#as someone who may be a seahorse dad one day this is important to me
lazylittledragon · 2 years
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i want to say pt 5 of steddie dads AU doodles from twitter but i’m honestly losing track of it at this point
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rickastromega · 8 years
@pjosecretsanta2016 Ok, so this is @daisypeachi ‘s gift, I hope you like it! and sorry if it a little bit sucky, I haven’t written in long time 
Thank you for taking care of your siblings, Percy.” Sally hugged her son as tight as she could. “We’ll be back by the end of  the week, I’m so sorry sweetie, but Paul and I need to go to this conference, it’s really important for his work and for mine, I’m afraid that we won’t be able to spend new year’s eve with you”  
“Don’t worry mom we’ll be alright, Zoe wanted to go to the aquarium today and spend the day there” Percy said with a carefree smile.
“Sally love, as much as it pains me to leave our children alone for the festivities, I think we have to go now” Paul suggested having carried the luggage to the front door ready to depart, “Zoe’s old enough to call us if something happens, and Percy is a wonderful babysitter”
“Don’t worry mommy, big brother and I will be good, I promise!” Zoe insisted turning her big brown puppy-eyes to her mother, unlike Percy who resembled his father, Zoe took a good resemblance to Sally and not just her looks, her personality was just as marvelous.
“I’ll make sure big brother behaves too!” Tyson added running up to meet them having unpacked his belongings for the weekend
“I’m sure you will Tyson,” Sally smiled fondly as he hugged her younger son.
Once everyone had said their goodbyes, Sally and Paul got out to take a cab to reach their flight in time, which left Percy, Tyson and Zoe alone for the whole week. Having nothing else to do today aside from watching cartoons and laying on the couch, they all got ready to go to the aquarium.
“Ok Tyson, Zoe, let’s look back on it again.” Percy inquired once they got everything ready to leave, “what do you do if by any chance we get separated?”
“Go to the reception desk and tell them we’re lost” both answered in unison with a monotonous tone, see, the thing is; having it said the first 5 times, it kind of gets a little bit annoying.
“And if there’s a suspicious person that seems to be following you?”
“Stay clear from closed off places and look for an officer”
“Okay, what if-“
“Big brother, we get it, we have been over this 10 times already, can we go now? The aquarium will be closed at this point when we get there” Zoe pleaded with Percy with the impatience that only a child could muster.
The Aquarium was bursting with life, fishes were swimming idly behind the thick glass wall, a variety of species so diverse it was hard to count them all, there were almost a bajillion fishes here or so Tyson said.
“Look! Look! Percy, its Rainbow!” Tyson Pointed excitedly at a little multi-colored Seahorse, out of all of them, it was the one that stood out the most, a multi colored seahorse, maintaining visual contact with Tyson. The little seahorse was just like one Tyson had. It was a gift from dad, but since he almost died from loneliness and Tyson could barely take care of him, they handed him to the aquarium, Percy didn’t know if that was the actual Rainbow, but he wasn’t going to ruin Tyson’s fun, so he just let him be.
After strolling around the facility for two hours or so, Percy wanted something to drink because, hey, middle of winter? It freezing; so after walking, for what seemed almost an eternity, they found a little coffee shop near the aquarium.
The coffee shop was… cozy. That was the only word that came to Percy’s mouth the moment they got in, fluffy couches and chairs adorned the little establishment painted with a dark earth color, the pleasant smell of fresh coffee penetrated Percy’s nostrils with the little heat that emanated from the back of the counter.
“Hello! Welcome to the Mist. How may I help you?” said the hot dude at the counter, he had tanned skin, blonde hair, and the bluest eyes you could imagine covered by those golden frames with the most tender smile someone could muster.
“Hello! My name’s Tyson and she’s Zoe and this is our big bro Percy!” Tyson exclaimed excitedly, saving Percy from making a fool out of himself.
