breath.
"The Rito believe he is not dead. They believe he just left for heaven, choosing champions in time of great stress like their fabled sage Maud Lee, and the greatest inventors of their Republic of the Great Sea. They still worship him, most of them they keep to his deal, though every Rito has an opinion on what his words meant. The Rito beliefs encourage debate and interpretation, for the most part at least. They are ... a bit less religiously fervent than some."
Linkle signed carefully, "If I ever make you uncomfortable, please let me know and I will stop it."
Mīfa blushed for the first time, her cheeks bursting into a magenta glow, "I-I didn't mean you. I ... I know some Hylians think the Goddess Hylia has made them in her image and appointed them the masters of the world but I ... you don't seem arrogant."
Linkle blushed too, signing, "I-I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, I think Hylia loves all kind life, from her followers to the godless. She ... I think she passed away, died a long time ago for us. Because she ... I do not think would be okay with what her followers do. It's ... it's not what her word says."
"...Hold on," Mīfa changed the subject, making Linkle smile, "if these are Rito tech, they must have abilities. Clasp them on, maybe they will work."
"But you are a Zora, you would have the best chance. And if they are meant for Medli—"
"I thought you were curious," Mīfa grinned, "and I can't figure out what they are if I'm the one wearing them, I need a good view."
Linkle nodded, and clasped first one bracelet on, then the next. She looked at them, they shined. She signed, "should we do this outside? Where the camp can't be damage?"
"Right," Mīfa nodded.
A short while later both were dressed in their Space Mail, a score or two of yards away from the camp. Mīfa gave a thumbs-up, standing not too far away.
Breathing, Linkle held up her left arm, focusing. From what she had studied, they seemed to be designed to react to thoughts—"
The circle expanded and unfolded, before a curved four pronged star. A blue glow flowed around and in between the prongs, like a bubble of electricity.
"Oh my Naryu," Mīfa radioed her new friend over their suits' frequency, "I ... I've seen something like that. I can't place where, but I think it's a shield. It should be able to repeal any metal attack, whether gunpowder-powered, arrow, or blade. It couldn't protect you from like a Guardian's beam, but it could protect you from pretty much any soldier. It's old, they know have better tech, armor that does the same thing both for their ships or their people. But still this is ... this is incredible. And the other?"
Linkle wondered if it was a weapon, the offense to match the shield's defense. She aimed her right bracelet at a fairly far off rock, focusing. She could do this, she could do it - just imaging it impacting the rock, striking it like some energy weapon—
Suddenly the beetle blasted off of her bracelet, flying like a missile into the rock. And then suddenly there was a glow, before she was hurled after the beetle, a blue recoiling chain of electricity linking bracelet and beetle.
Linkle landed at the rock in a heap. Breathing she pulled herself upright, this ... this was a grappling hook of sort. Like her Hookshot only much more range, and powered by magnetism not gears.
She shot besides Mīfa, before being dragged in a burst of speed up to her. She stumbled from the sheer speed, and Mīfa helped her up.
"I swear I have heard about a matching magnetic grappling hook and a shield," she said, "its ... it's something. I'll check my Slate right now. Come with me, it'll take a bit for the info to load, so far away from New Hyrule, but I think I know where to look."
The two started to run, when Linkle's instincts took over. Grabbing Mīfa's hand, she fired her beetle, launching the two of them through the air. With a tap they tumbled into the air, laughter crackling over the radio.
Shortly Mīfa was pouring through her Slate, activating rune after rune. "Ah," she said suddenly, "the legend of Greensky. It's centuries old it's hard to read, looks like much of it is in Rito databases, and I don't have a Rite. But..."
"It looks like ... she was a Hylian from ... another country? The key word can mean history or country, it's a bit ambiguous, context means it's probably country maybe? Ugh, this dialect is kinda obscure, I think it's east coastal? Give me a second..."
"Okay she gained favor with the Rito because ... ugh the original parchment is faded, I think she saved a flying island? But the word island is weird, it might be a Rito experimental ship or it might have been one of the literal flying islands, but for saving it she received these two treasures, and the friendship of ... I can't make out that word, maybe the Rito - ugh we really need to keep better track of information, this is why for centuries the Great Sea forgot it was over the flooded ruins of Old Hyrule. Thank goodness the Hero of Winds rediscovered it, that led to a rebirth of knowledge."
"So it is a Hylian heroine's gifts? A Heroine?" Linkle almost flapped from her excitement, could this be meant for her? Was she some sort of destined hero? That was incredible, she would have to work really hard, being the first Hero on the Moons was not going to be easy, but she could do it.
"I think so, you think someone put her up to retrieve them? If she seemed so nervous and worried about your opinion, maybe she is being blackmailed to retrieve them, like whoever told you to retrieve them. Do you know who it was?"
Linkle pouted, and shook her head. Mīfa had a point, she supposed she would have to be careful. Still, just because there might be a conspiracy didn't mean she couldn't be a real Hero.
"...Does Captain Marlon know about all this?"
"She knows I had artifacts to study. But she did not know this story or their abilities. Sorry that was obvious wasn't it, since we just learned about it ourselves. We ... we should tell her too. She is in charge of the colony, she needs to know all our resources and potential obstacles, right?"
"We should," Mīfa nodded, and the two of the made their way back through the maze of tubes and chambers. Finally they found her in the Spirit Radio room, her head in her hands.
"Linkle, please tell me you have good news," Marlon said, not lifting her head. She was a large Hylian, built a bit like a temple - legs of marble pillars and eyes of gold. As she held her head her other hand pressed against the radio, shoving it away from her body.
"Um, we might know what the artifacts are?" Mīfa said, "there is a legend of a Hylian heroine who gained favor with the Rito, and was given treasures like the bracelets. We also found out at least some of their functions. Is ... is something wrong?"
"Mīfa, you are Zora royalty right?" she muttered.
"Um, distantly. I am of the royal line, but my mom is not very closely related to the Monarchy. I'm very far from the throne, barely linked at all. W-why? Has something happened back home!" Linkle squeezed Mīfa's hands, trying to comfort her.
"I ... I thought ... I am very disappointed in our country," the captain rubbed her face, "I ... I thought our people ... the courts, the nobles they ... I ... I'm very tired. I just ... I worry some of us were sent here to escape. Sergeant always had a soft spot for me since I was a cadet."
"What, what is happening?"
"Zelda was stripped of the throne this morning. Hilda is going to be crowned Queen of New Hyrule."
Linkle flopped over, Mīfa catching her. The Zora's hands grew cold, "has ... how are my people doing?"
"The Children of Hylia have been overjoyed," Marlon spat, "they have gotten ... a lot more bold. The Zora palace was splattered with pig's blood in a frenzy, two young Zora were assaulted in Castle Town when they walked too close to a victory celebration. That's the first of it too, it can only get worse."
"I ... oh," Mīfa was quiet, her hands clutching around Linkle. Linkle was limp, just unable to move. It ... it couldn't be possible. It shouldn't be possible. It ... the leaders of New Hyrule couldn't ... look at Hilda. She refused to reject the Children of Hylia, refused to hold them accountable for their violence, and now ... now that their champion was going to be Queen, they would be emboldened. They would become bolder, more cruel, more violent.
Chapter Three
I leapt into the air, before expanding my wings. I swooped, gliding, before touching the ground and vaulting back into the air. On my back was not only a bag, but the city. New Dragon Roost illuminate behind me, the gunmetal and crimson city out of view save for its glow. I skipped and launched again, vaulting into the sky.
I tapped down, and then flow again, leaving a puff of dust behind me. I swept my wings behind me in strokes, I couldn't fly in this atmosphere, not enough air, but I could glide a bit.
Around my neck was a small Slate, designed to be capable of interfacing with New Hyrule tech, though it was clearly a RotGS invention. It bounced and jiggled on its cord, whacking lightly into me as I soared closer.
Up ahead I could see the glint of metal, I was getting closer to Lunark.
A blast of energy blasted through the air, closer but not striking me. A warning shot? I swooped down, tapping my feet down onto the rock. A Guardian was up ahead, patrolling. It reminded me of an Octorok, the large mollusks of the Great Sea that hurled rocks at intruders. Though, this machine was a lot more dangerous. That beam could shred a Hylian to death twice over.
