#as soon as it hit beyond location i was like ahhh okay
dnangelic · 1 month
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NAME — niwa daisuke / dark mousy
PROFESSION — azumano middleschool student / great phantom thief ( dai-kaitō )
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — azumano schoolgrounds, niwa family mansion grounds, art-rooms, museums, public gardens, never in the same place as dark. / museums, shady alleyways or backstreets, creepy woods, abandoned and solitary spaces, y'know the works. never in the same place as daisuke.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — you want heart points FAST?? get them fruits. get them chocolates, pastries, candies, anything sweet. share with daisuke and/or handfeed dark. otherwise, they'll happily settle for any kind of refreshing drink, from light like something carbonated to thicker, like a milkshake. they suuuuuck at handling spicy. senses are shared, so whatever one eats, if the other's awake, they'll be able to taste it. you can spoil or kill 'em both hehehehehehe
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — nonalcoholic! if they walk into a bar daisuke's asking for a tough guy glass of milk or ice water from the tender. dark might go for something sparkling and (of course) sweet. daisuke's a good enough kid that being underage is a big concern of his (as well as one that dark respects since his body's always on loan,) but the two of them as phantom thieves never wanting to risk dulling their senses is another part of it. if they get drunk and Something Happens, they're ultra cooked.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — wherever their date wants to go! they're happy quite literally anywhere as long as it's by someone else's side. likewise, since they're both pretty squeezed for time 24/7, it's best to schedule dates with them in advance. they'll always sort things out and swear on their heart(s) to show up for anyone who wants to do anything with them, no matter what it takes. and trust me 'cause they won't say it but sometimes it takes a Lot like at least one or two near death experiences before they show up??--
IDEAL GIFT — dark vc at a time like this, a beautiful smile is all i need ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) <-- unfortunately true, the ideal gift for him and daisuke is genuinely someone else's happiness around him. (but only because they fret that it isn't possible for them to truly make anybody happy.) if you absolutely have to give them something physical, giving things related to daisuke's hobbies (art supplies, gardening supplies,) is a great idea (he'll definitely give you something back at some point!) while for dark, articles of clothing and accessories like earrings, rings, belts, etc, are a good pick. (he'll wear 'em to his heists and all that glam'll get on cam.)
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — WILDCARD!!! depends entirely on the levels of trust, comfort, and whether or not the other person knows the secret of the niwa family's curse/transformation. expect the number of dates on average to be enormous, though. dark will never kiss someone before/without daisuke's proper acceptance; daisuke will never kiss someone for as long as he's afraid of them finding out about his turning into dark. likewise, daisuke Cannot Kiss without turning into dark. could be just five dates could be ten bajillion. kissies could come never for as long as you don't accept the weird monster bf polycule rotation.
tagged by: @foolshoujo THANK U FARLL!!
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wizkiddx · 3 years
cONGRATS ON 500, you deserve it more than anyone😪 and 9 with actress reader girlfriend, i beg you maam <33
AHHH THANKUUU, i didn’t know with number 9 so i just did both oops :)))
Dialogue prompts 9 = "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
Kissing prompts 9 = Continued kiss, even after the director yells "cut!"
request something to celebrate my 500 followers!!! (but pls tell me what prompt list its from 🤍)
****okay so just pretend that tom and y/n are in something like the love actually ending bit at the airport which also just happens to be the last scene they shooting which ik is completely unrealistic*****
summary: change is scary and it makes you question the realistic future you and tom have
The atmosphere on the lot was almost electric. It had been a long time coming, three months of filming, but here the two young stars were - stood in the mock up set of Heathrow terminal 2. All cast and crew were buzzing, closing a project was such a moment, a pat on the back. And hell, there would be celebrations and a half this evening.
In fact they’d been on this ‘last shot’ for the past two and a half hours, even if the actual footage would most likely make up barely 50 seconds of the films runtime. But then, thats Hollywood.
“Alright guys one last time for me-“ The collective around the director all sighed and rolled their eyes, because this director had a talent for saying ‘ last one’ and meaning twenty more. “Nono!” He laughed, hopping from foot to foot “I’m serious about this! Y/n, Tom this is it, I want all that emotion right?”
Tom responded with a serious and professional nod, whilst you struggled just a little bit more - taking a long shaky exhale. Not that Jon knew, but you were already almost flooded with emotion. Today was a big day.
This job had given you something extra special, something above and beyond a new experience and memories. It had given you the most amazing time with one of the most extraordinary individuals you’d ever met. It had brought you a home away from home, it had brought you Tom. Yes, it may only have been 2 and a bit months - but that didn’t make the feelings any less real or intense for either of you.
Hence why the directors orders of emotion where a waste of breath. You were feeling it all- terrified, excited but mainly apprehensive.
There was a reason your love life had been so pathetically tragic before Tom- dating as an actor was hard. The invasion of privacy, the constant moving about - it was impossible when one half of the relationship was in that position. So what was the future prospects like when the both of you were in the prime of your careers? Not a fucking lot.
“Right, on your marks please.” The directors orders distracted you from the never ending runaway train of thought, with a nod hurrying round the back of the corridor, ready to walk out onto the concourse as ‘Manasi’ one last time.
The scene was a simple one, you come out with your luggage- running to hug ‘ Adam’ or Tom; jump and kiss him like hes the last person on earth. Although this was supposed to be the long awaited reunion between the two fictitious characters, what it felt more like was the real goodbye between you and Tom. And that hurt.
So as the clapperboard snapped, signalling it was time for Manasi to round the corner with an excited smile, you checked yourself for a second.
You could do this.
Rounding the corner, your eyes scanned over the sea of extras, skilfully missing the massive camera shoved close to your face. As soon as you locked eyes with TomAdam, everything else melted away. Without thinking, your legs started sprinting towards the young man, who had the biggest grin on his face and opened his arms. Forcefully, you jumped into his strong embrace, tightly wrapping legs round the back of his thighs.
No words were needed or scripted, as you arched back with either hand cupping his sharp jaw line. There were tears blurring your vision but his warm brown eyes were crystal clear as you leaned toward him, momentarily nuzzling your nose against the side of his before delicately pressing his lips against yours.
It all felt so intense, this never-ending rush and heart-dropping moment as the two of you moved in sync - not over the top or cringey. Just pure care, pure love and pure happiness as the two of you melted together.
Everything just worked. It was almost dizzying, the way the whole world seemed for fizzle out, suddenly the scenario was so non-existent.
Intoxicating was what it was, so much so though you heard the director calling ‘cut’ your brain chose not to listen. Desperately you held onto the moment with TomAdam for as long as possible, till Tom arched away, a breathy chuckle escaping his lips as he watched you try and chase him backwards. That was until he noticed the way your eyes shone more than usual, the glint of the lights hitting the build up of tears. Instinctively he grabbed your hand and pulled you behind the corridor bit for privacy- not that anyone would’ve noticed, the crew were all to busy jumping around and cheering the completion of the shoot. And it was a cause for celebration, the project had been a little gruelling and it was a massive accomplishment to get to the end. But thats what scared you - the end.
