#as well as almost everything laszlo says lmao
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Warning: mild language, I guess
Watched the whole WWDITS show after I saw this exact excerpt on tiktok and thought it suits DIO very well 😭
#as well as almost everything laszlo says lmao#art#digital art#jjba#jjba art#jjba fanart#jojo's bizarre adventure#jjba fandom#jojo's bizarre adventure fanart#dio brando#dio#jojo dio#jjba dio#jjba stardust crusaders#stardust crusaders
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Guillermo de la Cruz
favorite thing about them I love everything about Guillermo, lbr, but probably my absolute favorite part of his character is the way that he really, truly believes he's the straight man (so to speak) of the series, but in some ways he's the most unhinged person there. He's so sweet! As he calls in a bomb threat to a church!
least favorite thing about them the iffy writing in s4 regarding the time skip His tendency to make big, dramatic exits and then come back approximately five business days later. I love melodramatic mess as much as anyone, but it kind of loses the punch after the first time. Even though it does seem to be effective on Nandor, at least, every time.
favorite line This is hard for me, because my favorite things about Guillermo are typically what he does more than what he says. That said, I fucking gasped at his little "I didn't have to" when Nandor accused him of cheating during their last fight. Guillermo, my beloved.
brOTP Probably... Laszlo, maybe? Except they're not bros, they're vaguely antagonistic but occasionally supportive coparents of the creature that crawled out of their deceased friend Colin Robinson. I do really like their dynamic in s4, though, where you can tell that Guillermo is 1000% done with Laszlo but Laszlo is slowly coming around to respecting Guillermo's opinion (even if he drives him nuts) and that makes Guillermo come around, too. I think Guillermo growing some claws has grudgingly impressed Laszlo, even as it's confused and thrilled Nandor.
OTP I feel like this one is... obvious... I've written many thousands of words about why I love Nandor/Guillermo, and I'll probably write many thousands more. They're both fucking insane, but in a way that suits each other so well. I love their incredibly complicated power dynamics. I love the way they make each other better, when they let themselves. ;o;
nOTP Honestly, probably every other character with Guillermo. lmao. I'm a terrible monoshipper like that. But I especially hate any female character with Guillermo, Laszlo/Guillermo (just not the vibe I see there), Colin/Guillermo (feels... like incest now...), and... honestly, probably Derek/Guillermo. I feel like Derek can do better, as cruel as I am to the man.
random headcanon Guillermo's love language is providing for people. He's got an almost pathological need to be needed, but I think that especially comes out with food. We know that his family feeds people to welcome/comfort them (see: his mom in 2.10), we know that he used to have a job in food service, we know that he's an excellent baker (and is adorably proud of that fact), and we know that when he wanted to reconnect with his family, he chose to do so through a dinner. I think food really probably is Guillermo's love language, and it drives him crazy that he can't share that with his vampires, especially Nandor. It's assuaged a little bit by procuring victims (especially virgins) for them, but I think he really wants to break bread with them, so to speak. I foresee him going out to feed with Nandor a lot some day. If he ever gets changed.
unpopular opinion Guillermo is my sweet little baby but he's also a gigantic asshole -- to humans and even occasionally to the other vampires. I see a lot of people saying he "deserves" good things, but I don't think he does. I think he deserves exactly what he's gotten. He made the choices that got him here and they've been deeply cruel choices. I love him more than pretty much any other character on tv, but he's incredibly selfish and petty and mean. I love that for him, but I'm not willing to pretend that he's some sweet cinnamon roll, y'know? He'd be so boring if he were.
song i associate with them Quite a bit of the bird and the bee's work, tbh, especially Again & Again, You're A Cad, and Birthday. (And for a bonus, I associate their song Man with Nandor.) And, of course, Danse Macabre. (ETA: A lot of people didn't know that I didn't choose Danse Macabre for Guillermo when I wrote Sway! No, guys, that's Guillermo's BGM in the show! They use it for him a lot!)
favorite picture of them
my sweet, insane darling
but seriously, him smiling after showing off his stakes in his mini fridge was a close second.