I began to dance.
As my feet tapped and leapt across the ground, the moon began to shake. With a twist and lurch rock erupted between me and the Guardian, forming a barrier.
The wall of rock shook, but it did not break. Okay then. Flicking my fingers through my feathers as a nervous stim, I plucked up a Spirit Radio from my bag. It had taken a few days to dissect it into its current form, but I had succeeded.
"Hello, Lunark?"
"This is Medli of New Dragon Roost. I was hoping to offer my aid to your colony?"
"Because I'm scared, and I need to do something."
"...You know magic?"
"I know some, mostly earthen magic. I can help you mine or build emergency shelters. I also know my way around my people's technology, but I am not sure how much use that will be to you. I will live outside of the colony in plain view, and you may look through my personal objects if you need to."
"...What do you want from us?"
"...Friendship might be nice?" She was quiet for a bit, I know the request was loaded, of course it was, but I was being honest.
"...We'll look you over. I am ordering the Guardian to let you pass."
"Thank you very much," I grinned with my voice, before putting the radio away. I momentarily checked my bags, before walking towards the colony.
Lunark seemed okay, but I tasted something in the air, an emptiness. People were not moving around much here, kicking up dusty or debris. They were just staying in. I hoped I could help.
I stepped forward, as two Hylians greeted me, holding out pickaxes. I bowed, before they grabbed me, squeezing on my body. I ... ugh, lot of touching. I felt shivers of unease, I nearly phased out of my body. But I held firm as they searched searched searched uh I wanted to vomit. But I didn't. Too many people counted on me.
Finally they stopped, before a Zora walked up, and gestured to my bag. I complied, letting her look through it. A spirit-radio, a charger, a few old scrolls, a couple of figures, an old drawing - nothing too interesting. The Zora radioed their fellows, and they let me in.
I walked into a large chamber, with a desk and a small bed. Towering above me was the Captain, her arms folded her eyes trying not to narrow.
"Your parents know you are here?" Captain Marlon asked, looking at my size. She was a wide woman, and she radiated heat like Dragon Roost Mountain itself, boiling to the invader but soothing to the people she took care of. I still laughed a little, and shook my head.
"They died ages ago," I explained, "My people know I am here though, I accept individual liability if this goes wrong. Sorry, it won't go wrong."
"Uh huh. So just to clarify, what do you want?"
"I am worried Lunark might have a hard time adapting. I do not mean to be rude, sorry if that sounded doubting, but I know the moon is a difficult place to colonize. I wanted to make sure all of your people survive and thrive."
"..." the Captain nodded slowly, "...I understand. I hope all of us, Zora, Goron, Sheikah, and Hylian can flourish here too, alongside you Rito, and I will lay my life on the line for that." She said that firmly, passionately, I wanted to believe her. So I did.
I smiled, "So, if you are okay with my help, what would you like me to do. I could strength your foundations, try to prevent any tremors, I could help excavate ore, maybe manipulate earth to haul ice to your base - what do you want?"
"...First familiarize yourself with the crew," she said at first, then suddenly she scowled, "no other reason you are here is there? Just helping everyone get along? Nothing to do with some old bracelets?"
"No those belong to Linkle," I laughed, then added softly, in case any of her guards were listening, still smiling, "they were a gift to New Hyrule. If Linkle has them, she had to have earned them. She is a good person, with the soul of a Heroine."
"...What are you saying?"
"Rely on her. I know some magic but I am better at the divine," I dropped my voice low, "I believe that Linkle is a reincarnation of someone with a divine nature, an ancient Heroine from a long forgotten history."
"...What?" Captain Marlon stared, unfolding her arms with surprise.
"There is a sense I got from seeing her, meeting her. Many of my people forgot her legend, but I think she might be a reincarnation of this champion. And since she found the Bracelets of her possible predecessor, I believe my faith is well placed."
"...Are you a priestess?"
"Something like that," I answered, looking calmly at her face as best I could, "I am a bit of a Sage."
"...You are aren't you?" the Captain murmured "is 'Medli' your real name?"
"It is the only name I ever had," I answered.
"...Go along and meet the crew. And don't talk to Linkle about this idea you have, okay? Too much pressure on her, she flusters easily. Anyone is gonna tell her, it should be me. Not gonna bar you from her, but don't pressure her, got it? She's still a kid, and she hasn't been doing well recently."
I curtseyed, dipping my head, "okay." I departed away, heading into the base. I hadn't planned to confront Linkle about being a reincarnation of Green, that could come later. Right now it was important that she and the others were okay.
I found my way to a Goron, blocking the way. I curtseyed to him, "hello sir Goron. I am sorry to intrude—"
"The Captain briefed me on yar arrival," he grabbed my hand in his large stone finges, and swung me around with an enthusiastic shake, "pleasure ta have ya! We need all the help we can get, but don't tell the Captain I said so, she got ta keep up a strong face, ya know?"
I nodded, "I will try to help as best I can. How are things going? You have been here about a week - has your food lasted? Do you need me to create fertile soil?"
"Ya can do that?" He smiled wide.
"Well I ... I have done it in the past, not with moon rock but I think I could do it. I hope. I could get it rich enough for grass to grow at least—"
"Hey, then our birds will have plenty to eat," he laughed, then frowned, "sorry, is bird rude? Haven't really meet a Rito before—"
"Birds are fine, we are okay with being called the Bird People," I laughed, "don't about that, there is enough to fear. But you are an engineer right?"
"Can I ask about what you think the base needs most right now?"
"Captain dan tell ya dat, right now ya supposed ta be socializing," he laughed, and I blushed.
"Right, sorry. Well um, you are Gorogroose right? Named for the train engineer?"
"Aye, he helped expand our mines, gave us some trains of our own. Good man, me pop really impressed with him for a squishy folk," he laughed, "you, your name Medli right? Where you get that name? Named for that ancient Sage Maud Lee?"
"Um, no," I blushed, rubbing my hands behind me. I ... was it wrong I felt a bit embarrassed about that name? I should just be happy people remember me at all, let alone remember I was a friend to the Hero of Winds.
"Ya seem a bit ashamed wee one. It ain't wrong to be named after a great Sage, trust me I know about being named for famous people," he grinned, and I grinned back, though a lot more nervously than he did.
"So um, how is everyone handling it?" I rubbed the back of my head. He nodded, and leaned in.
"Air tastes like its thick with smog, most of the squishy folks seem like they can hardly breathe these days. Everyone too scared ta talk about it, well, most of us. Hylians keep saying that everyone will get through this and all will be fine, that we've survived bad Royals before, sounds kinda hollow from them ya know?"
"I understand," I nodded, "you doing okay?"
"Eh, I'm used to being distant from politics, it don't really affect me much up here either. My brothers, them might be in a bit of a bigger rockslide, but we keep ta ourselves and we can handle any lynching them Children of Hylia try ta pull."
"...if you need anything, just ask." He paused at my words, something on his mind, before he simply shrugged, eyes closed.
"Eh, da Captain got me situated, ya can trust her ya know. She a good ma'am, ya need help she will answer."
"Thank you," I grinned, "Um, I hate to be rude, but what are ya guarding?"
"Dat obvious huh? Well I be watching out for two of the wee ones. The Zora room beyond here, and Ms. Mīfa be trying ta cheer up Ms. Linkle. The wee mechanic in a frantic slump, she hasn't been able to do much of recent, too disheartened."
"Do you think I could talk to her?" I asked.
"Ya, course ya could. Just, Captain says if you do, I gotta be there, ya know?"
I nodded, "okay. Did she tell you want I think about Linkle?"
"Aye. Don't go telling her though, not too share if the added pressure might make her fold, she barely doing her work as is. Lot of the squishy folk are running low, but she took it harder than some of the full blooded Sheikah."
I dipped my head, "I will try not to put any more pressure on her. But, what if it might give her confidence?"
"Not ta risk it ya see?" He was firm. So I nodded, and headed inside.
Chapter Four
Linkle was drifting in the water, just trying to feel. The water lapped into her, the cold lingered into her pores, but she just — it was a numbness. An overwhelming emptiness. She should be reacting, she should be doing things but ... energy was gone.