“Well hello my name’s Jason, Would you like something to drink?” Jason smiled sweetly
“Yes please!” Tyson examined the menu where everything was sorted neatly, there were some coffee names that Percy didn’t even recognize and others he knew too well “I’d like a hot chocolate please!”
“Zoe, would you like a hot chocolate too” Percy asked Zoe whom has being held by her sibling on his arms.
“Yes please”
“w-well then it’d be two hot chocolates and a latte please” Percy said to the hot barista
“No problem, it’ll be $15, if you want to maybe take a seat? I’ll take your order for you” Jason said and he started working. After some minutes the three hot beverages were ready, the blond took them to the table and gave each one their respective drink. “Here you go, if you need anything please don’t doubt on asking”
“Yeah, thank you”
“Thank you Jason!”
“Thank you Mr. Jason”
After being there for a little while Jason went to the table and started having small talk with Percy and co. Apparently the café  was owned by Jason’s friend Hazel and husband Frank  which resulted in Percy knowing her by her brother Nico which was a friend of his.
“Wow, I can’t believe this is Hazel’s café, I mean, Nico told me she opened a little business of her own, but this is in no means a little business” Percy exclaimed in awe, because all of this was built from scratch, according to Nico.
“Yeah, Haze, Frank and Leo worked really hard on this, I’d sometimes show up to offer some help, and when we got all done, They gave me the job, said it was easier because they already knew me” Jason said amiably sitting on the chair in front of Percy.
“So what brings you up around here?” Jason asked idly, it seemed he didn’t want to be too nosy, which Percy found completely adorable.
“We were visiting the aquarium near here, I promised Zoe and Tyson I’d take them there and we just left there” Percy explained sipping at his coffee
“And did you two liked it?” Jason asked Tyson and Zoe to make them feel included in the conversation, so far, Jason was scoring point after point in Percy’s checklist
“Yes we did! We saw pretty fishes and seahorses and Rainbow was there too!” Tyson rambled excitedly at Jason’s question, at the mention of Rainbow Jason just arched an eyebrow to silently ask Percy who was Rainbow which Percy explained it was Tyson’s former pet.                                                             They started talking casually about their lives casually sipping their drinks. Percy told Jason that he wanted to study Marine biology and that he was captain of the college swim team. Jason was studying to become a politician and was captain of the football team, which earned him a typical jock joke from Percy.
Time flew by and it was time to head back home, the Jackson-Blofis kids promised on coming back and said their farewells to Jason. Percy, Zoe and Tyson kept their promise and went the day after, and the day after that, and the one after and… Let’s just say they became regular customers.
New Year came and went and Sally and Paul came back, Percy decided after a long- term debate between himself and a skype call from Annabeth. That he was going to ask Jason out, and see if what he thought he was seeing was real or it was just wishful thinking.
“Hey Percy! Tyson and Zoe are not coming today?” Hazel said as Percy passed through the door
“Not today Haze, Zoe went with mom to do the groceries and Tyson is with Paul, they went to Central Park with Mrs. O’Leary, so I’m all alone today” Percy tried to act nonchalantly while his gaze surveilled the premises, no  mop of blonde hair to be found though. Even though Percy wanted to ask Jason out on a date, if the signals he got from him were right the, there should be nothing to fear. What Percy was scared of is that Jason was being just too nice for the Shop’s sake and he was receiving mixed signals.
