#as u said idk alot abt scp but as just. a cool minecraft build it sounds SICK
emosyzoth ยท 3 years
its basically site 19. but i fuck with it and make it non-euclidian and all weird n shit. theres a specific mod list i have for this build, but the basic mods are:
TWO different furtniture mods, the Immersive portals mod, wordedit to make my job a WHOLE lot easier, chisel and bits and the little tiles mods [these two are actually fighting on who im gonna use in the final thing because my dumb ass cant see the differences between the two lmao
so first, we have the entrance. its a standard square and stuff, maybe a bit of stairs or decoration around it to make it casual, you know, then you ENTER the thing and you're met with a lobby. now i dont know whether to make this a big lobby or just aregular lobby but probably regular lobby lol
then if you take a left, you're met with SCP testing chambers. but theres no visible difference outside because its underground due to the immersive portal taking you there.
then you get to see all these fun little testing chamers, im planning on making a chamber for the 30 seconds man, and it kinda turned less into a site 13 build and more "hey lets see how many scps and scp refrences i can include in one build [most bc mari's room is also there lol]
the other side has the cafeteria, but another one of the doors also leads to the caferteria lol. its kind of regular tho and i cant think of anything fun to ad :-[
on the same sides as the hallways is the dormitories, which is the same room copied with minor chhanged like the food in the fridge, the carpet, the placement of the beds, some might be bigger to indicate higher clas:
and finally: the senior staff have their own rooms; BUT THERES A TWIST!
they each have their own little hallways with their own little doors and they each lead to a different place
kondraki's is a large cabin in a forest near a lake which is completely secured [via very unknown reasons] and its also a hotspot for butterflies and such.
clef's is specifically in the nether for the cool particles, and its a bit far away from where the door actually leads but like a certain block leads the way for you to his house. its house is a bit crazy but its cool n stuff
bright's house is a cabin looking thing in the middle of a little island of a circle of a griefing looking thing thats been re-grassed if that makes sense??? when you go inside its surprisingly apartment-looking and actually seperate from the outside, and going into a particular room [in a closet] can lead you into the actual house, which is just a chest with a book that says something funny
i dont know the REST of the senior researchers yet and i kind of want someone to check for me bc im to nervous to look myself, but RIGHTS has one bc cmon. the pretty lady deserves a build for herself.
i dont know theirs yet but her room HAS to be pretty it just has to!!
also i wanna make seperate ones for my scp ocs bc i wanna make them their own houses/rooms :-]
10/10 would make out with someone in there.
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