She couldn't move much. She wanted to, she wanted to study those bracelets, to figure how they worked. She wanted to do her jobs, to maintain this cabin and her other assignments, she needed to do all these things. She was chosen to do this job, people relied on her, thirty five people depended on her sharing the work.
But she just ... she felt like a leech had latched on to her back, and had drained the life out of her body, until her mind was a cage in a still rotting prison. And she hated it.
Mīfa was swimming near her, watching out for Linkle. The Zora had needed to ignore her own pain and fears, her own terror, and instead help keep Linkle moving. She felt like a parasite, clutching the life out of Mīfa. And that made the depression only grow.
Linkle flickered her eyes over, looking as the Rito girl approached alongside Gorogroose. She held her arms behind her back, her legs were bent in - she was making herself seem small and not threatening. Linkle wanted to wave, to swim towards her, but right now she felt tightly chained, unable to free herself.
Medli stood by the edge of the water, dipping her head. "Sorry to intrude, is this a bad time?"
"No," Mīfa said quickly, "come in. Um, are your implants waterproof?"
"They are," Medli answered, wadding towards the two of them, "hey um, sorry for being weird that one time. I was just excited. Sorry, it was selfish. I want to make it up to you. I am ... just not sure how."
Linkle kept looking at her, as Medli treaded water. She was dressed in a blue dress with a red sash, and had a strange looking Slate around her next. Medli caught Linkle's eyes, looking around, and then grabbed the Slate. "Kind of the twin to your compass," she laughed, "us autistics and our love things."
Linkle tried to life her head, but it was too heavy. Instead she drifted her hand, and signed, "your Slate is very pretty."
"Thank you," Medli trended towards her, "your compass looks beautiful too, was it made in the style of the age of the Hero of Winds?"
Linkle nodded, her other hand flopping onto her chest, before stimming her fingers against the chain. Weaving her hand in and out of the chain, letting the metal links dance between her grip, she couldn't move much, but she could do that.
"You know your hair looks like your chain," Medli smiles, "all braided into interlinking loops. You must work hard to keep it that way."
"Mīfa did it," her hand managed to gesture, her head drooping.
"That's fine, I'm so glad you have someone you can rely on to help you like that," Medli's voice beamed with so much warmth Linkle wanted to close her eyes, "I know my friends saved my life countless times, I never felt like I could make it up to them. So all I can do is appreciate them and do what I can. Even if that isn't much that day."
Linkle looked back at her, as Medli hovered besides her, "anything I can do?" The depressed woman shook her head, this girl didn't even know her, she couldn't accept her help.
Medli drifted around, "Mīfa, is there something I can do for you?"
"No I ... I'll be okay," Mīfa sounded uneasy, and Linkle felt worse. Then suddenly she felt a beak poke into her chest, as her belly rumbled. Linkle bolted upright, blushing, and Medli stopped blowing on her chest.
"Sorry, impulses," Medli offered, but Linkle wasn't so sure.
"Hey, Linkle," the Rito said as the biracial woman joined her in treading in place, "Um, I want to make a deal with you. If that's okay. But I know a bit of my people's technology, I could help you analyze the bracelets. But I'm not an expert on New Hyrule technology. So maybe, we could work together to figure it out. Sometimes I could join you on your rounds, help get a feel for the way your technology works, and I could teach you what I know. We could experiment with that Weldos I gave you."
Linkle nodded, then signed, "I ... won't be much help. I feel like I'd use you."
"Don't worry," Medli said, "that's how I feel about me. Between the two of us, even with our limits, we should be able to get some things done. Sound good?"
Linkle stared at Medli, as memories began to dig out from her subconscious. The legend of Greensky could ... the idea that she was some sort of Heroine - Medli knew things. She ... knew about the Bracelets, she had given her the Weldos now that she thought of it, she might have choose Linkle, she ... she had things to do. She had to do things, she had a great destiny, she had to fulfill it. But this weight she just...
"What would a Heroine do now? What would Greensky do in this world?" That was the thought that Linkle mused in her hand, waiting for Medli to reply.
Medli blushed, then answered slowly, "I think, um, I think she would struggle, but she would try her best, even when she was overwhelmed. And you are doing that already."
"Cough," Gorogroose suddenly had a cough, might be all the moisture in the air messing with him. But usually the Goron was so invulnerable, why was he coughing?
Regardless Linkle nodded, and faked a smile. "I will do my best," she signed, still numb and tired, "I ... will keep fighting. I ... I will keep trying. I am ... I have a calling, I have ... I will need your help. Mīfa's help, sorry. But I ... will fight." She surprised herself with that thought, but it felt right, like it was obvious. She still quaked, her struggles wouldn't end now, but she ... with some pressure off Mīfa, and another friend helping, maybe ... she could do it. She would at least try to fight, as best she could. She ... she would do it. Hopefully.
Medli nodded, and blasted her with a big smile. Linkle tried to answer in kind, but this time the smile was too heavy, she couldn't make even a fake one. She blushed a bit at her failure, as her kicks slowed.
"Mīfa," Medli changed topics, "Um, something wrong?"
" No," Mīfa's face went from her normal red and Peach-tan to a bloody scarlet, "I just ... sorry for staring it's just ... I didn't know your people's robotics was so ... sorry for staring it is rude and classless I shouldn't—"
"It's fine," Medli dismissed, swimming to the edge of the synthetic pond, "I know my face is mechanical. Heck it's hard to find a part of me that isn't. It's all good."
Linkle stared up, now renewing her gaze at Medli. Her eyes were the most obvious mechanism, but there were glints on her fingers, her face — Linkle couldn't see where her body began and the implants ended. It was like all her exposed flesh was metal.
Medli pulled herself out of the water, continuing, ".Mīfa you are an archivist right? Looking up history and discoveries and all. I could get you access to some of the Rito databases if you want, let you hook up to the computer in New Dragon a Roost."
"Th-thank you," Mīfa managed, "I would love to have access, especially since my connection to New Hyrule is so slow up here. But if it's a strain on your people—"
"It's not," the Rito pledged.
"..,Mīfa are you sure you don't need anything?" Medli said in a hush, "even if it's just me visiting. I will have plenty of time to help, I don't need sleep."
"Everyone needs sleep."
"I don't," Medli laughed. Linkle looked at the strange Rito, for a second ... for a second she would have sworn that Medli's red eyes were glowing blue.
"Something wrong?"
Linkle's skin turned maroon, and she threw up her hands, waving them 'no.' Desperately she signed, "Um, so um, I should um, I should leave Mīfa alone now."
"It's no problem," Mīfa objected, but Linkle really wanted to get out of that room. Between the mystery girl who had secrets and an interest in Linkle, to everything and every part of Mīfa - Linkle was starting to feel her skin physically tingle it was, between the two of them and her depression it was ... it was—
"But if you want to go it's okay," Mīfa gave Linkle permission, "just don't feel like I need you to leave. We're alone together on this moon, we gotta look out for each other."
"I just wanted to touch base," Medli nodded, "I don't mean to rush anything—"
"No I ... I need to um, continue my rounds, look on the outside of this room, make sure nothing had cracked or been weathered. Also make sure the Heat Stones are still keeping the water fluid, not freezing. If it starts to freeze then the metal will crack as the water expands and the structure will be damaged. So I ... you can watch I guess."
"I will keep my distance," Medli bowed low.
To Mīfa Linkle said, "I ... I am not trying to be rude. Do you ... how about I ... we listen to music tonight? Something relaxing?"
"Sure. If ... if you want to. You don't owe me anything of course—"
"—I want to."
"I want to too."
By now both their cheeks were as scarlet as Medli's eyes. Except when her eyes were blue of course, if they changed color but they were red now and gosh this room was hot it felt like Linkle was sucking on a Heat Stone - she hadn't done that of course except when she had been really tiny or when she was distracted—
Linkle suddenly felt Medli holding out had hand, offering for her to squeeze it. Linkle practically tackled the Rito grabbing Medli's hand, pulsating her grip as she tried to steady herself.
Finally Linkle calmed, bowed to Mīfa, and headed out to find her equipment for departing the corridors. Her hands were still a bit shaky, her mind felt very turbulent.