“Jason took the day off, if you’re looking for him” Hazel said inadvertedly, never taking the look off the coffee machine
“WH-what makes you think I’m looking for him?” Percy dodged defensively and crossed his arms as he tried to make the heat on his cheeks to go away
“Oh, I don’t know, it may be the fact that he’s totally your type, or those times that you were ogling at him when you thought nobody noticed, or the way your whole face lights up   when you’re talking with him;” Hazel listed as if it were the shopping list she was reciting. “And because-“
“Ok, ok, ok! I get it Hazel, I’m pretty obvious,” Percy said, the heat rushing on his cheeks returning full force “you can stop teasing me now”
“Don’t worry Percy, between you and me I think he likes you too” Hazel confided to Percy as she leaned closer so Percy could hear better, it wasn’t like there was someone at this hour of the day, but the secretiveness gave a feeling of insurance, “maybe you should go home, I heard from Annabeth that Thalia needed Help with something, and since you two are neighbors why don’t you go and help her”
“Yeah, I’ll do that” Percy agreed defeated “thanks haze, see you later”
The walk home seemed larger than expected, with Percy’s mind somewhere else, he walked leisurely, through the streets of New York. Mom and Paul shouldn’t be home till 4 o’clock, which gave enough time to Percy for Helping Thalia with whatever that was she needed help.                                                                                             When Percy reached Thalia’s he noticed that some of her furniture was out in the hallway, other stuff was being moved by some of her friends.
“Hey Jackson! How are you man?” Thalia greeted him when Percy entered the apartment, she was carrying a small couch. Scattered pieces of what seemed a lost battle against IKEA were littered on the floor.
“Hey thals, I’m fine”
“Good, cause I need help with this Device from the underworld” Thalia kicked one of the IKEA’s pieces which sent it flying all the way through the living room
“That’s more wise girl’s Territory, sorry about that”
“Ugh’ she’s in Cali with her Family, and this fucker won’t even resemble what’s supposed to” Thalia groaned grasping her hair in both hands
“Dude, It’s from IKEA, what did you expect?” Percy snickered at the punk’s attitude and her inherently defeat against what seemed a… coffee table?
“Why are you moving all the furniture?” Percy asked moving aside to let Phoebe and other girl he didn’t recognize move in with a bar table.
“I’m making a complete make-over to the apartment, my little brother just moved in and I realized my furniture is not exactly “family friendly” since I hardly lived here” she said air quoting the family friendly part, which, was true, because of Thalia’s work she had to go on business trips a lot and seldom lived the place. Percy started helping rearranging and moving in and out the furniture that was supposed to be moved. After an hour or so of moving stuff around the one that Percy expected the least came through the door
“Thalia, I brought Leo here to help us build the- Percy?” Jason halted right in his tracks making the small Latino behind him crash against him and fall to the floor
“Jason, bro, next time warn me beforehand won’t you?” Leo grumbled dusting himself off  ”ok, so where’s the so called “device from the underworld” that needs to be tamed b Bad boy supreme”
After letting Leo do his “magic”, Percy and Jason went to the Balcony to talk, because according to Thalia “that sexual tension is so steep it can be cut with a knife”
“So, Thals is your sister?” Percy casually asked trying to lessen the more than awkward mood that draped over them.
“Yeah older, just by appearance one would think that we’re not related at all” Jason chuckled “it would surprise you how many times we had to clarify we were brother and sister”
“Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised considered how different you’re from her, you look like the goody two shoes and thals looks like the kind of girl who punch goody two shoes and steals their money”
“Yeah.” Jason laughed “it’s kind of true”
Silence befell and the two of them just stared at the landscape, the sun was almost setting, bathing everything in a light orange light, the buildings and skyscrapers making shadows by obstructing the light
“Jason, I’ve got something to ask you” Percy began, as he twiddled with his thumbs “I don’t know if I read too much into things and by any means if this will make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry but” Percy took a deep breath, mentally steeling himself to do this, when did this become so hard? Damn it!
“Would you like to go to my place after this, for a cup of coffee?” Percy asked, unsure of the answer as he ran his hand through his black hair.