“Hey what’s going on in that funny little head of yours lovie?” His voice was gravely and hushed as his thumb swiped just under your eyelashes, catching a lone droplet that escaped.
“I don’t want this to end.”
“ The shoot or…” He was insinuating the end of your relationship but it didn’t matter, the answer to both of those questions was yes.
Because they kind of felt one and the same. How likely was it you and Tom would be able to maintain romance on opposite sides of the world? At least when you were both tied in by contract to this specific location, it was possible. The two of you were possible.
So you only replied with a jerky nod, which made Tom let out a sharp exhale, before now cupping both your cheeks with his large and slightly rough palms.
“Heyheyhey look at me darling-“ Dragging your eye line up with a gulp, you were then transfixed into his mahogany brown irises, with little flicks of red and black. “You are the best thing thats ever happened to me. We’re going to be fine.”
“It’s easy to say that bu-“
“I’m saying it cos I know it!” He answered without missing a beat. “I love you and thats it. You’re it, okay?” Now your tears were freely spilling but they were happy tears - tears of ‘what the hell had you done to deserve the boy in front of you’. Only able to reply in a whisper because of the overtaking emotion, you just uttered 4 simple words.
“I love you too.”
His lips were on yours again but this time it was different. It wasn’t your characters reuniting in a kiss, it was the two of you, fears and worries exposed, being together. His lips moved slowly against yours because there was no rush.
You had all the time in the world with Tom.
~~let me know what u think, feedback means the world <333~~
tagging: @thefernandasantana @lovehollandy12 @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @msmimimerton @thegirlwiththeimpala @hollandlover19
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nerdettedreamteam · 4 years
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robstar week 2020: day three
it’s almost wednesday but i made it B) be sure to check out @samdraws715 page for the original post of the drawing!
It’s only supposed to be just be a meeting of royal matters, so why was he so worried? Maybe he wanted to make a good impression among her people even though they already know who he and his team are?
And Galfore already knew who he was for sure, and he had a strong feeling Galfore already knew about his relationship with Starfire. If he would be seeing him, then who knows what he would say. Does only he know? Or did he happen to tell the whole kingdom about it?
He tapped the glass of his T-pod with his finger, shaking his head as he looked back out in front of him to see the infinite galaxy stretched out before him. He shouldn’t be so concerned with this stuff if they’re just here for business matters. Well, Starfire is at least. All he really wanted to was to support her and give her company, and she didn’t seem to mind the offer at all.
Besides, it was only for a day. The next day they’d be flying right back home.
“Robin, you are okay, yes?” Starfire suddenly spoke to him from her pod. The T-ship was much quieter without Beast Boy or Cyborg chatting it up in the back.
“Oh, yeah, sorry… I was kinda lost in my thoughts.” Robin rubbed the back of his head.
“You were “spaced out”? None of the puns intended.”
Robin laughed. It was a funny joke, considering their location. He admired his girlfriend’s charm and the way she slowly became more and more familiar with common earth phrases over time, most of that being Beast Boy’s doing. “Yeah, I guess I was.”
“I am glad you came with me,” Starfire began. “I do not believe I would’ve enjoyed coming all this way out here on my own.”
“It’s no problem at all, Star, I’m glad to come along too! It’s nice to travel somewhere else other than in our own city. Plus, it’ll be nice to see Tamaran again.”
“I agree. However, meeting with Tamaranian officials isn’t something I’m enthused about. Truthfully, I am excited to see Galfore again. It has been a while since we saw each other last.” Starfire paused as she smiled to herself for a moment, thinking about the one who had given her a good life while she lived on her birth planet. “He is eager to see you too, you know.”
Robin swiftly turned to face her. “Wh- really?”
“Of course!” Starfire now faced him as well. “He is very fond of you, he finds your skills and determination quite admirable, and I do have to admit, he isn’t wrong.” She said as she couldn’t help but quirk a smile.
“I didn’t know he thought that...” Robin said. Even if Galfore thought that of him, he still always tried to make himself the most impressionable as he could.
Eventually they arrived on Tamaran. When the ship had landed right at the entrance of the castle, Galfore, some of the officials and some citizens of Tamaran were already there waiting for them.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting this many people.” Robin said with an unsure tone.
“Neither was I, but look, Galfore is there! Let us go greet him!”
Robin and Starfire stepped out of the T-ship and went to Galfore who was waiting below, eager to see the young teens.
“Ahhh, Starfire!” Galfore exclaimed with a mighty, but excited tone. He moved to hug her. “I am glad to see you. I have missed you very much, my princess.”
“And I have missed you, Galfore. Are you doing well?”
“We have been getting along just nicely!” He said proudly. “It may be lots of hard work but I do enjoy being the grand ruler.” He looked out at the other Tamaranians in front of him talking amongst each other with a smile. “I enjoy helping and caring for my people.” He turned back to meet his gaze with Starfire’s. “I am sure you feel the same about your role on earth?”
Starfire nodded. “I do. Robin, myself and our friends take great pride in saving our city!”
Galfore smiled once more. “Hm, so I see. Speaking of which...”
Robin was caught off guard when Galfore suddenly gave him a tight hug. “Robin! So good to see you again!”
“Y-You too, sir!” Robin gasped for air.
Galfore let Robin out of his tight hug.
“Ever since your last visit, Starfire has told me quite a bit about you, Boy Wonder.”
“She has, has she?” Robin shot Starfire a look accompanied with a smirk.
“Indeed! Even about your trip to the place they call Tokyo.”
Robin felt frozen in place at the mention of that. If Starfire told him about their trip, did he know that they were in a relationship?
Robin was even more taken aback when Galfore bent down to his level and whispered to him. “However, I am a bit surprised it took you so long to finally say something to her.”
The jolly man carried a happy expression as Robin looked up at him, unable to form sentences properly. He tapped his arm. “Um... you know about... me and St-“
“Ho ho ho, of course I do!” Galfore heartily laughed.
“But I-“
Galfore didn’t hear Robin and instead turned towards the other Tamaranians. “My fellow Tamaranians, after our delegation meeting, we shall prepare a feast for moon set!”
The crowd cheered and Galfore walked to the guards, which weren’t far off from Starfire and Robin. “Our meeting will start shortly. Make sure all our representatives have arrived, and have our chefs start to prepare for the feast.”
The guards did as they were told, and Galfore had looked back over to the two teens.
“Come along with me you two.”
They followed Galfore into the castle and the doors closed. He sighed a breath of relief. “I truly cannot wait for the feast afterward, I hope that we may be able to spend some more time together. How does that sound?” Galfore asked them with a smile.
“We’d be happy to!” Robin replied.
“I am glad to hear!” Galfore clasped his hands together before pointing further down the hall. “Your room is the first down the hall to the right, make yourselves comfortable and settle in! And Starfire, you will need to be back in about 10 minutes to participate in the meeting.”
Starfire nodded. “I will be there.”
Meanwhile, a million thoughts were running through Robin’s head. Your room. Did he hear that right?
