#as one joan of kent is mentioned accused of heresy
kingedwardvi · 3 years
xxixo September, ao iij. Regis E. vjti - Sir Rowland Hyll, mercer, mayour, ye 3 yere of Edward 6. [third year of King Edward VI]
“This yere ye iiijth of October ye lord protector & ye erle of Warwyke fill at controversye aboute ye reasonynge of certeyn things, & so ye erle of Warwyke wt other lordes of ye counsell assembled, & yt herynge the lord protector wt all spede departed from Hampton courte, & tooke ye kynge wt hym to ye castell of Wyndsore vppon ye sixte day of October at nyghte late, & gathered thyther moche people, & wt hym went ye archbishope of Caunterberye, sir Thomas Patchett, (fn. 14) & secretary Smythe: (fn. 15) 
wherfore ye lordes cam together vpp to London, as the lord chauncellor, (fn. 16) ye lord St John, lord grete master, wt dyuerse other of ye kynges counsayll, & satt at ye mercers hall in Chepesyde ye vijth daye of October: & ye viijth day of October ye said lord protector wt all hys complices was proclaymed a traytor in London for dyuerse causes then declared in ye proclamacion: 
& ye tenthe daye ye lord protector was comytted to ward in ye castell of Wyndsor, & after yt vppon Mondaye, beinge ye xiiijth of October, ye same lord protector was brought from Wyndsore vnto ye Tower throughe ye citye, & wt hym ye same tyme was broughte M. Stanhope, (fn. 17) grome of ye stole, & secretarye Smythe wt other: & after yt, vppon Thursdaye, beinge saynte Lukes eve, viz. ye xvij. day of October, ye kynges Mtie Edward ye sixte, accompanyed wt all ye nobilite came from Hampton corte vnto Suffolke place in Sothewerke, wher he dyned, & after dyner rode throughe ye citie vnto Westmester in moste goodly order.
Also be it remembred (fn. 18) yt vppon Sondaye, beynge ye xixth day of January, Ao R. E. vj.ti tertio, in ye evenynge after super betwene Newgate & Smythe filde one called commonly captayn Gambold, (fn. 19) & an other captayne wt hym called (fn. 20) were both slayne by one called captayne Charles, (fn. 21) whoo of very malyce & dispyte slewe ye same Gambold, & for ye same offence ye sayd captayne Charles had hys hand stryken off vpon ye carte whelle, wher in he wt iij. others (fn. 22) wt hym were caryed from Newgate, & vpon ye waye before ye kynges hedd taverne (fn. 23) lost hys hand, & so were they all iiij. hanged in Smythfeld ye Frydaye, next folowynge, which was ye xxv.th (fn. 24) of Januarye.
Also ye xxvj.th day of January, a.o iij.o E. vj.ti, foure westerne men, viz. one called Humfrey Arundell, a gentellman borne, one Berrys, (fn. 25) one Wynslowe, & one called Holmes (fn. 26) were drawn, hanged, & quartered at Tyborne from ye Tower of London for ye insurreccion made in ye west partes, as appeareth in ye yere before.
Also ye vj.th of ffebruary, a.o R. E. vj.ti, iiijto, the duke of Somerset, wh. as aforesayd beynge lord protector proclaymed traytor & commytted vnto ye Tower, was nowe delyuered out of ye Tower, & ye same nyghte supped wt ye erle of Warwyke at ye shreffes called mr. Yorke. (fn. 27)
Also vppon Mondaye,beinge ye tenth daye of ffebruary afforesayde, one Bell, a Suffolkeman was drawen from ye Tower vnto ye Tyburne, & ther hanged & quartred, which as they sayd was for a newe insurreccion, wh. he wt certayne other of his complyces moved in Suffolke & in Essexe. (fn. 27)
Also vpon Mondaye, beinge ye last daye of Marche, a.o R. E. vj.ti iiijto, a generall peace was proclaymed throughe London betwene ye kynge our M., & ye ffrench kynge, & in ye same peace were included themperor & ye scotes: (fn. 28) ye condicions of ye wh. peace as some sayd were thes yt followe. (fn. 29)
Be it remembred yt ye xxvj.th of Aprill, anno R. E. vj.ti quarto, ye towne of Bulloyne was yelden vp vnto ye french kynge, & hys capitaynes tooke ye possession, which was so greate comforte & joye to ye ffrench men, yt as some sayd at ye entrye in to ye towne many of them kneled downe & kyssed ye stones of ye stretes. (fn. 30)
Be it also remembred yt vppon ffryday, beynge ye seconde daye of Maye, one Joan of Kent, otherwyse called Joan Bocher, was borned in Smythfild for heresy, whose pryncrypall article was our saviour Chryst tooke nether flesh nor blood of ye vyrgyn Mary. (fn. 31)”
Link: https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-misc/vol12/no1/pp17-27#p1
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