The silence that permeated the ambience turned into agony, every second was torture waiting for his answer. At last Jason turned around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“I’d love to” Jason answered leaning on the banister
“Oi! Kelp head! Less flirting with my little brother more helping me move the furniture!” Thalia shouted from the inside the apartment
“Jason bro should I tell piper that you finally got a date or you’ll do it by yourself?” Leo teased having finished flawlessly the little coffee table that was now in the middle of the living room
“Ha ha, yeah whatever you say Thals”
“Shut up firebug, don’t ruin the moment”
And the two went into the apartment
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reesesxpieces · 7 years
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Task #1
What is your character’s full name?: 
Theresa Renee Raven
The name “Theresa” is a feminine named used by the English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish.History: From the Spanish and Portuguese name Teresa. It was first recorded as Therasia, being borne by the Spanish wife of Saint Paulinus of Nola in the 4th century. The meaning is uncertain, but it could be derived from Greek θερος (theros) “summer”, from Greek θεριζω (therizo) “to harvest”, or from the name of the Greek island of Therasia (the western island of Santorini).The name was mainly confined to Spain and Portugal during the Middle Ages. After the 16th century it was spread to other parts of the Christian world, due to the fame of the Spanish nun and reformer Saint Teresa of Ávila. Another famous bearer was the Austrian Habsburg queen Maria Theresa (1717-1780), who inherited the domains of her father, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, beginning the War of the Austrian Succession. {source: http://www.behindthename.com/name/theresa } 
Does your characters have any nicknames?: 
Theresa is often called “Reese” which she does not mind, and actually prefers. 
What is the title or label you can describe your character with?: 
A mixture of:
The Caregiver
The Creator
The Jester
{Source: http://www.soulcraft.co/essays/the_12_common_archetypes.html }
Birth date:
August 9, 1986
Theresa is not a London Native.
She was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Theresa’s father was born in Houston, Texas, USA. His nationality is German.
Theresa’s mother was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. She’s a mix of:  English, Irish, Italian, and a hint of Cherokee Indian. 
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexual Orientation:
Relationship Status:
In a relationship with Charles “Chip” Holmes as of May 2017.
Christian (Non denominational) Her father was Methodist, and her mother Catholic, but neither of them forced religion in the household. Growing up, Reese was encouraged to go to church and find God. She went to a non-denominational church, and considers herself to be a Christian, though she doesn’t believe that you have to be a church-goer to be close to God.
Owner/Operator of Behind the Mask Community Theatre
This was nor her first choice. 
She knew she had always wanted a career in performing arts, but needed something to fall back on, so she double majored and completed degrees in both Theater Arts and Business.
In the states, she was an Administrative Professional, and would often get told that she was downsizing her talents and should look into bigger and better things than sitting behind a desk day in and day out at a job she wasn’t too thrilled about. After a lot of soul searching and a family trip to London, she fell upon a run down building that was up for sale, and instantly had a vision for what she wanted to turn it into. Throwing every ounce of faith she had into it, she created the theatre, dedicated it to her father whom encouraged her to perform in order to find her own voice, and hopes that it can be a safe haven for the community to express themselves through the performing arts.
Eye color:
Hair color:
Reese is a natural brunette, but from time to time, she’ll go to the salon and get highlights in her hair, or have it professionally lightened.
5 ft 2 in or 157 cm 
Body build: 
Notable physical traits:
Less than average women’s height
Skin color:
Depends on the time of year. 
Summer/Spring: Tanned
Fall/Winter: Pale
Facial Hair:
Blood type:
Clothing size: 
Shoe size: 
Theresa will just about eat anything you put in front of her, and it’s very rare that she turns down an offer for food.
Theresa tries to work out as much as she can. 
Currently she is on a plan where she does strength training Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
She loves lifting weights and using weight machines, but despises traditional cardio and will often use the term “cardio is hardio.”
No known handicaps
No known illnesses
No known disorders/addictions
Broken bones: 
Broke her wrist in three places when she was nine years old as a result of falling off of her bike when her brakes gave out. 
Broke her pinky finger on her right hand after falling off a raft while water tubing.
None. But she has thought about getting some.
No major scars. She is accident prone though so she may get small scars from time to time, that will heal quickly and disappear.