“Uh, sir?” Robin spoke in a softer tone. “Where’s my room again?”
“Oh, my apologies if you did not hear me, Robin. I said it was first down the hall and to the right.”
Robin just stared up at him, waiting for him to continue.
“Well I must be off! I will see you at the meeting Starfire!”
It hit him then. He arranged for them to share a room. Well played, indeed.
Robin now sat outside the meeting room. He heard muffled voices beyond the doors but couldn’t quite hear what they were saying. He looked at his surroundings of the corridor and noted the Tamaranian decor. Something about the place and the environment felt kind of nice. Eventually he ran out of things to do and looked at his reflection on the steel part of his boots, looking at how the reflection changed slightly whenever he moved his foot in a certain direction.
Eventually the doors to the meeting room opened again. Thank goodness. Robin sat up and looked through the doorway trying to find Starfire through the Tamaranians who had started to pass him on their way out. He soon saw her next to Galfore.
“Robin!” Starfire’s expression changed as she embraced him in a hug.
“Apologies for the wait, Robin,” Galfore began. “I didn’t expect the meeting to continue on for that long. I assume you two are hungry?”
Robin hadn’t even realized he was until Galfore mentioned it to him. He nodded.
“Well you are in luck! I have heard that the feast is nearly ready now. Let us make our way to the dining room.”
Once at the dining room and when everyone had come and taken their place at the table. Food was placed in front of Robin and one of the chefs had removed it. On the plate was what appeared to be some sort of green jelly with all sorts of things inside it. And was that an eyeball?!
He already knew exactly what it was.
“Fresh glorg everyone! Dig in!” Galfore had announced.
The others around him had started eating at an alarming rate and Robin sat there trying to avoid eating what was in the jelly and only ate around it. Unfortunately for him his glorg was filled with other ingredients.
Starfire, who has sat across from him, had noticed that he hadn’t eaten his food much since dinner had started. As a chef came and took her empty plate away and brought her another plate of the food, she spoke to him.
“Robin? Are you not hungry for dinner anymore?”
“Oh, uh...” Robin hesitated. “No I am, sorry I was just... thinking.”
He looked back down at his plate of food, knowing what he must do. He felt bad about not liking it, he really did like Tamaran and the citizens and he had absolutely no problem with their way of life but no matter how hard he tried to find a positive about the food he just couldn’t. Though now that his girlfriend was watching him he would’ve felt awful if he just decided not to eat.
He picked up his spoon again and stared at the glorg on his plate. He’s been through much worse than just a bad dish, surely he could handle it, right?
He took a scoop from the jelly and without even thinking shoved the spoonful in his mouth. He chewed it to pieces without trying to think about exactly what he was chewing on and swallowed. He took another spoonful and put it in his mouth again, chewing and swallowing all while pretending the dish was perfectly okay.
“How are you finding it?” Starfire had looked at him beaming.
Robin gave a thumbs up and a weak smile, trying not to look down at his plate to see how much more he had to stomach.
Eventually Robin had made it. When the chef came to take his plate he gave Robin a look.
“Would you care for another?”
The boy’s eyes widened. “Oh, no! No thank you, I’m full! That was really satisfying...” Robin said trying to play it cool.
The chef raised an eyebrow but just shrugged his shoulders and walked off.
Robin’s gaze averted back to Starfire, who was still giving him a smile, in which he reciprocated.
Once dinner had concluded, Robin and Starfire had walked the corridors to their room, holding each other’s hands.
“So how was the meeting? Did you discuss anything interesting?”
“Oh, not really to be honest. It was mainly about some general topics that needed to be discussed.” She gave him a smile. “You did not miss much.”
Robin chuckled.
“So...” Starfire began. “Did you enjoy dinner?”
Robin’s eyes widened. “Y-Yeah! I did! Why, did you?”
Starfire giggled. “It’s alright if you didn’t. I can tell when you don’t enjoy something.”
“I...” Robin searched for an explanation, eventually lowering his shoulders. “Ah geez.”
“Do not worry, Robin, I don’t mind at all.” Starfire paused. “Personally glorg isn’t my favourite Tamaranian dish... however, I am surprised at your determination to finish it all.”
“I just didn’t want to be rude, honestly.” Robin told her.
Starfire had laughed at that. “Apologies but, there is no need to think about that. I really wouldn’t have minded.”
“Well if you say so...”
Starfire raised a brow and then nudged him playfully a little, trying to cheer him up. “You know... once we get back to earth, perhaps we could stop for some pizza? I do miss it, and it is unlike anything I’ve ever tried...”
A smile crept upon his face. “I’d love to.”
She beamed happily and laced their fingers together as the both of them continued to walk down the corridors in peace.
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sooave · 4 years
The Problem With Wanting: 2
It’s 2026, and an old celebrity crush comes to haunt your old and cynical heart. You’re doing great at pretending you were never obsessed with him, and finding things about him that you don’t like. Until you’re repeatedly forced to work with him. Until he decides that he’s in love with you.
Genre: I really don’t know what to call this, but it’s not an AU, Kyungsoo’s older and still a celebrity, and it’s friends-to-lovers.
Characters: Kyungsoo x Reader
Length: 1,484 words
Tags: Angst, Slow Burn
Part 1 | Part 2
The instant you got home, the first thing you did (after putting away your supplies and changing) was to sit down at your computer and do a quick Google search on Do Kyungsoo. It had been quite some time since you were actively following him (you could try to dig up your Twitter accounts but that wasn’t worth the time).
EXO as a band had not formally retired, and from time to time would release a song or two. And like their hyungs from Super Junior and SHINee, most of them remained relatively successful in the showbiz. This, you knew. But you had no idea what Kyungsoo specifically was doing.
You almost didn’t want to look. As if becoming informed would bring you one step closer to being obsessed. Guilt coursed through you when you saw the paparazzi shots that popped up from your search. It felt somehow… disrespectful, now that you’d actually “met” him.
A quick scan through the Career section on his Wikipedia page told you that he continued to act in various movies and dramas, but had also released a few solo albums. You raise your eyebrows when you see a few titles that you actually recognize as being critically-acclaimed, but you have never watched them yourself.
He was doing well for himself career-wise; that much was to be expected. Personally, the fangirl inside of you was happy that they all seemed to be doing well.
The Personal Life section remained minimized, and you stared at words on your monitor, debating whether or not to open that Pandora’s Box.
Your cursor hovered over it, and just as you were about to open it and take what you promised yourself to be a brief look, your phone on the table began to flash with an incoming call. A breath quickly escaped you and you immediately hit the shortcut to close the window.
Thanking the gods for the intervention, you snatch the phone up to pick up the call from one of your old-time clients. He was an owner of a Michelin Bib Gourmand traditional Korean restaurant, looking to open up a new location. Your gratefulness to him extended beyond the fact that he interrupted your unhealthy behaviour; he gave a chance on you when you first started looking for contract work in Korea, and it has opened up a lot of doors for you since.
“Hello?” You greeted automatically, even though you already know who called you.