Then inspiration struck, and she stimmed her fingers against her compass, stringing them in rapid succession. Feeling the smooth links, the clattering of metal, the texture of the chain's hoops rubbing against her hand...
When Linkle was a kid, she had broken her grandmother's compass. She had been horrified, frozen in terror. She spent a day panicked. And then the next day she tried to fix it. She was ... not skilled then. Well she was skilled at raising Cucco, but not mechanics, not metal working and all.
It was ... a bad job, but she resealed it. It wasn't great, but her grandmother seemed happy that she had done her best to fix her mistake. And Linkle was happy to have helped too. So she spent more time trying to fix things, most of which weren't broken. And eventually she started figuring out how the things worked too.
Her grandmother gave her the compass on her next birthday, through the latch was stuck, she couldn't open it. Linkle felt bad she broke it but ... she couldn't take it. Grandmother had said it was her most prized possession, she couldn't.
But her grandmother wore her down, saying that Linkle could return it when she got it open. And ... she never got it open. And in the mean time it ... it was very nice to clink her hands against. And now, it was like a little memento of her grandmother, pulsing against her chest.
Linkle shuddered suddenly.
She had to fix this. Somehow she ... she couldn't just panic and huddle. She had to do something. She stimmed across the chain, slipping her fingers back and forth through her clutches, weaving in and out.
"You aren't alone," Medli said softly. Linkle stared at her and nodded, before leading her away.
Chapter Five
Linkle's hands shook as she sat in the meeting room of the New Hyrule colonists, her hands jittery. She could feel the world vibrate like an earthquake ripped through the universe, as Mīfa reached over and clutched her hand. The two of them held to each other, as Captain Marlon continued to speak.
"So, yesterday, on only day seven of the new regime, Queen Hilda hypocritically banned all Fishmen, Rito, Korok, Bokoblins, and even islander humans from traveling to New Hyrule. Hylians aren't even from New Hyrule, it's stolen Bulblin land, but you know what? Doesn't seem to matter. Also doesn't matter that it's completely illegal, not that it has stopped the Guard from enforcing it without pause. And again this was days after ordering troops to quell unrest in the political distant Fire Region."
Linkle was suddenly keenly aware that Medli was not in the room, and that Gorogroose seemed very small compared to his normal posture.
"So, about two hours ago, the Republic of the Great Sea released a statement rejecting Queen Hilda," the Captain explained, "announcing that they did not accept the new regime and they would accept any refugees fleeing from her."
"My old friends in the guard sent a coded message recently, said New Hyrule has also silently been invading Bulblin Camps in the last few days, tearing apart their lands to built new Spirit Tracks. It looks like the goal is to build new mines to fortify the Southern Oceanic border."
"Do they really think they could build a wall across New Hyrule's massive coast?" Mīfa said softly, clutching to Linkle, "it would cost billions of Rupees, and where would they get the labor."
"Right now some of the prisons have been 'volunteering' prisoners to labor in the mines and to build the encampments. This is day Eight of Queen Hilda's reign, and slavery is already being brought out in force."
"And most of it wilt be fa da rest of us!" Gorogroose pounded his fist down, smashing a table, "Even under Zelda most Hylians get less sentences, it charged at all. Hylian smashes up a warehouse, just some ill boy who loves his motha. Goron do it, he an uncontrolled beast!"
"Hey, calm down, no need for viole—" Gorogroose swerved around towards the Hylian, his eyes cold with wear and tear. Linkle could only nod. She ... she felt for him.
"We ... are in a difficult situation," Captain Marlon redirected the discussion, "New Hyrule is beginning to militarize, and word is RotGS is too. Which is bad enough. But the Rito have a real city on this planet, they are fortified and self sufficient. We are an outpost at best. If war breaks out—"
Linkle bolted up, signing, "w-we are not going to war with the Rito!"
"I know, we would not survive. And I ... I do not want my crew to perish because of some militant bigots pushing the button of one of the strongest nations on the World Below. I do not give a damn about being hanged for treason if I do my duty." She grew quiet, looking around, "we need to think what our options are if war is declared."
"N-neutrality," Mīfa managed. The Captain held out her hand to lower her volume, glancing around. She darted her eyes back and forth, quietly.
"Damn drones been following me everywhere today," she muttered, "willing to bet the old scientists aren't piloting them anymore. And I do not want this leaking to New Hyrule. Our country has no more rockets, but it has a Guardian here."
"They ... they won't kill us," a Hylian laughed.
"Yeah, we aren't traitors we ... you are suggesting we defect right?"
"I am suggesting we can fight a single Guardian better than we can all of New Dragon Roost," she muttered, "and honestly, I would rather be in cahoots with Bird People than following orders of those beasts. The new parliament Hilda is appointing, they are a new breed of hate. Most are openly Children of Hylia, unqualified, untrained monsters who would dismantle the roles they were assigned to.
"Yeah but we can't just rebel," a Hylian laughed. He was Spensal, an archivist who lauded himself as progressive, "like, we can't just throw up our own leadership and break New Hylian law. Then we are no better than Hilda."
"I don't think any of us are planning to wipe out minorities," Captain Marlon said coldly, "something that many of her new leadership openly suggests. One of her inner circle runs a Children of Hylia radio station that openly suggests that "New Hyrule doesn't need a Sheikah race," and questioning if "Zora and Rito are people." Unless we are planning to wipe out entire races, we are not as bad as the new regime."
"But then it's just semantics—"
"D-Dammit it how how naive are you?" Mīfa shouted with a slight quiver, "you cannot act like this is normal and we should just respect the Queen. If you allow these bigots to preach their hate unchallenged, they will just squeeze in. You can't treat them like they just have a different opinion! They want us dead!" Linkle leaned into her with relief. She would have shouted if she could have.
"We are gonna have a vote," Marlon said softly, "do we declare neutrality or not?"
"...We can't just secede."
"—Bad as them."
"—have to work inside the system."
"Maybe she will be reasonable—"
"—don't want to act violent like Mīfa and Gorogroose's display."
Linkle felt her skin burn, and she clutched Mīfa tight. She ... her hands won't move, they just flailed, she couldn't talk, couldn't shout them down. She ... she was non verbal but usually she could still ... still.
The Hylian members of the crew were going to doom Lunark. They ... they were just going to fold to the new monstrous leadership, they...
Linkle decided then and there she would only answer to being Sheikah. She didn't want to be Hylian, and it's not like being biracial ever helped her in life. And her Hylian heritage, it was cowardice and fear, not bravery.
She glanced towards Captain Marlon, who was standing stern, firm, but her foundation was quaking. Her hands fidgeted but she was not autistic like Linkle and Medli. She was nervous, and regret was on her face. Good...
...Linkle stepped out of the airlock, and the only sound was the hum of static. She stared up at the night sky, distant stars gleaming in speckled light.
"Hey," she nodded at Mīfa's voice, as the Zora bounced up to her. The Zora youth fell against Linkle, clutching her like a Keese clutching its perch. The two of them just held each other and breathed, trying to steady themselves.
Lunark would not take a stand.
Linkle turned to the edge of the base, and offered Mīfa her hand. The Zora girl took it, and Linkle fired the beetle from her bracelet. It latched scores of yards away, before hurling the two of them forward.
They stumbled on the landing, now a ways away from their fellow colonists. Linkle rolled over, laying crumpled up on the lunar surface.
Linkle didn't know where Medli was, Marlon had said she had needed to use her personal Spirit Radio, and she had needed to do it away from the colony, Linkle knew what she was doing, on important matters (as definitely by the Constitution of the RotGS) the Rito and their fellows, every citizen would debate and vote on a course of action. Hopefully their vote would go better.
She didn't know RotGS politics very well, there was trade between the two nations but even under Zelda it had been tightly regulated. She knew that there five races native to the Great Sea, including a race related to Hylians. She knew the Korok mostly were farmers and kept to themselves, but that might be a stereotype. She knew the Fishmen also kept to themselves, and politics were mostly decided by Rito, humans, and Bokoblins. She also knew the Rito were the most common race of the Great Sea.