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my initial wwdits thoughts, straight out the episode, not reading any meta or seeing any other opinions
Laszlo: heart is really broken, I know he was absolutely not the best father, and maybe there are some things better forgotten, but he truly and genuinely loved colin as a son and cherished the memories they had made together. I think they'll address this next season, hopefully, and maybe Colin will get his memories back and we will also learn more about energy vampires? anyway yeah my heart is beyond shattered over this one. Matt berry's singing voice is absolutely lovely here though and I loved the song for this episode (sunrise, sunset). probably gonna listen to it tonight and cry myself to sleep. my point stands that Laszlo is the most empathetic character in the series and it pains my heart. I REALLY hope we get emotional resolution because while everyone else moved on, Laszlo very clearly cannot
Nadja: I do think it is an absolutely poetic ending with everything Nadja stole and threatened burning up, while the hard work of others stayed intact. the blood sprinklers did their job, their actual function of sprinklers, and all of the club money was destroyed. she didn't even think far enough ahead to take out the fucking money she stole nearly every single night before torching the place. it's a funny parallel to Laszlo doing the same thing, but he did it for ultimately unselfish reasons (collecting insurance money to send the volleyball team to state) while Nadja's was only for greed, and if backfired SO spectacularly. it's both funny and sad. like she was going to essentially destroy the home of the guide and the wraiths as well?? where were they going to stay?? I genuinely do feel bad for her because nobody wants to see their girlboss girlhusband fail like that, but all of this is also so completely deserved. none of this had to happen, she failed of her own accord and because of her own greed and short-sightedness.
Guillermo: OH FUCK
seriously though, I had a feeling Guillermo was going to leave by the end. he was just holding out for Colin to finish his teen years and decide what to do. but I was NOT expecting the bribery though it makes so much sense I was screaming. genius Guillermo at it again (counterpoint however Derek might've done it for free lmao). we didn't see him give nandot a beating but you know what??? this would be so much better. becoming a vampire, something withheld from you for so long, for 13 YEARS; not only accomplishing your dream but getting to rub it in the face of the person who withheld it afterwards? I'm VERY interested to see how it plays out. I loved that cliffhanger actually, gives us a lot to chew on before next season
nandor: strangely fitting that he was barely a part of this episode?? his whole thing this season was this big dramatic buildup just to let it all go and stop caring, just go back to basically almost season one Nandor. while I was hoping for Guillermo to fucking stab him this episode, I absolutely believe he's got some SHIT coming next season. this episode was more about emotion and the sudden expectation that you'll just move on from something big and important (like Laszlo raising Colin Robinson only for Colin to forget everything) or be able to throw away your emotions when it stops being fun and convenient (nandor turning marwa into freddie and essentially throwing her/him away). I think next season we'll see a little more action. I'm kinda glad Nandor played such a small role in this episode because I want to punch him
Colin Robinson: I mean fucking hell there's so much to say, though I tried to cover a lot of it in the posts above so I can make this shorter lmao. I FUCKING CALLED THE HAMMERING HOLES IN THE WALLS BEING CONNECTED TO SOMETHING DEEPER so that's nice, that feels good. but the emotional toll this episode took on me... he just completely forgot everything. makes sense now that he couldn't really remember his childhood before the reincarnation, and it's funny that he described his father before as really outgoing and social (just like Laszlo) and his mother as boring and forgettable (I wouldn't describe Nadja as boring but baby/teenage Colin might seeing she was only interested in the night club)Edit:(his "mom" is Guillermo, pointed out by saxophonechihuahua, makes MUCH more sense, there you go). I think next season we will see how this affects his and Laszlo's relationship because there's no way you can raise someone from a helpless baby to a hyperactive but loveable toddler to a child star to a moody teenager to the exact same adult that you shared a house with for 80 years prior and just pretend that there's no parental relationship there. fucking WILD direction they took, but I think if they dig into it and we learn more about energy vampires, it'll really pay off
Overall: IN MY FEELS ABOUT IT ALL RIGHT FUCKING NOW. uncertain about the future, but overall I think I liked it. I'm not surprised about any of the cliffhangers, physical (Guillermo turning into a vampire) or emotional (Laszlo/Colin), I'm very much looking forward to season 5, and I'm ready to rewatch the episode with my roommates tonight
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A playlist that your character would actually listen to
It didn’t say to describe why they would listen to these songs, but I did it anyway because while idk anything about music I like to rave about it lmao
Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls
I mean the Spice Girls were and still are iconic spelled to sound like eye-con-eek. They were a good chunk of his childhood to adolescence since they WERE the 90′s. So not only is their music just, you know, great, it holds a very nostalgic place in his heart. I mean he for sure watched Spice World and didn’t give a single shit that it makes no sense. It didn’t need to, it was the Spice Girls hanging with aliens and chilling out on the bus in their iconic fashion. Anyone in that movie he will reference as their character from that instead of like oh Hugh Laurie from House MD? NO, it’s Hugh Laurie, Poritot from Spice World. Oh Stephen Fry? From Gosford Par? NO, it’s Stephen Fry, the Judge from Spice World.