“Ah! It’s me, Kim Yongsun.”
“Yongsun-ssi, how can I help you? It’s been a while.” The computer desk proves to be a dangerous place to be, so you quickly moved to the sofa and laid down, balancing the phone between your shoulder and head.
“Yes… thank’s for being patient, it’s been a little crazy here.” There were rambunctious shouts in the background and you heard Yongsun cover his mic to loudly scold them.
“Ya! Keep it down, I’m getting work done in here!” He hollers. The mic crackles as he returns.
“Sorry, new hires getting excited and all. Anyways… I’m ready to start talking about what you can do for the new location. What time are you free?”
This is one of your favourite parts of what you do. Sitting down with a client and getting to know their dream and understanding how you can help them achieve it.
“I have time tomorrow actually. I’m free anytime.”
“Okay…Hmm.” He seemed to contemplate something before continuing. “Come over to the restaurant at 3:30. I’ll have some food prepared for you,” Yongsun says proudly, as if he doesn’t always provide free lunch for you.
“Wow… you’re so generous,” you thanked sarcastically but couldn’t help but smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You both said your goodbyes and hang up.
Riding on the high that was imagining the success of a client consultation, you scrolled through your phone and reopened the dating app that you haven’t touched in almost a year. It was a little tough to date in Korea, your age aside.
Relationships were successful if the two persons involved had mostly similar values. It was also a well-documented phenomenon that young adults in Korea are staying single longer, and weren’t prioritizing marriage. You certainly weren’t alone in that you were in your 30s and unmarried, but elders still held a strong bias against it.
Back to values. You were absolutely not interested in being a housewife, despite the fact that you keep an impeccably tidy house and enjoying doing so. Your art and career are important to you.
But whenever you happen to mention that you’re an artist and do most of your work from home, men seem to assume that you’d be a perfect for the role of a housewife. The men who were actually on these dating apps were usually looking for a woman willing sacrifice their career for the “home”.
In short, Korean men who grew up in Korea usually did not hold the same values as you.
Nevertheless, you swiped through a good number of men, excited by none of the prospects. And it ended the same, with you throwing your phone across the sofa and closing the app. But this time you didn’t delete the app, because you promised yourself you’d try.
“Hello?” You poked your head through the door of Youngsun’s restaurant and called out cautiously. It was 3:20, and the restaurant was eerily dark and empty. Usually, the lights would be on and there would be a couple of chefs mulling about during the service break. You pulled yourself out of the door and checked your phone for the third time, double checking that you’d gotten the date and time right. You had said tomorrow right? Maybe he forgot.
A minute or two, no one had responded, so you reluctantly slipped into the establishment, tiptoeing your way to the back. The kitchen had it’s lights on, to your relief. Humming of the industrial hood fans and the noises of a knife on a chopping board comforted you.
Still paranoid that you had gotten yourself into a mix-up with Yongsun, you silently slunk your way towards the kitchen. There was a large pass-through window but there was no one visible through it, and you guessed that whoever was in there was towards the back of the kitchen. You poked your head around the corner and quickly shrank back in shock.
The heart in your chest was threatening to jump out of your throat at the sight of what looked to be Do Kyungsoo in his standard baseball cap, thick rimmed glasses, and plain t-shirt, cooking in Yongsun’s kitchen.
You weren’t even 100% sure it was him. But you knew you weren’t hallucinating.
With a growing horror in your chest, you pressed your back against the wall, contemplating your next move. Your two options were to run out of the restaurant and never contact Yongsun again, or to text him and figure out what was going on.
With slightly shaking hands, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and frantically dialled Yongsun’s phone through FaceTime Audio.
His phone began to ring in the distance, and you squeezed your eyes shut. The fear churning in your stomach was telling you that you had completely gotten the time or date wrong. What were the odds that you’d run into your old celebrity crush? Zero. So maybe that wasn’t him in there, but you could recognize Kyungsoo anywhere.
“Ah, hold on, let me get this,” You hear Yongsun say.
The realization that Yongsun or Kyungsoo might be able to hear you speak from outside the kitchen dawned on you, and you practically dove around another corner to get as far as way as possible before he picked up.
Why did I not just text him??? You groaned internally.
“Hey, where are you?” Yongsun skipped the pleasantries, not bothering to say hello.
You cleared your throat and spoke as quietly as possible, heart thundering in your chest and ears.
“Oh… sorry… I just came to the restaurant and no one was there. So I assumed I might have gotten the time wrong.”
“Ahhh,” he let out a bark of laughter, “I forgot to tell you that we were closing early today. Going to have the night off. It’s my wedding anniversary tonight.”
“Wow, congratulations!” You chirped, and immediately slap your hand over your mouth. That was dangerously loud.
“Thanks… but again, where are you? Did you leave?”
You looked around awkwardly. It was pretty much out of the question to tell Yongsun that you were behind his restaurant bar, splayed out on the floor from tripping on your feet.
“Just waiting outside,” you said nonchalantly as you stared at a dustball on the floor.
“Okay well come on in. I’m in the kitchen.” He hung up and you were left with nothing but dread and a dustball.
A/N: I finally finished Ch2, and ch3 coming soon!! I finally have it all planned out. Also, credits to my Apple Pencil breaking down so I couldn’t do any artwork. Who else is staying up right now to watch the musical xiusoo are in??? (hi, @lapetitefangirlperdue)
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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The Nanny Affair.
The Senator.
A/N: Okay so it’s time for the fanfic CROSSOVER OF ALL CROSSOVERS! This will be fun! So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. Contains sexual content and strong language. You know? The basic usual from me. 😁 | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Characters: Sam Dalton (LI) and Krystal Parker (MC) | Special Appearances by Adrian Raines and Tiana Reynolds-Raines | All Characters: names (except MC) are property of Pixelberry. | Current Word Count: 4,320 words |
Now this story takes place a day after “The Tease” fanfic which you can find here: The Tease
Story And Song Inspiration: Would U Mind? And Any Time Any Place-Janet Jackson.
As she got ready to go; Krystal couldn’t believe her luck. She, Sam and Robin were going to a campaign fundraiser held by Senator Adrian Raines. She was beyond excited. “Ohmygod! I’m gonna meet Adrian Raines! Ohhhhhhhh man! I can’t wait! I can’t wait! I can’t wait!”, she said to herself.
After checking out her dress one last time; she all but ran to the living room to meet Sam and Robin. “Damn! Watch out people! Dangerous curves ahead!”, Robin said to her with a smirk. Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance at his brother and and said to him, “Do you ever quit?” Robin merely shrugged.
“Where’s Sofia? Isn’t she coming too?”, she asked them. “Nope. She’s still in Boston at the symposium.”, Sam replies.
“Thank God!”, she thought to herself.
“Sooo…are we ready to go?”, she asked. “Yup! Carter is outside.”, Sam told her. Soon; they were off to Adrian’s private home in Northwest D.C. When they got there Krystals’ jaw hit the ground. The home was extravagant, luxurious and obnoxiously rich.