But she didn't know the politics. And she didn't know the technology of the Great Sea. She knew they had had a city on the moon for decades, and outposts long before that. But what were their weapons like. Could ... could they survive New Hyrule?
She had been working with Medli to understand the Rito technology, they had disassembled and reassembled the Weldos multiple times, gone over the Chu Chu Batteries again and again, Linkle had some grasp of it now. And the entire setup, the way it operated - it was complex. They used living jelly batteries to power their tech and her implants, and had some sort of transmitters to send power. Linkle had been trying to replicate it with some extra supplies, but that ... that was unimportant now.
Linkle had realized she did not want her country to win the war. Eight days and all this already? The government felt destabilized even from the Moon, and all this abuse, this hate, she couldn't support it. And a war felt certain, she could hear cannons firing even from the moon.
She reached over, and Mīfa did the same. They held hands, as Mīfa and Linkle looked at the stars from their huddled shapes.
Zelda had ... she had done bad things. There were rumors she had used Guardians to rampage through Bulbin camps looking for terrorists. But she had ... she had held some restraint. Hilda had none, no self control.
Guardians invented by Zelda's scientists were now patrolling the streets of cities, radio stations were being threatened not to speak out, and Hylians kept towing the line. Marlon was their eyes to the outside world, and everything she knew was filtered through whatever people back in New Hyrule told her.
Marlon had ordered half the colonists to abandon their work on research to focus on finishing the farms. She made it clear that they should not expect supplies to be sent up, and they needed to be self sufficient before the food they brought dried up. So the research of the two Bracelets was put on hold so Linkle could focus on helping prepare for the Cucco to hatch and to make repairs. Simple.
Linkle shivered. She ... she felt like a coward, like she was hiding on the moon from her problems.
"I love you," Mīfa whispered.
Linkle squeezed her hand back tight, and the two of them clung to each other.
They laid there silent, holding each other's hands in a loose embrace. Every so often Mīfa would make a tight squeeze, then Linkle squeezed back. Their grips pulsed like twinkling stairs, periodically sending waves of sensation through their palms.
They squeezed and relaxed, along shouting to each other that they were still there, still holding the other' hands. The only sound was the humming of their Spirit Radio, frequncies crackling in their heads.
The sky above the moon was black as a Sheikah monk, broken up by eyes of light. The stars seemed to peer down at the two colonists, warmly like ... like ... like a zoologist seeing an endangered wild breed of Cucco flourishing.
"Heh. Heh heh heh."
"What's so funny?" Mīfa turned to look at Linkle, who was laughing. Linkle smiled through her laughs, her hands flapping wildly.
"Come ... come on, why ha, why are you laughing now?" Mīfa began to chuckle softly, her sides beginning to quake. The two just laughed and laughed, before rolling onto each other.
"Cucco. Cucco. Cucco Cucco Cucco," Linkle signed frantically, "I'm gonna call you my Sea Cucco," she snorted as she flapped her arms, still laughing at the random tangent.
"Sea Cucco? I ... I'm not a water fowl," Mīfa tried to act indignant, still laughing at Linkle's explosion.
"S-sorry Royal Sea Cucco," Linkle signed.
"And don't you forget it," Mīfa giggled, as tumbled before she and Linkle flopped back against the lunar surface, both staring back up in the sky. They laughed and laughed, burning their energy off.
"...sorry," Linkle signed, "not appropriate is it?"
"No. But I ... I needed a laugh," Mīfa signed back.
"...We are going to be alone up here," Mīfa signed. She was not speaking over the radio, just gesturing, her motions were not the most articulate.
"Alone together."
"...Gorogroose has our back, I know the other Zora agree with us, they talked to me about it after the vote, they were just intimidated by the ... Hylian comments.  And the Sheikah, you saw how they voted, only one was against neutrality."
Linkle nodded, and signed, "Captain Marlon agrees with us too I think. But she is a bit too reliant of regulations."
"...What are we going to do?"
"Find Medli, ask her what she knows so we can plan," Linkle decided.
"She might be busy voting still, the whole population of the Great Sea had a chance to advocate and suggest courses of actions, it could take a while. But Gorogroose ... when we meet her he watched over us, and hung around when she was nearby. I think he was trying to stop her from doing something. We should ask him first."
Linkle gave her a look and she shook her head, "I think Medli does not intend you harm, but I think .Gorogroose knows something. At the least if he tells us, Medli will not have to."
Linkle thought it over, and then squeezed Mīfa's hand. It was worth checking out at least...
...Linkle and Mīfa walked back into their ship, and immediately they were bombarded with a sickly sound, like a dog dry heaving. There ... there were no dogs on the moon, or Wolfos for that matter. Though what would they howl to up here?
It was hard to focus, with the scratchy vibe Linkle felt. A think miasma seemed to oozed through the ear, like swimming in syrup. It was really hard to stay focused. Linkle felt a buzz in her heart - she needed to do something.
She ... she had fallen into a thick muddy swamp of depression and anxiety, and there was no easy way out of it. But she ... she had just had a good release, expelled her frustration, her fear, her worry - and she had Mīfa.
She would fight. She would ... she would find ways to fight. She ... she would ... she could reach out to Medli at least, that was the first step. She would be connected to the Republic of the Great Sea, she would have news from the World Below, at the least she who know more than the rest of them did about the Surface.
It was so strange, now that she thought of it, that a society like the Republic who focused so much on getting voices to all her citizens, keeping so much of her knowledge and information network separate from New Hyrule.
Point was, Medli was a link to the Surface. Linkle thought she was good, she seemed caring and nice, she trusted her to be honest with her news. And Medli seemed to care about Linkle. She would tell them what she could. And Linkle and Mīfa would pass their discoveries onto the rest of the colony, at the least they could do was keep each other informed.
That was the first step, knowledge. And Mīfa did not think Marlon's radio could be trusted long term, eventually, she would stop getting real news. And already their Slates had gotten a lot worse connection to the Sea of Satellites.
She and Mīfa held hands as they walked up to the Gorogroose. He was sleeping, sitting cross-legged and breathing slowly. He had fallen asleep among the main steam engines of Lunark, snoring among the hum of machinery. Steam vented around him, misting up his armored rocky body.
"Um, Gorogroose?" Mīfa asked, walking up to him, wincing. Linkle held her hand, which Mīfa clutched tight. The heat was a lot more than she was used to as a Zora.
"Hello wee ones," he sighed.
"...we want to do something," Mīfa said softly, "we want to reach out to Medli. As a Rito she has access to the World Below, and when Hilda cuts us off from the radio—"
"And ya need ta know if ya can trust her?"
"We think we can, but we aren't sure exactly everything about her, how she knew Linkle was sent to find Bracelets, that she brought them - or where the order Linkle's guild gave her came from." Linkle nodded aggressively, smiling. It was partly forced, but Mīfa was a glow that cheered her up, at the least she made Linkle fell not alone. And her voice had weight.
"I think the Captain wanted you to make sure she didn't say something around Linkle, like she didn't trust her not to speak her mind. And I ... I am not sure of Medli's motivation. I think she is good, but she is clearly hiding things, she has secret motives. I want to make sure I know what we would be getting caught up in working with her.
"Yeah, I know a bit of the wee birdie's interests," Gorogroose gestured for the two younger colonists to sit, "the Captain told me a bit of it, Medli admitted to it fully. Not sure I should be telling ya what she thinks, not my place, not my expertise."
"Is it worse than everything that's been happening?"
"Fair enough lass," Gorogroose rubbed the back of his head, "ya must understand, the Rito can be a bit strange, way they see the world and all."
"Medli be older than she looks. She no youth, she old," Gorogroose said in a low voice, "older than me and any of us colonists. She seen lot younger dan she is. And her body, I got a good look at her, it is not merely implants that are part of her body. So much of her is mechanical, the traces on her skin..."
"...What does that mean?"
"She knows a lot lass. And she thinks she has seen something of Linkle before."
Mīfa looked to Linkle, who shook her head. She had never seen Medli until she reached the moon. "Linkle had never seen her until the Steam Arrow landed here."
"Yeah, I know. Tell me, ya ever believe in the reincarnation of the Hero."