Anyways, while he would and does put their entire discography on, I’m putting this one in particular because it’s such a bop!! And their anthem. When the bitches were back for the 2012 Olympics, while they may have opened with Wannabe with choreography, (except Victoria who literally stood there Posing, the icon) they really went in with Spice Up Your Life okay, they rode around that stadium ON the cabs while singing it!!! It’s 100% the song that will pick him up off the floor.
What a song??? Holy SHIT. It may be only like a month old in its life span but it Hits, so it gets a spot on this playlist because as soon as I heard it I was like, “Laszlo would be obsessed.” It’s a bop, it’s a jam, it’s everything he could ever ask for in a song. First off, the production on it is just so good!!! The beats HIT and the clapping behind their vocals picks it up to another level. And that part where they like lmfao aggressively grunt?? after “Everglow forever let’s go.” amazing, brilliant, stunning, absolutely the best thing he has ever heard before. And then the VOCALS!!! The talent!!!! Like the range between all the girls is astounding, and I don’t just mean their vocal range. I mean ALL of it, the singing, the rapping, the power and then pulling it back for the softness until they come back to make heads bop for the chorus. Whew!!! Just such a good, pump up song that he can bop around too and that’s his favorite kind of music!!
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) - ABBA but the Cher Cover
No disrespect to ABBA because Laszlo loves them, but he looooves Cher and while he would ALSO play her entire discography, this song just hits different sung by Cher in 2018 in her beautiful, earthy voice. And she did it so tastefully. She respected the original song by not turning it over into something completely lost to the track but it still felt like she was putting her own magical Cher-y blessing upon it as if it were her very own song. It’s like the perfect crossover??? He probably had an out of body experience listening to her cover album of ABBA and then going to see her in Mama Mia! 2. Plus, like, this song is also his life lmfaooooo where is his man,,, @ god (who is Cher, as confirmed on Will and Grace.)
I Know A Place - MUNA
Not only is this song just...so good...but the lyrics of it really hit home for him. Like??? “Don’t you be afraid of love and affection/ just lay down your weapon”??? ow bitch. But it is a celebratory song!!! It’s about being able to be whoever you are and not having to worry about getting hurt or dealing with the bleeeh people of the world because they’re going to a place that’s safe and accepting, and that’s in LGBT+ spaces. And there are a lot of people who don’t feel safe and who are having to hide themselves, but this song is providing them a little slice of heaven to be themselves. It also serves as a reminder that there are places were you can be safe and happy and yourself and you will be accepted!!! And that’s just such a lovely message, and for music like this to be out there in the world for the youth makes him so happy! And the music itself is so funky and absolutely something that one can dance to. It has those places that slow down...and then HIT for the bopping around for the hype of the chorus!! UGH! and Katie’s voice still being sort of haunting really just brings it on home. This song is so good!! Stream MUNA!!!!!
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga (TW: fake blood from 3:20-end of the video)
I’m linking the 2009 MTV performance because I’m going to say that this was his first exposure to Lady Gaga and holy shit was it life changing!!! This was everything. Like the performance art of it really came for his throat. Spoiler alert: when the blood started pouring from her chest and the crowd like gasped and groaned??? It was a Cultural Reset!! She was singing her heart out and going all out on that choreography. Her foot up on the piano as she slammed the keys??? The set design?? SO GOOD! And her dancers? Shout out to them, because damn they really did that. So, not only is the song amazing, he will always associate it with hearing it to this performance and it is still such a good song!!! The lyrics are insane. She did this when she was 23, only a year older than him, and boy did it light a fire under his ass.