They were greeted at the door by Adrians’ campaign managers Nikhil Banderjee and Deanna Jansen. “Ahhh Mr. Dalton! How wonderful it is for you to join us this evening!”, Nikhil said to Sam. “Thank you Nikhil. It’s great to be here. I’m sure you remember my brother Robin Flores. And this is my date for the evening: Krystal Parker.” With a gentlemanly bow and a kiss on the back of her hand; Nikhil says to her, “welcome to our humble event Ms. Parker! I trust you’ll have great time tonight.” “Thank you! I’m excited to be here!”, she replied. “Now let me show you all inside.”, he said as he ushered them indoors.
Once inside; Krystal was instantly in love with the decor. It was all a mix of modern, contemporary and traditional. Servers bustled about the guests with flowing drinks and delicious hors d’oeuvres.
While she stood right next to Sam; her eyes scanned the room for any signs Adrian or his wife Tiana. Sam took notice and whispered in a teasing tone, “let me guess. You are like every other woman here. An Adrian Raines fangirl, right?” “I am NOT a fangirl, Sam! I just think devastatingly sexy that’s all.”, she replies. “Uh huh. And how many copies of his autobiography do you have?”, he asked her. She glared at him and said, “7 copies currently.” He chuckled and said, “thought so…fangirl!”
Just as she opened her mouth to retort; in sweeps Adrian and Tiana arm in arm. Krystal was completely star struck.
“Goddamn he’s even sexier than I ever thought he’d be!”, she muttered to herself.
The room went quiet when Adrian began to speak. “Good evening one and all! My family and I thank you for joining us here tonight. Your attendance and donations to my campaign will go towards a worthy and noble cause. For both humans and vampires alike. Now please enjoy yourselves! I know I will!”
After Adrian closed his speech; Krystal looked around again. Only instead of looking for Adrian; she was looking for Robin.
“Ummm where did your brother disappear to?”, she whispered to Sam. “Ohhh! He’s over there in the corner with one of the servers.”, he replies as motions to Robin’s location. “Is he really hitting on that server?”, she asks. “Knowing him? Yup. And she’s not just a server. She’s a vampire.”, he answered. “Wait! How do you know that she’s a vampire?”, she asks him. “See that tattoo on her upper arm? It’s not an actual tattoo. It’s a brand. It’s given to all vampires across the world. It’s actually the brand of Adrian’s clan in New York; but it was made into the universal vampire brand when he got elected.”, he explained to her.
“Ohhh God! She’s not gonna…like bite him or anything, is she?”, she asks. “No. Not unless it’s something consensual; like a feeding. The killing of humans by vampires is banned around the world. That’s one of the terms of Adrian’s senatorial agreement. No vampire is allowed to kill a human ever again.”, he explained to her.
“So he’s just macking?”, she says to him.
“That’s one way to put it. Come on let’s go see Adrian so you can get your school girl; fawning over her crush who just walked past her over with.”, he replies. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him as she followed behind him.
Adrian was surrounded by other guests but lit up; when Sam and Krystal approached.
“Sam! It’s good to you my friend!”, he said as he greeted him. “It’s good to see you too, brother!”, Sam replied. “How are the boys? I thought they’d be with you.”, Adrian asked Sam. “They ditched me for the Florida sun, sand and surf. But they’ll be back this coming Tuesday. How’s fatherhood treating you, old man?”, he replied.
Adrian chuckled and said, “Y’know? I don’t ever remember it being this hard. My two will definitely run you ragged if you let them. I’m sure you understand.” Sam replies, “yeah I do. I’m surprised I’m still able to keep her around.”, he says as he introduces him to her. “By the way, this is Krystal. She’s the boys new nanny. Sofia would’ve been here with me; but she’s away on business; so I asked her to come with me. Ohhhhh and just so you know; she’s a really big fan of yours. Has 7 copies of your autobiography.”
She was mortified and ready to kill Sam. “Well hello Krystal. It’s always nice to meet a fan.”, he said as her kisses her hand. “H-Hi Mr. Raines! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”, she blurted out nervously. Sam just snickered at her and teasingly said, “What’d I tell ya? School girl crush!”
She just glared at him. “Leave me alone!”, she snapped at him. “I take it; he always does this to you?”, Adrian asked her. “Pretty much.”, she replied. “Good ole Sam! Always with the slow torture. Now my friend; I take it you’re both here with your idiotic brother because of this Nightingale Project; your company is working on, correct?”, Adrian asks Sam.
“Yes. We’d love for Raines Corp to partner with us.”, he replied. “I thought so. Now if you want Raines Corp on board; you know who you have to talk to; since I don’t run the day-to-day anymore.”, he told him. “Ohhh I know exactly who I have to talk to. I just wanted your blessing to do so.”, he said to Adrian. “You know I couldn’t stop her even if I wanted to.”, Adrian said.
Before Krystal could say anything to either one of them; a woman called out. “Is that my stallion?” Sam flashed a wolfish grin; before he turned around to Adrian’s wife Tiana walking up and replied, “Hello beautiful! It’s been a while.” “Hey yourself handsome! It sure has.”, she said to him as the two greeted each other.
“Are you two quite finished?”, Adrian muttered. “Oh stop it Adrian!”, she told him. “Yeah. You know she loves her stallion!”, Sam quipped. “Now Sam…where are my babies? You know I love to see them!”, she fussed at him. “Like I told your husband earlier; they ditched me for Florida.”, he said to her.
“Fair enough.”, she replied before turning to Krystal. “Well hello there! You must be a friend of Sam’s.”, she said to her. “Yes. I’m Krystal Parker. I’m the boys nanny.”, she replied. “The nanny, huh? Where’s your chihuahua Sam?”, Tiana asked him. Krystal and Adrian snickered.
“Boston for a symposium.”, he replied. “Miracles do exist! Thank God! Now what’s this I hear about The Nightingale Project?”, she said to him. “Why don’t we talk business, later?”, he said to her his with a wink. “Of course my stallion. Ms. Parker it was wonderful to meet you!”, she said with a warm smile. “Likewise Mrs. Raines.”, she replied.
“Ohhh please. Call me Tiana. The only people allowed to call me Mrs. Raines are shareholders and board members. And even they don’t call me Mrs. Raines.”, she said with a wink. “Shall we, love?”, Adrian asked his wife; she nodded as she took his arm. “We’ll see you two a little later. We’re off to mingle with the other guests.”, Adrian said as they took their leave.
After they left; Krystal was still trying to process everything that had just happened. “Did that really just happen? Did I really just meet THE Adrian Raines AND his wife Tiana?”, she asked Sam. “Yeah. You did. And you managed to not fall over yourself doing it. I’m proud of you!”, he teased. “Ugh! Why are you like this?”, she groaned. “Because it’s fun to tease you…kitten.”, he growled in her ear as he pulled her close. She shivered as she leaned into him. “Let’s go find my brother and our seats. Dinner is about to be served.”, he told her as they went to look for Robin.