Linkle felt her heart flutter, and signed, "I ... I know the story. The Hero of Winds; the champion who killed the monstrous demigod Ganondorf, the same Hero who discovered the steamboat that kicked off the Era of Steam and who colonized New Hyrule. The friend of the Sage Maud ... Lee. Medli."
Gorogroose did not speak, only nodding, as Linkle continued, "he was reincarnated a hundred years after he discovered the steamboat, into the Hero of Steam; the Royal Engineer who saved the Princess Zelda of that era and killed the Demon King. And that was two hundred and seventeen years later."
"Do you think I am some sort of 'capital-h' Heroine?" Linkle asked, "a ... a reincarnation of Greensky, the Heroine who impressed the Rito—"
"I know nothing of prophecies and reincarnation," Gorogroose shook his large rocky head, "Ah got no opinion on it, save that it be an awful lot of pressure to be the next life of a champion of da world. I just know Medli believes ya are a reincarnation of someone I think she knew once, long time ago."
"Why did Marlon not want her to tell Linkle that?" Mīfa asked as Linkle flapped her hands like a fledgeling bird, excitement flowing through her. She ... she had potential, a destiny to fulfill. It was ... there was hope.
"Like I said, it a lot of pressure. Guessing she read wee Linkle wrong."
Linkle quickly turned to Mīfa, who squeezed her shoulder. As she clutched Mīfa, the Zora asked the Goron, "What does Medli expect Linkle to do?"
"Um well," he glanced at Linkle's ever growing smile. Then he grinned warily, and laid his hand on her head and rustled her hair.
"I think da birdie expects ya to save us."
Linkle's hand danced across her compass's chain, her very fingers tingling with goosebumps. She shivered as she smiled, one hand on her love thing, the other clinging to Mīfa. She ... she could do things. She could save New Hyrule...
Chapter Six
...Linkle flapped her hands inside her thick thermal clothes, as she and Mīfa walked through the lunar surface. Her face was covered by her Dragon Scale, letting her lungs breath even in the barren wastes of the moon.
Mīfa signed suddenly, "Linkle do ... I've been thinking about what the Captain said? Do ... do you think I'm ... visible?"
"...Yes I can see you."
"No I mean do you think me being gay was ... obvious?"
"Oh no I was scared you won't like me like that. I mean I am not very good at reading people and I thought you might be interested, but I wasn't sure if I was just projecting. Why?"
"If ... if my family knew but ... if they knew I was gay, and they suspected New Hyrule was going to descend into this ... evil, if they knew that I would be at risk would ... would that be why they sent me up here, far away from politics."
"Isn't that good that they care?"
"Well yes but ... if they knew, if I was so easy to see, did everyone know? Were the Children of Hylia in particular watching me, plotting to kill me?"
Linkle offered her hand, and Mīfa squeezed it tight. "They won't hurt you, and won't let them," the Heroine promised.
There was silence, and then Mīfa pointed. In the distance sat a structure made of rock, a tiny grey thing that looked like it had been stabbed out of the surface.
They headed towards it in great leaps and launches of the Beetle Bracelet, and gradually Linkle recognized it as a hut summoned from the lunar stone. Closer they came until they spotted Medli, sitting along in the hut, her hands clutching her knees, her fingers rubbing against her kneecaps over and over.
"Hello?" Linkle sighed as Medli looked up. Medli smiled and stood up, before sweeping her wing in greeting.
"Come in," she offered, and the two followed her inside.
It was very empty, just a Spirit Radio and a collection of metal parts and goop. Some sculptures also filled the space, include a rock bed and a stone handheld harp. Medli tapped her foot done, and immediate the floor shifted to form rock mats.
Mīfa took the lead, signing, "we know you recognize Linkle."
"I am sorry."
"It felt selfish, and I felt like a stalker running right up to you right as you arrived. I have no excuse."
"...Have you been lonely?" Linkle asked, offering a smile.
"...That doesn't matter, it was still rude and I am sorry."
"Did you know Valoo?"
"I was his Attendant," she signed, smiling with her eyes drifting in memories, her head glazing over a little.
"Is ... is he truly dead?"
"...Are you sure you want to know?"
Medli sat cross-legged across from the two of them, and rubbed her forehead, "I still feel him. I know in my heart my God still lives, still watching over my people. And I ... I have a connection to the divine."
"Can you hear him? Has he told you anything?"
"Fifty years ago I dreamt of him and my predecessor Laruto," Medli signed, "they urged me to go to New Dragon Roost, to protect the Moon City. So I came to do my duty."
"Do you see the prior Attendant much?" Linkle asked.
"Well um, no. Well, kinda. She was not the Attendant before me, she was the prior Sage of Earth, a Zora from before my people evolved. She became a ghost, and has mostly faded from the world, but I can still see her sometimes."
"Are you a ghost?"
"Yes. I possess this body through a special one-way Spirit Stone."
"Will you fade?"
"No," she laughed, "I will not die. I am too busy anyway."
"What do you do now?"
"Well right now I am trying to keep my distance so you don't get in trouble. But I am still making rounds to strengthen your home's foundation, and going to help unearth the dirty ice below the moon's surface."
"But what did you do in New Dragon Roost?"
"Oh, well my power comes from music, dance. So I would entertain the Rito, Fishmen, humans, and Bokoblins of the colony."
"I thought the Korok loved music?"
"They do, but most of them are not comfortable being so far from the Great Sea in a metal Lobster or being launched from a Space Cannon. So until we can find a way to warp Korok here to the domes, most of them decline to come."
"So," she gestured to the harp, "I play music and dance, and sometimes use a bit of my powers to make clouds of dust dance like an illusion."
"Do the Rito know you are the Sage of Earth?"
"I think most in New Dragon Roost suspect, especially since no new Sage has been chosen, and many of my songs are ancient prayers."
"The Sage of Earth and the Sage of Wind are destined to empower the Master Sword; the divine sword the Hero of Winds used to kill Ganondorf. When I pray, I am strengthening the Master Sword."
"But, the Master Sword was lost," Mīfa signed frantically, "do ... so you know where it is? Is it on the moon?"
"The Master Sword was left sealed inside Ganondorf's skull, permanently wedged into his head and turning him into lifeless stone," Medli said softly, "the Rito used to make a pilgrimage there, though it was since lost."
"But if it's sheathed in rock, why keep empowering it?" Linkle offered.
"...I fear Ganondorf may still live inside his petrified form. From what I have seen in visions he is an incarnation of a forgotten God, older than Old Hyrule and the equal to Hylia. He has escaped his seal before too, the Hero of Winds was not the first Hero, just as the Hero reincarnated so does Ganondorf. I worry if I do not regularly empower the Master Sword, or if it is removed or even rusted till it snaps, his spirit will be unleashed."
"Could it have happened already?"
"...My people know other Timelines, other versions of the World Below. In some, Ganondorf possesses the Queen of Hyrule."
"It might give her too much credit. But it is possible. And my people fear it too."
"What will they do if war is declared?"
"Reduce New Hyrule to the Stone Age," Medli closed her eyes, her hand quaking. Linkle grasped it, and she squeezed him tight. In that moment he could swear he saw her synethic eyes wrinkle and age.
"Could ... could your people do that?" Mīfa asked frantically.
"The Great Sea is home to many sea monsters, some almost common. To ... to lower their numbers to not overwhelm the oceans we ... we developed a weapon, the EM Bomb. It uses a carefully harvested Chu Chu battery to send a shockwave of electricity and magnetism for fifty feet. I-i-i-it fries everything alive, cooks them. And everything mechanical becomes deformed."
"...Fifty feet?" Mīfa leaned into Linkle.
"They are monstrous. In our vote, some of us suggested to engineer bigger more destructive ones, ones th-th-that could level whole New Hyrulean cities."
"Who? Bokoblins?"
"What does it matter? It passed, and a motion doesn't pass without Rito support," she dug into Linkle's hand, trying to draw strength from her squeezing.
"They ... they would use these EM Bombs on people?"
"Yes." Linkle realized that if Medli's body could cry, she would be sobbing right now.
"Lunark too?"
"No I ... some of us managed to convince the RotGS that attacking Lunark would be monstrous, it was a scientist expedition, it was mostly civilians, it was helpless against normal bombs, kept alone EM Bombs. And thankfully, New Dragon Roost and our faction of the Sea of Satellites ruled we would not support any attack on your colony or your satellites."