And it also serves to keep him humble lmfao. Even though he isn’t Famous famous like his other family members he does have his own little corner of fame and can’t be out here falling in love with the attention.
Coisa Boa - Gloria Groove
Honestly, anything Gloria Groove puts out is pure gold to his ears. They don’t have to go as hard as they do, but they do it anyways! The really pronounced instrument that’s going on? Their singing??? Going from rapping to hitting that note at the end of “Quer papo de ousadia?” absolutely sends Laszlo off the rails. Like, there’s no other way to describe their style than Iconic. It’s fun and fighty and gah! So good!! Also it just being about getting the Squad and going ham is just, chef kisses. Again, his favorite songs are things that get him moving and grooving, and this ones ticks all the marks and so much more. One day they will release an album and on that day someone should check to make sure Laszlo is still alive.
Toxic - Brittany Spears
I mean what is there to say. The song is iconic, it came out when he was like 17. It was everything and still holds up today. The production on it still just boggles the mind. That like eeeeee sound??? The spy music break in the middle of it?? And the video!!! Art. The fact that she did the back handspring during the laser bit really just made him go insane. Cultural reset from the pop queen of the time. Turned him into a bigger Britney fan. Everything about it is so good. Another nostalgic one, but !! it still holds up baby!! If this is played he is legally required to perform.
El Mambo - Mon Laferte
Her voice is just?? out of this world. Laszlo is a huuuge fan of everything she puts out but this one really just took him out. Like she can hit some powerful vocals and that’s what the beginning seems like they’re counting up to, but when she came out of the gate just rapping about this guy who needs to get over himself, woooowie. And then she comes back for that mambo sound in the chorus and her beautiful voice going In, ugh. UGH. It’s so good!!! She is amazing and the instruments on this one really highlight that as well as making it groovy enough to dance around to as we say goodbye to toxic men and their overwhelming jealousy!!
Too Little Too Late - JoJo
I’m linking to the 2018 version because JoJo re-releasing all her music so that she can get the cash money from HER music is...stunning, amazing, love her and love that for her. This song was yet another cultural reset. And you know what, she just got better. Her vocals kick ass and the lyrics are still just as good as they were when they first came out. That high register run she does toward the end??? Okay?? go off!!! Another song about a wonderful lady kicking a man out of her life and becoming better for it. also she JUST came out with a Christmas album so go stream it.
Endless - Frank Ocean
Now this is the whole album because, honestly, that’s how it’s supposed to be listened to. There’s also the visual element that you’re supposed to watch while listening, but since that’s like no where to be found since Mr. Ocean’s people snatched it all up from the internet unless you want to buy it off Apple, this is all we get to work with. Which is fine, honestly. ANYWAYS, this whole album is just so beautiful. And no one really knows the full story behind where it came from or why Mr. Ocean made it, and that’s a whole over layer as to why Laszlo adores it!! Not only is the music stunning but the mystery surrounding it gives him life. Frank Ocean is another artist that he could press random on the entire discography and be happy with whatever decided to play, but THIS album is his favorite from the man. It may seem like the outtakes from Blonde but to Laszlo, they all feel intentional. It’s like peaking into a sketchbook versus the novel of Blonde, and that appeals to him!! There is a certain effort that needs to be put in to listen to it by finding it. So it’s that little bit of extra artistry that makes this album hit different than the others, plus the songs, though some very VERY short, are all GREAT. Every song has this sort of improv feeling almost? but feel effortless like all his other music. Some of them are really short, just snip bits of a song, but they don’t feel that way with how they flow together and cut one another off and it’s just a weird entity of music that feels fleeting and yet...endless.
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Franny’s Top 10 Mainstream Country Songs of 2020
tl;dr: A selection of script excerpts from a video on Franny’s YouTube channel called “My 10 Favorite Hit Country Songs of 2020″. This isn’t everything she had to say about those songs ofc, just excerpts. I ain’t writing all her thoughts lmao
tw: mentions but no detailed discussion of death and abortion
INTRO: Susadei*, hello, and welcome to my channel, where I, Franny Sor Robinson, share my opinions about music on the internet.”
