#as we bid a fond farewell to T&K Live
homicidalbrunette · 2 years
A bizarrely romantic story about Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova featuring: Gender Exploration, Trans Katya, Bisexual Trixe, Bisexual Katya, Power Top Katya, Power Bottom Trixie, crossdressers in love, the Brians, The band of patient weirdos who work with them, maybe a dead dove do not eat?, i dunno, Katya and Trixie as separate identities from the Brians, gay girl relationship tropes, roleplaying, kink, but also a lot of gross tender feelings and romance, those little amateur dyke romance novelists, us lonely weirdos who love these two homos, Trixie's recent aggressive flirting, alternating POVs, Trixie and Katya Live!
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"I saw Trixie and Katya together. Married.”
“Pretty sure David is exhausted enough with me, let alone a sister wife who sweats like a whore in church.”
“I have been a whore in church and I’m here to tell you the only sweating I was doing was trying to hide my giant throbbing erection from a priest who looked like Andrew Garfield.”
“Then what do you mean, we were married?”
“I mean I saw the two of them as separate entities from you and me.”
“Are you sure you weren’t just having another psychotic break? Because I expect you and your hallucinations to still trot your decrepit form out on that fucking stage every night.”
“It wasn’t a hallucination. It was a vision.”
“Okay then, Miss Cleo. Tell me more about the saga of lesbian love between them.”
Trixie and Katya enter into a lesbian relationship even though the Brians do not. Expect the kind of taking it too far, oversharing, actually kind of sweet, unfettered weirdness that these two are all about. Updating every Wednesday.
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ncts-nightnight · 6 years
180101 또다시 365일이 주어졌어. 그 모든 날들을 행복으로 채우긴 힘들겠지만, 하루하루엔 분명히 작은 기쁨들이 들어있을거야. 놓치지 않고 만끽하길 바래! We're given with 365 days again. It will be hard to fill all those days with happiness, but there must be a little joy in every day. I hope you enjoy it without missing it. 180102 이런거 생각해봤어? 니가 좋아하는 단어, 좋아하는 모양, 좋아하는 옷은 뭐야? 제일 좋아하는 표정은? 늘 좋아하는 것들을 떠올리자. 그러면 늘 기분이 좋을거야. Have you thought about this? What is your favorite word, your favorite shape, your favorite clothes? Your favorite expression? Let's always recall things we like. Then, it will make you feel good.
180103 누군가 나에게 주는 믿음은 큰 힘이 돼. 하지만 그보다 더 큰 힘을 가진건 내가 나에게 보내는 믿음이야. 어떤 길을 가고 있더라도 우리는 믿음이 있다면 흔들리지 않아. The faith that someone else has in me can give me lots of strength. But more powerful than that is the faith that I have in myself. No matter what way we are going, we will not waver as long as have faith. 180104 다시 만날 수 없는 사람, 그 뒷모습을 지켜보는 아쉬운 마음. 오늘을 배웅하는 이 순간에도 그런 마음이 들어. 나한테 와줘서 고마웠어, 잘가. The person whom you can't meet again anymore, the sense of regret felt when watching that back view. Bidding farewell today at this moment, I feel that way too. Thank you for coming to me, goodbye. 180105 좋은 일이 많았어도 내가 만족하지 않음 괜찮은 날로 기억되지 않을거야. 힘들었어도 그래. 자기전에 한번 기분좋게 웃을수 있다면 그렇게 나쁜날로 남진 않을거야. Even though there were lots of good things that happened, I wouldn't be satisfied and remember it as a good day. It's the same when it's tiring. Before sleeping, if you can smile happily, it won't remain as such a bad day. 180106 내 마음에 필요한 말을 영화나 드라마에서 우연히 만날때가 있어. 그런말을 만나는건 행운이야. 두고두고 대단한 힘이 되어주니까. 일상에도 그렇게 우릴 위한 명대사가 많으면 좋겠다. Sometimes we come across words that our heart needs coincidentally from a movie or drama. Coming across such sayings is luck as it becomes an amazing strength for a long time. In our daily life, it'll be nice if there are lots of such memorable sayings for us too. 180107 내 마음에 필요한 말을 영화나 드라마에서 우연히 만날때가 있어. 그런말을 만나는건 행운이야. 두고두고 대단한 힘이 되어주니까. 일상에도 그렇게 우릴 위한 명대사가 많으면 좋겠다. It's said that time is the solution to everything but actually, that's not done by time. It's something that's accomplished by conquering over myself for a long long time. In the end, all of them are things that are accomplished by myself. 