"They can do that?"
"We are not in the Great Sea, we are not completely bound by its laws. We have some self governance, and the bulk of us voted that we would not harm you. I ... It is not enough. The Sea would still have to bomb New Hyrule."
"How will they use the Em Bombs, I know you can be specific with usage."
"If New Hyrule launches a state sponsored attack, whether or not it is an official declaration of war, then  the Republic has decried it will drop EM Bombs. They ... we still only have the kind for facing Big Octos, but for the past hour or so my people have been designing newer versions, and I fear they may have some being built."
"My people are very quick. And I fear some designs were already dreamed up long ago, perhaps from when the Demon King briefly usurped the Zelda of that era."
"You were going to invade?"
"It has always been hard for me to tell what our goals were then. But I fear yes."
"You need to come with us back in Lunark right now," Linkle pulled Medli to her feet, "Marlon and the others need to know this right now!"
"You sure—" Mīfa began as Linkle pulled her upright too.
"Yes, they have to know what they are facing. Captain Marlon does not know."
"It won't be the best encouragement to secede."
"New Dragon Roost isn't really a part of the Republic of the Great Sea, neutrality and allying with them isn't seceding to the RotGS."
"It's a bit of a technicality—"
"Come on!" Linkle wrapped her arm around Mīfa, and launching into the air, soaring across the lunar surface. As they soared she glanced back, Medli had shot herself out of a rock catapult, and now was gliding above them.
Linkle couldn't explain it, but she knew she had to get back to Lunark right now. Because she just felt in her heart that if she did, everything would turn out okay. And the quicker she got there, the better things would be. She knew it.
Chapter Seven
The first thing Linkle spotted was the sweeping beam, reflected off into the moon's sky. It soared at an angle into the air, before dissipating from the sheer distance. Linkle froze as she saw the energetic beam, her blood running cold. It was ... it was the light of a Guardian's beam.
Linkle suddenly felt Mīfa squeezing her hand and shaking her shoulder. Linkle gasped wordlessly, Medli had flown ahead, gliding with all speed. The Heroine swallowed, and fired her beetle, latching onto Medli's leg. With a burst of magnetism Linkle and her girlfriend weee hurled after Medli, tumbling after her as she flew.
Finally the pair caught up, latching to Medli's leg. Linkle released, and from this high angle she fired, latching onto a roof of Lunark. Then with in a rush she and Mīfa were flung forward, tumbling into the expanse of Lunark.
As Linkle pulled herself up she saw a chunk of tan rock. She fell backwards, clutching at her mouth, trying not to gag. It was ... it was a patch of Goron hide.
Mīfa pulled on her, and Linkle stumbled upright. The Heroine shook her head and ran, racing towards were the beam emanated from. As they drew closer the beam sputtered and shook, sweeping about unevenly.
As they ran up Medli was dancing, drawing earth and rock from the lunar surface. The stone rose up like spikes, piercing into the gut of the Guardian. The Octorock like beast staggered on its many tentacles, aiming its beam at her. But she only danced, blocking the beam with a wall of rock. A rock cage surrounded the remotely controlled machine, cutting off its attacks from landing.
"Linkle, Mīfa," Medli signed in a brief pause, "you need to hurry. All your drones have turned on the camp, and are trying to kill your people, or at least the non Hylian ones. I can keep the Guardian busy, but Gorogroose was wounded reflecting the drone's attacks. I got here as he fell."
"What ... what can I do?"
"Find the Weldos I brought you, you should know how to program it. Have it target the drones, its laser is hot enough to weld metal, it could melt the drones still. As it does that protect your people. Mīfa, can you watch over Gorogroose?" She gestured beside her, were Gorogroose lay slumped over, his body ruptured by the beam of the Guardian. Mīfa nodded, and raced over to the Goron.
"Linkle, I trust you," Medli urged, summoning a spike through the Guardian's base. Linkle nodded, and ran towards the drone worship. That was where Linkle had left the Weldos, and no one really touched it but her.
As she ran a drone scuttled around her, chasing after her on its assortment of tentacles. It leapt from roof to roof, gaining on her. Linkle swallowed, and summoned her shield from her left bracelet.
As the drone leapt she twirled on her heel, letting the machine slam against her magnetic shield. it impacted the small collapsible shield, before being hurled off and smashed into a capsule. Linkle resumed running, as the drone collapsed.
Linkle dove into the airlock, stomping her feet as air hissed around her. Her hands jittered, before she began to run through the maze of tubes, she was close to the...
She stopped, spying a good seventeen Hylians all hiding in the workshop - Gorogroose and her workshop! She shook in rage, marching up to them, specifically to Spensal
"Ah Linkle I was wondering—" she punched him in the genitals, forcing him to slump over."
"Hey, we don't need more violence—"
"More!" She verbally shouted, making all of them flinch. Her hands shook, and she began to sign.
"People are dying out there, people - your colleagues and your fellow colonists are being slaughtered - and you are hiding in the shadows just letting them try to survive?" Her hands were a blur, signing.
"They ... they shouldn't have voted—"
"So they deserve to die?" She signed in a flurry of movement, "I saw a chunk of Gorogroose's skin fried off his body like a chipped geode. He was mutilated!"
"We ... we can't just rebel, if ... they will—"
"Turn on you?" Linkle signed slow and deliberate, "you know, Hylians love to talk about how progressive they are. 'Oh if I had been there in the time of the Hero of Steam, I would have helped him infiltrate the castle. I would have protested the enslavement of Bulblins. I would have hid my neighbors from Ganondorf. I would have been a good ally.' Will the time to be a good is now, and you all hide!"
"You would have allied with Ganondorf," Linkle signed, "you would have sided with him to save your own necks, no matter how many people had died. You think you are progressive allies, when push comes to shove you would only be collaborators."
She swerved on her heel, plucking up the Weldos. She pulled out her Sheikah Warparty knife, and began to screw and adjust it, tweaking it silently in the darkness.
Finally she released the canister, and it transformed, wings expanding from it, growing a vaguely avian head. It flew off, leaving Linkle and the collaborators alone.
"What is that gonna—"
Linkle walked away, building up speed to run through the passages of Lunark. She knew where she needed to head now.
She burst by the pool, the waters red. A Zora - Gluggle - stood in the water, her hands shaking and her body cut up. In her hands was a spyglass, dented and bent. In front of her was two drones, their bodies snapping.
Linkle immediately fired her beetle, smacking it between the drones. As the magnetize pulled her forward she swung her shield, crushing one of the drones under her defensive tool. She immediately turned and thrust her shield, knocking the machine across the water.
"Th-th-thank you Linkle," Gluggle cried, dropping her spyglass club, "I ... I thought that was it. Is ... is Mīfa okay?"
Linkle nodded and signed, "Medli is with her, and Medli is taking on the Guardian, she has access to divine magic. She can keep her safe."
" Are ... are you sure?"
"I love Mīfa, I would not leave her there if I thought she was unsafe. Are the eggs safe?"
"A cluster of them were ripped apart. One of two of those might live but they would be deformed. The other two clusters survived I ... I got there in time. But Puffafis..." she trailed off, and Linkle dove in the water besides her.
Linkle laid her hand against Gluggle's hand, squeezing her webbed fingers. The Zora squeezed back, her eyes welling.
Finally Linkle released, "I programmed the Weldos to fry the drones. It can fly and fire long range, it should be able to destroy the weaker drones, Medli believes so."
"But there are so many."
"I know," Linkle swallowed, then offered a soft smile, "but I ... I think we can win. I ... I have to believe it. Medli is powerful, I trust her."
Gluggle nodded, and dove underwater. She soon dragged up her spyglass, her hands quaking but ready to protect her race's future.
"...the Sheikah, do you know where they are?"
"They ... I think two of them were killed immediately with Puffafis. Captain Marlon rallied four of the Hylians and the other Sheikah to try to destroy the drones, while Gorogroose helped them escape the Guardian. I ... I feel like a coward—"
"You saved your people's future, that is not cowardice," Linkle promised, "can you handle being alone for a moment? I am going to try to find the twelve of them and lead them here."