An hour after dinner; it was time for dancing. Couples formed and soon twirled around on the dance floor. “Care to dance Ms. Parker?”, Sam asked Krystal. “Why I’d love to, Mr. Dalton!”, she replied. Soon they were off. Twirling around with the rest of the couples. “You dance divinely, sir!”, she told him. “Why thank you, my dear! It’s a talent!”, he replied. They danced together in a companionable silence for several minutes.
She eventually broke the ice with a question. “So, how long have you known Adrian and Tiana?” “I met Tiana before I met Adrian. She and Lily were childhood friends with my late wife; they went to school from 1st grade to high school together. Those three were thick as thieves. As a matter of fact; Tiana and Lily planned the boys baby shower. I didn’t formally meet Adrian until after the boys were born. Before everything went down in New York. We’ve always been biotech rivals but he’s a good man. When he’s not stealing right out from under me, that is.”, he told her. “So you and Adrian have always been frenemies?”, she asked.
“In a way; yes we have. Sometimes I think he’s still pissed that I beat him in a poker game.”, he replied. She chuckled softly as they danced. “You look beautiful. You know that right?”, he whispered in her ear.
“Trying to butter me up after teasing me earlier?”, she asked him. “No! I just think you’re extremely beautiful!…and yeah. I’m trying to butter you up. Is it working?”, he asked. She just smiled and shook her head. “Good. I love to see you smile.”, he told her. Soon; she got tired so they walked went to tour the garden. That’s when they joined by Adrian and Tiana.
“Enjoying your evening, you two?”, Sam asked the happy couple. “Of course we are. It’s been a wonderful night. I hope you two enjoyed yourselves.”, Adrian replies. “We did. You threw an amazing party. Of course you’re campaign will have Dalton Enterprises support if…”, Sam trails off; causing Adrian to roll his eyes and chuckle. “That’s the one thing I can count on. Sam Dalton and his determination.”
“It’s a gift. What can I say?”, Sam says to him with a shrug. “So how about it, beautiful? You ready to talk shop?”, Sam ask Tiana. “Absolutely! Lead the way, stallion!”, she replied. “I’ll be back.”, he tells Krystal before leaving to talk business with Tiana.
Adrian turns to Krystal with an amused look on his face. “Well you’re a curious thing aren’t you?”, he asks her. “Just a little bit.”, she replies. “Tell me; what is a beautiful girl like you doing working for Sam Dalton of all people?”, he asks her. “I love those boys. Even when they drive me crazy. What can I say?”, she replied with sheepish smile. “I can respect that. They are 2 very wonderful children. But I gotta ask; how do I steal you from him?”, he asks her.
She was flustered. “You want me to work for you, Mr. Raines?”, she asks. “Please call me Adrian. I deal with enough that ‘Mr. Raines’ bullshit around the office. But; to answer your question, yes I would love for you to work for me.”, he says to her; the intense look in his eyes made her shiver. “What about your wife? I mean never mind the fact that; she is the Goddess of all Vampires. Won’t she be upset?”, she asks him. “T? Nahh not even a little bit.”, he replied. “Ohhh…well if I were to accept your offer; what would you have me do?”, she asked.
“Well; after talking to Robin I know for a fact that you have a chem degree. Although; I don’t see you confining yourself to a lab. I’d have you working in my office directly.”, he said to her. “Like Tiana was?”, she asked. “Something like that, yes.”, he answered.
“That means; I’d be working closely with one of the most powerful vampires in the world. Ohh man! That’s an amazing opportunity.”, she said. “Not sure?”, he asked. “I mean like I said; it’s an amazing opportunity for me; I just…I’m not…if it were any other time in my life I would but; I’m not that I can right now.”, she told him. “Damn! Robin was right. You are loyal to Sam.”, he said with a small chuckle. “I suddenly feel a lot better.”, she told him. “I’m not here to poach you from Sam, Krystal. Instead how about a dance?”, he asked. “I’d love to, Adrian!”, she replied.
They walked back inside and danced together. During their dance; they talked and Krystal became fascinated with him.
“Can I ask you a question, Adrian?”, she asks him. “Sure.”, he replies. “I know you’re a vampire and all but; ummmm…your…your…fangs are real, yes?”, she asked hoping she hadn’t offended him.
That’s when he closed his eyes and when he opened them; they were blood red. That’s when he leaned in close and said, “would you like to find out?” With a smirk; she replied, “definitely!” With a toothy grin; he told her, “it’s been a while since I had a human woman in my bed. So while I finish up here; you’re going to go upstairs to the bedroom on the right and wait. Understand?” She swallowed hard and nodded her head, yes. With one final twirl; he whispers in her ear, “I’ll see you in a few.”
Krystal slipped out of the party; and soon found herself in Adrian’s bedroom. She couldn’t believe it. She was actually about to spend the night with Adrian Raines. She was excited and terrified at the same time. But the one thing she wasn’t feeling was bad about it. Soon; her waiting paid off; as Adrian strolled in as calm and casual as ever.
“Sorry about that. You weren’t waiting long were you?”, he asked. She shook her head no. “Would you like a drink?”, he asked her. “A Whiskey double.”, she replied.
“The lady knows what she likes.”, he said before handing her the drink. “So; tell me, Krystal…what are you doing here?”, he asks. “You mean besides you inviting me to your bedroom? I’m curious about you, Senator Raines.”, she told him. “I can tell you’re scared, Krystal. You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to bite. Unless you want that.”, he told her. “I do have to ask if your wife is okay with this. I wouldn’t want her to kill me.”, she said to him. “Considering that her and Sam are fucking in my office as we speak; I’d say she’s fine with this.”, he told her with a shrug.
“Sam and Tiana are in your office…ohmygod! And you’re okay with it?!”, she asks in total shock. “Absolutely! They’ve been fucking for years. Every time we come to D.C.; they hook up. T and I are an open, poly couple. Our marriage is solid. I don’t worry when she’s with him.”, he tells her. “Okay then! One more thing! Do you know where Robin is?”, she asked. “He’s with Deanna back in her room; last I checked. They used to date from what I understand.”, he replied. “Well that answers all my questions! Except one.”, she tells him. “And what is that?”, he asks her. “Why are you all the way over there, by the bar?”, she asks with playful tone in her voice.
One minute he’s by the bar; and the next minute he’s behind her with arms around her waist. “How the fuck did you do that?!”, she asked. “Vampire, love.”, he says before kissing down her neck. Feeling his strong hands touch all over her; was rich and satisfying. He slowly dragged his tongue along her neck; which caused goosebumps to pop up everywhere.
“This dress is beautiful! But; it’s a little much for what I had in mind. So let’s lose it, shall we?”, he told her as he worked her dress down her body. When she was out of her clothes; Adrian took a moment to savor the sight before him. “Damn that son of a bitch is lucky. You are delicious looking!”, he told her. “Thank you. Constantly chasing after 7 year old twins; is the ultimate workout.”, she replies. “Believe me; I’m more than sure that it is. And now that I’ve had moment to appreciate you and your immense beauty; I think it’s time to have some fun.”, he told her. “I agree! Although; you might be a tad bit overdressed…Mr. Raines.”, she told him with a wink. “Ohhhh so you’re one of those, huh?”, he asked her. “I mean…Sam does call me kitten.”, she replies with a small not so innocent shrug. “Ohhh yeah…I’m gonna have fun with you!”, he told her with a smirk.