180108 어떤게 행운을 갖다준다고 믿어? 네잎클로버? 행운의 동전? 소원팔찌? 그냥 너 자신이 행운을 부르는 존재라고 믿어보면 어때? What do you believe will bring you luck? 4-leaf clover? Lucky coin? Wish bracelet? How about trying believing that your own existence brings you luck? 180109 내일은 얼마나 추울까? 일기예보를 보다가 이런 생각이 들어. 일상에도 예보가 있어서 내일을 준비할 수 있으면 좋겠다. 그런데 그럴 수 없겠지? 내일은 예정된게 아니라 내가 만들어나가는 거니까. How cold will it be tomorrow? While looking at the weather forecast, a thought like this came to mind, if there's a forecast of our daily lives, it'll be nice to be able to prepare for tomorrow. But that won't work. Tomorrow is not something that can be anticipated but is something that I create. 180110 미끄러운 길을 걸을 땐, 걸음에 더 집중하게 돼. 복잡한 소음 속에선 옆사람의 소리에 더 귀 기울이게 돼. 가끔은 일상을 방해하는 것들이 내가 하려는 일에 더 간절히 집중하게 해. When walking on the slippery road, you become more focused on your steps. In the midst of noise, you listen more attentively to the voice of the person beside you. Sometimes, the things that disrupt my daily life make me do things in a more earnest way. 180111 찬 바람엔 옷깃을 꽁꽁 여미게 되는 것처럼 차가운 사람 앞에선 마음을 여미게 돼. 늘 햇살처럼 따뜻한 사람이 되자. 그럼 모두가 마음을 열어줄거야. Just like adjusting your collars tightly because of the cold wind, adjust your heart/mind when you're in front of a cold person. Let's always be a warm person like the sunshine. Then everyone will open up their hearts for you. 180112 편안한 사이를 위해선 어쩔 수 없이 시간의 도움을 받아야 해. 편안함은 오랜 시간이 깃들어야만 완성이 되니까. 그래서 우리 사이가 대단하고 소중해. For a comfortable relationship, there's no choice but to receive the help of time. Because comfort has to seep in through a long time for it to be completed. Hence, our relationship is amazing and precious. 180113 내 모든 말에 귀 기울여주는 사람, 내 말에 한걸음 다가와서 반짝이는 표정으로 듣는 사람. 그런 사람은 사랑하지 않을 수가 없어. The person who listens attentively to all of my words, the person who takes a step closer to me with a glowing facial expression while listening to my words. You can't help but to love such a person. 180114 가끔은 감정도 소리나 향기처럼 공기를 타고 전해지는것 같아. 좋아하는 마음, 설렘 이런것들은 옆사람에게 숨김없이 전해지잖아. 그래서 우리가 같이 있으면 행복한가봐~ Sometimes emotions seem to be transmitted through the air like sound or fragrance. Feelings of fondness and excitement, things like these are transmitted to the person beside you without being hidden. Hence, it seems like when we are together, we're happy! 180115 누구의 기준에도 맞추지 않고 그 누구의 기분도 계산할 필요 없는. 그래서 가장 나다운 나로 있을 수 있는 시간. 바로 지금이야. There's no need to match somebody else's standards and calculate that somebody's mood. The time when I can be most like the way I am. It's right now. 180116 밥은 먹었어? 옷은 잘 챙겨 입었고? 추우니까 따뜻하게 입고나가~ 내일은 우리가 먼저 엄마에게 저런 말을 해보면 어떨까? Have you eaten? Did you dress up warmly? It's cold so dress up warmly before going out. Tomorrow, how about saying such words to our mum first? 180117 하늘, 바람, 공기. 늘 우릴 둘러싼 것들에서 벗어나긴 힘들어. 그래서 어쩔수 없이 날씨에 기분이 따라게 돼. 오늘밤 우리 모두에게 기분 전환이 필요해. Sky, wind and air. It's hard to free ourselves from things that are always surrounding us. Hence, we can't help it but our mood changes according to the weather. Tonight, we all need a change of atmosphere. 180118 이 순간이 지나고 있는게 아깝고 아쉬운 건, 내가 지금 행복하기 때문이겠지? 우리 내일도, 모레도, 매일매일 이렇게 아쉬워하자. The fact that I feel regretful and upset that this moment is passing by is because I'm feeling happy now right? Tomorrow, the day after and everyday too, let's feel regretful like this. 180119 칭찬의 힘, 참 대단하다는 말을 자주 듣잖아. 우린 그럴 때 마다 서로를 더 자주 칭찬하고 주고 받아야겠다고 생각을 해. 그런데 다른 사람 말고 너를 더 칭찬해줘. 오늘도 칭찬할거 많지? We always hear that the power of a compliment is amazing right? I think we should always give compliments to each other more. However, start by complimenting yourself, not others. Today, aren't there are lots of things to compliment? 180120 나 스스로를 과잉보호 할 때도 있어. 세상에 나섰다가 실패할까봐, 다칠까봐, 나서지 않고 나를 감쌀 때. 