"You ... you swear you will come back?"
"If I die I swear on the Golden Goddesses and Hylia that my ghost will guard you, Mīfa, and the eggs," Linkle pledged, crouching onto her knee.
Gluggle's eyes welled and she whispered, "hurry back." Linkle nodded, and began to run to an airlock.
As she dove out she hooked the roof with her beetle, hurling herself into the air. As she rose above the moon's surface, she spied them. Eight Sheikah and Hylians, fighting with an assortment of wrenches and hammers. Linkle hook the ground in front of them, and launched herself at them.
With a slam she hit the ground, smashing a drone with her shield. Immediately she fired her beetle, smashing it through the torso of a drone. It tugged her behind it, before she bashed another drone into shards.
"Linkle," a Sheikah said. Her name was Impa, she was built like a train, her legs like pumping pistons, "you made it back? Are you the one who sent the Weldos?"
She pointed in the sky, where the Weldos was firing a constant beam into a group of drones, shredding them in great sweeps.
Linkle nodded, "are ... are you—"
"We are the only ones standing besides those ------- cowards," Impa spat over the radio, "glad to know you are there for us Linkle, you have saved our lives."
Linkle smiled, then shook her head. Focus. "Gluggle needs your help. She's protecting her people's eggs but—"
"Blast it, how could I think she was hiding?" Impa cursed, "of course she was protecting the future— we are one our way."
"If you can spare someone, Gorogroose is down but I think he is alive. Mīfa is Guardian him. If you could help us haul him inside—"
"He lives? How I—" Impa clutched Linkle's wrists, "he ... how?"
"Medli arrived, she is using her magic to destroy the Guardian."
"Marlon told me as she fell," Impa said, "she's a Sage huh?"
Linkle nodded and Impa smiled, "glad to have you here, Heroine of the Moon. You have saved us all."
The Heroine blushed, her eyes wide, before Impa pointed to a Sheikah with a large monk tattoo under his space suit. "Oman, follow Linkle to Gorogroose. We are not leaving one of our to die. The rest of us are after Gluggle."
"Of course," he bowed, before Linkle led him across the rocky terrain. As they reach a capsule Linkle grabbed the monk's hand, and fired her beetle onto the top. The two of them launched into the air, before drifting down besides Mīfa.
"Linkle, I heard Impa over the radio," she said, embracing her, "the eggs are safe?" Linkle nodded firmly, while the monk crouched down over Gorogroose. He tore off bits of his own suit, using them to bandage the massive Goron.
"Help Medli," urged Mīfa, "the Guardian is mostly destroyed but..."
She trailed off, and Linkle looked after her eyes. In the sky was a massive mechanical ship, with two large pincers on its front. Linkle recognized it as a Lobster, one of the ships the Rito used to carry goods and supplies.
The Lobster's cargo hold opened, before twelve Rito swooped down, all dressed in heavily armored suits. The suits were orange, red, yellow, and with green wings, and looked like they were forged of metal. They slammed down, slicing the Guardians with their wings. The mechanical thing sliced up and broke from their cuts, as some of the Rito split off.
"Medli?" A Rito walked up, signing to the small Rito. She curtseyed low, as he kneeled.
"My name is Shetawk of the cargo ship Crustacean Wings. We crew spied the beams reflected into the sky. Are there still survivors?"
Linkle nodded and Medli added, "yes. Can you please help the Goron? I know you do not have medical supplies but—"
"I will help carry him aboard while my crew cleans up the rest of the job. Thank you Medli, you have done us proud."
"I barely did anything," she shook her head, pointing to Linkle, "this is the Heroine."
"Truly?" He walked to her, before crouching onto one knee, "thank you Heroine, you have saved many lives."
Linkle nodded as he continued, "New Dragon Roost has currently seceded from the RotGS in response to the EM Bombs being approved. We can help you as much as we can."
"Is the Great Sea upset?" Mīfa asked over the radio.
"They are a bit busy, New Hyrule has launched an attack, and they are moving to destroy their rivals," Shetawk tensed up, "I swear my crew will help you as much as we can."
Linkle nodded slowly and signed, "I am not in charge, I guess that would be Impa. But I ... we will need all the help we can get." As Shetawk nodded she saw a thump, as the Guardian collapsed dead.
"Still just static?" I asked. Linkle stood besides me, her hand squeezing Queen Mīfa. The pair of them had been busy try to keep New Skyloft afloat, we all had. Weldos were still sealing up torn open holes in the hulls of the base former called Lunark, and Rito and Bokoblins were still shipping ore.
The drones had been salvaged for parts, and two had been repaired, their Spirit Stones reconnected to some stones salvaged from their fellow machines remains.
Shetawk put down the long range Spirit Radio and nodded, "I just checked in with the rest of us again. Contact with New Dragon Roost is still easy enough, same with some of the outer satellites. But the bulk of the Sea, New Hyrule, every Lobster close below, and the Great Sea; there is nothing."
"It can't be just the EM Bombs can it?" I said softly.
The Captain rubbed his forehead, "the magnetic storm covering the planet is ... I don't know enough about the bombs none of us do. But ... to scale them so much — and the Great Sea is nowhere near New Hyrule, there is an ocean between."
"Do we ... do we know if any of them are alive?" Linkle signed.
"We do not know. The Satellites we still have contact with are sending us maps of the World Below, we can supply them with repairs and food indefinitely. From what we can see thick storm clouds have completely blanketed the World Below. We are completely cut off."
"A Dark World," whispered Mīfa.
"...I could projectile below," I whispered.
"I know," Shetawk said, "but not now. If your warning is true and an incarnation of Ganon is behind this Calamity, then we cannot risk you."
"I cannot die."
"But you can feel pain, whether it is grief or horror; we cannot ask of you to descend where our Lobsters would not. One day we will ask of you to descend, but it will be generations from now. And by then, our Lobsters may have enough defenses to reach the depths."
"...I could brave—"
Queen Mīfa shook her head, "we aren't ready. If ... if Ganon is awakened in this Dark World, we can't have him turning towards us. Not until we are ready."
"...I am sorry the Lesser Sea is saltwater," I offered my hand to Mīfa's shoulder. She accepted it, but she still smiled.
"My family was wise, sending eggs from so many families. There is still hope."
"They have grown so big," I grinned in turn. The tadpoles were still far smaller than a Zora, but they were beginning to grow their limbs, they were maturing, and Mīfa and Gluggle were good teachers. Linkle helped too, but she also have over work to do."
Linkle now wore a green hooded tunic when she was indoors, with a pair of red shorts underneath. Hair hair was short, save for a few braids that flowed besides her neck.
She also wore a pair of iron boots. After studying Rito tech for a few months, she had beautifully crafted these boots to release shockwaves of magnetism, letting her walk on any metal surface and to kick away meteorites.
Linkle saw my gaze and signed, "thank you for your teachings."
"Oh I just knew the basics, you made it your own," I shrugged, "and Impa is still okay with us sending teachers. I know some Hylians were wary."
"Screw those cowards," Linkle signed, "we need knowledge if we are to survive on the moon, not just supplies and repairs ... what are you calling your new nation?"
"I-it's mostly the old one," I swallowed, "There are some suggestions for names but nothing firm. I ... are you sure you don't think I should check?"
"Ganondorf would kill us easily. I know you fear for your people, especially the Korok, but  please just wait."
I ... I feared so much had been lost. Maybe there would still be survivors below the storms, I prayed they were. But I ... I knew their lives would be hard, hard and filled with dangers, away from sun. A magnetic winter had descended over the world, and there was no way to rescue them.
"I worry 'the Dark World' as you call it will suffer a dark age, without stable sunlight and contact of the stars, and with all the destruction we know happened, I fear almost all knowledge will be lost," Shetawk whispered, "worse than after the Great Flood."
"Do you think they will remember the moon was colonized? That we still exist?"
"I would be surprised if they remembered the Golden Goddesses," Shetawk admitted.
I shuddered, and Linkle offered me her hand. I took it, and gave her a squeeze. "We are alive, there is still hope. Now the war is survival, enduring Nd resisting the cold. And I ... I know we can do it."
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