*susadei is the informal way to say hello in Khmer, Franny’s first language
TOPIC INTRODUCTION: It is almost Christmas, which means! It’s time to start my end of the year roundup. I made videos every December talkin’ about my top 10 favorite...fill-in-the-blank. This year, we’re going to start with my Top 10 Hit Country Songs of 2020. And before you start typin’ [cuts to Franny wearing Cornelius’ glasses and one of Laszlo pretentious artist scarves, black and white] “Ew! I came here to find of hipster shit!” [cuts to Franny wearing one of Petunia’s jackets, black and white] “Where’s the BANJOS!?” [color restored] that’s the one I’m recording next so hold on.
As always, this list is in no particular order, because I believe that music isn’t something you rank on a linear bad, worse, worst, good, better, greatest scale.
RULES: Now, the rules!
The song can’t be one I had a part in “So if I co-wrote it, if it’s my song, or I featured on the track, it’s out.”
No carry-overs “If I mentioned it in my 2019 list, it can’t be on this list.”
Spread the love
“Only one artist repeat is allowed, I get one double dip but other than that, it has to be a new artist.”
Beyond those rules, that’s really it. So without further ado, let’s get into it.
10. Love You Like I Used To by Russell Dickerson
Number ten on the list is one that, actually, surprised me. To me, Russell Dickerson is...well. I’m all about positivity on this channel, talkin’ about other artists. But. He’s solidly part of mainstream Nashville, y’all know my thoughts on the Nashville music industry.
It’s still -- I mean, it's a mainstream country song and was always meant to be, so it still follows the formula but it’s creative. It presents like a breakup song at first but right before the first chorus, you find it’s actually a love song. The first verse starts with
‘I've always loved you, oh, but something's changed’ but in the chorus you get [and she plays it on her piano, that her camera and microphone are set on and sings it] ‘I don't love you like I used to, this gets better every time you kiss me like this, it's stronger the longer I'm with you-’ and I think that’s a creative thing to do with a song.
Like I’ve said before, I don’t hate every single pop country song, and I think there is value in and a place for, pop country. What I do hate is the vapid, formulaic trash that Nashville keeps pushing. So when a song like this that has the made-for-Nashville-radio arrangement but actually does somethin’ creative lyrically, I see it for what it is. And it’s good. It’s good.
9. One Night Standards by Ashley McBryde
I’ve actually had the pleasure of co-writin’ a song with Ashley before, so seeing how well this song’s done this year-- how well she’s done this year -- it’s been great.
This song’s about a woman laying down the ground rules for a one night stand and I love. this. song.
A lot of people find this song sad, but I don’t think there’s anything sad at all about a woman owning her sexuality. I think this one line, ‘can’t you just use me like I’m using you’ makes people think it’s a sad song. Maybe it is! But like...I had casual sex all the time in college. I was absolutely using my one night stands for some meaningless, easy sex, and I knew they were using me for sex, and it was fine.
It’s fine, that’s what a one night stand is. And to me, it sounds like she’s just here for some sex, and the guy’s like, trying to have conversation and do things “right” like offer his phone number, and she’s like, in the words of the great philosopher, Ke$ha, ‘just show me where your dick’s at.’ And I appreciate that.
8. I Called Mama by Tim McGraw
It might be because I’m seven months pregnant, and my son is starting university next fall, and my mother lives on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, but this song has started to make me cry so I can’t really, like, listen to it very often. But I think it is one of the most beautiful, honest songs on country radio this year. It’s a gentle ballad about not putting things off until it's too late, that starts off with a friend calling the narrator to tell him about the death of a friend, which leads to a phone call home to the narrator's mother.
This song makes me think about myself, and my mother, and one day when my son is living on his own, my son and old lady me.
The part in the second verse, ‘I can always hear her smile when I call, I just called to tell you that I loved you, I was missin' you and dad, and home, that's all’ -- I cry 1 out of 3 times. Probably. I miss my parents a lot. And I hope my son will miss me and call just to say he loves me and his father when he’s all grown up. The song makes me think about my family and my place in it.