Favorite Perfume / Cologne: 
She doesn’t have a favorite perfume or cologne, but she does wash her hair with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, and along with applying deodorant, she also sprays her body with vanilla body spray after her showers 
Theresa is somewhat a jack of all trades as far as skills goes. She loves to learn new things and still strives to learn something new to this day. Throughout life she has learned the following:
Acting/Drama/Musical Theater
Web Design/Coding
Body flexibility
Just to name a few!
Tries to find the silver lining in every situation.
Tries to save the world and give advice for all of her friend’s problems.
Speaks in lyrics
Uses sarcastic humor any chance she can get - especially in awkward situations
Bounces her leg when she’s nervous and sitting.
Rambles and doesn’t have much of a filter when she speaks
Not afraid to use foul language.
Yelling at inanimate objects
Hates when people whistle in an otherwise quiet room
Turns on closed captioning/subtitles when watching television/movies
Typing aggressively when she’s pissed off, even though the offender can’t see it. 
Not knowing what to do while people sing “Happy Birthday” to her.
Not being able to sleep without the tv or radio on. 
Listening to music
Watching TV/Movies
Web Design
Being sarcastic
Speaking in lyrics
Always wanting to be there for those she loves most whether they are family, friends, or friends who have turned family
Guilty pleasures: 
Country Music
Sleeping in the nude
Taking long showers/soaks in the bath
Reality TV
Sleeping In
Dancing/Singing like no one is watching
McDonald’s McNuggets and McRibs
KFC Gravy
Pet peeves: 
Unnecessary rudeness
People with an inflated sense of their own importance.
When someone comes into a room, but forgets to shut the door
When someone comes into a room, turns on a light, then leaves without turning it off
Loud chewing
Late people (unless they have a valid reason)
When others don’t cover their nose/mouth when they sneeze/cough
When people walk too slowly or just suddenly stop in front of her
When people drive too slowly
When people don’t use their turn signals when driving
When people don’t say “thank you”
Being interrupted or talked over when speaking
When someone goes to tell her something then says “Never mind”
When Taco Bell drive-thru asks if she wants any sauce, she confirms that she does, but winds up getting no sauce.
Favorite genre of music:
This is such a tough question to answer, because I will literally listen to anything. I have favorite country songs, rap songs, even horror-core songs. But if I had to pick a specific genre, it’d probably be a toss up between Rock or what is known as “emo”. OH! and show tunes! Can’t forget about those!
Favorite dish:
Again this is a tough one, because I love food so much. But if I had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of my life, I’d probably go with pizza since I can change up the different types of pizza and have a variety.
Favorite animal:
Seahorses and Sea turtles
A superpower your character wants to have:
If they made a movie about your character’s life, what would the title be?:
“How is a Raven like a Writing Desk?” 
Food or sex:
Why not both?
Their life’s theme song:
Childhood: Frankie J - “Daddy’s Little Girl”
Overall: Faith Hill - “Wild One” 
Favorite day of the week and why?:
Saturday, because it’s the motha-fuckin’ weekend, gonna have me some fun!
What came first, the chicken or the egg?:
The chicken…because of Noah’s arc, who laid more eggs, to give us more chickens? 
Do you prefer hot or cold weather and why?:
Hot. I hate when the air hurts my face.  
Describe your first crush:
He was a shy, dorky theater geek, like me who had a voice that everyone envied. He was taller than me (who isn’t), and had dark hair, blue eyes, and thick Drew Carey like glasses. He would often be cast as the star in all of our high-school productions. Although he had many talents, he was the nicest guy you could ever encounter. It helped that I had a crush on him when we were in productions together, because the chemistry didn’t need to be faked out, but nothing became of that crush because my dad told me that I couldn’t date until “after I was married.” His name was William.
Your house is on fire. What are the first three things you grab?:
Phone, purse, and military flag from my father’s death
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