It didn’t take him long to lose his clothes. Adrian was so close; she could feel the heat radiating off his body. He was gorgeous. He was tall, hot and chocolate all over. “See something you like?”, he asks her. “Ohhh most definitely. I can see why you and Tiana are married. Have I mentioned how fucking sexy you are?”, she says to him. Before she knew it; she was in his arms with his lips on hers.
Kissing him sent her mind into a tailspin. His lips were soft; which made the kiss that more powerfully intense. He broke their kiss; to let his mouth travel down her neck.
That’s when she felt the tiny prick of his fangs against her skin. When she looked at him; she was shocked, excited and turned on. “Whoa! They are real…”, she says as she looks at him. “Do you trust me, Krystal?”, he asked her. She nodded. With a very toothy grin; he says to her, “wonderful! Now you might want to hang on, sweetheart. Because I’m about to send you to another world.”
That’s when he picked her up and carried her to the bed. “Best! Night! Ever!”, she giggled. “Ohhh trust me; I’m just getting started.”, he told her before plunging his tongue into her mouth. As he devoured her mouth; he let his fangs scrape across her bottom lip. Him doing so; sent shockwaves running through her body.
He let his tongue slide down her neck; towards her breasts. Using his mouth and his fingers; he tasted, tortured and teased them. He would alternate between sucking on and licking her hard nipples and letting his fangs scrape against them. “God! That feels so good!”, she moaned as he continued pleasing her. “I always aim to please, love.”, he told her with a wink.
He continued down her body; letting his fang skate across her skin. The sensation was amazing. Every time she felt them on her skin; she shivered. The spots on her that his fangs touched; sent electricity coursing through her. It dueled with her rising internal heat. When he got to her lower region; he licked his lips. “I’ve been waiting for this!”, he said in a voice so low; it was almost a growl.
Being the impatient man that he is; Adrian wasted no time. He worked her legs apart and went straight for her treasure trove.
“Yesssssssssss!”, she cried out. She arched her back; and grabbed onto his sheets for dear life as he tasted her.
The intense pleasure she got from feeling his mouth on her; was a sensation she knew she’d never experience again. Her vision blurred as he intensified eating her out. She couldn’t think straight. Her body was hot; thanks to the fire that grew inside her.
Every time she felt his fangs scrape her sensitive clit; she would nearly jump off the bed. “Fuck yes! That! That right there! Don’t stop! Dear fucking God! Don’t! Stop!”, she screamed. He used his strength to keep her in place as he kept going.
Her orgasm twisted inside her as it continued to grow. He was drunk off of every sound she made. Every time she moaned, cried out, shrieked, begged and especially when she screamed; gave him life. Feeling her helplessly writhe underneath him; was energizing.
She was struggling to hold on and she knew it. The more she unraveled; the closer she got. “Ohhhhhhhh God! I don’t know how much more…I can—“, was all she was able to say before her orgasm shattered.
Her body shuddered as she exploded into his mouth. After licking his lips; he eased the grip he had on her thighs. “Delicious! I think I’m gonna like you!”, he told her as he came back up for air. “You…are…fucking…fantastic!”, she managed to get out between her body tremors.
“You’re not too tired are you?”, he asked her. “No. Just trying to catch my breath. You kinda sucked the wind outta me.”, she replied. With a low chuckle; he said to her, “sorry about that. I have a tendency to be a little rough; when I really get into the groove.” “It’s alright. Besides I do believe you mentioned something about sending me to another world.”, she told him.
“You ready for more or do you need a little more time?”, he asked her. “Ohhh I’m good! Let’s go!”, she replied. “I knew I liked you for a reason.”, he said with a devilish smirk. “What can I say? I’m a very likable girl.”, she replied; as watched him slip a condom on. “Ohhh indeed you are, love.”, he smiled at her.
After positioning himself between her legs; he asked her, “are you ready, Krystal?” Biting her lip; she nodded her head yes. Taking that as encouragement; he slid inside her. “Fuck you feel good!”, he hissed.
He was right; it did feel good. For both of them. Soon; his bedroom was filled with their combined moans and groans of pleasure as they really got into it. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck; as his stroke continued to take her higher and higher.
“Fuck me! Give it to me! Just! Like! That! It feels so damn good! You feel so damn good!”, she screamed as he pounded her. He was an relentless and she was loving every minute of it. “Yeah! That’s it! Take it Krystal! Take this dick! Fuck! You feel so good!”, he growled. Fucking her was an adrenaline rush he wasn’t expecting; but Adrian happily welcomed it. To her; he was a nonstop thrill. “Yesssssssssss! Take me Adrian! Take me!”, she screamed.
With every stroke; she was surging closer to her second orgasm; she just needed that one push to go completely over. While he was becoming hungry for her. He had to taste her one last time.
He dragged his tongue from the hollow of her neck to just below her ear; just so he could whisper a question to her, “can I taste you?” She knew what he meant and she was more than eager to give him what he wanted. “Yes! Taste me…”, she replied.
He was close and so was she.
With a smile against her skin; he rolled onto his back; so she was on top. It gave him easy access to her neck. He could hear her pulse race from the fear and excitement. With one last thrust inside her; Adrian went for it. As he fed; he held her in place so she didn’t move. It caused her body to go stiff from the pleasure.
“OHHHHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSS! YES! YES! YES!”, she screamed as the feeling of his fangs piercing her neck and her orgasm snapped her in half. When he was done feeding and he sealed the puncture holes; they were both exhausted but totally satisfied.
They both laid there content as a cucumber. “That…was…incredible! I definitely see why Tiana married you.”, she said. “I appreciate that, love. Like I said; I aim to please.”, he told her. “Trust me Senator…you do exactly that.”, she said to him. He winked at her and she smiled at him before nodding off to sleep.
The next morning; after grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, Krystal ran into Sam. “Uh huh! And what did you do last night?”, he asked her. She shrugged and said, “the same thing that you did.”
“Does this mean I have competition?”, he groaned. “No you don’t have competition Sam. You’re spot at the top is still untouched.”, she told him. “Thank God! I thought I would’ve had to go all vampire hunter for a second; because he stole from me again.”, he told her. She rolled her eyes at him and said, “you’re so overdramatic. And although he offered me a job; I’m happy right where I am with you and the boys.”
Sam let out a sigh of relief before wrapping his arms around her and saying, “good. Because I’m not letting you go without a fight.” She kissed him sweetly and said, “I’d expect nothing less from you.”
Tag list: @txemrn @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations
18 notes · View notes
strawberrycarnivals · 5 years
Hi there! Can we get a yandere Dabi kidnapping the reader but then yandere Shigaraki ends up falling for the reader too?