7. Starting Over by Chris Stapleton
This is another one that I feel on a personal level. It’s this positive ballad featuring his wife, Morgane, talking about how much they love each other and their desire to go through life’s bullshit together. And it just makes me think about my husband, and how much I love him.
It’s another one I can’t listen to often, I get all misty-eyed. I can’t listen to love songs even when I’m not pregnant, I just call my husband like “I love you” “are you crying” “No!”
6. What If I Never Get Over You by Lady A
This was one of my honorable mentions of 2019 so it doesn’t count, it’s allowed. Charles Kelley and Hilary Scott’s voices together are just - ugh, god, they’re chef’s kiss, perfect. And I...think this song is just about as good as Need You Now as far as their longing, breakup songs.
I like how there isn’t a big beat-you-over-the-head climax moment because this song does not need one, it wouldn’t be right. Like, there is one but it’s not like ‘BAM’ there’s the climax! It’s very natural. It was a return to the rich, smooth sound of the band’s earlier hits and that’s the Lady A stuff I really loved. Even their fun stuff like Lookin’ For A Good Time and Love Don’t Live Here, from the earlier days, I prefer those to the overproduced kind of….made-for-radio stuff that snuck its way into their catalog over the years. Sonically, it seems like they’re returned to what makes them great together and I’m happy to see it.
5. Bluebird by Miranda Lambert
At number five on the list is Bluebird by Miranda Lambert. This whole album was on my best albums of 2019 list, and I am thrilled that Bluebird became a single. Miranda is a modern day legend in country music and this album especially just keeps proving it.
Musically, lyrically, everything about this song works. The twists she makes on common metaphors in the English language like ‘when life gives you lemons’ instead of making lemonade she mixes them in her drink, they’re clever. I adore Miranda, it ain’t a secret, I’ve said as much to her gorgeous, gorgeous face, and it’s great seeing the songs from this album, including Bluebird, get the love it deserves.
4. One Beer by HARDY and Lauren Alaina
One Beer is a song about a teenage pregnancy, which. We all know my experience with that, but if you don’t, click here [points off to the side, and a card pops up that will link you to a video titled I Got Pregnant When I Was 14 #shoutyourabortion #endthestigma]. It kind of reminds me of Kenny Chesney’s There Goes My Life from...2000...2004? Is it? Wow, I’m old.
Lauren Alaina’s voice is flawless, as always, and HARDY’s word play strikes once again. For my followers that didn’t grow up with English as their first language -- is this a thing in other countries, or is this an American thing? My UK, New Zealand, et cetera followers, comment down below if kids did this where you’re from too.
Anyway, if a boy and a girl were so much as friends in like, first grade kids would tease you with this specific rhyme like, Joey and Sarah sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage --- and in the song, HARDY plays on that with ‘A boy and a girl and a three on the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes lust then a shotgun marriage, six months later comes a baby in a carriage’ and just love that kind of clever wordplay shit.
3. I Wish Grandpas Never Died by Riley Green
I first heard this song when I was in The States, driving around with Dan[iel Maitland] and it was on the radio, I thought it was some breakup song. But then the last line of the chorus hit me ‘I Wish Grandpas Never Died’ and I just start bawling and Daniel’s like ‘don’t get your tears on my new car seats!’
Love you too, Dan.
It’s a beautiful song. Sad, but you can also tell he really loved his grandfathers, who’ve both passed away. He’s written several songs inspired by one or both of them. It’s a good song, good writing, I like how lowkey it is musically. And it’s honest songwriting that I wish country radio still had more of.
2. Gaslighter by The Chicks
After over a decade away from the music scene, my queen are BACK! Gaslighter was an amazing return and the rest of their album did not disappoint. Now, I don’t think the album was purely a country album, which I talked about in my full album review you can find here [points to the side, where a card pops up linking you to the video], but it is an album that I thoroughly enjoyed that included country songs. They experimented with this album, I love to see it. Let artists experiment without shaming them 2020! Anyway, the album does have lots of country songs and Gaslighter is one of them.