그런데 우리, 그렇게 약하지 않아! There are times when I overprotect myself too. The times when I'm stepping into the world and I'm afraid of failing and getting hurt, I don't step forward and just shelter myself. However, we are not that weak! 180121 몸에 안좋은거 알면서 못끊는것처럼 마음에 안좋다는걸 알면서도 못 끊는 것들이 있어. 나랑 안맞는 사람, 이루어지지 않을 짝사랑, 해결되지 않을 고민들. 마음에 정말 안좋아. Like how we can't stop even knowing that it's not good for our body, there are also things we can't stop even though they are upsetting. The people who don't get along with us, the unrequited one-sided love and the worries that can't be resolved. It really doesn't feel good. 180122 재밌는 일도, 좋은 사람도, 계속 같이 있으면 시시해지고 소홀해져. 뭐든 늘 곁에 있으면 결국은 소중함을 잃어. 모든 순간 행복이 내 곁에 있어주지 않는 이유, 그래선가봐. Fun things and nice people, if they are always here, they turn dull and we become indifferent towards them. If everything is always here by our side, eventually its preciousness is lost. That seems to be the reason why happiness is not present by my side in every moment. 180123 오늘처럼 추운밤 황량한 겨울나무 끝을 봐. 거기 매달린 겨울눈속엔 아주 작은 봄이 들어있어. 우리 맘에도 늘 그렇게 희망이 분명히 들어있어. On a cold night like tonight, look at the barren winter tree tops. Inside the winter bud, it contains a really tiny spring. Inside us too, hope is always definitely there. 180124 어린 아이한테 어려운 문제를 내주고 못푼다고 나무라는 사람은 없잖아, 세상은 우리한테 이길 수 있을 만큼의 무게만 지워줘. 이만큼은, 할수있어. No one gives a young child a difficult question and scolds the child for not being to solve it. The weight that the world puts on us is only as much as how much we can overcome. This much, we can do it. 180125 늦게 집으로 돌아가는 길, 피곤하고 힘들지만, 같은 시간 집으로 향하는 사람들, 여전히 불켜진 가게들을 보면 위안이 돼. 우리 서로가 서로에게 위로가 돼. On the way back home late at night, although it's tiring and tough, we feel consoled looking at the people who are heading home at the same time and the shops that are still lighted up. We become each other's consolation. 180126 겨울잠 자는 동물들, 푹 자고 깨어나면 눈앞에 초록빛 따뜻한 세상이 펼쳐져있겠지? 우리도 오늘 푹 자고 일어나면 따스하고 설레는 일들만 다가와있으면 좋겠다. Animals which hibernate during winter, when they wake up after a good sleep, a green world will unfold in front of their eyes right? Us too, if we sleep well today and wake up, it'll be nice if there are only warm and exciting things approaching us. 180127 지금이 최강한파! 다음주엔 날씨가 풀립니다. 내일은 나아질거란 말에 강추위도 버틸수 있어. 일상이 견디기 힘든날에도 누군가 이렇게 말해주면 좋겠다. 오늘이 제일 힘든날! 내일부터는 반드시 나아집니다. It's the strongest cold wave now! Next week, the weather will thaw! With the words 'tomorrow will be better', even if it's extremely cold, we can endure it. In our daily life, on a day when it's hard to endure, it'll be nice to tell someone this. Today is the hardest day! From tomorrow onwards, it'll surely get better! 180128 아무말을 하지 않아도, 한번도 웃지 않아도, 어떤 노력이 없어도, 기분 좋게, 편안하게 한 공간에 있을 수 있는 사람. 주말 밤엔 그런 사람과 함께였으면 좋겠어. Even without saying anything, without laughing even once, without having to make any effort, the person who makes it feel nice and comfortable just by being in the same space. It'll be nice to be together with someone like this on a weekend night. 180129 종일 마주치는 많은 사람들이 우리의 기분을 물들여. 그래서 가끔은 내 의지와 상관없이 내 기분이 어두워질 때도 있어. 하지만 지금 이 시간의 기분은 오직 나만이 선택하 수 있어. Our mood is influenced by the huge number of people that we come across all day. So there are times when my mood becomes gloomy against my will. However, my mood at this current moment can only be chosen by me. 180130 가끔 다른 사람들은 꽤 재밌게 사는것처럼 느껴져. 그래서 그 사람의 일상을 들여다보는데 꽤 많은 시간을 쓰기도 해. 근데 그 시간에 나를 위한 일을 하면, 내 일상이 진짜 재밌어지지 않을까? Sometimes, it feels like other people are living really interestingly. So we even use lots of time to look into other people's everyday lives. But if I use that time for things that are for my own sake, won't my daily life become more interesting? 180131 오늘은 별로였어, 내일부터 잘해야지, 생각하는 순간 오늘은 미완성이 돼. 아직 한시간 남았잖아, 오늘을 멋지게 완성해보자. The moment you think that today wasn't good and that you need to do better tomorrow, today becomes incomplete. There's still one hour left! Let's try to complete today cooly!
korean transcript: @valentinesboy97 korean-english translation: @fluffywhitie, @jaehyunbom__
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