Oh, anon😭😭 I had so much fun with this one. Thank you for the request💖😈
Cw: cursing, kidnapping, noncon, yandere, sexual at times, murder lmao let me know if I need to add anything else
Kidnap Your Own Girl
Dabi x Fem!Reader x Shigaraki
The League gathered in the living room of their new headquarters- a large penthouse suite located in the one hotel Shigaraki didn't destroy in Deika City. "What's going on?" They grumbled at Shigaraki.
"Hey. Everyone shut it. We have something important to decide on." Everyone shifted uncomfortably. They were exhausted and not quite ready to do another mission yet. "We need to decide on what we're eating tonight." The room let out a sigh.
"Why's everything a god damn ordeal with you, man?" Dabi flopped himself on the couch and turned on the tv. Channel number 58 specifically. He needed to see something. Your sweet voice filled the air.
"Hey!! As your leader I'm demanding you listen to me and put in a suggestion!!" Tomura huffed and stomped his foot, tantrum beginning. "Quiet down, crackhead. I'm trying to watch something." He turned up the volume. You twirled your hips on television and Dabi smiled.
"Y/N? You're watching a pop star right now when more pressing matters are on the table?!" Shigaraki seethed and Toga sat next to Dabi on the couch. "Oooo! She's beautiful!"
"I know. That's why I'm going to make her mine." Tomura exploded into laughter.
"'Make her yours'??? Have you lost your mind? You look like a ballsack. Also isn't y/n from *****?"
"Yeah. She is. But she's touring soon in Osaka. And I'll be ready. Plus she's not going to be able to resist me." He smirked. Toga gushed. "Oh my gosh! A kidnapping!! That sounds so romantic," She sighed. "Bingo." Dabi snapped. "Wanna help?" Toga jumped for joy. "Is that even a question? Obviously!"
"Whatever, you freaks. I'm ordering chinese take out.. Twice. Order chinese take out. I'll be in my room." Shigaraki was gone instantly. Twice nervously panicked. "Wait!!! Do you want chow mein or fried rice?? Orange chicken or teriyaki???! AHHH!! COME BACK!!"
Tomura punched the wall of his room in anger, thumb out. He already knew y/n would be in town soon. This weekend actually. He had your tour schedule all the way down to the songs you would sing on stage. How dare Dabi try to steal what was his? He needed a new plan. He opened his closet and made his way to a shrine of your posters and merch.
He reached out touched your photographed face. You were an angel. "Looks like there's a new gameplan. See you soon, princess."
It was the day of your concert and you were beyond excited to be in Japan. You decided to get some shopping done at a nearby mall before the show that night with your best friend and couple of body guards. Everything was going great. Until you went into the dressing room with your "bestie."
"How do I look in this, b/f/n-chan?"
B/f/n stared at you and smiled unnaturally.. and her face melted off, a thick gray slime hitting the ground. "What the f-" a naked girl with space buns covered your mouth and held a knife to your throat. You froze. "Dabi," she whispered. "I got her." A tall man with what looked like rotting flesh stitched to his face entered your dressing room and the blonde girl stifled your scream. Where were your guards?? Where was b/f/n??
"Why so upset to see me, y/n? I'm hurt." The man cooed. "Listen, sweetheart. You're coming with us... well me more specifically." You attempted another blood curdling scream, felt a pinch in your neck, and then everything went dark.
You woke up in a luxurious bedroom, dazed. It was still bright outside. Where were you? Your cell phone was gone. You tried the door. Locked. You tried the window. Locked. It looked like you were on the top floor of a hotel.. surrounded by a collapsed civilization. Your body shook violently, realization setting in. Those two kidnapped you. You heard the news playing in what you assumed to be the living room outside your room. You pressed an ear to the wall and gasped.
"The hottest new pop star of our generation- y/n- has now been missing for 2 days. Her best friend b/f/n was found in an alleyway with no memory of what happened and her security guards were found burnt to a crisp outside of a mall store's dressing room. If you have any information about y/n's whereabouts please call our hotli-" the door opened and a lanky man with baby blue hair appeared and quickly locked it behind him. You saw his sunken-in eyes and dry, torn looking lips and backed into the furthest wall, shrinking into yourself. "Please stay back." You squeaked. He dropped to his knees in front of you.
"Shhh, shh. It's okay, princess! I'm here to save you." He held out his hand, thumb curled in. "My name is Tomura. I'll get you out of here." He smiled wickedly.
You gasped and nodded your head, grabbing his four fingers. He was going to save you! You shouldn't be so quick to judge appearance, you thought. Relief and hope washed over you. "These two.. these two villains kidnapped me! One was a stitched up man and the other one looked like a schoolgirl! I think I.. I think I missed my concert. And my bodyguards are dead." You sobbed into his shirt.
"Oh no, princess! It's okay now. Because I am here." He smilled mockingly and pulled you into a hands-out hug, smelling your hair. You smelled like cake. Fuck. He broke apart from you and turned toward the door, discreetly tucking his raging boner into his waistband. "Okay now let's get you out of here. I think the villains are gone." Of course the idiots were gone. He was the one who sent them out in the first place. He hid a huge grin, trying not to seem too suspicious and opened the door. "This way."
He lead you through the suite's living room, into a kitchen, around a dining room, and down a hall. He opened a door. It was a filthy master-sized bedroom covered in junk food wrappers and video games. It was dark but you could make out about 6 different gaming stations and 3 desktop computers. He shoved you inside and locked the door behind him. "What's going on?? I thought you were saving me, Tomura??" Your eyes watered, fear eating at you once again.
"I am, Player 2! I'm saving you from boredom. Dabi's room is a drag. You'll have much more fun in here with me!" Your eyeballs turned solid white. He tricked you. You knew he was a villain from the start and you allowed his comforting lies to warp your mind into trusting him immediately. You crumpled to to the floor.
Dabi snuck away from the group and returned home to the hotel. He didn't have time for Shigaraki's bullshit grocery requests. He needed to see his darling. Wanted to touch you. You were so cuddly when you were unconscious. You even made cute little moans that instantly gave him a hard on. He actually had taken it upon himself to rub one out into your mouth last night. You swallowed his emission with a smile on your face. The drugs in the syringe Giran sold him really knocked you out, but he knew you were probably a needy slut while conscious as well. He had to find out.
He excitedly opened the door to his room and.... you were gone. His face fell. Did his angel escape? No.. that couldn't be it. The lock could only be opened with a specific hotel card. And the famous y/n was known for not having a quirk. A lightbulb went off in his head and exploded. That dirty fucking bastard! He marched to Shigaraki's room and threw open the door. You trembled. What did they want from you?? Money????
"You're a fucking prick, man. Go kidnap your own girl. This one's taken." He pointed at you. Taken?? Your mouth hung open in disbelief.
"I believe I am your leader and YOU WILL RESPECT ME, you fucking deep fried giraffe. If I claim something, it's mine. And I'm claiming her. She's my Player 2." Princess? Player 2??? Your brain was short circuiting in it's skull. Were these villains fighting for your love?
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