Natalie Maines’ vocals are, as always, everything one would hope they’d be. They all looked great in the music video. It was a great middle finger to Natalie’s ex-husband, Adrian Pasdar. God, I bet it was fun to write.
I love writing songs about Dan’s divorces with him since I don’t have one to write about. Keep getting divorces Dan, endless content. [cuts to a video of Daniel Maitland acting like she said that in person to him and he goes ‘rude.’]
Stream The Chicks. Natalie, Martie, and Emily could stab me and I’d apologize to them, but the thing is, they never would. They’re too nice. They’re so nice. Collaborate with me again please, please, I love you. [mouths call me]
1. Die From A Broken Heart by Maddie & Tae
This song was another one of my honorable mentions in 2019, and I’m kicking myself for never properly talking about it until now. I’ve loved Maddie & Tae since Girl In A Country Song and Die From A Broken Heart is just -- god, it sounds so familiar.
Like, it sounds like I did talking to my mother about getting my heart broken when I was younger. It’s honest, vulnerable songwriting that I can’t get enough of.
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I think it’s interesting how you say that out of all the vampires, Nadja is the one that disrespects Guillermo the most(?) At least she calls him by his actual name lol. Laszlo continues to be a dick to him by still calling him Gizmo (even after everything Guillermo has done for him) and throughout the series has been verbal about his dislike towards him (including Colin, but I’m sure that’s going to change now with how supportive and loving Guillermo is being with him rn). But it’s weird cause at the same time it seems like Laszlo respects Guillermo in a way cause he trusted him (and his skills) enough to send him with his wife to protect her (and where he finally used his real name out of respect for the first time), but I guess that’s Laszlo for ya. I do feel that Laszlo is finally going to /actually/ start respecting Guillermo this season though, with helping him take care of reborn-Colin (the fact that Laszlo is even confiding with him for co-parenting is huge, cause he could have easily asked his wife to help him but he didn’t). Laszlo already admitted that Guillermo “was right” with his viewpoints about Colin’s upbringing in 4x03, so hopefully this thread of respecting Guillermo (not just from Laszlo but from all the other vampires) continues.
Actually, she Gizmos him kind of often haha. I think she respects him the least of the household because she acknowledges his talent the least. Nandor feels almost proud of Guillermo's slayer abilities sometimes (like when he bragged that he'd killed the Baron) and Laszlo obviously trusted in his abilities enough to protect Nadja. Even before he died, Colin Robinson did seem to have a weird soft spot for Guillermo. (Like when he thought for a second that Nandor had killed him and he was like ???)
I don't think Laszlo likes Guillermo, but he respects him. There's a difference. He's willing to acknowledge his ability to protect Nadja and his skill with Colin Robinson. He understands, perhaps more savvily than any other vampire there, that Guillermo knows how to do things that they do not. He knows that Guillermo is extremely capable, smart, and stubborn, and has a canniness to him that lets him figure the tough things out. He's also willing to defer to Guillermo in matters of childrearing, so let's say that he respects his skills in empathy as well. He's more willing to give Guillermo important responsibilities than anyone else in the house -- and will force him to do those things even if he has to lock him in a crate. He was also totally chill with letting Guillermo wander around the Council's library, so he trusted him not to wreak any havoc lmao.
And then there's Nadja, who I'd really hoped would bond with him more in Europe. lmao. I'm not sure if she even had a reason to ship Guillermo home instead of just letting him fly? It's unclear if he had to be tricked into going back. She seems to like him more than a generic familiar these days (see: Doctor Tom) but she still treats him more like a pet she doesn't actually care for that much. Or maybe a possession, but far from her favorite...
She's by far the most likely to scream at him until he does what she wants (even if he's already doing it) and the one who probably cares least if he dies. I don't think she respects Guillermo very much at all, truthfully. She sees him as potentially useful at times, but she kind of seems like she half-expects him to die any time they let him do something dangerous and she's fine with that. (See: how fine she was using him as bait for the Sire.) I think she sometimes kind of sees him as cannon fodder that does the housework. But she does like him more than she used to, I think. So that's... hopeful, I guess? lmao
#replies#wwdits tag#wwdits s4 spoilers#I know it may not seem like it but Nadja is my favorite of the vampires lmao
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